Thread: Heaven: Are you more Protestant than Wood is? Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
On the Calling BigAL to Hell thread , young Wood foolishly posted:
Speaking as the Most Protestant Person On The Ship By A Long Way™ (and I DEFY you to prove otherwise) Josephine is in fact, for once, right.
Is he RIGHT?

[ 13. September 2003, 08:16: Message edited by: Belisarius ]
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
[Killing me]

Foolishly? I think not.

I voted "yes" and "no" (inasmuch as BEING Wood, I can't be more Protestant than me [Big Grin] )
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Wood:
[Killing me]

Foolishly? I think not.

I voted "yes" and "no" (inasmuch as BEING Wood, I can't be more Protestant than me [Big Grin] )

Oh Tarnation!! I hadn't entertained the possibility of you voting. Oh well - well done for navigating the logical obstacles!

Pax out, y'all,
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
You've fixed the poll.

P'shaw! Who are these pretenders?
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
People who are more Protestant than Wood:

Please identify yourselves and give your reasons.
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
[Testosterone fueled bravado]
Yes! defend your Protestant-ness before me!
[/Testosterone fueled bravado]
Posted by Rhisiart (# 69) on :
Aren't these questions tautological - if you believe that there is no-one more Protestant than Wood, then you cannot say that you are more Protestant than Wood, can you? And if you believe that you are more P- than Wood, he therefore cannot be the most P- person on the ship - I think?

[i before e except after c...]

[ 02. July 2003, 12:37: Message edited by: Rhisiart ]
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
I am really very protestant.
But Wood - what on earth qualifies you?
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
I know why I'm a Protestant, and I'm prepared to fight you for it.

[Ian Paisley voice]
[/Ian Paisley voice]
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Care to share your protestant credentials with us?

[ 02. July 2003, 12:40: Message edited by: Jimi Kendricks ]
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :

You'll not catch me with your trick questions!

I have no credentials! Just loads of Bibles! That's the point! [Big Grin]
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
I'm more of a Protestant than Wood; whatever everyone else thinks, I will protest against it.
And Ian Paisley certainly has his good points.
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
I haven't voted because I don't understand the question. Could Wood please explain why he thinks he is the most protestant person here, and why?

I have read his profile and some of his web site, and they indicate that he is very creative but not that he is very protestant (apart from a bald assertion of that fact in his profile, but anyone can say that)!

Does Wood have some ultra-protestant writings that I can peruse? Can we see pictures of him indulging in very protestant behaviours? Enquiring minds want to know!
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Not at all! You only need one bible - as long as it's the right translation, of which there is also only one.
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
ps Wood, if you ever want to challenge me to a debate in Hell about who is more Protestant I'm up for it, I am sure the rest of the ship would enjoy the laugh.
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by Wood:

You'll not catch me with your trick questions!

I have no credentials! Just loads of Bibles! That's the point! [Big Grin]

[John Cleese voice] You've got loads of Bibles? That's it? Your whole argument?[/John Cleese voice]

I bet the Pope's got more Bibles than you. So is he more Protestant? [Razz]
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Ignore the wee idiot, let's keep the bitching here.

Wood, you're either afraid of exposing your fraudulent claims or you're writing a big-ass defense of your non-conformist zeal.

Which is it? You're deceiving no-one here. We will not be duped by your rhetoric.
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:
ps Wood, if you ever want to challenge me to a debate in Hell about who is more Protestant I'm up for it, I am sure the rest of the ship would enjoy the laugh.

Why would you being crushed like a bug be particularly funny, exactly?
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Moth:
I bet the Pope's got more Bibles than you. So is he more Protestant? [Razz]

But they wouldn't be real Bibles. They would be Popish ones with all those extra non-canonical books in them.

Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by Moth:
I bet the Pope's got more Bibles than you. So is he more Protestant? [Razz]

But they wouldn't be real Bibles. They would be Popish ones with all those extra non-canonical books in them.


[Killing me]

Call me self-absorbed, but I an LOVING this thread.
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
I'm sure someone would find me being crushed amusing. That said it sounds like you believe your own propaganda just a little more than you should.

[ 02. July 2003, 13:11: Message edited by: junior fool ]
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:
I'm sure someone would find me being crushed amusing. That said it sounds like like believe your own propaganda just a little more than you should.

Think you should go check out some of the threads in Limbo. I don't have any propaganda.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
OK - here's a question to decide who is the most Protestant. The first one to reply wins a point.

Question 1

On which day does the Church celebrate the solemn feast of Sts Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley?
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
Of course, I was expecting you to admit that you did. Forgive me for being so stupid.
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Q. On which day...?

A. I don't know.

[ 02. July 2003, 13:14: Message edited by: Wood ]
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
The church??

Which "The Church"?
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
I object to the labeling of particular men as saints; only God knows the heart. Saints days are because the CofE is only partially Reformed.
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:
Of course, I was expecting you to admit that you did. Forgive me for being so stupid.

You're forgiven given that was a public and not private! confession.

Find some, I'll admit it.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
The church??

Which "The Church"?

How many Churches do you think there are, Jimi Kendricks?

[Be very VERY careful. Points may be at stake here!]
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
The church??

Which "The Church"?

How many Churches do you think there are, Jimi Kendricks?

[Be very VERY careful. Points may be at stake here!]

The church is all believers. Duh.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:
I object to the labeling of particular men as saints; only God knows the heart. Saints days are because the CofE is only partially Reformed.

1 point for junior fool.

You are looking a bit shaky here, Wood.
Posted by Professor Yaffle (# 525) on :
I voted that I was less protestant than you, Wood. Have you drawn this thread to the attention of Fr. Gregory, Jesuitical Lad, Cosmo et. al.?
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by Wood:
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by Moth:
I bet the Pope's got more Bibles than you. So is he more Protestant? [Razz]

But they wouldn't be real Bibles. They would be Popish ones with all those extra non-canonical books in them.


[Killing me]

Call me self-absorbed, but I an LOVING this thread.

OK, you're self-absorbed. But are you Protestant and self-absorbed, eh?

Until I see some clear scriptural authority for your claims, I will not believe!
Posted by Stoo (# 254) on :
I'm more protestant than Wood, but I have to keep it quiet as me other half's anglo-catholic.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Which "The Church"?

The question was a misnomer. There are many churches that think they are "The Church", but God knows who His children are.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Wood:
The church is all believers. Duh.

OK, 1 point for you too, Wood.

Question 2

When a Bishop ordains a person to the Diaconate, what colour stole should that person wear over his/her alb?
Posted by Alaric the Goth (# 511) on :
I am FAR more Protestant than either Wood or JK. Were not the Goths responsible for the Sack of Rome in 410? Do I not go to a Baptist church? Do I not possess a 'Cults and Heresies' book which has as its first chapter 'Roman Catholicism'? Did I not find St Mark's (Venice) a depressing and over-ornamented place, an argument for Not Being a Catholic?
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by Moth:
OK, you're self-absorbed. But are you Protestant and self-absorbed, eh?

Until I see some clear scriptural authority for your claims, I will not believe!

Well, there's the bit in Jeremiah where they say "They say to Wood, 'You are my father!'"

Or, um, there's the "life-giving wood of the True Cross found in every Orthodox Altar of the Mid-



Ah well. Guess I'll have to back down and go off to do some work.

See you later, my more Protestant brothers and sisters (and props to the Catholics and Orthodox types, too)! [Big Grin]

[You must all bow to me. I just mended the post-code of a single number member, and with a 2 minute edit chance! Hurrah [Big Grin] ]

[ 02. July 2003, 15:00: Message edited by: ChrisT ]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Stoo:
I'm more protestant than Wood, but I have to keep it quiet as me other half's anglo-catholic.

-1 point for Stoo. (2 Cor 6:14)
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Alaric T G - we haven't even started boasting of our credentials yet, just answering standard Q's.

Church tradition is historically responsible for the misleading the church. Using a stole is meaningless and the colour of it is therefore irrelevant.
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:

When a Bishop ordains a person to the Diaconate, what colour stole should that person wear over his/her alb?

What colour is the alb?
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Church tradition is historically responsible for the misleading the church. Using a stole is meaningless and the colour of it is therefore irrelevant.

1/3 point for Jimi Kendricks. (Could do better - why no condemnation of Bishops or Romish Albs in your answer?)
Posted by Jenny Ann (# 3131) on :

Anglo catholics are still protestants!

And it's white (the stole)

Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
Change the line of questioning AnglicanRascal, my answer to Q.2 is along the same lines as the second part of my answer to Q.1
The Goths weren't really protestants, although sacking Rome would be a good way of protesting.
Wood as regards propaganda I simply meant the quote at the top of the thread; I don't think you have some secret Protestant manifesto stashed away somewhere.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Moth:
What colour is the alb?

Is this a trick question? Albs can only be white. The word Alb derives for a Latin(?) word meaning "White".

+1 point to Moth for not knowing the Latin (=Popish) word for white.
Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Right. It's a fair cop; I've been shamed as a closet pseudo papist now, and I REALLY HAVE TO GO, but Junior Fool:
I hope this is enlightening.

[ 02. July 2003, 13:33: Message edited by: Wood ]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jenny Ann:
Anglo catholics are still protestants!

[Disappointed] -1 point
And it's white (the stole)

[Disappointed] -1 point. Stoles are Romish and therefore a tool of the Devil. The same goes for Albs, Chasubles, Dalmatics and Tunicles. For the proper way to deal with use of such items, see the Announcements of Divine Service and Clerical Vestures Ordinance 1949 from Sydney Diocese.
Posted by Professor Yaffle (# 525) on :
Originally posted by Jenny Ann:

Anglo catholics are still protestants!

Only in a sociological, rather than a doctrinal sense! Unless genuflecting before the blessed sacrament and venerating our Lady are protestant practices.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
1/3 point for Jimi Kendricks. (Could do better - why no condemnation of Bishops or Romish Albs in your answer?)

I protest. That's worth 2 points at least.
Concerning bishops - most of them are so apostate that they don't deserve mention. Regarding the term "bishop", it is a valid translation of the original text, though in my fellowship we prefer the term "pastor".
Romish Albs? The devils DIY toolkit I'm sure, but I don't make it my priority to know more about RCs than is necessary (and I include High-Anglicans and indeed, most Anglicans under the term RC, although there is a handful of well-meaning misled amongst them).

[ 02. July 2003, 13:39: Message edited by: Jimi Kendricks ]
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by Moth:
What colour is the alb?

Is this a trick question? Albs can only be white. The word Alb derives for a Latin(?) word meaning "White".

+1 point to Moth for not knowing the Latin (=Popish) word for white.

Thank you for the point, but I was being economical with the truth! See here for proof of my perfidy! Still, I could have learnt Latin for the express purpose of revealing Popish trickery!
Posted by Nunc Dimittis (# 848) on :
Tudor Bonnet ON

Holds her votive light up to the thread and longs long and hard at it.

Nope. Not a prayer request. Not an announcement. Not arrangements for a meet.

Looks like a "game" thread.

To Heaven with you!

Tudor Bonnet OFF
Posted by snowgoose (# 4394) on :
I protest strongly against the excesses of Protestantism.

That makes me a meta-Protestant, I guess; and therefore, I am more Protestant than Wood. [Razz]
Posted by ChrisT (# 62) on :
Well, I was going to get Wood a "Protestant Ego-Preener" for Christmas this year, but I think he is being outdone.

PS Whats an alb/stole? I think I might be even more protestant than the lot of you.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by ChrisT:
PS Whats an alb/stole? I think I might be even more protestant than the lot of you.

OK - 1 point for you too, young ChrisT. Just don't go admitting to an Anglo-Romish spouse or owt.
Posted by Papa Smurf (# 1654) on :
What's an alb ?

come to think of it,
What's a stole (if it's not like a furry scarf ?)

oops - didn't see page 2 = not looking to steal someone else's points.

[ 02. July 2003, 15:30: Message edited by: Papa Smurf ]
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :
posted by anglicanrascal:
Question 1

On which day does the Church celebrate the solemn feast of Sts Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley?

Have we had an answer to this yet? If not:

Answer: October 16

But I'm much less protestant than Wood.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:
The Goths weren't really protestants, although sacking Rome would be a good way of protesting.

They were Arians!

Proper Protestants are Proper Trinitarians.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
And, if I may add, Proper Protestants believe in the Sovreignty of God.
Posted by wayward crucifer (# 152) on :
I am the truely truest protestant.


[ 02. July 2003, 17:01: Message edited by: wayward crucifer ]
Posted by Jengie (# 273) on :
I am so Protestant that:

In other words we freely borrow from other traditions when we want to knowing that nobody could possibly think we were going to convert.

Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by wayward crucifer:
I am the truely truest protestant.


You wear vestments? What sort of papist reactionary are you?
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
I am so Protestant that my birthday is on Reformation Day , my bible does not contain any 2nd deuto books, I don't go to confession...and I admit I get bored whenever the pope is on tv. There, oh and yeah...according to my mother, "my ancestors were Protestants all the way back to coming over on the Mayflower" (screamed at me when I took confession in a RCC with a friend at age 8 without my parents' permission).

Yep, I feel pretty Protestant and more than Wood. That proves it...the Mayflower and especially the birthday since God gave me that birthday. [smug look], who needs to recite Anglican history?

[ 02. July 2003, 17:50: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by Stoo (# 254) on :

a true protestant places no worth upon dates.

Posted by wayward crucifer (# 152) on :
what's a vestment? - I tell you, I wear only simple, old-fashioned clothing.
Oh, and on Sunday I specially honoured Paul - the one who wrote the bible.
And p.s. a person who might be classed a 'papist reactionary' once called me a heretical schismatic.

[added p.s.

[ 02. July 2003, 18:23: Message edited by: wayward crucifer ]
Posted by Belisarius (# 32) on :
I ain't winning--I didn't know what a Protestant was until I was 8. Before then, I thought the whole world was Catholic, Jewish, or Pagan.
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
Bel, it is.
Posted by Elephenor (# 4026) on :
Surely Wood can't be a Protestant, since he's a Dissenter?
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by duchess:
"my ancestors were Protestants all the way back to coming over on the Mayflower"


My Protestant ancestors stayed and fought. One of them got buried in four different towns after what the turncoat king Charles's men did to him. There is a monument to him (and others) in the town where his heart was buried.

So there!
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Stoo, the bible is replete with DATES so they DO matter. [Roll Eyes]

Ken, Well, some of my ancestors were killed by Indians. I still voted though for Indian Gaming in California. Being killed does not make one more Protestant, birthdays and Mayflower count more.
That is pretty impressive though. Ok, you are more Protestant than Wood but still less than ME. [Yipee]

[ 02. July 2003, 19:53: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by duchess:
Ken, Well, some of my ancestors were killed by Indians. I still voted though for Indian Gaming in California. Being killed does not make one more Protestant, birthdays and Mayflower count more.

It does matter if you were a COVENANTER and your enemies were CATHOLICS. I should think that that is a very PROTESTANT thing to be entirely. One is almost tempted to shout NO SURRENDER!

I draw a veil over the putative activities of my other ancestors who were on the other side of the water at the time.

Anyway everyone knows that your ancestors weren't killed by the Indians because your ancestors were obviously colonialists and invaders and oppressors and did most of the killing themselves. In the unlikely event any of them got killed themselves they obvioulsly must have deserved it!

And of course you voted for Indian Gaming. After all those centuries of oppression who could be so cruel as to stop them playing a few games? Baseball, perhaps?
Posted by Elizabeth Anne (# 3555) on :
Originally posted by Belisarius:
I ain't winning--I didn't know what a Protestant was until I was 8. Before then, I thought the whole world was Catholic, Jewish, or Pagan.

That reminds me of something funny that happened to me in junior high. A classmate asked me, "Are you Catholic of Jewish?" When I responded, "Neither," she said with much incredulity, "Then what are you? Pagan?"

Then there was another schoolmate around the same time who thought that because my mother is Greek that I followed the practice of worshipping the ancient Greek gods Zeus, Athena, Aphrodite etc. (Were these kids trying to tell me something?) Not that I have anything against Pagans, it's just that I'm not one!

Maybe a little religious education in state schools wouldn't be such a bad thing...

Oh, and back on topic; I'm not even in the semi-finals Protestant-wise.
Posted by Ms Lilith (# 1767) on :
Gone are the days when I could claim to be more protestant than Wood. Although I would have won mind you. My church didnt even practise communion cos it was "just a symbol and we who were truely saved did'nt need it".

I was raised by evangelicals and educated by anglo catholics - a lot like being raised by wolves

I can verify, however, that Wood has no idea what a spiritual director is which i think is one up in the protestant stakes.
Posted by Jenny Ann (# 3131) on :
so, am i the least protestant on -2 points?

hmm.... that means I've F**ked up the poll....

Ha! that'll serve you all right for being scripture obsessed, puritanical pedants!

[Big Grin]

Posted by Neil (starbelly) (# 25) on :
I am a non-conformist, where does that place me?

Posted by CorgiGreta (# 443) on :
I am definitely more Protestant than Wood. I was baptised in the only church in the world that truly followed the teachings of Jean Calvin, after whom their college and seminary were named. Unfortunately, that church ceased conducting its services in Dutch and thereby fell into apostasy.

I was confirmed in a church whose name at the time began with the word "Protestant". First things first.

Now that that's settled, I'll get back to saying my Rosary.

Posted by Jenny Ann (# 3131) on :
isn't 'non-conformist' in the same kind of league as being a 'simply red' fan? [Snigger]

Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
Starbelly; in a small chapel with 4 other people and a damp 1960's electirc organ.


[ 02. July 2003, 21:38: Message edited by: Pyx_e ]
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
Pyx_e there are far more non conformists around than you think. My local Presbyterian Reformed splinter church has a total of, wait for it, 12 people on average (13 when I go). That is 3 times more than 4 (I can't believe I just said something so banal.)
Yes, the world is divided into Catholics, Jews and Pagans. The church of Rome is mainly in the Pagan camp, at least in its practices, it is not for me to judge its members' hearts, although in some ways it is still true to the one holy Catholic and Apostolic Church

[ 02. July 2003, 23:51: Message edited by: junior fool ]
Posted by Hooker's Trick (# 89) on :
Originally posted by Jenny Ann:

Anglo catholics are still protestants!

Oi. How many times do I have to (tediously) remind you people that Anglicans are neither Protestant nor Catholic (and, conversely and paradoxically, they are BOTH protestant and catholic).

Being an Anglican, and therefore not Protestant or Catholic, I cannot compare my "protestantism" to Wood's. Although in comparison, Wood makes me look like a Blessed-Virgin-Mary-Queen-of-Heaven-worshipping, missal-clutching, icon-kissing, Palestrina-singing, holy-water-flinging, Holy-Biscuit-venerating, High-Mass-(non-communicating) crypto-Papist.

This is all neither here nor there. The important thing is that I am more correct than Wood. Always remember that.

Posted by Icarus Coot (# 220) on :
Originally posted by kingsfold:
posted by anglicanrascal:
Question 1

On which day does the Church celebrate the solemn feast of Sts Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley?

Have we had an answer to this yet? If not:

Answer: October 16

But I'm much less protestant than Wood.

The quality of my Protestantism is unclear, since I know that the Heavenly Birthday of Blessed Thomas Cranmer is 21st March (1556). This is the day noted for his remembrance (that is, the giving thanks for his life) in the Australian Kalendar. Latimer and Ridley are correctly celebrated on Oct 16th (1555).

+1 pt, I reckon.

However, just so you are not in any doubt: I seek the prayers of St Joseph and St Michael. And actually own a St Joseph holy card and a copy of the prayer to St Michael the Archangel.

-ve one squillion points.

[Edit: And I feel moved to add - see my avatar for a likeness of Thomas, Abp, Liturgist and Martyr]

[ 03. July 2003, 01:50: Message edited by: Icarus Coot ]
Posted by JimT (# 142) on :
What is a Protestant?

Is it someone whose robes are a different shade of purple on some pagan-absorbed feast day? No!

Is it someone who has mischievously adjusted his or her liturgical calendar? No!

Is it someone whose ancestors murdered Catholics? No!

Is it some brash young buck who goes to an Australian house church with 13 other like-minded reactionaries who try to out-Catholic the Catholic church with a special sense of “pure and unadulterated Christianity?” NO NO NO!!!

A Protestant is one who leaves their church in a rebellious and sanctimonious huff, thinking themselves spiritually superior to the established hierarchy and its hypocritical sychophants. The Protestant is arrogant, insufferable, and nauseatingly holier than any “thou” on the planet. A Protestant fills his or her head with orthodox dogma strictly for the purpose of tearing it to shreds, affirming nothing while claiming an idiosyncratic system of belief deliberately vile to any person of religious education and authority. Need I say more? I can only offer a dim and distant second place to jugular.

Nice try, everyone.
Posted by Mousethief (# 953) on :
I'm less Protestant than Wood. But then that's not saying much. I think the POPE of ROME was the first Protestant. [Snigger]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Originally posted by ken:

Anyway everyone knows that your ancestors weren't killed by the Indians because your ancestors were obviously colonialists and invaders and oppressors and did most of the killing themselves. In the unlikely event any of them got killed themselves they obvioulsly must have deserved it!

And of course you voted for Indian Gaming. After all those centuries of oppression who could be so cruel as to stop them playing a few games? Baseball, perhaps?

Ken, since you are almost as Protestant as I am, I begged my mom to look through her list of ancestors and find the NAMES of the ancestors killed by Indians. I also forgot to add Indians killing off people around them was commonplace which I included an example.

BTW, one of my ancestors, Sam Barr, great-or great-great, was a Swedish Borgian, my mom just yelled from the other room. I am AT my mother's house and she just looked this letter up for me in her pile of ancestor papers. I am going to save this post in my archieve for anyone else who wants to diss me and my ancestors - (forerunners which explains why I got to exist after most of this family was killed off [Wink] ).

This is from a letter from Robert Sloan Alexander to Mitchell Patterson...Brookings, South Dakota March 12, try make it succint...this man is 85 years old who wrote this letter. He is my grandmother Harriet (the one in Iowa who is now 97)'s great great uncle. Robert Sloan Alexander's grandfather was my great great great Grandfather. His name was William Alexander. William Alexander married Susan Knox who is my great-great-great-grandma on My grandmother Harriet's side. Robert Sloan Alexander is the 85 year old writing this letter to Mitchell Patterson.

Scott Alexander in 1902 told me that in the archieves of Pa. William Alexander, my granfather was a captain of a Co. for defense against the Indians, in the Revolutionary stuggle. He married Susan Knox who when a little girl had been taken prisoner in the previous French and Indian war. She was with the Indians in the wilds of Ohio 3 years and was finally exahnged at Fort Duquesne, Pittsburg. I remember her quite well. Oh! that I could have known to have her tales written.

(There I will put in what I heard from Aunt Angie (my father's eldest sister, Susan Angeline McCune Hill)) The family of Susan Knox, were her father, mother, older brother, and an older sister, and a baby. The day the Indians came her older sister was away from home. The Indians killed the father and son (or her brother) when they fought defending the family. The baby was swung against a tree, and the mother died from exhaustion. Susan [duchess's great-great-great grandma] was saved only because a squaw took a fancy to her and took care of her. When she was exchanged [at] Fort Duqesne, the older sister recoginized her by a piece of dress material and by her pet name. The older sister became the mother of James Knox Polk, on President of these United States.)

The older sister Jane Knox married Samuel Polk and produced James Knox Polk. Source here.

(BTW, James Knox Polk was a great-grandnephew of John Knox, the founder of Scottish Presbyterianism, which makes me [duchess] in a way even more Protestant (pls figure this out, especially if you are Scottish and don't like me). James Knox Polk was my great-great uncle. Source, this letter and also history from scroll down U.S. Presidents and others who were Presbyterians) James K. Polk married Susan Knox's older sister.

In the early Indian war times, my grandfrather, Andrew Reid <snip!>'s leaving was about the time when a whole school had been murdered by the Indians, near where they lived [Franklin Co.] No doubt you have read of it in history.

I have more stories if you wish, but that will do for now.

[ 03. July 2003, 05:42: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
note: [Help] William Alexander was my great-great-great-great grandfather. I just spotted this too late to edit. Thx.
Posted by golden key (# 1468) on :
Ken and Duchess:

-1000 points each for resting on your ancestors' laurels.

Pedigree matters not. "God has no grandchildren."

(mutters: "What ARE they teaching them in Sunday School these days?" )

[Roll Eyes]
Posted by Icarus Coot (# 220) on :
[Waves Canterbury Cap: Host note]

Please keep your posts in the witty and light vein which we know and love in Heaven. AnglicanRascal will be along soon to distribute some points, I'm sure.

duchess, the genealogical stuff sounds quite fascinating, but would be more suitable on a new thread on the subject (You have definitely established your Protestant connections).

[End note: waves Canterbury Cap which he hasn't done for a while, but does so in a desperate attempt to get Protty Points from AR]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Sorry Coot, I felt dissed and it is late and I got carried away. [Embarrassed]

Golden Key, ultimately you are right but this makes some good bedtime stories for my kidlets (me being an auntie). [Wink]
Posted by golden key (# 1468) on :

oh, the genealogy is fine. Was just speaking within the confines of the contest! [Smile]
Posted by Zealous Convert (# 1996) on :
How Protestant am I?

Well, I have a very hard time telling albs, chausables, and the like apart.

I think "tunicle" is the funniest word I've ever heard.

But I quite like incense, holy-water flinging, and lighting candles to Our Lady.

I don't think I'll be getting a lot of points in either direction!

Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by JimT:
A Protestant is one who leaves their church in a rebellious and sanctimonious huff, thinking themselves spiritually superior to the established hierarchy and its hypocritical sychophants. The Protestant is arrogant, insufferable, and nauseatingly holier than any “thou” on the planet. A Protestant fills his or her head with orthodox dogma strictly for the purpose of tearing it to shreds, affirming nothing while claiming an idiosyncratic system of belief deliberately vile to any person of religious education and authority. Need I say more?

Sounds like me. [Big Grin]

Posted by Hooker's Trick: This is all neither here nor there. The important thing is that I am more correct than Wood. Always remember that.
Dude, that is fighting talk.

Outside. Now. [Paranoid]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by kingsfold:
posted by anglicanrascal:
Question 1

On which day does the Church celebrate the solemn feast of Sts Cranmer, Latimer and Ridley?

Have we had an answer to this yet? If not:

Answer: October 16

Correct. You gain 1 Anglican point, but lose 1 Protestant point for making no protest about Saints or Feast Days.

Originally posted by wayward crucifer:
I am the truely truest protestant.

Frankly, the judge is suspicious. [Disappointed] In which language is the second word of your ship-name? Romish? In that case, you lose 2 points. [Disappointed]

Jengie. [Disappointed] 'nuff said. [Frown]

Originally posted by duchess:
I am so Protestant that my birthday is on Reformation Day , my bible does not contain any 2nd deuto books, I don't go to confession...and I admit I get bored whenever the pope is on tv. There, oh and yeah...according to my mother, "my ancestors were Protestants all the way back to coming over on the Mayflower" (screamed at me when I took confession in a RCC with a friend at age 8 without my parents' permission).

Duchess, you get a point for your birthday (though some protestant sects would question the wisdom of celebrating one day above another - the Lord's Day is the only one to keep). And you gain a point for the quality of your Bible (though you fail to mention which translation it is). And you gain another point for having Protestant ancestors. HOWEVER [Mad] You lose 2 points for having a TV which shows the Pope on it. You lose 15 points for having been to Romish Confession to a priest of the Whore of Babylon. And you lose 20 points for your SCARLET signature. (10 of which are for having a "Patron Saint" - 10 of which are for linking to a Popish website.) We are NOT amused.

Originally posted by CorgiGreta:
I was baptised in the only church in the world that truly followed the teachings of Jean Calvin, after whom their college and seminary were named. Unfortunately, that church ceased conducting its services in Dutch and thereby fell into apostasy.

I was confirmed in a church whose name at the time began with the word "Protestant". First things first.

Now that that's settled, I'll get back to saying my Rosary.

Calvin = +1
Services in a foreign language: -1
Apostacy of previous Church: -1
Romish practice of Confirmation: -1
Happening in a church called Protesant = apostacy: -1.


Originally posted by Icarus Coot:
[End note: waves Canterbury Cap which he hasn't done for a while, but does so in a desperate attempt to get Protty Points from AR]

Cooticarus: added to your minus squillion points as noted before...
+1 point for the cap, but beware of following the Traditions of Man.
HOWEVER [Mad] The judge has noted one of your previous Profiles, which referred to "Tridentine tittilation", if his memory serves him correctly. I am afraid that is at least minus 5 points. Could.Do.Better.

That's all for now, folks.

Pax out, y'all,
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
OK, it's time to play my cards... The competition has really heated up.

My mother is a presbyterian. My dad was born Anglican.
Living in a rural community the only accessible churches were a nearby Church of Ireland (Anglican) and a joint Methodist / Presbyterian church (could start a few threads in purg. on that). We went to both churches. My parents refused to have my sisters and me baptised, christened or confirmed in the Church of Ireland church, because they believed that baptism was a personal choice and that confirmation was irrelevant.

We stopped attending the Church of Ireland church when a High-church clergyman was appointed to the parish.

At 21 years old I got baptised by full immersion by a Baptist church. The building where the baptism took place was one used by Cromwell's men for church while they were killing Catholics in Ireland.

Hmmm, that's about it. Oh, and some of my in the 17th century after they were kicked out of France for being too, er, protestant. Ironically they ended up in Ireland, which is 95% RC.

Erm, a confession is that I've been to Cathlic mass about five times. Two weddings, two funerals and one other occasion. Oh, and one of my great grandfathers was catholic - and apparently regretted that his children were raised as Presbyterians.


[ 03. July 2003, 10:04: Message edited by: Jimi Kendricks ]
Posted by Jengie (# 273) on :
I should have known Anglicans did not know a protestant when they had one in front of them so:

Though I might also have confidence in the flesh. If any other man thinketh that he hath whereof he might trust in the flesh, I more: Baptised of believing parents, father a Calvinist Scholar, mother a fourth generation Methodist, a protestant of protestants, As to grace converted in a sermon, a lover of the bible, baptised in the spirit, as to conviction, left wing, tea-total with pacifist leanings, a recognised elder in my local congregation which only reluctantly recognises Easter and Christmas and is not sure to trust the heresy of singing hymns. Yet all this I count as null in service of the Kingdom of God.

Apologies to St. Paul


[ 03. July 2003, 10:20: Message edited by: Jengie ]
Posted by JimT (# 142) on :
Having garnered no points at all for four perfectly good definitions of what a Protestant is not and a stirring and eloquent paragraph on what one is, (too?) subtly applying it to myself, I hereby leave this thread in a sanctimonious huff. Should any points be awarded for them at some future date, I hereby assign them to Wood, who was the only participant sensible enough to claim them and thus grasp the true meaning of Protestantism.

Oh, and the winner of the wit contest is Mousethief for credibly calling the Pope a Protestant. Way to put that devastating philosophical redefinition ability that made you a "not it's not" champ to work, buddy! [Not worthy!]
Posted by ChrisT (# 62) on :
So there's no place for someone who left an extremely charismatic church as they didn't display True Christianity?

Not that I care. Earthly rewards mean nothing to me.
Posted by Rob - ID crisis InDiE KiD (# 3256) on :
I once posted this message: "Jesus was the first Protestant" to derisory insults.

Non-conformity AND persecution! Surely I win?!
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
But-but I look so Protestant. [Tear]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by duchess:
But-but I look so Protestant. [Tear]


That's you stuffed then!

Don;t you know that:


Man looketh on the outward appearance, but God looketh on the heart

[Edit: Fixed quote. 'Cos I am benevolent]

[ 04. July 2003, 03:09: Message edited by: Icarus Coot ]
Posted by Jesuitical Lad (# 2575) on :
I have a defective sense of humour, poor dress sense, evangelistic tendencies, and an ability to sound like I had my critical faculties removed with a spoon at an early age.

Do I win?

[Snigger] [Killing me] [Razz]
Posted by Divine Outlaw-Dwarf (# 2252) on :
I only think that the Canon of the Mass should be sung on solemnities.

Do I win?
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
Not even close Jesuitical Lad. My sense of hmour is far more defective than yours, and my dress sense perfectly fits someone who communicates only via the internet and email.

All this "I am a good Prot because my ancesters did x, y and z" is not a very protestant way of looking at it. I am a Protestant because I am convinced from Scripture that it is true, and because God chose me and called me and gave me the grace to understand His Word. So there!

[ 03. July 2003, 22:50: Message edited by: junior fool ]
Posted by Stephen (# 40) on :
Do you know you could s-o-o-o-h easily make an MC thread out of this!!!!!! [Two face] [Devil] [Killing me]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:

All this "I am a good Prot because my ancesters did x, y and z" is not a very protestant way of looking at it. <snip!>

You're just jealous. [Angel]

[ 03. July 2003, 23:06: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
Duchess I am, however, far more English than you, which makes me a much better person, though not a better Protestant.

*wanders away muttering "I am not jealous really, don't look jealous in front of Duchess, claiming to be more English than someone named Duchess wasn't very bright, not to mention all the actual English people who might read this, bother."*
Posted by Joyfulsoul (# 4652) on :
Originally posted by Duchess: I still voted though for Indian Gaming in California.
Yeah, well I voted for the Indian Gaming because some American Indian co-workers at the office told me that money from casinos would go their poorly-funded elementary and junior high schools and help out the ghettos and barrios. But they were wrong. I can a link post the article...


Originally posted by JimT: A Protestant is one who leaves their church in a rebellious and sanctimonious huff, thinking themselves spiritually superior to the established hierarchy and its hypocritical sychophants. The Protestant is arrogant , insufferable, and nauseatingly holier than any “thou” on the planet. A Protestant fills his or her head with orthodox dogma strictly for the purpose of tearing it to shreds, affirming nothing while claiming an idiosyncratic system of belief deliberately vile to any person of religious education and authority. Need I say more?
I thought I disabled and got rid of all those hidden cameras in my car and at my house????
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on :
OK, I don't even know what all y'all are talking about, because I'm so Protestant.

While worshipping at an Episcopal church (I had thought Episcopal was non-Catholic??? [Paranoid] ) this past Sunday, I was lost and confused. And may I put in a good word for Scot who also seemed to not have a clue?

"Halleluia, amen Jay-sus." <What?? We were supposed to applaud at the end of the sermon????> [Embarrassed] [Embarrassed] [Embarrassed]

See? Clueless. And nobody else was wearing a sequined dress with a palm tree pattern like I was. Thank goodness Scot had the good sense to wear a tropical shirt.

[ 04. July 2003, 01:57: Message edited by: jedijudy ]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Originally posted by junior fool:
Duchess I am, however, far more English than you, which makes me a much better person, though not a better Protestant.

*wanders away muttering "I am not jealous really, don't look jealous in front of Duchess, claiming to be more English than someone named Duchess wasn't very bright, not to mention all the actual English people who might read this, bother."*

Ah, but alas it is not my limey blood that I brag shamelessly about like a bevy of Mormons at a virgin cocktail party bbq...but that I share some connection [Yipee] with John Knox. Be jealous and weep. Gnash teeth.

duchess does dance of holy Protest Posturing

Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Originally posted by duchess:

Ah, but alas it is not my limey blood that I brag shamelessly about like a bevy of Mormons at a virgin cocktail party bbq...but that I share some connection [Yipee] with John Knox. Be jealous and weep. Gnash teeth.

duchess does dance of holy Protest Posturing

Here's a quote from that link :
John Knox preached in Saint John's, Perth. After the sermon was over a priest prepared to say Mass
Doesn't sound very protestant to me ?!???

I do know of one shipmate who's in some way related to William of Orange, which would make him very protestant indeed. If he decides to post on this thread we ma all have to concede.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Stephen:
Do you know you could s-o-o-o-h easily make an MC thread out of this!!!!!! [Two face] [Devil] [Killing me]

What does MC stand for?

BTW: Duchess - you gain a point for removing that Romish signature that you had before. But you lose two for mentioning dancing. Yes, Yes, I know it was in the Bible, but that was by King David and he was almost naked at the time so obviously that shows how bad dancing is. Amen.
Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
Originally posted by duchess:
I share some connection [Yipee] with John Knox. Be jealous and weep. Gnash teeth.

And I attend the church he arguably created - the mother church of presbyterianism. Notably we hold true to the Westminster Confession, approved by the Kirk's General Assembly in 1647 as "most orthodox and grounded upon the word of God", which denounces the pope as the anti-christ.
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Ok, AB steps up to the plate. (not that I play sports you understand, that would detract from me devoting all of my time to serve the Blessed Lord).

I was born and grew up in a city that was twice ex-communicated from the Catholic Chuch and in a country of the language of the one Authorised Holy Scriptures, though I found I had to whip myself daily before dawn throughout my childhood to prevent myself of being proud of such an Blessed occurance. Though naturally not too hard, as my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit.

During my education I made great pains to learn both Latin and Italian with the express purpose of being able to save my Romish brothers from their shamefully false religion of indulgence, though naturally I rejoiced in said pains since they allowed me to suffer as our Lord suffered.

Even now I steadfastly refuse to wear anything containing white, red or green, for fear that someone might connect me with Rome and thus cause a weak brother to stumble.

So, you see, I would be much more protestant than Wood, were I not so uninterested in adhearing to a label of man, which is clearly unbecoming of a true Christian, and thus worthy of the indulgences of Rome.

I exhort you all to love, brothers (and sisters, these days!).



[ 04. July 2003, 09:14: Message edited by: AB ]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
The judge, though rather impressed with strathclydezero's post, was less than impressed with his/her website - containing, as it does, links to some rather perverse articles (some of which are yea indeed verily blasphemous and some of which appear to twist Scripture towards destruction [Disappointed] ). Points will not be awarded until the aformentioned strathclydezero has a chance to reform his/her website. If they were to be awarded at the moment, they would be of the very large negative variety.

The judge is rather impressed with AB's first contribution. Wood - you seem to have a worthy challenger. So, 3 points to AB for his post. (Assuming "his" by reason of the male-looking avatar). However, 4 points deducted for the comment on his profile under "interests". "Being a tart"??? How ungodly. [Disappointed]

Pax out, y'all,
Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
Originally posted by AB:
I was born and grew up in a city that was twice ex-communicated from the Catholic Chuch

Emphasis mine - note the important word there. Was implies that your town is now in good communication with the Catholic Church.
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Originally posted by strathclydezero:
Originally posted by AB:
I was born and grew up in a city that was twice ex-communicated from the Catholic Chuch

Emphasis mine - note the important word there. Was implies that your town is now in good communication with the Catholic Church.
Sadly now that I have left said City they have fallen to apostasy and allowed a church of Rome onto their soil. Oh, that they would repent and come back, but alas, they are not willing...

Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
However, 4 points deducted for the comment on his profile under "interests". "Being a tart"??? How ungodly.

Naturally I chose to humble myself by chosing to associate myself with sinners in this way. Oh, what a wrethed man, am I! What I do not want to do, I cannot help but do! Praise the lord for His Blessed sacrificial grace.


Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
Anglicanrascal, I do forgive you for your sins within the episcopal tradition. Please though understand that it is the normal practice of protestants to protest internally. Why else would my mother church currently have 6 active schisms. It is in the nature of a true protestant to expose and protest at those values to which the church has become idolatrized. My website serves in this purpose - rallying for the next reformation.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
IN response to being completely ignored as a valuable if not the most protestant Protestant, can I formally object to having an AnglicanRascal judging this contest.

Here's my reasons :

We need a new judge.

Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
We don't need a judge at all - we need a committee to look into the issue and report back to the assembly at some point in the future.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
I object. We don't need a committee.

Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
We'll need a committee to decide that then ...
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
OK, I'll go with that. We need a committee to decide if we need a committee.

I nominate myself as chairperson.

[ 04. July 2003, 10:28: Message edited by: Jimi Kendricks ]
Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
We need a regular election for the Chairperson.

[ 04. July 2003, 10:33: Message edited by: strathclydezero ]
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Well, none of what any of you say cuts any ice with me. As I said to Wood back at the start of this, unless you can provide me with chapter and verse from the Bible as to why you are the most Protestant, I will not believe!

I think this puts me in with at least some chance, as moths do at least appear in the Bible. Unlike Stathclydezero, whatever heathenish thing that may be. Or Anglicanrascal. In fact, I think my sig. might be a good indication of the Protestant tendencies of moths. So there.

[ 04. July 2003, 10:35: Message edited by: Moth ]
Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
Profile for Moth


Religion or denomination:

Enough said.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by strathclydezero:
Anglicanrascal, I do forgive you for your sins within the episcopal tradition.

strathclydezero: -2 points. (Mark 2:7)

Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
IN response to being completely ignored as a valuable if not the most protestant Protestant, can I formally object to having an AnglicanRascal judging this contest.

Jimi Kendricks: Objection overruled. If I hear of any further protests, the furnace will be heated 7-times hotter.

Pax out, y'all,
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by strathclydezero:
Profile for Moth

Religion or denomination:

Enough said.

Well at least his/her Shipname is from the Bible. I can't find any "strathclydezero"s in my Strong's Concordance of the Authorized Version. So stick that in your pope and smoke it.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Humpf. [Disappointed]
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Well at least his/her Shipname is from the Bible. I can't find any "strathclydezero"s in my Strong's Concordance of the Authorized Version. So stick that in your pope and smoke it.

The A in AB stands for Andrew, which is profoundly Biblical. Andrew indeed, led his brother Simon Peter to Jesus, thus it is clearly my destiny to lead the alleged papal church of Peter back to the True Path of our Lord.

This was again, the source of much whipping in my formative days. Praise be!



[ 04. July 2003, 10:57: Message edited by: AB ]
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by strathclydezero:
Profile for Moth


Religion or denomination:

Enough said.

No, I'm a Protestant Anglican, not a Catholic Anglican. Anglicans can be whatever they damn well like, as eny fule kno! Good grief, you'll be implying we all actually know what we believe next! [Roll Eyes]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Moth:

Moth: -1 point (Rash and Vain Swearing)

[ 04. July 2003, 11:06: Message edited by: anglicanrascal ]
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by strathclydezero:
Profile for Moth

Religion or denomination:

Enough said.

Well at least his/her Shipname is from the Bible. I can't find any "strathclydezero"s in my Strong's Concordance of the Authorized Version. So stick that in your pope and smoke it.
Exactly. I am a member of the only biblical lepidoptera, and appear in both testaments, although admittedly not in a very flattering light.

If scz wants to be taken seriously, he should rename himself 'Praisegod Barebones' or similar, and get rid of that avatar with its distinctly occult overtones.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Originally posted by AB:
thus it is clearly my destiny to lead the alleged papal church of Peter back to the True Path of our Lord.

Em, wake up and smell the coffee. The Vatican holds the seat of the anti-Christ. You may as well walk into the bowels of hell as do business with Beelzebub's whipping boy.

The Roman church HAS NO FUTURE and it is TOO LATE to turn them back.

Has no-one told you about the prophesy that the anti-Christ was seated in power in the city of seven hills (Rome)?

I quote :

Revelations 17 v 5. And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS [i.e. The Roman Church] AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.
Revelations 17 v 9. And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains [i.e Rome], on which the woman sitteth.
1 John 2, 18. Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist [i.e. the pope] shall come, even now are there many antichrists [i.e. papists]; whereby we know that it is the last time.
All of which clearly indicate that "Roman Catholic" church is Satan's mouthpiece and reprehensible in it's vile corruption.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Surely I get some points for that????

Please! I'm pleading with you! [Smile]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Surely I get some points for that????

Please! I'm pleading with you! [Smile]

I was about to award you 8 points for that. But I will deduct 3 points for the grovelling. Net result: +5 to Jimi Kendricks.
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Points awarded by men to men? What tradition is this? Sounds suspiciously like something the 'catholics' might come up with.

I'll stick with the joy of rising before dawn to pray for 3 hours, thank you very much. Not that I'm proud of my efforts, you understand.

Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
[Big Grin]

I feel loved and affirmed.

Dang, that's probably the other points lost.
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by Moth:

Moth: -1 point (Rash and Vain Swearing)
Well, drat me to heck!
Posted by Robert Miller (# 1459) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
I do know of one shipmate who's in some way related to William of Orange, which would make him very protestant indeed. If he decides to post on this thread we ma all have to concede.

That would be me then [Wink] - William of Orange was my Great (x7 or therabouts) Grandfather's Godfather - dunno about related, but I think that's not too bad. Yes I really can sing with pride about "The Sash My Father Wore" [Snigger]

[ 04. July 2003, 13:42: Message edited by: Robert Miller ]
Posted by Ethel Sludge (# 74) on :
Jimi Kendricks, please tell me what your high church C of I priest did to be labelled thus. I'm fascinated, having spent 5 years scouring Ulster for something that climbed the scale as far as middle-of-the-road and couldn't find it.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Originally posted by Ethel Sludge:
Jimi Kendricks, please tell me what your high church C of I priest did to be labelled thus. I'm fascinated, having spent 5 years scouring Ulster for something that climbed the scale as far as middle-of-the-road and couldn't find it.

Hi Ethel,

Not sure I can help you much here...

I think the high church tendencies that I described were merely that - tendencies. It was only subtly different than the usual conservative fare.
The changes were : The minister would hold the bible high in the air in front of his face and then kiss it whenever possible; the sermon would be shorter; during communion, the minister would pronouce This is my body, with a tone that implied that transubstantiation was happening. Ecumenism was also emphasised at this time too. The minister was quite posh too, which gave the impression of being high church.

Nothing major perhaps, but in this thread I need all the help I can get. [Smile]

Back to topic :

Robert Miller - I bow in awe at your presence. May I also suggest that you have one of the most protestant names! I've known at least two, if not three Robert Millers/Millars who are working in the Lord's service.

Posted by Eanswyth (# 3363) on :
More Protestant than Wood? Saints preserve us! [Eek!] (crosses herself) Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I'm more Protestant than Saint Theresa of Avila. Does that count? [Two face]
Posted by Lyda Rose of Sharon (# 4544) on :
Originally posted by Moth:
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by strathclydezero:
Profile for Moth

Religion or denomination:

Enough said.

Well at least his/her Shipname is from the Bible. I can't find any "strathclydezero"s in my Strong's Concordance of the Authorized Version. So stick that in your pope and smoke it.
Exactly. I am a member of the only biblical lepidoptera, and appear in both testaments, although admittedly not in a very flattering light.

If scz wants to be taken seriously, he should rename himself 'Praisegod Barebones' or similar, and get rid of that avatar with its distinctly occult overtones.

Actually, if you are really Protestant you don't need no stinkin' images. *Godless idolators* do they even know what avatars *are*? Some heathen nonsense, if you ask me...mutter-mutter... [Disappointed]
Posted by Chapelhead (# 1143) on :
I protest.
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
I think I am incredibly Protestant.

I was born to Baptist-Anglican parents, who, as lay folk, started the local Prebyterian Church under the tree across the road from their house. After they led the team that built the church, I grew there as a little child, only moving to the City Centre Presbyterian Church (St Andrews) as a teenager, where I stayed for 20 years. This was the bastion of Scots Presbyterian in my state, and functioned almost as the "cathedral" church for my denomination. I studied confirmation classes therein, but Church Union happened by the end of the course, and I was confirmed Uniting Church in Australia, the day I turned 17, the day after the Senior School Leaving Dance at my Protestant Girls'School, a week after union. So my church membership reflected my new Methodist-Congregationalist heritage as well as the Scots Pressie thing. In fact the new informal emblem of the building involved a kilt and a leek (the Welsh Congregationalist thing). Our 2 ministers- Welsh and Scots, led the church into becoming the bastion of Australianism it is today, and even introduced draft copies of the then new Aus. Hymn Book, so we could truly become an Australian Protestant Church.

The only reason I left this mighty ediface of Protestantism was because I got ordained and went off to become a Minister-of-the-Word in the Uniting Church of Australia. Ever since then, I have ministered thusly.

My Church has sister-relations with just about every Methodist, Congregationalist and Presbyterian Church in the world, as well as every variety of union (based around Protestant denominations), so I could, concievably, minister in a wide variety of denominations, should I ever wish to travel and do so.

Good litle Protestant me! [Big Grin]
Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :
Rowen ...

We've discussed this and you know that I'm more protestant than you.
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
Yes, dearie.... I let you think that because you are both sweet and young, and I like to encourage the children! [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin]
Posted by Icarus Coot (# 220) on :
Originally posted by Ethel Sludge:
Jimi Kendricks, please tell me what your high church C of I priest did to be labelled thus. I'm fascinated, having spent 5 years scouring Ulster for something that climbed the scale as far as middle-of-the-road and couldn't find it.

I know I'm going to lose points for tempting a brother/sister to stumble, but if you are still on the look out, try starting a thread in MW on High Church establishments in Ulster, rest assured, if there exists such a beast, the denizens of MW will know where it is.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on :
I'd like to further emphasize my credentials as a Very Protestant Methodist with a leaning toward the "think and let think" philosophy.

Ahem...cough cough.

My brother was married in a Buddhist ceremony to a (very nice) Buddhist Thai woman.

My son was married in a <shudder> Druid ceremony.

And I still love them both.

Plus, I can sing all the verses of "And Can It Be That I Should Gain".

< jj bows politely >
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on :
[Waterworks] I killed it. [Waterworks]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by jedijudy:
Plus, I can sing all the verses of "And Can It Be That I Should Gain".

I'd have thought that was near enough an entry condition for being any sensible kind of Christian, never mind a Protestant. [Wink]

And I win because I have no truck with these idolatrous icon-like so-called "avatars" [Smile]

Unlike Wood who should remember the words of John Milton on the Late Massacres in the Tyrol:

"when all our fathers worshipped stocks and stones"
Posted by Jenny Ann (# 3131) on :
I have decided that there is too much fun going on on this thread. I think, therefore, you are all much less protestant than the rest of the ship, who haven't participated in this thread.

I thank you...

Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
I agree. I think it's high time this thread was reformed.

/AB goes off to find some nails and a hammer

/erm, and a cathedral door

Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Robert Miller - I bow in awe at your presence.

Are you trying to lose this thing??
Originally posted by Eanswyth:
More Protestant than Wood? Saints preserve us! [Eek!] (crosses herself) Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I'm more Protestant than Saint Theresa of Avila. Does that count? [Two face]

The aim is to get a good score, Eanswyth. Wanna try again? You are currently at about -17.
Originally posted by Lyda Rose of Sharon:
Actually, if you are really Protestant you don't need no stinkin' images. *Godless idolators* do they even know what avatars *are*? Some heathen nonsense, if you ask me...mutter-mutter... [Disappointed]

Lyda Rose of Sharon: Excellent post. +5 points. However, I am regrettably forced to deduct 10 points for your failure to reform your life to your doctrine.
Originally posted by Rowen:
I think I am incredibly Protestant.
Good litle Protestant me! [Big Grin]

Umm, Rowen, angel... you are a minister of the Uniting Church of Australia, which is so liberal that it is probably right where that heresiarch J*ck $p*ng would be working should Australia be so unfortunate as to count him among her citizenry. Nice try, but no dice.
Originally posted by jedijudy:

[Waterworks] I killed it. [Waterworks]

That wasn't your intention?? [Eek!]

Originally posted by Jenny Ann:
I have decided that there is too much fun going on on this thread. I think, therefore, you are all much less protestant than the rest of the ship, who haven't participated in this thread.

Fun? Fun?? FUN??? This isn't about fun. This is about sorting the wheat from the weeks, I'll have you know.

Originally posted by AB:
I agree. I think it's high time this thread was reformed.

/AB goes off to find some nails and a hammer

/erm, and a cathedral door

You touch my Cathedral's door with your filthy little hammer and I'll implant it in you so firmly that Jack the Ripper couldn't find it! [Mad]
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
My dear friend, you are sooo wrong about me! [Big Grin] In our monthly denominational newspaper, they look at the current discussions on the Anglican-UCA ministry and mutual recognition in Australia. And they note that the UCA would need bishops if there were to be full recognition, and that the UCA has a bit of a "thing" about bishops... And I went "hmmmmm.... We are soooo Protestant that we would rather eat brussel sprouts than have bishops". (I chose sprouts as my analogy, because I don't like them!) Anyway, the crux of the matter is that I am soooo liberally Protestant that I just about fall off the scale.
Plus, I have short curly hair, am female, and wear Docs... and if that doesn't make me a Protestant UCA clergy, I don't know what else would! [Big Grin]
What would you know about it, dearie? [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Big Grin] [Wink]
You are just jealous of the deep Protestant relationship scz and I share because of our Presbyterian roots! [Big Grin]
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
You touch my Cathedral's door with your filthy little hammer and I'll implant it in you so firmly that Jack the Ripper couldn't find it! [Mad]

anglicanrascal: -10 pts, fits of rage (Galatians 5:19-20).

Live by the sword...



[ 07. July 2003, 09:58: Message edited by: AB ]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by AB:
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
You touch my Cathedral's door with your filthy little hammer and I'll implant it in you so firmly that Jack the Ripper couldn't find it! [Mad]

anglicanrascal: -10 pts, fits of rage (Galatians 5:19-20).
Ps 69:9!

Who made you judge, bucko? Matthew 7:1!!
Posted by strathclydezero (# 180) on :

Liberals can be the most protestant people in proper protestant churches. Just because the liberals in your own denomination like rubbing bums with the RCs does not mean that we're all like that. If you cared to actually read the material on my website you may find it most interesting - of a nature you had never considered before. I'm most certainly a protestant, but I protest at anything I find which is unjust in any church - protestant or otherwise.
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Who made you judge, bucko? Matthew 7:1!!

I see your Matthew 7:1 and raise* you 1 Corinthians 5:12


Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
But I trump you both with the following Protestant terms....
moderator, assembly, Lord's Supper, memorial, 45 minute sermon, Elder!
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Rowen:
But I trump you both with the following Protestant terms....
moderator, assembly, Lord's Supper, memorial, 45 minute sermon, Elder!

If you are an elder and the husband of only one wife, I will grant you 3 Protesant Points.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Originally posted by anglicanrascal:
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Robert Miller - I bow in awe at your presence.

Are you trying to lose this thing??

Eek. Undone by an Anglican.

[runs away like a frightened child]
Posted by Elephenor (# 4026) on :
Originally posted by Strathclydezero:
Notably we hold true to the Westminster Confession, approved by the Kirk's General Assembly in 1647 as "most orthodox and grounded upon the word of God", which denounces the pope as the anti-christ.

I think you'll find you've back-slid from this position, actually...

This Church no longer affirms the following contents of the Westminster Confession of Faith:
He (the Pope of Rome) is Antichrist, that Man of Sin and Son of Perdition, that exalteth himself in the Church against Christ, and all that is called God.
This Church therefore dissociates itself from the above statements and does not require its office-bearers to believe them.

(Declaratory Act Anent the Westminster Confession of Faith, 21st May 1986)

How many points do you lose for not having left in protest at this apostasy?
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
And now, my little Anglican friend, whilst admitting defeat in the trumping, [Big Grin] I can prove my allegiance to Protestantism by my commitment to an incredible document, known as-
The Basis of Union (of the Uniting Church in Australia)

What have you to say to this? It contains such Protestant logic as this:

The Uniting Church continues to learn of the teaching of the Holy Scriptures in the obedience and freedom of faith, and in the power of the
promised gift of the Holy Spirit, from the witness of the Reformers as expressed in various ways in the Scots Confession of Faith (1560), the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647), and the Savoy Declaration (1658).
In like manner the Uniting Church will listen to the preaching of John Wesley in his Forty-Four Sermons (1793). It will commit its ministers and instructors to study these statements, so that the
congregation of Christ’s people may again and again be reminded of the grace which justifies
them through faith, of the centrality of the person and work of Christ the justifier, and of the need for a constant appeal to Holy Scripture."
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by Rowen:
the witness of the Reformers as expressed in various ways in the Scots Confession of Faith (1560), the Heidelberg Catechism (1563), the Westminster Confession of Faith (1647), and the Savoy Declaration (1658).
In like manner the Uniting Church will listen to the preaching of John Wesley in his Forty-Four Sermons (1793).

Westminster and Wesley? Calvinists and Arminians?

Now where did I hear of a church that could hold both those ideas at the same time?

Oh, I remember now...
Posted by eyeliner (# 4648) on :
Don't tell the rest of us, will you?
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Rowen:
And now, my little Anglican friend, whilst admitting defeat in the trumping, [Big Grin] I can prove my allegiance to Protestantism by my commitment to an incredible document, known as-
The Basis of Union (of the Uniting Church in Australia)

Whaaat??? All UCA ministers have to say they agree to that??? [Killing me] [Killing me]

How many of them do that with a straight face?
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
I can't believe you thought Rome had everything to do with my surname I secretly pm'd you, AngRasc. Daaaannnnggg.

Well, at least I gots the Scottish Pres. thing ala John Knox going on with the Indian killed off side, read it and weep...and try not to break the the 10th Commandment bucko. [Mad]

[ 07. July 2003, 14:47: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by Rhisiart (# 69) on :
Originally posted by Strathclydezero:
Notably we hold true to the Westminster Confession, approved by the Kirk's General Assembly in 1647 <snip>...

Originally posted by Elephenor:
I think you'll find you've back-slid from this position, actually...
This Church no longer affirms {that}(the Pope of Rome) is Antichrist, that Man of Sin and Son of Perdition, .
This Church therefore dissociates itself from the above statements <snip>.

(Declaratory Act Anent the Westminster Confession of Faith, 21st May 1986)

Nice to see that it only took just under 340 years for that little misunderstanding to be sorted out. Gives you hope for Christian unity in, say, 2000 years time... [Roll Eyes]

[ 07. July 2003, 15:52: Message edited by: Rhisiart ]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by Rhisiart:
]Nice to see that it only took just under 340 years for that little misunderstanding to be sorted out. Gives you hope for Christian unity in, say, 2000 years time... [Roll Eyes]

2000 years? Only 2000 years. [Ultra confused]

If it took 340 years to forgive the Pope - just ONE Roman Catholic - in 2000 years time we'll only just have got round to the Cardinal Bishop of Sabina-Poggio Mirteto. it'll be 3 or 4 hundred billion years before we've dealt with all of them. One at a time. Starting at the top, and working our way down.

It'll take even longer if they carry on breeding.

You obviously haven't got the hang of this religious bigotry thing yet, have you? [Disappointed]
Posted by Robert Miller (# 1459) on :
I am probably also one of the few people on board to have been to a DUP political rally and also furthermore to my credentials I am the only one on board the ship who is using a John Calvin avatar.

So There!
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
Actually, anglicanrascal, adherance to the Basis of Union is a noted point in confirmation,
ordination, and induction (of a new minister) services in the Uniting Church, so I guess there would be several occasions in the life of a clergyperson in our Church, when they promise to God that their service to God, expressed through our denomination, will be undergirded by the B.U.
Church disipline is exercised in our Church when a minister resigns from his/her ordination as a Minister-of-the-Word, at the request of the Church- the belief is that they can no longer ethically minister with integrity within the B.U. framework... and this happens occasionally. The B.U. is regarded as the level point... And certainly, when new denominations join the UCA- (and this still happens occasionally with small migrant denominations), the folk therein have to agree to the UCA and its B.U.
The B.U. and its study is a significant part of all ministry training in the UCA, both of laity and ordained.... It is used as parts of hymns and prayers....
So, there you are. Dismiss it if you want to, but remember that, in the history of Christianity in Australia, it played a significant role in the 20th century, as it brought together 3 different denominations into one new denomination, living out its belief in the rightness of Church unity.

[ 08. July 2003, 07:39: Message edited by: Rowen ]
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Getting back to our regularly scheduled protestant silliness (not that the Lord's true path is silly, you understand)

Perhaps some sort of vote on the most protestant contributers of this thread is called for? A bit like a ship of fools "Protestant Idol". Though I would naturally protest at the connection with Idols. [Disappointed]

Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
Agreed. Voting... hmmm... casting of lots etc... Well, as long as there was no anti-Protestant suggestions, like gambling, dancing, guessing outcomes,talking to folk who are different from us, or having fun therein, I think this is a good idea!
Posted by Robert Miller (# 1459) on :
Yes voting is good - but I'll win.

I have decided that being in a country where I am the only Protestant and the rest are Roman Catholic and I haven't converted to Roman Catholicism yet makes me the best yet.

Good grief - the more I think about it the more I wonder why I haven't written vast theological tomes espousing great biblical truths yet.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Robert Miller:
I have decided that being in a country where I am the only Protestant and the rest are Roman Catholic and I haven't converted to Roman Catholicism yet makes me the best yet.

They haven't burnt you at the stake yet. You can't be doing a very good job of being a Protestant.

-1 PP.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Actually, I can verify that Mr. Miller was burnt at the stake twice and was impervious to the flames (entirely thanks to the wonder working power of God).
Posted by Rhisiart (# 69) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Actually, I can verify that Mr. Miller was burnt at the stake twice and was impervious to the flames (entirely thanks to the wonder working power of God).

So that's what the new Spire is for, then - a place for the regular burning of Mr Miller? [Big Grin]

[ 09. July 2003, 12:18: Message edited by: Rhisiart ]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Actually, I can verify that Mr. Miller was burnt at the stake twice and was impervious to the flames (entirely thanks to the wonder working power of God).

+1 PP for Mr Miller
-1 PP for Jimi Kendricks for not rescuing him before his body had a chance to prove itself impervious to the flames.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
I was in a quiet place praying and crying out to God on behalf of my brother at the time. The Lord had mercy on him and heard my feeble requests.

As any good Protestant knows, praying about a problem is better (and much more effective) than dealing with it.

[ 09. July 2003, 13:05: Message edited by: Jimi Kendricks ]
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
\AB nails a request for a Protestant vote onto Anglicanrascal's cathedral door.

\95 of the beggars


Posted by Buenaventura (# 4090) on :
As the matter was never officially settled, I feel it's my Christian duty to dispel any myths on the issue of dates on the Church calendar:

A good Protestant should know only two very important dates- the first one being December 25th which is, of course, the day that Jesus was born. The second date is Easter Sunday which, though the date may vary, is most certainly the day that Jesus rose from the dead.

Anything else is extraneous information. [Disappointed]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :

Good Friday is of course the main day in the Protestant church year.

After that, probably Harvest Festival.

Easter and Christmas are secularised papistical idolatrous days...
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
JK: +2PP.

AB: +95 PP and a slap around the side of the head. If you haven't repaired the door to my satisfaction within 24 hours, it will be the worse for you.

Buenaventura: Ken's half-right, sorry. -2PP.

Ken: Where in Holy Scripture are we commanded to remember Good Friday? The Lord's Day is enough for all True Protestants. -1 PP.
Posted by Buenaventura (# 4090) on :
Ok, I'll accept -1 for Good Friday--for the truly devout. However, Harvest Festival is only celebrated in certain countries, which puts many of us devout Protestants out of the running. Perhaps Thanksgiving could be considered an alternative- another one of those good Christian holidays.
Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
I was on vacation, and returned to find this excellent thread. I am very Protestant, though there are a few blots on my escutcheon.

First, in my favor as a Protestant, my history (it is very Protestant of a US citizen to have connections to the Massachusetts Bay Colony). Of course, I am descended from a Mayflower traveller, but more importantly, also to many people who left England on a number of other boats to join John Winthrop in creating a City on a Hill in Massachusetts. We remained Congregationalist for many years. I was baptised in a Congregationalist Church. My husband is descended from Mass Bay Colony puritan forebears as well. His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were Methodist ministers. My great-grandfather was a Congregational Pastor, my aunt is a UCC minister, my uncle is a Missouri Synod Lutheran minister. My grandfather called Catholics "mackerel-snappers". My parents are one Baptist and one Congregationalist. I read the Bible regularly, and think about what it means. I think the eucharist is a memorial, and that it' Incense makes me sneeze.

On the minus side, I am a member of an Episcopal parish, and like ecclesiastical purple, bells, candles, stained glass, gothic architecture and processions. I detest bangy-clangy bands as part of worship. I hate tambourines. I am currently wearing a Jerusalem cross. I adore Tallis, Palestrina and the like. I think choirs should be properly vested and sing well. I think it's disrespectful not to dress nicely for church.
A can read Latin, and enjoy it as part of the service.

So I think Wood is probably more Protestant than I am. As to Wood being in the Bible, Moth, I'm disappointed in you. I found many (proving my Protestantism). Just to cite a few:

The Lord admires his carving skill:

Exodus 35:33
And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of Wood, to make any manner of cunning work.

His presence ensures that the land is fertile:

Numbers 13:20
And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be Wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land....

He is a god, himself:

Deuteronomy 28:36
The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, Wood and stone.

He is mighty in battle:

2 Samuel 18:8
For the battle was there scattered over the face of all the country: and the Wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured.

King David is advised to present him with many gifts:

2 Samuel 24:22
And Araunah said unto David, Let my lord the king take and offer up what seemeth good unto him: behold, here be oxen for burnt sacrifice, and threshing instruments and other instruments of the oxen for Wood.

He is a necessary precursor to fire...

Proverbs 26:20
Where no Wood is, there the fire goeth out: ...

It is unwise to attack him:

Ecclesiastes 10:9
Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth Wood shall be endangered thereby.

Posted by Wood (# 7) on :
Originally posted by Laura:

It is unwise to attack him:

Ecclesiastes 10:9
Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth Wood shall be endangered thereby.

[Killing me]

You know me so well.
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
I am vindicated! Yay!
Our state publically-owned radio station today interviewed an ethics specialist from my denomination. As part of the intro, the announcer said that the guest was from the only "culturally-authentic Protestant church in the nation- a home grown Protestant denomination- the Uniting Church in Australia."
I could but only agree. [Big Grin]

[ 11. July 2003, 08:02: Message edited by: Rowen ]
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
I am not sure how merging two and a bit foreign denominations makes you home grown.
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
Neither am I sure how it works, but for the purposes of this thread I will take anything and state it emphatically! [Big Grin]
And, 'sides, if the ABC said it, it must be true!
Posted by junior fool (# 4438) on :
Not to this right wing fundie, everything the ABC says isn't true. (Actually I have nothing against the ABC and will concede the point on this one. But my independent evengelical church must then count as a home grown church. [Big Grin] )
Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
Stubborn bloody-minded Canberra person!
[Big Grin]
Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
Hey, anglicanrascal! Where're my ProtPoints?
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Laura:
Hey, anglicanrascal! Where're my ProtPoints?

Hmmm, let's take a look at a couple of your "Recent Posts". On Bizarre Practices XLIV you posted:
Originally posted by Laura:
To Father July,

Bless me, father, for I have sinned. I've had very impure thoughts. Am I damned in eternity? Then why don't you come up and see me sometime? You could see my Durer engravings....

We are NOT amused. [Disappointed]

And on Dinner Party, not Malt Shop (whatever a malt shop is), you posted:
Originally posted by Laura:
Gosh, I always thought sine nomine was pronounced See-nay No-mee-nay, from meaning "without name", that is, all the numberless saints. What's this No-mine thing?

Furthermore, your "Profile" lists you as being interested in the "Liberal arts".

Well - shall we tot up some points for you?

Call No Man Father: -2 PP
Popish Confession: -4 PP
Very Impure Thoughts: -3 PP
Suggestive Invitation Without Mention Of A Chaperone: -4 PP
Engraven Images: -3 PP
Knowledge Of and Communication In a Popish Language: -2 PP
Communication in a Popish Language using Romish Pronunciation Thereof: -4 PP
Being a Scoundrelous Liberal: -4 PP

Shall I look for further evidence? Do you have anything to say in your defence?

Pax out,
Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
What about the balance side -- the pro-Protestant points?

But as you lay them out, my Popish sins (and wickednesses) are manifold. I acknowledge and bewail them. Their burden is intolerable.
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Laura:
What about the balance side -- the pro-Protestant points?

But as you lay them out, my Popish sins (and wickednesses) are manifold. I acknowledge and bewail them. Their burden is intolerable.

Honesty is the best policy: +2 PP.

So are you going to explain why you are deserving of any Protestant Points?
Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
Tscha. Didn't you read my post? Okay, I'll reiterate the pro-Prot-points:

First, in my favor as a Protestant, my history (it is very Protestant of a US citizen to have connections to the Massachusetts Bay Colony). Of course, I am descended from a Mayflower traveller, but more importantly, also to many people who left England on a number of other boats to join John Winthrop in creating a City on a Hill in Massachusetts. We remained Congregationalist for many years. I was baptised in a Congregationalist Church. My husband is descended from Mass Bay Colony puritan forebears as well. His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were Methodist ministers. My great-grandfather was a Congregational Pastor, my aunt is a UCC minister, my uncle is a Missouri Synod Lutheran minister. My grandfather called Catholics "mackerel-snappers". My parents are one Baptist and one Congregationalist. I read the Bible regularly, and think about what it means. I think the eucharist is a memorial, and that it' Incense makes me sneeze.
I also think the whole "Vicar of Christ on Earth" thing is deeply wrong, and that no human can pronouce anything infallibly, that ladies can be priested, and that there isn't anything magical about being a priest.
Posted by Moth (# 2589) on :
Originally posted by Laura:
As to Wood being in the Bible, Moth, I'm disappointed in you. I found many (proving my Protestantism). Just to cite a few:

The Lord admires his carving skill:

Exodus 35:33
And in the cutting of stones, to set them, and in carving of Wood, to make any manner of cunning work.

His presence ensures that the land is fertile:

Numbers 13:20
And what the land is, whether it be fat or lean, whether there be Wood therein, or not. And be ye of good courage, and bring of the fruit of the land....

He is a god, himself:

Deuteronomy 28:36
The LORD shall bring thee, and thy king which thou shalt set over thee, unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known; and there shalt thou serve other gods, Wood and stone.

He is mighty in battle:

2 Samuel 18:8
For the battle was there scattered over the face of all the country: and the Wood devoured more people that day than the sword devoured.

King David is advised to present him with many gifts:

2 Samuel 24:22
And Araunah said unto David, Let my lord the king take and offer up what seemeth good unto him: behold, here be oxen for burnt sacrifice, and threshing instruments and other instruments of the oxen for Wood.

He is a necessary precursor to fire...

Proverbs 26:20
Where no Wood is, there the fire goeth out: ...

It is unwise to attack him:

Ecclesiastes 10:9
Whoso removeth stones shall be hurt therewith; and he that cleaveth Wood shall be endangered thereby.

Well, if he didn't know he was in there himself, he can't be very protestant, now can he?

Besides which, I think they must mean another Wood entirely. In fact, from the quotations you've given, it sounds suspiciously like Holy Writ has got itself confused* between Wood and Erin. Just try putting 'Erin' where 'Wood' is, and you'll see what I mean, especially in that nice quotation from 2 Samuel 18.

* I am aware that this makes me an heretik and thus not protestant, but I was losing anyway!
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Laura:
Tscha. Didn't you read my post? Okay, I'll reiterate the pro-Prot-points:

First, in my favor as a Protestant, my history (it is very Protestant of a US citizen to have connections to the Massachusetts Bay Colony). Of course, I am descended from a Mayflower traveller, but more importantly, also to many people who left England on a number of other boats to join John Winthrop in creating a City on a Hill in Massachusetts. We remained Congregationalist for many years. I was baptised in a Congregationalist Church. My husband is descended from Mass Bay Colony puritan forebears as well. His father, grandfather, and great grandfather were Methodist ministers. My great-grandfather was a Congregational Pastor, my aunt is a UCC minister, my uncle is a Missouri Synod Lutheran minister. My grandfather called Catholics "mackerel-snappers". My parents are one Baptist and one Congregationalist. I read the Bible regularly, and think about what it means. I think the eucharist is a memorial, and that it' Incense makes me sneeze.
I also think the whole "Vicar of Christ on Earth" thing is deeply wrong, and that no human can pronouce anything infallibly, that ladies can be priested, and that there isn't anything magical about being a priest.
Hrmmmm - is anyone else convinced by this? It sounds pretty good to me ... too good for someone who is currently on about -134 PP.
Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Could be a Marcionite...
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by ken:
Could be a Marcionite...

Heck - wot's a Marcionite? Some kind of early heresy? Should I add or deduct PPs from you, ken, for knowing about them?
Posted by Jengie (# 273) on :
This link may help.

Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jengie:
This link may help.


Jengie, the link is dismissive of evangelicals and Bible-churches. Do you think that is a good way to win yourself Protestant Points?
Posted by Jengie (# 273) on :
No. You asked a question I replied to it by using a websearch.

I of course being protestant have decided to wander off apart from throwing the occasional brick bat to keep the thread alive.

Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Well, -1PP for nearly leading people off the Right Path and into destruction.

+2PP for keeping the thread alive.

Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
On the plus side:

On the minus side:

And one thing I'm not sure what to make of:

Posted by Icarus, The Happy Coot (# 220) on :
Originally posted by RuthW:
I think the best thing about the 39 Articles is that it contains a fabulous illustration of the real meaning of the word "enormity." If I never again hear someone use it to mean "large," it'll be too soon.

Surely you are thinking of the Great Litany (that is, 'The Letanie')? Where:

"From all sedicion and prievie conspiracie, from the tyranny of the Bysshop of Rome and al hys detestable enormities, from all false doctrine and heresy, from hardnesse of hearte, and contempte of thy woorde and commaundemente.

Good Lorde, deliver us."

The bold section against the Anti-Christ of the Painted Whore of Babylon was removed by the despicable romanising crypto-papistical Elizabeth I in the 1559 BCP (Oh god I heart her. Oop! What a giveaway).

Praps you are thinking of the glorious Article XXII?

"THE Romish doctrine concerning Purgatory, Pardons, worshipping and adoration as well of Images as of Relics, and also Invocation of Saint, is a fond thing vainly invented, and grounded upon no warranty of Scripture; but rather repugnant to the word of God."

'I am thinking of buying the Orthodox study bible today, but I may instead buy an icon of St Michael'.
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
Coot: I'm so [Embarrassed] ! On the other hand, not being able to place this phrase properly may gain me a few Protestant points.
Posted by AB (# 4060) on :
Last Sunday I walked out in the middle of a sermon in protest and prayed for the rest of a service under a tree.

And yesterday I corrected [Wink] the theology of our full-time elder after his sermon on Acts 2.

Both, rather amusingly, are true.


PP me up.

Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
I must admit - Laura had me worried there for a while, but Wood - I'm in awe of you man. Those quotes from the bible... wow. However, as the bible refers to Wood as a god, the implication is that you are working for the other side, which probably loses you about, eh, -1000000 points ( I couldn't find the infinity symbol, 1000000 will have to do).

I'm just back from holidays, where I spent a week with a friend who's father is a Lutheran pastor. We attended his church on one Sunday. I think that deserves some points.

Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Not that I inherantly deserve any points! I deserve points by grace only.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Brother, those points are written in the Lamb's Book of Points from before all eternity! Nothing you do or say here can affect the number of points assigned to you.

All tht is happening on this thread is the gradual revelation of our true points total by the providential outworking of the predestinary loving care of God for his creation.

So I have not gained any more points because I attended an believer's baptism by full immersion yesterday, but that that I was led to such a place by the Spirit working through the lives of those around me is an indication and a sign of the true total of Points laid up for me in heaven before the founding of the world.

And what do Points make?
Posted by Robert Miller (# 1459) on :
Originally posted by ken:
And what do Points make?

Points make us more humble - I will infact be participating in a TV service on RTE Television on 10th August - so yah!

This will be my SECOND TV appearance. It will show my Protestant worthiness off to everyone.
Posted by Jengie (# 273) on :

On the minus side:

[other items cut]

Studied Latin in grad school and liked it. Still remember some of it.

But Calvin's Institutes is written in Latin. It is one of the reasons that they are readable.

Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Not that I inherantly deserve any points! I deserve points by grace only.

Unfortunately, you were predestined to not get any.
Posted by Jimi Kendricks (# 3274) on :
Huh? What's an anglican like your good self using words like "predestined" for? I'm quite dubious about your qualification her. Today I'm feeling very Arminian.

Having said that, I would be interested in a "Are you more Orthodox than Fr Gregory" or "Are you more Catholic than Jesuitical Lad" or even "Are you more Anglican than Anglicanrascal".

How about it?
Posted by Dyfrig (# 15) on :
I'm currently finding things within Protestantism to protest about - what does that make me?
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Jimi Kendricks:
Huh? What's an anglican like your good self using words like "predestined" for?

Article XVII!! [Mad]
-4PP for you, child.
Having said that, I would be interested in a "Are you more Orthodox than Fr Gregory" or "Are you more Catholic than Jesuitical Lad" or even "Are you more Anglican than Anglicanrascal".
Hmm - might be messy for an orthodox catholic Anglican like me! [Big Grin]

Originally posted by Dyfrig:
I'm currently finding things within Protestantism to protest about - what does that make me?

An heretick.


[ 28. July 2003, 11:32: Message edited by: anglicanrascal ]
Posted by anglicanrascal (# 3412) on :
Originally posted by Dyfrig:
I'm currently finding things within Protestantism to protest about - what does that make me?

So - do you actually want some PPs? I think I have three spare to give away before the end of the night.


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