Thread: Heaven: Anthropologist from Hell Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - noon
Have established base camp. Despite not being permitted to pack in the standard heavy weaponry, in accordance with the standing Heaven/Hell Peace Treaty, I've set up a defensive perimeter of motion detectors to provide me with adequate warning. The mischeviousness of the natives is legendary, and will need to be guarded against to prevent them from accidentally contaminating the area with troll bait or using up my meagre supply of sulphur. It needs to last until another Hellhost can bat-lift in additional supplies.
From my current vantage point, I think I can see all sorts of bizzarre activity. I shall endeavour to investigate closer and report my findings in my next log entry.
[ 20. April 2005, 15:54: Message edited by: KenWritez ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 14:00
Have discovered some sort of tribal dance. A central group appears to be undergoing some sort of inquisition or filtering process. I speculate that the natives are trying to find a virgin to sacrifice in their backwards rituals. They'll need a lot of luck; these beings appear to copulate at the drop of a hat. Very friendly.
Aside: Must remember to take innoculations upon return to base camp. Also, need to unpack spare set of boots. Stepped on something squishy and annoyingly underfoot, possibly an fledgling Sinéite.
Posted by Cartmel Bar Veteran (# 7049) on
You're not supposed to drink the bong water you know?
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
Originally posted by RooK:
Stepped on something squishy and annoyingly underfoot, possibly an fledgling Sinéite.
Not unless you're up on Mt Sinéi.
And if you are - keep taking the tablets.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 15:40
Have encountered two radically different specimens that seem to have taken an interest in me. One is a juvenile, possibly a slave or lickspittle caste, and the other is a grizzled alpha-female with beady little eyes that I imagine have skimmed many a post. I stand still, hoping not to startle them. One of them pinched my butt. I don't want to think about which one it might have been.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Originally posted by RooK:
Also, need to unpack spare set of boots. Stepped on something squishy and annoyingly underfoot, possibly an fledgling Sinéite.
What kind of anthropologist steps on his specimens?
Posted by kinder (# 8886) on
very, very clumsy.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 17:20
Have found two more smaller specimens, even more diminutive than the previous juvenile. Perhaps if I entice them with some marshmallows, they'll approach close enough for me to step on them. I knew that the specimen-boot would readily be able to collect Sinéites, as per their well-document pro-boot proclivities, but I'm eagre to see if this collection mechanism would have broader application. Indeed, I'd love to give every native hereabouts a taste of my boot.
Posted by Peppone (# 3855) on
It's not an anthropologist, it's Nancy Sinatra.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 17:40
Annoying song stuck in head. Attempting to expunge with blowtorch.
Posted by Sine Nomine (# 3631) on
Ah, Wookie, you did say you'd pay me back one day for my last half-dozen "emotionally crippled, bald, illegal alien Canuck" comments.
But I'd hoped you'd be clever about it and not stoop to my level. Not sure what I based that on though.
Posted by Spiffy da Wonder Sheep (# 5267) on
Originally posted by saysay:
What kind of anthropologist steps on his specimens?
The smart ones.
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on
Careful RooK. You don't want to end up in the natives' soup pot.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on
There is a new creature in the forest. It makes odd noises--"Eh?" it says. "Universal health care," it says. It has large, shiny feet that leave cross-hatched prints, and it steps on everything and everyone. I have managed to elude it so far. The skin of its upper body is fuzzy, green with red lines crossing at right angles. It carries a small rectangular object in one hand and makes marks on it whenever we confront it and try to warn it about the quicksands and the were-cobras. It seems to possess intelligence of a sort. I must study it closely--I doubt it will survive long, but if we can understand its life cycle we may be able to protect it.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
Silently, the silver disk moves through the broken clouds. As part of a reserve contingent, it's lone mechanized navigator scans the surface below for The Anthropologist. On a fool's quest to document the mating habits and social organization of the primitives in this world, the rogue scientist was lost.
A thick-skinned researcher, quick to anger with little patience for protocol, he had set out unprepared for this expedition. Tasked with possible emergency evacuation, the android shifted his vessel, extended the reach of invisible sensors...searching...
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Don't worry--if you end up in the soup pot, we'll apologize to your descendants.
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
Anthropologists do not step on their specimens. Entomologists step on their specimens.
RooK, I suggest you get an interpreter from the local populace. Possibly a lepus floccus. They seem to know their way around here.
Avoid hosts wearing loud Hawaiian shirts. They bite.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 20:30
An exciting discovery! With the photographic evidence now being beamed back to the Dark University, it is now clear that the monstrous Queen of the Sinéites is, in fact, migratory. As per standard protocol, carefully maintained a facing stance towards the Queen to ensure that she didn't slip behind me. It's theoretically doubtful that she's here to feed, but there's no reason to be careless.
More of the natives are taking notice of me now. One of them appears to be mimicking my actions, in a crudely awkward sort of way. It almost seems sentient. If I can manage to step on it and scrape its remains into one of the collection jars, I'll be eager to run a cognitive-aura residue analysis see just how evolved their tiny brains are. Who knows? One day, they may be capable of an elementary put-down.
Heard the approach of the Keener Sidekick's Aerospace Hog. Hid until it swept by.
Circled back to base camp, and have found a suitable roost to dangle from. Will feign sleep to see if it affects how bold they become.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
(Bunny hikes through the woods, axe over shoulder.
Spots some crazed looking bald guy lifting up jars of gross-looking stuff, swirling the contents around, and giggling.He also seems to be scribbling into a Hello Kitty Notebook with an orange crayon.
She recognises him as Rook.
Tears fill her eyes. She trudges along, head hung low, resolving to put him on the prayer list. If only he had come to Jesus, perhaps things needn't have come to this...)
[ 11. February 2005, 03:41: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 20:40
What a curious experience. Tortuf just wandered by my base camp, suggested that these beings have a common, well-developed language, and that I could employ one of them to show me around. I was so happy to see him, and astounded at his news, that I barely had a chance to sink my fangs into his shoulder before he leapt out of reach. He's surprisingly quick for a lazy fisherman.
He also warned me of some mega-fauna to be concerned about. So, it seems that it is true that the Protector Breed that fought in the Heaven/Hell war so long ago continues to this day. Hell, perhaps even the Mighty Stoo may still be lurking.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 1 - 20:45
Kelly's here too! So this is where she hides after she gets sick of me leering at her.
Note to self: blow up captured images of Kelly striding through the wilds with only that sexy axe, and post in the guy's locker room.
Posted by Gordon Cheng (# 8895) on
I can't see much, Ozowen, and I can hardly hear you, but I am hearing a strong American dialect of some sort - lots of words I don't understand...
Posted by Stoo (# 254) on
The Stoo, aware of a minor disturbance amongst his people, yawns and rolls over.
He makes a mental note to inform the fellow leaders of the pride of the presence of an intruder.
He'll do it after lunch. Or tomorrow. Maybe.
Posted by Callan (# 525) on
Special Circumstances Agent Callan, reporting on the disturbance on the Boards.
At the request of the Ascended Masters of Purgatory, I have journeyed to Heaven to investigate the repreted breach of the Board Continuum. An entity, known only as RooK has escaped from the confines of Hell and is now in Heaven, masquerading as an anthropologist. The creature is fanged and possesses a rudimentary intelligence which passes for sentience in Hell and probably genius level IQ in Heaven. It is a predator which, in it's own eco-system, fulfils a useful, if lowly, function of feeding on carrion. However, this breach cannot be tolerated. Quite apart from the havoc it could wreak in heaven, like releasing a pack of rats onto an isolated island inhabited by gentle marsupials, if these incursions become routine the Sacred Slopes of Mount Purgatory could be awash with game threads from the circus, or threads about cats and tapdancing. This cannot be tolerated. I will have to deal humanely with the intruder. An industrial strength tranquiliser should do it.
(Loads tranquiliser gun with lengthy and interminable thread on ecclesiology and settles down to wait for the creature to come within range).
[ 11. February 2005, 10:23: Message edited by: Callan ]
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
There is a disturbance in the Force.
It has been years since this particular feeling has assaulted my senses.
<jj meditates>
Ahhh. An upside-down chess piece. With fangs.
Woe betide the one who steps on or otherwise causes unhappiness to the fluffy bunnies and kitties and others of this realm.
I may have to wrap the rook in the Sophie Aubrey chintz curtains.
Posted by sophs (# 2296) on
A disembodied vice wonders whether RooK thinks we forgot what happened last time...
Posted by snowgoose (# 4394) on
Ooh, poor creature, it seems to be lost. Not the usual migratory fowl. And it looks cold. It must be used to a warmer climate.
I know---I'll knit it a hat. A fluffy one. With a nice maple leaf pattern and lots of pom-poms. In the meanwhile, this will have to do.
< Takes a stripy, heavily bobbled pink-and-green tea cozy and tosses it toward the strange creature, then settles down with knitting needles. >
Posted by Mrs Badcrumble (# 5839) on
In my head, Rook now speaks like David Attenborough.... maybe Attenborough's evil twin?
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Hey - are those marshmallows?
And they're the colored kind. I like it when things come in pretty colors.
I like sweet and pretty things almost as much as I like shiny things.
I wonder what dear, sweet, kind, loving person left these here for me?
Posted by The Wanderer (# 182) on
Wow - what a difficult thread! Everybody's using such BIG words! Can anyone put all of this into simple language so that I can compr... underst.... - so that I know what's going on?
Posted by nicolemrw (# 28) on
a pilgrim wanders in.
could this be a place to end the pilgrimage?
in the center of the grove there seems to be a creature rather like a snapping turtle. the pilgrim brightens. the pilgrim likes turtles. this could be a good omen! but on inspection, the creature seems more like a small dinosaur than a turtle.
the pilgrim wanders off again.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Originally posted by Left at the Altar:
Careful RooK. You don't want to end up in the natives' soup pot.
No, that would be an anthropophagist.
Though I suppose we already have a person here who makes a lovely Stoo.
Originally posted by RooK:
Indeed, I'd love to give every native hereabouts a taste of my boot.
"Shall I? ... No, I think I'd better not."
--- Tom Lehrer, "My Home Town"
Originally posted by sophs:
A disembodied vice
What would that be, exactly? Free-floating lust?
Posted by ken (# 2460) on
Originally posted by The Wanderer:
Wow - what a difficult thread! Everybody's using such BIG words! Can anyone put all of this into simple language so that I can compr... underst.... - so that I know what's going on?
It seems to be field notes of an anthropologist.
It isn't surprising that it seems confusing at first. Such things only make sense when read in the context of a progam of research, and in terms of a a field of discourse, and when calibrated against the background of a body of theory that is itself under question. The anthropologist in a sense uses the cultural capital of the people amongst whom their field work is carried out as a source of reflexive challenge to the values and myths of the community of which they are an observer.
In many of the most productive cultural exchanges between the field and the anthropological community as mediated by the anthropologist (and thus containing at least seven points of view, the synchronic formulations of the society being studied, their cultural productions in reaction to the intervention and observation of the anthroplogist (who is of course in a sense an agent of their own birth culture), the self-regarding and self-relective processes of the anthropological community that are projected onto the outside world as scholarship or science by the fourth point of view which is the public face of the community towards the individual practicioner, the raw observations authored by the anthropologist (which may or may not contain some aspect of a Theory of Mind "out there" in the objective culture under consideration which paradoxically only exists as represented but are in any case a product of the interaction between the anthropologist and the categories of thought experienced whether or not encountered) and the internal consciousness of the anthropologist - which is of course a subject for psychology or neurology not anthropology but must be at least listed here as a possible locus of interaction making 21 unique structures in all) the anthropologist themself is both a member of and a temporary outsider to source community whilst at the same time being an outsider to the host community yet in some ways playing the role of a member over against the more embedded ur-membership.
Simple really. All a matter of gaze.
Posted by orinocco (# 5083) on
Hey - are those marshmallows?
Has this kind strange person left any big mugs of hot chocolate to go with the marshmallows? wonders the wondering womble as she passes by.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 2 - 11:30
Special Note: I felt a brightness in the Force that I haven't felt since... the Battle of the Cats during the Heaven/Hell war. Alone here in the wilds of Heaven, shall try to resist kicking any felines. The lightsabres I can parry, but I still flinch whenever I think about the chintz.
The natives appear to be extremely active in the early dawn hours. Having quietly watched them with my snide-sense from behind closed eyelids, to avoid startling them with my baleful glare, their finest ability seems to be a particular adeptness at knitting. Spotted a free-floating spirit of sardonic vice; very hard to step on. Must wait for it to land.
Heard some clumsy lout thrashing around setting up a hunting blind further down the slope, probably along a game trail, and splashing bits of what smelled like chum around as a lure. Probably Callan - I think I can detect the scent of Ben Gay. It's possible that I still owe him money from poker: will avoid.
Today will try to follow some of the natives, to get an idea of their customs. Will attempt communication, to see if any of them speak a language I know and perhaps if they can act as some sort of interpreter or guide.
Posted by Jeremiah Gutzywuk (# 8783) on
Arrives with several GLE pastors for prayer meeting.
Notices horrid stench that was not here before - senses a presence that seems out of place.
Remembers the call to "love your enemy, do good to those who hate you."
Decides - just this once - not to get close enough to lost presence to try it.
Gets to keep chin hairs as a result.
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
It's just dawned on me what all this is about. RooK is part of a vast, galactic experiment controlled by pan-dimensional beings who manifest themselves on this plane as mice. In his case, squinty little mice.
And obviously, his Babelfish isn't working.
Posted by The Bede's American Successor (# 5042) on
Originally posted by Mrs Badcrumble:
In my head, Rook now speaks like David Attenborough.... maybe Attenborough's evil twin?
If only you knew.
That anthropologist from Hell is used to being amongst the Greatly Granola Generation among the Roses while playing with his toy trucks—when not taking small rodents to a higher State of existence in rush hour. So, while one cannot measure something without affecting it somehow, the anthropologist will probably find a way to carry out his mission and return alive to tell his tales.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
[Hangs head in shame; reports to Callan]
Sir, I regret to inform you that my attempt to lure the intruder out into the open so you can get a clean shot has failed.
While he is clearly intelligent, I fear that he will not survive long in this atmosphere. Unless... Yes, that's it! I shall endeavor to convince him that he does, indeed, have a heart.
It will be a difficult mission. This close to Valentine's Day, his resistance will be higher than normal. I realize that it could mean my death, but that is a risk I am willing to take to protect my fellow shipmates.
Now, does anybody know where I can find some chunks of raw meat? Janine, you wouldn't happen to have any, would you?
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
The flickering monitor of the aurascope attracts The Navigator's attention. Hundreds of lifeforms encircling a position within the fluorescent pink jungle below. Calculations indicate high probability that The Anthropolgist has been located. Manuevering his silent vessel to an advantage point, the android moves his hand over a control board and energizes an induction field.
Deep within the bowels of the demon craft, a crackling force builds upon itself. Must be ready to lay down a cleansing wall of Hellfire on the primitives below if they choose to rush The Anthropologist. Except for a brave few, the encircling horde remains hidden.
Will attempt contact on open channel to warn rogue scientist.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay pauses, transfixed by something shiny in the sky; shakes head
Really musn't let myself get distracted like that.
trundles off in search of raw meat
Posted by Duo Seraphim (# 3251) on
To: Callan (Special Circumstances Agent)
From: Duo Seraphim
cc: Alan Cresswell, Supreme Wizard and Adminiphim Liason; RuthW, Mistress of the Mysteries and Keeper of the Holy Stones
We are concerned about this attempt to co-opt the local wildlife in your mission to restore the Continuum. Raw meat is unlikely to tempt the "rook".
The poor debased creature has interpreted your lures in the only way it knows. While it is otherwise laughable that any initiate of the Order of the Most Holy Mountain would contaminate himself with gambling, these are desperate times. The Randomness Index remains unacceptably high and we are at an increased risk of Topic Incursion.
We regret that you may have to lower yourself to losing some games of "poker", in order to tempt the creature forth.
Duo Seraphim, 7th Level Sage and Most High Defender of Topic Purity
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 2 - 16:45
Have been following one of the natives. I think it probably realizes I'm present, but seems to quickly lose interest in me. When the Keener Sidekick found me, the native was momentarily fascinated with the hovering Aerospace Hog. It's possible that I should request an Imp Parcel Service delivery of some shiny beads for use in barter here.
Sidenote: Messenger popup indicates that Keener Sidekick is trying to get in touch with me. Probably wants to share his latest copy of some Britney Spears song. Set status to "busy".
What's truly fascinating is that upon meeting another lone native, the native I was following glanced about, then gobbled the newcomer up whole. The subsequent prolonged preening process may perhaps be intended to hide evidence of the predation. It seems that here is indeed support for Darth Nightlamp's theories that Heaven inhabitants participate in many of the exact same interactions as in Hell, just more superficially sanitized. His theory about them being juicier should wait until later in the expedition to be tested.
Comm system claims that there is some sort of Orange Alert about suspected activity from Purgatorim Terrorists. Probably about Callan the Stinky. Ignoring for now; I have enough Duct Tape.
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
The farce RooK. Use the farce.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
turns up gain on ToadyPhone 3000™. faint sounds of sniggering interspersed with crunching and slurping on the base frequency. the ship shimmers briefly and winks out.
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
I have been in communication with the Purgatoids. Apparently, they only wish to study you to ascertain whether or not you can recite the home phone number of the Archbishop of Canterbury. Never fear. I will let you know what it is in case of an emergency. Please do watch out for the one called Alan though. I hear he invades other countries and carries off their women.
The one you need to watch out for is the Dead Horses Host. He is said to have incredible stamina. Did you know he reads all of those posts in Dead Horses and still has not committed Seppuku, or shot innocent civilians using an AK-47 at the nearest tower?
Please be sure and not interrupt any Heaven rituals. I understand that they are quite upset when one is interrupted. You have heard of the curse, haven't you?
Posted by dj_ordinaire (# 4643) on
After establishing a vantage point in the nearest Chapel of Ease, I am able to report back to Mystery Worship that neither the fiendish anthropologist, his Celestial Quarry nor those curiously longwinded Purgatorial types are properly vested for the liturgical Season.
The light at Rook's camp is derived from little butane lamps rather than symmetrically arranged altar candles, and even though it is Saturday he has neglected to wear blue socks. His pith helmet is exceptionally comely, however, probably purchased at that nice little Bespoke Safari Outfitter off Savile Row, and in a material that could at a distance be mistaken for lace. I might attempt to steal it.
My only fear is that by the time I return to more liturgically competent climes, the whole thing will have gone "belly-up" and turn into some sort of tea-light toting "Ecclesiantic" realm...
Posted by Custard. (# 5402) on
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Sarkycow wanders into base camp, straight through the perimeter of motion sensors. The sensors appear about to go off, but a quick wave of the toasting fork emabrrasses them into silence.
Thought you might be needing some more sulphur by now. Found anything interesting up here?
There's a little fluffy thing hanging about in the treees over there. It keeps laughing manically. I suggest we observe it - see if it does anything more than laugh.
Posted by snowgoose (# 4394) on
My, we seem to be having a lot of visitors today. Better put the kettle on.
< Sets knitting down carefully, puts kettle on, prepares teapot, puts out trays of cakes and little cups of sweets on those frilly paper doilies. >
Tea, anyone?
Posted by Light (# 4693) on
Mmm, hot tea! Heaven really is pleasant. Hell wasn't more than lukewarm when I passed through and Purgatory offered some really exotic cuisine, but the snoring from some of the longer threads quite ruined the athmosphere. The music in the Circus is enough to drive anyone crazy and I couldn't get reliable directions to either Mystery Worshipper or Small Fire.
Perhaps I should stay here for a while. Seems peaceful enough at the moment.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
After snacking on a newbie who had begged me to be put him out of his misery, I have spent the night hunting and skinning a bunny. In the event that the intruder attacks, I believe the momentary confusion of having a dead animal, particularly one that bears a resemblance to a shipmate he enjoys leering at, will distract him for long enough for me to run away. (sorry, Kelly, but it’s an emergency)
saysay conceals the dead bunny in a meadow near his camp, then goes for a walk in the woods. She thought, for a while, that he was following her at a distance, but she seems to have lost him during the night. She is not sure if he needs sleep. She takes a quick nap. Upon awakening, she skips into the meadow.
RooK? she twirls her hair, as she has learned that this makes her appear less threatening. Do you wanna come out and play?
She hears a rustling in the woods but gets no response.
Listen, RooK, it’s OK. I understand. You’re afraid that we won’t love you for who you are. I know that fear. I understand. But up here we try really hard to get along. I’m sure if you just told us something about yourself, we could find some common ground.
More rustling. She is sure he is out there (of course, she is often wrong).
I know you’ve probably been rejected many times, by many different people, and that really, you just want to be loved. But there are people here who can commiserate. If you just gave us a chance, I think you’d find that we’re not nearly as horrible as you think.
She decides to sit down, even though this makes her more vulnerable.
I know it’s hard to trust. I’m involved in a relationship with an atheistic Jewish optical engineer (well, he’s as atheistic as you can be when you’re raised on the Force and Sandman ). Just last week he compared me to a Macintosh computer, saying that I was all pretty pictures, cute noises, and antiestablishment and stuff. “Sweetie,” I had to say, “this is why none of your relationships with other people last more than two weeks. Some people compare women with a summer’s day. You compare them to operating systems.”
Still no movement. saysay takes out a lighter, it being the only vaguely mechanical thing on hand, and starts rolling it along the ground.
We have toys here. They are simply toys, but fun. See? It makes a great noise and it sparks.
She stands up and wipes the dirt off her behind.
I know you’re out there. And I know you care more than you let on. Why else would you be here? C’mon out.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 4754) on
Well, as I for one have given up reading the Hell board for Lent, I welcome the Anthropologist to these shores with glad cries and some really nice chocolate.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi walks silently through the heavenly realm, circling the area the chess piece seems to have taken as a sanctuary. Except for the gentle lowing of a bovine creature, all is quiet.
It is the jedi's intent that the area remains that way.
I sense much fear in the rook creature. Does he not understand the danger of falling to the dark side?
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 3 - 17:00
Encounters with Tortuf continue. Either the fishing around here is really good, or he's hitting on me. One of us is bound to be disappointed.
Remote sensors reported a hot babe dropping off sulphur and supplies at base camp. Must remember to return to base camp cautiously. Sarky isn't someone to surprise, unless you like being stabbed or beaten. Now that I think about it, I've never had much opportunity to talk with any of her boyfriends...
That damn Jedi is out there; I can feel it. I do hope that Sarky resists being confrontational. I fear suffering through some more chintz. Gah. I see paisley just thinking about it. Doesn't she realize the danger of horribly mismatched decoration?
Exciting development: I think the native I've shadowing is attempting communication! It appears to speak a mildly offensive religious dialect of psycho-babblese. Perhaps Sarky might be more adept at translation? Not wanting to lose this rare opportunity, however, will endeavour to tell the small female that I won't kill it immediately, and that I am hoping to learn about its culture. Translated into pidgin psycho-babblese, that should be something like:
"Hello fellow worthwhile being. I feel that you might be intimidated by my strangeness and various differences from yourself, but I want to assure you that there is no need to give into these primitive fears - even though they are perfectly normal and are nothing to be ashamed of. Would you please be so kind as to help me understand how you feel about yourself, and your personal relationships with others that you know? Did your mother beat you?"
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
[*boink*] ...the silvery disk snaps back into local space-time.
The subspace interference on the base frequency turned out to be a minor ritual lambasting of a fourth level Purgatoid. Although it initially showed promise as a sacrificial blood-letting, it was mysteriously canceled by a Styxian Overlord; presumably for clumsy liturgy and identity exposure.
Resuming defensive observational position 1,500m alt.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Sarkycow wanders round from behind the tent, where she was lurking to watch the Jedi Mistress.
Hmmm, I remember her from last time. She tried to redecorate Hell. And she set up a cattery. Damn woman. I must try and keep the peace there. All we're really doing is watching and recording what the natives get up to up here - it's not like we'll be doing any real harm...
Though if she starts waving that lightsabre at me, the fork might accidentally fall through her heart.
Sarkycow grabs a sharpening iron, and begins working on her fork tines. In a short while, she'll take a walk through the forest, and see what's out there.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
The aurascope indicates a local lifeform equipped with advanced weaponry! It's metaclorian count is off the scale! This may indicate possible experience with bloodletting.
If the Reverend Cow can convince the bold creature to put aside it's butterfly net and energy-tube, perhaps she'll find a useful specimen to interrogate.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Bunny hears some commotion in the woods and heads that direction,hoping that there will be beer and weenie roasts involved.
She stops as she spots a shred of fur on the path. She stoops to inspect it
It looks familiar.
(swinging axe wildly)
"Curse whatever foul man or beast has devoured my kin! I hope he gives you indigestion, you fiend!"
Her grief spent, Bunny tosses the skin aside. Was bound to happen sooner or later. Guy had a habit of getting a drunk-on and chatting up coyotes.
[ 13. February 2005, 16:32: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
Native appears transfixed, and despite a long day and night of attempting communication with a combination of pidgin-speak, diagrams, and gestures, no real headway has been made. It's possible that the native might either be capable of sleeping with its eyes open, or it's thinking really really slowly. Perhaps both, simultaneously.
Side note: have discovered that some of the plants here may be sentient. I noticed their seeming annoyance when I ripped off some of their leaves for use as makeshift TP. Perhaps these may be extremely sedentiary animals that have undergone convergent evolution with plants, or they may be plants that have evolved some need for minor problem-solving capabilities. Either way, they represent an extremely exciting discovery, for they are remarkably soft and absorbant.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay claps her hands and jumps up and down when RooK comes out to play. Her initial excitement wanes, however, when it becomes clear that RooK is one of those intelligent Yankee boys who doesn’t stop speaking long enough for anyone to get a word in edgewise. She does what she usually does in these situations – she stares at him and pretends that she’s listening, while she’s actually mentally rearranging her living room and thinking about what she’s going to have for dinner. Boys have such fragile egos, and she hates to damage them unnecessarily. As evening approaches, it becomes clear that his stamina is greater than most people’s. She has been known, in these kinds of desperate situations, to solve the problem by sticking something, such as her hand, across the boy’s mouth. Given the creature’s fangs, this does not seem like a wise option, and she does not want to waste the bunny, lest it become necessary later.
Oh good grief! she finally says, stamping her foot. Enough already.
You want to know how I feel about the other natives hereabouts? I like them. They make me laugh .
Do you know what it means to like someone or something? Do you know what laughter is, you poor little creature?
And no, my mother didn’t beat me, although she did occasionally twist my arm behind my back to make me stay in the corner when I wouldn’t. Mostly, though, she subjected me to long and torturous conversations about why I was acting the way I was acting. Do you know what a conversation is, or do you always just go on and on like everyone else is supposed to care about what you think just because your IQ is two points higher than the average person's?
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The chess piece seems to spend a lot of time writing and looking at the bottoms of its shoes. Oh, and its sanitary habits are most unusual. I wonder, would it prefer to know where the sanitary facilities are, or would a cat box be more to its taste? I must be wary. Even though it seems harmless enough, I fear the creature has fallen farther to the dark side than I first thought.
The jedi turns to observe the interesting bovine creature which has turned to watch her in turn.
How interesting. A fork? One would think that she might fear the instrument by which many of its fellow creatures have been consumed. Perhaps she thinks that it might be of some use against the antique space ship which seems to be hovering above this area.
The jedi walks silently to check on the native bunnies and cats and others, remembering that they prefer to live in peace in this heavenly land.
Note to self: no more attemps to transplant the creatures of this land to other less hospitable lands should be made. They complained loudly about the general uncleanliness and unpleasant smell. Oh, and someone actually thought that the pattern of the chintz was paisley . How can one confuse florals with paisley??
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 4 - later that day
The native has appeared to awaken with a spasmodic twitch. Possible later testing should include investigating congenital proclivity for seizures.
It may be prudent to transmit a recording of the interaction to Sarky for her opinion on some specifics, but I think I understand enough to proceed. Other than some phraseology that would indicate sexist tendencies and confusion about my origin, the little native female primarily seemed eager to demonstrate her appreciation for her tribe and its customs.
She invoked a chest-thumping behaviour that one might suspect as being out of place in this land, but again agrees convenietly with Darth Nightlamp's theory of their sublimated hypocrisy. Additionally, she appeared to recognize and acknowledge my vast intellectual superiority and made the somewhat sophisticated response of being hostile about the fact. It is possible that I have inadvertently found an oddly aggressive native, or it may merely be a periodic phenomenon.
For convenience of reference, I'll designate this individual "bitchy native", and have irradiated her with a tracking and identification marker. Hopefully I can learn some more from bitchy native, or use my charms to persuade her to take me to her leader.
Addendum: Jedi still lingering. Clearly it is either watching me and Sarky for security reasons, or it's attracted to bastards like most girls are.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
I see now why the anthropologist had to venture so far from his native home -- his ego has obviously grown too large to be contained in one stratosphere.
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on
To: Callan (Special Circumstances Agent)
From: RuthW, Mistress of the Mysteries and Keeper of the Holy Stones
cc: Alan Cresswell, Supreme Wizard and Adminiphim Liason; Duo Seraphim, 7th Level Sage and Most High Defender of Topic Purity
My dear sir,
I regret the need to press you on the matter, but the necessity of containing the entity known as RooK and mending the breach in the time-fora continuum grows urgent. There are as we speak no fewer than two threads on The Lord of the Rings on the sacred slopes of Mount Purgatory, and the discussion of sex, drugs and rock'n'roll continues unabated. While a certain amount of light-heartedness may be tolerable in Purgatory, I fear the consequences if the trend is not stopped.
How soon may we expect the RooK to be captured and returned to its native habitat? Do you require assistance? Will the interminable thread on ecclesiology be strong enough to bring down the RooK, or do you need to be resupplied with a discussion of the filioque?
Posted by Sine Nomine (# 3631) on
Originally posted by RuthW:
How soon may we expect the RooK to be captured and returned to its native habitat? Do you require assistance? Will the interminable thread on ecclesiology be strong enough to bring down the RooK, or do you need to be resupplied with a discussion of the filioque?
Have you considered laying a trail of Hair Club gift certificates leading to a cage baited with the latest issue of Hot Rod Magazine? That should do the trick.
[ 14. February 2005, 10:24: Message edited by: Sine Nomine ]
Posted by nicolemrw (# 28) on
the pilgrim wanders in again, and noticing snowgoose, accepts a cup of tea and a cake, nodding politely in thanks.
the pilgrim wanders off again, sipping tea and nibbling cake.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Aw, RooK, sweetie, come back. I was just playing.
As she watches the intruder wander back to his camp, saysay remembers a coworker, C, from one of the jobs she held in college. One day, as she worked on the computer, C took a pin and repeatedly jabbed it in her arm. She ignored it for a while, and then, when it became annoying, said “would you quit doing that? Is there a reason you’re poking me?”
“You’re just so funny,” C said, “’Cause you don’t do anything.” After a brief pause, C began poking her again, which resulted in a heated, profanity-laden exchange. “You’re so cute when you’re mad,” C said as he pinched her chipmunk cheek.
“OK, so I’m funny when I ignore it, and I’m cute when I’m mad. Is there actually anything I can do to get you to stop trying to hurt me?”
“No.” At which point, saysay picked up one of the water noodles provided by their boss so the student workers could release their aggression without hurting each other and proceeded to beat him until she got tired.
RooK, I’m sorry if I was mean to you. I was just trying to talk to you in a language you might understand. Your ways are strange and all that.
saysay watches RooK stumble blindly around. Since, after five days, he still seems unaware that others possess any sort of sentience, she knows that teaching him the ways of Heaven – where the acceptability of a post is often determined by the intention of the poster – will be an impossible task. Trusting the Jedi to keep him confined, she skips off in search of Callan.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Having scanned the landscape, and seen the Jedi Mistress glide westwards, Sarkycow decides it would be prudent to begin her explorations eastwards. Accordingly, she heads east, through the trees.
Posted by Light (# 4693) on
This is a nice teaparty, but there is an inordinate amount of coming and going. What about peacefulness? I knew I should have packed the flamethrower.
Starts rummaging through backpack in search of a peacemaking device.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 5 - noon
And now I understand why they call this realm "Heaven". Have encountered the most lovely creature, clad in the purest shimmering samite. It floated over to me, punctured my stabilizing ego bladder, and disappeared. (Note: must avoid diving too deep into any Pyx_e threads until ego heals.) It's clear that this being must be revered as a goddess by the natives.
Unfortunately, while I was distracted by the Heavenly Goddess, bitchy native wandered off. I may have missed some cultural cue, or failed to assure her that she was not fat, or perhaps she was intimidated by the presence of the Heavenly Goddess. Regardless, I seem to have missed any chance to use bitchy native as a guide.
My instinctive fear of being stabbed is steadily fading, which must mean that Sarky is moving off eastward. To maximize our cooperative exploration, and minimize my chances of pissing her off, I'll head west...
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay's quest to find Callan and request further orders was cut short when she stumbled upon a toy store. After a few hours of playing, she decides that maybe the intruder would feel better if the natives treated him like a native, instead of a hostile. She returns to the camp.
RooK, are you there? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I brought you a present.
He's ugly and pathetic, just like you, but adorable in his own way. You know, G-d loves you the way that we love the ugly dolls.
I'll just leave him right here for you. I understand if it's hard for you to accept gifts from others, so I won't be offended if you don't take him home with you.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
Moving in a generally westward direction, the jedi senses that the heavenly citizens are aware of the visitors, but not unduly alarmed. Some, in fact, are attempting communication...and...bribery? Yet...the cold fingers of the dark side appear to creep closer to the jedi's back...
The chess piece has left its sanctuary. Does it come in peace, or will I be called on to defend my fellows?
The jedi turns, lightsaber in hand, but un-lit, prepared to meet the RooK, should it decide to show itself.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
Perhaps his big head is actually hiding a big brain, after all. I'd never heard of samite, not being up on my medieval fabric and all that. So I Googled and found this little ditty about Morgan Le Fey.
All in all, I think an encounter with samite would suit him better than one with tat.
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
Note to self:
The Hell base camp is a mess of empty beer cans (Mostly Canada Blue) and empty pork and bean cans. There are burnt spots here and there. I see the remains of some hosenpheffer by the fire.
I have activated the airborne drones to track the Hellish fiends, err . . . friends, who appear to be headed in opposite directions. It has occurred to me to tell them that Heaven is an exceptionally small place. They are bound to run into one another pretty soon now. I have dispatched the drones for precisely that reason. I will either prevent some needless bloodshed, or I will be able to sell the videotapes.
I can sense the recent presence of a member of another protector race. She, it was a she, seems to have not degenerated as much as my crowd. Must remember to not be seen by her. She will probably ask some embarrassing questions. I think all the bodies are sufficiently well hidden, but you never know. The bribes that work so well with Hellhosts seems to not interest her kind.
I have rifled through Rooks wallet. Careless of him to have left it here. I'll just take it to keep it safe. With any luck, he won't report the credit cards stolen for a few days.
Lots of these Heaven creatures around. Best to give them a few rounds from my 45 just to be safe. Tends to keep them at bay.
I wonder if the copy of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England I left out to tempt the Purgatoids has worked.
Posted by The Bede's American Successor (# 5042) on
Originally posted by Tortuf:
Note to self:
The Hell base camp is a mess of empty beer cans (Mostly Canada Blue) and empty pork and bean cans. There are burnt spots here and there. I see the remains of some hosenpheffer by the fire.
One should start to question whether this camp is inhabited by the person known as RooK. One has to remember that RooK comes from the Land of the Lotus in the Great White North. His education climaxed at the seat of all Power and Patronage on the Holy Island reached only by Fairy (or was that Ferry?).
Apples don't fall far from the tree, even in Hell. Therefore, one must examine all the evidence in a scientific manner to see if this messy camp could be one for a person from Lotus Land.
Was this label of the Canadian blue beer that you found in the camp? This is a libation favoured (note spelling) by many from Lotus Land—and is sometimes found in places south of Lotus Land.
I wonder if the copy of Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England I left out to tempt the Purgatoids has worked.
Flattery will get you everywhere.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 6 - noon
Distracted by the perimeter sensors back at base camp showing the return of bitchy native, and a fleeting appearance by the Heavenly Goddess, not to mention being distracted by the Jedi... I appear to have accidentally stumbled into some sort of viscous quicksand. The expedition sank considerably before I managed to levitate out.
Upon closer inspection, it appears as though the entire landscape is of a variable consistency. While the terrain seems firm enough while the natives or visitors pay attention to it, if their attenion wanders everything starts to sink down.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on
The creature (or perhaps I should call it the Scientist, since it seems to be attempting, in its clumsy way, to investigate its environment) had a near escape from one of the quicksands in the Deconstruction Zone. I suppose I should have given it a more explicit warning, but it shows no sign of having any listening skills to speak of--it seems to think it already knows everything that matters. I have observed several other beings that have recently appeared in the neighborhood that exhibit similar behavioral characteristics, though physically they are quite different. All, however, seem cognitively adapted to a much harder and hotter environment. Perhaps I will try to interview the Scientist and discover his motivations, perhaps even achieve some mutual understanding of our respective realities.
I will observe him from a distance a while longer, just to make sure he isn't really dangerous.
[ 15. February 2005, 21:41: Message edited by: Timothy the Obscure ]
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay watches as RooK almost drowns in quicksand, then destroys some of the Deconstruction Zone while trying to extricate himself. She was afraid of this. The damage can be repaired easily enough, but RooK cannot last long here. Creatures who are used to ordering the world through logic often flounder when a little postmodern relativity is introduced, since they lack the ability to sense its rhythm. Although she suspects he won't understand the hint, she starts to sing:
Tests have shown
That suspicious or hostile
Their lives need not be shortened
Truth be told, they can live a long, long while
Tickled to death by their importance
Posted by Gordon Cheng (# 8895) on
Had trouble understanding this thread for a little while, but it has finally clicked.
RooK is cruising for lerv and realises that his type simply don't frequent Hell.
Posted by welsh dragon (# 3249) on
Mental state:
On observation, appearance of newcomer is dishevelled. Wearing strangely chosen and illmatching items; also wearing sunglasses indoors. Note smell of stale alcohol. Also unusual smell??sulphur.
Appears to be responding to auditory hallucinations. Rapport difficult to maintain and eye contact poor. Note also unusual ? compulsive note taking behaviour - producing multiple pages of meaningless squiggles to which he attaches great significance. Also humming sixties tune to self.
Mood is variable. Admits to irritability. Mood subjectively low. Says he feels lost and out of place. Does not admit to frank suicidal ideation however.
Appears to entertain complex delusional system regarding goddess and Hell. Also mumbling about aliens. Says he is an important scientist. Exhibiting grandiose delusions regarding own importance.
Cognition not formally tested. Subject appears distractible and irritable currently; formal testing could be carried out at a later date.
Impression: would recommend admission for further oservation and detailed assessment. Suggest urine drug screen to exclude intoxication with ilicit substances. Would need prn benzodiazepine script in case of alcohol withdrawal which has not been excluded at this assessment.
Does not appear to be at major risk to self or others though, so compulsory committal not warranted at this stage. However trial of medication strongly recommended in view of the distress his abnormal beliefs appear to be causing him.
Has asked for repatriation, which we may be able to fund as a simple and practical solution to this gentleman's situation...
Can do fuller assessment and report on payment of standard fee...
[ 16. February 2005, 02:57: Message edited by: welsh dragon ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 6 - night
There was astonishment at remote sensors recording bitchy native uttering Sacred Words, clearly indicating a highly sophisticated culture. This means that earlier observations may need to be re-evaluated. Then in a particularly ironic sequence, one native seemed to suggest that I should strengthen the Heavenly breed by donating genetic material, then another creepily described my second date with my current nurse, -er, girlfriend.
Now that I've seen the Heavenly Goddess, the rest of this strange land seems dull and pointless in comparison. Am contemplating faking some footage to sell to tabloids, and getting the Hell out of here. Also, have finished mapping portions that would be improved by paving, generally corresponding with the bits above sea level.
Medical note: have developed an unusual rash on butt. Closely resembles a Welsh minister. May require surgical removal.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
Originally posted by welsh dragon:
Mental state:[...]
Impression: would recommend admission for further oservation and detailed assessment. Suggest urine drug screen to exclude intoxication with ilicit substances.
Goto sub12; intiate extraction routine; burnout. Goto fluffyX; initiate level sterilization.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi feels a subtle change in the force...the chess piece is...bored. She breathes a gentle sigh of relief.
It's a good thing the RooK creature wasn't having a thrilling-good time in the deconstruction zone quicksand Dizzy World ride. It apparently doesn't understand the nature of our fair land. Maybe it can hitch a ride with the rusty spacecraft back to its own environs soon.
The jedi spins, and with her lightsaber deflects a sterilization beam which has been emitted from the antique spaceship. As she wishes to not harm the craft or its occupant, she redirects the beam to a near miss a scant two feet in front of the beam emitter.
If he's going to play games, he should go to the Circus lands.
The jedi barely refrains from rolling her blue eyes...
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Originally posted by saysay:
Just last week he compared me to a Macintosh computer, saying that I was all pretty pictures, cute noises, and antiestablishment and stuff. “Sweetie,” I had to say, “this is why none of your relationships with other people last more than two weeks. Some people compare women with a summer’s day. You compare them to operating systems.”
I suppose he could then...
say, "SaySay, what you want? But don't play games with my affection..."
ahr ahr ahr
Posted by Callan (# 525) on
Special Circumstances Agent Callan, to Ascended Master Ruth:
cc - Ascended Masters Alan and Duo.
My attempts to stun the creature have been thwarted by the large number of visitors entering his lair, preventing me from getting a clear shot. I agree that the matter is of some urgency and am concerned that the ecclesiology thread may not suffice to stun the creature.
I recommend exceptional measures. Someone will need to ask TonyK, Lord of the Crypt, if we can borrow the Death of Darwinism thread. That should do the trick nicely.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
DAY 8 - midday
It seems that I have exhausted the variety of passive observational methods that seem to be available for data gathering.
Time for Phase Two.
(Opens specially constructed storage container with a soft hiss of parting seals, reaches in an pulls out a small calico kitten.)
"Maio? Maio. Maaaio. Purrr purrr purr..."
(Rummages around in storage container some more.)
I appear to have misplaced my condiments.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Originally posted by ChastMastr:
I suppose he could then...
say, "SaySay, what you want? But don't play games with my affection..."
ahr ahr ahr
And I could then respond, "but, darling, if I didn't toy with your affections, how on earth would I entertain myself?"
You haven't been eavesdropping on our conversations, have you?
saysay watches as the defanged destroyer limps into the bay. He seems to have a strange affinity for water - which is to say he doesn't seem to hate the watery parts of Heaven quite as much as the rest of it. He appears to be thinking of leaving these realms. As she doubts he will clean up his own mess, she starts picking up empty beer cans.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay notes with alarm that the intruders contact with the water seems to have drawn up repressed memories, which made him react with raw aggression.
Jedi! Help!
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Originally posted by saysay:
And I could then respond, "but, darling, if I didn't toy with your affections, how on earth would I entertain myself?"
You haven't been eavesdropping on our conversations, have you?
No, just the "Hits of the 80s" hour on the radio.
er, you see, in 1983 there was this song...
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Sarkycow has spent the last day wandering through the woods, and playing with fluffy animals - in the way a cat might play with a mouse, prior to eating it. She has now reached the edge of the clearing, and is looking out across the landscape, when she spies RooK.
"Hey, look what I found!"
She holds up her toasting fork, with seven small, fluffy creatures impaled on the tines. In response, RooK grins, and holds up the cat in one hand. His other hand is empty.
"Whatcha looking for?"
She quickly crosses the clearing, as he answers. She nods, thinks for a minute, then begins rummaging in her bag. After a quick search, she pulls something out and hands it to RooK.
"Think that'll do. Now we just need some fire."
Posted by sophs (# 2296) on
A voice from the trees around the camp calls for Jedi Judy...
I'm sure she won't let small fluffy things get eaten.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
Eaten? Of course not. Don't be silly. Do we look like Kenwritez to you?
No, I use kittens purely for artistic purposes. I use them as interestingly-shaped brushes for my particular form of artwork that happen to use condiments as a medium. OK, it just so happens that all the really interesting shapes only happen when you fling the condiment-laden kitten really hard at the "artistic surface", and that coincidentally causes them to be temptingly tenderized...
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Hey, RooK, I didn't realise that you'd learnt their language!
I'm... almost impressed.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
To be fair, I still can't actually pronounce some of their sounds or mince properly - so I built a translator.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Smart man
But yeah, they do seem to walk funny. When they're walking, and not either flitting from tangent to tangent, or hopping/skipping across the stream of consciousness.
Judging by the reactions of the native inhabitants, I think we're seeing an entirely new society to that of the Great War. Even the leaders appear to have changed unusually. I wonder what could have caused this?
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
The discarded whoopee cushions and used french ticklers I've found littering the landscape during my sojourn suggest a possible answer. They've become... naughty.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay notes that while the intruders seem to have gathered a number of fluffy things, they don't seem to be intent on hurting them. She puts down her water noodle, relieved that it doesn't look like she's going to have to get over her fear of forks on this particular day.
Posted by The Bede's American Successor (# 5042) on
Originally posted by RooK:
The discarded whoopee cushions and used french ticklers I've found littering the landscape during my sojourn suggest a possible answer. They've become... naughty.
Is there any evidence that the residents of Heaven actually know how to use such material, other than objects d' arte?
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi walks swiftly to a clearing where a small, but artfully arranged fire burns. There, the bovine creature and the chess piece have captured several small furry citizens, and indeed, some of them are attached to the cow's strange fork. The calls for help are resounding through the forest. She recognizes saysay and sophs concerned cries.
I understand that you are very likely unaware of how polite society behaves here in our land, so allow me to offer you some instruction. The jedi grabs the furry animals from the fork...thank goodness they were impaled through the scruffs of their little necks and will heal fairly quickly...and removes the kitten from the RooK. These are not food or playthings. And I am not amused.
The force smacks the jedi across her head... Oh, you aren't intending to be nice? Nice, you know...agreeable, pleasing, uhh...friendly? Kind? No?
There aren't any more around like you, are there?
The jedi attempts to summon Callan through the force. Get Ruth, she'll know what to do.
I'm afraid I must escort you two...ummm...gentlebeings to your home. If I'm correct about your origins, I've been there before, and it's not exactly my choice of a favorite destination. (It does explain your attitudes toward furry beings, however.) <sigh> What we jedi must go through to keep the peace.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
Fortunately, I've come prepared.
(Rummages through container again, and produces another kitten. This one is quieter, and much less squirmy.)
I suspected that you might not appreciate the finer points of live art, and have thoughtfully prepared an alternative array of tofu-kittens. Sarky doesn't like them as much, because they tend to fall apart easier when speared. I've got quite a few in here, and am prepared to juggle them if it'll help make them seem more appealing. It seems to encourage Sarky to take a stab at them (and me).
They need more condiments, though. Lots more condiments.
Unless an exchange of artistic thought isn't possible, of course. Then we'll have to think of something else as a means of cultural exchange. Besides rishathra.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
Okay. Tofu kittens? You may keep them if you wish. (Do you eat tofu, and if so, do you always play with your food?)
The jedi gently dislodges the live kitten from the RooK.
Ahh! Live arts! We can help you and your friend Sarky with that. Music, sir! And nothing like that strange rishathra stuff. Here in heaven we offer a wide variety of musical programs. Indeed, we are overflowing with talented musicians. Perhaps that would be just the thing to "soothe the savage breast"? No! No, I'm certainly not calling you a savage, sir.
The jedi calms her mind and spirit in order to communicate verbally with the RooK creature and simultaneously send a mental message to the sensitive members of the heavenly lands. "Run! Run! I'm distracting these"visitors", giving you the chance to hide!" You know me, I'd really rather not slice them up.
Mr. RooK, sir? You might want to consider fewer condiments, or perhaps ones with less salt and habaneros. Here, try some fresh parsley. I'll bet your friend Sarky would like that, too.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
;halt fluffyX.
;goto inf.loop ;suspend.
Interesting. Individual equipped with energy-tube has deflected my targeting laser. Evidence suggests that jedi has mistaken targeting device for main molecular battle disassembler. Attempting to engage humour circuits.
Halt on Memory Error; core dump advised;would you like to forward this error message to...CANCEL. ;reboot;goto autoexec.bat
Where was I...Oh, yes.
Interesting. The jedi considers my craft "antique". Indeed, the engineering integral to its operation represents a pinnacle of physical science, stabilized and formed several millennia before she was a twinkle in a metaclorian's eye. The very force that she claims is with her, powers this planet-destroying technology, the effects of which may yet be her fate.
The jedi seems to be defending this backwater domain with great resolve. Unusual. Will observe for awhile longer.
Posted by Demas (# 7147) on
Originally posted by Gort:
The jedi considers my craft "antique".
If your software is written in BASIC on DOS you only have yourself to blame.
"goto autoexec.bat" indeed
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
A short quick burst vaporizes the hapless creature's malfunctioning satire meter.
Posted by Rat (# 3373) on
A small, sleek and rather nondescript little creature comes slipping around the edge of the clearing, its tiny claws skittering on the forest floor. The kind of animal that might pop out of the undergrowth in any realm, but usually goes unnoticed by the larger inhabitants. Since this is a day with a y in it, its little mind is mainly occupied by the thought of food. 'Food, food, food, food, f-'
It is brought up short, nose twitching and whiskers akimbo. blocking its accustomed path. A massive paw shaped thing with claws much like the creature's own, except blacker, scarier, much, much bigger and...what is that extraordinary smell? In the back of its mind the creature notes some other feet in the vicinity - hooves that might belong to a cow, and some futuristic boots - but neither of those seem likely to result in food. But this here...well, it's amazing the unprepossessing things that sometimes turn out to taste good.
The creature reaches out for an experimental nip. Its tiny teeth are sharp as sharp knives, and its little mind can incline to viciousness if it thinks the prey won't bite back.
The massive claw shifts, and another waft of that strange smell surrounds the little creature. Abruptly, it changes its mind. Probably not food, then. Probably tastes nasty - yeah, that's it, in fact it never intended to bite that yucky looking claw at all. Is there a smell of tofu around here?
The tiny creature skitters off back into the undergrowth, unnoticed. 'Food, food, food, food...'
Posted by Living in Gin (# 2572) on
The man known to his friends simply as "Gin" and his loyal sidekick Spong, traveling through the area by train, get off at the local stop to walk around a bit. Takes note of strange landscape and odd dialect. Notes that one creature looks vaguely familiar, possibly having briefly met in the lobby of a house of ill-repute back home. Decides not to investigate further when Spong senses this is not a safe place for him.
Gin finds his interest quickly waning. After building an architecturally noteworthy shrine to himself nearby, he gulps down a few White Castle sliders and washes it down with a couple of extra-dry Tanqueray martinis. He than takes Spong and staggers back to the station to await the next train to Chicago.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Ok, I've cleared a space on the ground, RooK.
But, I was thinking, perhaps these... creatures, are more into natural art? Drawing with burnt sticks, and using leaves and berries to make paint-like substances, perhaps?
I'm not sure that we can communicate directly with them, but possibly leaving them some pictures and gifts might encourage them to come closer?
(I don't recommend that we draw our home, though - it's very different to here, and might just scare the creatures.)
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
(Offers a comic book about a relative of Sarky's as a sort of peace offering. No forks, but she does have fangs...)
Posted by nicolemrw (# 28) on
the pilgrim wanders in, glances at the comic book pages, and immediatly morphs into other form of Librarian.
oh migawd, chast, its from howard the duck! waugh! i remember the original issue!!!
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay wanders off to fetch hot dogs and beer, as this seems to have turned into quite the party. It looks like the intruders, er, guests, are going to perform for the natives. And they brought the condiments. Which was a bit presumptuous of them, really, but whatever.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
saysay returns with refreshments and sets them up on the picnic table.
She suffers a brief panic attack as she realizes that the ship's True Queen, He who she strives to emulate (forever falling short of His glory) would not approve of such low-rent refreshments.
She contemplates asking Him what to do, but doubts He would condescend to speak with her.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Bunny leans on axe handle, blatantly evesdropping on RooK and Sark from behind a tree.
Ah, you crazy kids. What do you plan to do to 'em once you lure them in?
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
Hmmm... I wouldn't mind a nibble of tofu-kitten, myself. Just to see what it tastes like, you understand, with a sprinkle of cayenne pepper...
Posted by Scot (# 2095) on
I expect that it tastes like tofu chicken.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
Yep. Parts is parts.
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
And now, for some cultural exchange.
(Cue's hovering spacecraft to direct a spotlight on the event, and to start playing appropriately lilting tones over its loudspeakers.)
All right, first I'll just get myself an array of tofu kittens, dipping each one in a different brightly-coloured condiment, like so...
(Dunks each jiggly kitten-shaped edible brush into bowls of bright yellow mustard, or light red catsup, or ruddy barbeque sauce, or dark creole spices, or greenish curry. Then tosses each kitten up in a graceful arc, until they are all part of a spectacular juggling array, all flinging colourfully about in time with the music.)
All right, now my lovely assistant Ms. Sarkycow will hold up a large blank panel... like so. And now, bunnys and boys, a tribute to our shared history...!
(The kittens, while still being juggled, are alternately bounced off the panel. They bump against the panel, leaving a colourful and interestingly-shaped blot, then bounce back into the complex juggling pattern. The sound of the kittens thumping against the board beats a drum line adding new texture to the accompaniment. Slowly the, the individual blots start to pile up into recognizable shapes, until they form a remarkable image of a large ship cresting over turbulent seas, complete with a portrait of Simon Jenkins smiling benevolently from the wheelhouse.)
Thup thup thup thup thup... thup thup thupplSHPAT!
(The kittens are all caught, except that one comes apart from all the stress at the very end, splattering part of its faux-anatomy on the ground - revealing a startling-green interior.)
Green? Ooops. That's not tofu. These are Soylent Green kittens.
Sorry about that, Grits.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
Oh, well, that's just great. For once, I decide to get outside my culinary comfort zone and try a little kitten, but, noooooooooo... the brilliant young anthropologist ends up trying to feed me people.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi came near to believing that the bovine creature and the chess piece might start to "play nice". Just when she thought she might be able to let these little ones happily play with their food, the gruesome truth is revealed.
Soylent Green kittens, not even Darth Vader dared such an evil deed. Where is the hive of scum and villainy that is home to the ogres which have created such a monstrous defiling of life (or death)? Doubtless it is the same ill-conceived country which begat you two uninvited visitors.
The art was fine...reminded me of those elephant paintings made a bit east of here, but, come on! Soylent Green is just so-o-o disgusting. We've got some really good restaurants around here. Would you care for some Italian?
The jedi tries to herd the visitors toward the path that leads to several nice eating establishments. Meanwhile, she almost tosses her cookies just thinking about the SG kitten.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
OOOooohhh... cookies!
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
Hmmmmmmm... I smell food! What's there to eat around here?
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
Hey! I recognize that fruitcake.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
The ship morphs into a glittering disco ball and showers the happy campers with dancing beams of light.
Everyone clasps hands and begin to dance in a joyful circle to the lilting tune of "It's a Small World After All!"
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
Hey, that thing walking around with the notebook looks like it might be good. Let's go have a taste....
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi waves her hand in front of KenWritez' face...
You must not eat the visitors.
The Sarky and the RooK probably thought they were coming to a safe place.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
(Notices condiments smeared over hands, and hastily wipes them off.)
It may be a good thing that I have terrible taste.
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
Campbellite fingers the handle on his fireplace poker.
Well clearly you have terrible taste, RooK. Everyone knows that you serve barbecue kitten (even the tofu versions) with cole slaw. How could you forget the cole slaw?
Campbellite keeps one eye on the jedi, and another on the kitty hiding in the bushes.
Posted by sophs (# 2296) on
sophs looks in the direction that Campbellite keeps glancing in and spies the kitten. She then picks it up and moves it out of harms way
Mean person
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Sarkycow waits to see what the natives do with the picture.
So, RooK, whaddya reckon? Is Simon a creator god to the natives? Or a myth that they frighten their youngsters with? Or what?
Actually, come to think of it, does this society have a juvenile form? I haven't spotted any youngsters. Or any leaders/alphas. The Jedi could fit into the care-giver category however...
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
KenWritez thoughtfully chews on jedi's hand which she foolishly stuck in his face.
<Spits it out>
Ick. Tastes like tofu. I'm walking over to try a bite of that walking-around, looking-around thing....
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
I wonder what would happen if Rook or Ken actually ate one of the creatures that dwell here.
I suppose that the creature would die and go to... well, heaven.
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
Naughty, naughty KenWritez and Campbellite.
The jedi wipes the slobber off her hand and wonders for the thirty-second time why in the world she always gets the job of taking care of the toddlers. They are so cute, but it would be great to hang out with adults from time to time. She pats sophs on the head in gratitude for looking after the RooK's kitten. Darling girl.
*yawn* Well, RooK and Sarky, I think my brood and I should all wander off to our beds so you nice people can go home. We must do this again sometime.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on
Timothy walks up and takes a morsel of barbecued tofukitten, sits down on a rock and pops the cork on a bottle of Elk Cove 2003 Pinot Gris. Tastes the barbecue, sips the wine.... No, it clashes with the wine...too much vinegar in the sauce. These creatures really don't have much to offer...the kindest thing to do would be to return them to their natural habitat...
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
The problem isn't the wine. The problem is that you are using the wrong BBQ sauce.
This is what you need.
They will ship it anywhere in the world!
Posted by The Bede's American Successor (# 5042) on
Originally posted by Gort:
The ship morphs into a glittering disco ball and showers the happy campers with dancing beams of light.
Everyone clasps hands and begin to dance in a joyful circle to the lilting tune of "It's a Small World After All!"
Watching "Southpark" again, Uncle?
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
No. I've only basic cable. You know..local channels plus 9 shopping networks. This is the only entertainment I have. I try to fit in..but it doesn't always work well.
Posted by ONUnicorn (# 7331) on
These are Soylent Green kittens.
But, but, but...
TUESDAY is Soylent Green day!!! It isn't Tuesday!!!!
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Originally posted by LeRoc:
I wonder what would happen if Rook or Ken actually ate one of the creatures that dwell here.
I suppose that the creature would die and go to... well, heaven.
Speak for yourself. If RooK kills me, I'm pretty sure it'll be because he thinks it'd be funny to watch Sarky poking at me with her fork down below.
And I've never seen RooK juggle in Hell.
saysay roasts a hot dog over the fire, steals some BBQ sauce from the guests, and admires the painting.
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
Careful with the BBQ sauce, saysay. A little of that goes a long way.
It almost makes the tofu kitties edible.
[more carp spelling]
[ 21. February 2005, 18:59: Message edited by: Campbellite ]
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
Dear and Reverend Sir, my friend Campbellite, why in the world did I never think to offer you tofu kittens before? RooK is brilliant!!!
...jj passes Campbellite a platter of barbeque tofu cat with a side of special sauce and baked beans, cole slaw and grits...
(Oh, no! Food and cats! Are we in trouble with the hosts and admins???)
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
Originally posted by jedijudy:
...jj passes Campbellite a platter of barbeque tofu cat with a side of special sauce and baked beans, cole slaw and grits...
Is this going to become another cannibalism thread?
Posted by ONUnicorn (# 7331) on
Is this going to become another cannibalism thread?
We've already mentioned Soylent Green... and it's tuesday now!!! TUESDAY IS SOYLENT GREEN DAY!!!
Posted by snowgoose (# 4394) on
In that case, I'd best make some more tea.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Originally posted by Gort:
The ship morphs into a glittering disco ball and showers the happy campers with dancing beams of light.
Everyone clasps hands and begin to dance in a joyful circle to the lilting tune of "It's a Small World After All!"
Startlingly, I just posted to a leather-related discussion group today about the disco version of that very song, without having read this post.
I just thought you all should know.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Yes, really and truly.
also loves the ride. Be afraid, be very afraid...
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
(Flips open Original Star Trek communicator.)
Mr. Gort? One to beam up. Our mission here is complete.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
(hopes people will click on the link and then on the streaming media sample of said song further down...)
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
David, you are not a well man.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on
"Goodbye, RooKy Poppins. Don't stay away too long."
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
You have inspired me; the synchronicity was too much to resist, and soon -- soon! -- it shall be mine at last!
damn, that's just evil
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
Originally posted by ChastMastr:
also loves the ride. Be afraid, be very afraid...
No! Please say it isn't so!
The jedi remembers times past, and the agony of waiting for the "ride" to be over. It invariably broke down every time she accompanied small children to that Small World, and that awful music kept going on and on and on... It is surely of the Dark Side!!
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
Hey, lunch is about to leave! No way!
KenWritez bounds over and bites off RooK's head.
Hmmmm...tastes like chicken.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
RooK's body pats at the severed neck, then starts cheerfully using sign language to say, "I'M FREE! I'M FREE!!!", then skips off through the fields.
A disembodied voice emanates from KenWritez's gullet.
Well, that bites. Dude, I'm like sooo going to get even. Just as soon as I learn to use my ears like fins I'm going to swim over to your spleen and gnaw it away.
...Whoa. I didn't know that you had four stomachs. Hey, is this Jimmy Hoffa over here?
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
I now have this image of you (clad in leather and singing "It's a small world after all" under a giant disco ball) stuck in my head.
No offense, but I'm going to run screaming from the thread now.
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
Not speaking from personal experience, mind you, but I understand that's a fairly accurate description.
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
Ya know what'd go good right now? A big plate of roasted garlic and some Diet Coke.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
saysay, I love how RooK's decapitation doesn't bother you,but Chastmastr at a disco does.
Kelly//at least it wasn't a vital organ...
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
Oh good. There's some hope that this mostly-gravy stomach fluid will get diluted a bit.
Um, have you been dreaming about eating giant marshmallows, and waking up to find pillows missing? Seriously, big fella, you've got to learn to chew. It's bad enough to be stuck in here with soggy bedding, but I really didn't need to see the Hello Kitty patterns on the covers.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
Lost in a reverie of dancing bears, E-rides, pretty girls and pirates, the droid wakes late to the clanging evac alarm. Frantically scanning the clearing below for a lock on the anthropologist, he realizes in horror that there are several coordinate points!
Sweet Sarky in the morning! Too late! He's been dismembered and parts scattered! Sobbing into the transporter controls, he advances levers to retrieve the scattered body. I've failed...what punishment awaits back in Hell?
The T-deck shimmers as a dopplered whine builds. With great effort the disparate parts are pulled into the ship and condensed. Recovered! The blinding glow subsides as the droid rushes forward...
An unspeakable abomination thrashes about on the deck. Part human, part bunny, part cat...a nightmarish morass of exposed organs and weirdly interwoven bits of chocolate! Where it's head should be is an unmistakeable human stomach... regurgitating and repeatedly sucking up it's own bile!
The droid steels himself to complete the mission and bring the quivering pile of Hellhost back home. Perhaps we can rebuild him...make him better, faster... more hellish!
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi looks up at the antique space craft. It feels ..cold.. up there. Ah, the dark side chess piece has been transported up.
Bye!! Y'all come back now, y'hear?
The jedi goes off to look for the bovine Sarky creature. There is hope for that sweet being! And, she's an art lover, too.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
saysay, I love how RooK's decapitation doesn't bother you,but Chastmastr at a disco does.
Kelly//at least it wasn't a vital organ...
Hey, I once taught small children. I can deal with blood and all other bodily fluids.
But "It's a Small World"? That's just cruel.
Besides, I'm sure RooK would be a lot happier and more pleasant to be around without his twisted brain...
Silly robot, putting the creature back together again.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Soon... soon my album will be here... soon... and I owe it all to this thread (and the other place I mentioned) for inspiring me to hunt it down once and for all...
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
O, man! Thirty minutes after you've eaten a Hellhost, you're hungry again!
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
Silly robot, RooKs are for tricks... No, wait. I meant to say, Hellhosts taste great and they're less filling!
(Using eldritch powers, RooK reconstitutes himself. Then, winks at Gort and produces a pair of jedi panties.)
Hoo-AH! Who knew that Judy was into g-strings?
(High-fives Gort.)
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on
The droid hangs the panties from the rearview mirror while cranking down the driver's side window of the saucer. With a glare of contempt (as contemptible as possible with a featureless visor) he shakes his fist at the heavenly crowd and shouts:
You will pay!!! You will ALL PAAAAYYYYYY !!!
[the alien craft backfires, belches smoke and chugs away into the sky]
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Originally posted by Gort:
You will pay!!! You will ALL PAAAAYYYYYY !!!
Well, if you insist...
The one...
The only...
Ballad of Bilbo Baggins!
Would that be sufficient, Mr. Gort?
Posted by The Bede's American Successor (# 5042) on
Originally posted by RooK:
Hoo-AH! Who knew that Judy was into g-strings?
(High-fives Gort.)
Maybe they do know how to use those ticklers, after all.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on
Originally posted by ChastMastr:
Soon... soon my album will be here... soon... and I owe it all to this thread (and the other place I mentioned) for inspiring me to hunt it down once and for all...
You somehow know it's my birthday and are just trying to torture me, right?
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Originally posted by saysay:
You somehow know it's my birthday and are just trying to torture me, right?
Happy birthday!!!
Posted by jedijudy (# 1059) on
The jedi is walking through the woods, enjoying the sweet air and the birdsong. Butterflies are flitting about. Bees are humming and small furry creatures bound along the warm ground. The jedi spies a ruby grapefruit tree. There's still a few grapefruit at the very top!
Now that would be the perfect snack right about now.
The jedi raises her hand to use the Force...
Oh, yes. Master Yoda suggested I should improve some of my physical skills and accuracy.
The jedi reaches into the pocket of her robe for the slingshot she keeps there. Then she tries some of her other pockets. Finally she looks in her boots.
Where is that slingshot? I know I had it when I left home. Didn't I?
The jedi looks up at the sound of backfiring engines in the sky. There, hanging from the rear view mirror of the antique spacecraft...she thinks it might be an her slingshot.
Those dirty pups!
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
David runs out carrying a box of toys.
I've found just the thing for our new friends; this may help aid them in their transition period and give them something to cuddle and love.
Look! Plush toys! Aren't they sweet? It may remind them of home. Here's more on the adorable things.
And it's a little late, but here's a Valentine's Day card!
Hey, where'd everybody go?
It's the Great Old Ones, Charlie Brown
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
Well, I guess I won't bring out the other soft toys I'd gotten together for them. Maybe someone else will want to play with them...
I have my Artist's Rendition of the last time something like this happened to keep me company as we wait for our friends to return.
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