Thread: Hell: Calling someone anonymous... Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
... yes, you know who you are.

I'm calling you to hell because somewhere you said something that I won't go into the details of because that would help others figure out who you are. And then there is that thing you did on another section that I can't explain too much about for fear of giving away too much information.

I mean, WTF did you think you were doing when you did that? And when you said that phrase you used regarding that situation I won't name, that really made blood do something that I won't use the word for.

And then there was that whole thread which I won't link in the forum I won't out - your claim about that part of your anatomy that I can't mention really upset those other people whose privacy I must protect.

And then you have the arrogance to make that claim you made.

So, anonymous person, I'm allegedly calling you down here to this alleged forum to defend your alleged actions that I won't go into.

And for the record, my real name is Schnozbury Schnackels and I live in a Teapot full of raisins.

[ 23. November 2006, 11:08: Message edited by: Sarkycow ]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
You have to make this about you, don't you kg? The anonymous person was only expressing reasonable views, given the context ( which I won't reveal ), but you have to bring up you constant argument with him/her once again. Don't you realise how sick we are of this? Get a friggin life won't you?

I suspect the anonymous person will not respond as they are above this sort of petty bickering.
Posted by Nightlamp (# 266) on :
I am starting to loose track about the number of Hell threads that have started from the Cosmo's thread. Is someone keeping count of them all?
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
Please reconsider your decision to out the thread that this might or might not have been in relation to. Someone might Google the key terms and put two and two together to make a number that I'm not sure I should mention.
Posted by Teufelchen (# 10158) on :
Making extra work for the Hellhosts when they're going to be mighty busy already. That's a clever move. I was going to try and make some kind of witty interjection in this thread, but on balance:

kiwigoldfish, grow up.

Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :

You're really Umberto Eco, aren't you? You sound like you've read "Foucault's Pendulum" too many times under the influence of ayahuasca and sleep deprivation.

Repeat after me:

There are no real anonymous ones...

Now, curl up in your teapot with this pacifier like a good goldfish!
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
I'm sure if this is just wasting a hellhosts time they will come along in due course and rip me a new arsehole and close the thread. And if not, they'll just come and rip me the arsehole.

What I was uncertain on was how your posting on the thread an making it even longer made their mighty busy job easier.

[PEOAS to add that was addressed to Teflon Chicken or whatever it is]

[ 11. October 2006, 09:17: Message edited on a spaz of: kiwigoldfish ]
Posted by Foaming Draught (# 9134) on :
Look here carp, I know this person in Real Life® A kinder, sweeter - mind you, I'm not confirming or denying that's what the person in question's job is - would be impossible to find. And now Donald knows. Don't ask me how, but I have my suspicions. That stuff about eating babies, it was put about by lesser mortals, envious of, well, just envious. Anyway, it wasn't, I mean, you know who it wasn't. They were just protecting Latent Arachnophobe, who hasn't had a chance to log on since that business with the assisted suicides. Well, perhaps it was assisted homicide, but the Lord looketh on the heart even if the District Attorney looketh on the outward appearance.
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
And now Donald knows...
Shit... and all because - well you know how you know who said you know what when fuck knows how did you know what.

I've probably said too much.

where is that anonymous bastard anyway?
Posted by Linguo (# 7220) on :
Originally posted by kiwigoldfish:
And now Donald knows...
Shit... and all because - well you know how you know who said you know what when fuck knows how did you know what.
And now everybody knows about Donald! Well-fucking-done, idiots.
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
It's this sort of thread that makes me feel naked.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Rather more seriously:

Any minute now I expect to see a message from Simon, SteveTom and Erin (and the others on the bridge) saying "We've had enough. The bulletin boards are closed as of now". I doubt they will because they have more courage than that and an appetite for work that dwarfs the niggling and whinging of those who have nothing better to do than speculate on legal action and a load of other shit.

I suppose the mutinous bastards would be satisfied if the Ship does sink. Go boil your heads someplace else and stop showing off. [Mad]

[edited for spelling and my 5000th post too]

[ 11. October 2006, 11:23: Message edited by: Sioni Sais ]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by kiwigoldfish:

about that part of your anatomy that I can't mention

Well maybe Schnozbury won't mention it but I will, just to prove that I know him better than Foaming Draught who claims to have met everybody in real life. Well FD you might have drunk him under the table but I actually was down under the table looking for my dropped lorgnette and I must say "they didn't lie."
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by Left at the Altar:
It's this sort of thread that makes me feel naked.

What you do in the privacy of your own webcam is up to you.

Speaking as the sockpuppet of - ah, wouldn't you like to know?

Suffice it to say I know all about all of you. I see you when you're sleeping, I know when you're awake, I know when you've been bad or good...
Posted by Jenn R (# 5239) on :
I wouldn't blame the admins if they decided this had all got too much and closed the boards. They don't get paid. They don't get rewards. They do this for fun.

I don't give a shit if people think I am an arse-licker for saying this, but if you don't respect the people that run this place then fuck off. You don't have to agree with their every decision, you don't even have to pretend to agree with their decisions, but show some fucking respect to the people who give up their free time to provide you with this service. If you can't do that then fuck off, leave the boards. Yes the place will be quieter and some of you will be missed for your contributions to the discussions, but you'll be replaced. Get over yourselves.
Posted by Mad Geo (# 2939) on :
Amen. Squared.
Posted by dolphy (# 862) on :
Jenn R, well put!


<eta, maybe you should cut and paste your post to all the threads involved!>

[ 11. October 2006, 12:58: Message edited by: dolphy ]
Posted by Mad Geo (# 2939) on :
Originally posted by dolphy:
...maybe you should cut and paste your post to all the threads involved!...

Can I do that for you Jenn?
Posted by Jenn R (# 5239) on :
Feel free Mad Geo, I'm pissed off about this.
Posted by dolphy (# 862) on :
You are not alone, Jenn R.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
You're seriously not. I have resisted starting a thread in hell for all people who want to bitch about what they get for free only becvause there are so many other active threads here.


(Told you I watned to howl with frustration)

[ 11. October 2006, 14:55: Message edited by: Gwai ]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Yes, I rather wonder about all the folk who have to stay here to have their feelings outraged.

Perhaps they've all contributed massively to the Organ Fund and, like the seasick Scotsman in the old Punch cartoon, feel they have to stay on board until they've had their money's worth.
Posted by Stevie Boy Wonder (# 11869) on :
I heartily agree with Jenn's post, and while this thread was a mildly amusing idea, it's really just a bit of a pain in the arse to the admins who are already up to their eyeballs.

I can also understand why Jenn invited Mad Geo to post her quote anywhere he thinks relevant. The only problem with that is, Mad Geo's idea of "relevance" includes sticking it in the middle of at least two threads that I've seen in which no one has been dissing the admins/hosts/editors etc, and where those posting have actually been sticking the boot into the very people Jenn was railing against in the first place.

I've decided I'm going to retire to All Saints and The Circus for a while now. Too many people, whether intentionally or not, are pissing each other off over this way. I don't want to be on either end of that equation.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
I thought Kiwi had a good idea here --i.e. to lighten the atmosphere with a wee bit of satire and fun. I don't understand why some of you think it's more helful for everyone to stay angry and deadly serious.

Another thing I don't understand is why this thread should be considered something the poor admins just don't have time for while your All Saints and Circus threads are not adding to the admin's work load at all.
Should we all just go away for a few days?
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
Originally posted by Stevie Boy Wonder:
I heartily agree with Jenn's post, and while this thread was a mildly amusing idea, it's really just a bit of a pain in the arse to the admins who are already up to their eyeballs.

Actually, it's not the admins' problem at this point -- it's the Hellhosts' problem. And it's not even a problem at this point, IMO. And if they decide it's too big a pain in the ass, they'll close it. So I wouldn't sweat this.
Posted by Mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
I don't understand why some of you think it's more helful for everyone to stay angry and deadly serious.

It certainly is more hellful to stay angry.
Posted by professor kirke (# 9037) on :
Getting back to the anonymous hell-call...

Anonymously [Snore]

Lamest anonymous hell-call ever.
Posted by Mad Geo (# 2939) on :
Originally posted by Stevie Boy Wonder:
I can also understand why Jenn invited Mad Geo to post her quote anywhere he thinks relevant. The only problem with that is, Mad Geo's idea of "relevance" includes sticking it in the middle of at least two threads that I've seen in which no one has been dissing the admins/hosts/editors etc, and where those posting have actually been sticking the boot into the very people Jenn was railing against in the first place.

Then you weren't reading for comprehension as the whole thing was much broader than that.

It's too bad that the Hellhosts can't cut and paste all these HellCalls related to the Great Whining into one thread so that we could flame all the whiners in one fell swoop. [Big Grin]

Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by professor kirke:
Getting back to the anonymous hell-call...

Anonymously [Snore]

Lamest anonymous hell-call ever.

Oh right, just because you don't care about this matter, you want to call it lame? This is important for some people, and that is what Hell is for - those matters that are important to some people.
Posted by cometchaser (# 10353) on :
for the record, the OP made me laugh out loud is what has been an otherwise really shitty morning after a realy shitty night.

so thank you, KGF. [Smile]
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
Originally posted by professor kirke:
Getting back to the anonymous hell-call...

Anonymously [Snore]

Lamest anonymous hell-call ever.

Great, with that snore you've inextricably linked the situation in the OP with my geographical location and people will only have to put 2 and 2 together to realise that the church tangentally related in the OP was the Church of Xena, Warrior Princess in Schloppzville.

It was a malicious snore I tell you, viciously dragging the good parishoners of the Church of Xena into this sordid affair.
[Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
Originally posted by kiwigoldfish:
It was a malicious snore I tell you, viciously dragging the good parishoners of the Church of Xena into this sordid affair.
[Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

What, you're accusing [anon] of Xenaphobia now?
Posted by professor kirke (# 9037) on :
Yeah, anonymous person. Why do you have to be such a fucking person? I was too scared to call you to Hell myself but I thought I would pile on here to say that I HATE YOU AND I AM SO ANGRY AND YOU ARE A JERKFACE AND YOU RUIN EVERYTHING SO why can't you just SHUT UP???

Oh, and fuck fuck fuck, because this is Hell.
Posted by ozowen (# 8935) on :
I have, in the past 24 hours, had a rathjer unpleasant, nay, shitty time.
This thread has beena wonderful source of amusement.
I for one, am glad it's a goer.

PS: It wasn't me...but I know who it's about. Agnes Ni..... oops

[ 11. October 2006, 23:27: Message edited by: ozowen ]
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
Please delete all this personal material!!! The other anonymous person will never be able to play her accordian in the town ragtime band again! By publishing this minor incident, everyone now knows and will see how major this minor incident is, when what we should do is acknowledge that this major incident is in fact a minor incident. Allegedly.

From what people have already said I'm certain that curious people will now be googling the revealed keywords like "Pregnant octopus", "jackhammer", "choir boy" and "reporter for the Press" and reading the whole sordid tale.
Posted by cometchaser (# 10353) on :
but Mr. Goldfish - by reiterating all those clues you are giving even more!

even talking about this anonymous person of unknown gender - is continuing to feed the filthy imaginations of obsessive Googlers worldwide.

Why! even this thread! the site!

change the subject, quick!

So who has the recipe for blueberry jam?
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
As if we didn't know what 'blueberry jam' is code for!

I mean, short of gouging channels in the tundra to form letters big enough to be visible from space, I don't see how you could have made things more obvious.
Posted by Genie (# 3282) on :
You're all talking about me aren't you?
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Originally posted by Firenze:
Speaking as the sockpuppet of - ah, wouldn't you like to know?

Suffice it to say I know all about all of you. I see you when you're sleeping, I know when you're awake, I know when you've been bad or good...

[Eek!] You're Santa...and a sockpuppet???

OMG, Santa is God's sockpuppet? [Cool]

Or is it the other way around? [Eek!]

(Tries to look busy and holy.)
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
Bloody "anon" still hasn't turned up.

Sure, he's happy to put his name to all those stupid poems and shit but when it comes to something serious like a hell calling, nothing.

I should have PM'd him, except that I don't actually know his username. Or that of his sockpuppet.
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
These guys do puppet stuff. In sunglasses, which screams anonymity.

And their names are Simon [Paranoid] and David [Paranoid] [Paranoid] .

PM them and demand that they answer. I'm sure they know something about you-know-what.

Note: one wears socks.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on :
It's ok Kiwi - it's no longer a requirement to PM the subject of a Hell call.

But we'll have no board wars here - not even if [anon] did go over there and call you all a pack of useless tossers.

Sarkycow, hellhost

[Ooops, nearly outed [anon].]

[ 12. October 2006, 09:14: Message edited by: Sarkycow ]
Posted by Smudgie (# 2716) on :
You hell hosts always have to wade in and make some comment, don't you? If you'd done your job properly, we wouldn't be in this mess.

[Roll Eyes] [Mad]

Personally I think you should leave Anon out of this.
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
These guys do puppet stuff. In sunglasses, which screams anonymity.
Hmmm, my source calls herself Deep Throat. I thought it was in reference to Watergate, but looking at that site I'm having second thoughts...
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
Originally posted by Sarkycow:
...not even if [anon] did go over there and call you all a pack of useless tossers.

Actually, I'm not a useless tosser any more. I've become quite adept at it.
Posted by Teufelchen (# 10158) on :
I feel I should apologise for implicitly defending the anonymous target of this thread. In view of what's been said about board wars, {deleted}, and {deleted}, I think the call is justified.

Anon, never mind what you've said on other sites. What you said on the board we can't mention, about a certain person, can't be justified. Get yourself down here and apologise now.


[Message edited on a packet of: brussels sprouts]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
LATA do you have a good knowledge of websites featuring naked men? I do hope this sort of pupettry is not what our anonymous callee is up to.
Posted by The Great Gumby (# 10989) on :
Look, everyone on this thread has already given more than enough clues to Anon's identity. Anyone who had any interest in knowing who Anon is only has to join the dots, which is just ridiculously easy now, especially after the blueberry jam reference, so why are we messing around trying to keep it quiet? It's just rank hypocrisy.

What's the point in carrying on as if Anon's identity is still a secret, apart from making us feel better that "we didn't tell"? At least if we drop this stupid charade we can talk about Anon's crimes properly, rather than hiding behind vague insinuations.

[NB: I haven't revealed Anon's identity in this post because I'm a coward, and want to leave myself some room for backtracking if everyone disagrees with me]
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
LATA do you have a good knowledge of websites featuring naked men? I do hope this sort of pupettry is not what our anonymous callee is up to.

You sad, sad, sad little man.

I hope it's exactly what he's up to. Lord knows we could do with a bit of wedding-tackle origami to lighten things up a bit.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by Golden Key:
OMG, Santa is God's sockpuppet? [Cool]

Or is it the other way around?

Oh, it's much worse than that.

Nice bit of diversionary tactics there, LATA. Quick flash can unhinge this lot for days. But of course, once they tumble to the whole Japanese connection, then the blueberry jam will be hitting the fan.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Originally posted by kiwigoldfish:
...Actually, I'm not a useless tosser any more. I've become quite adept at it. [/B]

God help me, I have been losing it here at work loudly for the past 5 minutes over this thread.
You kiwi-eating-vegemite-spreading-wanker!

BTW, your butt does look fat in that avatar.
Not that that is a bad thing.

Clergy-exposing types tend to have fat asses.

[edited to clean up code. thx.]

[ 12. October 2006, 15:08: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
I don't want to step out of turn by refering to information mentioned in other threads but some of us know full well that "weael" happens to be Welsh for blueberry.

Don't think for one minute that we can't put two and two together here in the toy shop.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Now what fucking right did you have to tell us you were in the toy shop, Twilight?
How utterly and unforgivably over the top of you! Do you think the management of that poor benighted shop wanted to be involved in this sultry manner? I am truly ashamed of you! [Disappointed]
Posted by Bean Sidhe (# 11823) on :
Originally posted by duchess:
Clergy-exposing types tend to have fat asses.

Shit then I'd better get exposing. Who's up for it?
Posted by cometchaser (# 10353) on :
I think you'll find I only made the blueberry jam reference after KiwiGoldfish let the whole "pregnant octopus" out of the bag.

I'm hardly the great revealer, here. c'mon. [Roll Eyes]

this supposedly "anonymous" callee is obviously scrolling through this thread laughing his... or her... ass off.
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
I think you'll find I only made the blueberry jam reference after KiwiGoldfish let the whole "pregnant octopus" out of the bag.

Why did you have to mention the bag?

Quite frankly, things here are becoming very plain to me. With your continued reference to the blueberry jam, it's obvious that the Recipe Book is more important than the community here, and if you have to choose you will always shaft the community in favour of the Recipe Book.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
I think it is unprofessional of you to claim such a thing! You should feel ASHAMED Kiwi! I look down on you now. [Disappointed]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
The Recipe Book which contains the recipe for Octopus in Red Wine. And what colour is frequently associated with red? Blue, that's what. And wine - I mean, do I have to draw pictures here? Wine - grape - jelly - JAM.

Not that anybody in the real world gives a damn - except the puppeteers, who won't be able to show their nuts in public ever again. I mean, what chance either of them making bishop now? But do you lot care?
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Why Firenze, what sort of godforsaken place do you live where bishops must show their nuts in public?
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Oh I think Edinburgh has more public nuts per square cobbled mile than most places.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Is there a recipe for kiwi jam in the Recipe Book? Enquiring minds want to know!
Posted by cometchaser (# 10353) on :
and now she reveals his NUTS!?!

just put up a billboard why don't you???

and hey, fish-to-the-south - you mentioned the Recipe Book, not me. Can I help it if it always comes up in coversation?

and you know why? because the blasted recipe book is important! it's important to all of us.

For the good of mankind! It's hardly a Dead Horse! it's relevant to our future as a people!

With or without blueberry jam!
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
I think it is outrage-ous that y'all keep harping on the blueberry tart. Like it will hurt his position in life as clergykiwiman.

As if! [Disappointed] (you little tiny people!)
I <smug> hold all the cards in life.
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
And now I've received an email saying:

I understand [someon else anon] is playing accordian at your club next week.

You don't really want that; accordian music sucks.

I can only conclude that the anonymous outing on that other board has something to do with it.
[Mad] [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

[ 13. October 2006, 00:18: Message edited by: kiwigoldfish ]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
<superior smug look>
bitch. [Devil]
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Our Recipe Committe is watching you. But don't consider yourself too important. We each have 5 degrees and are much higher up the food chain that you are, kiwi-tart. We'll get back to you with a letter shortly eludicating you on your misdeeds and so forth.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Obviously the guilt is gripping him by the gills right now. If he only had 5 degrees like the rest of us...and a special levitation device like the rest of the members, he wouldn't be chaff, but wheat like us. And we might invite him to our special bbqs.

[it's been a long day and I hate sin in others.
I'll stop my pearls of wisdom now.]

[ 13. October 2006, 05:21: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
duchess, you're like an obese chihuahua with Alpo-breath spraying flecks of horse meat as you yap.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
That'll be the dead horse you rode in on.

And the chihuahua joins the goldfish, the octopus, the chicken (yes, there was a chicken earlier) and the fat donkey.

You really think this isn't going to be all over the Sunday papers? You can see the headlines: 'Nude Accordionist in Bestiality Shock' You're telling me that isn't going to point the finger in one direction, and one only?
Posted by The Great Gumby (# 10989) on :
You've hit the nail on the head, Firenze. Not only is it obvious who we're talking about, but we need to come clean and tell the whole truth about the entire episode, if only to prevent wild speculation which could harm Anon even more than the truth. Just imagine what conclusions the papers could jump to about just the octopus part of the whole affair if we don't give them all the details straight away!

(Actually, now I come to think about it, I'm not sure that even the most warped mind could possibly imagine anything worse than what actually happened with the octopus, but I stand by my argument)
Posted by kiwigoldfish (# 5512) on :
It's only a fucking octopus, hardly worth destroying an accordianist's career over. Accordian players have it tough enough without this kind of gutter sensationalism.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
So you have no rconsideration for the feeling of the octopus, kiwi? Ha. You have condemned octopuses across the world to live in fear or accordianists because you weren't prepared to stand up this once against such crimes.

You make me sick.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Accordionists have it tough? That, if I may say so, is typical. You think having a box with a gusset hanging round your neck makes some sort of superior being. Rules are for the Little People, like bagpipers - 'Hey, mine's not just a bag, it's got pleats in!'

Don't think we haven't noticed the inlays and the paint jobs and silverwork. Or the spangled shirts with the buckskin fringing and your name in glitter on the back. As as for the ones in the gypsy outfits - that's bordering on the pervy.

There are some thing shouldn't be tolerated even in a liberal democracy.
Posted by professor kirke (# 9037) on :
Originally posted by kiwigoldfish:
It's only a fucking octopus, hardly worth destroying an accordianist's career over. Accordian players have it tough enough without this kind of gutter sensationalism.

You really think that the opinion of ONE little octopus is going to affect the decision of the Board of Accordianists? HA HA HA! You must be STUPID!

On an unrelated note, can we please stop talking about the octopus-incident? It is ruining Anon Accordianist's career, and that's just wrong.

Oh, and if you disagree with me or prove that I'm being ridiculous, then YOU'RE illogical.

Posted by cometchaser (# 10353) on :
what about the octopus, people?

lets be clear here - the octopus - and her 800 young soon to be born - is the victim(s) here.

I say accordian or no - let the chips fall where they may. Think the paper wil run with this? FINE. let them.

it will bring more attention to the Recipe Book issue, IMHO.

And that has to eventually be a good thing!

pass the jam.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
duchess, you're like an obese chihuahua with Alpo-breath spraying flecks of horse meat as you yap.

<exhales smoke>; You said something? <takes another drag...>

[ 13. October 2006, 15:27: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Now she admits to cross-dressing.

Not to mention those overweight albino donkey Americans always seem to be dragging about with them. I take it they're some kind of outre pet like Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs.

As for the baby octopdes...stir-fry, I would say.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
I do dress like a man at time. Damn, even I am bored now, Haggis breath. May day! <throws in towel>

[edited edited edited]

[ 13. October 2006, 21:46: Message edited by: duchess ]
Posted by Bean Sidhe (# 11823) on :
Oh cross dressing, so 80's. How many guys of a certain age in here still have eyeliner stashed away somewhere?
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Originally posted by Firenze:
Accordionists have it tough? That, if I may say so, is typical. You think having a box with a gusset hanging round your neck makes some sort of superior being. Rules are for the Little People, like bagpipers - 'Hey, mine's not just a bag, it's got pleats in!'

New Zealand accordionists are tough. And if this book is to be believed, "Compared to the general population, established accordionists appear to be higher in intelligence, are somewhat more assertive, suspicious, experimenting in thought, and tense."

Note the word, "suspicious". It suggests a conspiracy is at hand and has been for some time.

The octopus is a diversion.
Posted by Bean Sidhe (# 11823) on :
Originally posted by Left at the Altar:
It suggests a conspiracy is at hand and has been for some time.

"At hand" indeed, it seems that if your ring finger is longer than your index finger you likely have a male type brain, whichever sex you are, and are, according to those who know, more likely to be musically or mathematically inclined. Conversely, if it's the other way around you might be more "female" and thereby more intuitive and verbal. Like Shakespeare for example.

[ 13. October 2006, 22:33: Message edited by: Bean Sidhe ]
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
Originally posted by Bean Sidhe:
How many guys of a certain age in here still have eyeliner stashed away somewhere?

Just ken, as far as I'm aware.
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Well, that makes seven, for starters.
Posted by cometchaser (# 10353) on :
eight if you count the tart.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by Firenze:

Don't think we haven't noticed the inlays and the paint jobs and silverwork.

Just a heads-up. This made it to the Pimp My Accordian magazine site so you'd better be prepared for a real media blitz.

I don't read it myself, I have a Woman's Day ring finger.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
I've heard that the octopus in question wears Argyle socks, a morning coat, and a top hat...while swimming! [Eek!]

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