Thread: Hell: The Ungorgiveable Sin Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Now let's be clear here: this is not a kerygmaniacal musation about the meaning of whatever chapter and verse that is - I am sooo over exegesis at the mo [Snore] - but a sort of heavenly meander about, well, being right really.

You see, being practically perfect in every way, I have a real insight into Right. And I have found some dreadful Wrongs in lesser mortals. Not trivial things like invading muslim nations or destroying the Ozone, but Serious Things™

Did you know there are some people who hang their toilet paper in such a way that the dangly bit goes down the wall side of the rolly bit, instead of the accesible exposed outer side [Disappointed] ?

Some people place boiled eggs upsidedown in the egg cup. Yup, upsidedown. Which means they chop off the Wrong End to access the yummies inside [Disappointed] .

Worse: some people (and I will name no names [Biased] ) leave the pegs on the line after removing the clothes . [Eek!] It's true. I'm married to one. [Help]

What's on your unforgiveable sin list?

[Edit: apart from mistyping thread titles [Big Grin] ]

[ 04. April 2007, 12:48: Message edited by: Sarkycow ]
Posted by The Great Gumby (# 10989) on :
Originally posted by Zappa:
Some people place boiled eggs upsidedown in the egg cup. Yup, upsidedown. Which means they chop off the Wrong End to access the yummies inside [Disappointed] .

But which end is the wrong end? Are you a Big-endian or a Little-endian?
Posted by Izzybee (# 10931) on :
Originally posted by Zappa:
Did you know there are some people who hang their toilet paper in such a way that the dangly bit goes down the wall side of the rolly bit, instead of the accesible exposed outer side [Disappointed] ?

Not only that, there are some people so comfortable in that sin that they come into my house and rearrange my toilet paper so that it hamgs down the wall side as well (I could get hellish here, but I won't)!

Another thing on my sin list is when members of my family see that the trash can is full and instead of emptying it, start a trash pile on the kitchen counter nearest the trash can.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Piling the washing-up so high that when you tryto access your mug at the bottom, the whole pile comes crashing down, typically breaking at least one item of crockery, for which you of course get the blame.

[ETA - cp with Izzybee - ah, yes, trash bins. Leaving the bin lid up in the summer and then complaining there's a smell in the kitchen]

[ 08. December 2006, 15:03: Message edited by: Matt Black ]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Originally posted by The Great Gumby:
Are you a Big-endian or a Little-endian?

Well - I mean to say! How could you even ask! [Biased]
Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Bowls, saucepans etc in cupboards should be stacked smaller inside larger, not as a random, toppling pile.

The cupboard door shuts as well as opens.

In putting away clothes, please practice ancient chinese art of Fol Ding

It is allowable to occasionally throw away a piece of paper.
Posted by Auntie Doris (# 9433) on :
My sister always leaves toothpaste in the sink. It never fails to irritate me... and when she came to stay recently she made sure that she left it there just to wind me up!

Auntie Doris x
Posted by shoewoman (# 1618) on :
People widdling their thumbs. It drives me up the wall! [brick wall]
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
How does that differ from twiddling?

Hair in the shower plughole
Posted by shoewoman (# 1618) on :
Originally posted by Matt Black:
How does that differ from twiddling?

By forgetting a "t".
Posted by Petaflop (# 9804) on :
Originally posted by Zappa:
Did you know there are some people who hang their toilet paper in such a way that the dangly bit goes down the wall side of the rolly bit, instead of the accesible exposed outer side [Disappointed] ?

Are they pet owners? Some dogs and cats will roll the roll towards them in order to get a long end of paper to play with. In many cases this can be foiled by hanging the roll paper-to-wall.
Posted by PeaceFeet (# 11001) on :
Thread: The Ungorgiveable Sin
I thought this was going to be about the sin of ugliness!
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
I read it as 'widdling on their thumbs' which is probably related to no. 1 on my unforgiveable sin list, namely, not putting the loo seat and lid down when you've finished. Also related to not aiming straight and widdling on the floor. Especially carpeted floor. Yeuuuuuch!
Posted by Malin (# 11769) on :
...on a related note, those who make a mess in the toilet that flushing alone will not resolve ... and despite knowing this, they wander off and leave it to be found by the next unsuspecting soul!

Posted by Legodude_uk (# 5671) on :
Squeezing the toothpaste tube in the middle is number 1 on my list of unforgivables!!!
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Oh yes, leaving pegs on the line! HWMBO does that too and regularly watches me going and getting them all in and putting them in the plastic bucket provided. I sometimes wonder if me taking them in annoys him as much as him leaving them out does me!

Other sins against humanity are hanging trousers on shirt hangers and shirts on trouser hangers, and the way Mrs E, who 'comes in and does' for us, hangs my trousers on the line after she has washed them drives me scatty!

And as for folks who don't wipe the cooker over with a damp cloth when they have finished cooking - aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh!!!!!

I, of course, have no bad habits of this nature and am amazingly easy to live with, just as you'd expect. You only have to ask PeteCanada who will, if he knows what's good for him, completely agree!
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Two things that drive me nuts: Opening or finishing a package of cheese, or some other comestible, and leaving the packaging on the counter, when the waste basket is only two steps away; making a mess (spilling crumbs or coffee grounds, for example) and not tidying it up, when the sponge is right there and it would only take a moment....


....the way my husband does.

Ross, glad he's not here to tell on me

[ 08. December 2006, 15:50: Message edited by: Rossweisse ]
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Originally posted by Chorister:
Also related to not aiming straight and widdling on the floor. Especially carpeted floor. Yeuuuuuch!

Not as bad as widdling on the radiator in the toilet - my brother used to do that regularly at home, resulting in the radiator having to be replaced because it was rusted through after about 2 years.
Posted by Pax Romana (# 4653) on :
Judging from what some of you have said, I fear I am headed straight for the infernal regions.

Pax Romana
Posted by Malin (# 11769) on :
[Tangent in response to Matt B ... I suddenly have the storyline for a prison break film ...]

[ 08. December 2006, 16:00: Message edited by: Malin ]
Posted by Roseofsharon (# 9657) on :
Someone in this house 'helps' with the laundry. He (oh yes, it's the 'he' of the household), empties the washing machine, but always leaves one item tucked away in the drum, which I don't find until after the next wash (which is usually white if a dark item has been left, and v v).

He then takes the wet items from the basket, and pegs whichever bit he grabbed hold of to the line, and then pegs another random bit of said item alongside...just as it comes.
Dried clothes are taken down and dropped into the basket, and are brought back indoors just as they land. (To be fair, he does bring in the pegs).

Sometimes he gets down the garden before me to collect washing that I have hung out, shaken and pulled into shape while wet, and performs the same unpeg-and-drop-into basket routine.
He doesn't understand why I thank him through gritted teeth.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Originally posted by Malin:
[Tangent in response to Matt B ... I suddenly have the storyline for a prison break film ...]

The Great Piss-cape?

I'll get me coat...

But before I do,

#58: people who get butter, jam and bread out, make a sandwich, and then just bugger off without putting any of them back
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
"Not noticing" when the toilet roll is used up - I'd rather have it hung backwards than be surprised by an empty cardboard tube that is all that's available.
Posted by Arcadia (# 12096) on :
OK, here's my hitlist:
People who use all but the very last square of toilet paper when there's clearly no replacement roll. I mean, why not use the lot? Why leave the torment?

Folk who leave trolleys in the parking spaces of supermarket car parks. Are they that lazy?

Small kids who can only communicate by screaming.

I do the thing with the hair in the plug hole....
Posted by Late Paul (# 37) on :
I think the classic of this ilk is the leaving a tiny film of milk in the bottom of the bottle/carton - just enough so it's not "empty" and therefore they are justified in returning it to the fridge, but not enough to actually use (unless you take your tea/coffee by the thimble-full).

My other current bugbear is a certain person at work who points things out on my LCD screen by actually touching the screen. It's not just the fact that he lives big smudgy fingerprints on my monitor but that he gets upset when I explain that I can't explain to him what such-and-such error message means in the email he's just sent me because the text in question is hidden by his big fat finger!

From the same perpetrator - not understanding the concept of personal space.

I best stop now, I can feel my blood pressure rising.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Originally posted by Petaflop:
Originally posted by Zappa:
Did you know there are some people who hang their toilet paper in such a way that the dangly bit goes down the wall side of the rolly bit, instead of the accesible exposed outer side [Disappointed] ?

Are they pet owners? Some dogs and cats will roll the roll towards them in order to get a long end of paper to play with. In many cases this can be foiled by hanging the roll paper-to-wall.
The same for toddler-owners.

As for people who take left-overs from the fridge and leave the empty plate in there ...
Posted by Meg the Red (# 11838) on :
I work in an open area, and so have to set very strict boundaries with my co-workers as to when I may and may not be interrupted. High on my list of * "ungorgivable" sins is said co-workers standing at my desk while I'm on the phone. Most people will see I am otherwise engaged, then toddle off and check back in a few minutes. Others, however, settle in happily for the duration, listening to me with great interest as I try to, say, work on a safety plan with a client who's being abused. Much fun.

In my family, it has always been unforgivable to "kill a stretch." This involves sneaking up on a person engaged in a prolonged and eminently satisfying full-body stretch, lying in wait until they are at the utmost limit of said stretch, and digging them in the ribs. (Then running like the wind, pursued by their victim!)

* Zappa, this is a great term! It has overtones of one's gorge rising - it's in my permanent vocabulary now. [Big Grin]
Posted by Izzybee (# 10931) on :
Ann - not only leaving the plate in the fridge, but also the knife or whichever utensil they were using to get the leftovers.

I cannot stand an empty plate and a dirty knife sitting on the shelf of the fridge like they're meant to be there!
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Originally posted by Firenze:
Bowls, saucepans etc in cupboards should be stacked smaller inside larger, not as a random, toppling pile.

The cupboard door shuts as well as opens.

In putting away clothes, please practice ancient chinese art of Fol Ding

It is allowable to occasionally throw away a piece of paper.

And you know me from where? [Paranoid]
Posted by mgeorge (# 10487) on :
Folks in public places who talk loudly and incessantly on their cell phones. I don't need or want to know about the faults of significant others, the latest update on embarrassing medical conditions, and all the other stuff I really don't (nor the rest of the general public)need to know.
Posted by Lumpy da Moose (# 9038) on :
Oh, goody, a chance to vent about the two young men living with me (my son and his friend)!

Please, just finish the last mouthful of soda, milk, juice, tea, whatever, in the fridge and don't insult the next person by "saving" it for them. Don't tell me you couldn't fit it in the glass. I know it's a dodge to get out of putting the container in the trash. Which of course is too full, and they'll be damned if THEY'RE gonna be the one to walk it 20 feet to the outdoor container and miss out on a minute of WoW. [Confused]

Same holds true for cereal, crackers, cookies (I mean leaving one Pecan Sandie-- WTF kind of an insult is THAT?), peanut butter, cheese, lunchmeat, etc. In fact, if anything requires being dealt with other than by consuming, it's to be ignored. Oh, and not reclosing the container so the crispy stuff doesn't get soggy and the soggy stuff doesn't get crispy.

Oh, and please don't tell me when you take the last roll of TP (from my bathroom) -- I LOVE surprises! Especially when you leave just three squares on the empty roll.

Leaving clothes in the dryer (or washer) when someone else wants to use it.

Making macaroni and cheese in the middle of the night and not cleaning up the pans, utensils, or the dishes. And hoping the dishwashing troll will do them. In fact the drainer full of clean dishes would love to be emptied (as would the dishwasher), since they haven't figured out how to put themselves away yet. [Roll Eyes]

Food trash in one's bedroom should be left long enough for the Florida-sized cockroaches to clean it up, thereby saving you a trip to the (overflowing) trash can. Ants, too. They love grease and sugar. [Ultra confused]

Whoever plugged the toilet. YOU get the plunger and poke around in your mess. [Disappointed]

Teenagers-- one learns why animals eat their young! [Mad]

And remember, younglings-- what goes around comes around. And that lump in your bed might just be that macaroni pan . . .
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Most of mine have already been mentioned but
Using the last of some necessary cooking item the day of a grocery store trip and then not noting this or putting it on the list-thus necessitating another trip the next day. People did this all the time at my parent's house--truly annoying--until my father made the offender(s) do the store run!

Similarly leaving a slightly empty box of something so that no one knows its about empty until after said store run.
Posted by PeteCanada (# 10422) on :
Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:

I, of course, have no bad habits of this nature and am amazingly easy to live with, just as you'd expect. You only have to ask PeteCanada who will, if he knows what's good for him, completely agree!


Should I not mention at least one tiny imperfection so that people won't think you are a candidate for beatification?

(Nods to himself)

Wodders (every Tuesday, and sometimes on Sundays), inflicts the smell of [Projectile] marmite and soft cheese in the breakfast nook.

I mean, is that not unforgivable?
Posted by Foxy (# 2409) on :
My darling Mr. Foxy is hanging the storm windows right this very minute, and he scrubbed out the humidifier before that, and this morning he changed a very poopy 22 month old...however. He is not perfect. If he were perfect, he would occasionally--at least once--in the course of our marriage--PUT HIS CLEAN CLOTHES IN THE DRAWER!

The laundry is mine to do, and I do it gladly for all five people in the family, including cloth diapers, and I dry them and fold them and put them away in four people's dressers...but my husband's chest of drawers is too full of who knows what tee shirts and sweatpants to cram anything into--so I leave it for him. And his solution is to keep laundry baskets half-full of clean items around to be tripped over, and he gets dressed out of them each day. Dirty clothes then go on the floor. SO THE CLOTHES ARE NEVER PUT AWAY.

Oh my it feels good to vent. Every time I'm tempted to go into a self-righteous tirade to him directly, I remember the thousand ways I am the slovenly, careless one. So I guess we're both going to hell. [Hot and Hormonal]
Posted by Zealot en vacance (# 9795) on :
On the gew occasions we exchange vehicles, guess how much there is in her car's guel tank?

When she has the last spoongul grom the tea caddy, does she ever regill it?

When near the end og the packet og basic grocery items: glour/butter/bread/cereal/milk, does she ever tick the shopping list?

It does have it's gunny side mind. Not so very long ago, gully prepared to deliver a major seminar before the great and the good, she had to go commando. Threw away all her gallen-apart knickers with not a thought og buying replacements. Mr Eggiciency had the wash on; when cries were heard "Guck! I haven't got any knickers!"

[ 08. December 2006, 20:12: Message edited by: Zealot en vacance ]
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
ZeV - I'm sorry, but [Killing me]

not for the content, of course.

*hee hee... snort*

I first would like to join in righteous indignation with the rest here, you all have much the same issues as me, so I wont go into the TP issue or the fact that it is common lately to find pee all over the bathroom! [Mad]

my issue is similar to Foxy's. it's about socks. and, I'm sorry, fellas - it's about the male of the species. why oh why dear God?!?!??!

we are a shoe-free household, as is custom up here. the three males in my home seem to have some sort of congenital hot-foot problem, and they shed their socks also, usually within 15 minutes of coming indoors. but while they are trained to shed the shoes by the door in the kunnichuq, they then walk into the living room, kitchen, in front of the fire, etc, and peel off these revolting, smelly, foot holsters from hell.

And leave them there.

so I come along (or my daughter, when she is here) and find little piles of socks all over the place. what really blows my mind (and I have kept data, people) is that after a day with 3 gentlemen (six feet) I can find as much as 9 socks on the floor.

9. not only is it more than six, but it's not even an even number! who wore a sock on one foot only????

the size of these socks vary from the tiny 5-year-old's wee stinky feet, to the Daddy's large Tubes of Terror.

We have, however, cured the adult one. about a year ago, daughter got disgusted and fed up, and devised a plan. whenever his socks were found in little piles (under the dinner table! on the kitchen counter!!!) we put the socks on his computer keyboard.

he ranted the first few times and called us disgusting. (yes... that's right... be disgusted...) and then miraculously, we no longer ever find Papa Bear Sock Piles.

however, we have yet to find the cure for the the two men-in-training.

they seem incapable of disgust.

(if my lurking husband reads this, no, none of the shipmates want to hear about the giant halibut head I kept in the freezer for a year, or the squirrel skeleton I'm assembling, or any of that. shush.)
Posted by Leetle Masha (# 8209) on :
Poor Zealot hasn't fot any knickers....

Should have a job like me, having to type so much theology that we've broken our keys next to that one so we have to use the next letter over....

Qwerty, meet Dvorak.....

Posted by madteawoman (# 11174) on :
Its not just teenage boys of course - teenage girls are just as bad: they seem to have failed to work out how the dishwasher door works, and therefore are unable to load or unload anything.

But the thing that really bugs me? DVD dominoes: this involves watching a dvd then not taking it out of the machine when you have finished. Next time, you take a new dvd out of its case and put the old one back in the wrong case. Same with the time after that, and the time after that. Finally mum (that's me) comes along to watch something and opens the dvd machine with a dvd in hand. Oh, there is already one in here. Hmm, here's the case, I'll just put it away - but no, there is another dvd in there. Okay, I'll find that case - but no, there is something else already in that one. Finally I have been through about 6 or 7 cases, rearranging all the dvds into their proper cases and I have forgotten where I put the one I actually wanted to watch.

Does anyone else have this problem?
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Yes! Except in my house, the DVD gets taken out of the player and left on top of the player or the telly. Not even any attempt to put it in a case, wrong or right. I have nagged and nagged until my nagging muscles are weary, but my children do not listen.
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Originally posted by comet:
...the fact that it is common lately to find pee all over the bathroom! ...

What's wrong with them, anyway? Can't they shoot straight? Do they not grasp that it's unhygienic, let alone unesthetic? Have they not figured out that toilet paper works on both ends? Can't they clean up after themselves? Even cats know how to do THAT.

[Mad] indeed. It's disgusting.

Posted by Autenrieth Road (# 10509) on :
What was that thread about people fearing missing on the joys of family life?

Living alone, free from all these sins, all I can say is: "Ha!" [Razz] .

Zappa, your problems are these:

(1) you hang the toilet paper the wrong way around. It looks wierd flapping there over the top; keep it happy and controlled against the wall like God intended.

(2) you eat disgusting half-cooked eggs. Eeeeeeew. Have a nice fully-boiled egg and then it won't matter which end is up. Or down.

(3) OK, you might have a point there. Just maybe. Clothespins are OK to be left on the line provided they are arranged in neat geometrical patterns, and not simply left up as a supposed time-saving ploy. I mean, it's only time-saving if the next things you hang up are exactly the same widths in exactly the same order as the previous ones, right?
Posted by Autenrieth Road (# 10509) on :
Originally posted by Rossweisse:
Have they not figured out that toilet paper works on both ends?

Oh sure, go ahead and encourage people to unravel the toilet paper in search of the other end. And this will solve the problem how? [Big Grin] [Biased] [Razz] .
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
What's on your unforgiveable sin list?
Messing up the broad sheet Sydney Morning Herald so it's all over the place and untidy. Then I have to spend time straightening it before I can get to reading.

The total inability to put anything dirty into the dishwasher. It all is left on the bench above the dishwasher until I give in and do it. Pleasant requests, comments, threats, sarcasm all have no effect whatsoever. I was once away at a conference for several days and returned to find all plates, cutlery, pans etc used in that time balanced in a precarious pile on the bench. Still dirty.

Just once in a while, someone other than myself empties the clean dishwasher. New kitchen was installed just a very short time ago- only five years now, so I must forgive him for the pile of clean things for which he does not have an address. [Confused] [Waterworks]
Posted by Sister Mary Precious (# 8755) on :
Members of my household seemed to have learned the art of turning on things as in lights, radio, music what have you but do not seem to know you also can also then turn them off when you leave a room.

Same members of household also take toast from toaster, lay in on the counter, not the bread board, spread on the peanut butter, walk off leaving behind toast crumbs and knife sticky with spread on the counter. [Mad]
Posted by Lillian (# 6158) on :
To me, the proof that it's God's will for the toilet paper go away from the wall is this: back when printed TP was in fashion, the print was always on that side.

I arrange my top sheets on the same "top side up" principle. I have a friend who believes in placing them the other way so that the print (if there is one) shows when you fold the top of sheet down over the blanket. It seems so fussy and wrong to me that when I stay at her house I'm always tempted to correct it and then put it back her way (i.e., the wrong way) in the morning.

Comet: The boy socks, yes. Always in odd numbers. And how do they get so stiff? What are their feet doing in there?
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Originally posted by Lillian:
Comet: The boy socks, yes. Always in odd numbers. And how do they get so stiff? What are their feet doing in there?

exactly! it's so.... *shivver*

In winter I can wear the same socks for days and you can't much tell.* but these guys, it's like ten minutes and the socks are walking off into the corner by themselves to have a sulk.

*prolly shouldn't have admitted to that.
Posted by kentishmaid (# 4767) on :
So glad it's not just me getting irritated by these little things! My husband doesn't appear to realise that rubbish is supposed to be put in the bin. Especially plastic cider bottles. These are currently lined up in a neat row next to our kitchen counter. Every time I ask him to put them in the bin (crushed, of course), I get this fascinating reply 'But they take up room in the bin!'.

Other unforgiveable sins:

People who put the lights on at work when it is blazing sunshine outside and you can see perfectly well without them on.

People who claim that you're taking all of the duvet, when clearly it's their fault for sleeping on their side and creating a huge draught.
Posted by Liverpool fan (# 11424) on :
In an old flat a female flat-mate and I did a compromise by putting both toilet seats down after use. It was good as both of us had to move seats each time we wanted to piss, not just me. Plus bog roll and other stuff wouldn't fall into the bog. In my present flat, however, the girls won't do this, so I leave the seat up.

People expecting attention from me when Liverpool are playing.

People who walk in front of the TV screen when something interesting is happening in a game (an attack, free kick outside the box, penalty [Mad] ).

People who leave long trails of bog roll after they have used it (well I say people but I mean women, as I have never seen a man do this).

People who smoke in my vicinity.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
People who enter (or leave) via my front gate and fail to close it behind them.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
[Killing me] [Killing me] [Killing me]
Zealot en vacance: very gunny!
[Killing me] [Killing me] [Killing me]
Posted by Penny Lane (# 3086) on :
To the otherwise generally helpful Mr PL:

The cleaning up after dinner does include putting the leftovers away and wiping the counter tops.

Don't expect me to intuit when we're out of sugar. You're the only one who uses it.

We have a coat closet and hangers, and they're not the back of kitchen chairs.

No, you won't "need it someday". Throw that broken thing away.

Now, about those magazine, newspapers, and piles of mail on the kitchen table... hmmm....getting closer to home here. Perhaps I'll stop now. [Big Grin]
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Originally posted by Zappa:

What's on your unforgiveable sin list?

Mine are more outside the home (being a messy, untidy sort of individual when inside it).

Public Nose-Blowing
Go into a toilet cubicle or away from the rest of us and wrestle with your nasal-slime there where we don't have to hear it.

Apostrophe (and other grammar) Basterdisation in Signage and Printed Matter
If you are a sign-writer or are publishing a piece of publicity or other written matter, try copychecking it first. What makes you think that "CD's" or "DVD's" or "This is it's best feature..." is correct? Have you no braincells that you cannot grasp the simplest of grammatical rules, and do you not care that when you pay for signs or copies of this imbecility of yours that it is simply an advert for your own vacuous incompetence?

Big Kids in Buggies/Pushchairs
Your child is over 12-18 months old, so why can't it walk? Why do you have to hack my ankles up with its buggy and take up floorspace in small shops just because you are too lazy to plan your day's shopping around a child's ability to walk? Why don't you feel guilty about shoving your child around facing away from you, just at cigarette and car-exhaust height? Why do you think that shoving said pushchair out into the raod in manner of a battering-ram is a sensible way to parent your child? Why are you so happy to allow the slumped posture in a buggy to set your child up for back-pain and similar problems later in life? Why are you so happy to train a child into a lazy, lumpen lifestyle that will contribute to their own obesity as well as to the desecration of the environment when this training flowers into their having to go everywhere by car rather than actually WALK? Why does the whole shopping-centre have to listen to your child scream to be let out of their pushchair? Why do you wonder why your child's vocabulary and maturity level are so infantilised when its presence in a buggy means that people address it as a baby rather than as a child of its age?

I'll stop now, before I get really into the rant!
Posted by marmot (# 479) on :
comet said: ... they seem incapable of disgust.

Lordy, how true that is. Anyone who has met my family knows that I am not really married, I am the single mother of two boys.

They decided one day that the best way to scrub bird poop off the truck was to use the kitchen sponge. Thank goodness I saw them doing it, because they deposited it back in the sink when they were done. Didn't even rinse it. Not that it would have helped at that point. Their response: "Whut?"

The sock thing is exacerbated by the dog (also a male) who finds them utterly delicious when soaked in manly foot juices.
Posted by marmot (# 479) on :
On second thought, I probably contributed to the dog's taste for socks. When he was young, I tried to train him to retrieve those socks and put them in a basket, so that I wouldn't have to touch them. (I know: latex gloves are your friend) Anyway, he got very good at the first part: finding them and retrieving them. He can't seem to remember to put them in the basket, though. He brings them to me, expecting a treat.
Posted by Bertha Rochester (# 12094) on :
The sock thing!!! AND even if they (Male teenagers to whom I gave birth that is) put them in the linen basket they are inside out and screwed up.

Even rancid mushed up socks are better than people who use their fingers to make quotation marks when speaking!

Snap em off I say!
Posted by birdie (# 2173) on :
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:

Big Kids in Buggies/Pushchairs
Your child is over 12-18 months old, so why can't it walk?

Because 'it' has Spina Bifida.
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Originally posted by birdie:
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:

Big Kids in Buggies/Pushchairs
Your child is over 12-18 months old, so why can't it walk?

Because 'it' has Spina Bifida.
That's utterly different. I was talking about perfectle able to walk children for whom a buggy is not a necessity, but a middle-class luxury for parents.
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Originally posted by marmot:
On second thought, I probably contributed to the dog's taste for socks. When he was young, I tried to train him to retrieve those socks and put them in a basket, so that I wouldn't have to touch them. (I know: latex gloves are your friend) Anyway, he got very good at the first part: finding them and retrieving them. He can't seem to remember to put them in the basket, though. He brings them to me, expecting a treat.

At least he got half of the idea - better than nothing?
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
Originally posted by birdie:
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:

Big Kids in Buggies/Pushchairs
Your child is over 12-18 months old, so why can't it walk?

Because 'it' has Spina Bifida.
That's utterly different. I was talking about perfectle able to walk children for whom a buggy is not a necessity, but a middle-class luxury for parents.
Not necessarily. Look at the legs on a child aged 12-18 months. See how short they are?

Now, look at your legs. See how long they are?

Now, walk 100 metres and count how many steps it takes for you. Watch child walk 100 metres and count how many steps it takes for the child. It's a lot lot more, isn't it?

Factor in, that the child needs lots more rest, because, unlike you, the child's body is growing and that takes lots of energy without having to tag along on long walks. You are not growing and you don't need to sit or sleep so often to re-charge your batteries.

And so, a child of 12-18 months who is on any sort of walking expedition that's longer than a Very Short Way, is going to conk out after a Very Short Way and needs to be rolled along. The alternative is to carry the child (which you often see) or to leave the child at home. Neither of those is fun, nor should it have to be done.

If you should ever have a child, I dare you to make it walk everywhere.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Marmot! I am in awe! I want to train my dog to pick up the socks. that is AWESOME. I dont care if he throws them in the fire, if I dont have to touch them - right arm.
Originally posted by Liverpool fan:
People who walk in front of the TV screen when something interesting is happening in a game (an attack, free kick outside the box, penalty [Mad] )

Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Originally posted by Left at the Altar:
]Not necessarily. Look at the legs on a child aged 12-18 months. See how short they are?

Now, look at your legs. See how long they are?

Now, walk 100 metres and count how many steps it takes for you. Watch child walk 100 metres and count how many steps it takes for the child. It's a lot lot more, isn't it?

Factor in, that the child needs lots more rest, because, unlike you, the child's body is growing and that takes lots of energy without having to tag along on long walks. You are not growing and you don't need to sit or sleep so often to re-charge your batteries.

And so, a child of 12-18 months who is on any sort of walking expedition that's longer than a Very Short Way, is going to conk out after a Very Short Way and needs to be rolled along. The alternative is to carry the child (which you often see) or to leave the child at home. Neither of those is fun, nor should it have to be done.

If you should ever have a child, I dare you to make it walk everywhere.

Where I lives when I was tiny, it was just over 4 miles to the nearest shop. My parents never used a buggy to take me there, nor did we ever have one when out shopping. I had walking-reins until I was 3ish, then my mum or dad held my hand.
Not once did we have to stop and rest, or did my parents have to carry me.
I was tiny and sickly. Why shouldn't a healthy kid be able to walk?
i also should have apologiesed to Birdie & any others - I should have included something about meaning kids for whom walking isn't hampered by physical/neurological factors.
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
Originally posted by comet:
Marmot! I am in awe! I want to train my dog to pick up the socks. that is AWESOME. I dont care if he throws them in the fire, if I dont have to touch them - right arm.
Originally posted by Liverpool fan:
People who walk in front of the TV screen when something interesting is happening in a game (an attack, free kick outside the box, penalty [Mad] )

No! My daddy, dammit.
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
Originally posted by Left at the Altar:
]Not necessarily. Look at the legs on a child aged 12-18 months. See how short they are?

Now, look at your legs. See how long they are?

Now, walk 100 metres and count how many steps it takes for you. Watch child walk 100 metres and count how many steps it takes for the child. It's a lot lot more, isn't it?

Factor in, that the child needs lots more rest, because, unlike you, the child's body is growing and that takes lots of energy without having to tag along on long walks. You are not growing and you don't need to sit or sleep so often to re-charge your batteries.

And so, a child of 12-18 months who is on any sort of walking expedition that's longer than a Very Short Way, is going to conk out after a Very Short Way and needs to be rolled along. The alternative is to carry the child (which you often see) or to leave the child at home. Neither of those is fun, nor should it have to be done.

If you should ever have a child, I dare you to make it walk everywhere.

Where I lives when I was tiny, it was just over 4 miles to the nearest shop. My parents never used a buggy to take me there, nor did we ever have one when out shopping. I had walking-reins until I was 3ish, then my mum or dad held my hand.
Not once did we have to stop and rest, or did my parents have to carry me.
I was tiny and sickly. Why shouldn't a healthy kid be able to walk?

Gosh, I can't remember anything back beyond the age of about 4. I wish I could being 12 months old and what my parents did or didn't do.

Seriously LND, you might want to go easy on parents. It's a tough job and very easy to criticise until you've done it. I, myself, was very good at pointing out how parents do it all wrong (not to their faces of course) before I'd had my own children.

It's one of those jobs that you think is easy.. But then you find youself looking at you darling, sweet, loveable, intelligent, strong child and s/he is lying face down on the floor in the supermarket, kicking and screaming and swearing because s/he can't have a big packet of sweets and realising that the job sucks.

Try telling that child to walk home.

I shall desist from this line from this point on, because I might become Hellish.
Posted by birdie (# 2173) on :
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:

i also should have apologiesed to Birdie & any others - I should have included something about meaning kids for whom walking isn't hampered by physical/neurological factors.

Thank you.

I do think you might have to bump the ages you're talking about up to maybe 2 and a half to 3* though. Plenty of kids still aren't walking at 18 months. Baby b is two at Christmas and not yet walking, and we have only in the last month or so started saying he's been 'late' to walk.

Bearing in mind also that learning to walk at, say, 20 months, might not mean 'proficient at walking in crowded public spaces' until several months after that, and being in a buggy (or at least having a buggy along in case it's needed) at about three years is not unreasonable.

*Or indeed even older than that in some cases. They're all different, in so many ways.

[ 09. December 2006, 20:16: Message edited by: birdie ]
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
Apostrophe (and other grammar) Basterdisation in Signage and Printed Matter

It's actually Bastardisation

Big Kids in Buggies/Pushchairs
Your child is over 12-18 months old, so why can't it walk? Why do you have to hack my ankles up with its buggy and take up floorspace in small shops just because you are too lazy to plan your day's shopping around a child's ability to walk? [/QB]

Having had to push my 14 year old around in a wheelchair and reteach her to walk a couple of years later when she'd recovered, but had to rebuild the stamina and muscle strength, I would beef about the shops that don't provide aisle space to allow for buggies or wheelchairs, the cars that park on the drop kerbs and the people who stop dead in front of you and get all offended when you hack them in the ankles/shins because it's actually very difficult to stop a moving wheelchair with a heavy child in it.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Originally posted by Left at the Altar:
<snip> ... then you find youself looking at you darling, sweet, loveable, intelligent, strong child and s/he is lying face down on the floor in the supermarket, kicking and screaming and swearing because s/he can't have a big packet of sweets and realising that the job sucks

One of the gorgeous zaplettes, the most placid of the six, did that once - in aisle three of a Melbourne supermarket. X-Ms Zapp suddenly found ten minutes of terribly important shopping to do in aisle five. [Big Grin] The Melbourne public politely stepped arouind the explosion of frenetic tantranium and kept on shopping. Eventually, when the half lives of the tanty were all spent and a mega-tanty turned into placid sobs zapplette's mother returned from aisle five, collected a sniffiffiffling child, paid for the groceries and went home.

The Department of Neglected Children are still searching [Snigger]
Posted by PeteCanada (# 10422) on :
Luvanddaisies? You've got a call to Hell, sweetums!

Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on :
I should think so.
Posted by Beautiful_Dreamer (# 10880) on :
The bathroom door at work slams and I hate it when people do that without trying to close it properly. I also hate it when the cats bypass their litter box and poop on the floor ( I have no idea which of the four is doing this).
Posted by Gay Organ Grinder (# 11833) on :
Originally posted by Beautiful_Dreamer:
The bathroom door at work slams and I hate it when people do that without trying to close it properly. I also hate it when the cats bypass their litter box and poop on the floor ( I have no idea which of the four is doing this).

I have two cats that do the same at times even though they access to the garden through their own special door. Just as well the floor is tiled. The other Mr GOG, after 26 years of 'marriage' still thinks the dish and clothes washers are self loading and unloading. I will leave the washing up in the sink that doesn't go in the dish washer as I usually work a 12 hour day while he sits on his now rather fat rear at the computer. However, I usually end up doing it as I when I can stand looking at the mess no longer only to be told "I was just about to do it". NOT BLOODY likely. Now, having said all that I feel much better!!
Posted by Jimmy B (# 220) on :
Mm. LatA the child with sweeties... did you have something like this in mind?
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Yes, that's my child. It must be the long-lost one, but he's definitely mine.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Originally posted by Gay Organ Grinder:
Now, having said all that I feel much better!!

This thread is therapeutic, isn't it?
[Big Grin]
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
I knew a parent whose response to a child lying screaming on the floor in a supermarket was to do the same. The child stopped very fast and a reminder was enough whenever a similar moment came along. Telling that story did wonders for my child control because there was a reasonable chance I'd be prepared to use the same technique.

And what about the teenagers who are very proud of their ability to cook, but don't clear up after themselves?
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on :
Originally posted by Meg the Red:
I work in an open area, and so have to set very strict boundaries with my co-workers as to when I may and may not be interrupted. High on my list of * "ungorgivable" sins is said co-workers standing at my desk while I'm on the phone. Most people will see I am otherwise engaged, then toddle off and check back in a few minutes. Others, however, settle in happily for the duration, listening to me with great interest as I try to, say, work on a safety plan with a client who's being abused. Much fun.

People who come up to my desk at work while I am grabbing a quick sandwich at my desk and interrupting me about unimportant stuff when I'm eating. What is it with this, can't you give me just five minutes to eat my lunch in peace and quiet? And you don't even apologise, just stand there wittering about nothing while my stomach is grumbling (I'm ravenous by lunchtime).
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on :
Unforgivable sins at work include regularly leaving discarded teabags in the kitchen sink and blocking the plughole, instead of putting them in the bin right next to it.
Posted by Scooby-Doo (# 9822) on :
People who push advertising leaflets through my letterbox despite the fact that I have a large notice on the door asking them not to. I frequently chase after the leafleteer and get annoyed with them.

The same sign also says that I don't want salesmen calling. They still ring the bell sometimes with the excuse that they are doing a survey and are not actually selling anything.

Charity shops who deliver large plastic bags for filling with clothes, books and/or bric-a-brack, then never come back to collect them.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Another ungorgiveable sin occurred to me this afternoon in the book fair when I discovered that there is another Artemis Fowl book that was published this year and that I hadn't heard about.

This sin was obviously committed by several people on this board who clearly must have known about it but deliberately didn't tell me!

You know who you are!
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
The OP is a fun idea, and why shouldn't we spend Heaven rejoicing in the Dread Ful Things we don't do?

But if this thread were to become a whinging "Today I Consign to Hell" thread, well, that would be Unforgiveable [sic] and it would be treated accordingly.

Heavenly Host
Posted by Doublethink (# 1984) on :
Cracking knuckles, can't stand other people doing it - but luxioriate in the process of doing so myself from time to time [Big Grin]
Posted by nickel (# 8363) on :
All my fellow right-thinking beings will of course answer the following situation correctly:

There's a bag of chips on the counter, the bag is at least half-full and folded adequately to preserve freshness. Of course there is a spare bag in the pantry; we all like these and we don't want to run out. You want some chips. Do you (a) grab a handful from the bag on the counter, re-folding & securing the bag for later, or (b) get the virgin never-before-opened bag from the pantry, open and eat a few?

The answer is (a) dammit!

Except when one is at one's in-law's house, in which case one might as welll chose the fizziest of the five partially used 2-liter bottles of diet coke sitting side by side on the pantry shelf, next to the three bottles of Sprite, next to .... [brick wall]
Posted by Suze (# 5639) on :
Originally posted by comet:
we are a shoe-free household, as is custom up here. the three males in my home seem to have some sort of congenital hot-foot problem, and they shed their socks also, usually within 15 minutes of coming indoors. but while they are trained to shed the shoes by the door in the kunnichuq, they then walk into the living room, kitchen, in front of the fire, etc, and peel off these revolting, smelly, foot holsters from hell.

And leave them there.

The sock thing drives me mad, Mr S has the habit of working his socks off as he watches TV so at some point they will be hanging off the end of his toes. From there they end up down the back of the cushions on the sofa where, until I learned to look there for errant socks, they would lie for weeks. (No, I don't go down the back of the sofa often - one of my "going straight to hell" faults)

Anyway, I wondered where the hell he had learned this from until I met his dad (who left home when Mr S was just a lad). I sat and watched them follow the same sock waggling routine in perfect harmony at opposite ends of the room.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Actually, I was in the presence of The Unforgiveable Sin a month or so ago.

It was the Conference Dinner in an Italian restaurant (in Italy, as it happened). Our table was 2 British, an American, a German and a Greek. It was furnished with two bottles of the local vino - one white, one red (both good - it was an excellent wine-growing area).

Starter comes, we hit the white. Greek calls for another bottle of white - and sends back the red*. Turns out that he doesn't have the concept of different wines with different courses. Now THAT - particularly in the context of an official dinner when, frankly, you don't know how liberal the booze may be, is unforgiveable.

*we got it back - improvising the sign language for 'Our colleague is an idiot, please ignore him'.
Posted by auntie di (# 11521) on :
people who leave taps dripping

people who ask me questions before I have finished breakfast

people who finish the milk and do not replace it before I rise from my pit

people who moan "oh you're so grumpy in the morning" when they have transgressed rule 2. Yes, Dad, I am, I always have been, I'm 41 years old and you're expecting me to change?

anybody who gets between me and my cup of tea at break time
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Rhetorical questions are ungorgiveable, too, aren't they? I mean does anyone ever really expect, want or receive an answer?
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Boring & Complaining != Heavenly
=> Hellwards

Heavenly Host
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Do the Hell hosts know about this?! [Eek!]
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Shh... I'm flirting.

You are my Christmas present to RooK.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
So, who is most looking forward to my review of their idea of an unforgivable sin?
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Yeah, I'll pass on that.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
I'm not sure I'm old enought to hear RooK's most Ungorgivable Sin. [Help]
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
It was an Unforgiveable Sin that brought me to the Ship, but I never had the Grace to say "thank you".
Posted by Autenrieth Road (# 10509) on :
Oh dear, is this where all the gluggy marshmallows get roasted on toasting gorks?
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
RooK, Marvin, and Sarky - I really want to know what you three would consider unforgivable sins and what irritates the living shit out of you.

really, really lots.

Bonus Comet Points if you describe how you would like to deal with the offenders, if you didn't have to worry about pesky things like statutes of limitations and getting gore on your shoes.
Posted by ozowen (# 8935) on :
Abba is the most unforgiveable sin.
Playing Abba is a direct cause of Hell.
Humming Abba tunes is Purgatorial.....
[Ultra confused] [Eek!] [Mad] [Snigger]
Posted by magnum mysterium (# 3418) on :
Leaving the loo lid in the 'up' position is a pet hate of mine.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by magnum mysterium:
Leaving the loo lid in the 'up' position is a pet hate of mine.

Then stop doing it, you fetid whiner. Or are you meaning to complain about the state in which you find the loo? If so, I assume that it's because you're too pathetic to alter the state of the lid or seat as desired. In which case, why the fuck should you care - because you probably use a catheter anyways.
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on :
#1 Clothes all over the floor. A few years ago when the boys were smaller I had them bring in all their clothes to my room, and had them strip to their underwear. Then I sternly told them that they did not deserve to have clothes any more and that they could do very well without. After a moment of stunned reality set in, I informed them that they could earn their clothing back piece by piece by doing extra chores: dust a room, earn a shirt, etc. It all became a great family memory. Looking at their rooms now, I may have to institute drastic measures again!

#2 Doctors and nurses who call me Mom.
Posted by Erin (# 2) on :
Not that I want to get in the way of RooK's beating the snot out of people, but even if I put the lid on the seat down, someone else has already flushed the toilet and spread their disgusting toilet germs all over the place.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Unforgivable sin? Dirtbags who throw MacDonald's trash, cigarette butts, beer cans, wine bottles, snot rags, Tampax, paper cups, used syringes, used condoms and all manner of stinking detritus, out their car windows. These cretinous subhumans should be buried alive in their own rotting shit and offered the tube from a used enema bag as a breathing device. (so I can piss down it)
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Erin:
Not that I want to get in the way of RooK's beating the snot out of people, but even if I put the lid on the seat down, someone else has already flushed the toilet and spread their disgusting toilet germs all over the place.

I hate it when that happens.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
You can always keep that germy mist confined to the bowl by not flushing it.
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
I know that's what you do, Gort. At our house, we put the lid down BEFORE flushing.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Ah! Then you must have one of those new hermetically sealed toilet seats with the stainless hold-down clamps. I'm stuck with the old style with the wide gap between the lid, seat and bowl. <sigh>
Posted by ozowen (# 8935) on :
quoth Gort (just before he used his laser eye thing to cause wholesale destruction)
Unforgivable sin? Dirtbags who throw MacDonald's trash, cigarette butts, beer cans, wine bottles, snot rags, Tampax, paper cups, used syringes, used condoms and all manner of stinking detritus, out their car windows. These cretinous subhumans should be buried alive in their own rotting shit and offered the tube from a used enema bag as a breathing device. (so I can piss down it)
That's a clear picture
I'm glad I live in the country.

I think a used colostomy thingo would work as well!
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by CuppaT:
#1 Clothes all over the floor.

It sort of makes me wonder if you're retarded. There's usually only one sort of person whose clothes-on-floor quotient you're likely to know - close friends and relatives. Which means that your Number One Unforgivable Sin is restricted in practical application primarily to only your kith and kin.

Enjoy your rest home, when the time comes.

#2 Doctors and nurses who call me Mom.
Well, so much for your kids ever entering the medical field, I suppose.

Puns aside, do you really have troubles with medical professionals calling you "mom"? The only circumstance that I can readily imagine it happening is if the medical person is including your child in the conversation, in which case it seems like a reasonable title to use.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Originally posted by ozowen:
... I'm glad I live in the country.

Presumably where it's socially acceptable to drop your shit whenever impulse dictates with the assumption that others will wipe your arse.
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Gort:
Originally posted by ozowen:
... I'm glad I live in the country.

Presumably where it's socially acceptable to drop your shit whenever impulse dictates with the assumption that others will wipe your arse.
Huh? Gort, step away from the gin.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by comet:
RooK, Marvin, and Sarky - I really want to know what you three would consider unforgivable sins and what irritates the living shit out of you.

Something tells me the answer involves people whining about a lot of random shit and calling it a thread. [Snigger]

Although I must say that this thread certainly has gotten worlds more entertaining. You never know what you're going to find after a two-hour nap.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Originally posted by MouseThief:
Huh? Gort, step away from the gin.

Not until you tell me all about your hermetically sealed toilet seat. You know? The one that doesn't let any stinking, germy vapors out to waft with deadly efficiency about your reading room.
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
It's all in relative air pressures.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Finally, evidence that you're a bloated gasbag.
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
You've clearly not been paying attention.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
[Big Grin] (Nice one, MT)
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Originally posted by comet:
RooK, Marvin, and Sarky - I really want to know what you three would consider unforgivable sins and what irritates the living shit out of you.

Something tells me the answer involves people whining about a lot of random shit and calling it a thread. [Snigger]
oh golly I hope so! [Biased]
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
[Big Grin] (Nice one, Kelly) Glad you can pull yourself away from the naps and TV.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
(coughs a variety of exotic virii all over the monitor)
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
What the fuck is all this whinging about toilet bugs? The only way we'll beat the revenge of the micro-organisms is to lick the bastards off the seat - in up or down position or in-between. Or at least to fondle the seat before preparing dinner.

[ 11. December 2006, 08:40: Message edited by: Zappa ]
Posted by Call me Numpty (# 3012) on :
Not putting the milk back in the fridge.

Wet worktops.

Leaving cultery 'sandwiched' between stacked crockery.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on :
Y'know, I always thought the idea of only having one unforgivable sin was stupid - you won't catch enough people that way. Far better to have several unforgivable sins, and change them randomly. I also modify whether they're unforgivable according to who it is who's committing them [Big Grin]

Current unforgivables include:

Offenders will be hunted down and have their skin rubbed off using wire wool. Then I'll set free my specially trained mice, who will gnaw through their chests and allow me to dig out their still beating hearts with a pair of chopsticks.

Whilst the mice are gnawing, I'll be using the bones in the offenders' bodies to conduct stress tests looking how much weight can a bone take before it snaps, and whether surface area of the weight makes a difference (it's all part of my doctoral thesis).

Anyone here who has recently committed an unforgivable?


*This never makes it off the list. Instead the conditions/attributes which make you an asswipe change. And no, I'm not telling you what they currently are, as that would spoil all my fun [Razz]
Posted by My Duck (# 11924) on :
Putting empty containers back in the fridge/cupboard [Mad]

OK, I fully accept someone has to finish stuff, not just me, but when I want jam/milk/ketchup and confidently reach for the container I know is on the shelf only to find nothing but a smear inside [brick wall]

And recycling... OK I'm in favour in principle, blank sheets of paper, fine; but how many times do you have to recycle it? Once, good. But twice or three times? that is ridiculous
If I have to decipher the relevant info from a page of notes covering the last week just once more I will not be responsible for my actions.

Oh, and Junior! When you go out, just let someone know so we don't end up talking to ourselves like the idiots you think we are [Roll Eyes]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by Lillian:
To me, the proof that it's God's will for the toilet paper go away from the wall is this: back when printed TP was in fashion, the print was always on that side.

I arrange my top sheets on the same "top side up" principle. I have a friend who believes in placing them the other way so that the print (if there is one) shows when you fold the top of sheet down over the blanket. It seems so fussy and wrong to me that when I stay at her house I'm always tempted to correct it and then put it back her way (i.e., the wrong way) in the morning.

Oh Lillian, Lillian, how could a fellow West Virginian be so very wrong? Your friend is right about the top sheet. Why should only the back of the blanket enjoy the pretty print? Fittingly, the way I just know I'm right about this is similar to your (correct) TP theory. Back when print sheets were first coming into style, many of them just had print borders along the top -- meant to fold over the top edge of the blanket. They had to be placed face down in order to work as pictured and advertised. They were called "Turn-back sheets."

[Are you going to go see We Are Marshall? I can't wait, I had friends there.]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by Sarkycow:

Drinking tea.

Thank you. A week ago my otherwise perfect dinner party was almost ruined by the after dinner necessity to make tea as well as coffee for the tea drinking priss pots who had to have the whole kettle, teapot, loose leaf and strainer shebang. Loose leaves which clogged my tea pot and overflowed all over the counter.

Why on God's green earth do people want that pot of liquid tin can and all it's messy paraphernalia when a good cup of Columbian coffee is what He meant us all to drink! I'm sure it's in the Bible.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
Originally posted by Sarkycow:

Drinking tea.

Thank you. A week ago my otherwise perfect dinner party was almost ruined by the after dinner necessity to make tea as well as coffee for the tea drinking priss pots who had to have the whole kettle, teapot, loose leaf and strainer shebang. Loose leaves which clogged my tea pot and overflowed all over the counter.

Why on God's green earth do people want that pot of liquid tin can and all it's messy paraphernalia when a good cup of Columbian coffee is what He meant us all to drink! I'm sure it's in the Bible.

Because drinking tea teaches you how to use apostrophes.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Getting bread, butter and jam out, making yourself a sandwich and then not putting aforementioned items back, just leaving them there for all eternity; this one is particularly good in high summer when the butter goes rancid by the time I get to rescue it.
Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
We're allowed to add more unforgivable sins?

Keeping people waiting when an appointment has been arranged has got to be way up there.

I am greater and hugely, very and terribly
hacked off by one person who has vowed to come and collect an item on a specific day....for the last four days.

Forgivable? Not on your life.
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
Fixing something from a package or tin and leaving the empty packet or tin on the counter when done. Especially when it's only about a foot more to the right to the garbage recepticle. Sheesh.
Posted by Arcadia (# 12096) on :
People who damage your car/bike in a car park (by accident) and then don't leave their details.

Come to think of it, deliberately damaging your car/bike/property comes pretty high on the list.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by Ethne Alba:
We're allowed to add more unforgivable sins?

You're allowed to admit to foolish and petty reactionary thoughts you tend to have, to be used as grist for the insult mill.

po·TAY·to / po·TAH·to
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
Originally posted by Ethne Alba:
We're allowed to add more unforgivable sins?

You're allowed to admit to foolish and petty reactionary thoughts you tend to have, to be used as grist for the insult mill.

po·TAY·to / po·TAH·to

Not planning to comment on Sarky's though? [Biased]
Posted by The Man With No Name (# 10858) on :
People who look down their sneery noses at you because your baby made an audible sound in church. That's right, 'cos Jesus said "Truly I say unto you, make sure you keep your baby absolutely silent at Mass. And have a good sneer at everyone else in the congregation while you're at it. I like sneering."
Posted by Otter (# 12020) on :
We've been living here for almost 8 years. I have not rearranged the contents of the cupboards since moving in. This pan, that colander, and the mixing bowl can be found (or put away) in the same places as last week.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on :
Originally posted by The Man With No Name:
That's right, 'cos Jesus said "Truly I say unto you [...] have a good sneer at everyone else in the congregation while you're at it. I like sneering."

Finally, someone who's read their Bible!

In other news, today's new list of unforgivables includes:

And some other stuff as well, obviously.

Today's offenders will be ritually disembowelled, and their guts will be spray painted and used as Christmas decorations.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by Sarkycow:

In other news, today's new list of unforgivables includes:

And some other stuff as well, obviously.

Today's offenders will be ritually disembowelled, and their guts will be spray painted and used as Christmas decorations.

Y'all can do what I did and make two posts averaging 10 lines each! I bet Sarky loves that.

Karl, I read my post twice and I see nothing wrong with my apostrophes.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Originally posted by Arcadia:
People who damage your car/bike in a car park (by accident) and then don't leave their details.

Come to think of it, deliberately damaging your car/bike/property comes pretty high on the list.

And then there's those who make a big show of leaving details ... but they're false. [Snigger]

Oh, and fitted frigin' sheets are a work of the devil. I would rather be disembowled by sarkycow than wrestle with a fitted sheet.
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Originally posted by Sarkycow:
Originally posted by The Man With No Name:
That's right, 'cos Jesus said "Truly I say unto you [...] have a good sneer at everyone else in the congregation while you're at it. I like sneering."

Finally, someone who's read their Bible!

In other news, today's new list of unforgivables includes:

And some other stuff as well, obviously.

Today's offenders will be ritually disembowelled, and their guts will be spray painted and used as Christmas decorations.

As a matter of fact, that quote wasn't really in the Bible at all, as anyone with a pretense to any education should know.

And in an age of free electrons, not to say free radicals, what does a few more lines matter? (Or "do", if it comes to that?) Though if you don't drink tea, you might not get it when it comes to radicals.

Even so, does quoted text count in a post?
Posted by Komensky (# 8675) on :
Originally posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe:
People who enter (or leave) via my front gate and fail to close it behind them.

Hear, hear! I've been tempted to ring up one of those curry places and say 'I was going to order one of your currys but since your man couldn't be bothered to shut the gate – forget it!'.

1. People who think that doorways, the ends of escalators, ticket barriers, etc., are a good place to stop and think about what they are going to do next.

Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Originally posted by AdamPater:
Originally posted by Sarkycow:
Originally posted by The Man With No Name:
That's right, 'cos Jesus said "Truly I say unto you [...] have a good sneer at everyone else in the congregation while you're at it. I like sneering."

Finally, someone who's read their Bible!

In other news, today's new list of unforgivables includes:
  • Posts longer than 10 lines of text (line spaces between paragraphs don't count),
  • Having no sense of humour.

And some other stuff as well, obviously.

Today's offenders will be ritually disembowelled, and their guts will be spray painted and used as Christmas decorations.

As a matter of fact, that quote wasn't really in the Bible at all, as anyone with a pretense to any education should know.

And in an age of free electrons, not to say free radicals, what does a few more lines matter? (Or "do", if it comes to that?) Though if you don't drink tea, you might not get it when it comes to radicals.

Even so, does quoted text count in a post?

And another thing, did you know that line counts can vary according to the size of your browser window? Not to say the font.
Posted by Balaam (# 4543) on :
Unforgivable sins include blatant misuse of Supermarket Etiquette™ which include:

  1. Leaving your trolley at an aisle end, where it blocks people going past, while you go down the aisle without it.*
  2. Leaving one member of the party by the checkout, with the goods on the conveyor while you go back to the shelves for more goods.

*I'm probably (saying "prolly", there's another unforgivable sin) on someone elses list as if I find an abandones trolly I tend to either move it a couple of aisles away if it's blocking people's access to the aisle, or drop a few extra goods in there.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:

Karl, I read my post twice and I see nothing wrong with my apostrophes.

"and all it's messy paraphernalia"

Should be 'its'

[ 12. December 2006, 11:16: Message edited by: Karl: Liberal Backslider ]
Posted by The Man With No Name (# 10858) on :
Originally posted by Zappa:
Oh, and fitted frigin' sheets are a work of the devil. I would rather be disembowled by sarkycow than wrestle with a fitted sheet.

But the optimum outcome would be to get Sarkycow to wrestle with your fitted sheets. Probably.
Posted by Chesterbelloc (# 3128) on :
Pronouncing the letter 'h' as 'haitch' rather than 'aitch'. That's just 'orrible.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on :
Being an asswipe is still unforgivable, AP. Looks like it's time for some ritual disembowelling [Big Grin]

Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by Komensky:
Originally posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe:
People who enter (or leave) via my front gate and fail to close it behind them.

Hear, hear! I've been tempted to ring up one of those curry places and say 'I was going to order one of your currys but since your man couldn't be bothered to shut the gate – forget it!'.


You should have added, "And now I know how you get all the loose dogs you use in your curry!"

Karl: Oh.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
1) Those switches that turn lights, televisions, radios and hifi's on can also turn them off.

2) We have a dishwasher but it doesn't reach out and grab used cups, glasses, dishes, plates and cutlery from wherever you leave them. Not only that, when it finishes it does not put the stuff back in the cupboards.

Those are to my children. This is for my work colleagues.

3) Let me out of the lift before you charge in. Am I invisible or something. It will not go while you are pressing the call button. [Mad]
Posted by Bean Sidhe (# 11823) on :
Originally posted by Matt Black:
Getting bread, butter and jam out, making yourself a sandwich and then not putting aforementioned items back, just leaving them there for all eternity; this one is particularly good in high summer when the butter goes rancid by the time I get to rescue it.

You know I read that first as the butler going rancid? I'm sure it happens in Hampshire, if not hurricanes.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Our butler keeps himself very fresh, thank you. Except when he's filled his nappy. In case you were wondering I am of course talking about the Blacket, who will be 2 in a few weeks' time. Actually, he's more of my valet than my butler; helps me get dressed in the morning ("trousers on, Daddy, shirt on etc"; just as well I have him otherwise I'd go into work in my underpants [Eek!] ) as preparation for the time in about 50 years when he'll be my carer if he plays his cards wrong...
Posted by Suze (# 5639) on :
Originally posted by Balaam:
*I'm probably (saying "prolly", there's another unforgivable sin) on someone elses list as if I find an abandones trolly I tend to either move it a couple of aisles away if it's blocking people's access to the aisle, or drop a few extra goods in there.

[Killing me] I'm so going to try dropping some extra items in there and then watch the fun as they load them onto the checkout. Extra-strong ribbed Durex anyone...?
Posted by Arcadia (# 12096) on :
Companies who cold-call me despite the fact that all of my phone numbers (landline and mobile) are registered with the phone preference service. It's illegal for them to do it, but what makes me fume with rage the most is that I still answer the call even if I can see it's a number that I don't recognise, just in case it's important.
Posted by franknhonest (# 11109) on :
Blaspheming the Holy Ghost.

Total reprobate.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Originally posted by franknhonest:
Blaspheming the Holy Ghost.

Total reprobate.

Whatever that really means. Opinions vary.
Posted by MouseThief (# 953) on :
But since there is no God, according to frank'n', then there is no holy ghost, so there can be no blaspheming him/her/it.
Posted by franknhonest (# 11109) on :
I'm pretty sure there is a God, but I have no contact with him.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Anyway, getting back to the spirit of the OP . . .

People who fart in elevators.
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
People who smoke in elevators.
Posted by chicklegirl (# 11741) on :
Stupid neighbors. Including, but not limited to: neighbors next door who, when a large branch from one of our trees fell into their yard, let it sit there for a week and then in a dead of night hillbilly-run sort of maneuver, hoisted it over the fence and dumped it into our yard. These are the very same neighbors who lost their parakeet during a party one night and came over wanting to use a 20-foot ladder to climb up into our large tree and retrieve the bird, when they were all three sheets to the wind (okay, so the 10 year-old who owned the bird wasn't drunk--but he wasn't going to climb the ladder, either). We called a friend who's an attorney to make sure we wouldn't be liable and then gave the neighbors our permission, hoping perhaps to do our part in flushing out the shallow end of the gene pool.

OR, the neighbors next door on the other side who have huge outdoor summer parties in their backyard that inlcude a live band complete with fully functional amps that play until after 11 p.m. when the weather is too hot to keep windows closed without any prior notification.

It's called a door, people. Come knock on it, tell me about the branch in your yard or your upcoming raucous event like a responsible grown-up, and we'll deal with it. [Mad]

[ 13. December 2006, 23:43: Message edited by: chicklegirl ]
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
People who light their farts in elevators.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
People who annoyingly wear flammable clothing in an elevator when I'm lighting my farts.
Posted by Balaam (# 4543) on :
[Killing me] RooK, Brilliant! [Killing me]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Women who apply hairspray and bodyspray (you know, cologne for slappers) in the lift. I know, I've been in there when they do it.
Posted by Arcadia (# 12096) on :
Whilst we're on the subject of lifts:

People who stand too close to you in the lift. Made worse when you're the only one in it.

People (and it's bad enough if it's just dogs or cats) who wee/poo in public lifts, like the ones in the car parks, blocks of flats etc. Sorry, but that's just not acceptible.
Posted by Iole Nui (# 3373) on :
(I'm astonished at the variety of things people do in lifts.)

People who want to feed the birdies, but don't want birds and bird poo in their own garden are quite unforgivable.

My mum's next door neighbor is one of those well-preserved women. You know the type, perfect makeup, perfect house, lawn ornaments displayed with military precision, mad, psychopathic eyes. We once saw her creosoting the fence in full makeup and a silk scarf.

Anyway, my mum couldn't work out why all the crows and other big birds were flocking to her garden in the mornings, annoying her with their rowdy caws and pooing everywhere. It turned out that the silk scarf lady next door was cunningly throwing all her scraps for the birds over into my mum's garden. We assume she thinks it's such an eyesore already we'd never notice.

And in fact, the only reason we did notice was that I was standing there very early one morning, minding my own business, quietly putting something in the bin, when I was unexpectedly blessed with a shower of stale bread and bacon rinds flying over the 8-foot fence.

Being properly passive-aggressive British people, we haven't actually brought the subject up with my mum's neighbor - we just bitch about her when she's not around, and occasionally make pointed comments that she might just overhear from the other side of the fence.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on :
Correct lift/fart etiquette is of course to fart just as you leave and the doors are closing, thus trapping your victims for at least one floor.

[Devil] [Snigger]
Posted by Arcadia (# 12096) on :
Thanks for that one, Karl. I suppose it beats doing one and then pointedly looking at someone else disapprovingly to deflect the blame (note: this only works if there's more than two of you).
Posted by Mostly Noble Pixels (# 8783) on :
Certainly, the most unforgivable sin of all is to lean your head back and quite selfishly die during one of my funerals.
Do you not realize how long it takes me to carefully craft such a service - and on short notice at that?
And then you have the gall to spoil the mood and ambience.

Stop being so selfish - it is not all about you! Wait your turn, can't you?
Or at least, wait to die until the reception time afterwards, when people are eating teeny-tiny sandwiches and drinking weak, tepid coffee, and I have finally finished speaking.

I swear, if just one more of youse selfish buggers kicks the bucket during one of my funeral services, I am going to insist -insist - that our Board of Managers begin fundraising to install airconditioning, and keep the temperature in our sanctuary below 35C.
So there!
Posted by Izzybee (# 10931) on :
Originally posted by Mostly Noble Pixels:
I swear, if just one more of youse selfish buggers kicks the bucket during one of my funeral services, I am going to insist -insist - that our Board of Managers begin fundraising to install airconditioning, and keep the temperature in our sanctuary below 35C.
So there!

Ummm, so how many people have your funeral services killed so far? It had never crossed my mind that this would happen outside of a sit-com, but apparently (and thankfully) I haven't been to enough funerals...
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Iole Nui,
I think I would very innocently gather them in a bowl and then offer t hem back. "This bread fell over the fence and I figured I'd bring it back in case you wanted it." No matter what she says, I bet she wouldn't do it again [Snigger]
Posted by calisnenath (# 11927) on :
Putting back emply sweetie/chocolate wrappers in the box/tin that the full ones came from. [Mad]

People who don't get out of the way of buggies [Mad] [Mad]

People who leave all their appliances on stand-by and never turn them off. [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
People who don't comprehend that rules are made to have exceptions. There isn't such a thing as a perfect rule, idiot, so you'll have to accept exceptions!
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on :
Originally posted by Mostly Noble Pixels:
Certainly, the most unforgivable sin of all is to lean your head back and quite selfishly die during one of my funerals.
Do you not realize how long it takes me to carefully craft such a service - and on short notice at that?

I thought you guys just read canned sermons straight out of a manual? You know...

Dearly Beloved, We are gathered her this _DAY_ / _EVENING_ to commemorate the life
_DECEASED_ and to honor_HIS_ / _HER_ many contributions to our lives and those of others.
Posted by Scooby-Doo (# 9822) on :
Originally posted by calisnenath:
Putting back emply sweetie/chocolate wrappers in the box/tin that the full ones came from. [Mad]

People who don't get out of the way of buggies [Mad] [Mad]

People who leave all their appliances on stand-by and never turn them off. [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

Guilty as charged on all three counts M'Lud. [Devil]
Posted by Mostly Noble Pixels (# 8783) on :
You cretin KW!
Do you not realize how long it takes to fill in the correct name, and remember to pronounce it properly half a dozen different times in the service?
And some of these fuckers have grandchildren whose names ya gotta include as well.
And then you need to talk a bit about where they worked, and about their wonderful Forida holidays. (Okay, that part you can just repeat, everyone in this part of the country takes Florida holidays.)

But must others at the funeral get so "into" singing Nearer, My God, To Thee that they head off in that direction before the service is over? [Mad]

[ 14. December 2006, 23:34: Message edited by: Mostly Noble Pixels ]
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
MNP - you made my day!

I'm frustrated as hell at a number of dimbbulbs here at work, and now I keep picturing this church full of old bastards dropping like flies in the midst of the processional.

Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by calisnenath:
Putting back emply sweetie/chocolate wrappers in the box/tin that the full ones came from. [Mad]

and people who don't provide waste paper bins piss me off.

People who don't get out of the way of buggies [Mad] [Mad]

People who ram the back of my legs with their damned buggies instead of saying "Excuse me please" piss me off too.

People who leave all their appliances on stand-by and never turn them off. [Mad] [Mad] [Mad]

I wear my appliance: It does not need to be turned-on. I can't imagine anyone would find it a turn-on.
Posted by Left at the Altar (# 5077) on :
Originally posted by Mostly Noble Pixels:
Certainly, the most unforgivable sin of all is to lean your head back and quite selfishly die during one of my funerals.
Do you not realize how long it takes me to carefully craft such a service - and on short notice at that?
And then you have the gall to spoil the mood and ambience.

Stop being so selfish - it is not all about you! Wait your turn, can't you?
Or at least, wait to die until the reception time afterwards, when people are eating teeny-tiny sandwiches and drinking weak, tepid coffee, and I have finally finished speaking.

I swear, if just one more of youse selfish buggers kicks the bucket during one of my funeral services, I am going to insist -insist - that our Board of Managers begin fundraising to install airconditioning, and keep the temperature in our sanctuary below 35C.
So there!

You know, MNP, if it happened once, you'd call it rude. But if it's happening all the time, then maybe you have to ask yourself whether your preaching style is a tad .... erm .... lethal.
Posted by Mostly Noble Pixels (# 8783) on :
Mind you, if we could get the stupid moose off the road, maybe they wouldn't have a bad scare for their hearts before arriving for the big day.
All summer long, reports of black bears on the golf course; all fall, moose along the side of the highway - no wonder the old farts' are ready to toss in the towel!
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Even though you've arrived in the theater to take your seat in the center of the row just as the lights are going down, I'm perfectly willing to stand and let you in. On the other hand, just standing there without speaking, or attempting to barge in stepping on feet, isn't going to get you anywhere. Is it too much to expect you to say, "Excuse me"?
Posted by My Duck (# 11924) on :
Originally posted by Otter:
We've been living here for almost 8 years. I have not rearranged the contents of the cupboards since moving in. This pan, that colander, and the mixing bowl can be found (or put away) in the same places as last week.

HAH!! And thats another thing. I know where I put things, and if Someone comes along and 'tidies' it up, I do not welcome the answer to my legitimate enquiry 'where's xxx?' with the answer 'oh, its around somewhere..." [Mad]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by Arcadia:
People who stand too close to you in the lift. Made worse when you're the only one in it.

Indeed. Nothing worse than being alone in a lift and then being crowded by Unseen People. Actually, the story is that there was once a crowded lift, but everyone in it was killed by a mysterious methane explosion. They've replaced the lift, but still, especially late at night, there's the sense of wedged bodies, and a strange, elusive odour...
Posted by Iole Nui (# 3373) on :
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:

People who don't get out of the way of buggies [Mad] [Mad]

People who ram the back of my legs with their damned buggies instead of saying "Excuse me please" piss me off too.

But the worst people of all are the ones who, when you politely say "excuse me, please", just look at you blankly then turn back and continue their conversation and blocking the doorway.

Those are the people the baby Jesus says you are allowed to ram with your buggy. It's a rule.
Posted by My Duck (# 11924) on :
Originally posted by calisnenath:
Putting back emply sweetie/chocolate wrappers in the box/tin that the full ones came from. [Mad]

And used matches in the match box [Mad]
Posted by Bean Sidhe (# 11823) on :
Originally posted by My Duck:
I know where I put things, and if Someone comes along and 'tidies' it up, I do not welcome the answer to my legitimate enquiry 'where's xxx?' with the answer 'oh, its around somewhere..."

Hmph! My family has learnt that if they haven't put things away themselves it's no use bleating to me about where I might have tidied them.
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on :
People (usually men) who sit on the Underground with their legs crossed with one ankle resting on the other knee, in such a way that the dirty sole of their foot sticks out into the aisle so as to wipe the clothing of anyone trying to get past.
Posted by alienfromzog (# 5327) on :
Originally posted by Mostly Noble Pixels:
Certainly, the most unforgivable sin of all is to lean your head back and quite selfishly die during one of my funerals.

Now, forgive me for being suspicious but,

1. You seem, Mostly Noble Pixels, to be inferring that this has happened to you more than once?
2. Now correct me if I'm wrong but you receive financial remuneration for performing such services?
3. Given that, is it not clear that there is a conflict of interest here? In fact it presumably serves your business model well if one guest at each funeral dies - that could keep you in new cassocks for years could it not?
4. It is clear to me and I presume to all Right-Minded People™ that your protestation on this thread is merely a pathetic attempt to cover-up your own sins.

One further question your honour.

Have you at any time, Mostly Noble Pixels, been behind a Grassy Knoll™ in Texas?

The unforgivable sin?

Perhaps it's people who take a joke too far?

Posted by Mostly Noble Pixels (# 8783) on :
I don't wear a cassock, you silly shit, it makes me look too much like a hassock.
I see by your profile that you are a doctor - or claim to be one.
Are you, by any chance, a proctologist?
Because you appear to see the world through rose-coloured asses.
Posted by alienfromzog (# 5327) on :
Originally posted by Mostly Noble Pixels:
I don't wear a cassock, you silly shit, it makes me look too much like a hassock.
I see by your profile that you are a doctor - or claim to be one.
Are you, by any chance, a proctologist?
Because you appear to see the world through rose-coloured asses.

Dear Mostly Noble Pixels

I am sorry for suggesting you wear a cassock.
I am infact a doctor. For what it's worth I have 3 pieces of paper to prove it.
I am not a proctologist (we don't use that term in the UK - it would be colo-rectal surgeon and I'm not one of those either).
What do you mean that I see the world through rose-coloured asses? I in no way object to being insulted, I would just like to understand what you mean?


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