Thread: Heaven: Your Bucket List Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by LutheranChik (# 9826) on
You may be familiar with the term "bucket list" -- things you want to learn, places you want to go, things you want to experience, before you "kick the bucket."
I am, in fits and starts (a fit right now) tentatively working on one item on my own bucket list: learning conversational Spanish.
An item on my list that I've yet to accomplish, and won't this year simply because we have no time: learning to fly-fish. It's an intriguing combination of science and poetry-in-motion; and we live surrounded by trout streams. It will happen, someday.
Your turn! What are some "to do's" on your bucket list?
[ 30. October 2009, 09:30: Message edited by: Firenze ]
Posted by davelarge (# 186) on
- Parachute jump
- Hot air balloon ride
- Visit Prague, St Petersburg, Moscow, and Budapest
- Live in a (really) big city
- Win a Nobel Prize
(OK, I'm kidding about the last one
Posted by TheVenomousBede (# 14932) on
- Travel from London to Singapore by train (obviously stopping off on the way)
- I too have at various times attempted to learn Spanish. I still aim to, as I want to go to South/Central America, preferably Peru.
- Do Arthur Wainwright's Coast to Coast walk.
I have a few others, all of which are related to travel in some way, hmmm, and I thought I was happy with where I am! I think it comes down to a fear of ever settling down anywhere, and stagnating (which conflicts with a desire to keep things as they are!). I'm young, I'll learn. Ho hum.
Posted by cattyish (# 7829) on
I would like to spend some time with all my cousins. There are rather a lot of them and they're largely on other continents. They also each have their own interests such as Aussie rules football and off-road biking and golf. If I can get round them all I should have a variety of wonderful experiences.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
I'm not sure what's on my list, but I've already watched the film...
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on
My bucket list took on some urgency in 2001, when I was very ill. I told my family then that I was not going to die until I saw how the Harry Potter series turned out. It worked!
Since I have recovered and retired - in that order - I have been seriously filling my bucket with things to do. And ticking them off, as they are done.
- Malaysia
- Singapore
- Scotland
- Nunavut
- Australia
remain in the bucket. I'm working on those.
Posted by Sister Mary Precious (# 8755) on
Learn French and visit France.
Write a book. I am working on it.
Learn to play a musical recorder. I am working on it.
Learn to sing on key. I have very little hope.
Exercise every day for the rest of my life. I am working on it.
Posted by LutheranChik (# 9826) on
For a long time I wanted to play recorder too...I used to know someone who played concert recorder and was fascinated by that.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
Originally posted by PeteC:
My bucket list took on some urgency in 2001, when I was very ill. I told my family then that I was not going to die until I saw how the Harry Potter series turned out. It worked!
Thanks be to God - and please hang round a bit longer.
For me?- Visit the Falklands
- Visit the Chathams (east of NZ's South Island)
- Visit the southern tip of Tierra Del Fuego
- Publish something half useful
As I write this my warden has just rung to say her much loved d-i-l has about a week to live, after cancers have spread and now kidneys collapsed. She is 34.
Since I am a whole heap older than that it kinda makes me think my bucket's doin' okay anyway.
[ 30. July 2009, 19:48: Message edited by: Zappa ]
Posted by Arcadia (# 12096) on
As I write this my warden has just rung to say her much loved d-i-l has about a week to live, after cancers have spread and now kidneys collapsed. She is 34.
That's so that age, you're just getting going with life.
Inasmuch as I have a wish-list:
- Vist Iceland again
- Learn to swim
- Buy a boat
- Paint at least one decent painting
Posted by Mechtilde (# 12563) on
for Zappa's warden's d-i-l, & all those who don't get much checked off their list.
Mostly at this point I want to finish the current book (#3) and get it launched. Since I currently have zero ideas for #4, that may be the end of my list.
But I'd also like to take one of the languages I speak at an intermediate level (French, Spanish & Italian), and feel at home enough in it to be able to make jokes -- a good measure of proficiency I think.
Posted by Belle Ringer (# 13379) on
Danube river cruise.
Learn how to paint (acrylics).
Write a book that changes people lives by helping them know God better.
Find a way to escape the Texas summers!
Get along well with, um, a certain person.
Posted by Kid Who Cracked (# 13963) on
I'd like to enter the WSOP Main Event or some other large mainstream poker tourney.
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on
Originally posted by Belle Ringer:
Learn how to paint (acrylics).
Do it! I've been learning acrylics for over a year now and it's one of the best things I've ever done. Changed my life for the better.
My own list includes:
- Learn Italian well enough to know what Verdi's on about
- Read the Odyssey (I've never got past Book I)
- See a really good production of the Ring Cycle, live. (Good productions are a rarity these days. Good productions that proles like me stand a chance of getting tickets for are like hen's teeth.)
- Visit Rome again
- Mud-wrestle a penguin
- Have just one moment when I feel that my relationship with God is good.
(One of those things just popped into my head as I was writing the list. But I'm not saying which one.)
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on
1. Something I've wanted to do for years but have only succeeded this year is learnt to swim. Fear of the water kept me back, but a special offer of adult lessons at a local pool finally got me going!
2. Learn Latin - I've been doing this for about 4 years now at the City Lit. It's getting harder, but very worthwhile.
3. Archery - again, a local centre has opened so I've had lessons. Very addictive!
3. Visit the graves of various figures I am interested in: Vincent van Gogh, Oscar Wilde, Vaslav Nijinsky, Billy the Kid.
4. Drive down Route 66.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on
I've been fortunate enough to achieve many things on my wish-list (I live in a Book Town; I get to dress up and play with kids and get paid for it - I mean, how cool is that?) and I've done other things that I would never have thought of, and that were wonderful (very fond memories of Kos).
There are a few things I'd still like to be able to do:
1. Sail round the Norfolk Broads in a wherry (and go under a bridge when they lower the mast and bring it up again without stopping!).
2. Sail round the Greek Islands in one of the wooden sailing ships built in the Turkish port of Bodrum.
3. Have a book published (I've come close, so far, but not close enough).
Posted by Resurgam (# 14891) on
I'm trying to decide whether *not* having a bucket list is a good or a bad sign.
Posted by ORGANMEISTER (# 6621) on
1, Organ-related accomplishments: Learn to play the Toccata from the Gothic Suite up to speed; have access to a really huge cathedral size instrument; play for a service at a major cathedral.
2. Travel a lot more than I have been able.
3. Learn to paint like Monet.
4. Learn to speak French and Italian well enough that I don't have to think about it.
Posted by basso (# 4228) on
In no particular order:
Learn to speak Spanish presentably. (Maybe recover some Russian, too.)
Learn to draw.
See a total solar eclipse.
Walk the Camino de Santiago.
Posted by Nanny Ogg (# 1176) on
I'd never heard it called a "bucket list" before.
I would like to - Travel around the coast of Britain taking photographs
- Take singing lessons so I don't frighten the neighbours when I sing in the bath
- Try to make contact with friends whose addresses I have lost, and family I have never seen
- Taste every real ale brewed in Britain
![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
[ 31. July 2009, 17:54: Message edited by: Nanny Ogg ]
Posted by Wiff Waff (# 10424) on
Well, I've achieved a fair few, some are already in the planning stages and there are some still to go:
- see a bit of Thailand, scheduled for next year;
- Angkor Wat - that should happen in 2011 or 2012 if I make it that far;
- get to know a bit of Indonesia;
- listen to more chamber music;
- getting something published in book form, like others I am working on it;
- continue to grow and wonder at everything;
- laugh more, I laugh a lot now bit there is always room for more laughter in the world.
Posted by Mechtilde (# 12563) on
Two to add:
If I live long enough to retire, I'd like to take piano lessons again. I want to get good enough to really enjoy it, and have a repertoire of more than two songs!
I'd also like to see the Holy Land. Hubby is against it as long as there's a potential for violence, so I may never make it. Kinda more of a problem for them than for me.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
Originally posted by Pine Marten:
4. Drive down Route 66.
Me too! We were going to do that on our US visit this year (or maybe Highway 51) but have settled for cheaper options accommodation- and distance-wise this first time.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on
Nanny Ogg - every real ale in England?
Do you know how many there are?
(says Eigon, who's just got a book called '300 Beers to try before you die!' by Roger Protz, and has already ticked off 43 of them).
Posted by multipara (# 2918) on
Walk across the Pyrenees to Santiago de Compostela. Yes, I know that Augustine the Aleut has done it already but I'm a whole lot older and less fit and the big 6-0 (not to mention the "do not defibrillate" tattoo) is looming perilously close.
Posted by LutheranChik (# 9826) on
Related to my desire to fly-fish: Learn to filet a fish the right way. Considering my love for "kitchen therapy," and my growing up in a family of enthusiastic anglers, it's a scandal that I don't know how to properly clean a fish.
Learn tai chi. I remember, back in my university days, walking past the MSU Tai Chi Club in the mornings doing their thing in the commons surrounding Beaumont Tower and wishing I had their grace and serenity. (A few years ago I purchased an introductory tai chi DVD -- for older adults! -- and found the instructor went too fast for my coordination-challenged self...if that tells you anything about my own grace and serenity.)
Go to Prince Edward Island. DP says that PEI is one of the most beautiful places she's ever seen.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on
Originally posted by LutheranChik:
Go to Prince Edward Island. DP says that PEI is one of the most beautiful places she's ever seen.
It is. I have been a grand total of two times. But if someone wanted to go and rent a cottage for a week or two with me, I'd be there in a flash. But I won't eat lobster.
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on
Originally posted by Mechtilde:
I'd also like to see the Holy Land. Hubby is against it as long as there's a potential for violence, so I may never make it. Kinda more of a problem for them than for me.
They want people to come - we had a brief visit a couple of years ago, sailing from Cyprus on a tour. It was pretty safe, and the guide urged us to tell our friends.
Websites like this one have interesting info.
Posted by Nanny Ogg (# 1176) on
Originally posted by Eigon:
Nanny Ogg - every real ale in England?
Do you know how many there are?
(says Eigon, who's just got a book called '300 Beers to try before you die!' by Roger Protz, and has already ticked off 43 of them).
Posted by LutheranChik (# 9826) on
My pastor went to the Holy Land a couple of years ago with an interfaith group. He enjoyed it immensely. But they did travel with some discreetly but heavily armed, Mossad-trained guides. He said it took awhile to get used to the idea.
Posted by Angel Wrestler (# 13673) on
My bucket list:
pretty much anywhere and everywhere.
[ 01. August 2009, 21:27: Message edited by: Angel Wrestler ]
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on
Originally posted by Arcadia:
Me, too. quote:
You went to Iceland and you can't swim? What did you do at the Blue Lagoon, look at it???
Posted by Patrick the less saintly (# 14355) on
1. Learn French (I'm taking some lessons next year, as a student they'll be cheaper for me now than ever again)
2. Get a PhD from a decent university (I'm 100% that I want to go into academia, but I want to be qualified to do so.)
3. Write and publish something of which I can be proud (this was driven home to me when I recently attended a book signing by a younger friend for what was her first, but will almost certainly not be her last, volume of verse).
4. Get out and see more of the world. Listing specific places would be pointless as I've only been to 10 countries, not including airports and train stations, and in two of these (Mexico and Turkey), I never left a clearly defined border region.
5. Get married, although I am ambivalent about having kids
6. Read Proust in French (this serves as a good excuse not to have to read it in English!)
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on
1. Celebrate my diamond wedding anniversary with ceilidh dancing.
2. Have a joint celebration of husband and my 100th birthdays with more ceilidh dancing.
And in the 55 years between now and said 100th birthday I'd like to
1. Get a PhD.
2. Write a really good book.
3. Learn Gaelic.
4. Trace back to all 64 gt gt gt gt grandparents on my family tree. (I've wanted to do that since I was 18, and I've got 52 so far.)
5. Visit Iceland.
Posted by Belle Ringer (# 13379) on
Originally posted by Angel Wrestler:
My bucket list:
pretty much anywhere and everywhere.
Well, come visit! (Not in summer, trust me you don't want to be in Texas in the summer! And summer goes through most of October.)
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on
I want to get my private pilot's license before I die.
I want to visit mainland Europe.
I want to drive a Ferrari, even if I cannot buy one.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
I was driving my aged Suzuki down the south Auckland motorway yesterday, and was passed by a slinky maserati. Somehow beautifully understated, but oh wow.
So yeah ... and I'd love to drive a Jensen once, and maybe a Bentley!
It won't happen.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
My bucket list used to read:
* Study the ologies (Psychology, Sociology, Biology, Geology, Theology)
* Visit the lands (Iceland, Greenland, Holland, Finland, Lapland and Legoland)
However, having done most of the first list and growing up causing changes in priorities from my second list (although Iceland still sounds tempting, and my visit to the shop of that name didn't quite cut the mustard), my new list is quite simple:
* Study for an MA in Church History (probably by distance learning, as there don't seem to be too many courses available)
* Visit the Isles of Scilly (so near and yet I've never been there)
Posted by Custard. (# 5402) on
Originally posted by Mechtilde:
I'd also like to see the Holy Land. Hubby is against it as long as there's a potential for violence, so I may never make it. Kinda more of a problem for them than for me.
If you go on an official tour run by a proper tour company, Israel pretty much guarantee your safety, to the point where the Israeli government run their own insurance scheme. There's only one tourist I can think of who has been caught up in the violence there in the last decade or so, and they decided to join in a Palestinian march which turned violent.
A friend of mine has been 20+ times, and if you're on an official tour with an official tour guide, it's pretty safe.
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on
Originally posted by Chorister:
* Visit the Isles of Scilly (so near and yet I've never been there)
Years ago when the kids were young, we visited the Isles of Scilly with my dear late Mr Marten while on holiday in Cornwall. The weather was awful that day, and I thought they couldn't possibly take us out in a boat (ferry, whatever) in this?! But they did, and the kids and I were sick as dogs the whole trip over. Mr Marten, smug git, was perfectly ok.
Posted by markey (# 14847) on
I'd like to:
Get a degree in History.
See the Northern Lights.
Write a bestseller!
Visit Florence.
Posted by basso (# 4228) on
Originally posted by Chorister:
* Visit the Isles of Scilly (so near and yet I've never been there)
Just go.
My own entry in that category (yeah, I know. Just go.) is Yosemite. One of the wonders of the natural world, half a day's drive away. I've lived here all my life and never been there.
That could make a thread of its own.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on
Basso, I hope you get to Yosemite. It's breathtaking.
Originally posted by Zappa:
Originally posted by Pine Marten:
4. Drive down Route 66.
Me too! We were going to do that on our US visit this year (or maybe Highway 51) but have settled for cheaper options accommodation- and distance-wise this first time.
I missed this earlier. If you like, when you visit Chicago I can drive you a few miles along what used to be Route 66 (the new interstates have overlaid most of it). And I can point you to the "Beginning of Route 66" sign we have downtown -- a definite photo opportunity.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on
A friend in town got terribly excited the other day. "I've just been as close as I'll ever get to my dream!" she told me. Someone had parked a Morgan car round the back of the shop, and she'd just gone and stood next to it.
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on
Originally posted by basso:
See a total solar eclipse.
Tahiti, 11 July next year, basso. I'll be there.
This was a lifetime ambition for me too, which I finally achieved last year at the eclipse in the Gobi Desert. Everyone on the tour said to me "it's addictive, you'll be back!".
How right they were ... I just got back from this year's eclipse, China again.
Posted by KenWritez (# 3238) on
I had to pare my list down from "ought-tos" to truly "want tos." I'm also limiting it no more than 10 items lest this turn into a list-fest.
- Finish my novel "Redemption" and see it published
- See one of my short stories published in The Atlantic magazine
- Get my health to the point I'm off meds and not carrying any excess weight
- Take my wife snow skiing
- Live in a houseboat in Seattle for at least a year
- Return to fluency in Spanish (I actually grew up speaking Spanish before I spoke English.)
- Travel to Tennessee to meet the Nashville Mafia: Tortuf, Grits, Sine
- Have the large tasting menu at the French Laundry restaurant in Napa, California
- Learn sleight-of-hand illusions (to see what I mean, click on these links):
Rene Lavand
Lennart Green - Hear someone say to me, "My life is better now because of you."
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Originally posted by markey:
I'd like to:
Get a degree in History.
See the Northern Lights.
Write a bestseller!
Visit Florence.
Will pass on the first one - besides, Eng Lit + Art will get you all the history you need.
Two realised without leaving the comforts of home a year or so ago, when there was an unusually southerly appearance of the lights.
Three - well, would settle for anything publishable.
Four - goferit. Years, if not decades, since I've been there. But I remember the fireflies over the Arno, and the Uffizi yet.
Posted by Og, King of Bashan (# 9562) on
Reel in one of these puppies (the salmon, not the woman- but a nice looking gal like her would be nice as well
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on
Can one prolong one's life by deliberately not doing something on the bucket list?
I would like to learn to play the flute properly.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on
I saw a sign once behind the check out at a garage shop. The gist of it was that there were a certain number of things that a person had to do during their lives... "and I am so far behind that I will never die!"
Posted by Mechtilde (# 12563) on
Originally posted by Custard.:
Originally posted by Mechtilde:
I'd also like to see the Holy Land. Hubby is against it as long as there's a potential for violence, so I may never make it. Kinda more of a problem for them than for me.
If you go on an official tour run by a proper tour company, Israel pretty much guarantee your safety, to the point where the Israeli government run their own insurance scheme. There's only one tourist I can think of who has been caught up in the violence there in the last decade or so, and they decided to join in a Palestinian march which turned violent.
A friend of mine has been 20+ times, and if you're on an official tour with an official tour guide, it's pretty safe.
Thanks, Custard., back it goes on my list!
Posted by Mechtilde (# 12563) on
(Sorry, missed the edit window.)
What I'd really like to do is one of those courses offered by St George's College in Jerusalem, then have a week or two afterward to poke around on my own. And I'm a wimp about heat, so don't want to do it in the dead of summer. Being tied to the academic calendar makes that a little awkward, but maybe now I can at least assuage my husband's fears that I'll get blown up.
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on
Originally posted by Sir Kevin:
I want to get my private pilot's license before I die.
I suppose you won't need one after you die.
Posted by The Great Gumby (# 10989) on
Originally posted by basso:
Originally posted by Chorister:
* Visit the Isles of Scilly (so near and yet I've never been there)
Just go.
But make sure you go for a proper break of at least a week, and preferably longer. Day trips don't make any sense. The joy of the Scillies is the pace of life, which you just won't get if you're rushing in and out, and you need to visit the different islands to experience their different characters.
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on
The Passion Play at Oberammergau.
I've just booked up for next year!
Posted by Evangeline (# 7002) on
What I'd really like to do is one of those courses offered by St George's College in Jerusalem, then have a week or two afterward to poke around on my own.
Snap! That's on my bucket list too but the safety concerns and my entire extended family's nagging about me being blown up by a suicide bomber has prevented me.
I'd also like to spend some time living in a rural town in Australia, just to feel what it is like to live, rather than just visit somewhere that isn't a busy urban centre.
Posted by Belle Ringer (# 13379) on
Visit all of the World Heritage Sites. At last count there are 890 sites. I'd better get started AND live a long time!
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