I've had it up to here but so far have resisted complaining to anyone's face about it. So if any offenders are reading this then will you kindly SHUT THE F**K UP!
p.s. goto NEWS FOR MOBILE PHONE USERS for more details.
However I would like to reserve a special place in Hell (if I'm allowed) for people who phone from stores, i.e. video stores, "Hi, I'm at the video store, what do you want to see? Well, they have [reads off the names of EVERY title].
I don't have a mobile phone, I will never have a mobile phone. As far as I can tell, the only people who are important enough to own a mobile phone are transplant, cardiac and neurosurgeons. If people need to talk to me that badly, they can send a helicopter to find me.
Originally posted by Erin:
If people need to talk to me that badly, they can send a helicopter to find me.
If you're NOT going to answer it, turn the f'ing thing OFF.
On the previous TICTH thread, someone recommended yelling out "If it's for me, tell him I'm busy."
And I think Strathclydezero was just being cheeky...
I am regularly annoyed however by the people I encounter who take it as a personal insult that I do not possess a mobile phone. As if I would spend my life wondering how to inconvenience them! ("I know! I'll deliberately not live at everYone's beck and call! That'll really get up their noses!")
I am regularly annoyed however by the people I encounter who take it as a personal insult that I do not possess a mobile phone. As if I would spend my life wondering how to inconvenience them! ("I know! I'll deliberately not live at everYone's beck and call! That'll really get up their noses!")
The people who annoy me are the ones who assume because I have a mobile phone I am available twenty four hours a day. This point is insufficiently appreciated by those people who say things like: "What's the point of having a mobile phone if you don't leave it switched on ?" To which the only adequate reply is "You are confusing me with the emergency services".
[fixed UBB code]
[ 24 August 2001: Message edited by: tomb ]
What did all those yakkers do 10 years ago?
Including and especially Howard Ingham.
'Scuse me? Is this a joke?
(in full administrator mode)
And while I'm at it, I want anyone who thinks that commiting suicide is a ticket to Hell in a handbasket down here too.
Oh, yes, and anyone who has the immense gall to tell me that I am lying when they don't like my life not fitting in to their nice, comfortable theology.
The Shadow Lover
& &
& !!! &
&c. .c&
Originally posted by frin:
TICTH the torrents of rain which soaked me before I arrived at my benifits tribunal. And vendors of overpriced soup.'frin
Why were they selling soup out in the rain?
It was only two days later that two young men took seats opposite each other on the train I was on and struck up conversations on their mobiles in their native languages for the next 20 minutes. It is, of course, possible that they may have been talking to each other.
People who shout into their mobiles in a language I don't understand.
Because it is oh-so-rude to limit your eavesdropping? [/rhetorical]
TICTH people who declare they will never go to another beer festival again on the morning after. Cut the self-pitying punitive act and practice moderation next time.
Originally posted by frin:
Because it is oh-so-rude to limit your eavesdropping? [/rhetorical]
Yes. They clearly want to share their conversation by holding loud dialogues in a public place, why not let me get the full benefit of it by speaking in a language I already know?
More annoying is those who don't bother takeing there phone with them as they have no credit.But does it cost anything to them if I'm calling them?No.So why don't they flipping take them with them.
(Possibly need whole seperate thread for Mobile phones)
Originally posted by Erin:
'Scuse me? Is this a joke?Erin
(in full administrator mode)
Administrate away. Which rule did I break that any other post in this thread doesn't break?
So: is it a joke?
Originally posted by Erin:
Feeling a bit paranoid? Did I say you broke a rule? I just want to know if what you posted was a joke or not.So: is it a joke?
This whole thread is a joke, isn't it? I mean, we're not really consigning people to Hell, and nobody who has any modicum of charity would wish to do so (which is why I don't think God does so but that's a subject for another thread!). It's shorthand for "this really irritates me."
And Howard Ingham's column about St. Mary of Egypt really irritated me. Let's make fun of other people's sacred traditions. Let's hold other people's beliefs and practices up -- not for scrutiny, which I welcome, but for ridicule.
That really bugs me.
We have a television show here in the States called Letterman or Late Night with Letterman or something, and he brings people on who are maybe a little slow mentally, and then makes fun of them in such a way that the audience is howling with laughter, but the guest doesn't realize they're being made fun of.
I hate that show for just that reason, and never watch it. He's a mean-spirited little man.
As Howard Ingham strikes me.
(And it's the Late Show with David Letterman – I'm from and live in Florida.)
Originally posted by Erin:
I'm from and live in Florida.
This explains a hell of a lot.
this crappy, slow modem that takes over a minute to load each page of the boards... >8o<
i can't wait to get back to uni and a swift LAN connection.
dave 8o)
For those of us who suffer from a fear of such creatures, this is NOT a good time of year.
And you wondered why I wasn't camping at GB?
I had a pest control expert come this morning to look at the situation. He'll come back after dark and do them in. That's the good news. The bad news is it will cost me ninety-five dollars.
They definitely belong in hell.
And if you know the pointless arse-wipe who nicked most of our flower pots from the front yard over the weekend, why don't the pair of you join up and nick each other's stuff instead of irritating the rest of us?
Originally posted by Steve:
TICTH all creatures with more than 4 legs. Particularly if the legs in question are long.
Yes! I completely and wholeheartedly agree with that sentiment. I would like to add one further catagory - horrible slimy beasties with no legs at all i.e. slugs! What was God thinking when he decided to create these vile things, hm?
And while we're at it, I also consign to hell the district taxpayers for not being willing to fund public education at a reasonable level.
I have had much malicious pleasure in getting a left handed keyboard (from "Anything Left handed", in London) and getting pc support to use it on occasion, and watching them struggle, but I resent the fact that I had to buy it myself and it cost twice as much as a standard one. I have had difficulty using half the kitchen equipment I have got, feeding tickets into Tube barriers, using pens in banks because they are plugged into the right hand side of the desk and won't stretch, and the messages you get on pens and mugs are always the wrong way round anyway, and so on and so on down to the buttons on the photocopier and the document feeder.
Nobody ever stops to think about the millions of people in this world who are left handed. Time they did. We exist. Deal with it.
And blimmin Lancaster all it ever does is rain, rain, rain, rain, rain!
And Christian bookshops that charge you a fortune for a Bible (shouldn't they be free on the NHS?).
And washing machines that break when you have NO clean clothes.
And work men that are decorating in your room when you want to sleep and tiling in the bathroom when you want to shower and....
Originally posted by Nightlamp:
The posts made by Munster1923 especially as my reply ended lost in the cyber-space(probably just as well)
I'm with you on that one.
I was goaded into making a reply....and it wasn't left in cyberspace.
And Christian bookshops that charge you a fortune for a Bible (shouldn't they be free on the NHS?).
They are, aren't they? Just steal a Gideons one from a hospital...
BTW, we only charge a 'fortune' for them because the publishers charge us a fortune for them to start with!
[fixed UBB code]
[ 30 August 2001: Message edited by: tomb ]
There, now, I feel better already.
Football, in preparation for the disappointment all us England fans will be feeling later tonite.
And peeling sunburn, why can't it just turn into tan?
Oh, and I know this is hell, and I really shouldn't apologise, but I am sorry! I didn't mean to insult all you good Christian booksellers. I know that no-one really makes a profit out of selling the Bible, its a big book, takes a lot of money to print it etc etc. Maybe I should consign to hell the people that wrote it making it so long. Hmmmm! Or maybe not!
Originally posted by icklejen:
TICTH cricket,
Don't think I can go along with that!
TICTH football and rugby.In this part of the world we didn't even have rest from it in the summer!!!!
[fixed UBB code]
[ 01 September 2001: Message edited by: tomb ]
Let me clarify this post. I'm not having a go at all car drivers. I am very grateful to people who give me lifts in their cars. My sister in law kindly gave me a lift to Greenbelt this year for example.
What annoys me is when I'm about to cross the street at a turning or junction. A lone car rides up and doesn't signal. Now as far as I can remember from my driving lessons this means that the car is not going to turn but go straight on. Unfortunately if I acted on this information I
would have been run over several times by now. This means I have to wait while the car pulls up, checks for traffic then pulls away before I know its safe to cross.
If your walking or cycling and there are no other cars around then 7 out of 10 cars don't signal.
Can I ask any culprits reading this to lean to drive please. Thank you. Oh and by the way...
I'm not sure it has persuaded anyone.
also, ICTH people who use 'thy will be done' as a get-out slause, meaning they don't have to do anything, because:
'if it's god's will it'll happen, and if it's not god's will then it won't!!!!!'
part of being a christian is getting off your butt and doing something to help bring god's will about.
TICTH my sore throat. This had better be a simple case of post-nasal drip and me sleeping with my mouth open, and not a full-on illness coming over me on a long holiday weekend. I have a heavy schedule of goofing off, and I will NOT have it ruined by a sore throat!
[cryptic? no. just misspelled. corrected spelling, sentence spacing, and dropped letters.]
[ 02 September 2001: Message edited by: tomb ]
Also, in the UK at least, we should CTH drivers that think they can turn into a road when you are crossing the junction. It states clearly in the highway code that in such cases the pedestrian has right-of-way.
Originally posted by Benedictus:
TICTH people who abridge children's books.
Was there a particularly odious example of this which triggered this consignment? (Btw.. I tend to agree on this one!)
I also CTH the friggin' people on the perthdiocese email list who were canvassing to get a Czech tourist with a law degree a job (who probably doesn't have a work visa), but who have remained silent on the participation in Church life of Anglicans living below the poverty line, particularly when it comes to doing courses and retreats. A friggin' 2 tier cost structure would be a token ya jerks.
Originally posted by Nightlamp:
Another person who was irritating me (nonprophet) has been suspended that is three who have gone. Do I have the kiss of death?
Or maybe you're a touchstone? You could just let the admins know who irritates you and they could cut them off without further ado -- would save us hosts all a lot of time.
Originally posted by Nightlamp:
Another person who was irritating me (nonprophet) has been suspended that is three who have gone. Do I have the kiss of death?
O please Jesus, don't let me irritate Nightlamp!
TICTH male servers who won't let women serve.
The other week there were NO SERVERS. We're a bells-and-smells church, so there was neither. I have served at various churches since I was 10, was thurifer for 2 years at college and am currently thurifer at Benediction once a month for another church. Yet out lot preferred to emasculate the liturgy rather than stoop to having a woman take part.
Originally posted by Joan the Dwarf:
Oh, what a wonderful thread!!TICTH male servers who won't let women serve.
Sounds like they're in Hell already. You, on the other hand, should get a new church.
Btw, blaze and nonprophet and p_a_r are three personae of the same person I invited here... mea maxima culpa.
katie - I'm seriously considering it; take a peek at the 'Jumping Ship' thread in Purgatory, any thoughts are welcome.
They're KIDS you bread dead numbskulls. LEAVE THEM ALONE. ANd don't whine when all that hate comes back in 10 years time on the end of a bullet.
AND the total &%&$%*&@%@ on the news who was trying to support them. You got your message across - you can't face the parents, so attack the children.
It makes me SO mad.
Also today I would like to consign to hell the French Catholic Priest I heard on Five Live this morning who was justifying the abuse of children amongst the clergy!!!!
TICTH the cup of boiling hot chocolate I just spilled all over my hand. Owowowowowowo. But TICTHeaven my benzocaine spray, aaaaaahhhhhhhh.
People who write books about how they can "contact dead loved ones" and the like. Much as one would think everyone knows such things are a sham, people who have lost a spouse or other dear one are very vulnerable, and I hate scams where people trade on the heartache and bereavement in order to make money. (This happened to someone I know this week, who actually spent substantial money on a "private session.")
Liars of all kinds - the manipulators, the trouble makers, especially the calumniators - but also those who tell one lies because they cannot bear to disappoint one, so that one then has to deal with both the disappointment and knowing one whom one trusted was lying all along.
I sent an email to a friend who I have been doing youth work with, and something had fucked up royally so I used the term:
Oh Bollocks!
Which I thought was quite tame really.
He replied with an email requesting that I did not swear in emails to him .. and if I couldn't express myself without such words I ought to reconsider my standards.
Well I was now royally pissed off myself.
So I sent him an email teeling him that I was pissed off, and that I found his crypto-victorian middle class hang ups very offensive ... and if he didn't want to work with me he didn't have to.
crypto-victorian middle class hang ups about swearing.
TICTH *$£&%!ing ushers who don't %£*@~!ing well usher!
Went to St. Paul's (cathedral) on a whim tonight for Evensong. Never been there before. The top half of the nave was cordoned off with an usher handing out books at the entrance to it, so I took it that that was where to the service would happen. Approached, smiled, held out hand for service book. Got sharply asked "Are you here for the service?". No, I'm going to take the psalter and run off with it. "Yes, Evensong". Was allowed to have the books and let through, with admonishment "It's till 6, you realise?". Was not told anything about where to sit. Some people were sitting in the chairs in that front half of the nave, so I joined them. Enter choir et al, who went into the quire. Service started. Became aware that the people around me were largely treating it as a cross between a concert and theatre. Stood up as directed for the gloria at the end of the psalm. No-one else stood up - so there was me standing up alone in the middle of St. Paul's Cathedral. Not the best experience I've ever had (they all stood up with me after that though, heh heh ).
I was kind of wondering at there being so few people there, then at the end of the service they all appeared - they had been sitting in the quire, a hoard of them! WHY DIDN'T THE &"%@~#!ING USHERS TELL ME TO GO THERE?????
Mind you, there were some good bits - including a very cute young woman reading the second lesson
Other technical support (perhaps over the telephone) that leads one to ring one number to be told to ring another.. to another... to another.
Places online that have all sorts of odd requirements for one's password. (Must be a combination of capital and small letters, must contain numbers, must be eight letters, etc.) I think most of us prefer to use one password, which no one could guess, than to have to write down all sorts of other combinations.
Children's sites which have complicated registration forms, on a par with applying for a visa, for access - which the kids put up with because it seems to be a cool games site. When they finally receive the coveted access, the site is either non-working demos which take an hour to download or, worse yet, an animated sermon about brushing one's teeth or eating five servings of fruit a day.
Sites which appear to offer online shopping. Then, when one goes through the interminable stages of "filling the cart," one is led to a page that informs one that one must now telephone in one's credit card number or print out and fax the order.
Churchy types who expect people to be happy about hurts and thank God for the bad times. Someone I know was fired from a church job which she had loved. A few months later, she happened to meet someone from the parish at a store. He greeted her with an enthusiastic, "Oh, yes! I heard your services were no longer required!" When tears started falling down her face, he not only told her who had taken over and what a great job he was doing, but said to her, "Well, sound like you're happy about it!" (Dante did not place a low enough spot in hell for people like that..)
Anyone who tells someone who is bereaved, especially who has just lost a spouse, and who speaks of loneliness that he should "just talk to God."
Originally posted by spigot:
What annoys me is when I'm about to cross the street at a turning or junction. A lone car rides up and doesn't signal
I once asked a driver who inflicted this on me, and then parked 50 yards further down the road why she hadn't indicated. Her reply was "I didn't need to - you could see me."
(So I presume that she uses her indicator for the visually impaired?)
Worst yet is pretended humility. "Oh, I was so embarrassed today! The boss told me he's never known an employee as dedicated as I am."
Originally posted by Steve:
TICTH "Help, I'm a fish".
What's wrong with being a fish?
She nearly hit us (we were actually in the lane between spaces, doing the required speed limit). I frowned at her, and she just shrugged her shoulders at me.
The song ( from its title ) sound like it should be pleasant and cheerful. Think tweenies meet Ronan Keating - complete lack of visible talent.
Stuff this for a lark.
*Walks off singing 'help I'm s fish*
Originally posted by Newman's Own:
Anyone who tells someone who is bereaved, especially who has just lost a spouse, and who speaks of loneliness that he should "just talk to God."
What's even worse is someone telling the bereaved, "I know just how you feel." Every human being is unique. Every relationship between two human beings is unique. No one can ever know exactly how a bereaved person feels. Having someone say they do know is turning the knife in the bereaved person's heart.
I'm not going to lock it, but l would be grateful for your cooperation.
You can consign me to hell for forgetting about it and keeping it out of action for so long, but since I'm already there, the sentiment might be considered superfluous.
And parents-in-law. Need I say more?
Don't they realise that Travis has feelings?
If you have either a big bum or long legs, you're in trouble. If, like me, you have both, it's off down to Waterstone's in search of 'Human Origami for Beginners'.
Does this mean they won't be waiting for me when I get to work tomorrow?
Being told by an ailine rep that they have cancelled my flight back to England, and then being put endlessly on hold while they try and decide what they are going to do about it.
It's horrible, awful, intense, stressful and lonely. I hate feeling like I've been pulled completely out of my context and have consequently lost myself, my life and my friends. I also CTH the beurocracy of my university that tried to make me homeless for a week, despite the fact that I have had a medical place in Halls since March, and until next June at the earliest. I CTH the whole system that meant that I had to go outside the usual channels and plead to be allowed to have a roof over my head for last week. I also CTH the people who put me in a room that was inappropriate for my illness when I finally did move into the new Hall, so that I had the extra stress of requesting a room transfer and having to shift all my stuff again. I CTH the general attitude that means that were my illness physical rather than mental and I said my accommodation was unsuitable then I would not be asked to explain in detail and get a look like "you're complaining about that ?". I CTH the fact that this all means I've spent a good proportion of the last four days feeling suicidal. And I'm meant to be starting work again on Monday for the first time in 5 months. Yeah, I feel up to it after this.
In short, TICTH this college.
I have found a saying which has helped me in similar times of stress.
"Never attribute to malice, that which can be explained by mere stupidity."
Originally posted by Carmel:
Whats up Carmel?
Originally posted by Islandexile:
Designers who decide it's fun to make copy editors to write one column (on a seven column grid), 42 pt headlines for stories about stabbings and Kamehameha schools. How the hell am I suppose to fit either of those words into a one column headline?
So make it 18 pt. They'll never know the difference. These new-fangled designers wouldn't know a pica pole if somebody flogged them with it.
Originally posted by spigot:
Whats up Carmel?
Just one of those days, spigot, but thanks for asking.
The only car hire company within walking distance of my apartment for not letting under 28s rent a car!
How else am I to see this beautiful country???
I'm not impressed. The goalposts for me to qualify as a teacher seem to keep moving - every time I meet a target, the target changes. This, I suppose, is what you get for developing diabetes and being unable to perform to the best of your ability for a couple of weeks. Sometimes I'm tempted to throw the whole thing in . . .
There's something really wrong with teacher training in this country if it can take someone like me, who is really comitted to children and to their subject, and who has always wanted to teach, and demoralises them to such an extent that they are left unable to remember why they thought teaching was such a good idea.
I'm really fed up with this. Every time I get close to meeting targets, the targets change. And I'm SO tempted to throw the whole thing in and go and do something that'll bring in sufficient money to make the angst worth while.
I've always wanted to teach. I'm really enthusiastic about children and about my subject. So why is everyone out to make me so demoralised that I jack it in before it really begins? How do they think they can possibly sort the teaching crisis if they keep behaving like this?
Oh, sorry. I forgot. It is of course MY fault - I fell ill in March, and because I lost 2 weeks then, I obviously need 7 weeks to make it up. Another benefit of diabetes there . . .
What are they playing at? They're very lucky to have you training, they ought to be falling over themselves to get you to qualify! Hell's too good for them...
My school told me (disbelievingly) that my College tutor had extended the placement - and now she has the gall to write and claim that THE SCHOOL extended the placement
And there's nowt I can do about it, except rev in neutral, get het up and upset, and teach very badly when I'm assessed. Any ideas of the way out?
A sincere TGIF!
TICTH being broke, and having no income. I'm not long term broke, but it's not easy to touch my money.
And I consign to hell the benefits agency
There's something really wrong with teacher training in this country if it can take someone like me, who is really comitted to children and to their subject, and who has always wanted to teach, and demoralises them to such an extent that they are left unable to remember why they thought teaching was such a good idea.
I suppose it saves time. At least if you get put off at the training stage you don't end up discovering how lowly teachers are held in the opinions of the government, parents and many pupils. I know very few people who are still teaching - and plenty who left with mental health problems because of the culture of education these days.
Sorry to be depressing.
Luckily I had a lot of spare posters, so I've replaced the defaced one. But it's got me more upset than I feel is proportional.
I am certain they're ripping me off. more to the point, I'm not convinced they didn't let me drive off in an unroadworthy vehicle
If it's any reassurance my wife hated all of her teacher training year except for the actual teaching practice. Now in her 24th year of teaching she has yet to find a good teacher who actually enjoyed the training itself.
Remember that few, if any, teacher trainers do so because of a burning desire to train teachers, most do so because they couldn't cope with teaching kids.
Finally think of this as good training, if you can cope with what your college is shitting on you now, then you will be ready for what the government, senior management and some of your future colleagues will dump on you over the next 40 years.
In modern teaching the kids are the easy bit.
Oh baloney!
1) They have sent me loads of new licence codes - none of which solve the problem which they are sent to solve.
2) Every fecking time I fecking ring them I have to explain the details - IP addresses, subnet masks, the sodding lot - again. Do these people never record anything?
3) Because of their incompetence I get continuous grief from the users who can't use the fecking application.
Extra hot brimstone, please....
Tesco's Fresh Tomato and Basil soup...I've worked for that soup....I've bled (literally) for that soup... (stupid plastic bottles) That's four days I've been trying to undo the stupid thing...
I want my soup!
A recent example is the Harry Potter movie. From the book "Harry Potter and the Philospher's Stone", released everywhere else in the world as such, but in the US as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone".
Why? did the Philosopher's Union complain?
One of the first Australian movies released in the us was Sunday Too Far Away. It was subtitled!
Some of the scenes in "The Castle" were reshot. Rissoles was changed to meatloaf, for example.
Why why why? Does everything have to be so homogenous?
That's it.
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
It's worse than you think -- the movie was released that way, because that's the title the book bears in the United States. I have read that the publisher thought people in anti-intellectual America wouldn't read something with the word "Philosopher" attached to it anywhere.
This even though it being the philosopher's stone is important to the book for lots of reasons, and represents (even better) an important historical allusion.
I hate them. I hate them. I hate them. For talking down to the multitudes and aiming for the lowest common denominator and for insulting our intelligence and for just generally screwing up whatever they can.
re: eye tics, try aspirin or ibuprofen (not acetamenophen), plus a cool cloth over your eyes. If the nerve is inflamed, the anti-inflammatories should help. The cloth is very soothing. Get some rest.
I really wonder if they should give this sort of thing so much publicity on television.
Originally posted by Laura:
It's worse than you think -- the movie was released that way, because that's the title the book bears in the United States. I have read that the publisher thought people in anti-intellectual America wouldn't read something with the word "Philosopher" attached to it anywhere.This even though it being the philosopher's stone is important to the book for lots of reasons, and represents (even better) an important historical allusion.
Interesting, I knew the US had a different title for the book but I assumed (wrongly, it appears) that this was just a "cross cultural lexicon" item with the name of the stone.
I heard on the news where one anthrax hoax perpetrator got 8 years and a MAJOR (six figure) fine. Seems the USPS takes this stuff rather seriously.
OK, OK, so this isn't that big a deal, but this is the first class I've ever given, it's in an hour's time, and I'm a wee bit nervous so things are getting a bit out of proportion!
However, I will apologise to anyone who's ever taught me for not realising just how nerve-wracking it is to stand up in front of a room full of people and try and teach them something. Phew.
For why? I don't hear you cry. But I'll tell you anyway.
Gnome parked the car just past where the double yellow lines ended. When she came back it was ticketed. Apparently it's an urban clearway. Fair enough? Not bloody likely!
I'm all in favour of urban clearways where necessary. But for feck's sake wouldn't it make sense to actually let us know the damned thing is there? Perhaps re-painting the yellow dashed line so that it's actually visible? Putting up a sign saying where the clearway starts? Putting up a plate indicating the hours of operation.
So, one thinks, point these little flaws out to Plod and he'll cancel the ticket.
O gullible me! Of course not. Instead I get a letter telling me that the signs are all there, the road is marked, etc. etc.
This is in conflict with reality, which I have gone back twice to see and now photographed. Mind you, it's difficult to prove something doesn't exist by photographing it not existing.
Why do the police think they can sustain a fine against me without actually going and checking for themselves?
I'll see them in court before I pay the damned thing.
If God had meant for potatoes to be barbequed, He would have given them curly tails and a squeal.
TCICH Mr&Mrs Head Louse and all their tenacious offspring.
Originally posted by sakura:
TICTH my fear of posting on these boards.
Welcome to the Ship of Fools! Well done in making one of your first posts in Hell. Feel free to maneuver about and find what fits. This is a large and diverse (in the good sense, not the PC one) community. It's all about people.
Going to be REALLY bold now and try an instant smiley face.
here goes...
Not consigning him to Hell, just those childish qualities...
Originally posted by Karl:
TICTH the South Yorkshire Police.Gnome parked the car just past where the double yellow lines ended. When she came back it was ticketed. Apparently it's an urban clearway. Fair enough? Not bloody likely! ........
I'll see them in court before I pay the damned thing.
Karl, came across this article about Parking tickets. in the telegraph. Apparently in some councils trafic wardens are paid a bonus for handing out more tickets. It's causing a furore. I don't know if S.Yorks police are the same.
It was 30 deg C yesterday (sob) and that's a month before the official start. Sob sob sob. Soon it'll be 32, then it will creep up to 35 and then there will be a consistent period of 37ishes, with the occasional 42 thrown in. God preserve us from anything higher than that. (Where I'm from you would get the odd 47).
Wail! I wish I lived on the Orkney Islands.
[to convert Celsius to Farenheit multiply by 1.8 and add 32]
Originally posted by Sibling Coot:
TICTH the imminent onset of Summer.
(the sound of sobbing is heard)It was 30 deg C yesterday (sob) and that's a month before the official start. Sob sob sob. Soon it'll be 32, then it will creep up to 35 and then there will be a consistent period of 37ishes, with the occasional 42 thrown in. God preserve us from anything higher than that. (Where I'm from you would get the odd 47).
Wail! I wish I lived on the Orkney Islands.
[to convert Celsius to Farenheit multiply by 1.8 and add 32]
Yesterday it was 20 here, Today the maximum should be 13. It is wet and going to get wetter. Shortly the frosts will start, first at night and then, possibly, through the day. The one constant will be intermittent rain throughout Nov and Dec. We haven't had a major snow fall this far south for 5 or 6 years (although I lost one day's work through a snow fall late last December)
Swap ya!
Actually I was too conservative on the spate of 37ish temperatures. It is more like an extended period in the high 30s. And the awful thing is, the night-time temps are often in the 20s!!! Sob! (remembering sleepless nights bathed in sweat) The house heats up and becomes like a little kiln - (I've hosed it down before in an effort to reduce the temp) and stays hot because of the hot nights.
Oooh. I've fantasised about living on the Orkney Is. for years. The lovely green carpet dotted with fluffy white sheep on top of bits of rock.
Originally posted by Sibling Coot:
Oooh. I've fantasised about living on the Orkney Is. for years. The lovely green carpet dotted with fluffy white sheep on top of bits of rock.
Dream on Coot!
For the majority of the winter it is sheeting down with rain or snow in 40-50mph winds.
FYI the forecast for today is:
Coastal Waters Forecast for The Orkney Islands
Issued at 7:15 am Thursday, November 1, 2001
Forecast for Thursday
Wind: West backing south-west 5 (25mph/35kph) increasing 6 (30/50) or 7 (35/60)
Weather: A little rain and drizzle spreading from the west.
Sea State: Rough.
Visibility: Good becoming moderate.
Outlook for Friday: South-west 6 to perhaps gale force 8 (45/70)
Outlook for Saturday: South-west to west 5 or 6
Coot, the Orkney Islansa are lovely. Keep dreaming.
When I spill macaroni salad down my shirt and go to rinse it out, I do not want to be confronted by a disgusting, faeces-ridden baby. (Legs in the air, mother and adoring aunt wiping the smeared crap off it). Could hardly eat my lunch after that.
Originally posted by Steve_R:
Dream on Coot!For the majority of the winter it is sheeting down with rain or snow in 40-50mph winds.
Had our first snowball fight of the year on Oct. 31 this year - oh for 30 degree weather (C not F)
This morning, I am looking out my office window at the mountains. The air is so dry that the sky is almost purple, and so clear that the peaks seemed to be outlined in a black pencil. There are still a few golden and yellow leaves on the trees, and the sunlight is absolutely golden.
The temperature is a little brisk, but should warm up to the 60s (F) by midday.
I wanted you to know this in order to comfort you.
I have just been told that my landlord needs to have the chimney redone, which means virtually demolishing my attic flat to get at it. I am to be given six months’ notice.
A preliminary look in the paper suggests that prices of one-bedroom flats should account for all or more than my income. This means that if I stay in the city, I will have to go back to paying more than half my salary to living, sleeping, cooking and eating in just one room, described as a studio flat. I don’t have any transport, so am limited to bus and train routes, in other words, commuterland with equivalent prices. I have also spent a year trying to find jobs, and despite 10 interviews, have not yet been first choice. The job market has pretty well dried up lately.
It also means that this will be my 16th move in 17 years. Stuff this for a lark. I am completely disillusioned not only with life but human nature. I can’t afford to buy, and I have no choice but to rent. If I move somewhere cheaper, the salaries are lower. You don’t gain anything.
I want to cry. Things were going so well in NI after the shock of 11 September. Maybe this shouldn't be in Hell as I'm not consigning anyone or anything to it. It's just such a major disappointment... but even that sounds lamer than what I feel.
So I guess that TIalsoCTH me being on the computer when I should be studying...
Originally posted by tomb:
The air is so dry that the sky is almost purple, and so clear that the peaks seemed to be outlined in a black pencil. There are still a few golden and yellow leaves on the trees, and the sunlight is absolutely golden.
We get days like that here in Denbigh. On the mountains there aren't many trees, but there are huge banks of heather and gorse. These turn brown and orange during the winter. It is quite a sight to see, clear, clear blue skies, with purple mountains and orange blazes. At sunset it can look as if the whole muntain range is aflame.
Ain't God's world rather nice.
Originally posted by The Mid:
So I guess that TIalsoCTH me being on the computer when I should be studying...
p.s. Welcome aboard.
Now in the book, she is portrayed as an awesomely beautiful Elven princess, daughter of Elrond Halfelven, who is due to marry Aragorn, but only if he succeeds in becoming King of both Gondor and Arnor. She has a few wise words to say at certain points, and she makes a 'banner' for Aragorn and sends it to him. In 'The Return of the King' she rides to Minas Tirith to wed him. She doesn't 'do' a lot more than this.
Nowhere in Tolkien's books does she wield a weapon or engage in any sort of fighting. Given his view of women, it would be very unlikely that she would. The Rohirric woman Eowyn joins in the great Ride of her people (disguised as a male Rider) as a despairing, aberrant response to being unable to 'have' Aragorn, and to the difficult years she has endured the 'attention' of Wormtongue.
The film, however, apparently depicts Arwen as a 'warrior princess', riding out on sorties with her half-elven brethren. If they are going to spend untold millions on such a film, and on getting the landscapes, battle-scenes, etc. 'right', how on (Middle) Earth do they think they hav the right to significantly tamper with Arwen's role? And have they done it because the character as written by JRRT is seen these days as too 'passive' and they want an 'active' female protagonist?
As an avid fan of the books, I shall avoid seeing the film as I fear it would just wind me up.
I will go to see the film though, because I am such an addict, that however good or bad it is, I need to have seen it.
And yes I did see the truly, madly, deeply dreadful animated version of half of it.
I've tried to close the stable door and deleate the cr@p they've put on my 'puter, I'm just paranoid they've installed a trojan horse.
Why do people do this???
Originally posted by The Mid:
I think it is because they don't have girlfriends, and need something to brag to their friends about.
That should be friend Mid, singular, not plural.
Originally posted by Steve_R:
That should be friend Mid, singular, not plural.
You mean the bot they play against in Quake?
'The Exorcist!' screamed the headlines today, 'Bishop lifts gypsy curse from football ground!'
The real story is far less sensational, but why let that get in the way of a good headline?
I speak as one who has had nothing but trouble for years, and most lately in the form of blackouts and near comas as well as cramps. Mercifully, going on this diet really seems to have helped.
It is confusing, irritating, thoughtless, damages the community, and is possibly a bootable offence. But by my reckoning, at least 6 people with shipmate status have done this in the past month.
AKA Rebekah
Originally posted by Ham 'n' Eggs:
It is confusing, irritating, thoughtless, damages the community, and is possibly a bootable offence
Well, tis not a bootable offense.
The Coot of many adjectives seems to have settled on Sibling Coot for the moment.
As for the others, it might help if they were to declare their new name in All Saints or something like that. It can be very confusing to come across a new name and see a post count of over 200.
But, we are an adaptable people, we can cope, can't we.
Originally posted by Carmel:
Angel, after much trial and error I've discovered that if you go on an all-natural, non-meat diet, and cut out refined sugar and alcohol for up to 10 days before, you can get through virtually trouble free. I hardly have any cramps now or any of the other symptoms. It may sound wacky but it really does work.I speak as one who has had nothing but trouble for years, and most lately in the form of blackouts and near comas as well as cramps. Mercifully, going on this diet really seems to have helped.
Carmel - you just described my usual diet. I'm a veggie, that eats a little fish, and generally eats whole foods 365/52. And I don't touch alcohol that much.
It was bad before I started being given hormones - mostly just heavy, so I'd go badly anaemic.
Angel, still feeling very very grumpy, as some shipmates found out in the cafe this evening.
Post cooking fish (woahhh! the most domestic I've been in ages - the microwave sulked and wouldn't talk to me) the electric frypan was covered in a moderately thick residue of butter, oil and crispy flour. I wondered why one of the cats spent the day lolling on the ground and discovered today a spic and span pan!
If tomorrow's election goes the way many commentators are predicting, I may well emigrate. If anyone will have me, that is.
I'm ashamed at what this nation has become.
Originally posted by Weasel:
I CTH being at work and having to be here for another 2 and a half hours with NOTHING to do and I just want to go home cos its a Friday. Relatively unhellish really but I'm so bored...
Come into the Cafe Weasel
It's the election and I seriously do not know who to vote for because all offerings are such crap. I want to make my vote informal but I morally can't bear to considering people died so I can vote and vote in a free country, and to honour people in countries that do not have the right to vote.
Labor - I will never vote for the party of the man (Kim Beasley) who helped destroy free Australian tertiary education in the 80s.
Liberal - Just dying to ream welfare recipients.
Greens - Seriously can't imagine a bunch of tree-huggers formulating foreign policy or running the country.
Pauline Hansen's One Nation Party - Hm. I have some conscience.
Australian Democrats - Present policies piss me orf.
What to do? Sigh.
Bring back Gough!
TICTH the increasingly prevelant practice of shipmates changing names (and we are not talking merely about the adjective preceeding the wildfowl that takes their fancy). No, SidF decides after 150 posts that actually, MidnightStallion is a much cooler name, and confuses the heck out of everyone that takes note of peoples identities.
It is confusing, irritating, thoughtless, damages the community, and is possibly a bootable offence. But by my reckoning, at least 6 people with shipmate status have done this in the past month.
I changed my name to demonstrate it could be done, not for any other reason. I am sorry if this confused people.
I was most disappointed to find I cannot have my old name back, and have now had to resort to using the underscore between my first and last names. Grrrr.
[Clutches head. Runs around in small circles making lowing noises]
17 C minimum overnight and 37 max today.
Sniff Sniff! I sat in Sizzlers for 3 hrs today, but I can't afford to eat there every day - How to avoid the heat? Wahhhh.
Best effin country in the world this is. Long as ya got air con.
TICTH: mid-spring, summer and early-autumn.
Move to Hobart?
Come to England - wet, yes, but cool most of the time. Rarely gets over 30C and then only for a day or two.
What more could you ask for
I am emigrating for sure..... but where?
Originally posted by Karl:
... being averse to direct sunlight and high temperatures.
From profile
Occupation : Systems Engineer
Yes, that fits, somehow.
It's worrying how much like Scott Adam (Dilbert)'s description of the typical engineer I am.
Sad but true.
Personally, I reckon there's some as yet unrecognised autistic disorder akin to Asperger's Syndrome, and people who suffer from it end up being computer programmers, engineers and so forth.
In our office, we have the Network people on the inside of the office, because they shrivel if they are exposed to light, and the programming staff by the windows, so they have something to do in the afternoons ( looking out of them ).
Seems to work well
Irritating people.
I mean, if 500 people are coming towards you, don't you think finding the right way to get where you are going makes sense?
They've also given the elves pointy ears.
This, ladies and gentlemen, is right up there with horns on viking helmets.
However, what the chair doesn't know is that it is doomed.
Next Friday the bin man cometh and shall take it to its destruction MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Cross Ags.
Going to bed
in a minute
Originally posted by Sibling Coot:
[Aside: Karl, you did know that they've done studies of Asperger's Syndr. children and the strongest correlation they found was having a father who was an engineer (the implication was that there was a mild form or tendency in the father, who as a result was suited to/found his way into engineering positions)]
My children are doomed! My husband and I are both engineers; part of our "courtship" was spent discussing the details of the Nova 2 and 3 circuit boards.
The amount of stuff I've taken today I feel like a walking pharmacy, and still shit. Time to try hot chocolate.
Who's bright idea was it to make me female? Grrrrrrrrr.
Also in this category are, for example, those who are musicians but do not need to earn their living at being such - and who, if several musicians participate in a programme for which they are paid, tell the others "we've decided to donate the fee back." Well, they are free to do that if they wish, but announcing it to the others has other overtones.
Love Ags
I think I also CTH my depressing existence in a house with broken electrics, stove, aircon, light fittings; concrete floors and blocked plumbing on a constantly noisy road. And I live in hope for a day when I will be rich. Then I will be decadent and selfish and my camel will not fit through the eye of a needle. I will surround myself with a mountain of material things. Especially a pair of Doc Martens, the finest frozen lasagna I can buy, computer games as the fancy takes me and I will go out for coffee as if it were an autonomic nervous function. I will also buy full meals at Sizzlers instead of just the salad bar.
Then I will tell God and the Church to shove it.
Leunig (paraphrase):
'Here I am unemployed, unimportant. And there you are. Wealthy. Powerful. You own money, material things, human souls in massive, sickening, criminal quantities. HOW DO YOU SLEEP AT NIGHT???!!!!'
'I sleep on a king-size, auto-massage, water bed, with piped music, in a quiet street with a companion whose beauty would make you weep with desire.'
But if I were out on my own, I would be living on baked beans. And I will have no income whatever from now till (hopefully if I can get a scholarship) March. I am wondering how I am going to make $700 last 3 months covering food, phone and petrol - given that I will be away all through December and therefore not obliged to spend anything. At the moment I am chewing through about that much a month...
The weather, which has turned as cold as the middle of winter.
The perpetual fog over my future, and the closed doors in every direction in which I turn.
I now reconsign the same PC back to hell, as it began the day doing what it was supposed to do, but has now turned round, blown a virtual-raspberry and is ditching my data again.
Since I can’t actually throw the PC off a cliff - a) it’s not mine and b) there aren’t any cliffs handy – I’m going to have to content myself with this…
Tuesday. Check employment agencies jobs site, find that most of the jobs you can do pay less than you are on, and others require you to have skills you don't have and can't get without being in the job already. Spend evening writing job applications anyway.
Wednesday. Check recruitment agencies again for midweek updates, with same results. Check local newsagents' windows for affordable places to rent then give up.
Thursday. Consider changing career direction for 6th time. Get rejection letters from last week's applications.
Friday. Scour local paper for properties to rent, but decide you can't live on 2/5ths of your salary. Check local jobs section and find that everything you can do pays less than you are on. Look through Bookseller jobs section and wish you had a specialist degree, spoke 6 languages, and use Quark Express.
Saturday. Go out all day to avoid landlord's kids.
Sunday. Go out all afternoon at short notice in the rain for 6 hours to avoid landlord's kids and their visitors. Contemplate the meaning of life, and decide there isn't one.
Monday. Buy Guardian media section.
Ideal for patching plasterwork up, it said. Does not crack or shrink it said.
No, it doesn't crack or shrink, it cracks and shrinks. Meaning I had to do some more patching to the patches.
I have broken the windows installer, so I can't re-install anything. Including the Windows Installer. Aaaargh
the penis-brained jerk who crashed into me while i was hobbling painfully down the steps to the tube ... I have hurt my back and this ugly tedious brainless nob-head was desperate to throw me to the ground in order to catch the tube ...
We both missed the tube - a consequence of the fact that I refused to fall down the stairs however hard he tried to push me.
He then proceeded to yell at me that he had missed the tube and berated me for having been in teh way. I apologised (more fool me but I know how he feels it is frustrating) and said I had a bad back which is why I was less than nimble and pointed out that there was another tube in 2 minutes time ...
He then continued to hurl insults at me, lunatic, idiotic, selfish were a few of the words that I heard ... by this time there was quite a large crowd.
My parting shot as he legged it to the next tube was for him to get over himself.
I also consign myself to hell for not ensuring that I sat next to him on the tube journey and for not making cheap remarks such as "i suppose a shag is out of the question now" - well i would have felt better about it.
ME - for having forgotten my keys *&%$£"!!!
People who think they have a right to know where I am and for me to be contactable to them 24hours a day and who can't handle it if I'm away from my phones for a few days.
It's NONE of their *&^%$£"!!! business!
Now I have to calm down and explain to this person tomorrow, that No, I have not been kidnapped by aliens, and no, it is none of her business where I've been.
And I'm not very good at dealing with these things calmly.
All this because I went away for some peace and quiet...
Originally posted by Louise:
All this because I went away for some peace and quiet...
how about saying
"Thanks for your concern. I just fancied a few days away from things. It was absolutely lovely!" and then walk off in a dreamy fashion....
"It is none of your business where I was, or who I was with, or what I was doing. No, no. I refuse to answer any questions on the grounds that it might incriminate me."
You would have to start that one with a slight smile, then increase the size of the smile until you were grinning from ear to ear.
Managed to listen almost calmly to the recitation of the extremely non-urgent matter, said person had thought it worth leaving five increasingly hysterical messages on my phones for.
Due to wonderful display of 'pretending to care' I managed to avoid any awkward questions as to where I'd been, instead of being instantly at the beck and call of person with not-very-urgent-or-important query.
Not sure that 'Lord teach me to pretend to care!' is exactly a wonderful motto, but it's an improvement on screaming 'Tell it to someone who cares!!!' down the phone.
Eventually I'll work up to the 'actually caring' bit - but I'm not there yet!
I also CTH that I've run out of logs and the coal merchant isn't answering the phone. No heat for me.
Originally posted by Cusanus:
I second that consigning.
I presume you mean a particular sports team from Uruguay rather than the whole country?
Right now the idea that the country even exists and plays sport is a raw throbbing wound, but in the fullness of time we will forgive everyone except the soccer team and their more agressive supporters.
[fixed the UBB code. I live to serve.]
[ 27 November 2001: Message edited by: tomb ]
Just let those bozos DARE to empanel me....
"I'm interested in a purple dress." - "They are wearing neutrals this season." (Well, they may do as they please.. I didn't tell you to tell me what I wanted.)
"That style is wonderful - see how it slims you!" (I came to shop, not to be insulted, bitch.)
Though I must admit that I smile, when I annually trek to the cosmetics counter at Selfridge's to have the makeup artiste "do" my face for New Year's Eve (and buy some new eye shadow) that I'm always told diplomatically that the concealer and foundation will keep me from looking "tired." (I am indeed tired... but it's nice of them not to say "old.")
Originally posted by tomb:
TICTH the Jefferson County Clerk for summoning me to jury duty the !#@$%O *#$^* week before Christmas.Just let those bozos DARE to empanel me....
Fool proof ways to avoid being empanelled:
(a) stare menacingly at defendant and mouth 'you're a goner mate'
(b) blow kiss at defendant
(c) blow kiss at prosecution/plaintiff
Any of these will definately lead to the other party objecting to you.
Of course, you might get done for contempt, but you will get out of jury duty!
Originally posted by sakura:
Fool proof ways to avoid being empanelled:
(a) stare menacingly at defendant and mouth 'you're a goner mate'
(b) blow kiss at defendant
(c) blow kiss at prosecution/plaintiffAny of these will definately lead to the other party objecting to you.
Of course, you might get done for contempt, but you will get out of jury duty!
... or, be a tax auditor - defense attornies do not like anyone who has anything to do with any kind of law enforcement
Five days before a Test Match is no time to have a power battle. If they end up with a riot at Mohali next Monday because England refuse to play it's no more than the BCCI deserve!
Originally posted by sharkshooter:
... or, be a tax auditor - defense attornies do not like anyone who has anything to do with any kind of law enforcement
Thanks for the suggestions, guys. Actually, I've always found an almost foolproof method of avoiding jury duty is to wear a tie. Scares the defense attorneys, because they figure nobody in professional dress will be sympathetic to their client (a lawyer told me about that particular dodge).
As to the death penalty, Colorado does have the death penalty, but the summons was for county, not district court--which probably means civil and not criminal cases, so shall most likely not have to worry about that.
Unless, of course, the damn district attorney decides to empanel a Grand Jury to investigate the Grinch or somesuch.
And in spite of being completely opposed to the death penalty, I'll probably be so querulous that close to Christmas that I'll scream "Off With Their Heads" and they'll carry me out of the box feet first having a fit.
In panic and desperation, I rashly pulled aside the officiating person and whispered to him that I had just been released from a psychiatric hospital and was on lots of mind-altering drugs. He promptly dismissed me.
Today, following a week when lots of pain had been amplified, I was in such depression and tension that I felt tears coming while I was in my office, and I slipped outside, to an area where I thought no one was. I didn't realise that someone else was nearby, and saw the tears on my cheeks.
Her immediate response was, "There are people in the world who have it worse than you." (For the record, she had no knowledge of what was paining me.)
Yes - indeed there are! I'm not terminally ill, or being bombed in Afghanistan, or sleeping in the street. But does that mean my own pain is "invalid"?!
It reminds me of a man I knew , who, if he saw anybody in pain, would say, "You woke up this morning! Lots of people didn't!"
True! And they are the lucky ones!
Angel does not understand.
Angel has been ill for 2 weeks, and went down a dress size and 2 ring sizes. She has visibly shrunk. Angel hasn't lost any weight. this does not compute. it is not muscle change.
Ditto to whomever hacked into a religious site (owned by someone I know) and replaced the graphics with pornographic images.
Deal with it.
Perhaps you and the Coot could get together and trade complaints.
I can imagine it now:
"I'll see you a chillblain and raise you two prickly heats."
Of course, the two of you could establish a Subscription Service and both move to the tropics.
But then, I daresay, you'd be complaining about the Inexorable Fungus that was slowing absorbing your extremities.
There's no pleasing some people.
I work shifts and there is genuinely nothing more annoying then having some punter phoning me up 10 minutes after I've finally fallen asleep after a long night shift.
TIalsoCTH the woman who works for the above nameless (Thomsons) telephone directory who told me today that it wasn't their responsibility to make sure the numbers were correct ('Did you not read the small print in the phone book?' 'No because until recently I didn't know my number WAS in the phone book.') and whose only advice is to get an answermachine (Exactly how will that stop me waking up) or change my number (I've only just remembered this one).
AAAAAAARRRGGGHHH - have just spent a night shift planning reprisals (he he he wicked laugh). Could I possibly piss them off as much as they have me. Suggestions on a postcard please.
Originally posted by Islandexile:
Four-inch flying cochroaches
barely-scopic ants that come by the score
Oh my word - where do you live?! Remind me never EVER to go there!
TICTH People who think Im stupid for caring that George Harrison is dead. If you dont like him then fine, but I am really gutted!
Originally posted by chive:
TICTH the nameless (Thomsons) phone directory people who mistakenly put my name in the phone book as belonging to a construction company. Obviously this results in dozens of irritating calls from people looking for builders, work or to sell me things I don't want.<snip>
AAAAAAARRRGGGHHH - have just spent a night shift planning reprisals (he he he wicked laugh). Could I possibly piss them off as much as they have me. Suggestions on a postcard please.
quote from Islandexile
Four-inch flying cochroaches
barely-scopic ants that come by the score
Maybe Islandexile could send you some of his cockroaches and ants to pass along to the directory people.
On one memorable occasion I was told 'at least you've got legs'!!
the A$$holes who are having a party right outside my bedroom window, right now.
myself - for feeling so crappy, I forgot to go and buy fruit.
and this virus, because it won't go away.
TICTH the fact that, almost invariably, the person who I love (platonically), admire and wish approbation from is the one in front of whom I manage to look like a complete idiotic attention-seeking shallow juvenile pain in the neck. How the hell could he ever like me and do anything more than put up with me out of Christian charity?
Oh hell.
TICTH myself yesterday, for forgetting to take my medication with me when going out all day. Thus when I nose-dived unexpectedly there was nothing I could do about it, so I spent the run-through before the advent procession feeling dreadful and trying not to snap at people, and the first bit of the service in tears and trying to hide it. I wanted desparately to cry during Benediction, but as an acolyte in front of that many people I was NOT going to.
Grrr grrr humph. Note to self, always carry spare meds.
Originally posted by Arietty:
Re people who say you could be worse off - my parents were great for that, I suffered from depression for most of my childhood & adolescence, whenever I was asked why I looked so miserable and said I felt sad, I would get a big lecture on how other people were worse off, I had nothing to be depressed 'about' and then a long list of people who were cheerful under terrible circumstances.On one memorable occasion I was told 'at least you've got legs'!!
My mother used to tell me (this AFTER my first suicide attempt) "You could be happy if you wanted to be." Maybe that's true for the much of the population, but what I really needed, and never got for any effective period, was professional HELP!
But I'm better now regardless, so I guess I must have chosen happiness at some point?
TICTH my group project. Of course the big research paper for my first graduate-level course is a group project--otherwise the professor would have to read all those extra papers! So instead of our paper, due Wednesday, being done by now, it is still being squabbled about.
I and one other person had made an effort to WRITE something for the paper before the whole group met Saturday for what was supposed to be a run-through of the whole thing to put it into a final draft. I had been e-mailing the first draft (which barely included half what the final draft will) to all the group members for 3 weeks BEGGING them to add to it so we wouldn't have to write the paper from scratch on Saturday. Well they couldn't be bothered to, so Saturday we met for hours. After arguing for hours over what one section of the paper should contain, I asked that we just leave what we had written for now and continue on to make a draft of the next two sections. At which point one of the non-contributers says to me, "But we HAVE to finish this now, it's due Wednesday!" Well, no kidding! That's why I'd been begging her to write something before then. We ended up never getting farther than that section so I had to write the results and discussion on my own as well as the abstract and making 4 charts and now I am e-mailing the file around begging them to look it over before Wednesday. And the chance of them doing so is nil.
Especially given that the spineless government has capitulated and said that all speed cameras have to be painted bright yellow so we can see them.
Bollocks. The only thing that'll deter people is the thought that there might be a camera in the bushes. Why do we treat speeding like it's a game, where people have the right to know if they can get caught or not? It's not. It's a criminal offence and offenders have to accept that if they get caught that's their tough shit.
The younger children ended up cowering in the basement of a nearby building while the older students stood in the cold at the edge of the parking lot ("out of the way of flying debris if anything happens" according to the SWAT commander).
This is Jefferson County, for God's sake, home of Columbine High School. When a co-worker ran up to me and told me that "something bad is happening at your son's school" I thought I was going to be sick I was so frightened.
It was a hoax, of course. Good thing I'm not liable to get my hands on the little bastard, though, before the Law catches him. I'd rip off his testicles and stuff them in his ears (I imagine they'd be just about the right size to fit.)
And this on the day after the State Department issues another warning about "unspecified terrorist threats."
There isn't enough Gin in the world to calm me down right now.
but i'll show them... 10 days worth of erthyromycin should have them cowering in fear. and i can pretend that the ringing in my right ear is their dying screams...
I also CTH my almost pathological capacity for procrastination which sees me posting to these boards when I should be working.
by giving compliments and saying kind things - kind of like a bank account into which you deposit "warm fuzzies" for the person, so they will take some of the sting out of the "cold pricklies" which will be sure to come. And to manipulate you later to advance their agenda. By having built up this stack of goodwill gestures, so the thinking goes - the evil punch will not hurt as much and the fly will be willing to be mauled and eaten by the spider.
This is such a cold tactic. Giving an insincere compliment, with hidden negative motives. GRRRRRRR
Oh, well.
Originally posted by Pig:
TICTH the mental health center that, when I finally got the nerve to call and request some sort of depression screening (and maybe even treatment of some sort) told me that they are only open during the hours I have to work, so they can't see me. No openings during Christmas holidays, either.
That's really hellish
So sad.
Please don't give up in your attempt to get screening and treatment (at least a counselor to talk with).. Is there no chance of getting off from work long enough to go in?
Find a way to get some help - it is important. Take a day off? Do their Christmas holidays completely match yours ( Yes I guess they probably do ! )
Not very hellish, but we're all with you Pig!
Take the couple of hours off work that you need to see them. Surely your workplace has facility time for doctors, dentists etc? Or can you negotiate a work-late for a leave-early? You don't have to explain*, but just say 'I need this time. It is important. I'm prepared to do anything reasonable to make sure the business doesn't suffer'.
Failing that, take sick leave.
*Firenze's First Law: Never apologise; never explain.
And I've turned it down on the grounds that I'd be bored. That I wouldn't learn anything, get any marketable skills, that there's no career development. That it's a very small company with little contact with the outside world and it would be claustrophobic. First interview, second interview, meet the team, get referees to write in, even plan my farewell speech. Two and a half years spent trying to get out of my current job and get the money to move out of my current flat. Nights of black despair, days spent wishing I was dead. And I just throw it away when I'm offered it. As if these things grow on trees.
And I have another interview on Monday somewhere else. Will I, won't I, do I want to, what if, yes but. Here we go again.
Originally posted by mousethief:
People who celebrate Christmas during Advent.Alexis
I'll second that, Alexis,
Last year about htis time I had a wedding in my church. The mother of the bride (MOB) could not understand (in spite of numerous attemts to explain) why we had to have those "hiddeous" purple paraments and purple candles on the advent wreath.
"But it's a _Christmas_ wedding!" She tried to tell me.
"We are still in _ADVENT_", I tried to explain, to little avail. She wanted EVERYTHING in red and white. It all looked much more appropriate for Valentine's Day than Christmas.
(Don't get me started about the three foot tall fiberoptic angel she wanted to put on top of the pulpit )
Rdr Alexis
Originally posted by Campbellite:
(Don't get me started about the three foot tall fiberoptic angel she wanted to put on top of the pulpit)
Sorry, Campbellite, but I'm going to get you started. I'm having trouble imagining a fiberoptic angel. My mind refuses to encompass the idea.
I exported a file as text for the specific reason that I wanted to import it into Excel. By the time it got to Excel having been in transit from one computer to another, Microsoft has inexplicably turned it into a web page, which excel then couldn't find any columns in. Hence necessitating making whole new text files. Several times, since I had several data sets.
I have been unemployed for 3 months and I'm starting my own business (first day of trading:7th Jan). You'd think that the job centre would greet such a spirit of entrepeneurialism (sp?!) with cries of unadulterated joy. Hah!!
It would seem that becoming a self-employed tax-paying member of society is, in fact, a VERY BAD THING. I'm supposed to take a sh***y, badly-paid, cleaning job instead, because that's "a proper job".
Because I'm a naughty girl for saying no, they're threatening to withdraw my benefit payments. Just in time for Christmas.
What is the point of trying to make something of yourself when the benefits system has been (deliberately) DESIGNED to squash your dreams and thwart you at every turn??
Originally posted by mousethief:
People who celebrate Christmas during Advent.Alexis
Am I wrong, or does that include most of us because 25th December is still in the Orthodox Advent?
Originally posted by Moo:
Sorry, Campbellite, but I'm going to get you started. I'm having trouble imagining a fiberoptic angel. My mind refuses to encompass the idea.Moo
Well, Moo, it's like this...
The monstrosity is about 2 feet tall, and has a similar wingspan. The wings are composed of optic fibers which are connected to a light source inside. The colors change from red to orange to yellow to green to blue to purple and back to red. Lots of glitter and sequins cover the whole thing. MOB thought it was simply BEE-YOU-TEE-FUL. (Where is the barf smilie?)
I finally convinced her that if it was left on the pulpit, the pictures would make it look like the brides head was sprouting wings like a Viking. The hiddeous fiberoptic monstrosity ended up in a relatively unobtrusive spot on top of the piano. (Hidden among the poinsettias.)
One of the things I hate about this time of year is the way some people do up their houses. I don't like ( but don't mind ) some external decoration, but the over-the-top tastelessness of some people around here really has to be seen to be believed.
They would adore a fibreoptic angel
( nearest I can get to puking smilie )
It was christmas eve, Santa was not a happy bunny. The elves had been on strike for higher pay and better conditions (the workshop was too cold, apparently, the chief negotiator wanted to move the whole shooting match from the North Pole to Mustique). Santa himself was just coming down with a cold and was convinced that it was going to turn into 'flu.
Mrs Claus had just announced that her mother was arriving on Boxing Day to stay....permanently. Rudolf had also announced that the reindeer had an outbreak of foot and mouth disease and he wasn't sure that he could raise a full eight to pull the sleigh.
At this moment the doorbell rang, it was the Christmas Fairy(/Angel) "Santa," she cried, "I've got your Christmas Tree, where shall I put it?"
I went to the charismatic evangelical church I occasionally visit - all went well until the intercessions when 3 young, healthy (teen) men stood up and prayed. I think I am speaking with Holy Spirit discernment when I say that the first 2 were clanging cymbals and show ponies. I wondered how much struggle and life experience they'd had. There was the usual high density 'Father Gods' and the stream of enthusiastic hackneyed prayer talk which says nothing, then they spent a good 10 minutes praying against homosexual law reform. The whole of it. I wonder if they even knew what was in it. Including equal opportunity, funereal rights, next-of-kin, nearest relative. (Thank goodness for the last young man who prayed humbly on behalf of the whole world)
It was not so much prayer against homosexual law reform but against homosexuals. The first young man declared vehemently 'WE CHOOSE LIFE', as if being homosexual is choosing death.
Wood: there is a worse thing for an evangelical than to be considered a liberal... that is, that one is going straight to Hell.
I left straight after the intercessions and went home and cried. Shoulda stayed with the tat. Even if I do not hear enough that I am saved by grace through the atoning blood of Jesus in his sacrifice on the cross in my stead, the perfect oblation made once and for all for the sins of the whole world. ;~~(~
Choose Life? Sounds like it's them who haven't. *hugs*
But then, I guess it's my fault for both sitting near them and choosing a children's film in the first place...
Originally posted by The Coot:
I'm not particularly consigning anyone or anything to Hell, but I'm writing on this thread because I seem to live here. [Hello Carmel, I see you have moved in]
Hello Coot, pop round for virtual tea some time. I think all you can do with people like that is to try not to take them seriously. I know it's hard but as you say they have no life experience and it's a case of "Father forgive them for they know not what they say". You don't know what life has in store for them, anyway.
I've decided that Hell is a place where no matter how hard you try nothing ever really changes, and things on the horizon always only ever remain on the horizon. I've just been offered even more money to take this job I don't want. But should I really swop one boring claustrophobic dead-end job for an even more so one just because of the money?
God I love being a loving, forgiving, other-cheek-turning, christian. YES! (clenched fist victory salute)
[Lucky for him I'm fairly sedate at the moment]
Boredom, been bored out of my tree all weekend. Am so, very, very bored.
Electronic muzak (or any other sort of music) played by the "worship group" (sic) as a background during the prayers of intercession. God does not require our prayers to be prettied up for Him, the congregation generally found it a distraction (except for the hard of hearing, for whom it was the only thing they could hear during the prayers) and the person reading the prayers said afterwards that it was a struggle for her not to start trying to sing them, in tune to the musak.
What will be the next thing that gets a musical accompaniment? Any suggesttions of suitable tunes to go with the Euchaistic prayer, anyone.
And the day started so well, with a nice quiet 1662 BCP HC service. Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the church, Family Worship happened.
Enought to make me consider joining the Quakers.
Originally posted by Chapelhead:
What will be the next thing that gets a musical accompaniment? Any suggesttions of suitable tunes to go with the Euchaistic prayer, anyone.
Anglican chant, of course
Originally posted by Joan the Dwarf:
Anglican chant, of course
Fair point, but we need something that can be produced on an electronic keyboard and electric guitar.
Jesus took the bread and wine and said "Do this for me"
And liturgy marches on.
Glory, Glory alleluia
He said to use a keyboard and a synthesiser-er
Our OHP and Misson Praise beats any biretta:
The liturgy marches on!
[Yes, before you ask, I am in an extremely silly mood at the moment. I shall now take myself off to Vespers.]
Originally posted by Joan the Dwarf:[Yes, before you ask, I am in an extremely silly mood at the moment. I shall now take myself off to Vespers.]
Come back soon.
Unfortunately I've just realised that I am on the rota to read the prayers at the next Family Service.
My plan is this...
Server announces prayers. I walk to lectern as Worship Group start their "tinkly tinkly, this is what heaven sounds like" muzak. I say "Let us begin our prayers with a period of silent reflection. Collapse of stout party.
It could work.
I think I'd probably be wise to see my general practitioner, and maybe making myself find someone who can give me some good medical-type advice would be a wise idea.
Soon maybe I'll learn to type.
(Please insert closing quotes after "reflection" in my last post).
Originally posted by Chapelhead:
My plan is this...Server announces prayers. I walk to lectern as Worship Group start their "tinkly tinkly, this is what heaven sounds like" muzak. I say "Let us begin our prayers with a period of silent reflection. Collapse of stout party.
alternatively (and i realise this is quite revolutionary), you could ask them beforehand not to play during the prayers...
Originally posted by Stooberry:
alternatively (and i realise this is quite revolutionary), you could ask them beforehand not to play during the prayers...
Of course, but isn't this the spot for some hellish thoughts (in my case, brought on by a day of rather too many songs I haven't sung since flares were first in fashion and which have made a number of appearances in the "CC & HH" thread.
Originally posted by Chapelhead:
Of course, but isn't this the spot for some hellish thoughts...
yeah... and i guess in my own way, that was mine! (i appreciate your post was tongue in cheek)
sorry... it's a personal bugbear!
Originally posted by Stooberry:
yeah... and i guess in my own way, that was mine! (i appreciate your post was tongue in cheek)sorry... it's a personal bugbear!
No apology needed, but accepted anyway. As I post to these boards I'm getting to realise how difficult it is to get across the right "tone of voice", even with the similies.
Partly in the interests of balance, I'm off to consign to heaven the sermon at the same Family Service, which was possibly the best "informal" sermon I have heard.
Thank you.
Arrgggghhhhh more rehersals tonight.
And this bl**dy rash that still hasn't gone away!
(NB this is directed at some people IRL, not on the Ship.)
Merry Xmas, Isegrim
Originally posted by Carmel:
Xmas should be pronounced Crossmas. That about sums it up. Don't talk to me about the season of goodwill.
Nope, the 'X' is 'chi', 22nd-ish letter of the Greek alphabet. I believe that it is pronouced 'ch' as in 'loch', and 'i' as in 'eye'.
Another way the 'chi' is used in the church is part of the 'chi-rho'.
Originally posted by Carmel:
I was being sarcastic. And right now I don't give a figgy pudding how it's pronounced. I can't wait for it to be over. This really is the nadir of the year.
We'll just call you 'Ebenezer' then.
TITCH Thursdays. If I could, I'd abolish them altogether.
TITCH Thursdays, and would abolish them completely if I could.
Originally posted by Carmel:
Call me what you want, but don't expect me to answer to it. Scrooge at least had money, his own home, and relatives who actually remembered him at Christmas. I don't mind if nobody calls, phones or emails, but I wish my relatives hadn't crossed me off their Christmas card list to save money after they overspent on a two month holiday in South Africa. I didn't find this out until I rang up wondering if they were dead.
OK, that really sucks. You have my sympathies.
I offer this NOT as any kind of exemplar ('see, lots of 17th C divines were worse off than you') but as a blanket of the dark, suitable for rolling in.
Nadirs 'r' us!
The world is divided into two types of people; those who eat chocolate, and complete bitches
What if you're both?
TIalsoCTH people who promote living together as such a great alternative to marriage. His flat, they have a row, who becomes homeless even if the row isn't her fault?
I think we are engaged in a little bit of constructive dismissal of myself and our secretary, but I'm not going without a fight.
Now Tuesday - that was a pain.
Originally posted by Steve:
Ginga - I don't know what you mean - I got in fine today.
I'm guessing you work from home then. Circle, Met and H&C were all out right across the top, King's Cross was closed due to overcrowding, the Northern line was rammed full, and all of Euston Road is being dug up so the buses and taxis don't work. Plus double the number of pedestrians available to get in my way.
(Apologies to non-Londoners, and generally everyone who does know where I mean, but doesn't care)
tho i was kinda in a world of my own, so may not have noticed if the sky fell in
ticth 'family christmas' grrrr arghhhhh
like the starbucks ads 'Feel like lamping a troupe of carol singers? We're here to help you through this season' *grin*
i'm on to the ho-fucking-ho already
What happened to Advent????!!!!!!!
Originally posted by Hostie:
The bicycle is not being consigned to the flames, it is a reply to the previous two posts about LT
I know I was just teasing you because I had the funny image of a poor innocent bicycle consigned to Hell, no reason given!
But it does seem a ludicrous time to have a year end.
Originally posted by Wood:
pants. Let's try that again.TITCH Thursdays, and would abolish them completely if I could.
You could have copied the page and saved it as homeswethome.html - I don't think anyone would have noticed...
Thursdays. Bad Things. *shudder*.
Here's one that can only be about Spanking the Monkey I think.
And this is just so awful it makes me want to cry (at the degeneracy of humanity, you understand). And that white thing sticking out its rear is the bone in the background, you perves.
Originally posted by Paladin:
Mondays are nothing. Things don't go massively wrong on Mondays as a whole. They might begin to go wrong, certainly, but they are not yet in a mature state. By Thursday the Bad Things are in full flow, unstoppable in their majestic urgency. And you've got to nail them, because Friday's just round the corner, and how can you enjoy Friday with the threat of Bad Things running over onto Saturday morning?Thursdays. Bad Things. *shudder*.
You see... Paladin understands... WICKET (Wood's International Coalition for the, erm, Komplete Abolition of Thursdays) gains another member! Hurrah!
I have for some time held to the opinion that in Hell (the REAL one, not this thread) it is always Thursday. You have suffered through a long week, and yet it is STILL not the weekend.
In Hell, Friday never comes.
jlg...tell your daughter to pass on a message, "my mother says hello"
Did you make sure it was plugged in? Was the power on? You may need to check the re-set button. (It's the small red one on the bottom.)
Good luck!
It may not be the mistletoe that isn't working, but the person on whom it appears not to be working may in fact be broken themself.
Try it on someone else e.g. ex-partner, and see if it is in fact not the mistletoe that is malfunctioning.
my laptop is REALLY annoying me. It's making a whining noise for about 5 seconds every 10 seconds and the battery doesn't seem to be doing anything (i.e. it has to be plugged in to work).
hmmm maybe I need a new battery?
Actually it's more of a whistle but that's still a possibility. Why would it be connected to a battery failure though?
Usually I put up with it but today I sat and argued with them and where did I get. Nowhere except using taxpayers money to waste my time and my interpreters time. And there was absolutely no sanction on doing it at all.
I`m talking, of course, about letting Sinn Fein people use parliamentary offices despite their refusing to swear the oath of allegiance. I mean, what do they think the bloody thing`s for? And then we get Keith MacNamara wanting to reform it because people don`t like saying it. Well of course they don`t. If they did like saying it there`d be no need for it. How about we take all that "truth" stuff out of the oath that witnesses have to swear in court, so they`ll find it easier to say?
But I agree about Sinn Fein, on the grounds that it was ruled out of order by the then speaker, and should remain so for the rest of this session.
So while we're about it I'll CTH the current Speaker Michael Martin who is the least independent and commands the least respect of anyone to have held that office in the entire 800+ years of UK Parliamentary Democracy.
BUT - any bets/odds on them taking their seats within the next twelve months after 'President' Blair decides to modify the oath of allegiance - to the European Community' perhaps
'Government by the people, of the people and for the people' - does it exist anywhere?
Too late now, of course..
Anyway, all I can offer you are my prayers and best wishes over Christmas. All the best, Huw.
1. washing machines that are temperamental.
2. people who get annoyed at you sending "religious" Christmas Cards. I mean huh? did someone completely miss the point here? I send relatively few cards anyway, only to those I care most about. If people are celebrating as "christmas" not "happy new year" or similar then I am going to send "christmas" cards.
Why can't they accept the card in the spirit in which is was meant - as a sharing in something personally special. I do send out "New Year" cards to some friends of mine, as they have explicitly said they don't celebrate Christmas. And they send me similar. perfectly grown up and satisfying way to behave.
And TICTH my nose. (Ruddy sinuses.) And imposing relatives.
In my case, without any of the positive effects, and with all of the negative ones. So, rather than risking any more generics, I have to use the branded product.
Thereby making them more expensive. Aaargh.
and cats. maybe i'm mistaken but combining a small brain with large incisors and sharp claws is not an ideal formula for a domestic companion.
i am scratched to bits...
Originally posted by mandy:
can openers that don't work.and cats. maybe i'm mistaken but combining a small brain with large incisors and sharp claws is not an ideal formula for a domestic companion.
i am scratched to bits...
Presumably because you didn't open the can quickly enough.
Lesson: buy Cat Food in easy open sachets or ring-pull cans!
Originally posted by mandy:
can openers that don't work.and cats. maybe i'm mistaken but combining a small brain with large incisors and sharp claws is not an ideal formula for a domestic companion.
i am scratched to bits...
Let me see - you are trying to open a can, but the can opener is broken....
You have a cat with claws, teeth, and very little brain....
So - use the cat's claws or teeth to open the can with!
[Steve - who loves cats, but knows about sharp claws too]
It must be extremely stressful.
There are now 80 fires burning, but conditions in the next few days will be hot and windy which will make containment harder.
Sorry not very hellish. And probably should be posted in All Saints.
I hope they make the kids involved actually help clean up damaged homes and talk to people whose houses/properties/sheep/cattle have been destroyed.
Today is truly overcast - clouds and all. Looks like it might rain, and there's no wind, so that will be good news for firefighters.
Which also means, our holiday is off, as dad is fighting fires and as such can't go. Not that I want him to stop doing it, I can get over it, but if those bastards hadn't lit the fires we'd be at the beach, and Dad wouldn't be surrounded by flames!!!
Oh well, I gambled and lost. 'Till next time...
Originally posted by Steve:
TICTH Printers that are not 9-year-old proof.Aaaargh!
Well, don't put your 9 year old in the printer in the first place. Du-uh.
Originally posted by Dyfrig:
Well, don't put your 9 year old in the printer in the first place. Du-uh.
Sorry - am I my 9-year-olds keeper?
As he has proved, he is more than capable of getting into the printer without any help from me ( at least his fingers ). Why did God give children fingers?
Originally posted by Steve:
....Why did God give children fingers?
They will come in "handy" later on.
Originally posted by tomb:
They will come in "handy" later on.::snork::
At least they would've if they hadn't been damaged in a printer
I just lost my lenghty rant against the US Postal Service due to exceeding the limt of allowed.
As if I wasn't angry enough already
I also CTH waif-ish naturopaths who think a 60g piece of steak and a few carrot sticks is all anyone could possibly need to eat.
Originally posted by TonyK:
At least they would've if they hadn't been damaged in a printer
The fingers themselves weren't damaged in the printer. The broken bones are from what I did to him having discovered what he had done ( joke - I don't want Social Services on me ).It's probaly a good job I'm not really a violent psycopath. IRL at least.
Originally posted by weaver_dav_t:
and now I don't know who to contact about giving the money
1. Write a letter to the head of the student funding section at your LEA, copy to your local council. Point out to them that they've overpaid you and you want to know how to return the money.
2. If within 2 weeks the LEA hasn't responded, remind them politely, again copied to Councillor.
3. If no reply after a month, write to Director of Education, copied to local councillor, asking why you've not heard.
TICTH local authorities.
in a brewery piss up couldn't organise a
Since returning to work after Christmas, my train in the morning has been late every single day. The only reason I was on time on Monday was because I caught the previous train that was running half an hour late. Yesterday, the train was cancelled, but they didn't bother telling us until half an hour after it was due to leave. As for this evenings journey home it was virtually non existent. A whole section of the line had been closed, so I had to walk in the pissing rain to the station where they were terminating and then had a 25 minute wait. It amazes me that they have the nerve to charge money for this service.
The government and the green lobby are trying to persuade us to leave our cars at home and use public transport instead. Well, bollocks to that! I've tried to do my bit, but as I can't rely on the trains, I'd rather sit in a traffic jam than put up with this crap. From now on, I'm driving to work
I arrived back yesterday from a week away to be woken at 1am by sounds of ripping from my food box. Shaking it, out popped a mouse, and then I lifted the lid to find it had shredded a packet of dried soya mix, and there were droppings everywhere. Yuk. I've just finished tidying up and getting everything remotely food-like WAY off the floor, and throwing out all the stuff that had been spoiled.
I'm doubly annoyed because I don't want the mice all killed, but there's no other way to end the infestation - Hall isn't big enough for all of us.
It didn't help that the friend I told this to tonight (yes, you know who you are!! ) told me about someone else who has a mouse problem and who recently woke up to find one in bed with him! Well, aren't I going to sleep well tonight, especially as it'll be exploring now its food source has gone...
Originally posted by Spike:
The government and the green lobby are trying to persuade us to leave our cars at home and use public transport instead. Well, bollocks to that! I've tried to do my bit, but as I can't rely on the trains, I'd rather sit in a traffic jam than put up with this crap. From now on, I'm driving to work
Cos of course, drivers never get held up, do they? On my walk to work, I cross the new M11 extension. Sometimes ( say once a week ) it is solid.
Steve - who will be relying on Thameslink from Easter
TICTH London Transport again.
It seems they didn't get the hint last time.
Originally posted by nicolemrw:
TICTH people who mutilate library owned material. including magazines and newspapers. grrr.....![]()
That's especially inexcusable nowadays when libraries have copy machines so people can copy what they want.
[corrected spelling because I was asked nice]
[ 14 January 2002: Message edited by: tomb ]
Whilst I'm at it I also CTH spades which are used to wrench open windows especially when it was my only unbent one.
And finally I CTH the incompetent Metropolitan "we couldn't spot a crime if someone nicked our police station" so called Police Force. Who when informed of a crime in progress by a neighbour respond we'll be round in an hour or two. And for their incredible ability not to take any salient details when they did finally f'ing turn up 7.5 hours later. Apparently they didn't have time to record the VIN number / license / make / model of the car so it still isn't registered as stolen.
Useless f**kwits. They will burn
Little ****s who follow me into the courtyard just to shout abuse. (we have a gated courtyard, and it takes an age for the gate to shut, and they sneaked in.
Originally posted by the Angel of the North:
Little ****s who follow me into the courtyard just to shout abuse. (we have a gated courtyard, and it takes an age for the gate to shut, and they sneaked in.
No chance of then locking the gate and shutting them in for a day or 2 I suppose?