Thread: Hell: FFS, man up you two and say what you mean... Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Look, mousethief and Gamaliel, if you have something to say to me, then FFS man up and say it, instead of making cryptic remarks on this Kerygmania thread.
If you are accusing me of lacking humility (because apparently I won't roll over and just submit to your point of view - whatever that is, which has never been clear to me), then stop being so snide and snarky and let's hear it.
It seems that you are both trying to wreck the Keryg thread (and I notice neither of you have sod all to say about the subject in question), so here's your chance...
Get it off your backs.
Otherwise, chaps, why don't you do us a favo(u)r and Foxtrot Oscar...
[ 23. August 2014, 20:29: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on
Having just read that thread, all I can say is I miss Father Gregory. He had a way of explaining the Orthodox point of view that I could understand without getting a headache.
Posted by South Coast Kevin (# 16130) on
It cuts both ways, EE. Both / and, not either / or...
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by South Coast Kevin
It cuts both ways, EE. Both / and, not either / or...
Sure. Thing is, though, Kev, the dichotomy between "both...and" and "either...or" could be a false one. I mean let's not be divisive about this. Let's see all points of view.
So what I suggest is that it's a case of...
Both "both...and" and "either...or", and not...
Either "both...and" or "either...or"
Oh shit!
I have just created another dichotomy! It should really be...
BOTH "Both "both...and" and "either...or"" AND "Either "both...and" or "either...or"", and not...
EITHER "Both "both...and" and "either...or" OR Either "both...and" or "either...or""
Oh no!!! I've just done it again!
It's that pesky logic thing. Don't you just hate it??!
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on
See what I mean?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
It's that pesky logic thing. Don't you just hate it??!
Aha! This explains why you so often eschew it.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
It sure does. I'm only trying to be 'umble by eschewing logic, as I have been advised. After all, it is the trendy post-modern thing to do...
Posted by TheAlethiophile (# 16870) on
Given they both have their location as the south coast of England, I wonder if SCK & EE are in fact the same person, just demonstrating, respectively, the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde sides of their personality.
One is the nice, reasonable and well-informed shipmate, the other eclipses any light from the discussion and tries to plunge us into their darkness.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Your primary problem is the assumption that you are the very epitome of logic and logical thought, and thus that anything you think, assume or believe must be Correct.
You're like some kind of theological Mr. Spock, thinking that you're right because of your oh-so-fabulous logic but continually missing the fucking point of most of what's going on because you can't grasp that not all things can or should be understood logically. Me, I'll side with Bones any day of the week.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by TheAlethiophile
Given they both have their location as the south coast of England, I wonder if SCK & EE are in fact the same person, just demonstrating, respectively, the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde sides of their personality.
One is the nice, reasonable and well-informed shipmate, the other eclipses any light from the discussion and tries to plunge us into their darkness.
Quite a compliment, coming from someone so dim that he thinks that God chose a liar to be the mother of God incarnate.
I mean, it really doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to work out that if I really did want to use a sockpuppet on this site, I wouldn't put the same area of the same country as my location for both contributors. I mean Duh!!!
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian
Your primary problem is the assumption that you are the very epitome of logic and logical thought, and thus that anything you think, assume or believe must be Correct.
You're like some kind of theological Mr. Spock, thinking that you're right because of your oh-so-fabulous logic but continually missing the fucking point of most of what's going on because you can't grasp that not all things can or should be understood logically. Me, I'll side with Bones any day of the week.
I won't bother asking you for an example, because I know you can't give one.
After all, if you had to deal in something called 'evidence', it would rather undermine your own futile claim.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I mean, it really doesn't take a great deal of intelligence to work out that if I really did want to use a sockpuppet on this site, I wouldn't put the same area of the same country as my location for both contributors. I mean Duh!!!
He's calling you stupid, but apparently you're too stupid to...
Oh never mind.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian
[b]Your primary problem is the assumption that you are the very epitome of logic and logical thought, and thus that anything you think, assume or believe must be Correct.[/QB]
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I won't bother asking you for an example, because I know you can't give one.
Cute how you go and illustrate Marvin's point for him
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by TheAlethiophile
Given they both have their location as the south coast of England, I wonder if SCK & EE are in fact the same person, just demonstrating, respectively, the Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde sides of their personality.
One is the nice, reasonable and well-informed shipmate, the other eclipses any light from the discussion and tries to plunge us into their darkness.
Quite a compliment, coming from someone so dim that he thinks that God chose a liar to be the mother of God incarnate.
Personally I don't know for certain that Mary even claimed to be a virgin and have no need of the liar hypothesis to doubt the virgin birth, but given that God chose a murderer to lead Israel out of Egypt and an adulterer to be King, why the hell not?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
So he's obviously a crazy God, and therefore quite into doing (apparently) crazy things, like virgin births and suchlike...
Posted by Ricardus (# 8757) on
I never had you down as a believer in the perpetual sinlessness of Mary ....
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Your primary problem is the assumption that you are the very epitome of logic and logical thought, and thus that anything you think, assume or believe must be Correct.
You're like some kind of theological Mr. Spock, thinking that you're right because of your oh-so-fabulous logic but continually missing the fucking point of most of what's going on because you can't grasp that not all things can or should be understood logically. Me, I'll side with Bones any day of the week.
Mousethief can answer for himself but I'm happy to use the above succinct summary.
I'm certainly 'man' enough to take you on in Hell or anywhere else for that matter - but you may have noticed that MT and I have both received Hostly shots across our bows on other Boards because we stray into Hellish territory ... and rightly so, that's a fair call.
I make no special claims to sanctity and freely admit that your style of posting which assumes that you always have irrefutable logic on your side drives me scatty and brings out the worst in me.
Sooner or later, any interaction with you inevitably inclines Hellwards for several reasons - mostly those summarised in the above quote.
It's more fool me for even trying to engage with someone who thinks they are irrefutably right on just about any issue that crops up on these Boards.
And because I'm nowhere near as wise, perfect and rational as you appear to think you are it can lead me into hot water by ad hominem remarks and intemperate language.
So the only wise and sane thing I think I can do is avoid engaging with your posts at all because all they do is lead to ...
It's more fool me, of course, because you'd think I'd have headaches a plenty by now. But perhaps I've got some daft idea that I am like Chaucer's miller who could break down any door by running at it with his head ...
Clearly, I can't. Frankly, I can't think of anyone else who can either.
How can we argue with someone who believes himself to have irrefutable logic on his side at all times?
I suppose eventually all we can do is bow out of discussions with you or else bow to you oh-so-superior wisdom and Papal Infallibility ... EE the Infallible, hail, all hail ...
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I won't bother asking you for an example, because I know you can't give one.
The thread you linked to in the OP will do.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
M the M -
Do feel free to elaborate.
Take your time. When you're ready...
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
There are none so blind ...
EE, I don't know what you got your degree in, but it certainly wasn't 'Self Awareness' ...
Posted by fletcher christian (# 13919) on
It's like watching a lemming getting close to a cliff.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Oh, I just noticed that Gammy has turned up.
Frankly, I am amazed that he has such a breakdown every time he encounters someone who expresses an opinion. I mean, if he thinks I am so full of 'certainty', then one wonders why he doesn't rail at someone like IngoB, who is at least as 'confident' in his position as I am in mine (if not more so).
I don't really know what G expects me to do. Am I supposed to not actually have any views at all? It seems that I am being hassled by someone who just wants to censor me (which suggests that I have said certain things - "home truths" - that hit a rather sore spot).
I am reminded of a wonderful quote by CS Lewis (oh no, not him again...!):
You can argue with a man who says, 'Rice is unwholesome': but you neither can nor need argue with a man who says, 'Rice is unwholesome, but I am not saying this is true'.
All Gamaliel seems to want me to do is express my opinion with the rider that "of course I am not saying that this is true".
If I didn't believe that my opinions were true, then why TF would I hold them?
I don't go around on this site telling everyone that they are not allowed to have a view about anything. I may strongly disagree with various people, but I damn well defend their right to express their views and to hold opinions.
Gamaliel is like a football manager, who when he loses a game doesn't limit himself to moaning about the referee's decisions or making excuses for his players (the heat, injuries whatever), but he goes further than that. He starts asking why the game has to be played by certain rules at all! And he accuses the opposing team of being 'arrogant' for imposing the rules of the game on everyone else.
It's incredible. Sad but incredible.
[ 17. June 2014, 16:21: Message edited by: EtymologicalEvangelical ]
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
EE or me?
I'm not going to be lured over the edge this time. I'm going to try to stay well this side of a ban ...
Besides, if EE fell over the edge he'd simply bounce back up claiming that he knew it was there all along and that he simply wanted to show the rest of us how he was made of rubber ...
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Perhaps there should be a fundraising effort for SOF server space before EE and Gamy are allowed to post.
Never say in 10 words what you can say in a 10,000.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I don't have an issue with anyone having strong opinions, EE. I don't agree with IngoB but at least he argues his case based on what he understands to be the thrust of Tradition and not based on what he considers to be his own irrefutable personal logic ie. he will at least acknowledge that there are other people involved in him coming to the conclusions he reaches and the positions he holds.
In your case it seems to be scripture plus some kind of idiosyncratic take on logic and reason plus your own ego.
The Truth shines out of your backside and for some reason the rest of us are too blind to see it.
Your posts make IngoB's read like the Proceedings of the Remarkably Tolerant and Nuanced Society.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
10 words?
'EE talks shit but thinks that it is gold.'
Will that do you?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel
There are none so blind ...
EE, I don't know what you got your degree in, but it certainly wasn't 'Self Awareness' ...
Ever since we returned from being suspended, you have been itching to make a point, hence all the warnings you've had. You just can't let it go, can you? You're an obsessive.
Snide little remarks. Snarky little rejoinders. Grotesque generalisations without any specific charge relating to any particular subject matter.
So here's your opportunity.
Just get it all out of your pathetic little system.
Say what you want to say, in all its glory. And I hope it makes you feel better.
And then just FUCK OFF and grow up.
Thank you.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I've said what I've had to say.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
Does anyone, themselves included, actually remember why EE and G hate each other? I honestly can't tell the difference between them anymore. At what point do two opponents become so entwined, so hellbent on attacking and destroying each other, that they cease to have any independent existence, but rather become A Feud?
In a strange irony, where once there were two posters, there is now a single unit, dedicated to attacking and destroying itself at the cost of all else.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
The problem, Ariston, is that Gamaliel will simply not allow me to disagree with someone without interpreting it as a personal attack on that person. On one thread I was informed that I was not allowing IngoB and mousethief to think (or some such inane accusation), simply because I didn't agree with their approach to Christian doctrine.
If Gamaliel would just debate topics, instead of making all these ridiculous insinuations about my motives and supposed agenda, then life might be a bit easier. (Funny, but I thought that in Purg we were not supposed to question other posters' motives).
I feel like I can't express any viewpoint without either Gamaliel or mousethief making some childish snide remark along the lines that I am arrogant, simply because I have a point of view, which *gasp* I actually have the nerve to think is true! (After all, why the hell would I believe something I didn't think was true?)
I thought we could have a biblical discussion about the topic I raised in Kerygmania, but no! Two other people seemed determined to trash the thread. It really is so pathetic.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I'll stand back and let MT have his say. He was the other one called.
I've said more than enough already.
I don't hate EE, by the way. I'm sure we'd enjoy a pint or a cuppa in real life.
Here, though, I'm afraid his posts do wind me up. He is where I've been. I don't want to be there any more. So I s'pose I've been attacking my own former fundamentalism to an extent.
But yes, agreed, I must stop doing it - it can be troll-like on both sides.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
EE, how do you know your use of "logic" is truth-preserving and not merely self-serving delusion? What is your touchstone? To whom do you go to ask, "Am I getting this right, or is this merely confirmation bias / special pleading on my part?"?
The problem, mate, is that your use of logic isn't. And you do not have the humility to admit it. When it's pointed out to you, all you have to respond with is bluster or sarcasm.
And it frustrates the bejeebers out of people who actually know something about logic and reasoning. They get sucked into your sarcasm vortex, when they know full well they should not. (Gamaliel speaks for me on this.) Because nothing gets through. At least with sarcasm, we get a response that actually addresses what we actually said. Attempts to use logic or reason are not so well rewarded.
You will of course blow this off, with bluster and/or sarcasm. You have an impervious shell that nothing can penetrate. Certainly not logic or reason, as you have shown repeatedly. No number of people saying, "You are failing to respond to logic and reason" is enough for you. Therefore I have said you lack humility. The ability to think, "The logic I have demonstrated here maybe isn't so logical after all."
You can always bluster your way out of it with, "Well, you haven't proven it to me." True. Nobody can prove anything to you. You are impervious to proof.
Thank you for this opportunity to get this off my chest. I was considering calling you to Hell, not to attack, but to calmly say what I have just said, which being personal cannot be said anywhere else.
Cue the bluster. Cue the pride. Cue the tu quoque.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Yep, MT has spoken for me too. Let's hope that clears the air.
You wanted an answer, EE. Now you've got it.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
For "your use of logic isn't" substitute "your use of logic too often isn't."
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
mousethief -
You have said all this, but unless you give me a specific example of where I am refusing to submit to sound logic, then I haven't a clue what you are on about. Both you and Gamaliel just talk in generalities all the time. Without specific and concrete examples, then this discussion is pointless, and your accusations against me (accusations that appear to be nothing other than malicious) are empty and meaningless.
Of course, I am sure you have the intelligence to understand that you cannot expect me - or anyone - to submit to a viewpoint simply on the basis that I am being browbeaten and insulted (as happened on a certain DH thread). I don't think Gamaliel really understands that point, to be honest (despite his continual claim to see both points of view, which of course is a brazen lie, given his performance on that fateful DH thread, where he admitted he could not tolerate my position, despite having no evidence to counter it other than his particular form of special pleading relating to his view of the status of 'all' ancient documents).
The irony is that on the offending thread I expressed my willingness to consider both points of view, by admitting that the evidence was inconclusive. And yet I am the one treated like the bigot.
I must admit that I have wondered whether Gamaliel just cannot get past my user name. If I had called myself "Jack the Obscure" or some other such silly name, then he probably wouldn't have all his prejudices inflamed by the deadly word "evangelical". He has clearly stereotyped me, hence his incredibly childish behaviour.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
You have said all this,
And yet you ask me to "man up" and say what I really mean. When you acknowledge I've already said what I really mean. Conclusion: you blew it off then, just as you're blowing it off now. It doesn't sink in. You can't even recognize it when I lay all my cards on the table and say, "This is what I mean." You think I must mean something else, either because you just didn't hear what I said, or perhaps because it doesn't match your infallible, internal, imaginary "logic."
but unless you give me a specific example of where I am refusing to submit to sound logic, then I haven't a clue what you are on about.
Thank you for proving my point. Fact is, I don't memorize all the times you say "fuck you" to logic and reason. My life has other interests. Multiple shipmates point them out as they arise, over and over, but I'm not going to keep a spreadsheet of your bluster and dismissals of reasoning. "You haven't convinced me!" you cry, repeatedly. Indeed. Nobody could. Can you name any time on this ship where somebody broke through your shell, and as a result you changed your mind about some issue of theology? I will be very surprised.
You haven't a clue what we are on about? This is exactly the problem. Your impervious shell, and the entirely internal nature of your "logic," prevent you from seeing where you might be wrong. "Logic" which you alone are the adjudicator of only reinforces your biases. It really isn't logic at all; it's a Wittgensteinian private language that has no external correcting mechanism and thus ultimately no meaning.
[ 17. June 2014, 18:05: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by Ricardus (# 8757) on
Originally posted by Ariston:
In a strange irony, where once there were two posters, there is now a single unit, dedicated to attacking and destroying itself at the cost of all else.
Yes, it's like the Holy Trinity in reverse. The Gamaliel, the Etymology, and the Hate between them that is so animated it becomes a Person in its own right*.
For the Gamaliel is verbose, the Etymology is verbose, and the Hate is verbose: and yet we do not say three verbosities, but one verbosity, neither confounding the Persons, nor dividing the essence.
Likewise the Gamaliel is incomprehensible, the Etymology is incomprehensible, and the Hate is incomprehensible: and yet we do not say three incomprehensibles, but one incomprehensible.
The Gamaliel irreconcilable, the Etymology irreocncilable, and the Hate irreconcilable: and yet we do not say three irreconcilables, but one irreconcilable.
Three Persons: yet indistinguishable in their external relations.
Each creating pluripaginated threads out of nothing: and yet there are not three creators, but one creator, and no pluripaginated thread was created by the Gamaliel alone, but by the Etymology through the Gamaliel and the Hate.
* I'm not a fan of St Augustine's explanation of the Spirit in the Trinity but I thought the comparison was quite neat. In fact I think there is a genuine theological point in all the verbiage above, quite possibly connected to the spirit of Antichrist ...
[ 17. June 2014, 18:09: Message edited by: Ricardus ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
To first paragraph add, "...or just don't respect me enough or take me seriously enough to accept that I mean what I say."
Posted by TheAlethiophile (# 16870) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
I'm not going to keep a spreadsheet of your bluster and dismissals of reasoning.
Could you please reconsider this point? It might be most amusing. A pivot table by catchphrase might come in handy, coupled with conditional formatting depending on the level of evasiveness and bullishness.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
mousethief -
You have said all this, but unless you give me a specific example of where I am refusing to submit to sound logic, then I haven't a clue what you are on about.
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Good. Then it won't be difficult to find examples.
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Yep. That's it. What I suspected.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I like that, Ricardus ... although the implications that EE and myself are eternally generating some kind of Anti-Trinity are pretty disturbing ...
Meanwhile, no I don't have a problem with your moniker, EE. I don't have a problem with evangelicals or evangelicalism per se - even though I feel myself increasingly distanced from it.
I do have an issue with fundamentalisms, though.
Somebody really ought to keep a spreadsheet or pivot-table that charts the many, many times when your apparent logic slides over into irrationality.
It's the irony of it all that can provoke the worst in me. You claim to be rational and logical but you will argue that black is white when it suits you to do so - and you were doing that on the DH thread you mentioned.
It could be an endearing trait if there was a funny side to it, but there isn't.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Originally posted by TheAlethiophile:
Originally posted by mousethief:
I'm not going to keep a spreadsheet of your bluster and dismissals of reasoning.
Could you please reconsider this point? It might be most amusing. A pivot table by catchphrase might come in handy, coupled with conditional formatting depending on the level of evasiveness and bullishness.
Anyone linking to an excel or similar spreadsheet* gets it, OK?
*unless it be in their signature.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by TheAlethiophile:
Originally posted by mousethief:
I'm not going to keep a spreadsheet of your bluster and dismissals of reasoning.
Could you please reconsider this point? It might be most amusing. A pivot table by catchphrase might come in handy, coupled with conditional formatting depending on the level of evasiveness and bullishness.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Good. Then it won't be difficult to find examples.
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Yep. That's it. What I suspected.
Bluster bluster, roiling cluster
Ignore us, self-absorbed untruster
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
The problem is, EE, when posters do provide examples you refuse to accept that there is a case to answer.
Marvin the Martian provided one further upthread and you dismissed that.
If MT, myself or anyone else cited examples you wouldn't accept them and argue that black is white.
That's the whole point. That's why we lock horns with you so often. Because you don't listen and simply dismiss any 'evidence' that is presented to you unless it accords with your myopic world-view.
But there's no point in my even saying this because all it'll do is reinforce those tendencies as you shout, 'Evidence ... evidence?'
It'd be self-evident to anyone who had an ounce of self-awareness. Thing is, you can't see it.
Someone could reverse a dumper-truck up to your front door and deposit a ton and a half of poorly digested theology and warped applications of logic and you still wouldn't get it.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Good. Then it won't be difficult to find examples.
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Yep. That's it. What I suspected.
You do realise that responding like a tool fails to help your case?
Not going to go digging on my phone for specific posts, but I can mention a subject. Science v. Faith.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
If MT, myself or anyone else cited examples you wouldn't accept them and argue that black is white.
That's the whole point. That's why we lock horns with you so often. Because you don't listen and simply dismiss any 'evidence' that is presented to you unless it accords with your myopic world-view.
This. When we do cite examples, they get the La la la la I can't hear you because you haven't proved your point sufficiently for my completely self-defined and self-referential so-called 'logic' treatment. (Okay, I admit, EE is not that candid about what he's actually doing.)
Why don't you answer me, EE: what is your external touchpoint by which you test whether your 'logic' is really logical and not just self-serving rhetoric?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Confessed by Gamaliel:
Here, though, I'm afraid his posts do wind me up. He is where I've been. I don't want to be there any more. So I s'pose I've been attacking my own former fundamentalism to an extent.
Ha ha ha!
Silly me, I seem to have missed this juicy little admission.
So he has been stereotyping me! It's his own little personal battle being farted all over the Ship, and I'm the poor little whipping boy.
Glad we cleared that one up. This thread was worth it just for that.
After that, I almost feel sorry for the poor chap (and almost feel a little guilty for telling him to fuck off). He needs help to get over his psychological problems picked up as a result of dabbling in the wrong kind of spirituality. Nowt to do with me, of course. One day he may get round to understanding that.
i. a.m. n.o.t. a. f.u.n.d.a.m.e.n.t.a.l.i.s.t.
Do try to look beyond labels, eh?
Not too much to ask, is it, sunshine?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
i. a.m. n.o.t. a. f.u.n.d.a.m.e.n.t.a.l.i.s.t.
No? How old is the universe? (Nearest billion)
Does science operate on the same principles as religion?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Name one allegedly historical incident in the Old Testament after the book of Genesis that may not have actually gone down the way it says in the Good Book, and cite historical and/or archaeological evidence showing it didn't really happen the way it says.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Not going to go digging on my phone for specific posts, but I can mention a subject. Science v. Faith.
No, I am sure you are not going to go digging, because looking for evidence is a bit too much like hard work, isn't it? That doesn't stop you from making baseless accusations though, does it?
Which makes your mention of science rather ironic, dontcha think?
By the way... the phrase "Science v. Faith" doesn't really contain much information to enable me to know what you are talking about, concerning my apparent failure with logic. Would you mind elaborating?
Actually, better still, don't bother elaborating. That would involve digging around for evidence, and I wouldn't want to put you to any trouble now...
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
EE, why won't you answer either Lilbuddha or mousethief's latest questions?
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
Oh look, EE and Gama having a go at each other in Hell.
That's just so last month. And, the month before that, the month before that, and ... oh, you all get the picture.
It's just so tedious.
It might be advisable if the two of you find something interesting to contribute. Something which isn't just another rerun of old Hell threads. Or the guy with the thermonuclear device under his arm and the big "ADMIN" under his avatar might just need to find something amusing to do with the two of you.
If the big black bird doesn't beat me to it.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha
How old is the universe? (Nearest billion)
I don't know, and neither does science.
If you think science does know, then obviously you haven't heard of the Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall discovered late last year, which has just blown the Big Bang theory dating to smithereens (not that that would filter through to the popular media, of course). The above-mentioned object, which just happens to be the largest known structure in the observable universe should not exist within the current model.
It has something to do with timescale, if you fancy looking into it.
Just sayin'...
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Eutychus:
EE, why won't you answer either Lilbuddha or mousethief's latest questions?
He could also answer my earlier question regarding how he knows he is really using logic and not just fooling himself that he's using logic. Actually I don't think he can.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Oh look, EE and Gama having a go at each other in Hell.
That's just so last month. And, the month before that, the month before that, and ... oh, you all get the picture.
It's just so tedious.
It might be advisable if the two of you find something interesting to contribute. Something which isn't just another rerun of old Hell threads. Or the guy with the thermonuclear device under his arm and the big "ADMIN" under his avatar might just need to find something amusing to do with the two of you.
If the big black bird doesn't beat me to it.
... Or the rabbit, the lady in the bushes, the sharp pointed object or the alien.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell
It might be advisable if the two of you find something interesting to contribute. Something which isn't just another rerun of old Hell threads. Or the guy with the thermonuclear device under his arm and the big "ADMIN" under his avatar might just need to find something amusing to do with the two of you.
So I was wrong to open a hell thread?
I thought I was doing the right thing by not expressing these views on another board.
OK. If I have broken the rules again, then I'll shut up.
I'm outta here (unless you confirm that this is indeed the proper use of the hell board).
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
I'm amused at so many people who can only see Gamaliel and EE on this thread, as if LilBuddha, Eutychus, South Coast Kevin, Marvin the Martian, Doc Tor, goperryrevs, fletcher christian, TheAlethiophile, and I don't exist.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
EE: I didn't notice any warning forbidding you answering the questions shipmates other than Gamaliel have put to you. Leaving suddenly of your own volition at this point might look suspiciously as if you were incapable of, well, manning up.
[ 17. June 2014, 20:11: Message edited by: Eutychus ]
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Eutychus -
I am not leaving to avoid answering questions, but because I am apparently not allowed to use the hell board for what I assumed it was supposed to be used for.
Perhaps you would like to clarify what the hell board is for?
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
Well, the official guidelines are there for all to see, or you could probe the subject in the Styx (not that I recommend doing this).
It's also clearly described as the place to post if you wish to paint a huge target on yourself. Which you have done.
Once people have done that, then others are at liberty to pin them down to answering questions and drawing appropriate conclusions if they cut and run.
Now then, I think at least Lilbuddha and mousethief have a couple of outstanding questions to you. Are you going to answer them, obfuscate, or bolt?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Eutychus -
I have already answered lilBuddha's question, but you seem to have ignored that.
Here's one from mousethief:
Originally posted by mousethief
Name one allegedly historical incident in the Old Testament after the book of Genesis that may not have actually gone down the way it says in the Good Book, and cite historical and/or archaeological evidence showing it didn't really happen the way it says.
I thought you were accusing me of not using logic properly. But now you ask me a question which requires a detailed knowledge of ancient history and archaeology. Archaeological data should be analysed and interpreted logically, of course, and, yes, we need to justify the assumptions we use as tools of interpretation.
But a person's ability to think logically is not necessarily dependent on knowledge of the details of a specific discipline. If I asked you some questions about the Karamojong language of Uganda or the anatomical structure of the Whipnose Anglerfish, I rather think you would wonder why I was testing your logic by so doing.
I assume you understand the meaning of the phrase "category error"?
Or maybe you don't?
I'll post about the other mousethief question anon.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I have already answered lilBuddha's question, but you seem to have ignored that.
You seem to have ignored "Does science operate on the same principles as religion?".
mousethief asked:
Name one allegedly historical incident in the Old Testament after the book of Genesis that may not have actually gone down the way it says in the Good Book, and cite historical and/or archaeological evidence showing it didn't really happen the way it says.
You said:
I thought you were accusing me of not using logic properly. But now you ask me a question which requires a detailed knowledge of ancient history and archaeology.
This is not an answer. It's an attempt to justify the lack of an answer on your part. You have avoided the question altogether.
[ 17. June 2014, 20:38: Message edited by: Eutychus ]
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Eutychus
This is not an answer. It's an attempt to justify the lack of an answer on your part. You have avoided the question altogether.
Could you explain why I should answer a question about archaeology, when the complaint against me concerns logic?
If mousethief wants to accuse me of being a crap archaeologist, then fine. He's probably not a great one either.
As for lilBuddha's question:
"Does science operate on the same principles as religion?"
Firstly, we need to define what 'religion' is. Outward practices? Institutionalism? Sets of beliefs in the supernatural?
Science is based on the empirical method, which operates according to certain assumptions. This method obviously involves not only observation and repetition, but also serves as the basis for making inferences about what is not observed. All this requires logic, of course.
There is no reason why inferences cannot be made from our common experience of reality, from which we conclude that nature is not all that exists. This is also a function of logic.
So there is a huge overlap between science and at least part of what is often termed 'religion'.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Could you explain why I should answer a question about archaeology, when the complaint against me concerns logic?
The question as I understand it is not about logic but about whether you believe all post-Genesis narratives in the Bible to be historically accurate as told, even if there is archaeological evidence to the contrary.
I don't think the primary complaint about you is your lack of logic, and it's you that brought yourself down here, not anybody else.
Now you're here, the overall complaint, in summary, is the way that you constantly wriggle in an attempt to shift the debate away from the initial question. As you have done with mousethief's above, and as you attempted to do by announcing your intention to run away just now.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Hercules-Corona Borealis Great Wall discovered late last year, which has just blown the Big Bang theory dating to smithereens (not that that would filter through to the popular media, of course).
Um, not quite. It appears to contradict the current estimates of the age of the universe.
Who discovered this thing? Scientists. This is how science works. Observations are made, theories are written. More observations are made, theory is adjusted.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Another question by mousethief:
Can you name any time on this ship where somebody broke through your shell, and as a result you changed your mind about some issue of theology? I will be very surprised.
I don't see why I should answer a loaded question. The question assumes that I have a shell that others would need to "break through". Mousethief goes on to explain about this imaginary shell that he has conjured up for me...
Your impervious shell, and the entirely internal nature of your "logic," prevent you from seeing where you might be wrong. "Logic" which you alone are the adjudicator of only reinforces your biases. It really isn't logic at all; it's a Wittgensteinian private language that has no external correcting mechanism and thus ultimately no meaning.
This is all fantasy. If mousethief wants to show me that I am wrong about some issue, then all he has to do is present the evidence.
He seems to think that I am closed-minded, and yet I seem to remember the following exchange with goperryrevs from a particular DH thread:
Originally posted by goperryrevs
The thing is, EE, the way you're arguing, it comes across as if you have a prior viewpoint, and you're frantically scrabbling round trying to find stuff to back that viewpoint up. The way someone like Doc Tor posts is that he actually has a good and wide grasp of the subject matter, and actually understands the nuances and principles he's talking about.
No, actually I have made clear that the evidence is inconclusive and that 'myth' - properly understood - has a function, which is communicated through accounts which may or may not be historically accurate. As Professor Barr made clear, 'myth' functions independently of the question of historical accuracy, which, of course, is not the same as saying that it is dependent on historical inaccuracy.
Here I was accused of being closed-minded, and yet I was the one on that thread who acknowledged that the evidence was inconclusive (which is true, and no one was able to challenge that, given that there is a conflict between pottery and C14 evidence), and I acknowledged that it is logically possible that the biblical account in question may or may not have been historically accurate. But I was being browbeaten into believing that it was historically inaccurate, even though no convincing evidence was presented to support such a claim.
So who was displaying a hard shell? Clearly not me!
Here's another comment I made on that thread:
From my reading of archaeology journal articles (and I have looked at quite a few on JSTOR), it is clear that there are huge disagreements about issues of dating, and that much archaeological evidence is inconclusive. Therefore we can only work on the basis of degrees of plausibility.
Which makes the incredibly abusive response to my views all the more ridiculous. Anyone with any scholarly nous should keep an open mind, not fling around accusations of bias etc..
mousethief couldn't be more wrong if he tried. As I say, if he wants to show me that I am wrong about something, then he can do it in the normal grown-up way, instead of coming out with a load of bullshit about Wittgenstein.
Although I will say that I am utterly impervious to one thing: I will not be bullied into accepting any idea. I think this is what mousethief is sulking about. He hasn't got his own way, and so toys are being propelled out of his pram in all directions.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
First, you still have not answered my questions, either of them.
For the first question you merely said "nobody knows, oooOOoOoooOoOOOoo"
Then you obfuscate by questioning definitions. Are you Bill Clinton?
Where is there an overlap between science and religion?
Assumptions? For science any repeatable result is valid even should it not support current theory.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Eutychus
The question as I understand it is not about logic...
Which is what I said.
So what's the problem, given that I am being accused concerning logic and not archaeology?
Now you're here, the overall complaint, in summary, is the way that you constantly wriggle in an attempt to shift the debate away from the initial question. As you have done with mousethief's above, and as you attempted to do by announcing your intention to run away just now.
How am I wriggling? If mousethief has a question about logic, then he can ask it and I will answer it. But instead he asks a question about archaeology! What sort of perversity is that?
As for running away: you have totally ignored the context of that comment, which followed a rebuke by an administrator. For someone who made such a big deal about the bloke in Cwbran and his supposed plagiarism, I'm surprised you're indulging in the practice of ripping words out of context and twisting people's comments.
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Um, not quite. It appears to contradict the current estimates of the age of the universe.
Who discovered this thing? Scientists. This is how science works. Observations are made, theories are written. More observations are made, theory is adjusted.
I agree with everything you have just written.
And your point is...?
Posted by fletcher christian (# 13919) on
Good Lord, you don't even have to feed it any great length of rope.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
I remember that thread EE.
Doc Tor's rebuttal to the post you quoted.
Can I remind you that I started this tangent when you blithely asserted that there was no doubt as to the historicity of the events described in Joshua?
There is doubt by the bucket-load, something you seem to now to be approaching from entirely the other side in that you're claiming that the events described in Joshua might be true.
Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce.
Your footwork can be pretty, but it rarely matches the music.
Posted by Autenrieth Road (# 10509) on
EE, I think the archaeology question was to probe your claim that you are not a fundamentalist.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha
First, you still have not answered my questions, either of them.
For the first question you merely said "nobody knows, oooOOoOoooOoOOOoo"
Which is true, as it happens.
Then you obfuscate by questioning definitions. Are you Bill Clinton?
I was simply asking what you mean by the word 'religion'. All you have to do is answer that simple question. Is it unreasonable for someone being questioned to ask for clarification of the question? I don't think that any reasonable person would consider that an act of obfuscation. How ridiculous!
Where is there an overlap between science and religion?
On the assumption that by 'religion' you mean supernatural ideas, then, yes, the methodology of inference can be applied to both naturalistic and supernaturalistic ideas. After all, if it's possible to infer the existence of an unobserved multiverse, then it is also possible to infer the existence of an intelligent designer.
This, of course, if not the same as saying that all so called religious ideas can be inferred.
Assumptions? For science any repeatable result is valid even should it not support current theory.
Not quite. The validity of a repeatable result depends on the assumption of the uniformity of nature and universality of cause and effect, otherwise you cannot infer that the result of an experiment can tell us anything about any context outside of that particular experiment.
Posted by Ricardus (# 8757) on
OK EE - you asked for a display of your logical inabilities. I am picking on this example because a.) it comes from this thread and b.) it represents a technique you use quite a lot.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Quite a compliment, coming from someone so dim that he thinks that God chose a liar to be the mother of God incarnate.
This is presumably an attempt at reduction ad absurdum - that is, A implies B, B is absurd, therefore A must be false. In this case "Mary was a liar" being the absurd corollary of Jesus not being born of a virgin.
The problem in your logic is threefold:
- The conclusion is not actually absurd unless you believe in the sinlessness of Mary, which isn't very Evangelical.
- For the reductio to work, B has to be a necessary condition of A, rather than merely one possible reason why A might be the case. But whether or not Jesus was born of a virgin, you cannot assert with certainty that Mary ever claimed to be a virgin at his birth. Therefore you cannot assert with certainty that she was a liar.
- The point of the reductio isn't to demonstrate that your opponents actually believe B and are therefore idiots - which is what you assert above by saying "someone so dim he thinks God chose a liar". The point is to demonstrate that there is a logical contradiction between a belief your opponents have advanced and what is prima facie the case, in the expectation that they will recognise this disconnect and abandon the proposition they were advancing.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha
I remember that thread EE.
Doc Tor's rebuttal to the post you quoted.
Can I remind you that I started this tangent when you blithely asserted that there was no doubt as to the historicity of the events described in Joshua?
There is doubt by the bucket-load, something you seem to now to be approaching from entirely the other side in that you're claiming that the events described in Joshua might be true.
Howls of derisive laughter, Bruce.
Your footwork can be pretty, but it rarely matches the music.
Well, I can only thank you for answering one of mousethief's questions for me.
Earlier in this thread, he asked:
Can you name any time on this ship where somebody broke through your shell, and as a result you changed your mind about some issue of theology? I will be very surprised.
It would seem that bigoted EE, who is impervious to any view which does not accord with his internal Wittgensteinian language game, changed his point of view on the DH thread. It would appear that people were actually able to break through his "hard shell", and that he was prepared to listen to the evidence.
And yet, despite doing the very thing that mousethief et al wanted him to do, he is now being criticised for doing that very thing!!!!
Damned if I do. Damned if I don't.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
If mousethief wants to show me that I am wrong about some issue, then all he has to do is present the evidence.
If he does, you'll distract, obfuscate, or pretend you didn't really say the original wrong thing and really meant something else. As happened on the Joshua thread that you've kindly linked to, and has happened plenty of other times too. So if he can't be bothered to do so, I for one won't hold it against him.
As others have pointed out, your impervious shell is your complete lack of humility. To counter something you said earlier, humility isn't being willing to change your mind when someone presents evidence (not that you seem to do that much anyhow), it's being willing to at least entertain the possibility that you might be wrong, even before they present the evidence. From just this thread alone:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I won't bother asking you for an example, because I know you can't give one.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Good. Then it won't be difficult to find examples.
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Yep. That's it. What I suspected.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Not going to go digging on my phone for specific posts, but I can mention a subject. Science v. Faith.
No, I am sure you are not going to go digging, because looking for evidence is a bit too much like hard work, isn't it?
These are all examples of this arrogance. You 'know' that your arguments and logic are so fantastically flawless it is impossible that anyone will be able to provide one example of your not living up to that ideal? Fuck me, that's impressive.
Here's a clue: we're all flawed. Pick any shipmate with as many posts as you or I, and I'm sure examples can be found of our failures of logic and mistakes. To be willing to admit that it a virtue, not a lack.
But you're so closed to the possibility that you could be wrong about anything that it's like this massive blind-spot that everyone can see but you. And the thing is, I agree with you a lot of the time. You're not stupid, and you say some very insightful things. But man, the inflexibility makes it so hard to engage with you. I mean, you don't need to become all loosey goosey like your nemesis, but come on. You've referred to that post in DH a few times as some sort of proof, "see, I can admit that some things are uncertain". That was the one time in a massive thread that you came close to anything resembling humility about your position. But even then, it was still in the context of "the evidence is uncertain, so you can't prove I'm wrong, so I will just stick with my position, thank you very much."
Oh, and I think the hosts and admins are just posting as other posters here. You're not breaking rules. You're just giving people the opportunity to vent their frustrations with you.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
The conquest of Jericho did not really happen as related in the Bible.
That is what you want me to say. So I've said it.
Happy now?
What else can I say?
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
That is what you want me to say.
No, it's not. I thought I'd made it clear. My problem is rarely with what you say, but how you say it, and how you go about discussing/defending it.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
So it's OK for me to believe that the account is historical then?
Or not?
Or that I shouldn't defend this idea when challenged about it? Or if I do I should use the nicest of words like, ermmm...
"The evidence is inconclusive."
Oops. That is what I did actually say!
Sheesh. I just can't win.
I'll tell you what...
Since I can't please you lot, then I think I'll just chill out and enjoy being arrogant. It's certainly better than being bullied and abused.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
So it's OK for me to believe that the account is historical then?
Of course.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Or that I shouldn't defend this idea when challenged about it?
Of course not.
However, when your beliefs are challenged and you defend them, what doesn't help is the passive agressiveness, crowing, selectiveness, arrogance, and all the other things that have been pointed out to you enough times already.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
That is what I did actually say!
Pointing out one instance where you got it right does not negate the many other times when you didn't.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
It's certainly better than being bullied and abused.
I guess it's easier to see yourself as a victim than consider your own flaws. I get that, my initial response would probably be similar (and has been when challenged in Hell). Maybe in time the bits that are constructive criticism might get through, though.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
i. a.m. n.o.t. a. f.u.n.d.a.m.e.n.t.a.l.i.s.t.
No? How old is the universe? (Nearest billion)
Does science operate on the same principles as religion?
Originally posted by mouse thief:
Name one allegedly historical incident in the Old Testament after the book of Genesis that may not have actually gone down the way it says in the Good Book, and cite historical and/or archaeological evidence showing it didn't really happen the way it says.
EE, to make sense of your posts responding to these questions, I need to know your definition of "fundamentalist".
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
I'm amused at so many people who can only see Gamaliel and EE on this thread, as if LilBuddha, Eutychus, South Coast Kevin, Marvin the Martian, Doc Tor, goperryrevs, fletcher christian, TheAlethiophile, and I don't exist.
Let me tell you what I see: semi-normal (well, by Ship standards, anyway) posters who say things that might at least be worth skimming, and The Unholy Dualty. Marginbreaker & Grandpa.* The Normalpeople have been saying and doing semi-sensible Normalperson things, given the circumstances. The Duality, on the other hand, has been carrying on the same old song and dance routine that I can't even skim over. There is not enough Fernet Branca in every bar in this hard-drinking town to make up for having to read Its "oh FFS" posts. The desire to translate everything It writes into Klingon in the hopes that a violent and shouty language like that might make things more interesting is nigh overwhelming.
…okay, so I gave it a whirl. Seems that there's no word in Kingon for "complaint" or "logic." Somehow, this makes sense. I think there's supposed to be a moral to that story or something, but there ain't.
ETA: for those who are interested, this post begins:
laH qatlh yu' umqu' ghot archaeology, vaj jang jIH HeghDI' logic concerns vIbachrup complaint QIj SoH?
vaj jIHvaD crap archaeologist pum neH mousethief, vaj maj. ghaH 'oHbe' jIchegh wa' Dun vo' vImughta'
*The only people I've ever met named "Gamaliel" were all born during or before the Depression, when Biblical names like that were more common in the rural South.
[ 18. June 2014, 01:21: Message edited by: Ariston ]
Posted by comet (# 10353) on
oh for fucks sake, EE, are you TWELVE?!?
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I mean, if he thinks I am so full of 'certainty', then one wonders why he doesn't rail at someone like IngoB, who is at least as 'confident' in his position as I am in mine (if not more so).
yeah. Honey? think about what you just said there for a sec. read this one sentence above over to yourself a few times. out loud if it helps.
what could possibly be the difference between, on the one hand, YOU... and on the other hand, Bingo. Hmmm. what could it be? what could it be?
I mean, gosh, Bingo is sharp and articulate and can back up his arguments and while he may be all sorts of wrong, he's at least consistent, and he hears what people say to him and responds thoughtfully.
and then there's you.
getting any idea yet?
it's okay. we can wait.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
These days I just assume there's a basic flaw somehwere in EE's reasoning process. It saves time and much reading.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Good. Then it won't be difficult to find examples.
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Yep. That's it. What I suspected.
No-one bothers giving you examples any more because, in the past, any example proffered has invariably been rejected as an example.
Seriously, why would anyone bother demonstrating to you any more when one of your "proofs" are flawed? As far as you're concerned, all of your "proofs" are proof-proof.
EDIT: And I see I'm the third or fourth person to make this exact same point. The next time you triumphantly proclaim that no-one is providing evidence because they haven't got any, you really should consider that the reason no-one is providing evidence is because we're all tired and we don't give quite enough of a shit to spend the enormous amounts of effort required to pull your head out of your arse, it being wedged in there so firmly by the vacuum suction created by all the empty space.
It's this capacity for triumphant self-belief that is actually far more annoying than any given error you might make in an argument. We all make mistakes. We don't all, however, treat our mistakes as proof of our great intellectual superiority against all comers.
SECOND EDIT: And your response to these observations will be every bit as self-satisfied as your response to anyone else who points out the self-satisfaction of your responses. I just wonder who it is you're trying to convince, because other Shipmates have long since stopped falling for it.
[ 18. June 2014, 02:55: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Assumptions? For science any repeatable result is valid even should it not support current theory.
Not quite. The validity of a repeatable result depends on the assumption of the uniformity of nature and universality of cause and effect, otherwise you cannot infer that the result of an experiment can tell us anything about any context outside of that particular experiment.
And step, kick, shuffle, ball change..
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
These days I just assume there's a basic flaw somehwere in EE's reasoning process. It saves time and much reading.
Yes, but. EE and Gamy are wearing out my scroll wheel, but that is a small price to pay. Except one the rare occasions someone I do read makes a response to one of them I wish to note, necessitating wading through the infinite morass to properly address it.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
How do you determine if your logic is truly logical and not just wishful thinking? To what external source do you turn when you're not sure you're right or not, and ask, "Is this really logical, or am I deluding myself?"?
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by Eutychus
The question as I understand it is not about logic...
Which is what I said.
You said, here, quote:
the complaint against me concerns logic
For someone who made such a big deal about the bloke in Cwbran and his supposed plagiarism, I'm surprised you're indulging in the practice of ripping words out of context and twisting people's comments.
The plagiarism was proven beyond reasonable doubt by prima facie evidence at the time, and all this was explained to you. If you can explain to me how (proven) plagiarism is the same as (alleged) ripping words out of context, I may give you the time of day on this thread again. Otherwise, goperryrevs needs a new avatar but is otherwise presently saying all I would wish to say, only better.
Posted by St Deird (# 7631) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by lilBuddha
Truly? Despite being called on this numerous times in numerous threads?
Good. Then it won't be difficult to find examples.
EE, as a mostly-lurker who spends relatively little time here, I don't doubt I'd be able to find plenty of examples. Almost every time I see you on a thread, you're demonstrating the same issues and being called on them.
I'm not going to go out of my way to find examples though, for a few reasons:
1) It'd be hard work, and I don't really want to.
2) Frankly, you showing your arse bored me to tears the first time. Why would I want to trawl through threads purely to relive the experience?
3) While I have seen you called on your bullshit many, many times, I have never once seen you take a single one of those comments on board. So I really can't imagine you being more receptive to examples being presented now.
Try to bear in mind: if dozens of people, semi-lurkers included, are telling you how you come across, maybe they're not all just meanies who are out to get you?
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
I don't think it matters whether your proofs or logic are flawed EE. They could be watertight but they still wouldn't make any sense because belief in God is not about logic or proofs.
None of it can be proved. Life would be very easy for us all if it could.
Some people leave faith alone because they can't cope with the uncertainty. Others find certainty where there isn't any. Others look for affirmation from those cleverer or more learned than themselves. Some spend their lives searching and Church hopping because the 'right' one is out there somewhere.
The sensible ones, imo, live with the uncertainty and enjoy and worship God where s/he is to be found.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
M the M -
Do feel free to elaborate.
Take your time. When you're ready...
This post, that I am linking to here, is the perfect example of what I mean. You are utterly wrong about what humility is. Humility is not crowing about how you're the best there is up to the point when someone comes along and beats you. Neither is it refusing to accept even the possibility of error unless that error can be unequivocally proved in terms that you will accept.
[ 18. June 2014, 08:58: Message edited by: Marvin the Martian ]
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by Eutychus:
goperryrevs needs a new avatar
Hey! I had it first... But yeah, I've been thinking about getting a custom one, though it's a bit like getting a tattoo. If you're going to do it, it has to be something you'll be happy with for a very long time. It took me a long time to think of a strapline for other than "Shipmate" that I was happy with, and it's provided me a lot of fun, giggling to myself that most people won't even notice it...
Posted by anoesis (# 14189) on
Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider:
Personally I don't know for certain that Mary even claimed to be a virgin and have no need of the liar hypothesis to doubt the virgin birth, but given that God chose a murderer to lead Israel out of Egypt and an adulterer to be King, why the hell not?
Best one-liner I have read in a long time...
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by mousethief
How do you determine if your logic is truly logical and not just wishful thinking? To what external source do you turn when you're not sure you're right or not, and ask, "Is this really logical, or am I deluding myself?"?
I generally turn to something called 'reality', and make inferences therefrom.
Originally posted by St Deird
EE, as a mostly-lurker who spends relatively little time here, I don't doubt I'd be able to find plenty of examples. Almost every time I see you on a thread, you're demonstrating the same issues and being called on them.
I'm not going to go out of my way to find examples though, for a few reasons:
1) It'd be hard work, and I don't really want to.
2) Frankly, you showing your arse bored me to tears the first time. Why would I want to trawl through threads purely to relive the experience?
3) While I have seen you called on your bullshit many, many times, I have never once seen you take a single one of those comments on board. So I really can't imagine you being more receptive to examples being presented now.
Try to bear in mind: if dozens of people, semi-lurkers included, are telling you how you come across, maybe they're not all just meanies who are out to get you?
Well done! One of the finest examples of bluff and bluster I have read for a long time. You list three 'reasons' (naughty naughty - trying to appeal to logic! How arrogant of you!) for not bothering to find information which you admit is easy to find!!!
And then you think that I am going to take advice from you?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
...and point 3 is proved again.
Excuse me, I'm going to go increase my level of entertainment. I've heard there's some paint drying at the end of the street. The neighbourhood is abuzz.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian
This post, that I am linking to here, is the perfect example of what I mean. You are utterly wrong about what humility is. Humility is not crowing about how you're the best there is up to the point when someone comes along and beats you. Neither is it refusing to accept even the possibility of error unless that error can be unequivocally proved in terms that you will accept.
Firstly, I don't recall ever saying that "I'm the best". Where did I say that? Certainly not in the comment you linked to. I will quote it here in full:
Humility is acknowledging that one is wrong when shown to be wrong. Humility is not about submitting to ideas due to being browbeaten, threatened, pressured or due to vain appeals to authority.
In other words, humility is admitting that one's own logic is inferior to better logic. But no one should feel under obligation to humbly submit to no logic!!
By the way... I have yet to see anyone on this site, who appeals to Tradition, concede any ground or admit any error. So where is the humility?
Where in that post did I even insinuate that "I am the best"? Someone is in a debate and he is shown to be wrong about something. He has a choice: either he arrogantly clings to his position and ignores the refutation of his viewpoint, or he takes the humble path by conceding the point, and either admits he was wrong there and then, or acknowledges that he might be wrong but that he needs to go off and investigate the matter further just to make sure that his opponent's arguments are actually sound.
That is basically what I was saying. But I am being told over and over again that I am refusing to concede when shown to be wrong. Now if this is true, then it's very simple. Show me the arguments that I am refusing to accept. Don't keep talking in vague generalities, because that just looks like bluff.
I also made the point that no one on this site who appeals to Tradition ever admits they are wrong about anything. For example, have you ever seen someone like Ad Orientem or IngoB admit any error? At least Ingo tries to put some kind of argument, but Ad Orientem rarely does. But I don't see them being accused of arrogance.
The double standards on this site are beyond pathetic, to be honest.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
The line from The Last Crusade "Everyone's lost, but me!" comes to mind...
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I also made the point that no one on this site who appeals to Tradition ever admits they are wrong about anything. For example, have you ever seen someone like Ad Orientem or IngoB admit any error? At least Ingo tries to put some kind of argument, but Ad Orientem rarely does. But I don't see them being accused of arrogance.
Ingo gets called up on this frequently. Not sure if Ad Orientem has that much, but I share your frustrations at times. Also, your earlier comments about Gamaliel and his occasional snide remarks are on the mark too.
However, pointing out the flaws of others does not minimise your own.
As for your dealing with Marvin's post, you've hooked on one tiny detail ("I never said I'm the best!"), rather than dealing with the actual main point, which is this: You are utterly wrong about what humility is.
This is the kind of thing people are talking about when they accuse you of obfuscation.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Show me the arguments that I am refusing to accept.
This line could have come from anywhere in the Jericho thread. You refused, for the very longest time, to accept any of them. It's your raison d'etre. It was only sheer bloodymindedness on my part that made me persist.
The double standards on this site are beyond pathetic, to be honest.
Then fuck off.
(eta) I'm going to soften that slightly. Then, for your own sanity, fuck off. It's clear that posting here isn't doing you any good.
[ 18. June 2014, 11:05: Message edited by: Doc Tor ]
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Humility is acknowledging that one is wrong when shown to be wrong. Humility is not about submitting to ideas due to being browbeaten, threatened, pressured or due to vain appeals to authority.
In other words, humility is admitting that one's own logic is inferior to better logic. But no one should feel under obligation to humbly submit to no logic!!
By the way... I have yet to see anyone on this site, who appeals to Tradition, concede any ground or admit any error. So where is the humility?
Where in that post did I even insinuate that "I am the best"?
Your incessant refusal to accept other people's arguments, coupled with the phrase "humility is admitting that one's own logic is inferior to better logic" (and I note that the emphasis is yours) points to nothing other than the fact that you clearly consider your own logic to be better than anyone else's. You don't need to specifically state that, it comes across loud and clear in every single word you post on this site.
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
The double standards on this site are beyond pathetic, to be honest.
Was that supposed to be the result of logical analysis, or were you just venting?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
"Humility is acknowledging that one is wrong when shown to be wrong."
Um, no. THAT is facing facts. It's got nothing to do with humility at all. That you think it does speaks volumes.
Humility is acknowledging that one might be wrong. Before it's shown.
Acknowledging that one is wrong after you've been given incontrovertible proof just shows that you're not a total loon. And also a convenient position when operating in most areas where "incontrovertible proof" is impossible or near enough to impossible. Such a definition of humility basically only requires you to be humble when you get back the marking on your maths test.
There is certainly nothing humble about employing this smiley
any time someone suggests there is a problem with one's approach. I wouldn't call it humility, I'd call it sociopathy: demonstrating that you don't give a fuck how anyone perceives you. How you're thought of. The only reason anyone even tries to continue raising these issues with you is the wild hope that you're not a sociopath and might, somewhere inside, care about the fact that 95%* of the Ship can't stand the sight of your posts.
* No, I did not take a poll to arrive at this figure. So fuck off.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Show me the arguments that I am refusing to accept.
This line could have come from anywhere in the Jericho thread. You refused, for the very longest time, to accept any of them. It's your raison d'etre. It was only sheer bloodymindedness on my part that made me persist.
Quite. You keep asking for examples and appear to think that you don't get any.
- This is because people are fed up of giving you examples, not because they can't do it. We have better things to do with our time than scour through threads to give you examples that you'll likely just dismiss with a wave of your hand. However, if you want a whole bunch of examples, re-read the Jericho thread.
- Even when they have, you just ignore it. Ricardus, for example, has shown in detail where your logic has been faulty on this very thread. You've just ignored him.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Barnabas62
Was that supposed to be the result of logical analysis, or were you just venting?
It was the result of observation.
Originally posted by orfeo
Humility is acknowledging that one might be wrong. Before it's shown.
As a fallible human being I certainly may be wrong, but that is not a definition of humility. After all, Jesus Himself claimed to be humble (Matthew 11:29), but does that mean... (well, you work it out).
Anyway, if this is a (or the) legitimate definition of humility, then at least I am reassured that there are virtually no humble people on this site. There can't be many sites on the internet that are so full of smarminess and conceit as this one (and yes, I admit that I contribute to it). So we're all in the same boat. After all, I am sure you are not suggesting that you are humble, are you?
The only reason anyone even tries to continue raising these issues with you is the wild hope that you're not a sociopath and might, somewhere inside, care about the fact that 95%* of the Ship can't stand the sight of your posts.
Ah, you speak for everyone, do you?
How humble of you.
[ 18. June 2014, 11:41: Message edited by: EtymologicalEvangelical ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
As a fallible human being I certainly may be wrong, but that is not a definition of humility. After all, Jesus Himself claimed to be humble (Matthew 11:29), but does that mean... (well, you work it out).
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by goperryrevs
Ricardus, for example, has shown in detail where your logic has been faulty on this very thread. You've just ignored him.
Oh dear, so I have. It's difficult to keep up with all the crap being thrown at me on this thread, but anyway here's my answer...
Originally posted by Ricardus
OK EE - you asked for a display of your logical inabilities. I am picking on this example because a.) it comes from this thread and b.) it represents a technique you use quite a lot.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Quite a compliment, coming from someone so dim that he thinks that God chose a liar to be the mother of God incarnate.
This is presumably an attempt at reduction ad absurdum - that is, A implies B, B is absurd, therefore A must be false. In this case "Mary was a liar" being the absurd corollary of Jesus not being born of a virgin.
The problem in your logic is threefold:
1. The conclusion is not actually absurd unless you believe in the sinlessness of Mary, which isn't very Evangelical.
2. For the reductio to work, B has to be a necessary condition of A, rather than merely one possible reason why A might be the case. But whether or not Jesus was born of a virgin, you cannot assert with certainty that Mary ever claimed to be a virgin at his birth. Therefore you cannot assert with certainty that she was a liar.
3. The point of the reductio isn't to demonstrate that your opponents actually believe B and are therefore idiots - which is what you assert above by saying "someone so dim he thinks God chose a liar". The point is to demonstrate that there is a logical contradiction between a belief your opponents have advanced and what is prima facie the case, in the expectation that they will recognise this disconnect and abandon the proposition they were advancing.
Well, thank you for bringing this up, and unlike the others on this site, you have actually bothered to address a particular issue, instead of indulging in relentless bluff and bluster.
Superficially you have a point, but you seem to have overlooked the context of my response to TheAlethiophile. This was his original comment in Purg:
I might counter yours another time if no one else does, but in the spirit that this seems to be posted in, I would choose to nominate the virgin birth.
Why is it a problem?
Because its historicity is very hard to defend. Most of Jesus' ministry was done in the presence of many witnesses who generated the oral history on which the gospel writers drew. Yet of all his followers, we only know of one who was around at his birth, Mary. The single witness is inherently more doubt-worthy than the multitude who witnessed Jesus resurrected. It would naturally be in Mary's interests to say that she was a virgin prior to her giving birth to Jesus' siblings.
Now you notice that TheAlethiophile states that Mary as a witness is "more doubt-worthy" than the multitude who witnessed Jesus resurrected. He then speculates as to Mary's motive in claiming to be a virgin prior to the birth of Jesus' siblings and therefore being a virgin at and before the birth of Jesus. This indicates clearly that TheAlethiophile believes that Mary would have borne witness to something that she knew was not true. In other words, she would have lied.
It was to this claim that I responded with this comment on that thread.
So that answers your point #2.
As for point #1, this is not particularly coherent. You say that belief in the sinlessness of Mary is not very 'Evangelical'. What has that got to with anything? I have never claimed to be an 'Evangelical' in terms of clan / tribal / party loyalty. In fact, my moniker puts paid to such an idea, because clearly I am trying to make the point that the word 'evangelical' has an origin, with the implication that it goes beyond the narrow definition prevailing today.
So point #1 is actually irrelevant, as far as I am concerned.
But let us say that I am suggesting that Mary had to be 'sinless' in order to be the mother of our Lord. We are in the area of hamartiology here. How do we define 'sin'? A wilful transgression of a known law (as John Wesley put it)? Or any human imperfection? Mary would clearly not have been in wilful rebellion against God's law, but that does not mean she would not have imperfections due to the limitations of her humanity. This is a huge subject, and I don't see that you can make a case against me simply by using the word 'sinlessness' in an unqualified way.
As for point #3: you are correct. In the heat of the moment on this hell thread, I used the reductio ad absurdum argument to personally attack TheAlethiophile, in reaction to his insult.
Well done.
1 out of 3 ain't bad.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by orfeo
Are you asking me for a logical answer or an illogical one?
If the former, then I can't give it, because I am not allowed to use logic, because it's oh sooooo arrogant to do so.
If the latter, then I'll just say that Tradition told me to do it.
Happy now?
(Oh, and if I were you, I would try and control that temper of yours. You could do yourself an injury, pal.)
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
You pull my trigger, then you blame my gun.
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by Barnabas62
Was that supposed to be the result of logical analysis, or were you just venting?
It was the result of observation.
Ah, a considered judgment, based on observation, is claimed. How did you arrive at it?
It's quite obvious to me that none of us demonstrate 100% consistency in our posts here. But a general claim of double standards is pretty insulting really. OK as a vent of course, but if it's a serious claim it needs to have some support other than personal opinion. Your conclusion may be obvious to you based on your observations, but that just makes it subjective.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
As a fallible human being I certainly may be wrong, but that is not a definition of humility. After all, Jesus Himself claimed to be humble (Matthew 11:29), but does that mean... (well, you work it out).
Based on that quote, it sounds like EE is comparing himself with Jesus. Normally I'd assume that was due to selective editing, but having scrolled up, I'm not so sure.
Posted by St Deird (# 7631) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Well done! One of the finest examples of bluff and bluster I have read for a long time.
Show me the arguments that I am refusing to accept. Don't keep talking in vague generalities, because that just looks like bluff.
Well, thank you for bringing this up, and unlike the others on this site, you have actually bothered to address a particular issue, instead of indulging in relentless bluff and bluster.
I assume that by "bluff" you're referring to the many people on this thread who have said "Well, I could give you examples, but I'm not going to."
Most of these people have given you further reasons*, but putting those aside for the time being...
Scenario 1: John claims to be able to tightrope walk between two skyscrapers. He is asked to demonstrate this miraculous feat. John says "Well, I could, but I don't feel like it."
Scenario 2: John is offered a muffin. He says "Well, I could eat a muffin, but I don't feel like it.
Saying "I could, but I don't feel like it" could, sometimes, be an example of someone bluffing. In Scenario 1, it'd be fair to assume that John is bluffing about his fabulous tightrope-walking abilities, and refusing to prove it because he knows he'd fail. In Scenario 2, on the other hand, responding to John with "Hah! You couldn't really eat a muffin! You're just bluffing!" would seem to be overkill.
The important thing is to decide, based on context, whether a statement of "I could, but I'm not going to" is in fact bluffing, or something else.
Where you seem to be getting into difficulty, EE, is the assumption that offering examples of you being a dick is such a PROFOUNDLY EARTHSHATTERING CLAIM that it's clearly like Scenario 1, and clearly bluffing, because why on earth would we claim to be able to do something so THOROUGHLY OUTRAGEOUS if we weren't willing to prove it to you?
...whereas a lot of us are so damn used to your behaviour that saying we could provide examples is no more impressive than being able to snack on random baked goods. And worth about as much time and attention.
* Mostly "because you're not going to listen to the examples anyway". Which still appears to be true.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by St Deird:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Well done! One of the finest examples of bluff and bluster I have read for a long time.
Show me the arguments that I am refusing to accept. Don't keep talking in vague generalities, because that just looks like bluff.
Well, thank you for bringing this up, and unlike the others on this site, you have actually bothered to address a particular issue, instead of indulging in relentless bluff and bluster.
I assume that by "bluff" you're referring to the many people on this thread who have said "Well, I could give you examples, but I'm not going to."
Most of these people have given you further reasons*, but putting those aside for the time being...
Scenario 1: John claims to be able to tightrope walk between two skyscrapers. He is asked to demonstrate this miraculous feat. John says "Well, I could, but I don't feel like it."
Scenario 2: John is offered a muffin. He says "Well, I could eat a muffin, but I don't feel like it.
Saying "I could, but I don't feel like it" could, sometimes, be an example of someone bluffing. In Scenario 1, it'd be fair to assume that John is bluffing about his fabulous tightrope-walking abilities, and refusing to prove it because he knows he'd fail. In Scenario 2, on the other hand, responding to John with "Hah! You couldn't really eat a muffin! You're just bluffing!" would seem to be overkill.
The important thing is to decide, based on context, whether a statement of "I could, but I'm not going to" is in fact bluffing, or something else.
Where you seem to be getting into difficulty, EE, is the assumption that offering examples of you being a dick is such a PROFOUNDLY EARTHSHATTERING CLAIM that it's clearly like Scenario 1, and clearly bluffing, because why on earth would we claim to be able to do something so THOROUGHLY OUTRAGEOUS if we weren't willing to prove it to you?
...whereas a lot of us are so damn used to your behaviour that saying we could provide examples is no more impressive than being able to snack on random baked goods. And worth about as much time and attention.
* Mostly "because you're not going to listen to the examples anyway". Which still appears to be true.
I watched this analogy unfold in wonder as the penny dropped...
Posted by Jemima the 9th (# 15106) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Well done.
1 out of 3 ain't bad.
It's the scorn, that's the thing. And not just in hell, but in other places too, like here - quote:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
So our Lord was born to a liar?
Doesn't seem plausible to me.
It makes it very difficult to engage with what you're actually saying. Granted this engagement is mostly in my head, since I read lots and post little, but still.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Originally posted by mousethief
How do you determine if your logic is truly logical and not just wishful thinking? To what external source do you turn when you're not sure you're right or not, and ask, "Is this really logical, or am I deluding myself?"?
I generally turn to something called 'reality', and make inferences therefrom.
In other words, you have no way at all of knowing if you're deceiving yourself in your parsing of "reality." Thank you for the affirmation.
And if you think I have never changed my mind as a result of argument, or have never admitted I was wrong, then you need to get your eyes checked; your ability to perceive this something called 'reality' is completely unreliable.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by goperryrevs
Originally posted by Eutychus:
goperryrevs needs a new avatar
Hey! I had it first... But yeah, I've been thinking about getting a custom one, though it's a bit like getting a tattoo. If you're going to do it, it has to be something you'll be happy with for a very long time. It took me a long time to think of a strapline for other than "Shipmate" that I was happy with, and it's provided me a lot of fun, giggling to myself that most people won't even notice it...
You can chill. I've just changed my avatar, as you can see.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
You can chill. I've just changed my avatar, as you can see.
Thanks man! Though, I was happy to share. If I come up with something good then I might still design a fancy new one all of my own at some point.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
And what did poor Rosa Gallica officinalis do so that you inflicted your personality on the avatar she's been using for ages? Oh well, at least I won't miss what goperryrev is saying any more as I scroll past the eclipse avatar.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed...
And what did poor Rosa Gallica officinalis do so that you inflicted your personality on the avatar she's been using for ages?
Well, I rather think 'poor' RGO can speak for herself, and doesn't need patronising little you to hold her hand.
Oh well, at least I won't miss what goperryrev is saying any more as I scroll past the eclipse avatar.
If you pay so little attention to people's posts that you can't be bothered to read someone's name and you can't see past the picture, then I am rather glad that you have avoided my contributions. One less person who only sees what (s)he wants to see, is something of a relief, tbh.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Humans are visual creatures, it is our nature.
And you ignore posts directed to you. so put down the stones.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
EE - you do realise that you (and Gamaliel) are making a lot of threads too tedious to read, don't you?
You're sitting on this thread bloviating because most people cannot be bothered to link to posts to prove to your satisfaction* that you are an illogical, inflexible, patronising, self-satisfied waste of pixels. You probably won't remember, but I did post on that Jericho thread in Dead Horses because the subject interested me enough to wade through your assertions and research evidenced responses to your twaddle. However, I'm really not interested enough in you and your opinions to bother reading posts I've already scrolled over. If your verbose pontifications are sprawling all over a thread, I have almost certainly stopped clicking on it.
* not that we can ever prove anything to your satisfaction
Appropriation of someone else's avatar confuses the many of us who are visual and who read by avatar, I double-take on posts from Doc Tor and Croesos, Dafyd and dj_ordinaire, sabine and AntisocialAlto, to name but a few pairings, all the time.
[ 18. June 2014, 16:31: Message edited by: Curiosity killed ... ]
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed...
You're sitting on this thread bloviating because most people cannot be bothered to link to posts to prove to your satisfaction* that you are an illogical, inflexible, patronising, self-satisfied waste of pixels. You probably won't remember, but I did post on that Jericho thread in Dead Horses because the subject interested me enough to wade through your assertions and research evidenced responses to your twaddle. However, I'm really not interested enough in you and your opinions to bother reading posts I've already scrolled over. If your verbose pontifications are sprawling all over a thread, I have almost certainly stopped clicking on it.
* not that we can ever prove anything to your satisfaction
And those "research evidenced responses" were?
You are just another bigot hiding behind the liberal label to pretend that you are tolerant (not like those nasty fundies and evos). It doesn't make you look particularly intelligent when you resort to insulting someone, because he happens to hold a position, with which you disagree.
You don't fool me.
[ 18. June 2014, 16:59: Message edited by: EtymologicalEvangelical ]
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
I double-take on posts from Doc Tor and Croesos
So do I.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
You don't fool me.
She doesn't need to, since you manage that job spectacularly well all by yourself...
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
You don't fool me.
She doesn't need to, since you manage that job spectacularly well all by yourself...
Saying he fools himself would imply he actually thinks about what he says. This is the biggest condemnation so far.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Doc Tor
She doesn't need to, since you manage that job spectacularly well all by yourself...
I would far rather "fool myself" into believing what God says, than be duped by those who seem to be utterly determined to convince me that the Bible is a load of crap.
Do carry on. This is all very entertaining.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
those who seem to be utterly determined to convince me that the Bible is a load of crap.
Just out of interest, who are those people? Would you seriously include people like myself and Doc Tor, etc. in that list, in other words, thinking some parts aren't fully historical = the whole lot is a load of crap?
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I'm happy to take the rap for a few things, lengthy posts, occasional sniping and sarcasm.
But I've hardly posted on this thread at all so I can't see why I'm getting name-checked so much here - although I'll freely admit to being a first-class pain in the arse on certain threads where EE has been pontificating.
He brings out the worst in me. I've acknowledged that.
Part of the reason - apart from his insufferable arrogance and scornful response to anyone who takes issue with him or picks holes in his wierdo logic - is because I used to be fairly fundie myself. Probably nowhere near as fundie as EE ... fundie is as fundie does - however much he wants to disown the title.
So, I'll freely admit to tilting at windmills from my own past, and I'll freely do so despite the mocking scorn that EE pours upon such an admission as if it somehow lets him off the hook for being such a twat.
I have rightly drawn the attention of the Hosts for my spats with EE and I'm happy to acknowledge that too and to take the rap.
All I can say is that it ain't just me - look at all the posters on this thread, from all manner of backgrounds and theological positions who also find EE's posts insufferably arrogant and full of shit.
I'd love to agree with EE. Sometimes, I do find myself in agreement with him - but then his whole tone and manner undermines whatever good he might otherwise achieve.
O wad some Pow'r the giftie gie us
To see oursels as ithers see us!
When EE looks at his posts he undoubtedly sees the heady heights of wisdom and logic. When the rest of us look we see 'Opinionated Twat'.
Don't listen to me, EE, listen to what the other Shipmates are telling you.
I've said my piece. Now I'll shut up before I irritate the Hosts and Admins beyond endurance.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Jemima the 9th
It's the scorn, that's the thing. And not just in hell, but in other places too, like here -
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
So our Lord was born to a liar?
Doesn't seem plausible to me.
It makes it very difficult to engage with what you're actually saying. Granted this engagement is mostly in my head, since I read lots and post little, but still.
Errmm... well, given that this is what TheAlethiophile actually wrote, I can't really see how my response is anything other than boringly straightforward:
Yet of all his followers, we only know of one who was around at his birth, Mary. The single witness is inherently more doubt-worthy than the multitude who witnessed Jesus resurrected. It would naturally be in Mary's interests to say that she was a virgin prior to her giving birth to Jesus' siblings.
Forgive me for being so presumptuous as to credit Mary with a modicum of intelligence. I would have thought that she would have known whether she had had sex with a man leading to Jesus' conception and birth, and that therefore to deny that would constitute a brazen lie.
TheAlethiophile is either saying that Mary was virtually brain dead thick or that she was a wilful liar.
Given that I assume Mary was at least a reasonably intelligent sentient being, and given that I also credit TheAlethiophile with a sufficient handle on reality to acknowledge this same point, then I think it is right to assume that he is implying that Mary would have "borne false witness" (if you prefer the flowery pious language) concerning the means by which she came to be pregnant.
So our Lord was born to a liar then?
And my view is that that is not a plausible theory.
How nasty of me to point that out! What penance do I have to do before the psychopathically hyper-sensitive liberal Inquisition will forgive me, mewonders?
(Of course, those who think that Mary would have misled people, but without lying, must imagine she was unbelievably thick and totally lacking in any moral responsibility. How utterly misogynistic!)
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Oh, Mr Ambiguity has made an appearance again.
The day he writes a post that actually diverges from the following brainless mantras is the day hell freezes over:
1. It's "both...and", it ain't "either...or".
2. It's all so ambiguous.
3. Everyone's against you EE, and why won't you let yourself be bullied into submission by us lovely people?
4. It cuts both ways.
5. Everything is subjective.
6. I used to be like EE, but I am such a big boy now (wank wank).
And your fave opening is: Sure. Thing is, though...
Such a literary gift you have.
Stick to your doggerel.
I would.
Posted by Ricardus (# 8757) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Now you notice that TheAlethiophile states that Mary as a witness is "more doubt-worthy" than the multitude who witnessed Jesus resurrected. He then speculates as to Mary's motive in claiming to be a virgin prior to the birth of Jesus' siblings and therefore being a virgin at and before the birth of Jesus. This indicates clearly that TheAlethiophile believes that Mary would have borne witness to something that she knew was not true. In other words, she would have lied.
It was to this claim that I responded with this comment on that thread.
So that answers your point #2.
OK, I admit I missed the context here. However, your response creates a different problem. If Mary lied to Matthew about her virginity then she must have done so many years after Jesus was born. At the point when she was chosen by God, and when Jesus was conceived, she was not a liar. (Or at least it is not a necessary corollary of this scenario that she was a liar at that point.)
As for point #1, this is not particularly coherent. [...] This is a huge subject, and I don't see that you can make a case against me simply by using the word 'sinlessness' in an unqualified way.
The point is that for the reductio ad absurdum to stand, the conclusion must be self-evidently absurd. If you are Catholic or Orthodox then Mary's sinlessness is de fide, from which it follows that Mary could not possibly have lied, but for the rest of us, you need to make a case that a mendacious Mary is necessarily absurd. It is not enough just to say that you personally find it implausible, especially given that Luke goes out of his way to point out that Jesus was descended from Rahab the prostitute.
I am not sure why you need me to define sinlessness, because I am not the one who has asserted that Mary perjuring herself forty or so years after the event is incompatible with her having borne Our Lord. It seems to me it is the person who is making assertions who needs to define terms.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Oh, Mr Ambiguity has made an appearance again.
The day he writes a post that actually diverges from the following brainless mantras is the day hell freezes over:
1. It's "both...and", it ain't "either...or".
2. It's all so ambiguous.
3. Everyone's against you EE, and why won't you let yourself be bullied into submission by us lovely people?
4. It cuts both ways.
5. Everything is subjective.
6. I used to be like EE, but I am such a big boy now (wank wank).
And your fave opening is: Sure. Thing is, though...
Such a literary gift you have.
Stick to your doggerel.
I would.
Yeah, so you understand one half of the double act that you're in. Well done, Mr Laurel.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Ok, here's some doggerel.
There was a wee Shippie called Etymological Evangelical,
Whose posts were always hysterical,
He claimed logic and reason
Were always in season,
And his own arrogance always Dialectical.
I don't know why you think the rest of us are bullies when your scoffing, hoity-toity and self-satisfied tone sounds like you've come hot foot from the Hoity-Toity, Self-Satisfied Tone club.
But then, that can't be logical. To belong to such a club would mean you'd actually have some friends.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
At least he understands one half, Orfeo.
But I agree, not a double-act worth watching.
But it ain't just me is it?
Not that that's any excuse for allowing myself to become EE's shadow-boxing partner.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
At least he understands one half, Orfeo.
But I agree, not a double-act worth watching.
But it ain't just me is it?
Not that that's any excuse for allowing myself to become EE's shadow-boxing partner.
No, it ain't just you. And credit where it's due, you demonstrate at least one quality that the other shadow-boxer seems to lack: a measure of self-awareness.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Gamaliel's blusters and feints,
Would test even the patience of Saints,
Long-suffering Admins and Hosts,
Endured it the most,
When he failed to comply with complaints.
The posts of the Shippie Gamaliel
Were not up to the standards of Balliol,
Though he'd say what he'd think,
He was never succinct
And instead of a Pass he would fail-iel.
Or even
For theological issues polemical,
Consider Etymological Evangelical,
For pedagogic and logic,
His posts scatologic,
Deserved to be purged with a chemical.
These Boards can bring out the worst in all of us.
Peace be to all.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
The Circus is --> thataway.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel
To belong to such a club would mean you'd actually have some friends.
Funnily enough, I don't go looking on the internet for 'friends'. Perhaps you do. Perhaps you're that desperate.
Now that would be more than a bit sad.
You need to get out more.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I get out a fair bit, thank you very much, EE.
I'm happy to go to the Circus and act the clown as Sioni has suggested.
I suggest you also take up some kind of hobby, take yourself a lot less seriously and stop acting as if the fount of all wisdom and knowledge emits from your own backside.
I don't have any issue whatsoever with the more balanced, nuanced and 'thinking' evangelicals on this thread - and they know who they are - South Coast Kevin, Goperryrevs, Doc Tor, Leprechaun among others - and there are many others.
I wouldn't have an issue with you either if you weren't such a twat. Trouble is, in allowing myself to engage with you so regularly I'm afraid I can descend to your level ...
Which is more fool me.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
Which is more fool me.
Then fucking LEARN, you thick bastard. Or at least stop saying "I shouldn't be doing this, I'm such a fool, I'm going to stop now" when you clearly have no intention of following through on such promises, because frankly that's pissing me off far more than the fact that both of you have clearly forgotten what the conditions of your return from suspension were.
Posted by St Deird (# 7631) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Funnily enough, I don't go looking on the internet for 'friends'. Perhaps you do. Perhaps you're that desperate.
Now that would be more than a bit sad.
You need to get out more.
I tend to get out quite a lot. Often with some of the friends I made through the internet.
Are you one of those sad people who can't quite believe that anyone else is real unless they're standing in front of you?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Marvin -
What actually provoked me to open this hell thread was mousethief's and Gamaliel's barely concealed accusation against me on a Kerygmania thread, that I was lacking humility, simply because I disagreed with them on the rather technical point that there are ideas implicit in the Bible, and therefore such ideas cannot be called 'extra-biblical'. If every time I dare to express a viewpoint, I am accused of being arrogant (when everyone else is apparently allowed to express their views), then I think I am justified in wanting some kind of explanation. And that was what I asked for. Hence this thread. I am happy to take the rebuke that my method of expressing myself might be a bit too "in yer face". I'll take that on the chin, and try and tone it down a bit. Fair enough. I am sorry for being strident. I'll try and learn not to be (but one thing I will not do is accept viewpoints simply because I am being browbeaten, instead of properly persuaded).
But I can't understand the accusation from mousethief and Gamaliel that I consider myself superior to other people, and yet they cannot quote one single post of mine where I express such a sentiment. Where the hell have I said that? Since returning from suspension I have tried to ignore Gamaliel, or when I have engaged with him I have simply tried to defend myself against some outrageous and malicious accusation (such as when he accused me of trying to prevent IngoB and mousethief from thinking!!)
All I can do is try to ignore him from now on, but it's not easy when he tries to wreck threads and twist everything I say. He has admitted openly that he is just using me as a whipping boy to cope with his past failures, so why doesn't he go and seek professional help about this problem, instead of playing it out here on the internet?
From now on I will ignore Gamaliel. I have set myself 30 days from this point on.
I apologise for opening this thread. Shut it down it you want.
[ 19. June 2014, 09:53: Message edited by: EtymologicalEvangelical ]
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
But I can't understand the accusation from mousethief and Gamaliel that I consider myself superior to other people, and yet they cannot quote one single post of mine where I express such a sentiment. Where the hell have I said that?
I often miss the last post on a page if the thread's moving quickly as well.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I apologise for opening this thread. Shut it down it you want.
As Hosts or Admins, we don't actually need your permission to carry out any thread-closing desires we might have. I always find it terribly amusing when one of you attempts to grant us authority over these kinds of things, as if somehow we couldn't do it until you acquiesced.
For starters, that kind of functionality would require modern message board software...
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
that I was lacking humility, simply because I disagreed with them
Dude, here is where you've missed the point. You've added a "simply because" where there isn't one:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
If every time I dare to express a viewpoint, I am accused of being arrogant (when everyone else is apparently allowed to express their views), then I think I am justified in wanting some kind of explanation.
Exactly. No-one else gets called up for just expressing their views; so the reason for you getting called out is unlikely to be for expressing a view. The explanation is that it is the way you express views and discuss that is the problem.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I am happy to take the rebuke that my method of expressing myself might be a bit too "in yer face". I'll take that on the chin, and try and tone it down a bit. Fair enough. I am sorry for being strident.
This is exactly it. If you manage to do this, you will be doing yourself a big favour. Nice one.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I'll try and learn not to be (but one thing I will not do is accept viewpoints simply because I am being browbeaten, instead of properly persuaded).
I don't see anyone trying to do that. More that because they express their frustration with you, that's how it feels from your point of view.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian
Your incessant refusal to accept other people's arguments, coupled with the phrase "humility is admitting that one's own logic is inferior to better logic" (and I note that the emphasis is yours) points to nothing other than the fact that you clearly consider your own logic to be better than anyone else's. You don't need to specifically state that, it comes across loud and clear in every single word you post on this site.
All I said was that if someone has a better argument than I have, then it is incumbent on me - as an act of humility - to accept it. Are you saying that I should just accept that I am wrong about everything I believe, even if I am not persuaded by the other person's argument?
I assume you apply this same to rule to everyone else on this site?
So you admit that you are wrong about everything you believe, do you?
Do you think it is wrong for anyone to believe anything about reality at all, for fear of being accused of arrogance?
OK, perhaps I worded my comment badly, but that is essentially what I was saying. People are normally persuaded by better arguments. How can you say that people ought to be persuaded by poorer arguments?
Sorry, but this does not make sense.
What are you expecting me to do? Just roll over and accept what anyone says to me, simply because it would be arrogant of me to not to just believe anything that anyone asserts? Perhaps other people could do that as well, and believe what I say. It works both ways, doesn't it?
Posted by South Coast Kevin (# 16130) on
EE, I should just say that I've got plenty of sympathy for you and the frustrations you've raised recently. Not that I agree with everything you've said but, seeing as you've been copping a lot of flak here, I thought you might appreciate a word of support!
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
goperryrevs -
OK, so you are prepared to state here that I have a right to believe that, for example, the conquest of Jericho was an historical event, without feeling frustrated with me? Yes?
We can agree to disagree?
You can say - along with Doc Tor, mousethief and all the others - that "we respect your right to hold a point of view with which we disagree, and we appreciate the fact that you have acknowledged that the evidence is inconclusive"?
Because that was certainly not the approach towards me on that thread.
The whole attitude was: "you are a stupid idiot for not just accepting our point of view."
Now, admittedly, it was probably just Gamaliel who was saying this, and acting as if he was the spokesman for everyone else. And so his insults may have coloured my view of you, Doc Tor et al. He got under my skin, tbh. So I apologise for that.
From now on I will try to understand that Gamaliel only speaks for himself, and his views have nothing to do with anyone but himself. He often tries to speak on behalf of other people, and I realise now that this has coloured my view of others on this site.
Kev -
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
All I said was that if someone has a better argument than I have, then it is incumbent on me - as an act of humility - to accept it.
Why are you back to characterising this as having something to do with humility? It's an act of rationality to accept a better argument, not humility.
The only reason humility comes into it is that it's sheer pride to constantly assume that no-one has in fact succeeded in fulfilling the 'better argument' criterion. You would accept a better argument, if only someone had one, but to your utter disappointment they never, ever do. Funny that.
That's the key flaw in your statement. Humility does not lie in accepting a better argument, it lies in acknowledging how likely it is that better arguments exist.
[ 19. June 2014, 10:22: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
ADDENDUM: And having previously brought up the humility of Jesus, you might want to turn to Matthew 15:26-28 to see how it's done. Which is just as well, given that I don't think Aramaic or Greek came equipped with
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
All I said was that if someone has a better argument than I have, then it is incumbent on me - as an act of humility - to accept it. Are you saying that I should just accept that I am wrong about everything I believe, even if I am not persuaded by the other person's argument?
Accepting that you could be wrong about everything you believe would be a good start. As would setting the bar for "a better argument" somewhere a tad below "absolute, unarguable, objective and irrevocable proof".
I assume you apply this same to rule to everyone else on this site?
Yes. Virtually everyone else manages to pass.
So you admit that you are wrong about everything you believe, do you?
I admit the possibility, yes.
Do you think it is wrong for anyone to believe anything about reality at all, for fear of being accused of arrogance?
No. I think it is wrong for anyone to utterly refuse to countenance any beliefs or opinions about reality other than their own unless they are supported by evidence that cannot possibly be argued against from any angle whatsoever.
What are you expecting me to do? Just roll over and accept what anyone says to me, simply because it would be arrogant of me to not to just believe anything that anyone asserts?
No, I want you to have some fucking humility.
An example question. When someone provides a link to archaeological evidence that undermines the argument you are making, do you:
(a) point to a single biased researcher who suggested that there may be an error in the archaeology, then state that as that error might possibly exist there has not, in fact, been any evidence offered against your position whatsoever and you are therefore completely right?
(b) point to that same researcher and the error he suggested might exist, then discuss in good faith whether that error really is significant, whether the archaeology can therefore be accepted, and what that might mean for the overall subject under discussion?
(c) accept the archaeological evidence presented, but reserve the right to keep believing what you believe regardless?
(d) accept the archaeological evidence presented, and change your beliefs accordingly?
(a) is the path of arrogance and lack of humility. (b), (c) and (d) are all paths of humility, in various ways.
(The path of rolling over and accepting anything anyone says to you is, of course, to not even need the evidence in the first place because you've already changed your beliefs. Nobody should do or expect that.)
Now, which of those options did you actually choose to follow on the Jericho thread?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
To echo something Marvin said: it is most definitely a complete mischaracterisation of humility to think it somehow involves "rolling over", or otherwise debasing yourself below your actual value.
It's a somewhat popular misuse of the word, but it's still a misuse.
Humility is fundamentally about treating yourself in the same way that you treat others. Not elevating yourself, and not debasing yourself. Humility is celebrating the successes of others as if they were your own, and commiserating with others as if you yourself were affected. Humility allows you to recognise when you've done a good job, so long as you also recognise when others have done a good job.
Humility is saying that finding the truth is more important than who found it.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Fair point, Marvin, I ought to fucking well learn and show more sense than I have done hitherto.
Far more erudite, learned and cleverer posters than me are engaging with EE and getting nowhere so why should it even enter my head that he's even going to bother listening to me?
He doesn't listen to anybody.
Once we've clocked that there really isn't anything else to say.
Posted by South Coast Kevin (# 16130) on
Having said nice things about EE, I missed the edit window so couldn't add that I don't agree with you (EE) about this humility thing. I agree with MtM, orfeo et al; accepting an argument that's stronger than one's own is rationality, not humility.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian
Now, which of those options did you actually choose to follow on the Jericho thread?
First of all, I refused to accept that a particular researcher was 'biased' simply because he was a Christian with a high view of the Bible. I don't think humility involves going along with other people's prejudices. Do you?
Secondly, I looked at both points of view - the Kenyon and Garstang / Wood views - and concluded that the evidence was inconclusive.
Therefore I feel assured that my response was honest.
So I don't see what case you have against me on this issue.
Are you saying that humility involves accusing scholars of bias? Is that it?!?
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
OK, so you are prepared to state here that I have a right to believe that, for example, the conquest of Jericho was an historical event,
Yes, of course. Most people in my church, including many friends, have that view, so it's not one I'm a stranger to.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
without feeling frustrated with me? Yes?
I can't promise that. But I'll continue to do my best to disagree politely.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
We can agree to disagree?
Of course.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
You can say - along with Doc Tor, mousethief and all the others - that "we respect your right to hold a point of view with which we disagree, and we appreciate the fact that you have acknowledged that the evidence is inconclusive"?
Of course, that's a start. But, again, I can't promise that when you (or anybody else) gives arguments that seem, to me, contrived / biased / has lots of holes, that I won't pick them up on it or point out where their understanding & reasoning is flawed. I'd expect you to do the same too (and you have, enough times).
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Because that was certainly not the approach towards me on that thread. The whole attitude was: "you are a stupid idiot for not just accepting our point of view."
It was never my intention for my posts to leave you feeling like that. My interpretation of the thread was that your arguments were contrived and selective, because to accept the alternative would screw with your worldview too much. I still think that. But I never intended any disrespect in my disagreement (though I admit to frustration). As I've said, I certainly don't think you are a stupid idiot.
Perhaps because I am a open evangelical minority in a church of conservative evangelicals, I projected a little, and revelled in being the majority for once. I know it is hard being a lone voice, one does have to develop a thick skin.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
Fair point, Marvin, I ought to fucking well learn and show more sense than I have done hitherto.
Talk is cheap.
Far more erudite, learned and cleverer posters than me are engaging with EE and getting nowhere so why should it even enter my head that he's even going to bother listening to me?
He doesn't listen to anybody.
Once we've clocked that there really isn't anything else to say.
See how cheap talk is? You couldn't even get to the end of the same fucking post without taking another shot.
You either don't get it or you can't stop yourself. Whichever it is, it needs to change. Probably quite soon.
Posted by The Great Gumby (# 10989) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
goperryrevs -
OK, so you are prepared to state here that I have a right to believe that, for example, the conquest of Jericho was an historical event, without feeling frustrated with me? Yes?
You're free to hold any view, no matter how ludicrous. You even have the right to believe that you're achieving anything in this thread but showing yourself up as an arrogant, boorish waste of bandwidth. But when you support your views with nothing more than special pleading and appeals to shoddy and ideologically motivated spin, it's no surprise if sensible, rational people become frustrated at your behaviour. It's not the beliefs that are the problem, so much as the nonsensical house of cards they're built on.
If I called you a tedious wanker, I doubt there would be much disagreement, but if I backed up my opinion with arguments based on the number of letters in your username, or selective quotes from people who don't even know who you are, and did so even after I had been repeatedly been told that those were terrible reasons for my conclusion, I would expect a lot of frustration at my intransigence and inability to hold a rational conversation. See how it works?
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
We can agree to disagree?
Ah, now here we have a problem. Because the reason the Jericho issue was such a tediously long-running point of contention, as pointed out earlier, was that you dogmatically insisted that it was unquestionably true. Asking to agree to disagree when your original absolutist claim is lying in tiny pieces all over the place like so much dubiously-dated pottery says more about you than you might be comfortable with.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
First of all, I refused to accept that a particular researcher was 'biased' simply because he was a Christian with a high view of the Bible.
It's the fact that he was trying to make the research fit with his high view of the Bible that makes him biased.
I don't think humility involves going along with other people's prejudices. Do you?
No, but it does involve recognising your own.
Secondly, I looked at both points of view - the Kenyon and Garstang / Wood views - and concluded that the evidence was inconclusive.
...and then went on to repeatedly state that nobody had provided any evidence to counter your arguments, which meant they must be right. Including on this very thread.
Therefore I feel assured that my response was honest.
So I don't see what case you have against me on this issue.
Dishonesty is not something I have accused you of.
Are you saying that humility involves accusing scholars of bias? Is that it?!?
Is that really all you got out of the four alternative answers I offered in my previous post? Have they shown you nothing about the various ways one can respond during a thread, and why your chosen mode of interaction gets everyone's backs up so much?
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Well, after The Great Gumby's insulting, childish and ill-informed post, I don't see how anyone can wonder why I become 'arrogant' and strident.
This is a perfect example of what I have been talking about: I am being required to just roll over and accept points of view on the basis of being browbeaten, hectored and insulted.
If TGG does not like me expressing my viewpoint, then he can just fuck off, AFAIAC.
[ 19. June 2014, 11:08: Message edited by: EtymologicalEvangelical ]
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Again, fair call, Marvin. This time my lips are sealed.
Posted by South Coast Kevin (# 16130) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Well, after The Great Gumby's insulting, childish and ill-informed post, I don't see how anyone can wonder why I become 'arrogant' and strident.
This is a perfect example of what I have been talking about: I am being required to just roll over and accept points of view on the basis of being browbeaten, hectored and insulted.
If TGG does not like me expressing my viewpoint, then he can just fuck off, AFAIAC.
Ah, but now you are losing me, EE. If you're being required to roll over and accept other people's points of view at all, it's on the basis of their arguments being judged to be far more solid than yours. If you want to dispute that judgement in any specific case then obviously you can, but going defensive and outraged is unlikely to help...
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Well, after The Great Gumby's insulting, childish and ill-informed post, I don't see how anyone can wonder why I become 'arrogant' and strident.
I guess it's a chicken-or-egg thing. Is it other people's mean posts that make you become arrogant, or are their posts mean because you are arrogant?
But Gumby's final paragraph makes a pertinent point. Agreeing to disagree is only a starting point. On the Joshua thread, your approach was that it was totally self-evident that the Jericho narrative was fully historical, and anyone who didn't believe that was talking nonsense. Posts like:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
So presumably you have evidence that the book of Joshua, for example, is fiction? If so, please be so kind as to present it. Personal dislike for the content of the book doesn't count, by the way, as I am sure you must know, if you have any kind of intellectual and academic credentials.
Is the kind of passive aggressive-approach you've been challenged on.* Now, just imagine that, on that thread, there were 20 people who agreed with you, and only one person who thought the Jericho account was not historical, and all those people posted in that strident manner that you did (like the above) throughout the thread. Would that person maybe 'browbeaten' and forced into agreement like you feel? The only difference would be the volume of the content, not the quality. You are as guilty of the aggressive (usually passive-aggressive but sometimes directly aggressive) form of posting that winds you up in other people's posts. The only difference was that you were a minority voice on that thread.
*It's also an example of your arrogance, that you has already assumed that no-one could possibly have any evidence that it wasn't historical. Which, as it turned out, they did.
[ 19. June 2014, 11:53: Message edited by: goperryrevs ]
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Marvin The Martian
It's the fact that he was trying to make the research fit with his high view of the Bible that makes him biased.
Trouble is that everyone does this. They have a theory and try to find evidence to fit it. If we ignore all examples of bias, then we could not consider any evidence at all.
Whatever Dr Wood's motives (and I would not want to run to judgment), the fact is that he is making certain claims, based not on "what the Bible says", but "what the archaeological evidence says". He is claiming that the evidence upholds John Garstang's original dating for the destruction of Jericho. Now either this claim is sound or it is not, quite irrespective of Dr Wood's motives. To use an analogy: Hitler built the Autobahns for a totally nefarious reason. His motives were warped. Does that mean that no one should drive on them today?
Citing motive as proper evidence is highly dubious and more often than not totally irrelevant. Just look at the claim, and assess that on its own merits.
Originally posted by Goperryrevs
But Gumby's final paragraph makes a pertinent point. Agreeing to disagree is only a starting point. On the Joshua thread, your approach was that it was totally self-evident that the Jericho narrative was fully historical, and anyone who didn't believe that was talking nonsense. Posts like:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
So presumably you have evidence that the book of Joshua, for example, is fiction? If so, please be so kind as to present it. Personal dislike for the content of the book doesn't count, by the way, as I am sure you must know, if you have any kind of intellectual and academic credentials.
Is the kind of passive aggressive-approach you've been challenged on.* Now, just imagine that, on that thread, there were 20 people who agreed with you, and only one person who thought the Jericho account was not historical, and all those people posted in that strident manner that you did (like the above) throughout the thread. Would that person maybe 'browbeaten' and forced into agreement like you feel? The only difference would be the volume of the content, not the quality. You are as guilty of the aggressive (usually passive-aggressive but sometimes directly aggressive) form of posting that winds you up in other people's posts. The only difference was that you were a minority voice on that thread.
*It's also an example of your arrogance, that you has already assumed that no-one could possibly have any evidence that it wasn't historical. Which, as it turned out, they did.
Firstly, I have been accused of arrogance concerning my posting style, but I notice that you don't rebuke The Great Gumby for his aggressive approach. I find that very telling, to be honest. Double standards again.
Secondly, there was nothing aggressive or passive-aggressive in what I wrote concerning the claim that the account in Joshua is fictional. I asked for evidence to support this claim. I also made the point that "personal dislike for the content of the text" does not count as evidence, and this is consistent with the way academia works. Was I saying any more than that? You may imagine that I was, and try to put your own construction on my comment, but that is simply not fair, as you must surely know!
I get the feeling that, unless I just roll over and accept certain ideas, I will be accused of arrogance. I realise that there is nothing I can do about it. If I try to write something in more 'civil' language it will be picked over. If I write more stridently, it will be condemned and so on.
Anyway, I agree with CS Lewis when he wrote that anyone who claims to be humble is very conceited indeed. So I won't claim that. If you want to see me as arrogant, then fine. I am arrogant. Big deal. At least I admit it. Unlike certain other people.
Do you think you are humble?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Firstly, I have been accused of arrogance concerning my posting style, but I notice that you don't rebuke The Great Gumby for his aggressive approach. I find that very telling, to be honest. Double standards again.
If you continue to go over single posts by other individuals in forensic detail, and attempt to compare it to the impression you have built up over several years of behaviour, you will continue to be disappointed by "double standards".
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Trouble is that everyone does this. They have a theory and try to find evidence to fit it. If we ignore all examples of bias, then we could not consider any evidence at all.
No, really not. Any of us with a scientific background start with a hypothesis - an idea for why something might happen - carries out experiments and if the expected happens all is well and good. But frequently the expected doesn't happen, so the original hypothesis is incorrect and needs rethinking. The next hypothesis is based on the evidence already discovered. The scientists test that hypothesis experimentally and gathers evidence. That evidence may mean that that hypothesis might be a better match for the data, but it might also mean that the new hypothesis also fails.
The same is true in archaeology. When digging a site, you start with some ideas, often from geophysics and site surveys, but if what you find in the ground doesn't fit those ideas you have to rethink, and continue rethinking until the ideas / hypothesis fits the finds. (I've done this for fun as an amateur - and we rethought what we were finding several times for the first couple of seasons, went back and did a major literature search and rewrote the history books on that particular site.)
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I notice that you don't rebuke The Great Gumby for his aggressive approach.
If I rebuked every shipmate who I thought over-stepped a mark, I'd be posting every five minutes, which would be pointless and stupid. And I tend to read a lot more than I post anyhow. But, yes, for the record, I do think that quite a few posters (including quite a few that I am very fond of) have been overly heavy-handed with you on this thread. But I understand why they have been. You can be very frustrating to engage with.
And the reason I'm engaging with you is because I actually care. I'm not here to shout at you and tell you you're an idiot, I'm only trying to help (for your sake, and the sake of the threads that we both post on).
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Secondly, there was nothing aggressive or passive-aggressive in what I wrote
Maybe this is the heart of the problem. That kind of post is standard for you, and perhaps you don't intend the tone that way, but everything about it screams passive-aggression. I've lost count of the number of your posts that appear to be in this form: "I know more about this stuff than you. My logic is superior. I know you're not going to be able to come up with anything to dissuade me. Go on then, try, I'm waiting." It doesn't enable meaningful debate. It stifles it. As I say, perhaps it's not intended that way, but that's how it's received - and evidently not just by me, but by swathes of your fellow shipmates.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Do you think you are humble?
Humility is the virtue that I most admire, and aspire to more than any other (even though I know Love is a greater virtue, there is a beauty in Humility that naturally draws me more than Love). Of course I fail to live up to the goal of humility all the time, but that's not for lack of desire, or admiration of the ideal.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Goperryrevs -
Perhaps if you looked at the context of my comment, you will see it rather differently.
Given that I was accused of "lunatic ravings" and "pathetic bloviating", you can hardly blame me for responding in kind to mousethief.
You may admire humility, but I would also like to suggest that you start admiring honesty as well, because your selective quotation of my comment is frankly "below the belt", mate.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by goperryrevs:
I've lost count of the number of your posts that appear to be in this form: "I know more about this stuff than you. My logic is superior. I know you're not going to be able to come up with anything to dissuade me. Go on then, try, I'm waiting."
This. Honestly, EE, this is the trope you've become associated with in my mind, and in the minds of many others. I remember, the first time I encountered it, I was actually on your side in whatever debate was going on in Purgatory, and found myself wishing that I wasn't.
You ask why no-one ever provides you with evidence. One of the reasons is because you convey that the evidence will be rejected in the exact same breath that you call for it. In fact, quite frequently the rejection part happens before the call part.
It's certainly what you do in Hell. It's less naked when you're on other parts of the Ship, but variations of the form still appear. Saying to people "I don't think you can convince me. Go on, convince me!" might seem to you as if you're posting an exciting and interesting intellectual challenge, but for an awful lot of people it's just an aggressive turn-off. It doesn't convey "I'm interested in what you have to say", it conveys "whatever you have to say, I've already planned how to knock it down".
You basically set up the conversation as a contest between you as batsman and the other person as bowler. Come on, you say, bet you can't get me out. I dare you get me out. YES! Ha-ha! Four runs to me!
There are probably times when that's an appropriate mode to be in, but not quite so often.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Given that I was accused of
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
"lunatic ravings"
As far as I can tell, that is something you imported from a Hell thread. It wasn't part of the discussion in Dead Horses. In terms of the debate going on in that thread, it's a different context. Things get hotter in Hell. You know that.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
"pathetic bloviating"
No. You stated that someone else's analogy was a "pathetic comparison". Mousethief responded saying that unless you could give a valid argument as to why the comparison was pathetic, then your assertion was pathetic bloviating. That is not the same as accusing you of pathetic bloviating, it is stating that unless you back up your assertions, you are in danger of pathetic bloviating.
And the thing is, as Orfeo says, it would be easy to find scores of other posts of that same format. So arguing the details of the first one I found is by the bye. The "come on then, convince me.", "perhaps you have some evidence for me", "I know you won't be able to back that up" etc. posts, often backed up with a
. There are enough examples of them on this thread alone.
[ 19. June 2014, 14:11: Message edited by: goperryrevs ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
This time my lips are sealed.
Dude, I have that in needlepoint on my bedroom wall.
Marv's right, this time mean it.
Posted by JonahMan (# 12126) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
You basically set up the conversation as a contest between you as batsman and the other person as bowler. Come on, you say, bet you can't get me out. I dare you get me out. YES! Ha-ha! Four runs to me!
There are probably times when that's an appropriate mode to be in, but not quite so often.
The problem comes when the batsmen is gleefully claiming to have hit a six when their middle stump is lying on the ground twenty feet behind them, the fielders are high-fiving each other and the umpire is giving you the finger. At this point, asking for a DRS review is unwise at best and likely to annoy all and sundry, even your team-mate batting at the other end.
If, as has been stated, there are other posters who do not receive the same type of response as you although they offer the same viewpoint, then clearly it is not the expression of the viewpoint which is the cause.
It seems to me that either everyone hates you for no discernible reason or there is another difference between you and the other posters with the same views in terms of your tone. In the former case, all you can do is grin and bear it, ignore them, leave or try and win them over. In the latter case, analysing what the difference is and modifying your tone might be productive. If you don't want to do that, fine, but don't be surprised if you continue to generate similar reactions.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Goperryrevs -
I have a strong impression that if I wrote comments in exactly the same kind of phraseology, but affirmed a view that was deemed to be ideologically 'acceptable', then you would not be having a go at me. It's pretty obvious that the complaint against me cannot really be to do with language tone and style but beliefs. If this is not the case, then clearly you would have made just some effort to rebuke others (far more cantankerous than I am) who happen to agree with your position.
I am pretty much resigned to the fact that nothing I can say or do is acceptable unless I toe the line ideologically. I have accepted that. I have said this before, but I wonder whether my moniker is like a red rag to a bull or blood to a shark. I am obviously being stereotyped, even though I am not a tribal big-E "Evangelical" by any stretch of the imagination (just ask Daron Medway!). The blatant double standards on this site is evidence enough for me, to support this suspicion.
But anyway... what exactly are you asking me to do? You say you want to help me, but in what way? To believe in a Jesus who was either deceitful or incredibly ignorant and stupid or both? After all, he affirmed the historicity of the Old Testament, even those parts considered to be the work of Moses. This seems to be the only conclusion I can draw. Not only are you incredibly patronising towards me, but also towards Jesus himself, whom you obviously regard as a primitive man, deluded by the supposed inferior thought forms of his day. And, of course, if this is so, then we can't really take anything Jesus said seriously.
In other words, it's all a capitulation to atheism. Strip away the Christian veneer, and that's what we find. Atheism and blasphemy.
Is this what you are wanting to help me accept?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
And there we have it, an amazing display of what humility isn't.
A near perfect example of why criticisms of your posting are on the mark.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
So it's OK for me to believe that the account is historical then?
EE, I am happy to agree to disagree with you on the historicity of the Biblical account of the fall of Jericho. What is causing the cognitive dissonance for me is your insistence that you are not a fundamentalist while asserting that the Bible is literally true.
Again, please can you tell me your definition of "fundamentalist"?
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I have a strong impression that if I wrote comments in exactly the same kind of phraseology, but affirmed a view that was deemed to be ideologically 'acceptable', then you would not be having a go at me. It's pretty obvious that the complaint against me cannot really be to do with language tone and style but beliefs.
Well, actually, I probably agree with you on a lot more theological issues than I do with plenty of other Shipmates. So, I don't think that holds. I can think of many Shipmates that I get on with very well who are very different from me theologically, and many who are very similar. I'd say you're somewhere in the middle. I've said it enough times already, it's the style, not the substance that's the problem. You can take that at face value, or decide that I'm just lying or mistaken.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
If this is not the case, then clearly you would have made just some effort to rebuke others (far more cantankerous than I am) who happen to agree with your position.
Well, I've rebuked Gamaliel quite a few times, despite being that bit closer to him theologically (only in some areas, mind. I'm nowhere near as 'high' church as he likes to be nowadays, and I'm still a proper charismatic). But the thing is, he tends to take it on board (at least verbally, if not in practice), whereas you seem to want to debate it a lot more... So, here we are debating it.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Is this what you are wanting to help me accept?
I'm afraid my attempted help was much more mundane. It was simply to help you by pointing out how your style frustrates and antagonises people, thus bringing their ire upon you. To make things go smoother here for you and everyone else.
The theology stuff, well, that's a gross caricature, and my posts here had little to do with any of that.
I have no desire to be condescending, and I really think I've said everything I need to say. It's up to you what you do with it. You have a choice: You can either decide that the problem lies with everyone else because they can't handle your theology, or you can get a bit more introspective and see where you can shift your style to make it less abrasive. If you choose the former, then nothing is going to change round here for you, and if you're happy with that, go for it. In that case posting on this thread is probably pointless, though. Option 2 is remains a beautiful possibility though...
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I am pretty much resigned to the fact that nothing I can say or do is acceptable unless I toe the line ideologically.
Which line? I see no line.
I am way off beam to most people theologically but they accept that I believe what I believe in good faith. I'm certainly not an atheist or blasphemer!
All you need to do is be less defensive, listen a bit and lighten up a lot.
Posted by St Deird (# 7631) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
It's pretty obvious that the complaint against me cannot really be to do with language tone and style but beliefs.
Given that everyone on this thread is saying the opposite, I'm not sure how that's obvious anywhere but in your own imagination.
Posted by M. (# 3291) on
A wise man once said to me that if everyone was telling him he was wrong, he had to consider the possibility that he was wrong. I commend this approach.
I've not posted on this before but as am frustrated as everyone else.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Goperryrevs -
I have a strong impression that if I wrote comments in exactly the same kind of phraseology, but affirmed a view that was deemed to be ideologically 'acceptable', then you would not be having a go at me. It's pretty obvious that the complaint against me cannot really be to do with language tone and style but beliefs. If this is not the case, then clearly you would have made just some effort to rebuke others (far more cantankerous than I am) who happen to agree with your position.
This is just perfect. A paragraph containing all the flaws of logic and of tone you could wish for, saying "you can't possibly have a problem with my arguing technique".
EDIT: Do you even realise you are basically constantly accusing every Shipmate who crosses paths with you of bad faith? And you're not just doing it to the argumentative curmudgeons like myself, you're doing it to fairly well respected Shipmates like goperryrevs who try to talk to you in patient, measured tones. "You can't possibly" equals "I think you're lying".
That is the undertone you constantly give. Either that, or "You're not sane". It's one thing to try to point out flaws in someone's argument, but the way that you do it has this relentless flavour of "I don't believe you, therefore you can't really think that" to it.
That in itself is a jaw-droppingly bad piece of logic. It is, in fact perfectly possible for people to genuinely think things that you personally don't believe. The very essence of several comments on this thread has been to try to get you to recognise that there are such things as genuine differences of opinion that are not motivated by bad faith or insanity. Is it any wonder that others sometimes employ similar tactics against you, when they sometimes seem to be the only tactic you employ?
[ 19. June 2014, 20:43: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
What actually provoked me to open this hell thread was mousethief's and Gamaliel's barely concealed accusation against me on a Kerygmania thread, that I was lacking humility, simply because I disagreed with them on the rather technical point that there are ideas implicit in the Bible, and therefore such ideas cannot be called 'extra-biblical'.
Jeepers, I said ideas in the Bible were extra-biblical? Where?
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
But I can't understand the accusation from mousethief and Gamaliel that I consider myself superior to other people, and yet they cannot quote one single post of mine where I express such a sentiment. Where the hell have I said that?
Can I take this to mean that you think the only way arrogant people can possibly demonstrate their arrogance is by directly stating it explicitly?
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
The whole attitude was: "you are a stupid idiot for not just accepting our point of view."
Nope. Bzzzt. Not even close.
Originally posted by South Coast Kevin:
Ah, but now you are losing me, EE. If you're being required to roll over and accept other people's points of view at all, it's on the basis of their arguments being judged to be far more solid than yours. If you want to dispute that judgement in any specific case then obviously you can, but going defensive and outraged is unlikely to help...
I'm beginning to think he simply can't help it.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Firstly, I have been accused of arrogance concerning my posting style, but I notice that you don't rebuke The Great Gumby for his aggressive approach. I find that very telling, to be honest. Double standards again.
Deflect, deflect, deflect. Will you man up and face your accusers without dragging in somebody else? I can see you before the judgment throne saying, "Look, Jesus, if you're going to accuse me of sin, you need to accuse my next-door neighbor of sin too, because he's a sinner too, you know. Until I hear you accuse him, I'm not going to even listen to your accusations of me."
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I get the feeling that, unless I just roll over and accept certain ideas, I will be accused of arrogance.
We know. You say it constantly. It's not true. Get the fuck over it.
Consider Lamb Chopped. She's not exactly John Shelby Spong, is she? Her theology is pretty damned conservative. But does she get the flak you do? Like hell. Nobody accuses LC of arrogance. Nobody gets into multipage pissing contents with her concerning her style. Because she's respectful and doesn't couch her posts in two-fists-up rhetoric like you do, as goperryrevs has so fluidly demonstrated.
Posted by Yorick (# 12169) on
Where's RooK? The only way to help EE is by considering his status as a Shipmate with supreme executive power and a retained childish disinterest in the ownership of limbs in spiders.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Oh dear. Another underdog.
So much work, so little time....
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
You know, an underdog is someone in a difficult position through circumstances beyond there control. Not some who starts on level ground, then grabs a shovel and starts digging.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Yeah, let's not twist the meaning of "underdog" too much. A person who is being piled on for being an asshole isn't an underdog if they're really an asshole. I have never been an underdog on this ship because every time I have been piled on, it was because I was in fact being an asshole.
EE is getting the shellacking he's getting here because he acts assholic. He's not an underdog. More of an underarm.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You know, an underdog is someone in a difficult position through circumstances beyond there control. Not some who starts on level ground, then grabs a shovel and starts digging.
Quotes File.
Posted by anoesis (# 14189) on
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
It's pretty obvious that the complaint against me cannot really be to do with language tone and style but beliefs.
It's eye-bleedingly obvious to me that it is about precisely that, and the issue is becoming clearer rather than more obscure as the thread goes on.
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
I am pretty much resigned to the fact that nothing I can say or do is acceptable unless I toe the line ideologically. I have accepted that...
...I will now pick up my cross and sling my martyr complex over the other shoulder and trudge on, but by crikey I won't do it silently...
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
But anyway... what exactly are you asking me to do? You say you want to help me, but in what way? To believe in a Jesus who was either deceitful or incredibly ignorant and stupid or both? After all, he affirmed the historicity of the Old Testament, even those parts considered to be the work of Moses. This seems to be the only conclusion I can draw. Not only are you incredibly patronising towards me, but also towards Jesus himself, whom you obviously regard as a primitive man, deluded by the supposed inferior thought forms of his day. And, of course, if this is so, then we can't really take anything Jesus said seriously.
In other words, it's all a capitulation to atheism. Strip away the Christian veneer, and that's what we find. Atheism and blasphemy.
Take a breather. You seem to be foaming at the mouth.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
In fairness, this post on this thread from 19 June is the last post from EtymologicalEvangelical on the Ship - two days ago. I checked before I posted something yesterday. It does look as if he's taken the advice to have a break from the Ship.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on
I'm not holding my breath. Though maybe I should. That guy has a bad case of verbal diarrhea.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on
So does that mean he won't tell me how he defines "fundamentalist"?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by JoannaP:
So does that mean he won't tell me how he defines "fundamentalist"?
I've read that nobody wants to define "fundamentalist" but most Evangelicals believe it's somewhere to the right of them.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by JoannaP:
So does that mean he won't tell me how he defines "fundamentalist"?
I've read that nobody wants to define "fundamentalist" but most Evangelicals believe it's somewhere to the right of them.
I'm happy to describe myself as a fundamentalist (and you can put that in quotes and capitalise it if you wish) as I believe the bible to be fundamentally true.
I'm no literalist though. The Word is good, but some of the words are problematical.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by JoannaP:
So does that mean he won't tell me how he defines "fundamentalist"?
I've read that nobody wants to define "fundamentalist" but most Evangelicals believe it's somewhere to the right of them.
I'm happy to describe myself as a fundamentalist (and you can put that in quotes and capitalise it if you wish) as I believe the bible to be fundamentally true.
I'm no literalist though. The Word is good, but some of the words are problematical.
I submit that you are using "fundamentalist" in a way not used by the majority of people who use the word, and that if you are not a literalist, you are not a fundamentalist by the most obvious and public definition of the word. Sort of like people who say, "Yes I'm an Evangelical because I believe the Evangel." Well, no, the word has meanings beyond that simple etymological mapping.
[ 21. June 2014, 13:57: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Really, Sioni? If you look at the basic definition and origin of fundamentalist, it doesn't seem so bad. However, if you look at the behaviours commonly associated...
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Really, Sioni? If you look at the basic definition and origin of fundamentalist, it doesn't seem so bad. However, if you look at the behaviours commonly associated...
I'm taking that basic, or fundamental view of what fundamentalist means, which, as you and Mousethief say, is not the general and contemporary usage, which matches the kind of institution and views that are described in your link.
FWIW, I don't think the practices described in the link are even literalist. My bible doesn't say any of that.
Posted by Steve Langton (# 17601) on
'Fundamentalist' originally meant specifically the beliefs described in a series of tracts called 'The Fundamentals' published in the early 20th C in opposition to 'liberal' versions of the faith which were becoming increasingly distant from the faith described in the NT and were distorting the picture of Jesus and his teachings found in the NT.
They were not intended to be 'dumb wooden literal' in biblical interpretation, but to follow the original medieval/Reformation idea of reading the Bible 'after the literal sense' as opposed to various 'allegorical' and other senses which had grown up over the centuries. In this usage 'literal' meant something like 'read it like you read other books', that is with full allowance for such issues as genre of writing, literary conventions of the day, use of figures of speech, and so forth.
To the Reformers it was not so much that you totally disallowed the other styles of interpretation, as that you didn't allow these more exotic and subjective ideas to contradict the plain meaning of the straightforward bits of scripture.
What we now think of as 'fundamentalism' was - and is - an extreme view which simplistically went for a dumb wooden literal approach and kidded itself that this actually rather irrational stance was the one true way to interpret Scripture.
A one-volume edition of the original 'Fundamentals', edited I think by RA Torrey, is fairly freely available. JI Packer's work 'Fundamentalism and the Word of God', originally published by IVP and I think still in print from another publisher, gives a reasonable modern Evangelical view.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on
Yes but, as EE does seem to take a literal view of the Bible but denies being a fundamentalist, this does not help me work out his definition of the word. MT's contribution is the most helpful in that respect.
[BTW: I put fundamentalist in quotes in my original post because I was using it was a term to be defined. They were not intended as scare quotes.]
Posted by Steve Langton (# 17601) on
In many cases 'after the literal sense' will pretty much mean 'literal' anyway. Perhaps EE could expand a bit on his position...?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Steve Langton:
To the Reformers it was not so much that you totally disallowed the other styles of interpretation, as that you didn't allow these more exotic and subjective ideas to contradict the plain meaning of the straightforward bits of scripture.
You say "plain meaning" he says "literal meaning". Potayto, Potahto?
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
I'm struggling to find any room between "literal" and "dumb, wooden literal". If literal isn't literal what the hell is it?
Feel free to put that down to me being a bit dim.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
literal literal
literally literal
literal but not literal
woodenly literal
literal but not woodenly literal
not so much literal as literal
infallibly literal
literally infallible
literal but not infallible
inerrant but not infallible
literally inerrant but not literally infallible
infallibly literal but not inerrant
inherently literal
literal, where 'literal' means literal
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on
Another one for the quotes file. This thread is starting to justify its existence!
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Seconded. Satirical and useful.
Posted by Steve Langton (# 17601) on
As in the case of other words in English (e.g. 'gay') the word 'literal' has suffered a change of meaning over the years. Interpreting the Bible 'after the literal sense' was one of the 'four-fold sense' system used by medieval scholars, and that usage was set over against the 'allegorical' and 'prophetic' and one other that I can never remember (possibly because different 'schools' were slightly different anyway).
JI Packer quoted the following from Tyndale which indicates the kind of thing intended back then;
“Thou shalt understand, therefore, that the scripture hath but one sense, which is the literal sense. And that literal sense is the root and ground of all, and the anchor that never faileth, whereunto if thou cleave, thou canst never err or go out of the way. And if thou leave the literal sense, thou canst not but go out of the way. Nevertheless the scripture uses proverbs, similitudes, riddles or allegories, as all other speeches do; but that which the proverb, similitude, riddle or allegory signifieth, is ever the literal sense, which thou must seek out diligently.”
This makes the point, which is quite critical to people like myself who are mildly autistic, that everyday use of language is flexible and imaginative and that biblical language is "as all other speeches..." in that respect. You want to understand the difference, consider this story...
It's School Sports Day; the race is on, but young Jonny is lagging behind and doesn't seem to be paying proper attention. To encourage him, you shout out "JONNY! PULL YOUR SOCKS UP!!"
At which point Jonny stops altogether and pulls his socks up, because he is autistic/aspergic and doesn't 'get' metaphors and the like....
Modern Christian 'fundamentalism' is a bit like voluntary self-inflicted autistic interpretation or indeed acting as if God in inspiring the Scripture were autistic rather than 'as other speeches'.
I liked and saw the point of your humorous list, MT, but there is a serious point here....
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
But Tyndale is wrong. Sitting down and hoisting your hosiery is the literal sense of "pull your socks up," but THAT'S NOT WHAT IT MEANS IN THAT CONTEXT. The only RIGHT sense is the NON-LITERAL sense. Similarly for many things in the Bible. For example, the sun did NOT stand still over the battle of whatever-it-was. The literal interpretation of that passage requires the sun moving across the sky, then stopping, then starting to move again. The sun does not move over the earth; the earth turns under the sun. The literal meaning of that passage is WRONG. The only possible truth-preserving interpretation of that passage is NON-LITERAL.
Posted by Steve Langton (# 17601) on
MT, I think you may have missed my point, in that you are still insisting on using 'literal' in the modern sense and failing to realise that in Tyndale's day the phrase 'after the literal sense' could mean something more imaginative and flexible than the excessive literalism of modern 'fundamentalism' - and something more like everyday usage of language as well. THAT 'literal sense' was contrasted with others of the 'four-fold' interpretations which tended to be more exotic and more subjective. As the Reformers understood it, THAT 'literal sense' was primary and authoritative in a way that the more subjective interpretations can't really be.
One writer I read on this actually quoted examples of the other 'senses' from works by my namesake ABC Stephen Langton - suffice to say that they weren't very useful to our modern housegroup...!
I really don't want to go off into a tangent on this (take it to Kerygmania for the more knowledgeable to have a go at?) but I have been told that in Hebrew the sun in Joshua didn't 'stand still' but 'was silent' - those who were there knew what happened, interpreting it as a solar 'standstill' may be the fault of later interpreters??
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
I'm struggling to find any room between "literal" and "dumb, wooden literal". If literal isn't literal what the hell is it?
Potentially it's literary.
Posted by Steve Langton (# 17601) on
by Orfeo;
Potentially it's literary.
I sort of agree, though I'm not sure that the 'literal sense' of Tyndale would be exactly the sale as 'literary'; as I said, the point is that there has been a shift in meaning which the modern 'fundamentalists' (the 'hyper-orthodox' as US Baptist Bernard Ramm used to describe them) had failed to appreciate and thus used 'literal' in the modern narrower sense.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
if I'm reading Tyndale correctly, what he meant by "literal" is "non-allegorical," "non-esoteric," understandable-by-the-ordinary-person language. He was reacting against the fashion which would take a passage of Scripture and interpret it in three often-totally over-the-top ways (allegorical, tropological, anagogical) which, if you heard someone doing that to a passage, would probably make you scratch your head and go, "how the heck did you get THAT out of the passage?" (Google for more info)
"Literal" then means the straightforward sense of the text, as read by a non-autistic person. It would include puns, wordplay, metaphors, and all that, correctly understood.
Of course now those other ways of interpreting Scripture have pretty much disappeared from popular view, and the common use of "literal" has shrunk. People now use it to describe the person who hears Jesus say "I am the door" and looks for a doorknob on him. But in Tyndale's day, a literal person would have understood Jesus to mean that he is the access to God and the safekeeper of his flock.
[ 22. June 2014, 00:06: Message edited by: Lamb Chopped ]
Posted by Steve Langton (# 17601) on
Thanks, Lamb Chopped; that's pretty much what I meant but was making heavy weather of.
I'm waiting for EE's opinion on this issue....
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Okay thanks for the info on how "literal" has changed. Perhaps the contemporary word that means what Tyndale meant by "literal" would be "common-sense"?
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
The thread has begun to become useful now that neither EE nor myself are posting on it.
Now I've made that observation I'll clear off so I don't spoil it.
Posted by Jengie Jon (# 273) on
The historical term that was sometimes used was "plain".
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jengie Jon:
The historical term that was sometimes used was "plain".
What do we do with texts where the original language is unclear or ambiguous?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Jengie Jon:
The historical term that was sometimes used was "plain".
What do we do with texts where the original language is unclear or ambiguous?
Say they plainly mean what you want them to?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Jengie Jon:
The historical term that was sometimes used was "plain".
What do we do with texts where the original language is unclear or ambiguous?
Say they plainly mean what you want them to?
Sorry I wasn't clear. I mean if I'm NOT an Evangelical.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Well, I am of the school that any text one imparts authority to should be read as the sum of all its parts, not as the the sum total of one of its parts. So what does the ambiguous part mean in context of the whole work, its authors, its history and its spirit?
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You know, an underdog is someone in a difficult position through circumstances beyond there control.
Besides poor spelling, that's a weird definition of an underdog. Jesus was an underdog.
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Not some who starts on level ground, then grabs a shovel and starts digging.
Level ground is fanciful thinking. Tabula rasa is a load of crock.
As for digging, you can't dig up when you're being sat on. The only way is down.
Then again, there is no justice in Hell. That's why it's Hell.
[ 23. June 2014, 10:34: Message edited by: Evensong ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Jesus was an underdog.
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on
Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider:
Originally posted by St Deird:
Originally posted by EtymologicalEvangelical:
Or is it a case of bluffers being too afraid to show their hand?
Well done! One of the finest examples of bluff and bluster I have read for a long time.
Show me the arguments that I am refusing to accept. Don't keep talking in vague generalities, because that just looks like bluff.
Well, thank you for bringing this up, and unlike the others on this site, you have actually bothered to address a particular issue, instead of indulging in relentless bluff and bluster.
I assume that by "bluff" you're referring to the many people on this thread who have said "Well, I could give you examples, but I'm not going to."
Most of these people have given you further reasons*, but putting those aside for the time being...
Scenario 1: John claims to be able to tightrope walk between two skyscrapers. He is asked to demonstrate this miraculous feat. John says "Well, I could, but I don't feel like it."
Scenario 2: John is offered a muffin. He says "Well, I could eat a muffin, but I don't feel like it.
Saying "I could, but I don't feel like it" could, sometimes, be an example of someone bluffing. In Scenario 1, it'd be fair to assume that John is bluffing about his fabulous tightrope-walking abilities, and refusing to prove it because he knows he'd fail. In Scenario 2, on the other hand, responding to John with "Hah! You couldn't really eat a muffin! You're just bluffing!" would seem to be overkill.
The important thing is to decide, based on context, whether a statement of "I could, but I'm not going to" is in fact bluffing, or something else.
Where you seem to be getting into difficulty, EE, is the assumption that offering examples of you being a dick is such a PROFOUNDLY EARTHSHATTERING CLAIM that it's clearly like Scenario 1, and clearly bluffing, because why on earth would we claim to be able to do something so THOROUGHLY OUTRAGEOUS if we weren't willing to prove it to you?
...whereas a lot of us are so damn used to your behaviour that saying we could provide examples is no more impressive than being able to snack on random baked goods. And worth about as much time and attention.
* Mostly "because you're not going to listen to the examples anyway". Which still appears to be true.
I watched this analogy unfold in wonder as the penny dropped...
And I, for one, could now eat a muffin.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Jesus was an underdog.
How very commanding.
Thankfully, you're not one of my lecturers.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You know, an underdog is someone in a difficult position through circumstances beyond there control.
Besides poor spelling, that's a weird definition of an underdog. Jesus was an underdog.
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Not some who starts on level ground, then grabs a shovel and starts digging.
Level ground is fanciful thinking. Tabula rasa is a load of crock.
As for digging, you can't dig up when you're being sat on. The only way is down.
Then again, there is no justice in Hell. That's why it's Hell.
You've mounted some crazy defences in Hell, but I've defended you here because I thought your heart was in the right place. I begin to question this. I now think it more your head is in the wrong place.
How is EE an underdog?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Jesus was an underdog.
How very commanding.
Thankfully, you're not one of my lecturers.
In which case, I shall feel free to conclude that your bald assertion has no basis. What with him being one Person of the Trinity and all.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
In which case, I shall feel free to conclude that your bald assertion has no basis.
How very logical of you.
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on
In human terms surely Jesus was an underdog? What with him being an itinerant preacher, surviving on the offerings of his followers, who ended up opposed by two powerful institutions, Church and State?
In divine terms, as a member of the Trinity, he's off any scale anyone could dream up!
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
But he laid aside his divinity 'making himself a slave' (Phil)- so his trinitarian status is of no avail to his being an underdog.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
You know who the underdogs really are?
The people who want to have an actual discussion that doesn't revolve around someone waltzing onstage in the fourth act making dubious claims without justification in the name of a dimly understood postmodernism.
Maybe somebody should stick up for them.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Originally posted by leo:
But he laid aside his divinity 'making himself a slave' (Phil)- so his trinitarian status is of no avail to his being an underdog.
Is one an underdog when one chooses to be an underdog? Let's say a high-minded millionaire decides to live on the street for six months in solidarity with the poor, yet still has their holdings, are they actually an underdog?
Come to think of it, is someone posting in Hell, especially starting a thread in Hell, knowing that they have a painted target on themselves by doing so, an underdog however big the dogpile?
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
Good point - AND I thought I was in Purg. when I posted that.
If Jesus CHOSE to be an underdog in order to identify with the underdogs, then it's a bit like the priests in my anglo-catholic tradition who CHOSE to work in the slums but who were really tory paternalists.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You've mounted some crazy defences in Hell, but I've defended you here because I thought your heart was in the right place. I begin to question this. I now think it more your head is in the wrong place.
Evensnog has said that she doesn't take Hell seriously and isn't her "real self" here (my paraphrase). In short, she will lie and obfuscate and pretend to be something she's not in Hell, because she can. Taking anything she says here with even a minim of seriousness is foolhardy at best.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
She's a kind of pathetic emotional vampire. Feeding off the irritation of the living.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Orf, sending you a wager.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Robert Armin:
In human terms surely Jesus was an underdog? What with him being an itinerant preacher, surviving on the offerings of his followers, who ended up opposed by two powerful institutions, Church and State?
Originally posted by leo:
But he laid aside his divinity 'making himself a slave' (Phil)- so his trinitarian status is of no avail to his being an underdog.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
So, Evensong... how about that "good point" that leo acknowledged after the bit you're affirming so laconically?
I just think you love underdogs. You like cuddling them and telling them how much you love them, even while they are scrabbling desperately to get away from you before you dress them up and use pink ribbons again.
But I hate to break it to you, a bloke who can stand up in a boat and command the waves to be still is not an underdog. A guy who can command the dead back to life is not an underdog. Whether or not he uses his power and the manner in which he uses it is a different question, but possessing power is the very antithesis of what being an underdog means.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by leo:
Good point - AND I thought I was in Purg. when I posted that.
If Jesus CHOSE to be an underdog in order to identify with the underdogs, then it's a bit like the priests in my anglo-catholic tradition who CHOSE to work in the slums but who were really tory paternalists.
"But still you'll never get it right
'cause when you lie in bed at night
Watching roaches climb the walls
You can call your Daddy and he can end it all."
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
'Kinnell, that's chilling ...
Originally posted by orfeo:
She's a kind of pathetic emotional vampire. Feeding off the irritation of the living.
You've raised the possibility, Orfeo, that certain posters aren't real human beings at all but simply some kind of virtual virus which feeds off on-line emotional energy.
I'm going to have nightmares about that.
Perhaps none of us actually exist ... we have become some kind of disembodied cyber-response ...
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Evensnog has said that she doesn't take Hell seriously and isn't her "real self" here (my paraphrase).
There was (is?) a Shipmate around with the name "Evensnog", who used to post here. I remember, even though this must be years back, because I thought at the time that it was a most excellent name: clever, charming, ... There must be other ways to belittle Evensong via her name.
As far as "underdog" goes, first to quote my Mac OED:
- a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest. we go into this game as the underdogs.
- a person who has little status in society. what is it like to be an underdog in America?
It seems to me then that Jesus was an underdog in both senses considered in His human earthly life and activities per se, whereas considered in His Divinity He clearly is the Top Dog of Top Dogs. In other words, the disagreement on whether He was an underdog or not quite simply reflects the Incarnation.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
'Kinnell, that's chilling ...
Originally posted by orfeo:
She's a kind of pathetic emotional vampire. Feeding off the irritation of the living.
You've raised the possibility, Orfeo, that certain posters aren't real human beings at all but simply some kind of virtual virus which feeds off on-line emotional energy.
No I haven't. Get off my lawn.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
You've raised the possibility, Orfeo, that certain posters aren't real human beings at all but simply some kind of virtual virus which feeds off on-line emotional energy.
The Hounds of Hell usually only withdraw (temporarily) once first blood is drawn.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Orf, sending you a wager.
OK I'll bite.
What was the wager?
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Ok, I'll step off the grass, Orfeo.
Meanwhile, could it be that this thread is rather like Hamlet without the Prince seeing as EE appears to have disengaged with it? Not that I blame him for that.
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
a bloke who can stand up in a boat and command the waves to be still is not an underdog. A guy who can command the dead back to life is not an underdog. Whether or not he uses his power and the manner in which he uses it is a different question, but possessing power is the very antithesis of what being an underdog means.
depends whether you take miracle stories literally
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on
Originally posted by leo:
Originally posted by orfeo:
a bloke who can stand up in a boat and command the waves to be still is not an underdog. A guy who can command the dead back to life is not an underdog. Whether or not he uses his power and the manner in which he uses it is a different question, but possessing power is the very antithesis of what being an underdog means.
depends whether you take miracle stories literally
It seems to me it also depends on how seriously you take the Incarnation. If Jesus was God pretending to be human, letting his divine power flare out when he felt like it, then he was not an underdog. If he was fully human, dependant on his Father for miracles and answers to prayer generally, then underdog fits. For me anyway - YMMV.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Orf, sending you a wager.
OK I'll bite.
What was the wager?
I thought you were going to thank him for his description of you. I dunno, seen you do that sort of thing before. He didn't take it, anyway.
I would have owed him chocolate, the fool!
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Posted by Justinian (# 5357) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Evensnog has said that she doesn't take Hell seriously and isn't her "real self" here (my paraphrase).
There was (is?) a Shipmate around with the name "Evensnog", who used to post here. I remember, even though this must be years back, because I thought at the time that it was a most excellent name: clever, charming, ... There must be other ways to belittle Evensong via her name.
As far as "underdog" goes, first to quote my Mac OED:
- a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest. we go into this game as the underdogs.
- a person who has little status in society. what is it like to be an underdog in America?
It seems to me then that Jesus was an underdog in both senses considered in His human earthly life and activities per se, whereas considered in His Divinity He clearly is the Top Dog of Top Dogs. In other words, the disagreement on whether He was an underdog or not quite simply reflects the Incarnation.
The idea that incarnating made God into the underdog is no more defensible than the idea that a rich person with parents slumming it is actually poor. Jarvis Cocker puts it well
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Terrible analogy.
You don't seem to understand the crucifixion at all.
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on
Was Jesus the equivalent of a rich kid slumming it for the experience, but able at any time to summon the Rolls and go home? Or did he accept all the limitations of being born into a particular place, time, race, class etc?
This idea that he was not an underdog seems to me to cut right across the idea that he was despised and rejected, as well as his not clinging to equality with God but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant. Some posters here seem to be stressing his divinity to the extent of making his humanity a pretence, which makes me uneasy.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by Justinian:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Evensnog has said that she doesn't take Hell seriously and isn't her "real self" here (my paraphrase).
There was (is?) a Shipmate around with the name "Evensnog", who used to post here. I remember, even though this must be years back, because I thought at the time that it was a most excellent name: clever, charming, ... There must be other ways to belittle Evensong via her name.
As far as "underdog" goes, first to quote my Mac OED:
- a competitor thought to have little chance of winning a fight or contest. we go into this game as the underdogs.
- a person who has little status in society. what is it like to be an underdog in America?
It seems to me then that Jesus was an underdog in both senses considered in His human earthly life and activities per se, whereas considered in His Divinity He clearly is the Top Dog of Top Dogs. In other words, the disagreement on whether He was an underdog or not quite simply reflects the Incarnation.
The idea that incarnating made God into the underdog is no more defensible than the idea that a rich person with parents slumming it is actually poor. Jarvis Cocker puts it well
Do you bloody mind? I've already quoted Mr Cocker!
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Terrible analogy.
You don't seem to understand the crucifixion at all.
Maybe you should enlighten us as to the true nature and meaning of the crucifixion, O all-knowing one?
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Justinian:
The idea that incarnating made God into the underdog is no more defensible than the idea that a rich person with parents slumming it is actually poor. Jarvis Cocker puts it well
Sigh. If you had actually bothered to read what I wrote, then you would have discovered that I precisely did not say that "incarnating made God into the underdog." I rather stated that Jesus is both underdog and top dog (of top dogs), and that our desire to resolve this into just one or the other is thwarted by the Incarnation. Basically, the feeling "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of social status He has is nothing but a reflection of the feeling that "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of being He is, man or God.
There is a well-established method of dealing with questions about Jesus that appear difficult due to the interaction between His humanity and His divinity. And the method is that you can attribute everything to the Son as a whole, due to the unity of His person. But if you need to resolve apparent contradictions, then you need to add "as God" or "as man", respectively. Thus:
The Son died on the cross. True.
The Son lives eternally. True.
Contradiction? No, both are true since the Son is both man and God:
The Son as man died on the cross. True.
The Son as God lives eternally. True.
The Son was an underdog in 1stC Palestine. True.
The Son is Top Dog of Top Dogs at all times and everywhere. True.
Contradiction? No, both are true since the Son is both man and God:
The Son as man was an underdog in 1stC Palestine. True.
The Son as God is Top Dog of Top Dogs at all times and everywhere. True.
How this would have played out in Jesus' internal "psychological" life is anybody's guess. Scripture gives a quite varied account of how His Divine powers interacted with His human life, but I can well imagine that this belies a much simpler internal interaction.
Posted by Gildas (# 525) on
Originally posted by Lyda Rose:
Is one an underdog when one chooses to be an underdog? Let's say a high-minded millionaire decides to live on the street for six months in solidarity with the poor, yet still has their holdings, are they actually an underdog?
Probably not, but the son of a Duke who signed up as a private during the Great War or Francis of Assisi renouncing the life of a wealthy playboy to embrace Holy Poverty or the Crown Prince of Luxemburg serving in the British Army as a lieutenant couldn't make a quick phone call to daddy when things got tough. There is renunciation and renunciation.
Posted by no prophet (# 15560) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Sigh. If you had actually bothered to read what I wrote, then you would have discovered that I precisely did not say that "incarnating made God into the underdog." I rather stated that Jesus is both underdog and top dog (of top dogs), and that our desire to resolve this into just one or the other is thwarted by the Incarnation. Basically, the feeling "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of social status He has is nothing but a reflection of the feeling that "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of being He is, man or God.
There is a well-established method of dealing with questions about Jesus that appear difficult due to the interaction between His humanity and His divinity. And the method is that you can attribute everything to the Son as a whole, due to the unity of His person. But if you need to resolve apparent contradictions, then you need to add "as God" or "as man", respectively. Thus:
The Son died on the cross. True.
The Son lives eternally. True.
Contradiction? No, both are true since the Son is both man and God:
The Son as man died on the cross. True.
The Son as God lives eternally. True.
The Son was an underdog in 1stC Palestine. True.
The Son is Top Dog of Top Dogs at all times and everywhere. True.
Contradiction? No, both are true since the Son is both man and God:
The Son as man was an underdog in 1stC Palestine. True.
The Son as God is Top Dog of Top Dogs at all times and everywhere. True.
How this would have played out in Jesus' internal "psychological" life is anybody's guess. Scripture gives a quite varied account of how His Divine powers interacted with His human life, but I can well imagine that this belies a much simpler internal interaction.
The oxymoronic way you've stated this Ingob, coupled with your upthread discussion of Evensnog made me look at your shipname more closely. It is in [the] gob that we begin the digestion. It must be remembered that Jesus must be both at once and not in sequence, so that the product at the end of the alimentary canal is recognizable as containing both natures at once, such that our Christian faith containeth not hershey. The shit thus produced being clearly a formed unity. Of top and under dog in combination. Athough some dogs do eat the shit of other dogs. Some how, I think the dog needs to run away now.
[ 26. June 2014, 17:10: Message edited by: no prophet ]
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Gildas:
Probably not, but the son of a Duke who signed up as a private during the Great War or Francis of Assisi renouncing the life of a wealthy playboy to embrace Holy Poverty or the Crown Prince of Luxemburg serving in the British Army as a lieutenant couldn't make a quick phone call to daddy when things got tough. There is renunciation and renunciation.
Or indeed there are daddies and then there is Daddy, as far as answering such a quick call goes...
And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling upon the ground. (Luke 22:41-43)
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Terrible analogy.
You don't seem to understand the crucifixion at all.
Maybe you should enlighten us as to the true nature and meaning of the crucifixion, O all-knowing one?
No need. Robert Armin and Bingo are doing a fine job.
Besides. I'm on holiday.
Originally posted by no prophet:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Sigh. If you had actually bothered to read what I wrote, then you would have discovered that I precisely did not say that "incarnating made God into the underdog." I rather stated that Jesus is both underdog and top dog (of top dogs), and that our desire to resolve this into just one or the other is thwarted by the Incarnation. Basically, the feeling "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of social status He has is nothing but a reflection of the feeling that "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of being He is, man or God.
There is a well-established method of dealing with questions about Jesus that appear difficult due to the interaction between His humanity and His divinity. And the method is that you can attribute everything to the Son as a whole, due to the unity of His person. But if you need to resolve apparent contradictions, then you need to add "as God" or "as man", respectively. Thus:
The Son died on the cross. True.
The Son lives eternally. True.
Contradiction? No, both are true since the Son is both man and God:
The Son as man died on the cross. True.
The Son as God lives eternally. True.
The Son was an underdog in 1stC Palestine. True.
The Son is Top Dog of Top Dogs at all times and everywhere. True.
Contradiction? No, both are true since the Son is both man and God:
The Son as man was an underdog in 1stC Palestine. True.
The Son as God is Top Dog of Top Dogs at all times and everywhere. True.
How this would have played out in Jesus' internal "psychological" life is anybody's guess. Scripture gives a quite varied account of how His Divine powers interacted with His human life, but I can well imagine that this belies a much simpler internal interaction.
The oxymoronic way you've stated this Ingob, coupled with your upthread discussion of Evensnog made me look at your shipname more closely. It is in [the] gob that we begin the digestion. It must be remembered that Jesus must be both at once and not in sequence, so that the product at the end of the alimentary canal is recognizable as containing both natures at once, such that our Christian faith containeth not hershey. The shit thus produced being clearly a formed unity. Of top and under dog in combination. Athough some dogs do eat the shit of other dogs. Some how, I think the dog needs to run away now.
Bingo is merely trying to explain the complexities of the Chalcedonian creed of 451.
Very tricky.
We also teach that we apprehend this one and only Christ-Son, Lord, only-begotten -- in two natures; and we do this without confusing the two natures, without transmuting one nature into the other, without dividing them into two separate categories, without con- trasting them according to area or function. The distinctiveness of each nature is not nullified by the union.
Two natures in one unity. But separate natures, not confused or mingled.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Besides. I'm on holiday.
From what? clearly not from being a jerk.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
I know you love me deep down sweetie.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
I know you love me deep down sweetie.
I pray my deep down never gets close enough to your deep down to call it sweetie.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
That is a lot more mental imagery that any of us have earned. Not even Ariston deserves that psychological onslaught..
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
I know you love me deep down sweetie.
At least he has depth.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Alas no.
He doesn't seem to have the Christian charity necessary it would seem.
But hey this is Hell. We don't do charity here do we?
I'm sure he's a nice bloke in IRL. Just like you orfeo.
[ 27. June 2014, 10:23: Message edited by: Evensong ]
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by Gildas:
Probably not, but the son of a Duke who signed up as a private during the Great War or Francis of Assisi renouncing the life of a wealthy playboy to embrace Holy Poverty or the Crown Prince of Luxemburg serving in the British Army as a lieutenant couldn't make a quick phone call to daddy when things got tough. There is renunciation and renunciation.
Or indeed there are daddies and then there is Daddy, as far as answering such a quick call goes...
And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling upon the ground. (Luke 22:41-43)
But a bit later he says:
"Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? "
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Alas no.
He doesn't seem to have the Christian charity necessary it would seem.
But hey this is Hell. We don't do charity here do we?
I'm sure he's a nice bloke in IRL. Just like you orfeo.
I have a hard time with phonies in real life, too.
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Terrible analogy.
You don't seem to understand the crucifixion at all.
Having studied the atonement, I can categorically state, I don't understand the crucifixion at all. I can appreciate at least four of the theories, but nothing actually makes sense to me.
I have moved from not knowing what I don't know to knowing that I don't know.
Hubris I know however.
Posted by Justinian (# 5357) on
Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider:
Do you bloody mind? I've already quoted Mr Cocker!
Doh! Sorry.
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by Justinian:
The idea that incarnating made God into the underdog is no more defensible than the idea that a rich person with parents slumming it is actually poor. Jarvis Cocker puts it well
Sigh. If you had actually bothered to read what I wrote, then you would have discovered that I precisely did not say that "incarnating made God into the underdog." I rather stated that Jesus is both underdog and top dog (of top dogs), and that our desire to resolve this into just one or the other is thwarted by the Incarnation.
And this is, as usual, special pleading.
Basically, the feeling "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of social status He has is nothing but a reflection of the feeling that "He cannot be both, He must be one or the other" concerning what sort of being He is, man or God.
This does not follow. Being man does not make you underdog. Being man makes you an average dog. If the Gospels are accurate he was a charismatic man able to work miracles. Even incarnate he was still incredibly powerful. Even as man he was slumming it.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Bingo, I agree with you theologically on this matter.
Take a screen shot. I will.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by leo:
Originally posted by orfeo:
a bloke who can stand up in a boat and command the waves to be still is not an underdog. A guy who can command the dead back to life is not an underdog. Whether or not he uses his power and the manner in which he uses it is a different question, but possessing power is the very antithesis of what being an underdog means.
depends whether you take miracle stories literally
It really doesn't.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Robert Armin:
This idea that he was not an underdog seems to me to cut right across the idea that he was despised and rejected, as well as his not clinging to equality with God but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant. Some posters here seem to be stressing his divinity to the extent of making his humanity a pretence, which makes me uneasy.
It only cuts across it if you don't understand, as many people apparently don't, what "underdog" actually means. Having bad things happen to you does not make you an underdog.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Robert Armin:
This idea that he was not an underdog seems to me to cut right across the idea that he was despised and rejected, as well as his not clinging to equality with God but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant. Some posters here seem to be stressing his divinity to the extent of making his humanity a pretence, which makes me uneasy.
It only cuts across it if you don't understand, as many people apparently don't, what "underdog" actually means. Having bad things happen to you does not make you an underdog.
Did you miss Bingo's post on the Oxford definition of an underdog? Jesus fits it very well.
He was up against Empire and religious authorities of the day. And it killed him.
He had little status in society and brought it down even lower by siding with the underdog: the poor, the oppressed, the marginalised. And then of course the worst status of all: death by crucifixion. Something reserved for the lowest of the low.
The most shameful death possible in a shame/honour society.
[ 28. June 2014, 15:07: Message edited by: Ariston ]
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by Gildas:
Probably not, but the son of a Duke who signed up as a private during the Great War or Francis of Assisi renouncing the life of a wealthy playboy to embrace Holy Poverty or the Crown Prince of Luxemburg serving in the British Army as a lieutenant couldn't make a quick phone call to daddy when things got tough. There is renunciation and renunciation.
Or indeed there are daddies and then there is Daddy, as far as answering such a quick call goes...
And he withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and knelt down and prayed, "Father, if thou art willing, remove this cup from me; nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done." And there appeared to him an angel from heaven, strengthening him. And being in an agony he prayed more earnestly; and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling upon the ground. (Luke 22:41-43)
But a bit later he says:
"Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels? "
Well we too, as humans, are supposed to be able to move mountains with the faith of a mustard seed.
Perhaps Jesus did or did not call upon the legion of Angels. But the cry of dereliction from the cross makes it pretty plain he wasn't slumming it.
"My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me?"
Originally posted by Justinian:
This does not follow. Being man does not make you underdog. Being man makes you an average dog. If the Gospels are accurate he was a charismatic man able to work miracles. Even incarnate he was still incredibly powerful. Even as man he was slumming it.
See above.
And don't forget, Jesus' disciples were able to raise the dead and work miracles too. So this angle can be reconciled with Jesus' humanity.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Ingo was considerably more nuanced on this subject than you'll EVER be, Evensong, and frankly this entire part of the discussion is derived from your tiresome, and tirelessly stupid, habit of deciding that your job in Ship life is to even up the numbers regardless of the merits. I sometimes think you don't pay any attention whatsoever to the topic at hand.
You'd argue in favour of practically any person, no matter how suspect their position, just because you have this nonsensical idea that this creates 'balance'. It's exactly the same fallacious reasoning that leads the media to pick one person from the 97% of scientists who believe in climate change and 'balance' them with one person from the 3% of scientists who don't. That's not ACTUALLY 'balance', but it's what sections of the media do, and you do the same.
Even if Jesus is an underdog - a notion I still find highly debatable - that doesn't make all underdogs Jesus. Nor does it make Jesus some kind of patron of 'underdog' causes. Not when your definition of 'underdog' consists of anyone in a minority position with no apparent thought of WHY they're in a minority position. Has it ever occurred to you that one reason they might be in a minority position is that the most people can see that the position is wrong?
You're not demonstrating that you stand up for the oppressed. You're not demonstrating that you're an independent thinker. You're just demonstrating, time and again, that you take pride in being wilfully perverse in the kind of way that teenagers normally grow out of. It would be different if your interventions in Hell demonstrated that you'd thought deeply about topics and come up with a new perspective that the rest of us hadn't, but what we normally get is glib, smarmy one-liners that you think indicate your wit and cleverness.
Posted by Rosa Winkel (# 11424) on
This "there are two sides to every story, no matter what, therefore we need to hear both sides" thing is very Liberal. I didn't think that Evensong is theologically Liberal.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
You'd argue in favour of practically any person, no matter how suspect their position,
This is true.
Originally posted by orfeo:
just because you have this nonsensical idea that this creates 'balance'.
This is not true.
Originally posted by orfeo:
Even if Jesus is an underdog - a notion I still find highly debatable - that doesn't make all underdogs Jesus. Nor does it make Jesus some kind of patron of 'underdog' causes. Not when your definition of 'underdog' consists of anyone in a minority position with no apparent thought of WHY they're in a minority position. Has it ever occurred to you that one reason they might be in a minority position is that the most people can see that the position is wrong?
But Jesus wasn't wrong. But the mob killed him anyways.
It matters not if someone's position is wrong.
Mob violence is never the answer to Truth.
It's mainly a bizarre scapegoating mechanism that makes the persecutors feel better about themselves by being violent: releasing pent up emotion and expelling "the other".
[ 28. June 2014, 15:05: Message edited by: Ariston ]
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Rosa Winkel:
This "there are two sides to every story, no matter what, therefore we need to hear both sides" thing is very Liberal. I didn't think that Evensong is theologically Liberal.
DAFUQ? Yes I am!
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
It matters not if someone's position is wrong.
Mob violence is never the answer to Truth.
I'm going to be charitable to you and assume that these two sentences are actually supposed to be one sentence, or at the very least in one paragraph. Because the first sentence on its own is twaddle.
As for the second sentence - are you equating Hell with mob violence?
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Dogpiles = virtual mob violence.
Posted by Doublethink (# 1984) on
Only if shooting someone on a ps3 game is morally equal to murder.
Posted by Justinian (# 5357) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Dogpiles = virtual mob violence.
Bullshit! Dogpiles = virtual slow clapping, booing, and shouting down.
There is virtual mob violence on the internet. No doubt about that. It involves doxing, rape and death threats, DDOS attacks, hacking, and active harassment.
And for the record, Evensong appears to be a conservative stereotype of what a liberal actually is. Her position is consistently liberal.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Doublethink:
Only if shooting someone on a ps3 game is morally equal to murder.
You can't be serious. You usually strike me as intelligent.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Dogpiles = virtual mob violence.
I see. And your role is... what, exactly?
It's not as if you're actually stopping it. It's not as if you're even SAYING to stop.
Are you just trying to be like the sarcastic blokes in the theatre box on The Muppets? Throwing in snide remarks about how terrible the show unfolding in front of you is, but still watching?
Also, might I remind you who actually started THIS thread? The one we're on? It's not as if EE was dragged here by a baying mob and set upon. No, he dragged others here.
[ 28. June 2014, 13:39: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Doublethink (# 1984) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by Doublethink:
Only if shooting someone on a ps3 game is morally equal to murder.
You can't be serious. You usually strike me as intelligent.
Mildly likewise - your statement strikes me as ridiculous and pointless hyperbole.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
Dear Evensong:
You want to know who the real underdogs are? How about the hosts who have to clean up after your shitty code. "http://underdog" is NOT a link to jack squat.
You owe me.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Justinian:
This does not follow. Being man does not make you underdog. Being man makes you an average dog. If the Gospels are accurate he was a charismatic man able to work miracles. Even incarnate he was still incredibly powerful. Even as man he was slumming it.
There is some truth to this. However, one should not consider the role of His miracles in the wrong way. Jesus did not work the miracle of turning the occupying Roman forces into dust, for example. Neither did He work the miracle of making all Pharisees agree with His teaching and become His disciples. There is a sort of overarching theme to His miracles, they are basically either about healing / helping people or about validating His claim to be Divine, or both. But He does not work miracles that would somehow directly establish Him as a supreme political / social / military power. There is a clear avoidance of Divine interference that would make Him a king of this world.
It is true that Jesus as charismatic preacher and healer would have been a kind of top dog among his followers and a wider audience of the public. However, it is also true that as compared to the establishment of the day, both the religious one of the Jews and the social / military one of the Romans and their stooges, he was an underdog. There is nothing particularly special about that as such, history is filled with many "popular challengers to the mighty". Sometimes they win, and of course these cases tend to be famous, but most often they lose - as underdogs do.
I hence would maintain that there is a good political / social sense in which Jesus was an underdog as man - in spite of His miracles, and in spite of his popularity as healer and "prophet". However, I seem to remember reading that economically He was probably more "lower middle class" than either at the bottom or the top. I'm too lazy to look for the source of this now, but the basic point was that His kind of job was more "builder" than "carpenter" and that it was likely more a fairly lucrative family business than some kind of "wage slave" existence. He thus would have been more like say a self-employed plumber or electrician these days.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Doublethink:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by Doublethink:
Only if shooting someone on a ps3 game is morally equal to murder.
You can't be serious. You usually strike me as intelligent.
Mildly likewise - your statement strikes me as ridiculous and pointless hyperbole.
Perhaps because you've likely never been at the bottom of a dogpile.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Dogpiles = virtual mob violence.
I see. And your role is... what, exactly?
It's not as if you're actually stopping it. It's not as if you're even SAYING to stop.
In my own way I am. Apologies if I'm not sufficiently explicit enough for you.
But the only real way to stop a dogpile is twofold:
1) The underdog rolls over and apologises for whatever perceived offense s/he has caused (be it true or false) or shows some kind of remorse. This makes the mob feel justified and righteous.
2) The underdog walks away. EE had the sense to do so.
Thing is, some people don't mind dogpiles (or at least appear not to), other do. Hard to know.
Originally posted by orfeo:
Also, might I remind you who actually started THIS thread? The one we're on? It's not as if EE was dragged here by a baying mob and set upon. No, he dragged others here.
I don't have a problem with people calling people to hell, just dogpiles. And you know as well as I do being a caller does not preclude being on the receiving end of a dogpile.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Except your definition of dogpile is basically any time that too many people all have the same opinion. I refer you to my previous stats on climate change scientists: according to your notions, the vast majority of scientists who believe in climate change are "dogpiling" those who don't when they say they think the latter are idiotically wrong.
Are those who believe the world is round "dogpiling" those who don't? Are those who believe Neil Armstrong walked on the moon "dogpiling" those who don't?
It seems self-evident to me that when a large number of people on the Ship all express the opinion that some other Shipmate is being a freaking idiot, they are all coming to that opinion independently. We don't have a Dogpiling Committee somewhere backstage that coordinates attacks. THIS IS A MESSAGE BOARD. People come on here to express their opinion, and we don't have some kind of bloody quota system governed by you, clipboard in hand, to announce that too many people share the same opinion and so now we have to stop expressing it, or that we have to find some people to express the counter-opinion to provide 'balance' no matter how absurd the counter-opinion might actually be to most people.
You're another one of these people who have some abstract notion of 'equality' that's divorced from context. Not all ideas are equal. It's as simple as that. Giving all ideas equal credence and support as if they're equally supportable is fundamentally stupid.
The Ship is not a haven where feeble-minded ideas are supposed to be coddled and allowed to flourish - certainly not in Hell, and not even in Purgatory. The latter permits all ideas to be expressed, it does not guarantee that all ideas will be equally welcomed once expressed.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
The problem with Evensnark's understanding of dogpiling is that it is a perfect apologia for bullying. You get somebody who is viciously mistreating others, and when the others complain en masse, then they are "dogpiling." Indeed it's an apologia for oppression and against people defending the common good.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
You're another one of these people who have some abstract notion of 'equality' that's divorced from context. Not all ideas are equal. It's as simple as that. Giving all ideas equal credence and support as if they're equally supportable is fundamentally stupid.
Dude. You're missing the point. It's not about the ideas. It's about the way we handle difference and conflict. It's about the way it's done.
In Hell with dogpiles it just plain ugly, nasty and wrong.
It's the reverse of the usual cry when some people get called to Hell "it's not what you say, it's the way you say it." The usual complaint is perceived assholery of some form or another. So what do we do? Be assholes back.
Makes perfect sense.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
In Hell with dogpiles it just plain ugly, nasty and wrong.
The two words "with dogpiles" add nothing at all to this sentence, Evensong. IN HELL it is ugly and nasty. IN HELL that is how ideas are dealt with.
You're not in fact arguing against dogpiles, you're just arguing against Hell in general.
If you want to go to the Styx and argue that Hell should either be shut down or be modified so that personal disputes are not dealt with here (ie that we confine ourselves to general railing against the world, not against each other), then knock yourself out. But I doubt that you'll get very far.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Evensong:
In Hell with dogpiles it just plain ugly, nasty and wrong.
The two words "with dogpiles" add nothing at all to this sentence, Evensong.
I amazed you cannot see the distinction between a dogpile Hell thread and a non-dogpile Hell thread.
Originally posted by orfeo:
You're not in fact arguing against dogpiles, you're just arguing against Hell in general.
No I'm not.
[ 30. June 2014, 10:44: Message edited by: Evensong ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
I amazed you cannot see the distinction between a dogpile Hell thread and a non-dogpile Hell thread.
Well then, perhaps you'd better spend some time explaining it to me carefully, instead of engaging people with different opinions to yours via glib one liners that express your disbelief.
Hell is where people are free to go on the personal attack. I'd argue the 'dogpiles' are actually better because the person being attacked CAN ANSWER BACK. None of the non-Ship people that get attacked in Hell receive a right of reply.
[ 30. June 2014, 10:53: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Evensong:
I amazed you cannot see the distinction between a dogpile Hell thread and a non-dogpile Hell thread.
Well then, perhaps you'd better spend some time explaining it to me carefully,
I have. For days. Obviously to no avail in your case.
As you were. Don't let me upset your gleeful enjoyment of other people's misery.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Provide the link then. Dammit, Evensong, if I actually thought you ever EXPLAINED anything I wouldn't be saying these things to you. You've spent days explaining why Jesus was an underdog, which has precisely zero relevance to whether dogpiling is wrong. You've told both me and someone else how amazed you are that we don't think like you do.
None of that is EXPLANATION. It's just assertion. Few of your posts are long enough for anything else.
Posted by Leaf (# 14169) on
Evensong is trolling you, and attempting to troll Hell too. I think she defends it to herself as some form of social justice - standing up for the underdog, the weak, the oppressed, you know, just like Jesus was, just like Jesus would do, etc. She may even believe this is what she is doing. But it's actually good old fashioned attention-whoring, covered with a thin layer of self-righteousness.
As far as Evensong is concerned, it's win-win. She gets to breathe in the heady aroma of her own self-righteous pseudo-Girardian bullshit, while also overtaking every Hell thread and making it all about her. Clever girl.
As far as dealing with it, you could try DNFTT. Or you could simply give her her coveted Social Justice Warrior cookie, pat her on the head, and tell her to go play.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
No Leaf, Evensong is quite right. The ganging up on people I so often see here is just playground bully behaviour which is unloving, deeply unchristian and frankly unforgiveable. Evensong's attempts to lighten the place up are welcome diversions. The excuse,'But this is Hell' is a bit like saying: 'I couldn't help hitting that pole officer, I was drunk!'
Posted by Doublethink (# 1984) on
So you don't think the hell board should exist, but it does - if you don't win the argument in the styx, is it appropriate to just attempt sabotage ?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
No Leaf, Evensong is quite right. The ganging up on people I so often see here is just playground bully behaviour which is unloving, deeply unchristian and frankly unforgiveable. Evensong's attempts to lighten the place up are welcome diversions. The excuse,'But this is Hell' is a bit like saying: 'I couldn't help hitting that pole officer, I was drunk!'
Good thing this isn't a Christian website, then. In other words, we don't enforce Christian morality on our posters.
Including, by the way, allowing you to find other people's posts "unforgiveable". I doubt a website imposing Christian standard would allow you to deny forgiveness.
[ 01. July 2014, 03:09: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by Doublethink:
So you don't think the hell board should exist, but it does - if you don't win the argument in the styx, is it appropriate to just attempt sabotage ?
Not at all, I think it is a genius invention for a site like this functioning as it does as a safety valve. The issue is never the technology only the use to which it is put. Is this discussion in fact more appropriate in the Styx. Perhaps someone should have told Evensong and Orfeo.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Jamat:
No Leaf, Evensong is quite right. The ganging up on people I so often see here is just playground bully behaviour which is unloving, deeply unchristian and frankly unforgiveable. Evensong's attempts to lighten the place up are welcome diversions. The excuse,'But this is Hell' is a bit like saying: 'I couldn't help hitting that pole officer, I was drunk!'
Good thing this isn't a Christian website, then. In other words, we don't enforce Christian morality on our posters.
Including, by the way, allowing you to find other people's posts "unforgiveable". I doubt a website imposing Christian standard would allow you to deny forgiveness.
I freely forgive you, Orfeo, for your deliberate misunderstanding of my sentiments. The issue is the bully culture, the habit of ganging up. Do you think any attempt to suggest my comment was in some way a collective insult to the community changes that? And, do you not also think most discussion here occurs through a Christian lens? And isn't
love, the primary Christian virtue? Here's a thought, commandment 1 could read "Don't be a jerk ..unless you are in Hell." Let's amend the rule to reflect what actually happens.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Alright, so a poster angers a bunch of other posters; are they to choose a representative to handle the situation? Why should they, because they are many, restrict their voices?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Jamat:
No Leaf, Evensong is quite right. The ganging up on people I so often see here is just playground bully behaviour which is unloving, deeply unchristian and frankly unforgiveable. Evensong's attempts to lighten the place up are welcome diversions. The excuse,'But this is Hell' is a bit like saying: 'I couldn't help hitting that pole officer, I was drunk!'
Good thing this isn't a Christian website, then. In other words, we don't enforce Christian morality on our posters.
Including, by the way, allowing you to find other people's posts "unforgiveable". I doubt a website imposing Christian standard would allow you to deny forgiveness.
I freely forgive you, Orfeo, for your deliberate misunderstanding of my sentiments. The issue is the bully culture, the habit of ganging up. Do you think any attempt to suggest my comment was in some way a collective insult to the community changes that? And, do you not also think most discussion here occurs through a Christian lens? And isn't
love, the primary Christian virtue? Here's a thought, commandment 1 could read "Don't be a jerk ..unless you are in Hell." Let's amend the rule to reflect what actually happens.
I've already explained why in my view 'a lot of people with the same opinion' is not 'ganging up'. A gang is a bunch of people who agree to support one another, not a bunch of people who all independently share the same opinion and who are completely free to NOT share the same opinion next time around.
In fact, one of the things that happens on some of these 'ganging up' threads is that Shipmates try to point out to the person being 'ganged up on' just how unusual some of these alliances are. We basically get posts that say "if Shipmates A and B agree that you're in the wrong, you're in serious trouble because Shipmates A and B rarely agree on anything".
I honestly think that describing that as 'ganging up' is a gross mischaracterisation. The entire point is that people who could not conceivably be described as part of each other's gang are in agreement.
Also, I have no idea where you got the notion I was trying to suggest your comment was "a collective insult to the community". I was making the point that it is well-established that this is not a Christian website. The issue has been discussed sufficiently often that we have an acronym for it (ITTWACW). Which means that describing something on the Ship as "unChristian" is not a grounds for changing that something. You have to find other grounds.
I was also pointing out the sense of incongruity I had when you described something as unChristian in the same sentence as which you described it as unforgiveable, because it was only your own raising of the notion of Christian ethics that made me conscious of the fact that forgiveness is one of the traits Christians are expected to demonstrate.
Whether most discussion here happens through a Christian lens is not to the point. Some nations with a majority of Christians in them make Christianity an official religion, but many don't. This website may well have a majority of Christians on it, but we do not make Christianity official policy. The Christians on the Ship are free to choose to act in accordance with Christian values, but when it comes to whether or not 'dogpiling' or 'ganging up' should be removed from here, that's a question of whether people should be required or expected to act in accordance with particular values.
Indeed, the very notion that this discussion should be in The Styx rather than Hell would be an indication that you want a change in official policy. And official policy is that whether the large number of Christian Shipmates act in accordance with Christian values is up to each of those Shipmates. God might judge their behaviour against Christian ethics. The Admins and Hosts will not.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
I would have thought that being 'unchristian' would be helpful for many people. If you can't be nasty and provocative in Hell, where can you be? And if you want to say that you should not be nasty and provocative, well, create a thread on it.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Orfeo: Also, I have no idea where you got the notion I was trying to suggest your comment was "a collective insult to the community".
“allowing you to find other people's posts "unforgiveable".”
Orfeo:'ganging up' is a gross mischaracterisation. The entire point is that people who could not conceivably be described as part of each other's gang are in agreement.
Maybe 'mob rule' is a better description.
There is no more point in these exchanges. I support Evensong's comments. Have good day.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
I would have thought that being 'unchristian' would be helpful for many people. If you can't be nasty and provocative in Hell, where can you be? And if you want to say that you should not be nasty and provocative, well, create a thread on it.
Anywhere you want I guess if you think being nasty and provocative helps people. Seriously, Hell functions well when posters take disagreements here to vent. Mostly, it is more heat than light but that's all good and not what I was talking about.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Alright, so a poster angers a bunch of other posters; are they to choose a representative to handle the situation? Why should they, because they are many, restrict their voices?
That's not what normally happens. What normally happens is that someone gets in a snit with someone [not a bunch] and everyone chooses sides,usually one side so you get 5 on 1. Occasionally, such can hold their own for a while but sooner or later,bruised and battered they retreat to lick their wounds. Such a Christ - like environment don' t you think? Snapping dogs with no mercy. Shame on all of you that do it!
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
I can't reconcile your last two posts. Are you going to tell me you've explained it all, like Evensong did?
Either this place works well when people bring their disagreements here to vent, or it doesn't work well because everyone chooses sides and it's snapping dogs. Which?
[ 02. July 2014, 11:39: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by JonahMan (# 12126) on
If lots of shipmates independently decide to exhibit Christian attitudes and behaviours, is that ganging up? Would multiple forgiveness be considered dogpiling?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by JonahMan:
If lots of shipmates independently decide to exhibit Christian attitudes and behaviours, is that ganging up? Would multiple forgiveness be considered dogpiling?
I believe, in this irregular verb system, that would be "fellowshipping".
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
I think Jamat is saying Hell's fine as long as it's not Hellish.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Alright, so a poster angers a bunch of other posters; are they to choose a representative to handle the situation? Why should they, because they are many, restrict their voices?
That's not what normally happens. What normally happens is that someone gets in a snit with someone [not a bunch] and everyone chooses sides,usually one side so you get 5 on 1.
I've never seen that happen where the 5 didn't all have their own, personal grievances against the 1. Again, you will have someone blasting away at shipmates left and right, but not able to be held accountable to any but one of them, because, oh veh! that would be dogpiling.
If you abuse 20 people, then 20 people have the right to call you to Hell, and if they want to be parsimonious and only use one thread, well then sucks to be you. You should have thought of that before you were so rude.
And before you start bitching about my right to say this, I have the right to say this because I was on the bottom of a 25-to-1 dogpile which I fully deserved. Were some people without a legitimate grievance jumping in? Sure. Did that take away from the main point that I was behaving for some time like a total prick? Nope. If you're going to hit the ship with both barrels blazing, you need to grow a pair of testes or ovaries and be able to face the heat when the heat inevitably comes.
Originally posted by Firenze:
I think Jamat is saying Hell's fine as long as it's not Hellish.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Orfeo:I can't reconcile your last two posts. Are you going to tell me you've explained it all, like Evensong did?
Orfeo: Either this place works well when people bring their disagreements here to vent, or it doesn't work well because everyone chooses sides and it's snapping dogs. Which?
Mousethief: If you abuse 20 people, then 20 people have the right to call you to Hell, and if they want to be parsimonious and only use one thread, well then sucks to be you. You should have thought of that before you were so rude.
If abuse and rudeness are the reasons for the hell-call then so be it. If the reason for dogpiling is general opprobrium of someone's opinions then they might feel bullied or put upon.
Mousethief: And before you start bitching about my right to say this, I have the right to say this because I was on the bottom of a 25-to-1 dogpile which I fully deserved. Were some people without a legitimate grievance jumping in? Sure. Did that take away from the main point that I was behaving for some time like a total prick? Nope. If you're going to hit the ship with both barrels blazing, you need to grow a pair of testes or ovaries and be able to face the heat when the heat inevitably comes
I totally get your point here and You certainly have the mileage to back your view. The issue is perhaps 'legitimate grievance'? 'Hellish' in the sense we use the word should not mean putting in the boot just because you can.. That is cruel.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
If abuse and rudeness are the reasons for the hell-call then so be it. If the reason for dogpiling is general opprobrium of someone's opinions then they might feel bullied or put upon.
And who gets to decide that? You? Evensong? What you two are basically saying is, "You people who feel like you have been maltreated have no right to feel that way." Who are you to say that? Who made you judge between us and EE? Fuck off under the rock you came out from.
totally get your point here and You certainly have the mileage to back your view. The issue is perhaps 'legitimate grievance'? 'Hellish' in the sense we use the word should not mean putting in the boot just because you can.. That is cruel.
Again, legitimate according to whom? You? As far as I know there isn't a legitimacy coordinator who approves hell calls.
And historically, Evensong has not treated it the way you describe. She will come to the rescue of anyone who has more than three people criticizing them. It apparently doesn't cross her mind that somebody could possibly offend more than one person at a time. If five people are calling out EE on his assholery, it must be because they are colluding to be unnecessarily nasty, not because EE has been an asshole.
And you hand-wringers come out of the woodwork just about any time some repeat offender finally gets their comeuppance in Hell. "Oh the poor dears." No, EE is not a poor dear. He's a jerk, and people have finally said "enough."
As orfeo has said you don't get people who are usually at each other's throats secretly colluding to attack some poor innocent waif. When you have two bitter enemies both reading you the riot act, the odds are pretty good that you have been behaving like a raving asshole. Such as our friend EE here.
Seriously, if you want to make a case about people ganging up on some innocent waif, you need to wait until people are ganging up on an innocent waif. Until then, it's just ridiculous "I am in favor of whatever the majority are against" psychological mind-fuckery.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
And let's put the "opprobrium of someone's beliefs" to bed once and for all. There are a LOT of people who have similar theological leanings to EE who don't get "dogpiled" in Hell. A lot. Ask yourself, what is the difference between someone like Lamb Chopped, or Trudy Scrumptious, who have pretty conservative theological views, and EE? Why does EE get called to Hell, when LC and TS do not?
Well, if it were about opprobrium of beliefs, that couldn't possibly be the case. There must be something else going on.
Hmm. Here's a crazy idea: Let's read what people actually say about EE and see if we can figure out what that might be.
I've got it! He's been behaving like an asshole!
So it's not about his beliefs at all, but his behaviour!
Problem solved. You and Evensong can go back to waiting under your rocks for someone who is REALLY being dogpiled. Thanks for playing.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Well that's just fine and dandy. Watch your blood pressure old son. I truly was not trying to wind you up. Hand wringer over and out.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Orfeo: Either this place works well when people bring their disagreements here to vent, or it doesn't work well because everyone chooses sides and it's snapping dogs. Which?
You have officially lost any credibility on this subject. Feel free to be ignored.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Jamat:
Orfeo: Either this place works well when people bring their disagreements here to vent, or it doesn't work well because everyone chooses sides and it's snapping dogs. Which?
You have officially lost any credibility on this subject. Feel free to be ignored.
So have you then as you are seeing a contradiction where there is none. It can work well in one function but in the other 'dogpile mode ', it can also become a bully's playground IMV as happened as this thread deteriorated. Here's a plan, let's agree to mutually ignore. I am over this so I promise I am really gone this time.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
We don't have a fucking SWITCH marked "dogpile mode", for goodness' sake.
You and the bloody underdog-defender are spectacularly bad at giving any kind of criterion for identifying this dogpiling other than 'the bits I don't like'.
The whole reason for asking you about this stuff is that I'm a Host, and I'm holding out the ever-so-faint hope that either of you have some meaningful food for thought here. You don't. You have a vague vibe that says that people heatedly expressing their opinion is absolutely fine until a number of people heatedly express the same opinion in agreement with each other.
It has no foundation of logic and can't possibly be turned into a principle that Hosts and Admins could apply other than telling people they'll be suspended for agreeing with each other too much. A more stupid principle for a message board trying to encourage activity, I cannot imagine.
As far as I can tell it's all rooted in notions of equality and 'fairness' so wrongheadedly applied I can only assume that you and Evensong crashed into each other, lost your respective heads because they weren't screwed on properly, and each picked up the wrong one.
What do you want? A pairing system?
[ 03. July 2014, 11:27: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
I would have thought that being 'unchristian' would be helpful for many people. If you can't be nasty and provocative in Hell, where can you be? And if you want to say that you should not be nasty and provocative, well, create a thread on it.
Anywhere you want I guess if you think being nasty and provocative helps people. Seriously, Hell functions well when posters take disagreements here to vent. Mostly, it is more heat than light but that's all good and not what I was talking about.
But 'anywhere you want' is incorrect. Some forums don't have a hell section, so people either have to swallow their disgruntlement, or it tends to leak out anyway in the general threads. I used to be a mod, and it is a real pain to moderate, as people get more and more exasperated with each other, and sometimes end up with 'fuck you', and then the mods are supposed to step in and control it.
So Hell is a useful safety-valve, leaving the other threads relatively angst-free. Well, not angst, let's say rage-free.
Posted by South Coast Kevin (# 16130) on
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
So Hell is a useful safety-valve, leaving the other threads relatively angst-free. Well, not angst, let's say rage-free.
I'd just like to say that, while I don't really go in for the personal abuse angle that some Shipmates pursue in Hell, I absolutely see the merit in having this forum as a place where people can be as abusive, argumentative and vitriolic as they wish. (Subject to the law of the land(s), of course!)
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
What do you want? A pairing system?
< Warning > Side A is over represented currently. Your comment is interpreted as representing Side A. Please delete your post or modify to either represent Side B, be neutral, equally antagonistic or arrange a Side C.
Note: Side C may only be started if it contains the minimum participating posters ( +/- 2 of the existing sides)
Extremely prolific posters will be counted as + 2 and new members as 0.5.
You may also register an incoherent, unattributable post (AKA batshit insane) as long as you are not already Martin PCn&SB.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
What do you want? A pairing system?
Thank you, orfeo, for the fucking flashbacks. I'm taking away the gin.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Well that's just fine and dandy. Watch your blood pressure old son. I truly was not trying to wind you up. Hand wringer over and out.
Answer my arguments or STFU. This post is winding-up defined. You are such a hypocrite, I'm amazed your mother could call you and know which of you she's talking to.
Originally posted by orfeo:
The whole reason for asking you about this stuff is that I'm a Host, and I'm holding out the ever-so-faint hope that either of you have some meaningful food for thought here. You don't. You have a vague vibe that says that people heatedly expressing their opinion is absolutely fine until a number of people heatedly express the same opinion in agreement with each other.
They have less than that. They have a desire to be contrary and wind people up. Period.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
You and the bloody underdog-defender are spectacularly bad at giving any kind of criterion for identifying this dogpiling other than 'the bits I don't like'.
FWIW, I have no particular attachment to underdogs, but I still consider the regular dog-piling in Hell to be (1) evident and (2) unhelpful.
Originally posted by orfeo:
The whole reason for asking you about this stuff is that I'm a Host, and I'm holding out the ever-so-faint hope that either of you have some meaningful food for thought here. You don't. You have a vague vibe that says that people heatedly expressing their opinion is absolutely fine until a number of people heatedly express the same opinion in agreement with each other.
You are confusing individual and group behaviour. Let us for the sake of argument assume that it is licit or even helpful for individual Shipmates to scream abuse at each other in Hell. It is then of course the case that by the usual principles of equal treatment for all, every single individual of say a group of twenty Shipmates is perfectly in their rights to scream abuse at one particular Shipmate, the one at the bottom of the dog pile. At least they certainly all can be within their rights, if they are genuinely outraged etc.
This however does not mean at all that there is no difference in the cumulative effect. Being shouted at by twenty just is different from being shouted at by one or two. And of course, you yourself have acknowledged that already. Except that you tried to construct a cumulative outcome that is somehow positive. Your claim was that because the person at the bottom of the dog pile sees very different people scream at them about the same thing, people that perhaps usually rather scream at each other, they will realise that the critique is justified. Consequently, they will reconsider their behaviour, reform themselves and the world will become a better place.
That is ... possible. It probably even has happened in the living memory of the present Shipmates. It is however not very likely at all. Other things are a lot more likely, and generally the outcomes are not positive. A lot of people will simply be intimidated by so much opposition. This may lead to them not showing up, or "flouncing" at the first opportunity, or issuing a fake apology just to get out. Any sort of real dialogue gets no chance there at all. Other people will think "the more, the merrier" and will produce sheer endless and enormously repetitive threads as they take on everybody in turn. Since it is near impossible to "peace out" so many people at once, this ends usually just in mindless exhaustion when really nobody can even bear turning to they latest post on page 15+. Other people feed on the aggressive emotions raised, and will attempt to derail any such thread into their favourite little corner of hate and abuse. The more people are screaming at each other, the easier it becomes to find a pivot point to turn the debate onto a tangent. Etc.
There are also other effects that one can consider good or bad (though I personally consider them mostly bad). For example, the sheer number of voices raised against someone can greatly encourage yet another person to join the chorus. It appears then, simply by virtue of numbers, to have become socially acceptable or even virtuous to attack this particular person. One could argue that this will help some timid people to genuinely express their anger. But frankly, I think it mostly just unleashes a kind of negative creativity: as the others are so nicely beating on that person, let me find some new angle where I can hit them as well. And as these things go, doing such things often creates its own justification, i.e., one convinces oneself that the nasty things one says are well deserved because if they weren't one surely would not have said them.
There is, in fact, very little value to adding more and more emotionally charged voices to a discussion. This generally adds little content (most of the contributions are of the type "damn right, and here's another example of how this person is bad in this way"), and simply pours on group pressure. Two people might find a way to negotiate their difficulties in a reasonable manner. It is however rather unlikely that anything resembling a fair process will happen between one person on one side, and a dozen on the other. The balance of power is just too uneven. There is a lot of relentless pressure on the single person, but almost none on the members of the group. They can always reassure each other that they are in the right, they have no real need to question their own role.
There is of course one final justification that can be given for the dog pile, and that is that it acts as a kind of purification mechanism. That is to say, while the process itself is rather obviously one-sided and unfair, at least in the long term it eliminates the worst offenders. Apart from the question whether the end can justify the means, experience however tells us otherwise. The worst offenders usually don't care about dog piles, in fact, it seems that some of them positively delight in getting yet another one on top of them. All attention is good attention...
Originally posted by orfeo:
It has no foundation of logic and can't possibly be turned into a principle that Hosts and Admins could apply other than telling people they'll be suspended for agreeing with each other too much. A more stupid principle for a message board trying to encourage activity, I cannot imagine.
It is certainly true that this ancient software makes it very difficult to propose solutions, quite simply because some organisation and control would be required. And since the software largely is incapable of providing this, it would end up being the job of hosts to enforce any sort of regulations.
But sensible measures are not exactly unthinkable. For example, here is a simple rule: In any individual hell call, the format has to follow a strict pattern - every second post has to come from the person called to hell. If a post by someone else than this person has been made, then everybody has to wait until the person called to hell has responded. (In the meantime all other attempted posts simply get deleted.)
Then we would get the following structure:
OP attack
This would still allow everybody to have a go, eventually. But it would not overcrowd the responder. And furthermore, since attack space is limited, we would not get the umpteenth "me too" repeat in that slot. There is pressure on the individual attackers to actually add content, because otherwise they "waste the slot" for other who want to have a say.
Anyway, if Evensong is indeed rather absurdly helping ever "underdog", regardless of their actual position, then this need not have anything to do with a crazy kind of egalitarian / anarchic approach to opinion. It can simply be considered as a kind of passive resistance to the systemic unfairness of Hell. You could argue that complaining about Hell is supposed to be done in Styx, not by messing with Hell. Well, that is officially the case. However, trying to change the Ship via posting in Styx is, shall we say, an uphill battle. Where the hill in question is Olympus Mons. Whereas the pretensions of Hell to be a kind of everything goes place make it rather easy to mess with it. So it would be entirely understandable if people who don't like the current Hell are trying to subvert it. Perhaps Evensong simply needs to be a bit more subtle about that...
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
A lot of people will simply be intimidated by so much opposition.
Then they should't have been an asshole to so many other people, should they?
This may lead to them not showing up, or "flouncing" at the first opportunity,
For somebody who goes around pissing off 20 people at a time, that might not be such a bad thing.
or issuing a fake apology just to get out.
Sure, but then if their assholic ways continues, everyone will know it was fake. So, no real harm done there.
Really, what's your solution for when a shipmate has been an asshole all over 20 different people? It's one thing to say "it's baaaaad! Waaaah!" like you're doing, and quite another to find a solution that allows everyone to have their say without producing this horrible evil no good very bad "dogpiling."
There are also other effects that one can consider good or bad (though I personally consider them mostly bad). For example, the sheer number of voices raised against someone can greatly encourage yet another person to join the chorus. It appears then, simply by virtue of numbers, to have become socially acceptable or even virtuous to attack this particular person.
Could be. How would you prevent this, short of removing Hell? Answers on a postcard.
But sensible measures are not exactly unthinkable. For example, here is a simple rule: In any individual hell call, the format has to follow a strict pattern - every second post has to come from the person called to hell.
That means if the callee never shows up, there is no Hell thread. Which is a completely different way of organizing Hell than has been the case heretofore. It also means a hell of a lot more work for the hosts.
You have been fighting against Hell since the moment you got here. It's not much wonder you have thrown your lot in with other people fighting against hell as currently configured. It makes me question the sincerity of your defense.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Looks like control freakery to me IngoB.
Why not just trust the hosts and Admins to do their job and prevent jerkishness?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
But sensible measures are not exactly unthinkable. For example, here is a simple rule: In any individual hell call, the format has to follow a strict pattern - every second post has to come from the person called to hell.
This reminds me a lot of the boxing-ring board you championed some years back, which was a spectacular failure. Giving it another go, eh?
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Boogie:
Looks like control freakery to me IngoB.
Of course it does. Because mob rule and the pillory is what a free society is all about.
Originally posted by Boogie:
Why not just trust the hosts and Admins to do their job and prevent jerkishness?
Because we are talking about how Hell encourages a specific kind of group jerkishness? And the Hell hosts will do nothing about it, because currently such group jerkishness is considered entirely acceptable? Nobody is saying that the H&A's are not doing their job. We are discussing whether the job should be adjusted.
Originally posted by mousethief:
This reminds me a lot of the boxing-ring board you championed some years back, which was a spectacular failure. Giving it another go, eh?
IIRC, it hosted two hellish duels, both of which resulted in the participants resolving their differences in under one page of posts. So that was a rather excellent performance. It got killed because instead of a Hellish duel, we were going to run a more Purgatorial one. And Erin decided that she did not want that happening. Its main "failing" was that it did not attract much traffic running in parallel to Hell. So if generating traffic is what Hellish boards are about, then indeed it was a failure.
Anyway, why precisely is it such a threatening idea to try out new things? So they might fail, heck, they probably will fail - so what? Did the duel board take down SoF? Certainly not. Would it have done so if SoF had actually tried it out as an alternative instead of in parallel? I doubt that very much. Why indeed is there no "experimental" board, where we can try new board methods or different forum topics? I appreciate that one has to keep a functional core running, just so as to keep people happy and engaged. But as far as actual structure and content of SoF is concerned, this place is about as unrestful as the Stalinist politburo after a KGB crackdown on dissidents.
I have my ideas of things I would like to see trialled. Foremost on my list would be a prayer/spirituality board, not some reform of Hell. But heck, yeah, why not run Hell differently for a while just to see how that would work out? Do you really have no creativity and no curiosity? Same old for the win? Is this really the best of all possible BBs to you, a better place cannot be thought of? Do you really think that it is some kind of insult to the H&As if one suggest other stuff that we could try here, or even - horror of horrors - other ways that could be better than what we have now?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
I have my ideas of things I would like to see trialled. Foremost on my list would be a prayer/spirituality board, not some reform of Hell. But heck, yeah, why not run Hell differently for a while just to see how that would work out? Do you really have no creativity and no curiosity? Same old for the win? Is this really the best of all possible BBs to you, a better place cannot be thought of? Do you really think that it is some kind of insult to the H&As if one suggest other stuff that we could try here, or even - horror of horrors - other ways that could be better than what we have now?
Did you really miss the part where I said this would increase the work load for Hell board hosts considerably? Or do you really not have an answer to that? Do you really think the hosts not have lives outside the volunteer work they do here for the ship? Does it really not bother you to ask volunteers to increase their workloads by factors of 10 in order to try out your idle whims that you admit probably won't work? Do you really hate your fellow man that much? Are you really incapable of conducting a conversation without snarky rhetorical questions? Are you really as much of an asshole as you have made yourself look in your very few postings on this thread?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
You are confusing individual and group behaviour.
That's probably because someone seems to have disabled the "joint post" button on my copy of the Ship.
Much of what you say about group dynamics is in fact true, and articulate in a way that some other commenters can't manage. But what you propose as a solution is unworkable for the exact same reason that the proposed Duel board was unviable: this is not how message boards naturally work.
Lilbuddha has already pointed out the essence of what would happen. Who exactly do you think is going to manage this - whether it's a pairing system, or a rigorous call and response? You would end up with 80% of posts being a Host saying "Nope, it's not your turn, it's his turn... well you just have to wait until he takes his turn... hi there, newbie, sorry, but you can't post here at the moment... no, look, that doesn't count as a turn because it was just commenting on whose turn it was... HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO WAIT?... THAT'S IT, THREAD CLOSED".
We're not standing here with a microphone and walking around the audience so that only the person we give the microphone can speak. We're not engaged in an online chess game with a computer that says "Your Move". We are in a space where a large number of individual people each have their own power to press the buttons to create a post, and any system of policing that we have has to deal with that reality, and can't possibly be along the formalistic, rigid lines that you propose.
[ 03. July 2014, 23:31: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
IngoB you nut, the purpose of Hell is not to work things through, or to convince someone to improve, or to bring about reconciliation between posters, or whatever-the-hell you keep thinking it is. Its purpose is simply containment. It keeps the raging wildfires off the other boards. That is all.
It's clear that Hell succeeds spectacularly at this goal.
If Hell fails to do some other random Good Thing that you would like it to do--well, it fails, then. But it wasn't built for that. And nobody appears to be (pick one or more):
a) interested in the goal enough
b) willing to spend the personal time/effort/money
c) confident enough it will work to bother
to create an alternate board which WOULD accomplish what you want.
If you're wondering, my reasons are a, b,and c. I believe the local congregation exists for the kinds of purposes you want. That, and the counseling, medical, and judicial systems.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
I might also add that the "enemy queuing system" is likely to raise the blood pressure of those waiting for their turn. Do you know what a person does when they can see they are number 16 in the queue and it takes half an hour for each person to be processed?
They leave.
Add to that the time zone factor. Sure, there might be a period of time where the person who is making every second post is quite active, but then all the other people awake during that time zone take the available turns, creating unfairness to those who were sound asleep in the middle of the night or busy at work.
The system is also going to hit a major problem when it is not the callee that most people are cranky with, but the caller. As happened on this very thread. It lacks the flexibility to deal with the shifts that occur - as with the recent thread where Zach was supported initially until he rejected an apology.
Never mind the Ship's old software, Ingo: find me a system ANYWHERE that actually works the way in which you describe. I can't think of one. The only 'ordered turn' systems I can think of are for some board and computer games, but even then it's not that common for a game with more than 2 players to adopt a 'your turn' method. The tipping point seems to be around 4 players - I can think of games for 4 players that have 'rounds' and allow each player 1 turn per round.
For the simple reason that people get annoyed sitting at their computer waiting for everyone else to take their turn. And then they get bored. And then they stop playing.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
I apologise for upsetting you. It was an attempt at humour and to defuse the aggro.
I didn't know you were seeking information as a host so I apologise to you as well.
[ 04. July 2014, 01:11: Message edited by: Jamat ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
I apologise for upsetting you. It was an attempt at humour and to defuse the aggro.
Passive aggressive is so you, darling. You should do it more.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Jamat:
I apologise for upsetting you. It was an attempt at humour and to defuse the aggro.
Passive aggressive is so you, darling. You should do it more.
OK Buddy so what is the next step here. You want a grovel?
If it is arguments you want answered as stated above. Ask without the heat. All I got from your post was anger.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
I won't want you to grovel, I want you to stop being patronizing. "Oh, I'm so sorry I made you angry. There, let me kiss it and make it better." If there's a better way anger somebody who wasn't already angry, I can't think of it.
If all you got was anger, then I'm afraid all I can say is the old SOF cliché: read for content.
On the off chance you are finally being sincere, I will repeat my point. There are many people on the Ship with theological positions similar to EE's. Yet the vast majority of them don't get shredded in Hell for being assholes. Most logical conclusion: it's not about EE's beliefs. It's about his behavior. Just as people have been saying here for seven pages.
But if you haven't believed them (us) yet, why would this post make you start?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Anyway, why precisely is it such a threatening idea to try out new things?
Why is it the only possible objection to your half-assed ideas that comes to your mind is that people feel threatened by them? Why can't you take their criticisms at face value without psychologizing them? Does it make you feel better if you can put it down to their fears, rather than accept the shittiness of your ideas? Or even that they have reason to think your ideas are shitty, whether or not they in fact are? Are you so threatened by the fact that they might have reasons, even bad reasons, for thinking your ideas suck, other than they are threatened by them?
Hey, I could get to like this IngoB Gish Gallop Rhetorical Question thing.
[ 04. July 2014, 02:49: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
I won't want you to grovel, I want you to stop being patronizing. "Oh, I'm so sorry I made you angry. There, let me kiss it and make it better." If there's a better way anger somebody who wasn't already angry, I can't think of it.
If all you got was anger, then I'm afraid all I can say is the old SOF cliché: read for content.
On the off chance you are finally being sincere, I will repeat my point. There are many people on the Ship with theological positions similar to EE's. Yet the vast majority of them don't get shredded in Hell for being assholes. Most logical conclusion: it's not about EE's beliefs. It's about his behavior. Just as people have been saying here for seven pages.
But if you haven't believed them (us) yet, why would this post make you start?
That's fine, I do not have an issue with anyone having to answer for their behaviour. Did I ever say it was about his beliefs?
What I said from memory, was that IF opprobrium collectively descends because of beliefs then that is a problem. So, do you and I still have an issue? I have already said I do not disagree with the way Hell is set up,that's the technology. The problem, when there is a problem, is with the users of it. I do not like to see cruelty happening. And to answer Orfeo's issue about defining a dogpile I don't have a watertight definition or a way under present rules they could be stopped without restricting necessary freedom of discussion. However, I think it happens when a different motive kicks in and there is a collective 'stoning 'thing happening. When the issue gets away from behaviour and on to the person, viz "He's an asshole" rather than "He has behaved like an asshole." The former is not OK for mine, the latter is.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Well, if you thought everything was fine, presumably you wouldn't have made such a stink about the evils of dogpiling. And the fact that you brought belief into it at all, given the context of the thread and the disagreement about what constitutes dogpiling and when it's appropriate for multiple people to air their grievances about the same person, and EE's own claims that he was being attacked for his beliefs .... in that context, it's hard to give your words any other meaning.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
What I said from memory, was that IF opprobrium collectively descends because of beliefs then that is a problem.
Okay, why? Because I can think of some beliefs that would get people hauled down here in double-quick time. Believing that sex with children is perfectly fine is the first one that sprang to mind.
I don't think a belief/behaviour distinction is maintainable.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
I don't think a belief/behaviour distinction is maintainable.
I don't think I'd go that far. There are people who have the same beliefs as a hundred other people but whose behavior gets them into trouble.
And contrariwise, somebody who thought sex with children was okeydokey could be very polite about it, but the belief itself is still hellworthy.
There may be some grey muddled area in the middle, but I don't think that means the distinction isn't valid.
[ 04. July 2014, 03:45: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Well, if you thought everything was fine, presumably you wouldn't have made such a stink about the evils of dogpiling. And the fact that you brought belief into it at all, given the context of the thread and the disagreement about what constitutes dogpiling and when it's appropriate for multiple people to air their grievances about the same person, and EE's own claims that he was being attacked for his beliefs .... in that context, it's hard to give your words any other meaning.
Everything is fine with the machinery. In this case for mine, everything was not fine with the treatment of the person no matter what he had done. I read the thread and I saw one guy being mauled.
Regarding sex with children Orfeo, is that not special pleading? Really, who would state they thought it OK as a belief even if they did? The usual issues we conflict over are less emotive but still divisive such as where all this started. Was there a fall of Jericho historically? OK, if someone behaves like a jerk maintaining a for or against, then they answer to whoever they offend But the belief itself either way is not a justification for collective personal contempt. (I'm not saying this was the case just that it shouldn't be.)
Can we stop now? I am so over this.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Can we stop now? I am so over this.
You don't need permission to stop posting. Just stop posting.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Regarding sex with children Orfeo, is that not special pleading? Really, who would state they thought it OK as a belief even if they did?
Really - that one happened. It was a particularly nasty Hell thread and I was particularly nasty on it. Someone who was regularly called to Hell anyway was eventually banned, but there were quite a few of us finding the whole thing unpleasant.
Having had my wrists slapped on that one, and a few other things at the time, I decided the Ship wasn't doing me any good and I wasn't doing the Ship any good in return and took some time out - without commenting anywhere that I was doing that.
What is wrong with a Shipmate deciding that they are not finding the Ship helpful and are not doing anything good to the Ship and taking time out? It is only a message board, one of many things you can do with your time, maybe with some people you might like to hang out with*. But if it becomes more than that - a contest you have to win, a source of emotional angst or something that is taking over your life for some reason, then what is wrong with letting it go and giving yourself some space?
And if they have just had 20 people pointing out that they are being a jerk, rather than realising it for themselves, why is that seen as so bad?
* I admit I was still in contact with some of the people I wanted to see off the Ship.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by orfeo:
I don't think a belief/behaviour distinction is maintainable.
I don't think I'd go that far. There are people who have the same beliefs as a hundred other people but whose behavior gets them into trouble.
And contrariwise, somebody who thought sex with children was okeydokey could be very polite about it, but the belief itself is still hellworthy.
There may be some grey muddled area in the middle, but I don't think that means the distinction isn't valid.
Yes, sorry, I agree with this and should've been clearer. What I was trying to say was that either belief OR behaviour could contribute to you getting in trouble.
I think you are perhaps correct that someone could have a fairly horrible belief and manage to stay out of Hell by arguing their horrible belief eloquently. It'd be pretty darn tricky, but it perhaps could be done.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Regarding sex with children Orfeo, is that not special pleading? Really, who would state they thought it OK as a belief even if they did?
What Curiosity Killed said. You'd be surprised.
Even putting past Ship experience aside, a general principle needs to apply to all cases, the hard ones on the edges as well as the easy ones in the centre. I'm fine with having a general principle that is expressed as the need to balance competing considerations, but the balancing does need to be recognised.
Any kind of written principle that flatly said "you aren't allowed to be Hellish about someone's beliefs, only their behaviour" would eventually be tested by someone, either genuinely or by engaging in a spot of trolling. And if people tried to be Hellish in response, that person would point out it was against the principle, and the Hosts would feel obliged to apply the principle because if there's one thing that will undermine our credibility fast, it's a demonstration of rank hypocrisy.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
Originally posted by Jamat:
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
I would have thought that being 'unchristian' would be helpful for many people. If you can't be nasty and provocative in Hell, where can you be? And if you want to say that you should not be nasty and provocative, well, create a thread on it.
Anywhere you want I guess if you think being nasty and provocative helps people. Seriously, Hell functions well when posters take disagreements here to vent. Mostly, it is more heat than light but that's all good and not what I was talking about.
But 'anywhere you want' is incorrect. Some forums don't have a hell section, so people either have to swallow their disgruntlement, or it tends to leak out anyway in the general threads. I used to be a mod, and it is a real pain to moderate, as people get more and more exasperated with each other, and sometimes end up with 'fuck you', and then the mods are supposed to step in and control it.
So Hell is a useful safety-valve, leaving the other threads relatively angst-free. Well, not angst, let's say rage-free.
I agree with you. When I said anywhere you like I meant generally, not just on the internet. Now you are outed as a potential host. Watch out.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
No danger of that, man. I've served my time in the galleys.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Did you really miss the part where I said this would increase the work load for Hell board hosts considerably? Or do you really not have an answer to that?
This system would mean less work for Hell hosts overall. Deleting a post is one or two mouse clicks - and since it would be part of the rules, the hosts would not have to make any kind of host post about doing it. (They could do so in order to be nice, and I expect that they would do so for newbies. But people who know how the system works need no explanation.) Arguably, as such this is a reduction of work already: If we imagine a lengthy post out of sequence, the host would not have to read it, but could just delete it. A mouse click is faster than reading a post. Whereas posts that keep to the sequence are the same work as now. Furthermore, overall this is intended to cut down the circle-jerkishness of Hell. If it works at all like intended, then there will be fewer posts on such threads. Fewer posts mean less work.
Originally posted by orfeo:
But what you propose as a solution is unworkable for the exact same reason that the proposed Duel board was unviable: this is not how message boards naturally work.
How the duel board would have stood up under a real stress test, like taking over all Hell calls, we simply do not know. It mostly lacked any activity at all. For a means to resolve conflict I do not consider that to be bad as such... and I'm not convinced that its failure to attract more activity from regular Hell tells us all that much about how well it would have worked.
You are of course correct that Hell as it stands now is "more natural" concerning the software framework, insofar as everybody posting whenever they want whatever they want is what a BB is designed for. But you are ignoring that Hell itself is in fact artificial. It exists precisely because you do not accept "natural BB behaviour" in Purgatory or elsewhere. Rather, when certain "heated" posts occur elsewhere, you - the hosts, not the software - are sending them over to Hell. And the hosts will spend considerable time patrolling these other boards to make this happen, posting explicit hostly "take it to Hell" (or "take it to DH") interventions as needed. In fact, this pretty much is all that hosts ever do elsewhere, any other job is marginal. So we are talking here about a "naturalness" within a rather elaborate and work-intensive rule framework.
The real issue here is something else: "If it isn't broke, don't fix it." You do not think that Hell is broken, I bet you actually think it is a really brilliant invention. Obviously then any suggestion to change things is rather tedious: what on earth for? I don't want to overly defend my current suggestion, which I spend about 30 seconds thinking up. Quite possibly it is not a great idea. But the essential difference here is that I think Hell is very much broken, or perhaps, Hell just is brokenness. So for me trying something else is not some futile waste of effort. It is rather a natural reaction to a problem: "If it is broken, try to fix it somehow."
If this is understood, then maybe reasonable people can stop attributing ill will concerning the hosts or stupidity concerning functionality to suggestions.
Originally posted by orfeo:
You would end up with 80% of posts being a Host saying "Nope, it's not your turn, it's his turn... well you just have to wait until he takes his turn... hi there, newbie, sorry, but you can't post here at the moment... no, look, that doesn't count as a turn because it was just commenting on whose turn it was... HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO WAIT?... THAT'S IT, THREAD CLOSED".
Nope. You do have to deal with my actual suggestion here. I've said to simply delete all posts that are out of sequence - no questions asked, no explanations given. Of course, you could be nice and tell the occasional newbie who did not read the rules what is happening. But that being nice to newbies is extra work is not a criterion for judging the system.
Originally posted by orfeo:
We are in a space where a large number of individual people each have their own power to press the buttons to create a post, and any system of policing that we have has to deal with that reality, and can't possibly be along the formalistic, rigid lines that you propose.
You know that that is not true, because Hell relies on the fact that this is not true. The number of actually active posters on these boards is in the hundreds at most, and highly active posters in Purgatory (where most of the Hell traffic originates from) are in the dozens. It is a group of people reasonably well known to each other, not some kind of anonymous mass. Hence you can make Hell work: people have learned what sort of posts should be moved here, and in fact most of the time do not even to be reminded of that any longer. If this forum truly had over 18 thousand posters, then your Hell system would be entirely dead. Posts would be on page 10 of insults before the first host manages to even read the OP. Look at online comment sections of major newspapers or the like, which really do have traffic of that order. They are entirely ungovernable. The truth is that this place is small enough, and people are nice enough, for you to impose pretty much whatever rules you want. It will take some patrolling, yes. But so does the current system.
Originally posted by Lamb Chopped:
IngoB you nut, the purpose of Hell is not to work things through, or to convince someone to improve, or to bring about reconciliation between posters, or whatever-the-hell you keep thinking it is. Its purpose is simply containment. It keeps the raging wildfires off the other boards. That is all. It's clear that Hell succeeds spectacularly at this goal.
That is one of the convenient lies people tell each other about Hell, to justify its existence in their minds. Hell of course does not "contain" conflict in the slightest. It puts conflict on a stage, it makes a big show out of it! This is not some kind of firefighting, or the erecting of firewalls. One does not climb firewalls to watch the fire rage, one hides behind them. This is making sure that the fire burns bright and furious but mostly in one particular place. It is the equivalent of people "going outside" to beat each other up in the streets, because the bouncers won't let it happen inside the club. Still, the crowd from the club will come out to watch it happen, it's part of their evening amusement. That this generally does not resolve or reduce conflict is rather amply demonstrated by this very thread we are posting in. This must be iteration one thousand of EE vs. Gamaliel? But it also does not contain this conflict in the sense of removing it from the community somehow. Every regular will groan and roll their eyes if you say "EE vs. Gamaliel", why? Precisely because we have seen this conflict play out in its full glory umpteen times.
The only containment that is happening here is separating it, and putting it on show. In fact, this almost invariably increases the size of the conflict. How often do we see people asking for a link to where the Hell call originated from? "Let me see what you are talking about, so that I can get suitably upset as well and join the fray." It is a spectacle. It is, for some people, an opportunity to strut their negative creativity. Here is a place where people get applauded for being vicious. This is not at all a place where EE and Gamaliel swearing at each other is "contained", kept away in a dark corner to not upset the community. This is a place where that conflict is celebrated, where it becomes a matter of public engagement. At least until we tire of it after some hundred repeats.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Hell just is brokenness.
Your version would be as well, however. The board's very existance, regardless of form, is a reflection of brokenness.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by orfeo:
You and the bloody underdog-defender are spectacularly bad at giving any kind of criterion for identifying this dogpiling other than 'the bits I don't like'.
FWIW, I have no particular attachment to underdogs, but I still consider the regular dog-piling in Hell to be (1) evident and (2) unhelpful.
Originally posted by orfeo:
The whole reason for asking you about this stuff is that I'm a Host, and I'm holding out the ever-so-faint hope that either of you have some meaningful food for thought here. You don't. You have a vague vibe that says that people heatedly expressing their opinion is absolutely fine until a number of people heatedly express the same opinion in agreement with each other.
You are confusing individual and group behaviour. Let us for the sake of argument assume that it is licit or even helpful for individual Shipmates to scream abuse at each other in Hell. It is then of course the case that by the usual principles of equal treatment for all, every single individual of say a group of twenty Shipmates is perfectly in their rights to scream abuse at one particular Shipmate, the one at the bottom of the dog pile. At least they certainly all can be within their rights, if they are genuinely outraged etc.
This however does not mean at all that there is no difference in the cumulative effect. Being shouted at by twenty just is different from being shouted at by one or two. And of course, you yourself have acknowledged that already. Except that you tried to construct a cumulative outcome that is somehow positive. Your claim was that because the person at the bottom of the dog pile sees very different people scream at them about the same thing, people that perhaps usually rather scream at each other, they will realise that the critique is justified. Consequently, they will reconsider their behaviour, reform themselves and the world will become a better place.
That is ... possible. It probably even has happened in the living memory of the present Shipmates. It is however not very likely at all. Other things are a lot more likely, and generally the outcomes are not positive. A lot of people will simply be intimidated by so much opposition. This may lead to them not showing up, or "flouncing" at the first opportunity, or issuing a fake apology just to get out. Any sort of real dialogue gets no chance there at all. Other people will think "the more, the merrier" and will produce sheer endless and enormously repetitive threads as they take on everybody in turn. Since it is near impossible to "peace out" so many people at once, this ends usually just in mindless exhaustion when really nobody can even bear turning to they latest post on page 15+. Other people feed on the aggressive emotions raised, and will attempt to derail any such thread into their favourite little corner of hate and abuse. The more people are screaming at each other, the easier it becomes to find a pivot point to turn the debate onto a tangent. Etc.
There are also other effects that one can consider good or bad (though I personally consider them mostly bad). For example, the sheer number of voices raised against someone can greatly encourage yet another person to join the chorus. It appears then, simply by virtue of numbers, to have become socially acceptable or even virtuous to attack this particular person. One could argue that this will help some timid people to genuinely express their anger. But frankly, I think it mostly just unleashes a kind of negative creativity: as the others are so nicely beating on that person, let me find some new angle where I can hit them as well. And as these things go, doing such things often creates its own justification, i.e., one convinces oneself that the nasty things one says are well deserved because if they weren't one surely would not have said them.
There is, in fact, very little value to adding more and more emotionally charged voices to a discussion. This generally adds little content (most of the contributions are of the type "damn right, and here's another example of how this person is bad in this way"), and simply pours on group pressure. Two people might find a way to negotiate their difficulties in a reasonable manner. It is however rather unlikely that anything resembling a fair process will happen between one person on one side, and a dozen on the other. The balance of power is just too uneven. There is a lot of relentless pressure on the single person, but almost none on the members of the group. They can always reassure each other that they are in the right, they have no real need to question their own role.
There is of course one final justification that can be given for the dog pile, and that is that it acts as a kind of purification mechanism. That is to say, while the process itself is rather obviously one-sided and unfair, at least in the long term it eliminates the worst offenders. Apart from the question whether the end can justify the means, experience however tells us otherwise. The worst offenders usually don't care about dog piles, in fact, it seems that some of them positively delight in getting yet another one on top of them. All attention is good attention...
Originally posted by orfeo:
It has no foundation of logic and can't possibly be turned into a principle that Hosts and Admins could apply other than telling people they'll be suspended for agreeing with each other too much. A more stupid principle for a message board trying to encourage activity, I cannot imagine.
It is certainly true that this ancient software makes it very difficult to propose solutions, quite simply because some organisation and control would be required. And since the software largely is incapable of providing this, it would end up being the job of hosts to enforce any sort of regulations.
But sensible measures are not exactly unthinkable. For example, here is a simple rule: In any individual hell call, the format has to follow a strict pattern - every second post has to come from the person called to hell. If a post by someone else than this person has been made, then everybody has to wait until the person called to hell has responded. (In the meantime all other attempted posts simply get deleted.)
Then we would get the following structure:
OP attack
This would still allow everybody to have a go, eventually. But it would not overcrowd the responder. And furthermore, since attack space is limited, we would not get the umpteenth "me too" repeat in that slot. There is pressure on the individual attackers to actually add content, because otherwise they "waste the slot" for other who want to have a say.
Anyway, if Evensong is indeed rather absurdly helping ever "underdog", regardless of their actual position, then this need not have anything to do with a crazy kind of egalitarian / anarchic approach to opinion. It can simply be considered as a kind of passive resistance to the systemic unfairness of Hell. You could argue that complaining about Hell is supposed to be done in Styx, not by messing with Hell. Well, that is officially the case. However, trying to change the Ship via posting in Styx is, shall we say, an uphill battle. Where the hill in question is Olympus Mons. Whereas the pretensions of Hell to be a kind of everything goes place make it rather easy to mess with it. So it would be entirely understandable if people who don't like the current Hell are trying to subvert it. Perhaps Evensong simply needs to be a bit more subtle about that...
For someone that has the nature of God so spectacularly wrong on some accounts, you're bloody good at human nature (except for trying to change things on the Hell board).
Thanks be to God.
Quotes filing. For posterity.
Jamat. Thanks for chipping in about the problem with dogpiling. I appreciate it. Some people have this weird notion that Truth is only Truth if corroborated by others. A standard logical fallacy.
Funny that those that can see my point of view have likely been on the end of a dopile themselves, frequently. HHHHmmnnnn....?
Dogpiles don't aid Truth.
And no I'm not asking for a change of rules, I'm just asking for awareness.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Oh and mousetheif? You're a prick.
Both Jamat and I extended you an olive branch and you shoved it right back in our faces.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Hell of course does not "contain" conflict in the slightest.
False. It, as you say, keeps conflict in one place so that it doesn't occur on all the other boards. That's what containment is.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Deleting a post is one or two mouse clicks - and since it would be part of the rules, the hosts would not have to make any kind of host post about doing it. (They could do so in order to be nice, and I expect that they would do so for newbies. But people who know how the system works need no explanation.)
You are fucking kidding me.
Ingo, you have zero idea of how this place works. I see that clearly now.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by orfeo:
We are in a space where a large number of individual people each have their own power to press the buttons to create a post, and any system of policing that we have has to deal with that reality, and can't possibly be along the formalistic, rigid lines that you propose.
You know that that is not true, because Hell relies on the fact that this is not true. The number of actually active posters on these boards is in the hundreds at most, and highly active posters in Purgatory (where most of the Hell traffic originates from) are in the dozens.
That is a large number of people, Ingo, and the fact that you think that call-and-response could possibly work in an arena with 'dozens' of people tells me you've never tried to run a meeting with more than 6 people in it. You're living in a fantasyland, mister.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Funny that those that can see my point of view have likely been on the end of a dopile themselves, frequently. HHHHmmnnnn....?
Not particularly, when you bear in mind that they're generally those posters who seem to make a habit of winding other posters up or simply pissing them off on a regular basis.
What every one of them has in common (aside from a complete inability to understand that if a lot of people are upset with them it may just be because of something they did) is that they want to be able to keep up their annoying posting habits while denying the rest of us the right to express our resulting annoyance. And that just plain ain't gonna happen.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Jamat. Thanks for chipping in about the problem with dogpiling. I appreciate it. Some people have this weird notion that Truth is only Truth if corroborated by others. A standard logical fallacy.
Yes, the lone voice might be the Truth. Though if one is the only voice singing in a particular key, one should at least check the signature.
Originally posted by Evensong:
Funny that those that can see my point of view have likely been on the end of a dopile themselves, frequently. HHHHmmnnnn....?
Yeah, I agree that is funny. But I don't think we are laughing at the same punch line.
Originally posted by Evensong:
Dogpiles don't aid Truth.
Have you yet provided a meaningful definition of dogpile? By you apparent definition, a person could walk up to a group, spit on each and every member yet expect only one to spit back. Or walk through a crowd throwing punches and kicks and expect only one to complain.
And, really? You quotes filed that?! Typically something quotes filed is brief and pithy, not something requiring footnotes, refreshments and a nap to get through.
IngoB has typed some quote worthy posts, but that wasn't one of them.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Quotes filing. For posterity.
Classy, Evensong. Really classy.
Have you ever, at any time, seen someone put a whole slab of personal argument in Hell, with names in it, into the quotes file before?
Do you think having an ordered call-and-response is worth preserving for posterity? If so, did anyone say it was your turn?
Posted by Leaf (# 14169) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Jamat. Thanks for chipping in about the problem with dogpiling.
Ah, the light dawns. It's an irregular verb:
I chip in
You dogpile
They maul
I see.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Hell of course does not "contain" conflict in the slightest.
False. It, as you say, keeps conflict in one place so that it doesn't occur on all the other boards. That's what containment is.
I think 'contain' has multiple senses today. IngoB is partly right, in that it's commonly used to mean to 'hold and work through'. Thus, parents are supposed to contain their children's rage, grief, and so on, by allowing them to have these feelings, and go through them. This might actually involve a degree of interpretation, e.g., telling the kids that such feelings are OK and normal and will pass.
Hell does not explicitly do this, although there may well be an element of 'working through' at times. However, it does separate off people's strong feelings, which is another sense of 'contain'.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
I think 'contain' has multiple senses today.
No doubt. But as I've just told y'all which sense we're using when we say "Hell exists to contain conflict", that's pretty much irrelevant.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
I think 'contain' has multiple senses today.
No doubt. But as I've just told y'all which sense we're using when we say "Hell exists to contain conflict", that's pretty much irrelevant.
Hell exists to contain conflict. Hmm - is this written on lasting pillars of onyx somewhere? I thought that the whole point of IngoB's reply to Lamb Chopped was to exploit the polysemy of 'contain'; as he says, 'the only containment that is happening is separating it and putting it on show'.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Oh and mousetheif? You're a prick.
Tell me something I don't know.
Both Jamat and I extended you an olive branch and you shoved it right back in our faces.
If you have never been extended a false olive branch, only to have it shoved in your teeth, I forgive you. In the meanwhile I will remind you that you yourself have said repeatedly that the things you say in Hell do not reflect the real you. Any olive branch you extend me in Hell, I will automatically assume is insincere.
And Jamat's so-called olive branch was anything but. "Oh, you poor dear, have I angered you?" That's WUMbait to anyone with two eyes and a brain. But I forget, you check your brain at the door when you enter Hell. In real life I'll bet you're a wonderful person. On the ship you're two completely different people. You have admitted so yourself. The person you pretend to be in Hell, I hope, isn't the real you. So why should I even try to get along with it? Roll that you into a ball and fuck every exposed orifice with a rusty farm implement. Until you forswear being a phony in Hell, I will not treat you as real here.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
False. It, as you say, keeps conflict in one place so that it doesn't occur on all the other boards. That's what containment is.
If the government tells you "we have contained the violence," then I assume you are not expecting that somewhere in the city is a place where you can sit down and have a nice BBQ and a beer while watching the combatants murder each other. Much less would you expect that the government is now actually maintaining a free access area for violence, where they will hand you a club and a helmet and wish you good luck as you enter the war zone.
As I've stated, "containment" is a convenient lie here that allows you to pretend that you are doing something good about something bad. Nothing is contained here, it is simply being separated out. Just like we have a board for people to discuss their biblical studies, Kerygmania, we have a board where people denigrate each other, Hell. (Or at least, that is one of the main functions of Hell.) Biblical studies are also not "contained" in Kerygmania, that's simply where those kind of discussions happen. And of course the expectation of moving biblical discussions into their own special board is not at all to kill them off. To the contrary, we expect to see more and more intense discussions on the bible because they have their own place. Just so for Hell.
Actual containment tries to isolate and eradicate things. Hell doesn't. Hell makes a show out of these conflicts, elevates them to a topic in their own right. EE vs. Gamaliel is not any longer an unfortunate inability of these posters to behave like adults in their Purgatorial discussion with each other. It is no longer a problem to be managed. No. Now that failure has its own thread, and people will comment and take sides, and it will all be discussed publicly and soon everybody will know just how much EE and Gamaliel go on each other's nerves. Hell celebrates personal conflict, puts it into the same category as a discussion about liturgy, turns it into a public matter. That's not containment.
Originally posted by orfeo:
That is a large number of people, Ingo, and the fact that you think that call-and-response could possibly work in an arena with 'dozens' of people tells me you've never tried to run a meeting with more than 6 people in it. You're living in a fantasyland, mister.
I've organised, hosted and run many committees, seminars, summer schools, workshops and international conference of sizes between three and eight hundred attendees. For that matter, I have run and hosted a private board on SoF.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
If the forest service says a forest fire has been "contained" that doesn't mean they've put it out. It means that it is within fire breaks that they don't expect it will cross, and they are waiting for it to die out of its own accord. A lot like the Hell board here.
Ingo, you're being disingenuous. (Mirabile dictu!) You surely know that "contain" has many meanings, and the Ship doesn't have to be using it according to YOUR favorite meaning for it to be true that Hell contains conflict.
*strange to say; marvelous to relate
[ 04. July 2014, 15:25: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Actual containment tries to isolate and eradicate things.
That is one of many different dictionary definitions. The 'eradicate' part is not inherent in the word. It is equally 'containment' if all that you do is prevent something from expanding any further. Forest fires are frequently described as 'contained' while burning furiously, so long as they are burning inside 'containment lines'.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Nice x-post, orfeo! Great minds.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
Great posts, guys. Polysemy - thou art monarch of all thou surveyst!
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
I've organised, hosted and run many committees, seminars, summer schools, workshops and international conference of sizes between three and eight hundred attendees.
No, I said a meeting. A conference does not involve handing between three and eight hundred people a microphone, does it? If you have eight hundred people at a conference, at any given time I would suggest that at least 792 of them are sitting in the hall as an audience, facing a stage which is where the small number of people who are in a position to be heard are placed.
This is simply not a sensible model for a message board, and my very point is that you seem to think that it is. You seem to believe that any given time only a small number of people should be given permission to speak. This is never going to happen, because it's antithetical to the non-heirarchical structure of a message board.
For that matter, I have run and hosted a private board on SoF.
Which one? If you're referring to the Duel board, then it is almost an anti-board for the reason given above. It deliberately subverted the very essence of a message board. It was basically PMs delivered in public.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Leaf:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Jamat. Thanks for chipping in about the problem with dogpiling.
Ah, the light dawns. It's an irregular verb:
I chip in
You dogpile
They maul
I see.
Pretty much! I love that btw. It is my new favourite thing!
The problem as I see is by people "chipping in" in other people's defense, particularly in Hell calls that are basically nothing to do with them, they're actually making things worse. They're as much part of the dogpile as everyone else! Who knows, maybe the participants might have resolved things themselves without the "benefit" of their help?!
Apart from being extremely annoying, it's disrupting the purpose of Hell - which is containment. As others have pointed out, at least if people are fighting in Hell they may not be doing it in Purg, Eccles, Kerg or Dead Horses. Those of us who've been here long enough to remember the boards before Hell, will remember when a fight between two people started in one place and then spread thoughout the rest of the Ship like a virus. This may not be pretty, but that was far worse.
PS Extremely annoying is putting it politely. It is frankly boring, attention whoring and jerkish. ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
[ 04. July 2014, 15:38: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Way to miss the point. "Contain" is being used in its simplest sense: to place something (conflict) within a container (Hell). The only implications you can safely draw from this are that, once contained, the conflict will occur IN the container (Hell) and not out of it (Purgatory/Kerygmania/DH/etc). That is all.
You are throwing in a whole lot of other assumptions about the containment--assumptions about what it's for, what it does, what it should do, what the eventual results of it will be, etc. etc. etc. None of those assumptions are justified unless the ones doing the containing--that is, the Ship owner, admins and hosts--have explicitly told you those assumptions are correct. It is THEIR motives for THEIR actions you are pronouncing on. And nobody certainly knows the motives of a person except the person him/herself. (come to think of it, there's a Bible verse on that one)
Thus, you are justified if you assume that the containment is done for the purpose of benefiting the other boards by keeping them personal-conflict-free. You are justified because the PTB have told us so a zillion times.
You are NOT justified in saying that containment in Hell is done to provide a spectacle (it isn't--which host has ever told you so?);
or with the purpose of helping opponents work things through (as you've been told a zillion times, Hell is not a therapy board, and your desire that it should be so doesn't make it so.)
In short, you disapprove of the behavior that goes on in Hell. Fine. All of us disapprove of at least some of it.
You disapprove of the publicly visible nature of Hell. Well, them's the breaks. People COULD do all their conflicting by PM, but they won't. And the PTB aren't fools enough to try to enforce that policy.
You disapprove of the hands-off, undirected nature of Hell threads, which are not oriented toward resolving anything--a disagreement, a conflict of opinion, a mental health problem, or whatever. It offends your fastidious soul that no one is gardening Hell. Well, you have the right to disapprove. The Admins, Hosts, and most of the rest of the Ship have the right to ignore your disapproval and continue with their current policy.
You want, in short, to reform Hell. Good luck with that one.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by IngoB:
For that matter, I have run and hosted a private board on SoF.
Which one? If you're referring to the Duel board, then it is almost an anti-board for the reason given above. It deliberately subverted the very essence of a message board. It was basically PMs delivered in public.
No, he means Stella Maris. Which, amazingly, he did not run along the lines he's suggesting; It was a free-for-all just like every other board on the ship.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by IngoB:
For that matter, I have run and hosted a private board on SoF.
Which one? If you're referring to the Duel board, then it is almost an anti-board for the reason given above. It deliberately subverted the very essence of a message board. It was basically PMs delivered in public.
No, he means Stella Maris. Which, amazingly, he did not run along the lines he's suggesting; It was a free-for-all just like every other board on the ship.
Only if you were a non-conformist, you had to get someone to vouch for you before you were allowed to join. Basically the SOF usual free for all, but where you could be blackballed like a Frat or a Private Members Club!!
[ 04. July 2014, 15:48: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by quetzalcoatl:
Hell exists to contain conflict. Hmm - is this written on lasting pillars of onyx somewhere? I thought that the whole point of IngoB's reply to Lamb Chopped was to exploit the polysemy of 'contain'; as he says, 'the only containment that is happening is separating it and putting it on show'.
Which is the only containment it purports to achieve. All other definitions of the word are irrelevant. Exploiting the polysemy of "contain" is so much mental masturbation. It would be like saying, "What? You claim Purgatory is our place for rational debate, but there are no judges, no time limits, no scoring, no well-defined presentation and cross-examination phases -- how can you call that a debate?" All of which, come to think of it, IngoB may have actually said at some point.
[ 04. July 2014, 15:50: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Oh look. We're all dogpiling Ingo now, with at least 3 people independently composing posts at about the same time telling him that his attempt to tell us what 'contain' means is a pile of doggie doo-doo.
...bloody posting ticket machine is on the blink again. Sorry, folks. Sorry. I should have known when that deli was selling it so cheaply that there was something wrong with it. I'll fix it in the morning.
In the meantime, can you all confer amongst yourselves, and then one of you can post once you have an agreed text. And please indicate who else you are representing in the joint judgement, er, I mean post.
I figure it should only take about 40, 45 private messages to sort out each post. I'm going to bed, so it's okay, you can just cc me in on the key decisions. Mousethief, you PM Lamb Chopped, and then maybe quetzalcoatl can PM you and you can let Lamb Chopped know what Mousethief said, and hopefully there aren't areas of disagreement about the strength of the wording... Marvin, do you want in on this? Your angle seems slightly different.
Quetzalcoatl, can you handle anyone else who comes in and says they want to contribute. And then you can pass onto... mousethief. Yes, mousethief. You can pass onto mousethief anything that another person says. And he can pass it onto Lamb Chopped. And then... Lamb Chopped, can you get back to any newbie and let them know whether it's been decided they can participate in this joint post or will have to wait until Ingo responds again, and then they can have that turn.
Piece of cake.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Wait -- which of us actually posts to the thread? Lamb Chopped? Quetzalcoatl? Me?
Jaysoos, orfeo, you can't leave us with such ill-defined and incomplete instructions! We might end up cross posting and that would be dogpiling!
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
I'm afraid I have conflicted personal feelings about this procedure. I need a deeper circle of Hell to take the conflict to.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Lamb Chopped:
I'm afraid I have conflicted personal feelings about this procedure. I need a deeper circle of Hell to take the conflict to.
I'm not sure but I think you're talking out of turn here.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Within the limits of my browser...
Mousethief <---------> Lamb Chopped
^ / |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| / |
| / |
v / v
Quetzalcoatl<--------> "newbies"?
Oh bloody hell. I have to keep putting that non-breaking space code in to make it align properly. There's a diagonal arrow between LC and Q, and the second down arrow is from LC to the newbies. Goodnight.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Nice x-post, orfeo! Great minds.
In fact, the first person who gave the analogy to a fire above was me, above. And I will repeat what I said there: "This is not some kind of firefighting, or the erecting of firewalls. One does not climb firewalls to watch the fire rage, one hides behind them." For that matter, when firefighters are containing a fire, the last thing they will do is handing bystanders matches and flamethrowers and inviting them to walk right in to have a go at burning things up a bit more.
Originally posted by Tubbs:
TBF, it was a well run board and the discussion were extremely interesting. But it was run exactly like any other board.
Thank you. I do not see why this should be confusing though. Apart from questions of timing - I think Stella Maris predates the duel board (?) - I have never claimed that I want to change all discussions here. My suggestions have primarily targeted Hell, and personal Hell calls in particular. To me these things precisely are not yet another regular topic of discussion, but rather something else. Consequently, if one wants to resolve them in a public forum at all, then it makes sense to treat them differently.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Dude, you're out of turn. And anyway, we're making plans for the reform of Hell. Hush up.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by Boogie:
Looks like control freakery to me IngoB.
Of course it does. Because mob rule and the pillory is what a free society is all about.
I see none of either.
The Ship is better than anywhere I know online for people to say what they really think without being allowed to be mobbish. If they are not given access to a version of hell then the snark gets sneakier and sneakier. I experienced this on another (now defunct) board, which would - I am certain - still be alive and well if there had been a place to air grievances. I am lucky here, I have had no grievances. But I am very grateful to know that, if I did, there would be somewhere safe to come with them. Hell.
The only person I have ever called to Hell was Death - and I learned such a lot from that thread I'm now (almost) friends with him.
Hell works. It works because there are fewer rules, not no rules. It works because snark is allowed - it keeps that snark well away from the other areas of the Ship. Nobody has to visit hell, ever. There are plenty who chose not to.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
In the meantime, can you all confer amongst yourselves, and then one of you can post once you have an agreed text. And please indicate who else you are representing in the joint judgement, er, I mean post.
If this is supposed to represent my recent suggestion in any shape or form, then you have simply not understood it!
Under that system, while of course nothing stops you from exchanging hundreds of PMs to agree upon a consensus response and a presenter, nothing stops you or anybody else from directly posting your thoughts this very second.
The only thing that will happen is that whoever posts first will be the new attack, and all other posts will be deleted by the host until I have responded (assuming that this is my Hell call, which of course it isn't).
So we would have something like ...
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to mousethief.
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it.
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
mousethief: Stupid short response. *DELETED*
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to Lamb Chopped.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
Of course, in reality we would see the deleted stuff only until a host got around to deleting it. And I assume that after a few iterations of this people would stop posting out of turn.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Perhaps on the next Host and Admins Days they'll make you a guest host and you can try it out, IngoB. Though I'm not holding my breath.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Nice x-post, orfeo! Great minds.
In fact, the first person who gave the analogy to a fire above was me, above. And I will repeat what I said there: "This is not some kind of firefighting, or the erecting of firewalls. One does not climb firewalls to watch the fire rage, one hides behind them." For that matter, when firefighters are containing a fire, the last thing they will do is handing bystanders matches and flamethrowers and inviting them to walk right in to have a go at burning things up a bit more.
Hey, fuckwit, the purpose was to say the meaning of "contain" that we are trying to achieve here, not create a perfect analogue of Hell. Which aspect you have totally failed to engage with perhaps because you realize you're wrong. Oh hell what am I saying? Of course you don't realize you're wrong. You're incapable of believing you're wrong.
Indeed, are you capable of even TRYING to understand something said by anyone other than you?
Apparently not, as this shows:
Originally posted by IngoB:
So we would have something like ...
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
You really are in love with yourself, aren't you? Get the fuck over yourself. Hell will never be run the way you want, and all you are doing is proving why it shouldn't. Oh and stroking your own insatiable ego.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
My suggestions have primarily targeted Hell, and personal Hell calls in particular. To me these things precisely are not yet another regular topic of discussion, but rather something else. Consequently, if one wants to resolve them in a public forum at all, then it makes sense to treat them differently.
Who said we want to resolve them? Must we say over and over: that's not the purpose of Hell. Hello? Anybody in there? That's. Not. The. Purpose. Of. Hell.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Boogie:
It works because snark is allowed - it keeps that snark well away from the other areas of the Ship.
No, it doesn't. What keeps snark away from other areas is the relentless patrolling of hosts, who will tell people to cut it out. If the patrols and threat of punishment (shore leave, banning, ...) remained in place, then people would continue to behave pretty much as they do now without Hell. And if the hosts on the other boards would stop their relentless patrolling, then within a very short timeframe Hell would be empty (at least of personal Hell calls), as people would simply revert to being snarky wherever they are.
The primary difference Hell makes is that the Hosts get out of saying "you are behaving like morons, stop it." Instead they can now say "if you want to behave like that, take it to Hell." It's basically a way for hosts to dodge a confrontation with misbehaving Shipmates.
The idea that Hell as it stands somehow removes the snark from those who will be snarky, by allowing them to be snarky in a specific area, is pretty ridiculous anyhow. But we can also tell from practical experience that this just is not the case. Again, this very thread is a typical example. EE and Gamaliel, will they ever learn? Well, sure as hell not from bitching at each other in Hell, that much should be obvious.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
IngoB, how many people who were here before Hell have to say it before you believe it? Oh wait, never mind. That would mean admitting you were wrong. As you were.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
Perhaps on the next Host and Admins Days they'll make you a guest host and you can try it out, IngoB. Though I'm not holding my breath.
That would be fun. I think anyhow that this place (SoF, not Hell specifically) should be more adventurous. The best way of finding out whether something new would work is simply trial and error.
Originally posted by mousethief:
Who said we want to resolve them? Must we say over and over: that's not the purpose of Hell. Hello? Anybody in there? That's. Not. The. Purpose. Of. Hell.
It is good to reduce and resolve conflict, it is evil by omission to fail to do so when one could, and it is outright evil to increase and intensify conflict.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Who said we want to resolve them? Must we say over and over: that's not the purpose of Hell. Hello? Anybody in there? That's. Not. The. Purpose. Of. Hell.
It is good to reduce and resolve conflict, it is evil by omission to fail to do so when one could, and it is outright evil to increase and intensify conflict.
Once again, you miss the point. The purpose of Hell is not to satisfy your understanding of conflict resolution. Get over it. You prolong this conflict, therefore your actions are evil.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Who said we want to resolve them? Must we say over and over: that's not the purpose of Hell. Hello? Anybody in there? That's. Not. The. Purpose. Of. Hell.
It is good to reduce and resolve conflict, it is evil by omission to fail to do so when one could, and it is outright evil to increase and intensify conflict.
Once again, you miss the point. The purpose of Hell is not to satisfy your understanding of conflict resolution. Get over it. You prolong this conflict, therefore your actions are evil.
Conflict resolution is surely a bonus, but it isn't guaranteed. As any fool know, just because people aren't fighting doesn't mean there isn't a conflict. It just means that they're not fighting now. At least this way, if it bothers you that much, you don't have to read it. It's not like we go round your house and make you read / post on threads that don't interest you on a board that you disapprove of.
Also, what on earth would Ingo have the Crew do?! Make Shipmates apologise to each other and a huggie every time harsh words are exchanged?! Engaging in gladiatorial style combat didn't work!!!
[ 04. July 2014, 18:01: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
We could have gladiatorial combat again. With warm fuzzies.
Duh, of course I'm uselessly nitpicking. So are you. But much more tediously. Don't you have a book to read?
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
Perhaps on the next Host and Admins Days they'll make you a guest host and you can try it out, IngoB. Though I'm not holding my breath.
We'll give the control freak his own board where nobody else can post, and thereby not mess up his perfectly constructed rules.
This is the Ship of Fools, Magazine of Christian Unrest. We have a worldwide audience of people in different time zones who have other things to do besides post in turn, and, above all, don't like being micromanaged or silenced because they talked out of turn in order to let Ingo monopolize and direct the conversation.
Ingo, the reason nobody posted on MAAN, why you never got a good test case, was probably because nobody but you cared. It was a service that only had a market for you. It was made just for you and your idea of how a duel should work, your "beat people up with swords" model. It fit you, and you alone—and therefore, nobody else.
And if you really think I'm going to delete posts of people who talk out of turn on the most capricious, chaotic, and raw board on the Ship just to maintain your own overblown idea of order, then I invite you to shove a rusted farm implement up a sweat gland, or other overloved orifice. Otherwise, be prepared to find that we've decided you're the one always speaking out of turn, and all your own posts deleted.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
I have moderated a board where posts were deleted. One of the reasons was that it was for parents of children with medical needs and when they moved on it did not seem reasonable to leave personal information in place. The other reason was to remove conflicts.
It is a lot more difficult to delete stuff in the way you seem to think IngoB. Things move on while people are out to work and the posts to be deleted were quoted in later answers. So just removing a post was not enough, all the other posts that referred to it needed editing or partially deleting, which is a whole lot of work. Serious amounts. Took bloody hours it did.
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
I think it's a case of Hell as we have it being the least worst of all the options. Approving of the board structure as it is doesn't mean that one approves of every single post in Hell, and I think that's what you've failed to grasp, Ingo / Evensong / Jamat.
I too am sometimes uncomfortable about the level of snark aimed at people in so-called 'dogpiles', and I did my very best to be kind in my tone to EE on this thread (and as a result was described as patronising - perhaps I should have been less restrained?). But the abuse that people get is usually self-inflicted, and if it's not, then others will usually defend them. That you think that this lack of perfection in human interaction can be fixed with a few authoritarian changes to structure is total nonsense, Ingo. I would like it if everyone could get along in harmony, but the reality of life is that people piss each other off, misunderstand each other and irritate each other. The Hell board gives space for that to happen without spoiling the other boards. That's what's so good about it. When I'm posting on the other boards, it means that I can post things knowing that, on the whole, people won't make personal attacks at me, or if they do, they'll get pulled up on it. I also know that I can't just call someone an idiot, I have to attack their argument, not them - this is a huge aid to discussion. Nevertheless, when people at like complete dicks on the rest of the ship, it is also great to know that this conflict doesn't just have to be repressed (as it would be without Hell, or with only your ill-thought out suggestions), but is given freedom to be vented and perhaps resolved.
So, yeah, I don't like the personal attacks in Hell any more than you do, and I try to minimise any personal attacks I make (though I've failed at times). But the system works better than any alternatives. People don't want to change it, not because they're unwilling to try new things, but because no-one has ever come up with anything better, and to everyone but you, your suggestions are so obviously flawed that they're not even worth trialing. If you came up with a genuinly good idea, I'm sure the H&A would be willing to give it a go. But, the reality is, they've probably spent a lot more time thinking about it than the 30 seconds you said it took you to come up with your latest suggestion.
So if you want less snark in Hell, then make sure your behaviour is good and Christlike, and encourage (don't lecture) others to do likewise. Same as in the real world, you can't make people be nice to each other, and there is no magic bullet structure that will make everything will run smoothly. The path to peace is long and bumpy.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
I have moderated a board where posts were deleted. One of the reasons was that it was for parents of children with medical needs and when they moved on it did not seem reasonable to leave personal information in place. The other reason was to remove conflicts.
It is a lot more difficult to delete stuff in the way you seem to think IngoB. Things move on while people are out to work and the posts to be deleted were quoted in later answers. So just removing a post was not enough, all the other posts that referred to it needed editing or partially deleting, which is a whole lot of work. Serious amounts. Took bloody hours it did.
The only board I've been a member of that deleted posts systematically did so at the whim of the woman who ran it. As she was a nasty bit of work, posts were edited to maintain her version of truth and put others in a very bad light. As well as being a hell of a lot of work - as CK rightly points out - it can enable abusive behaviour and bullying.
[ 04. July 2014, 20:29: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Well, EE seems to have learned something, IngoB, he's learned not to post here at all by the looks of it ... he's not posted anything for some considerable time.
I'd be the first to admit that I used to lock horns with him overmuch.
I'd be surprised if I was responsible for him disappearing altogether though.
If that could be shown to be the case, I'd certainly be remorseful over it, for all the clashes I've had with him and the patiences I've stretched with Hosts, Admins and anyone else unfortunate to be caught up in the downward spiral of our regular spats.
I wish the guy well, wherever he may be.
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
... But I forget, you check your brain at the door when you enter Hell. In real life I'll bet you're a wonderful person. On the ship you're two completely different people. You have admitted so yourself. The person you pretend to be in Hell, I hope, isn't the real you. So why should I even try to get along with it? Roll that you into a ball and fuck every exposed orifice with a rusty farm implement. Until you forswear being a phony in Hell, I will not treat you as real here.
Why take her word that she's different in the real world? Talk about unreliable narrators.
The Evensong seen in Hell is probably the real person and the one the real world just wears more disguise.
[ 04. July 2014, 20:53: Message edited by: Palimpsest ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Palimpsest:
Why take her word that she's different in the real world? Talk about unreliable narrators.
The Evensong seen in Hell is probably the real person and the one the real world just wears more disguise.
Well there is that. I do know that the Evensong in Hell is much different from the Evensong on the other boards, and she has taken great pains to point this out and insist we take the latter seriously despite the behavior of former. But you're right, just because one of them is phony doesn't mean that it's the Hell version that's the phony, and the non-Hell version non-phony. Indeed, both could be equally divorced from the real-world Evensong, who for all we know could be a New Atheist taking a gigantic piss on us all.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by orfeo:
In the meantime, can you all confer amongst yourselves, and then one of you can post once you have an agreed text. And please indicate who else you are representing in the joint judgement, er, I mean post.
If this is supposed to represent my recent suggestion in any shape or form, then you have simply not understood it!
Under that system, while of course nothing stops you from exchanging hundreds of PMs to agree upon a consensus response and a presenter, nothing stops you or anybody else from directly posting your thoughts this very second.
The only thing that will happen is that whoever posts first will be the new attack, and all other posts will be deleted by the host until I have responded (assuming that this is my Hell call, which of course it isn't).
So we would have something like ...
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to mousethief.
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it.
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
mousethief: Stupid short response. *DELETED*
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to Lamb Chopped.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
Of course, in reality we would see the deleted stuff only until a host got around to deleting it. And I assume that after a few iterations of this people would stop posting out of turn.
I've understood it perfectly. And I am pointing out one possible way of people avoiding having their stuff deleted all the time.
But if you think that Hosts constantly deleting stuff without explanation makes sense because it would be 'within the rules', you are a complete idiot. At the top of the page you will see me saying "you are fucking kidding me". I repeat with elegant variation: are you fucking kidding me? Have you observed NOTHING about how this place actually works?
I'll tell you what would happen if Hosts performed hostly actions without explanation. People would go to the Styx. People would go there on a daily basis. The Styx would become absolutely flooded with "why was my post deleted" threads. There would be constant debate about whether a post counted as a turn, and whether it had been taking a subtly different position to another post so that it was a different 'side' and didn't violate this rule. Or whether someone else's post WAS a turn that then provided an opportunity to post.
And as for the notion that we would only see things 'until a host deleted them'... I'm sorry, but exactly how many of us do you think there are, and how many minutes of every day do you think we are hovering over an individual thread pressing "refresh" constantly? Exactly how many replies do you think people might get in before a passing Host comes along? What do you want us to do? Delete the past 10 responses in a heated argument because responses 1 and 7 were out of sequence?
That you think that deleting a post is a couple of simple clicks and that there would be 'less work' is a statement of both breathtaking naivety and complete stupidity.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
So we would have something like ...
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to mousethief.
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it.
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
mousethief: Stupid short response. *DELETED*
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to Lamb Chopped.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by goperryrevs:
Same as in the real world, you can't make people be nice to each other, and there is no magic bullet structure that will make everything will run smoothly. The path to peace is long and bumpy.
That doesn't mean a lack of rules - but it does mean as few rules as possible for the place to run smoothly. The longevity and friendly unrest found on the Ship is the proof of the pudding imo.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by orfeo:
In the meantime, can you all confer amongst yourselves, and then one of you can post once you have an agreed text. And please indicate who else you are representing in the joint judgement, er, I mean post.
If this is supposed to represent my recent suggestion in any shape or form, then you have simply not understood it!
Under that system, while of course nothing stops you from exchanging hundreds of PMs to agree upon a consensus response and a presenter, nothing stops you or anybody else from directly posting your thoughts this very second.
The only thing that will happen is that whoever posts first will be the new attack, and all other posts will be deleted by the host until I have responded (assuming that this is my Hell call, which of course it isn't).
So we would have something like ...
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to mousethief.
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it.
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
mousethief: Stupid short response. *DELETED*
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to Lamb Chopped.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
Of course, in reality we would see the deleted stuff only until a host got around to deleting it. And I assume that after a few iterations of this people would stop posting out of turn.
I've understood it perfectly. And I am pointing out one possible way of people avoiding having their stuff deleted all the time.
But if you think that Hosts constantly deleting stuff without explanation makes sense because it would be 'within the rules', you are a complete idiot. At the top of the page you will see me saying "you are fucking kidding me". I repeat with elegant variation: are you fucking kidding me? Have you observed NOTHING about how this place actually works?
I'll tell you what would happen if Hosts performed hostly actions without explanation. People would go to the Styx. People would go there on a daily basis. The Styx would become absolutely flooded with "why was my post deleted" threads. There would be constant debate about whether a post counted as a turn, and whether it had been taking a subtly different position to another post so that it was a different 'side' and didn't violate this rule. Or whether someone else's post WAS a turn that then provided an opportunity to post.
And as for the notion that we would only see things 'until a host deleted them'... I'm sorry, but exactly how many of us do you think there are, and how many minutes of every day do you think we are hovering over an individual thread pressing "refresh" constantly? Exactly how many replies do you think people might get in before a passing Host comes along? What do you want us to do? Delete the past 10 responses in a heated argument because responses 1 and 7 were out of sequence?
That you think that deleting a post is a couple of simple clicks and that there would be 'less work' is a statement of both breathtaking naivety and complete stupidity.
More work for the Crew deleting posts after endless discussions about whose turn it was with the talking stick and if they were on topic.
More work for the Crew fielding complaints in the Styx because Shipmates will want to know why their post was deleted because it blooming was on topic and their posts are always deleted because they aren't one of the in-crowd and it's not fair ...
Takes no account of how the Internet works. Pages have different loading speeds, with multiple people accessing them, potentially all composing posts at the same time across multiple time zones. A brillant, heartfelt post might look in sequence whilst you're working on it but be out of sequence by the time you hit Add Reply. So it would be deleted.
If the Ship did this it would close within a week because the Crew would resign due to the increased workload and the stress levels. And most posters would bugger off as their posts are always getting deleted and discussions are impossible to follow or contribute too.
In your history of suggestions for "improvements" that take no account of the way people interact with each other; the way bulletin boards function OR the amount of work that you can expect unpaid volunteers to do, this is your most stupid suggestion ever. Ever. Not going to happen.
Unless .... This is a colossal chain yank and in some parallel universe it's April the First and your next post is the Gotcha post rather than another 15 paragraph epic about how we've misunderstood and this really is a good idea because of blah.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
It is good to reduce and resolve conflict, it is evil by omission to fail to do so when one could, and it is outright evil to increase and intensify conflict.
You are holding up a mirror to this, I trust.
Posted by St Deird (# 7631) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to mousethief.
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it.
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
mousethief: Stupid short response. *DELETED*
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to Lamb Chopped.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
So, now that Bingo has called out mousethief, orfeo, Lamb Chopped, Evensong, and quetzalcoatl, do each of them get their own individual sub-thread to have call-and-response debates in?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
^ I'm half-minded to call Ingo to hell just so I can have one thread where I get to delete posts with no explanation.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
I think anyhow that this place (SoF, not Hell specifically) should be more adventurous. The best way of finding out whether something new would work is simply trial and error.
Tell it to the RCC. They could do with trying out a few new policies and doctrines to see if they work better than the ones they've got as well...
Posted by Eliab (# 9153) on
Originally posted by Ariston:
Ingo, the reason nobody posted on MAAN, why you never got a good test case, was probably because nobody but you cared. It was a service that only had a market for you. It was made just for you and your idea of how a duel should work, your "beat people up with swords" model. It fit you, and you alone—and therefore, nobody else.
That's not strictly accurate.
MAAN got about as many conflict threads in the trial period as Hell (two or three each, IIRC). It had 'conflict resolution' as it's express purpose, whereas Hell doesn't (it happens, it's nice when it happens, but it's not why Hell exists), so grading MAAN on its ability to generate conflict threads was, IMHO a mistake.
I was involved in one of the MAAN threads (me against Martin PC). Like the other MAAN threads, we agreed the parameters of the discussion, and these were respected by other posters (though there was explicitly no official rule requiring this). We sorted out our differences much more quickly than would ever have happened on a Hell thread. IngoB said at the time he thought we simply wouldn't have resolved the issue in Hell. I'm not entirely convinced of that (we're both reasonable people) but it would certainly have taken longer, and potentially produced third party acrimony. Essentially, MAAN worked.
It was doing a different job to Hell, and it seems to have been thought that the job Hell does is more vital for the wider purposes of the Ship (I view that I share, FWIW), but MAAN did perform to specification during the trial period, and IngoB's views about what might make a healthy venue for conflict resolution were, IMO, largely vindicated.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
I have moderated a board where posts were deleted. One of the reasons was that it was for parents of children with medical needs and when they moved on it did not seem reasonable to leave personal information in place. The other reason was to remove conflicts.
It is a lot more difficult to delete stuff in the way you seem to think IngoB. Things move on while people are out to work and the posts to be deleted were quoted in later answers. So just removing a post was not enough, all the other posts that referred to it needed editing or partially deleting, which is a whole lot of work. Serious amounts. Took bloody hours it did.
Yes, I remember doing this as a mod, and it was a nightmare. This was partly because we discussed it as a team of mods, and by the time you got round to deleting a post, quite often somebody had already replied to it, usually copying it.
So you either had to delete the copies, which infuriated people who had replied to it, or you left the offending post there in situ as a copy, which was farcical.
So it became the nuclear option, rarely used.
Conflict resolution? Hmm, good luck with that.
Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on
Just a follow-up to that. Some people like conflict or need it or are addicted to it, so resolving it may not be welcome! People who just get into it temporarily may well resolve it in their own way.
It reminds me of married couples, some of them thrive on some conflict, some of them don't get into it, and some occasionally. Still, you can help the latter.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Eliab:
Essentially, MAAN worked.
It was doing a different job to Hell, and it seems to have been thought that the job Hell does is more vital for the wider purposes of the Ship (I view that I share, FWIW), but MAAN did perform to specification during the trial period, and IngoB's views about what might make a healthy venue for conflict resolution were, IMO, largely vindicated.
Too small a sample, though. I would opine that Ariston might not be precisely correct, his point is essentially accurate.
The audience for such would be, over time, very limited.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
Participants or audience?
The problem with MAAN was it only worked for a tiny subset of problems Shipmates have with others - where two people have a specific problem they want to resolve. And I still don't see why that can't be done by PM.
For the general run of Hell calls where someone has been splurging all over the boards and winding up numbers of people MAAN did not work.
Both of those cases are considering participation not audience.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
The problem with MAAN was it only worked for a tiny subset of problems Shipmates have with others - where two people have a specific problem they want to resolve. And I still don't see why that can't be done by PM.
There's the thing (emphasis added). If people really have a will to solve the problem, they could do it by PM. The MAAN board just added exhibitionism to that dynamic. "Look at us! We're resolving our differences!" The rest of you can be spectators!
It's like a cable channel that shows married couples apologizing to one another over morning coffee. It's voyeurism.
Posted by Leorning Cniht (# 17564) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
It's like a cable channel that shows married couples apologizing to one another over morning coffee. It's voyeurism.
Please tell me that that doesn't actually exist - although it does sound scarily plausible.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Leorning Cniht:
Originally posted by mousethief:
It's like a cable channel that shows married couples apologizing to one another over morning coffee. It's voyeurism.
Please tell me that that doesn't actually exist - although it does sound scarily plausible.
Dear God, I hope not. But now that it comes to it, I'll bet I could pitch it to enough advertisers to have a go at it.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
I was using the definition of audience which includes adherents. This definition does not preclude participation.
A better choice of words might have been used, I suppose.
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on
<Post deleted because out of turn. And I'm not in the in-crowd.>
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
IngoB, how many people who were here before Hell have to say it before you believe it? Oh wait, never mind. That would mean admitting you were wrong. As you were.
I think a comparison to SoF over a decade ago is pretty meaningless, frankly. There is just no question that one can manage conflict without Hell. Tell people to stop it, and if they don't, give them shore leave. I would suggest to use shorter periods (a day or two) for minor infringements, since long enforced breaks can mean losing a poster. Anyhow, there's no question that that sort of "enforcing peace" can work.
That's not the real issue at all. The real issue is quite simply that a lot of people like Hell. They want a place where they can be (largely) as mean and as vicious to others as they would like. The like to have a place of destructive creativity. It is quite probable that the Ship would lose a good number of active poster if Hell was shut down. Simply because those posters would lose their favourite place on SoF.
Originally posted by Tubbs:
Also, what on earth would Ingo have the Crew do?! Make Shipmates apologise to each other and a huggie every time harsh words are exchanged?! Engaging in gladiatorial style combat didn't work!!!
"Gladiatorial style combat" actually had a 100% success rate, but the sample size was a admittedly small. As far as running SoF without Hell goes, just tell people to stop it, and if they don't, give them shore leave. That's all. I see no particular reason why the Ship has to help people behave like adults. It could be a service offered, and then we could talk about the best way of doing it. But there is no particular reason why SoF should be in the business of educating people about basic manners.
Originally posted by Ariston:
This is the Ship of Fools, Magazine of Christian Unrest. We have a worldwide audience of people in different time zones who have other things to do besides post in turn, and, above all, don't like being micromanaged or silenced because they talked out of turn in order to let Ingo monopolize and direct the conversation.
Let me monopolise the conversation?! Oh, I see. The above was simply an example of how things would work if I was called to Hell under my suggested scheme. If someone else was called, then they would get to do 50% of all posts. And that is all this scheme does, it gives the person called to Hell the chance to talk 50% of the time and thus enforces something resembling a conversation even if an entire group of people want to trash that person.
Originally posted by Ariston:
Ingo, the reason nobody posted on MAAN, why you never got a good test case, was probably because nobody but you cared. It was a service that only had a market for you.
Can we get this straight, please? There were two good test cases, they were successfully resolved, and MAAN got killed officially while gearing up for a third, more Purgatorial, run. MAAN did not have enough pull to empty Hell, not even of Hell calls. But it certainly worked as intended, and there were other people than me using it.
Originally posted by Ariston:
Otherwise, be prepared to find that we've decided you're the one always speaking out of turn, and all your own posts deleted.
It is interesting that you accuse me of control-freakery and bang on about glorious unrest, while posturing as a tyrant shutting down dissent by force. My rules would apply to everybody without exception, and they care not about what is being said. They are neutral. Perhaps they are stupid, perhaps they won't work. Fine. But they are exactly not dictatorial and discriminatory. Whereas you are being that right there.
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
It is a lot more difficult to delete stuff in the way you seem to think IngoB. Things move on while people are out to work and the posts to be deleted were quoted in later answers. So just removing a post was not enough, all the other posts that referred to it needed editing or partially deleting, which is a whole lot of work. Serious amounts. Took bloody hours it did.
But that's not my suggestion. I'm not talking about editing out contributions. I'm talking about mechanically deleting every post that is out of order. That will take seconds. The idea here is not at all that the hosts shape the debate. The idea is that they create a channel which gives 50% of time to each side. How people deal with that is their problem. I expect that rather rapidly people will adapt, and thus that the actual workload for hosts will reduce further. People will not post if they see that they would not be in turn, and people will not respond to things posted out of turn (because they will vanish soon). But if they do, then a couple of clicks will deal with that.
Originally posted by goperryrevs:
I also know that I can't just call someone an idiot, I have to attack their argument, not them - this is a huge aid to discussion. Nevertheless, when people at like complete dicks on the rest of the ship, it is also great to know that this conflict doesn't just have to be repressed (as it would be without Hell, or with only your ill-thought out suggestions), but is given freedom to be vented and perhaps resolved.
I see zero value in providing a venue for the public venting of personal conflict. That rarely if ever resolves anything, and generally will exacerbate the problem precisely by bringing others to the fight. Nobody in the real world does conflict resolution in a public arena, that's just a sensationally stupid idea. If somebody else than the opponents is brought in, then as a professional and impartial moderator or counsellor, not as a potential stakeholder. And admitting that you are wrong gets ten times harder if (hostile!) public scrutiny makes it a walk to Canossa.
What Hell de facto does (as far as Hell calls are concerned) is to put conflict on a stage. It makes a show out of it, with audience participation. Hell is neither a conflict resolution centre, nor is it some underground fight club. Hell is the Jerry Springer Show of SoF.
Originally posted by orfeo:
Delete the past 10 responses in a heated argument because responses 1 and 7 were out of sequence?
That's exactly right. If you post out of sequence, your post gets deleted whenever the next host swings by. No if and buts, or indeed any further thought. Do that a few times, and people will learn. And put the rule set on top of the board, or as a sticky, or whatever. If somebody complains on Styx, point him or her to the rule set. End of discussion.
Seriously, this simply is not your typical host-Shipmate interaction which involves interpretations of complex / soft rules. This is an entirely clear set of rules that anybody who can count to two can evaluate.
Originally posted by Tubbs:
If the Ship did this it would close within a week because the Crew would resign due to the increased workload and the stress levels.
If the Ship did this for Hell calls, ideally in its own board with the rules posted on top, then it would work perfectly fine. The deleting takes practically zero effort. There is no talking stick or consideration of topic or anything. All one has to do is to remember the name of the person called to Hell, say X, and then then it is a strict pattern: Non-X (OP), X, Non-X, X, Non-X, X, ... The Non-X can be one person, or many different ones, all one has to remember is X.
Yes, sometimes people will lose their carefully composed post, because somebody jumped in earlier. And? If you want to continue to post under these rules, you will learn to compose your post in an editor. That's probably a good thing, having to load up external software and possibly having to delay posting will make you think twice whether you really need to post that. And if it discourages you from jumping in on somebody else's Hell call, brilliant! It is my intention there to disrupt the let's-have-a-go mentality. Let's put the posting thresholds up and indeed let the attackers compete for space. If you waste the precious attack slot with something pointless, then the other people who wanted to say something will get mad at you. That's excellent, it will force you to think twice about your critique, to make it meaningful enough to claim that spot.
Again, this is about dealing with Hell calls, not about anything else. And yes, I think this can be made to work. If you are really concerned about Styx complaints of people failing to read the rules, you could post a brief "3 out-of-turn posts deleted" type of statement, at least until people get used to the concept.
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You are holding up a mirror to this, I trust.
As far as sin is concerned, I generally follow the "do as I say, don't do as I do" approach...
Originally posted by mousethief:
If people really have a will to solve the problem, they could do it by PM. The MAAN board just added exhibitionism to that dynamic. "Look at us! We're resolving our differences!" The rest of you can be spectators! It's like a cable channel that shows married couples apologizing to one another over morning coffee. It's voyeurism.
Sure, that's true. But of course it inherited this from trying to (partially) replace the Jerry Springer Show of SoF, Hell, with something slightly less obnoxious. If you want to campaign for banning all discussion (and potential resolution) of personal conflict to PM, you get my thumbs up.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by mousethief:
If people really have a will to solve the problem, they could do it by PM. The MAAN board just added exhibitionism to that dynamic. "Look at us! We're resolving our differences!" The rest of you can be spectators! It's like a cable channel that shows married couples apologizing to one another over morning coffee. It's voyeurism.
Sure, that's true. But of course it inherited this from trying to (partially) replace the Jerry Springer Show of SoF, Hell, with something slightly less obnoxious. If you want to campaign for banning all discussion (and potential resolution) of personal conflict to PM, you get my thumbs up.
Once again you spectacularly fail to get my point. I think you do it on purpose, frankly.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Just out of interest, what happens if there is a Hell call - OP 'X is an idiot'. And X doesn't show up? Do the massed ranks of others offended by his idiocy have to forever hold their peace? Or does each one get to start a new thread, with OPs variously derisive of X? And if you say only one call per callee, does that not privilege X to be as disagreeable as he likes - until such time as flaming breaks out on the other Boards, because Hell is effectively closed?
Posted by St Deird (# 7631) on
What this thread has started doing, from my perspective:
IngoB: "Here is a way that we could fix the Hell board by doing A, B, and C."
everyone else: "That really wouldn't work very well. In fact, it'd kinda suck."
IngoB: "No, you're not getting it! We'd do A, B, and C!"
everyone else: "Yeah... and A would screw up the board, B would piss everyone off, and C would just be a waste of time. Crappy idea."
IngoB: "No, you don't understand. I'm not saying we should screw things up, I'm saying we should do A, B, and C."
Ingo, you have now explained precisely how you envision this working many times, and don't seem to understand that we have already heard your brilliant idea. We just... don't like it.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Nobody in the real world does conflict resolution in a public arena,
First, as has been mentioned several times on SOF, many of us do truly consider SOF real. It is a different dynamic than face to face interaction, yes. Still real.
Second, most people do conflict resolution in public. No standing in the village square; but friends, relatives and coworkers are often on the periphery, when not directly involved. It is called community, a concept many of us here apply to SOF.
Third, true balance. 50% division of resource does not inherently achieve a balanced outcome.
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You are holding up a mirror to this, I trust.
As far as sin is concerned, I generally follow the "do as I say, don't do as I do" approach...
My point is that your style of engagement often fails your own test.
Originally posted by IngoB:
It is good to reduce and resolve conflict, it is evil by omission to fail to do so when one could, and it is outright evil to increase and intensify conflict.
And you have stated you do not care, which also fails your own test.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Firenze:
Just out of interest, what happens if there is a Hell call - OP 'X is an idiot'. And X doesn't show up? Do the massed ranks of others offended by his idiocy have to forever hold their peace? Or does each one get to start a new thread, with OPs variously derisive of X? And if you say only one call per callee, does that not privilege X to be as disagreeable as he likes - until such time as flaming breaks out on the other Boards, because Hell is effectively closed?
If X does not show, then indeed there will be no further expression of disgust with X. Frankly, I think it is entirely fine to just have one "X is an idiot" OP sit there unopposed, and slowly move down the ranks of threads on the board. As far as additional threads go, allowing that will require a judgement call by the hosts. I would handle that just as for regular topics. If a thread on the topic is still around, then people need to post there. (And as stated, if X does not show, then people simply have to be satisfied with what the existing OP.) However, if it is about something else, or if a sufficient time has passed for the old thread to have faded away, then a new thread about the same person is perfectly fine.
So there could be more than one call per callee concurrently, if these calls are specific (what you said there, what you said about that topic). But not multiple calls on the same thing, or indeed the same unspecific judgement ("you are an asshole"). Or at least such repeats would have to wait for the usual time for repeats. (I'm actually not sure how the hosts handle this: how soon after a thread on a topic has happened is a similar thread allowed? Once it drops off the front page? Once the old thread has been moved to Oblivion?)
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
You are holding up a mirror to this, I trust.
As far as sin is concerned, I generally follow the "do as I say, don't do as I do" approach...
My point is that your style of engagement often fails your own test.
I had (over-)acknowledged your point there...
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by St Deird:
What this thread has started doing, from my perspective:
IngoB: "Here is a way that we could fix the Hell board by doing A, B, and C."
everyone else: "That really wouldn't work very well. In fact, it'd kinda suck."
IngoB: "No, you're not getting it! We'd do A, B, and C!"
everyone else: "Yeah... and A would screw up the board, B would piss everyone off, and C would just be a waste of time. Crappy idea."
IngoB: "No, you don't understand. I'm not saying we should screw things up, I'm saying we should do A, B, and C."
Ingo, you have now explained precisely how you envision this working many times, and don't seem to understand that we have already heard your brilliant idea. We just... don't like it.
This. A stupid idea is still a stupid idea however much you explain it.
One thing that puzzles me, according to your logic, if X manages to piss off loads of people, each of them would have to call them to Hell. X would be responding to multiple Hell Calls, many of which would be saying exactly the same thing. How is that better than just having the one thread?! You'd be creating more conflict and heat rather than less. And Evensong would combust as which thread would she run interference on.
PS Ain't broke. Won't be "fixing" it. No.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
If X does not show, then indeed there will be no further expression of disgust with X. Frankly, I think it is entirely fine to just have one "X is an idiot" OP sit there unopposed.
It may be a cultural difference, and you are attempting to recommend the Mensur to those more given to the riot, brawl or donnybrook. But TBH, I think it is more an incomprehension of the nature of anger. It is not rational or civil or content to wait its turn: it will not read the instructions or observe the rules: it will kick over the furniture and leave bloody stripes on all and sundry because it has FUCKING HAD ENOUGH.
There are times when you don't wish to come to a rational adjustment of differences. When, in fact, the very idea of rapprochement equals the betrayal of everything you believe. Sometimes you need Hell, not Heck.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Firenze:
Originally posted by IngoB:
If X does not show, then indeed there will be no further expression of disgust with X. Frankly, I think it is entirely fine to just have one "X is an idiot" OP sit there unopposed.
It may be a cultural difference, and you are attempting to recommend the Mensur to those more given to the riot, brawl or donnybrook. But TBH, I think it is more an incomprehension of the nature of anger. It is not rational or civil or content to wait its turn: it will not read the instructions or observe the rules: it will kick over the furniture and leave bloody stripes on all and sundry because it has FUCKING HAD ENOUGH.
There are times when you don't wish to come to a rational adjustment of differences. When, in fact, the very idea of rapprochement equals the betrayal of everything you believe. Sometimes you need Hell, not Heck.
Jesus tossed tables, threw money all over the place and shouted whilst waving a whip of cords whilst cleansing the Temple. When pondering WWJD, it's comforting to know that this is within the realms of possibility.
[ 05. July 2014, 20:54: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by Gildas (# 525) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
I see zero value in providing a venue for the public venting of personal conflict.
Fine. But most of the regular posters in Hell, the hosts and, I assume, the Admins and Proprietors do see some value in such a forum.
Basically, what you are doing here is the equivalent of telling a bunch of rugby fans that their game would be so much better if they played it with a round ball and were forbidden from using their hands. I can kinda sorta see where you are coming from but I think that you might find yourself fighting a losing battle.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
I expect that rather rapidly people will adapt, and thus that the actual workload for hosts will reduce further. People will not post if they see that they would not be in turn, and people will not respond to things posted out of turn (because they will vanish soon). But if they do, then a couple of clicks will deal with that.
We have the answer to Tubbs' question, then. You will manintain your complete unreality about how people behave and how message boards work.
Also, it's a damn good thing that being a Host has honed my speed reading skills. I realised at some point yesterday that the reason YOU like this idea of call-and-response is because you pack all your responses into one single, epic post, which everyone else has to scroll through to find 'their' bit.
Let me tell you, Sunshine, this is not actually the most helpful or enjoyable posting style for the reader, no matter how much you enjoy composing it in your ivory tower.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Just wanted to pick this bit up as well...
Originally posted by IngoB:
If you waste the precious attack slot with something pointless, then the other people who wanted to say something will get mad at you.
This is a perfect illustration of how bizarrely unrealistic your cunning little plan is, Ingo. And how you are thinking of each Hellcall as a neat little closed system. They tend to be closed systems NOW, of course, but that's precisely because we let them range widely.
What do you think is going to happen when people get mad at a poster? Wait, wait, don't tell me... I'm sure we had some kind of mechanism for dealing with that. Oh! That's right...
Well done, Ingo. You've just invented the perfect mechanism for generating more Hell calls than ever before. Hell will be frenetically busy. Why, just look at this thread. Instead of being 8 pages of linearly expressed anger, we could have had over a dozen spin-offs by now.
I suppose the EE spin-offs might have died by now, except you probably would have had the skill to take over some of them in turn (literally). But that probably still leaves a few with you, and then of course Evensong and Jamat would have garnered several new threads each.
And that's just counting the people who gave ME the urge to whack them over the head with a large plank, I'm sure we could find a few pairings that had no parallel to my own grievances.
It's not going to happen. You've been told it's not going to happen. You've been told by an Admin that it's the worst Ship idea you've ever had. At this point you're just providing further opportunities for me to illustrate that your analytical skills are pathetically awful.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Tubbs:
One thing that puzzles me, according to your logic, if X manages to piss off loads of people, each of them would have to call them to Hell.
Possibly that was a crosspost, I dealt with that question in the post just previous to yours.
Originally posted by Firenze:
But TBH, I think it is more an incomprehension of the nature of anger. It is not rational or civil or content to wait its turn: it will not read the instructions or observe the rules: it will kick over the furniture and leave bloody stripes on all and sundry because it has FUCKING HAD ENOUGH.
Oh, I know fully well what anger is. I just don't see any reason for giving it room in a public discussion. If you want to kick over the furniture and leave bloody stripes on all and sundry, then go to your room, destroy your own furniture and inflict those bloody stripes on yourself.
And just because somebody is bound to interpret this as a requirement for cold and clinical discussion: nonsense. Be passionate, indeed, be angry, if the matter is worth it. But when you go berserk, when that anger has become destructive rage and vicious aggression, then you have become a force of evil. And it matters not in the slightest how good the side is that you started off defending.
Originally posted by Gildas:
I can kinda sorta see where you are coming from but I think that you might find yourself fighting a losing battle.
Obviously, Gildas, obviously. But I sometimes argue on more than one level, and nothing demonstrates a point better than a little practical demonstration...
Originally posted by orfeo:
Let me tell you, Sunshine, this is not actually the most helpful or enjoyable posting style for the reader, no matter how much you enjoy composing it in your ivory tower.
I always try to answer all, or at least most, posts addressed to me or of interest to me since my last post. I actually invest some editing efforts to collate that into a single post. If you prefer me posting about half a dozen separate posts in a row, I'll happily do that.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by Tubbs:
One thing that puzzles me, according to your logic, if X manages to piss off loads of people, each of them would have to call them to Hell.
Possibly that was a crosspost, I dealt with that question in the post just previous to yours.
You did indeed. Your response was to refuse to allow any similarly aggrieved person to say jackshit, on that thread or a new one, AT ALL, until the Heck callee had honored the existing OP with his presence. Which of course he is perfectly free not to do--thereby choking off all expression of anger against him until "a reasonable time"--what, two months or so? had passed.
I now suspect that your reasons for proposing this model have everything to do with your personal desire to avoid being raked over the coals. And I hate you a little for making me stoop to this suspicion.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
What do you think is going to happen when people get mad at a poster? Wait, wait, don't tell me... I'm sure we had some kind of mechanism for dealing with that. Oh! That's right... THEY'LL START A HELL CALL. Well done, Ingo. You've just invented the perfect mechanism for generating more Hell calls than ever before. Hell will be frenetically busy.
If people get their own Hell call because they wasted a Hell call slot in my system by posting pointless drivel or brainless repeats or the like, then I would love that. Hell has rather horrible standards, and it is about time that people force each other to raise them. I would actually agree that transiently Hell would get really busy if that became a thing, just because trash posting is so common in Hell. But it would sort itself out, and it would be well worth the extra effort in the long run.
Originally posted by orfeo:
It's not going to happen. You've been told it's not going to happen. You've been told by an Admin that it's the worst Ship idea you've ever had.
Yes, I know. It's rather encouraging, really.
Originally posted by orfeo:
At this point you're just providing further opportunities for me to illustrate that your analytical skills are pathetically awful.
Don't worry, orfeo. I know that you are a clever, clever boy - and you have a Mensa membership to prove it, too.
[ 06. July 2014, 00:04: Message edited by: IngoB ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by IngoB:
So we would have something like ...
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, argument.
mousethief: Stupid short response.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to mousethief.
Lamb Chopped: Nit-picking for the heck of it.
quetzalcoatl: Void utterings from beyond. *DELETED*
mousethief: Stupid short response. *DELETED*
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage. *DELETED*
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
IngoB: Entirely reasonable, if overly long, response to Lamb Chopped.
orfeo: Self-convinced garbage.
Evensong: Triumphant postmodernist Angli-trash. *DELETED*
Heck, I laughed, too. I have a weak spot for well-executed smart-ass.
I am, like, 90% sure Bingo is pushing the limits on his suggestion for the express purpose of watching us wax all irate about it- meaning, he's fucking with our heads-- but it's that 10% that keeps one awake at night isn't it?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Don't worry, orfeo. I know that you are a clever, clever boy - and you have a Mensa membership to prove it, too.
I qualify, but why would I want to associate myself with even more unrealistic intellectual wankery when I've already got you to keep me company right here?
[ 06. July 2014, 01:01: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
I qualify, but why would I want to associate myself with even more unrealistic intellectual wankery when I've already got you to keep me company right here?
You are a slut, and you know it...
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Intellectual whoring?
Come at me baby. Let's see what you can do.
Now there's a funny idea.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
I think it's just evil the way IngoB is purposely trying to make people angry.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Originally posted by orfeo:
I qualify, but why would I want to associate myself with even more unrealistic intellectual wankery when I've already got you to keep me company right here?
You are a slut, and you know it...
And you are a pimp.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
If people get their own Hell call because they wasted a Hell call slot in my system by posting pointless drivel or brainless repeats or the like, then I would love that. Hell has rather horrible standards, and it is about time that people force each other to raise them.
It's your system which is brainless, IngoB. It takes no account of the way people interact or the way the Ship works.
Have you answered the question about the crazy, unworkable amount of time it would take hosts and Admins to police such tightly controlled discussion?
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
Boogie, he's either trolling or trying to derail Hell, because he and Evensong are arguing for other systems that would prevent 20 people telling them that their behaviour is out of line, just one at a time that they can wear down with arguments. (Although to be fair to Evensong she isn't being called to Hell every 5 minutes any more, just being an attention whore on Hell threads instead.)
I have taken a load of criticism in Hell too. It made me look at what I was doing and how strident I'd become on the Ship. When I started being criticised I realised that my behaviour must be out of line. So I took a break and reassessed.
What I am finding interesting is that the people who are being so anti- Hell as it is now are people who have been called to Hell regularly but seem unable to change their behaviour as a result.
Message boards do not allow real life ways of showing that someone is being a boor. We can't ignore someone, walk away or blank them. They can't be left in the corner drinking alone because no-one will interact with them. We do have to find alternative ways of saying that behaviour is annoying or unnecessarily confrontational or that someone continues to hog threads and refuse to listen. And on the Ship, Hell is that method.
Posted by JonahMan (# 12126) on
Would it be wrong for someone to suggest that a host deletes Ingob's next lengthy post and replaces it with Evensnog's latest underdog defence? Then he could get a real feel for how his proposed system would work.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
I know fully well what anger is. I just don't see any reason for giving it room in a public discussion. If you want to kick over the furniture and leave bloody stripes on all and sundry, then go to your room, destroy your own furniture and inflict those bloody stripes on yourself.
Interesting that you take my allusion to the model for righteous anger as the description of insensate rage (cue moneychanger limping out of Temple muttering 'Bloody fanatic').
So it is not anger per se, but good anger vs bad anger. I agree channelled anger can be very intellectually creative - sharpened argument, satire, flyting.. But I don't see the proposed structure as a satisfactory engine for rationality and resolution, but for greater levels of frustration and intemperance.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by JonahMan:
Would it be wrong for someone to suggest that a host deletes Ingob's next lengthy post and replaces it with Evensnog's latest underdog defence? Then he could get a real feel for how his proposed system would work.
It wouldn't be wrong to suggest it, no. Though sadly it would probably be wrong for a Host to act on it until an Admin gives us permission.
The next Hosts & Admins day, though...
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
Boogie, he's either trolling or trying to derail Hell, because he and Evensong are arguing for other systems that would prevent 20 people telling them that their behaviour is out of line, just one at a time that they can wear down with arguments.
Please do not include me in Bingo's facile attempts at a top down approach.
I'm championing the bottom up approach: a bit of humanity, a bit of compassion, a bit of self-responsibility in a world of ugly mob rule.
(More psuedo-Girardian, postmodern Angli-trash stuff. - You like that Leaf?)
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
Evensong - a couple of questions:
Has a mob has posted on the Justinian thread?
Second question: why has Justinian not been dog-piled when others are?
It's not the culture of Hell that causes the dog-piles - it's how much irritation the person being attacked has caused across the Ship. Twenty people don't decide just to chip in for fun, they chip in because they are irritated and frustrated by their interactions with the Shipmate called to Hell and are taking the opportunity to express that anger.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
I'm championing the bottom up approach: a bit of humanity, a bit of compassion, a bit of self-responsibility in a world of ugly mob rule.
How exactly are you championing "self-responsibility" when you side with the minority in all cases? Are you not actually taking the heat off people who are in the wrong?
The majority may not always be right, but I tell you what, they're not always incorrect either. Your approach gives illusory comfort to some hare-brained ideas at times.
Take Ingo, for example. You ask us not to include you in his approach. So why are you cheering it on? Why are you QUOTES FILING it?
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
Evensong - a couple of questions:
Has a mob has posted on the Justinian thread?
Second question: why has Justinian not been dog-piled when others are?
It's not the culture of Hell that causes the dog-piles - it's how much irritation the person being attacked has caused across the Ship. Twenty people don't decide just to chip in for fun, they chip in because they are irritated and frustrated by their interactions with the Shipmate called to Hell and are taking the opportunity to express that anger.
Your questions and ensuing statement make me believe you have not read the last four odd pages of debate on underdog theology brilliantly explicated by myself, Jamat and Bingo.
Originally posted by orfeo:
Take Ingo, for example. You ask us not to include you in his approach. So why are you cheering it on? Why are you QUOTES FILING it?
I quotes filed his brilliant explication of underdog theology.
I particularly snipped out his attempt at changing Hell rules.
I take it you missed the snip.
[ 06. July 2014, 13:09: Message edited by: Evensong ]
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
... you have not read the last four odd pages of debate on underdog theology brilliantly explicated by myself, Jamat and Bingo.
Wtf? Brilliant?
Underdog theology is Christian theology. The idea of applying it to people who find themselves on the losing side of an argument is neither original, nor profound, nor even particularly clever.
You clearly have a very low bar on brilliance. And that, in itself, explains a lot.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by QLib:
Underdog theology is Christian theology.
Someone else has got it!
(Seems to be very difficult for everyone else. Perhaps you're just brilliant too?)
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Look at it this way, Evensong:
Supposing they had had the internet in the 1930s. Suppose there was a Ship of Fools back then.
Suppose a shipmate called Adolf had inflamed things in Purg by protesting the links between "international Jewry" and capitalist exploitation of the working class.
He's called to Hell, where his inflammatory comments about "our hook-nosed brethren" and "blood-sucking parasites" have resulted in him being dog-piled. You're going to stand up for him, are you?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Your questions and ensuing statement make me believe you have not read the last four odd pages of debate on underdog theology brilliantly explicated by myself, Jamat and Bingo.
Oooh, that could be interesting. What thread is that in?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by QLib:
Underdog theology is Christian theology.
Someone else has got it!
(Seems to be very difficult for everyone else. Perhaps you're just brilliant too?)
Brilliant doesn't do justice to your reasoning, Evensong. The word does not have the right flavour. I am not certain any word truly encapsulates that which is the splendour of you. Perhaps we can enlist two words for this task. Evensong, you are a real geniuramous.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
I was going with WUM, lilBuddha, because I was giving her the benefit of the doubt that she really isn't as stupid as she seems.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by QLib:
Look at it this way, Evensong:
Supposing they had had the internet in the 1930s. Suppose there was a Ship of Fools back then.
Suppose a shipmate called Adolf had inflamed things in Purg by protesting the links between "international Jewry" and capitalist exploitation of the working class.
He's called to Hell, where his inflammatory comments about "our hook-nosed brethren" and "blood-sucking parasites" have resulted in him being dog-piled. You're going to stand up for him, are you?
Probably. Even though Adolf will tell her to butt out and get back to her kitchen, church and any children she has. And Evensong has an epic meltdown when one Shipmate too many assumes that she's fighting Adolf's corner because she agrees with him rather than because of her mission to defend the underdog at all costs.
Posted by Doublethink (# 1984) on
Originally posted by Tubbs:
Probably. Even though Adolf will tell her to butt out and get back to her kitchen, church and any children she has. And Evensong has an epic meltdown when one Shipmate too many assumes that she's fighting Adolf's corner because she agrees with him rather than because of her crusade to defend the underdog at all costs.
Fixed that for you.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Doublethink:
Originally posted by Tubbs:
Probably. Even though Adolf will tell her to butt out and get back to her kitchen, church and any children she has. And Evensong has an epic meltdown when one Shipmate too many assumes that she's fighting Adolf's corner because she agrees with him rather than because of her crusade to defend the underdog at all costs.
Fixed that for you.
Thank you. Most kind
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
I think that one major problem here that is going unaddressed is the fallacious equation of "person whom multiple others disagree with, even vehemently" and "underdog." They are not equivalent. Many times on a hell thread (such as this one when EE was getting his well-deserved come-uppance) they're not even kissing cousins.
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
We get it mt. Everyone gets it. Except for a couple of people dazzled by their own brilliance.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by QLib:
We get it mt. Everyone gets it. Except for a couple of people dazzled by their own brilliance.
Okay, okay. <slinks away>
Posted by Leaf (# 14169) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Please do not include me in Bingo's facile attempts at a top down approach.
I'm championing the bottom up approach: a bit of humanity, a bit of compassion, a bit of self-responsibility in a world of ugly mob rule.
(More psuedo-Girardian, postmodern Angli-trash stuff. - You like that Leaf?)
Funny that you do not consider sniffily disassociating yourself from an "underdog" - in this case, by your own standards, IngoB - a similar ethical crime to dogpiling. If I were interested in how your measures vary, I'd call it interesting, but I'm not.
Face it, Evensong: you only champion yourself. You do no favours to those whom you seem to think you ought to be defended. If you think that's what you are or ought to be doing, consider doing it more effectively. At least IngoB has a suggestion of how this might be accomplished (with which I disagree, fwiw). All you do is crusade in order to get yourself on camera. You are pathetically needy of attention, which you try to cover with the thin unconvincing cover of a "larf" (referring to your own brilliance, etc.) or the even less convincing pretense that this is an ethical stance based on theology.
This is why you are a pseudo-Girardian: it's not really about the underdog, or Jesus, but just about you.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Originally posted by QLib:
Underdog theology is Christian theology.
Someone else has got it!
(Seems to be very difficult for everyone else. Perhaps you're just brilliant too?)
Except lilBuddha pointed out that your definition of people on Hellcall threads as "underdogs" is completely screwy, AT LEAST 4 pages ago.
And it still is completely screwy. I repeat, by your logic, the 3% or less of scientists who don't believe in climate change are just plucky underdogs who need you cheering them on. Your constant equating of 'minority viewpoint' with 'underdog' is unthinking and clueless.
Underdogs are people put at an disadvantage by circumstances. They are not people who bring themselves down by their own actions.
[ 06. July 2014, 23:07: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
When an otherwise reasonable discussion of an issue by two intelligent people deteriorates to the point where someone is called a slut and another a pimp, then that is an example of what I stated above. The argument has been trashed into an ad hominem exchange. This is not about underdogs or overdogs or any other dogs. It is about how we treat each other.
According to the mouse, EE got his just come uppance..Well, perhaps so. I am not the judge (despite the accusation) but ISTM he got far more than that. He got cruel and unusual punishment.
Tubbs asked above somewhere what the crew was expected to do. I do not have IngoB's ability to create a strategic plan but I agree with his analysis of the issue. The conflict here is celebrated and that is unworthy of us.
How hard is it to stop? Maybe a judicial ruling by admins on the commandment that says attack the issue not the person?
For instance, as an eg only,
When the mouse tells me to F off back to my rock or that I am such a hypocrite its a wonder my Mother would recognise me, what is he trying to do..discuss issues? and then he comes back with a "STFU unless you (satisfactorily) answer my issues.." LOL. Sure, Just stop behaving like a pub brawler Mousethief. Oh but I forgot, we all enjoy the spectacle right? This is a place where you can call someone like IngoB a fuckwit despite the fact that all his posts addressed issues courteously until a personal attack occurred.
And now, Evensong is the target based on what? Perhaps that she had the temerity to say several pages ago:
'Dogpiling is just plain nasty.'
Well, it is.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by QLib:
Look at it this way, Evensong:
Supposing they had had the internet in the 1930s. Suppose there was a Ship of Fools back then.
Suppose a shipmate called Adolf had inflamed things in Purg by protesting the links between "international Jewry" and capitalist exploitation of the working class.
He's called to Hell, where his inflammatory comments about "our hook-nosed brethren" and "blood-sucking parasites" have resulted in him being dog-piled. You're going to stand up for him, are you?
Godwin's law. Well. We have reached the bottom of the barrel.
I prefer to think of it this way Qlib:
You're walking along a street and you see a group of twenty people kicking and beating someone lying bloody on the ground.
Any humane person would cry STOP!
They would not say "Excuse me. What has this person done wrong? Such and such? Oh, in that case, feel free to carry on beating the crap out of her".
The "justice" of their "comeuppance" is irrelevant.
The distinction on a dogpiling thread is that it is words, not physical actions.
But words have terrible power too. Sometimes even more than physical wounds.
Anyways. I'm going on two weeks holiday folks so you'll be blessed by my absence.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
How hard is it to stop? Maybe a judicial ruling by admins on the commandment that says attack the issue not the person?
Or we could just close Hell. Because the very rationale of Hell is that you're allowed to attack the person and not just the issue. In fact, if you read the Commandment that you've just referred to, it clearly indicates that Hell is an exception.
[ 07. July 2014, 03:06: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
Godwin's law.
Does not apply here - I'm not calling you a fascist, I'm pointing out what idiocy your supposedly high-minded principles could lead to. Nobody is getting kicked or beaten here and people are always free to get up and walk away.
[ 07. July 2014, 05:28: Message edited by: QLib ]
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Leaf:
Originally posted by Evensong:
Please do not include me in Bingo's facile attempts at a top down approach.
I'm championing the bottom up approach: a bit of humanity, a bit of compassion, a bit of self-responsibility in a world of ugly mob rule.
(More psuedo-Girardian, postmodern Angli-trash stuff. - You like that Leaf?)
Funny that you do not consider sniffily disassociating yourself from an "underdog" - in this case, by your own standards, IngoB - a similar ethical crime to dogpiling. If I were interested in how your measures vary, I'd call it interesting, but I'm not.
Face it, Evensong: you only champion yourself. You do no favours to those whom you seem to think you ought to be defended. If you think that's what you are or ought to be doing, consider doing it more effectively. At least IngoB has a suggestion of how this might be accomplished (with which I disagree, fwiw). All you do is crusade in order to get yourself on camera. You are pathetically needy of attention, which you try to cover with the thin unconvincing cover of a "larf" (referring to your own brilliance, etc.) or the even less convincing pretense that this is an ethical stance based on theology.
This is why you are a pseudo-Girardian: it's not really about the underdog, or Jesus, but just about you.
It's also partly about wanting people to think well of them.
Look at Evensong! Isn't it marvellous that she stands up for the underdog?! What a fantastic person she is. I wish I was more like her ...
Remind me never to piss you off btw Leaf. I'm not sure I could cope with your character assessment!
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Jamat:
How hard is it to stop? Maybe a judicial ruling by admins on the commandment that says attack the issue not the person?
Or we could just close Hell. Because the very rationale of Hell is that you're allowed to attack the person and not just the issue. In fact, if you read the Commandment that you've just referred to, it clearly indicates that Hell is an exception.
How hard it is not to read or contribute to it?!
At the moment, we have the online equivalent of rubberneckers at an accident scene. People lamenting how terrible it all is, how badly people are behaving whilst hanging around having a good look and generally getting in the way.
With the occasional demand that people stop behaving badly because they don’t like it and would rather not see it …But seem incapable of actually doing anything about it themselves by not clicking on the nasty hyperlink!.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
It's our own example of the need for a CAUTION: Contents may be hot sign. You'd think it was blindingly obvious that it was hot, but apparently you need to explicitly point this out to some folk or they'll be surprised.
Posted by jbohn (# 8753) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
And you are a pimp.
Damnit, orfeo - now I'm having visions of IngoB in a leisure suit, with a wide-brimmed hat (with a large feather, natch!) and a cane.
<reaches for brain bleach>
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
Okay, late to returning to this here party, but it seems to have simmered down a bit in my time lurking/checking y'alls broken links/spending all day on VeloNews.
Eliab, I actually do remember your time on MAAN. I even remember it being…well, uneventful. If I had your phone number, I'd give it to the UN and have them call you about this whole "Israeli-Palistinian peace process" thing; they seem to have a shortage of people who can cut through arcane rules, be absolutely fair, and remain level-headed. Making MAAN work when everyone else was Extremely Confused (and/or trying to pick a fight with Chorister) was something I chalked up to you.
Ingo, do you really want to be in charge of a community you've said repeatedly you don't believe is a real community—and is a great den of falsehood to boot—populated only by anonymous names on a screen rather than real people? I guess I don't see the point, given everything else you've said about how you view the Ship and online discussion in general.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Jamat:
How hard is it to stop? Maybe a judicial ruling by admins on the commandment that says attack the issue not the person?
Or we could just close Hell. Because the very rationale of Hell is that you're allowed to attack the person and not just the issue. In fact, if you read the Commandment that you've just referred to, it clearly indicates that Hell is an exception.
Sure, which is why I suggested 'judicial' tweaking. It is analogous to case law. Once a court has ruled on a law then subsequent similar cases follow precedent. If the 'Privy Council' of admins ruled on a case as to how the commandment was to be interpreted, then subsequently hosts have a steer on how to rule in similar cases. No reorganisation and no extra work for hosts as in a revamp.
However, as most seem to like this shit hole as it is, it probably won't happen.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
However, as most seem to like this shit hole as it is, it probably won't happen.
Why do you post in a shit hole?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by Jamat:
How hard is it to stop? Maybe a judicial ruling by admins on the commandment that says attack the issue not the person?
Or we could just close Hell. Because the very rationale of Hell is that you're allowed to attack the person and not just the issue. In fact, if you read the Commandment that you've just referred to, it clearly indicates that Hell is an exception.
Sure, which is why I suggested 'judicial' tweaking. It is analogous to case law. Once a court has ruled on a law then subsequent similar cases follow precedent. If the 'Privy Council' of admins ruled on a case as to how the commandment was to be interpreted, then subsequently hosts have a steer on how to rule in similar cases. No reorganisation and no extra work for hosts as in a revamp.
However, as most seem to like this shit hole as it is, it probably won't happen.
No, it isn't analgous to case law at all. Because case law is designed to fill in the gaps and ambiguities and clarify the application of general principles in particular circumstances. What is ambiguous or unclear, and therefore in need of a ruling, in the indications that that commandment simply doesn't apply in Hell?
You don't want a tweaking. You want an outright rule change. You want to say that that commandment does apply in Hell. The current rule is that the commandment does not apply, and after that there is no 'application/interpretation of the commandment' left to tweak!
(And if we changed the rules so that the commandment did apply, you would still have to spell out the exceptions when it doesn't apply (ie whichever bits of angry personal attack are not 'dogpiling' and therefore okay). Because otherwise, if that commandment applies in Hell in exactly the same way that it applies on other parts of the Ship, we are back to the position where the existence of Hell is pretty well irrelevant.)
It would be perfectly possible to have 'case law' on the rest of the Ship, and that's precisely what we have. Every time that the Hosts or Admins indicate that someone has crossed the line from attacking the issue into attacking the person, that IS 'case law' on the application of the commandment.
But that 'case law' is entirely irrelevant to Hell precisely because down here we don't monitor whether people are crossing that line. People can go back and forth across that 'line' as much as they like down here. As far as Hellhosts and Hell are concerned, that 'line' simply doesn't exist. If it DID, you would have already seen 'case law' on the subject in the form of Hostly rulings. It might seem to you that we do nothing at all down here but sit back and eat popcorn (or join right in), but the fact is that Hellhosts monitor Hell. We don't monitor it for exactly the same thing that Purg hosts or Heaven hosts do precisely because it is explicitly clear that certain rules don't apply in Hell. Full stop. And no amount of 'case law' will alter that. Only an explicit textual change of the commandments will.
[ 08. July 2014, 03:15: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Orfeo: People can go back and forth across that 'line' as much as they like down here.
Precisely, that's the problem. You have just come out as a commandment 'inerrantist'. But I know you are right, the commandment would have to fundamentally change. It would need a rider to allow personal attacks on behaviour and arguments but not on the person themselves. Not exactly difficult. You would just need some agreed criteria on what is cruel vs what is fair comment and there is plenty of scope for discussion there. I can't see that hell couldn't still be a robust place of unrest if you weren't allowed to say for instance: 'You are a fW' rather than, 'You are behaving like one' which you would be allowed to say. 'You are being a hypocrite' , for instance, is fine. 'You are a hypocrite' isn't as it does not target the behaviour and is a wide personal slur. It is simply about the personal respect and dignity that we owe each other. Anyhow.. shrug.
MT : Because that's where the discussion is.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
MT : Because that's where the discussion is.
You lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
You have just come out as a commandment 'inerrantist'.
No I haven't. I have pointed out to you that only 'hard law' changes will bring about a practical difference, and that your suggested 'soft law' changes wouldn't work. If you want to make a case for 'hard law' change, knock yourself out. For that you'll have to talk to the Admins, not me.
You will observe, however, that Admins have already been down here declaring that shutting Hell down is not an acceptable option. So frame your proposals carefully so that they don't give the Admins the impression that the effect will be to shut Hell down.
What the law does say and what the law should say are two separate questions. But by golly, years of professional experience have taught me that people have to be crystal clear on what the law does say before they can make decent proposals as to what the law should say.
But I know you are right, the commandment would have to fundamentally change.
Hallelujah. For once I'm right.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
It would need a rider to allow personal attacks on behaviour and arguments but not on the person themselves. Not exactly difficult.
Are you listening at all?
That rider would mean there was no need for a Hell board at all.
The whole pointof hell is to get personal - to vent or to work things out.
In my view it is what's kept the Ship alive and vibrant for well over 10 years - can you point to any other such place?
I would be interested in a vote to see how many would like Hell disbanded - there would be very few imo.
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Let's not have a fire-proof boundary round Hell. All the hosts have to do is run round all the time with buckets and extinguishers, putting fires out before they get properly started. Simple. I don't know what you're making such a fuss about, orfeo.
Of course, you'd need to make sure there was somebody on duty all the time so I guess you'd need at least half a dozen hosts for each board, maybe nine to allow for holidays. And you'd probably need an extra admin or three, in case there were disputes between hosts. Maybe make that another layer of admin. Sort-of middle managers.
I'd be happy to draw up a rota. And patrol schedules.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Ariston:
Ingo, do you really want to be in charge of a community you've said repeatedly you don't believe is a real community—and is a great den of falsehood to boot—populated only by anonymous names on a screen rather than real people? I guess I don't see the point, given everything else you've said about how you view the Ship and online discussion in general.
I've no particular interest in being a host, mostly because of the attached requirement of reading every post on the board. I value my sanity. I do not have a problem with hosting an experimental run though. I understand that as a time-limited trial, like MAAN ended up being (though I'm not happy about how things ended with MAAN, but that's a different issue to that it ended).
Seriously, I think SoF needs an experimental "play zone", so that we can try out ideas without going through apocalypse rhetoric. Not a play zone for my ideas exclusively, but for anybody's ideas about anything that could somehow fit into this format. Trial and error beats argument most of the time...
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Seriously, I think SoF needs an experimental "play zone", so that we can try out ideas without going through apocalypse rhetoric. Not a play zone for my ideas exclusively, but for anybody's ideas about anything that could somehow fit into this format. Trial and error beats argument most of the time...
Now that is a good idea.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on
I like Hell the way it is...
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
What would you want to put in a play zone? Can the software handle it? Do you have the manpower to manage it?
I know, because I had conversations about it, how complicated it was to set up the Nativity Play. I suspect things like the Simmies were equally complicated to organise.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
There's no reason AFAIK we can't have certain kinds of 'play zones'. All that's needed to have a board to play with is to add another board to the list of boards.
The reason you don't get another board added is because your proposal for a different kind of board doesn't pass muster on paper.
I mean, sure, TV networks commission lots of pilot episodes that don't end up being turned into ongoing series. But they don't agree to a pilot episode every time someone turns up with a harebrained script.
You've been told multiple times, Ingo, that your script is completely harebrained. You've actually been told it's the most harebrained script you've ever come up with. If you want to get the network to commission a pilot episode, ditch the script you're waving in your hand and come up with a plausible one.
I find it terribly amusing when someone is peddling a shitty idea and concludes from the rejection of said shitty idea that all ideas will be rejected. Normally that conclusion is based on a steadfast refusal to accept that the idea is fundamentally shitty.
[ 08. July 2014, 08:46: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by QLib:
I don't know what you're making such a fuss about, orfeo.
This was probably a rhetorical question, but I'm going to go ahead and answer it. Twice.
The cynical answer is that there is an element of blatant self-interest, in that I'm well aware I got the cushy hosting job and I'm damned if I'm going to let anyone turn it into the kind of difficult job the Purg hosts get, where they have to consider the tone and content of every post.
The less cynical answer is that I understand the core principles of the Ship well enough to see that about 90% of floated proposals simply don't grasp the core principles of the Ship. I'm not against people arguing for change of the core principles, but to do that people need to actually understand that's what they're proposing.
I'm going to criticise any proposal that would shut down Hell if the proposer acts as if what they're doing is a minor bit of tinkering.
And I'm also going to criticse any proposal that treats a message board as equivalent to a blog, or an exchange of emails or private messages. The whole reason that different forms of electronic communication exist is that they ARE fundamentally different in what they achieve.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
What would you want to put in a play zone? Can the software handle it? Do you have the manpower to manage it?
The software is as it is, and will remain as it is. Any experiment will have to live with that, as my suggestion could. (I hear that the software will change, and probably that would give greater freedom to experimentation since more will become possible. But that's an independent process. If we stick to this software "forever", then that should still give plenty of room for trying out new stuff.)
I guess anybody suggesting something has to ensure that sufficient manpower is available to handle their experiment. Frankly, I don't think that any experiment will instantly grab a major share of traffic, so for the most part the person suggesting the experiment and perhaps one additional helper should be sufficient. (And if there's an instant run on an experimental board, then that perhaps should shorten the trial time and make us consider a permanent fixture...)
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
I know, because I had conversations about it, how complicated it was to set up the Nativity Play. I suspect things like the Simmies were equally complicated to organise.
I have run a small scale BB (using phpBB), including at the admin / owner level. Installing a new board and giving some Shipmates host rights over it should be a matter of minutes. I suspect what can take time is the organisation apart from this basic software setup. But basically that's the problem of the "experimenter": If your suggestion is super-involved, then you should expect to put in quite some time to set things set up. If not, the not. Concerning my recent suggestion, one pretty much would have to only put the rule set somewhere prominent (board introduction paragraph, or perhaps a sticky post), and that would be it.
I would suggest by the way to follow the current RPG format in Circus, and have two boards: the experimental "play zone" and a meta-board for discussions of that current experiment. Basically that would act as a mini-Styx, keeping problems with or opinions about the experiment apart from usual admin concerns. The same people running the experiment would be fielding questions about it on the meta-board. If they are horrible at that, then one can still go to Styx proper to complain about the experimenter, of course - but in the first instance this isolates the experiment from the rest of the board as far as admin load is concerned.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
It is simply about the personal respect and dignity that we owe each other.
See, there's your problem right there. It is twofold.
1. You are assuming that we owe each other "personal respect and dignity" in Hell.
2. You are forgetting that those who are called to Hell have usually been called there precisely because they were failing to give "personal respect and dignity" to other posters on the thread from which the call originated.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
I find it terribly amusing when someone is peddling a shitty idea and concludes from the rejection of said shitty idea that all ideas will be rejected. Normally that conclusion is based on a steadfast refusal to accept that the idea is fundamentally shitty.
It's even more amusing when it's coming from a poster whose contributions to a recent Styx thread on a different subject ended up forming a significant part of the resulting policy announcement.
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
You've been told multiple times, Ingo, that your script is completely harebrained. You've actually been told it's the most harebrained script you've ever come up with. If you want to get the network to commission a pilot episode, ditch the script you're waving in your hand and come up with a plausible one.
I think these judgements say more about the people making them than about my recent suggestion. But anyhow, this has nothing to do with installing a "play zone" as permanent fixture. Indeed, who gets to play there has to be judged by someone. That will presumably be the H&As, to perhaps a specific subgroup of the H&As. And if they don't like my experiment, then it won't run. So what? That doesn't mean that other people do not have better ideas (in the H&A's judgement) that would deserve a trial run.
And neither does it mean that setting up an experimental play zone as permanent fixture would be useless. There's a big difference between having to go to Styx to try to convince the H&As to set up some experimental board for you, and having an experimental board all set up and ready to go where the H&As are waiting for suggestions to book time on it. In one case you are demanding a favour, in the other case you are responding to an encouraging invitation. Sure, you do get people like me who will push for stuff even if not encouraged to do so (or indeed if actively discouraged). But if you want to tap into the creativity of most folk here, then you have to provide an approved venue for it.
Originally posted by orfeo:
I find it terribly amusing when someone is peddling a shitty idea and concludes from the rejection of said shitty idea that all ideas will be rejected. Normally that conclusion is based on a steadfast refusal to accept that the idea is fundamentally shitty.
My picture of how things on SoF tend to go has formed over a decade of interactions. It is fairly independent of some recent idea about reforming Hell that I have posted now. (And the attentive reader would have noted that 1) that it is not even my priority, i.e., it is not what I would actually suggest for a play zone run if given that opportunity now, and 2) there might be some meta reason why I've pushed that hell reform idea a bit here...)
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
My picture of how things on SoF tend to go has formed over a decade of interactions.
Funny. Because earlier you said that what happened on the Ship a decade ago was irrelevant.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Originally posted by orfeo:
I find it terribly amusing when someone is peddling a shitty idea and concludes from the rejection of said shitty idea that all ideas will be rejected. Normally that conclusion is based on a steadfast refusal to accept that the idea is fundamentally shitty.
It's even more amusing when it's coming from a poster whose contributions to a recent Styx thread on a different subject ended up forming a significant part of the resulting policy announcement.
Indeed. Life is full of ironies like that.
A play zone could have possibilities, but someone would still have to come up with an idea that sounded remotely workable before they'd get any Ship resources dedicated to it to actually put it to the test.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Jamat:
MT : Because that's where the discussion is.
You lie down with dogs you get up with fleas.
If everyone is thinking alike then no one is thinking. Franklin also said that,and I guess if you need to connect with the bottom feeders you have to jump in the pond.
Posted by South Coast Kevin (# 16130) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
(And the attentive reader would have noted that...
IngoB, why must you do this? You're trying to convince people to your way of thinking, and yet you introduce a snide comment like this, implying the only reason your interlocutors have not yet been convinced is because of some defect on their part. I don't think that'll win people round...
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Originally posted by IngoB:
My picture of how things on SoF tend to go has formed over a decade of interactions.
Funny. Because earlier you said that what happened on the Ship a decade ago was irrelevant.
Experience about something that changed over a decade ago is not particularly relevant now. Experience with something that has remained the same for over a decade is.
Originally posted by Tubbs:
A play zone could have possibilities, but someone would still have to come up with an idea that sounded remotely workable before they'd get any Ship resources dedicated to it to actually put it to the test.
Once more: Whether you would want to run my recent Hell reform suggestion in a play zone is simply a different question to whether you would want to have a play zone for running experimental trials. It is entirely possible to answer "hell, no" to the former and "why not" to the latter. Furthermore, with most people on SoF, you will get suggestions only if the play zone is right there to be used and you are asking for suggestions what could be run on it. Basically, start a thread on Styx about suggestions, create a play zone board (and, I would suggest, a meta board to handle discussions) and put a header on the play zone board saying "Post your suggestions in Styx (link to thread)." Then things will start moving.
While all people hear is that an idea has to be "worthy" to run, nothing will happen. That's a simple psychological truth, which is quite independent of how bad my ideas may be. Most people simply won't step forward without active encouragement and clear signs of willingness to give things a try.
That "play zone" stuff is not about me. It really isn't. Heck, I will give you a promise to not make any suggestion for a year or two for experiments to run in the play zone, if that is so important to you. I just think things have been way too static, and I want to see some venue for "bottom up" exciting stuff.
Originally posted by South Coast Kevin:
IngoB, why must you do this? You're trying to convince people to your way of thinking, and yet you introduce a snide comment like this, implying the only reason your interlocutors have not yet been convinced is because of some defect on their part. I don't think that'll win people round...
First, it is an amazing demonstration of biased perception if you really think that I've been the one who has been primarily dishing out verbal aggression here. Second, the bit that you actually quoted exactly was not about "implying the only reason your interlocutors have not yet been convinced is because of some defect on their part." It was mostly about separating the play zone idea from the prior hell discussion, because they just are separate things. (And in fact, I suggested the general "play zone" idea way back when we ran MAAN, and probably before that...)
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Originally posted by Jamat:
It is simply about the personal respect and dignity that we owe each other.
See, there's your problem right there. It is twofold.
1. You are assuming that we owe each other "personal respect and dignity" in Hell.
2. You are forgetting that those who are called to Hell have usually been called there precisely because they were failing to give "personal respect and dignity" to other posters on the thread from which the call originated.
Sure,it's all about assumptions. You are assuming that posting in this forum means forgoing a right to be regarded as someone with dignity and also that offending other posters is normally the fault of the 'offender' and is a justification for sadism. Your second assumption is reasonable.
Does posting under avatar names and the fact that we don't or mostly don't know each other make it ok to behave like pond scum just because we can? It has been demonstrated more than once that real damage can occur as words can be potent weapons. How responsible would you be as an admin if someone decided to top themselves after being dog piled here?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
Sure,it's all about assumptions. You are assuming that posting in this forum means forgoing a right to be regarded as someone with dignity
I think it's more basic than that. I think he's assuming you can read.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
You are assuming that posting in this forum means forgoing a right to be regarded as someone with dignity
I'm assuming that everyone knows that posting in Hell is the equivalent of drawing a big, fat bull's eye on their chest, that they need to have a thick skin down here, and that they should back out if they don't want to be roasted to a crisp as our normal rules on civility are abandoned on this board.
In other words, I'm assuming they've read the board introduction.
and also that offending other posters is normally the fault of the 'offender'
Yes. And where it isn't, you'll generally find that the caller is the one being attacked on the Hell Call rather than the callee.
and is a justification for sadism.
Melodramatic crap. Sadism? Really?
How responsible would you be as an admin if someone decided to top themselves after being dog piled here?
I'm satisfied that we've given as many warnings about the nature of this board as we can. If someone chooses to ignore the warnings and then gets horribly upset about what gets said that's on them. Especially if they're of the "can dish it out but can't take it" persuasion, as many of the usual complainers about Hell tend to be.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Ingo wrote:
Once more: Whether you would want to run my recent Hell reform suggestion in a play zone is simply a different question to whether you would want to have a play zone for running experimental trials. It is entirely possible to answer "hell, no" to the former and "why not" to the latter. Furthermore, with most people on SoF, you will get suggestions only if the play zone is right there to be used and you are asking for suggestions what could be run on it. Basically, start a thread on Styx about suggestions, create a play zone board (and, I would suggest, a meta board to handle discussions) and put a header on the play zone board saying "Post your suggestions in Styx (link to thread)." Then things will start moving.
While all people hear is that an idea has to be "worthy" to run, nothing will happen. That's a simple psychological truth, which is quite independent of how bad my ideas may be. Most people simply won't step forward without active encouragement and clear signs of willingness to give things a try.
That "play zone" stuff is not about me. It really isn't. Heck, I will give you a promise to not make any suggestion for a year or two for experiments to run in the play zone, if that is so important to you. I just think things have been way too static, and I want to see some venue for "bottom up" exciting stuff.
I thought I had said “why not” to the latter provided that people could come up with a viable suggestion. Having to prove your suggestion is viable in order to get resource is how most things work in life. I doubt in your field of research people just hand you a grant and tell you to crack on without you having to jump through various hoops first to convince them that your research idea is worthwhile. If anyone reading wants to start a thread for suggestions for another board in the Styx then they can. That’s how we got The Circus.
You are a total “Yes but …” merchant. Rather than assume that if you keep arguing that people will suddenly realise that you are completely and utterly right. Just accept that sometimes it doesn’t matter what you say. As was pointed out previously, we understand your idea fine … We Just Don’t Like It. And that’s okay. That’s not a deficiency in us; it’s not even a deficiency in your argument. It just means that we don’t like the idea.
Jamat wrote:
Sure,it's all about assumptions. You are assuming that posting in this forum means forgoing a right to be regarded as someone with dignity and also that offending other posters is normally the fault of the 'offender' and is a justification for sadism. Your second assumption is reasonable.
Does posting under avatar names and the fact that we don't or mostly don't know each other make it ok to behave like pond scum just because we can? It has been demonstrated more than once that real damage can occur as words can be potent weapons. How responsible would you be as an admin if someone decided to top themselves after being dog piled here?
So you’re basically saying that people in Hell are behaving like pond scum and sadists and that their words are damaging. But you’re fine with yours, even though you’ve just had a go at everyone posting here and made some fairly whooping assumptions about them.
Everyone here is an adult who is responsible for what they post and what they read. The board’s name provides a clue about its purpose and tone. There are commandments, guidelines and FAQs. There are Hosts who can, and do, tell people to cool it if they think that a discussion is getting out of hand. The Admins will step in if people ignore the Hosts. Everything has been done that can be reasonably expected to help people make an informed choice about whether or not they want to read or post on the Ship and in Hell. Short of going round their house and covering them in bubblewrap.
As Marvin said last time we had this discussion, you want change, be the change! Don’t lecture other people about they should behave when you do exactly the same thing!
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
It has been demonstrated more than once that real damage can occur as words can be potent weapons. How responsible would you be as an admin if someone decided to top themselves after being dog piled here?
This is both fucked-up emotional blackmail and an ignorance of how suicide triggers can work.
How many times in Purgatory, Dead Horses, etc. has someone become upset when their ideas are challenged? Do we then not permit contradiction if concepts? Some have been upset by the mere broaching of a topic? How is this to be handled? Merely allow people to login?
Most of this forum is setup to reduce personal attack. This board has a earring on the very first page which warns of its nature.
[ 08. July 2014, 14:53: Message edited by: lilBuddha ]
Posted by goperryrevs (# 13504) on
Originally posted by IngoB:
Whether you would want to run my recent Hell reform suggestion in a play zone is simply a different question to whether you would want to have a play zone for running experimental trials. It is entirely possible to answer "hell, no" to the former and "why not" to the latter.
It should be entirely possible, but you wouldn't have thought so given that you've done little to acknowledge the many reasons people have given why your original idea was hare-brained.
You came up with a crappy idea, people understood it, pointed out flaws with it, and you kept trying to justify it, insinuating that the fault was in us for not understanding it properly. Now you've come up with a second (perhaps half-decent) idea, and are pretending that it was that second idea that we were rejecting all along, or that we were rejecting the idea of having ideas. No, we were just rejecting a poorly thought out idea.
It would have done you a lot more credit to just acknowledge that your first idea was rubbish (not least because it would require nigh-on 24/7 hosting), and say "scrap that, but what about having an experimental board where people can try out different ideas?" ISTM that you're doing the same thing that your Church often does - pretending that the different things they said before are really the same thing as they are saying now, even though it's obviously different. And then blaming the listener for not realising that when they were saying thing #1, they really meant thing #2, now that it's established that thing #1 is nonsense.
In short, my vote - not that it counts much - is that Ingo's suggestion #1 (post-deleted-city) is unworkable, but suggestion #2 (experimental board) is not a bad one. But I'd like to hear a few outline ideas of what kinds of things people might want to try out on there first - otherwise it's just going to be a waste of a lot of people's (mainly H&A) time.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Can I suggest, with my Host hat gently on in a casual fashion at this point, that if people want to kick around the experimental board idea, they go and do so on the Styx?
Because the aspect of that idea that actually has legs has nothing particularly to do with Hell. Nor should any input into it be restricted to those who frequent Hell (yes folks, believe it or not, some people manage to exercise the choice to stay away from here).
Those of you who just want to whine about how offensive Hell is, I suppose you can stay a little while longer and continue to paint bullseyes on yourselves. If that's the kind of thing that makes your day worthwhile. I suppose writing outraged letters to the newspapers is becoming less satisfying as the circulation numbers drop.
[ 08. July 2014, 15:37: Message edited by: orfeo ]
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on
Originally posted by goperryrevs:
You came up with a crappy idea, people understood it, pointed out flaws with it, and you kept trying to justify it, insinuating that the fault was in us for not understanding it properly. Now you've come up with a second (perhaps half-decent) idea, and are pretending that it was that second idea that we were rejecting all along, or that we were rejecting the idea of having ideas.
I'm sorry, but quite simply I have never said anything to that effect. I do not think that my Hell idea was crappy, and I have defended it. But that has nothing to do with the "play zone" idea.
Originally posted by goperryrevs:
ISTM that you're doing the same thing that your Church often does - pretending that the different things they said before are really the same thing as they are saying now, even though it's obviously different. And then blaming the listener for not realising that when they were saying thing #1, they really meant thing #2, now that it's established that thing #1 is nonsense.
I'm not sure what my Church has to do with any of this. Anyhow, I've repeated several times, rather clearly, that these are two rather different ideas. The reason I have not repudiated the Hell idea is quite simply that I think the critique of it is mistaken, or at least massively exaggerated. I have not defended the Hell idea in terms of the "play zone" idea. Other than for the fact that the Hell idea could be run (but apparently wouldn't be) on the "play zone", there is no connection.
Originally posted by orfeo:
Can I suggest, with my Host hat gently on in a casual fashion at this point, that if people want to kick around the experimental board idea, they go and do so on the Styx?
Yes, you are right. I have opened up a Styx thread.
Posted by Jamat (# 11621) on
Tubbs: So you’re basically saying that people in Hell are behaving like pond scum and sadists and that their words are damaging.
No I am not, only that such things can happen and have happened.
Lil Buddah: This is both fucked-up emotional blackmail and an ignorance of how suicide triggers can work.
I hope you are right.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Jamat:
If everyone is thinking alike then no one is thinking.
Nope. Everyone in their right mind thinks the world is round. It's not because they're not thinking. It's because the evidence is overwhelming. It's because they ARE thinking.
Posted by EtymologicalEvangelical (# 15091) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel
I wish the guy well, wherever he may be.
I'm still alive.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
This thread isn't, though.
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