Thread: Welcome! Board: The Da Vinci Code / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Louise (# 30) on
Welcome to the Ship of Fools' special debate board on 'The Da Vinci Code'!
Here you can discuss questions and matters arising from Dan Brown's book, the forthcoming movie, and the earlier and wider themes they draw upon. Was Jesus married? What is this grail thing anyway? Has 'The Church' been hushing things up? What are the 'Gnostic gospels'? Is the book the best thing since sliced bread or mostly mince? You decide - go forth and post!
If you're new to the boards, the Ship Ten Commandments are our rules (also check out the Faqs for additional info). For this board Callan and I are your hosts/moderators. Do also check out the other boards on the Ship and get the hang of the place. It's a diverse community with its own quirks and history. Happy posting!
Da Vinci Code Board host
Posted by Nightlamp (# 266) on
A link that leads to various responses to the Da Vinci Code.
© Ship of Fools 2016