Thread: Ozanne Trust Board: Dead Horses / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by ExclamationMark (# 14715) on
How helpful will this (*) be in resolving Synod's issues?
(*) Bishop to front LGBT inclusion campaign
[ 29. December 2017, 13:29: Message edited by: Louise ]
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on
I don't know, but it's Dead Horse discussion territory. Moving you over...
Posted by Martin60 (# 368) on
Marginally at best. But things happen at the margin. It can't stop the disappearance of the CoE by the end of the century down to a little flock of a quarter of a million bums on seats. A thousand people in Leicester. As opposed to fifty thousand in the mosques.
Posted by Ricardus (# 8757) on
I'm probably being horribly petty and uncharitable, especially as I agree with what it's doing, but naming a trust after yourself seems rather egotistical - and if it seems that way to me, it'll definitely seem that way to the sort of people whose hearts and minds it's seeking to change.
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