Thread: Sydney Meet at Pirate Church in Paddington - Monday 15 Apr Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by The Mid (# 1559) on
G'day all, I'm baaaaaack!!
So, I'm sure you would all have seen this message from jugular on the antipodean thread:
Originally posted by jugular:
Shipmates in Sydney - I can now provide you with links for the Pirate Church show. YAY!
Monday 15 April in Sydney (Paddington Uniting Church, 8.30pm) - you can see the Facebook event here, and the ticket booking site here.
If youse could all come and bring dozens of your mates, that would be grand!
What better opportunity is there for a meet?
The show is at 8:30pm at Paddington Uniting Church, and if there are enough people interested I'm sure that it would be easy enough to meet somewhere close by for a quick drink beforehand.
As for the show, Pirate Church is a loving satire about the wonderful world of religion.
And the pirates? Well, it seems that faith has become a game for landlubbers. People who don’t understand the terror and glory of The Deep. Pirate Church is for mischief-makers and free-spirits. It’s for those who long to dance a jig at twilight in the salty air. It’s for those who love a good fight, a good yarn, and a good bottle o’ rum. Sounds perfect for everyone here.
You can buy tickets at the door, but it's even better to buy them beforehand, and you can get them from the link above.
It would be great to see as many of you there as possible, so come along and bring your friends!
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
You beat me to it! I'd been meaning to start this thread all week, having told Jugs I would when I saw him in Perf recently.
I am planning to attend, along with my comedy writing co-conspirator who is a non-Shippee.
mr curly
Posted by Dennis the Menace (# 11833) on
Will be attending the one in Newcastle on the 14th
Posted by The Mid (# 1559) on
Looking forward to meet you Mr Curly, and hopefully some sneak peaks of the 17th man before the upcoming Ashes tour!
Posted by jugular (# 4174) on
I'm so glad to hear that you guys are coming. Our shows have been going well in Melbourne, but tickets sales are... a little bit shit. Every dollar helps me to eat. And, for those who have met me, you know I need more food in my life.
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
Originally posted by The Mid:
Looking forward to meet you Mr Curly, and hopefully some sneak peaks of the 17th man before the upcoming Ashes tour!
Crumbs, The Mid, you're in for a treat. The other half of The 17th Man team will be accompanying me on Monday night, for what we are thinking of as a professional development outing.
mr curly
Posted by rexory (# 4708) on
Originally posted by jugular:
I'm so glad to hear that you guys are coming. Our shows have been going well in Melbourne, but tickets sales are... a little bit shit. Every dollar helps me to eat. And, for those who have met me, you know I need more food in my life.
Yes, I've noticed you're fading away to a shadow lately
Posted by jugular (# 4174) on
I'm assuming we're all going to go large on Oxford St after the show. The Mid has agreed to wear drag.
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
What is this "going large" of which you speak? On a Monday evening? Surely we'll be looking for a pub showing QandA!
mr curly
Posted by Nunc Dimittis (# 848) on
Oxford Street? oh boy, wish I could be there...
Good ole days at the Saigon Bay (if it's still there - you could always do a Campfire Beef/Chicken/Pork).
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
One more sleep!
mr curly
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
So, what's happening? Pre or post?
my curly
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
It were good!
mr curly
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on
Any publishable stories about what happened after? Monday nights are generally near impossible for me, and last night even more so.
Posted by Mr Curly (# 5518) on
Lack of interaction on this thread meant there was not much post show action. Jugs was exhausted after the season run.
The Diary of the 17th Man team indulged at Max Brenner - it was a night for hot chocolate - and headed back to our North Shore bolt-holes.
The show itself was excellent. Funny, insightful, thought provoking, funny.
mr curly
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