Thread: Anglican chanting Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Ton Meijer (# 17757) on :
Since I am very new to the ship, this may not be the right place for my message. In which case I humbly pray for forgiveness..

On several occasions I have heard Anglican psalm chanting where I tried later on to find out what chant it was. Since there appears to be no simple way, I decided to start compiling an overal melodic index. So far I have included only a few books, but work is going on to get as many possible. If you are interested in Anglican Chanting, you may want to have a look at my site:

BTW three days after the site went online I got a message from a lady who had been looking for a chant for years and now finally located it...
Posted by dj_ordinaire (# 4643) on :
Ooh, that's very a very interesting project now. I especially like the layout of the chart with the different intervals on the cadences made clear.

Oh, and... very welcome to the Ship by the way! Hope you hang around and explore a few of our other discussions [Smile]

dj_ordinaire, Eccles host
Posted by AndyB (# 10186) on :
The most recent edition (the third) of the Irish Chant Book has been out of print since the late 1980s, but it is worth getting if you can.
Posted by Ton Meijer (# 17757) on :
AndyB, thank you for the suggestion. It is on my list. Unfortunately I can manage only so many chants per day [Hot and Hormonal] But I will certainly try to lay my hands on one
Posted by Morlader (# 16040) on :
Hi. Yes, I am interested in Anglican chants: I have a collection of over 1100 built up over 50 years. My collection is in manuscript (the last couple of hundred are printed from Sibelius files) and is essentially personal and private. Not many books have been used in my collection - some are from "dictation" from Choral Evensong broadcasts, others from directors/members of courses I've been on. Also there are quite a few chants hidden away on the interweb.

I too have an index and, though it's not as good as yours, I don't think I'm going to rework mine at this stage.

I'll look at your site with much interest and comment privately. One thing you might consider immediately, though, is the copyright situation. Copyright continues in the EU for 70 years after the death of the composer, so G H Knight's chants for example are still in copyright (probably now assigned to the RSCM). Offering to negotiate with copyright holders doesn't cut it: copyright holders are not expected to monitor for infringements!

Posted by malik3000 (# 11437) on :
AndyB, is The Irish Chant Book Chants and Responses edited by T R G Jose and G W Torrance the book of which you speak?

Ton Meijer, you may also be interested in The Anglican Chant Psalter edited by Alec Wyton (Church Publishing Inc., 1989. ISBN 978-0898691351). There are 2 chants for each psalm (US Book of Common Prayer 1979 translation), and the first chant (and sometimes the 2nd) is always in the public domain.

I notice that on your website one of the books listed is Psalter Gregoriaans en Chants. Are the chants there Anglican style, or (since I see Gregoriaans in the title, but don't know Dutch) are they plainsong?

On a plainsong tangent, for any interested, Church Publishing also has The Plainsong Psalter, again with the BCP 1979 psalter, plus antiphons from Howard E. Galley's Prayer Book Office, or when no antiphons exist in Galley, from Crocker and Haizlip's Gradual Psalms (Church Publishing, 1981)
Posted by Ton Meijer (# 17757) on :
Morlader: thank you for your interest, I'll await your comments. In what form is your index? Also melodic or just composer or .... Regarding the copyright situation: I have checked this with the Dutch copyright organisation (Buma/Stemra, since the site is hosted in The Netherlands) and according to them there is no copyright issue in the way I present the information. I have this in a direct email and I have proof that they actually inspected the site).
Posted by Ton Meijer (# 17757) on :
Malik3000: The Wyton book is already on my to-do list, but thank you for the suggestion.

The Dutch book "Psalter Gregoriaans and Chants" is indeed a combination of both. For each psalm there is a Gregorian-style plainsong and an Anglican-style chant with pointing of the Dutch tekst. The chants are mostly new compositions by Christiaan Winter, but some "traditional" ones are also used.
Posted by Morlader (# 16040) on :
Originally posted by Ton Meijer:
Morlader: thank you for your interest, I'll await your comments. In what form is your index? Also melodic or just composer or .... Regarding the copyright situation: I have checked this with the Dutch copyright organisation (Buma/Stemra, since the site is hosted in The Netherlands) and according to them there is no copyright issue in the way I present the information. I have this in a direct email and I have proof that they actually inspected the site).

My main index is indeed melodic - but it's written in a notebook (being devised long before the web or even computers!) I'll explain how it works off SoF. I've got a composers index too.

Good news about copyright. Some composers, or perhaps their publishers, have active teams enforcing copyright, so it literally pays to be careful. [Biased]

More to follow off ship...
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
TM, welcome aboard! I don't know if this is helpful to you, but if you're on Facebook, there's a group called the Anglican Chant Appreciation Society, which may give you some interesting contacts.

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