Thread: Composers of the Ship unite! Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Are any of you into composing music? Maybe we could exchange some of our experiences on this thread.

I compose a crazy kind of music: I mix African rhythms with complex Brazilian harmonies, throwing some funk-rock in to give it a bit of a 'kick'. Yet, I want the melody lines to be so simple that you could wistle them on your way to work. That's quite a challenge [Smile]

It usually takes quite some time for me to finish a song (often even months), but I don't care much about that. I actually enjoy spending weeks trying different things until I get a difficult chord exactly right.

Another reason it takes some time is because I write for relatively big settings: voice, backing vocals, solo and rhythm guitar, piano/keyboards, brass section, bass, percussion, drums... Sometimes you have to do some work to make sure that all these instruments don't get in eachother's way [Biased]

I usually start with a bass+guitar riff, together with a drum+percussion rhythm. From that, it's normally quite easy to come up with a chorus. What takes longer for me, is to write a verse that goes with the chorus. That's mostly because I'm sometimes quite hard on myself: I don't want any verse, I want the verse for which this chorus is the only answer. It's always a real kick when I get that right.

Although my music usually has a verse and a chorus, I'm actually terrible at lyrics. I guess I feel that I don't have an awful lot to say, except through musical notes [Biased] A friend of mine writes lyrics for some of my songs in the Yorubá language of Nigeria, that sounds awesome! Also, I have another friend who sometimes writes rap lyrics over my music.

Some of my music is being played by a band in the North-East of Brazil, but I'm actually not in a 'fixed' band right now, because I travel a lot and sometimes don't stay longer than a couple of months in a country.

Sometimes I would like to compose together with people on the internet, but sites like Indaba pressupose that you have professional recording equipment. Although I have recorded sometimes as a musician, I'm much more into composing than into professional recording as a hobby for myself.

So, how about you? What kind of music do you write? Where do you start? What kind of problems do you encounter? Is your music being played?

(I don't think it would be wise to post excerpts of our compositions on the Ship, but I guess we could talk about our experiences in general.)
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
I like to do a little composing, mostly organ harmonizations or descants for hymns.

I started about fifteen years ago. No, I started when I was a kid and making stuff up! Hmmm, actually I wrote something to sing about twenty-five years ago. The pastor asked for an anthem based on the hymn Rise Up, O Men of God. There was nothing like that in the choir library, so I worked something up. It was terrible!!! But, my choir director was very encouraging, and even printed it out on a new program he had installed in his computer.

Most of what I write now is what I hear when I play the hymns. Sometimes they'll be a bit interesting. Some are more 'meh'.

The one I like the best is for the hymn I dislike playing the most...Amazing Grace. I had 'heard' it in my head for years, and finally decided to put it down on paper. Over a period of a few months, I pulled it out and tweaked it, making the pedal part more logical, and eliminating some excess notes to make the fingering more easily played. Finally got it almost to the just right stage! I did send it to a publishing company after attending a workshop by one of the editors, and got a nice and encouraging letter back from them, even though they didn't need it for publication. I will try again sometime!
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Organ harmonies can be quite complex! I'm sometimes in awe how they can improvise, coordinating two hands and a foot (if not more).

I understand that you used pen and paper? I usually use software like MuseScore.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
I wrote my beginning scribbles on manuscript paper, LeRoc, but used MuseScore for all the edits afterward!
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
I am neither as sophisticated nor as gifted as you two. I have composed two songs over the last couple of years. The first one is suitable for church, a sort of alleluia that I composed at the piano. My wife transcribed it on staff paper. I wish I could have it fully orchestrated, but solo organ or piano would be just fine.

I composed the second piece at the drums but have not written it out yet. It is intended as incidental music for television but I cannot play guitar or organ which are the other instruments involved. It's got a good beat but I can't dance to it!
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on :
I have written more Byzantine music than I can remember, both longhand and on the computer. It is all in a file at church, which now belongs to the next choir director. She never uses my works. Often I will hear something and think mine flowed much better than that one did. Sigh.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Sir Kevin: I am neither as sophisticated nor as gifted as you two. I have composed two songs over the last couple of years. The first one is suitable for church, a sort of alleluia that I composed at the piano. My wife transcribed it on staff paper. I wish I could have it fully orchestrated, but solo organ or piano would be just fine.
Has it been sung in church sometimes? I always find it a thrill to hear a song I've composed being performed for the first time.

CuppaT: I have written more Byzantine music than I can remember, both longhand and on the computer. It is all in a file at church, which now belongs to the next choir director. She never uses my works.
That sucks. I often think churches should use the talents of their members more. Wasn't there a comic (drawn by a Shipmate?) showing people walking away from the church saying "I could have built the church's website, but you wouldn't listen to me" and things like that?

Couldn't you get a group of people together "Let's sing some of my Byzantian songs"? Or would that be seen as competition by the 'official' choir director?
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
I have never written a hymn, but I have inspired one. In the middle of a conversation I had with the minister of the church I go to he said , "Hang on Huia, there's a hymn in that". A few days later he emailed it to me. Then he gave the words to another member of the congregation and she set it to music. We sung it in church on Sunday for the second time.

I like the fact that we sing quite a few NZ hymns in our church as well as some older ones.
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on :
Originally posted by LeRoc:
Couldn't you get a group of people together "Let's sing some of my Byzantian songs"? Or would that be seen as competition by the 'official' choir director? [/QB]

No, I have nothing to do with choosing the music any more. Most of the little things come up only once a year. The baptism hymn comes up a little more frequently. If I ever happen to be substitute directing on a day that calls for a particular hymn, then I can choose which version to use, within bounds, but otherwise no.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
I've written many songs, mostly in the folk/blues/rock genres, but I dabble in other styles. I have a string trio that I would love to hear performed by actual musicians, but I don't know many people who play that kind of music.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Huia: I have never written a hymn, but I have inspired one. [...] We sung it in church on Sunday for the second time.
That sounds like a thrill to me, to be singing a song with everybody else that you have inspired!

CuppaT: No, I have nothing to do with choosing the music any more.
Ah, I come from a different tradition where everyone who wants can choose the music.

In fact, in our church group most of the songs have been composed by our members. We have some very good composers! I haven't composed much for our church, only a couple of children's songs.

Timothy the Obscure: I've written many songs, mostly in the folk/blues/rock genres, but I dabble in other styles. I have a string trio that I would love to hear performed by actual musicians, but I don't know many people who play that kind of music.
That sounds great! Sometimes I have the idea that there are a lot of composers who would love their music being played, and on another side a lot of bands that would love to play original music. There should be a site that brings these people together (maybe there already exists, I don't know).
Posted by Squirrel (# 3040) on :
I've written a variety of songs in different styles: reggae, jazz, Zydeco, country. One thing that I have noticed is that my creative juices only seem to flow if I'm sad or very angry.
Posted by Masha (# 10098) on :
Hello fellow music bods!

I started a thread like this a while ago but then Real Life took over for a while and I didn't have time to write anything at all!

I do now though! Yay! Tonight I've been playing the first bit of a choral setting of a John Donne sonnet, just to remind myself where I got to so I can move on.

I've also got a Magnificat setting needing attention and a very unformed, floating idea for a Missa Brevis.

Probably need to finish something first though, so I'm pushing for the Donne. We'll see!

Anyone else working on something? How long does yours tuff take to write? How much stuff do you chuck?! I throw most of what I write away. I can't be the only one!
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Squirrel: I've written a variety of songs in different styles: reggae, jazz, Zydeco, country. One thing that I have noticed is that my creative juices only seem to flow if I'm sad or very angry.
Plenty of sadness to go around in the world [Biased] I like those styles. Is your music being played?

Masha: Tonight I've been playing the first bit of a choral setting of a John Donne sonnet, just to remind myself where I got to so I can move on.
Does this mean that you also have to compose the melody also, or is there already an existing melody that you're harmonizing?

I've never tried many choral harmonizations. I think they can be quite complex: you want the voices to harmonize 'vertically' but you also want the individual lines to be interesting 'horizontally'.

Masha: Anyone else working on something? How long does yours tuff take to write? How much stuff do you chuck?! I throw most of what I write away. I can't be the only one!
It may take months before I finish a song, but that's ok. I do it mainly in left-over time, sometimes as little as 20 minutes in an evening.

I think the song I'm working on now is going to be faster though. It's a melody I've had in my head for almost 2 years now. At some point I'd even dismissed it because I thought it was too simple, but now that I'm adding the instruments it turns out to be more complex than I thought. Since I already have the melody (both the verse and the chorus), I don't think it will take that much time.

I'm familiar with throwing things away and the concept of 'kill your darlings': sometimes a line sounds really cool when you first think of it, but when it doesn't fit you'll have to take it out. I don't throw it away though, I have a folder in my computer where I keep them. Sometimes a throwaway line can be the inspiration for a new song later.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
Aaaargh... can't get the timing of the third note of the guitar riff right!!
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
I hate it when that happens....

I've been struggling with laying down a scratch track that will have a steady enough rhythm to play drums to--the song is a slow jazz-blues thing, and when I play it live I can vary the tempo to be expressive, and it's not a problem. But I really want to record it with a band arrangement, and since I can't afford to hire a band to play it live I have to do it myself. If I were the drummer (which I am) I'd hit that guitar player (me) with the heaviest stick I've got...
Posted by Belle Ringer (# 13379) on :
I write songs - words and music - pop & folk style mostly, some art songs, newly experimenting with a bit of light jazz. None of the churches I have ever attended will look at music written by non-professionals (except one music director but he left after a year), so like the other songwriter I know at church I'm switching from sacred to secular (he switched 3 years ago) because there's much more opportunity to use that. Maybe the world needs secular music more. [Smile]

There's a really good songwriting course coming up - free - on line. (I took it a few months ago and will repeat it.) It really should be called a lyrics course, the emphasis is lyrics, not tunes.

The goal of the course is to enable you to sit down and write a decent song on any assigned topic whether or not you feel inspired.
Posted by Alicďa (# 7668) on :
I took that course too Belle Ringer it was really excellent. I do a little composing and poetry/lyrics in my spare time and really enjoy to do so. My current style is a fusion of folk and electronica (folktronica?)
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
I've written a few songs, some for my then Music Trust, for children, and some for my then church (I moved away) also for children. One carol moved with me and was sung by the kindergarten at my new school last Christingle service. This year's carol is also going to be performed, which is great. Quite often there's a lyric line which acts as an earworm and ends up with a song being written round it. My other songwriting strand is folk/Victorian/Music Hall style, sometimes with my lyrics, somtimes with existing ones. There's a book of Lifeboat Verse which came in handy when helping to put together a magic lantern show on the history of the lifeboats. I don't usually go much further than melody and lyrics with simple harmony for piano, guitar or concertina. What's always encouraging is that school and folk clubs provide performance platforms. It would be depressing to be writing music which was never heard. for the record, I use Music Publisher for my own stuff, and Noteworthy for instrumental arrangements, as my fellow folkies share that programme.
Posted by Belle Ringer (# 13379) on :
I'm newly in a "worship leading" (aka music) group that does nothing but "contemporary Christian." New goal - learn the genre, then see if I can write some good "worship songs" that avoid what I think are the common mistakes, and see if I can write "worship songs" that recognize the church calendar - advent, lent etc.

Not likely for use in my own church - if it isn't on the radio the committee (in their mind) won't be able to know if it's any good. But art is something you do because you do it, not specifically because someone else will wants it. [Smile] And who knows, write enough, just might write one that is valued.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Belle Ringer, good luck with the worship songs. We do use some of those included in Hymns Old and New (Anglican version) and they are fairly ghastly. I still cling to the muscular musicality of Wesley et al. May yours work out well. We need all the good ones we can get.
Posted by georgiaboy (# 11294) on :
I always have lots of musical ideas floating around in my head -- once in a great while one of them gets on paper.

My style varies greatly. I have a Missa Brevis that is chant-based and sounds vaguely like Charles Wood; a 'Day of Pentecost' anthem for mezzo-sop, choir and organ which is fiercely post-modern, combining scripture and TS Eliot texts, with explosive organ fanfares; a setting of 'I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day' for voices and handbells (yes, obvious, I know, but it's pretty good), and lots (no make that LOTS) of stuff I've shredded.
At present working on another mass, and on a setting of the 'Carol of the Field Mice' from 'Wind in the Willows.' Will it be ready for this Christmas? I doubt it!
Posted by Wild Organist (# 12631) on :
Originally posted by Belle Ringer:

The goal of the course is to enable you to sit down and write a decent song on any assigned topic whether or not you feel inspired.

Thank you for showing us that - interesting. It would, however, involve me in buying 21 CDs, since I possess none of them, though have heard some, and enjoyed parodies of others ("50 ways to leave your mother" on Goodness Gracious Me [Yipee] ) so cost alone means I shall have to do this another time.
Incidentally (digression alert!) has anyone heard anything so - well, unusual, for want of a better word - as Frank Sinatra covering "Mrs Robinson" with full band backing?
Digression over. Just to establish where I am coming from, I find composing difficult to the nth power, but when an idea hits, I have been known to get out of bed to write it. You just have to. Wd love to write a Mass or something longer than 4 minutes. And I avoid parody Rutter, something I find too horrifically easy :-(

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