Thread: This is a great place. Seriously. Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
To visit this thread, use this URL:;f=70;t=026264
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Not to suck up, but after getting into a couple of really awful arguments on Facebook with people who clearly have no idea how to form successive coherent thoughts, let alone an argument, Purgatory looks like heaven. Pointing out errors or asking for backing evidence here doesn't invariably result in hatefests or weepy self-pity (or -- gasp -- banning).
In short, I love this place, and there's nothing like trying unsuccessfully to do somewhere else what works so well here to drive home just how unusual a place the SOF really is.
So thanks to everybody who makes it possible -- hosts and admins and Simon and RooK and organ fund donors, and plain old shippies.
Posted by Anna B (# 1439) on
Hear, hear!
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Long may it continue. And meeting some old timers shows me just how long it has continued already!
Posted by Ferijen (# 4719) on
Yes! It's been ten years since I registered (this month!) and I hardly post now, but this place is still somewhere I turn to weekly, if not daily.
Thank you to all, and for those working on the ship in that other place.
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on
Originally posted by Ferijen:
Yes! It's been ten years since I registered (this month!) and I hardly post now, but this place is still somewhere I turn to weekly, if not daily.
Thank you to all, and for those working on the ship in that other place.
I'll have been here ten years in about 6 weeks, and it don't seem a day too much. Splendid place, splendid people. How did a bulletin board on the edge of Christendom (occasionally, affectionately, mooning those who won't go near the edge) become such a part of my life?
Thanks to all.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on
Hear hear. I also lurk much more than I post now, but I love the ship and the way it's run.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Mousethief, one thing I can say without any reservation at all is that I am positive you love the Ship as much as I do-- and that's quite a statement.
It's the Shipmates who really make it happen, though, so thanks. Let's raise a virtual glass to continued excellence in discussion quality.
Many Years.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Kelly Alves: Let's raise a virtual glass to continued excellence in discussion quality.
Do you mind if I raise a real glass?
Long may she continue to sail!
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on
I think I may hold the ship record for longest here/fewest posts, but that doesn't mean I don't love the hell out of this crazy bucket.
Posted by monkeylizard (# 952) on
Originally posted by Kyzyl:
I think I may hold the ship record for longest here/fewest posts, but that doesn't mean I don't love the hell out of this crazy bucket.
I was right there with you until I went on a bender in the Circus for a few months several years ago...that place will jack up your thread count in a hurry.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Hey, I just realized that I've been here ten years, too. I love this place. There are so many interesting and intelligent people to talk with. Thanks to all who make it so.
Posted by Dal Segno (# 14673) on
I found the Ship an enormously helpful place to visit when I was off work ill back in '09. I've lurked on and off ever since, enjoying the debate and occasionally chipping in.
Posted by Jigsaw (# 11433) on
Originally posted by Nicolemr:
Hear hear. I also lurk much more than I post now, but I love the ship and the way it's run.
Me too.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
Hey, I just realized that I've been here ten years, too. I love this place. There are so many interesting and intelligent people to talk with. Thanks to all who make it so.
Yeah, can't stress that enough. This board would be nothing if y'all didn't keep coming back and engaging in interesting, engaging, heartfelt, good--humored, and/or vigorous discussions. I think we have a great system of rules, and a fantastic H/A team-- certainly an honor to work with-- but it's the Shipmates who keep the Ship afloat.
Posted by Smudgie (# 2716) on
I haven't been around for long and very rarely visit , as you know, but I have got to say you folks aren't wrong. The community here is beyond compare. Thanks to all who make it so, and all those who have made it so.
Posted by Amos (# 44) on
I'm rather fond of the old bucket myself. A surprising number of my RL friends originated here, and I still have difficulty explaining how I come to know, amongst others, frin and Dyfrig, Arrietty, tomb, and the Fiddlebacks.
[ 23. July 2013, 08:28: Message edited by: Amos ]
Posted by dj_ordinaire (# 4643) on
Hehe. Yeah, maybe it's not such a bad idea to give ourselves a teeny pat on the collective back now and then... Sto lat!
Posted by Mrs Shrew (# 8635) on
I have a potter about the ship most days, and love the sense of community and the discussion and debatethat goes on here. Thankyou everyone!
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
It's the Shipmates who really make it happen, though, so thanks. Let's raise a virtual glass to continued excellence in discussion quality.
Many Years.
Amen to that!
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
Pyx_e, it's all your fault
Posted by comet (# 10353) on
Originally posted by Pyx_e:
loud and proud, baby.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
I think it was just Pyx_e referring to the best thread he ever contributed.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on
Shitthread, then, shurely?
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on
Pyx_e's so nonconformist ... he doesn't even know it
(Translation for those outside the UK - there is a UK advert on behalf of moneysupermarket which uses that kind of catchphrase)
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
And we didn't. Limbo it. Criminal.
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on
This is a great place. And I say that despite all the religious stuff.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Ferijen: Yes! It's been ten years since I registered (this month!)
Adeodatus: It's been ten years since I registered (this month!)
Lyda*Rose: Hey, I just realized that I've been here ten years, too.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
I deeply admire people who have been here a decade or more and have a post count in 3 figures. You either have self-control or a life.
Posted by M. (# 3291) on
Coming up 11 years, and still love it deeply. I've got loads from the Ship (including friends) but don't always add very much, I fear (where do people find the time to research everything and write such wonderful erudite posts?)
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on
Well, it's amazing how much I can one-handedly (is that a word?) type when on hold waiting an eternity for a mortgage lender to pick up my call...
Posted by Stejjie (# 13941) on
Yikes! Seeing all the people on this thread celebrating their decade on the ship reminds me it's my half-decade this month! Doesn't time fly...
But like a few others here, I lurk much more than I post (normally because by the time I've worked out how to say what I want to say, the thread's closed or moved on or someone's said what I want to say much better). But this is a great place to read as well as contribute to - so massive thanks to everyone, you're all so... so... so darned nice (wipes tear from eye, blows nose excessively loudly ).
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
Originally posted by LeRoc:
Ferijen: Yes! It's been ten years since I registered (this month!)
Adeodatus: It's been ten years since I registered (this month!)
Lyda*Rose: Hey, I just realized that I've been here ten years, too.
I remember when I was a wet behind the ears newbie. None of you (that have posted so far) will remember that time, as you've not been here long enough.
Who remembers Neoworks??
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Matt Black:
Well, it's amazing how much I can one-handedly (is that a word?) type when on hold waiting an eternity for a mortgage lender to pick up my call...
Speakerphone. I'm sure you can get it as an app if it's not built in.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on
But why spoil my fun on the Ship?
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on
Who remembers Neoworks??
Me, Sir.
I love the ship, but I have an addictive personality and love many things I should not.
It is awesome though, I read a lot more than I post.
Fly safe, everyone, Pyx_e
Posted by mrs whibley (# 4798) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
I deeply admire people who have been here a decade or more and have a post count in 3 figures. You either have self-control or a life.
Well, unless I develop verbal diarrhoea in the next month, at least I will know I have the deep admiration of at least one shipmate!
I was genuinely surprised to find that I've been here nearly a decade. And that I've managed nearly 900 posts, which for me is embarrassingly loquacious. I do feel like I've spent quite a lot of my life here, however, and mainly amongst friends.
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Who remembers Neoworks??
Yep. We had to pay for membership in those days. The boards changed to UBB about 6 months after I joined.
[ 25. July 2013, 18:56: Message edited by: Spike ]
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
I deeply admire people who have been here a decade or more and have a post count in 3 figures. You either have self-control or a life.
Neither, I just can't type fast enough in most conversations.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Who remembers Neoworks??
I do. I signed on in January, 2000. I think you and Wood were a month or two before me.
Posted by A.Pilgrim (# 15044) on
Yes, I agree, this is indeed a remarkable institution, with the potential (not inevitably realised) for some of the most intelligent discussion I've encountered, and from which I've learned a lot. Not least that if there are any faults or flaws in my argument, someone will definitely point them out. More than once I've thought when arguing in a church environment whether my thesis would stand up to shipmates criticism and decided that it wouldn't, and that it needed a bit more rigour.
And while we're in reminiscence mode, has anyone else here come across copies of the original Ship of Fools printed magazine? (A5 size booklet). I've got two copies of it somewhere.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
... Angus, prepare to be assualted with PMs.
More than once I've thought when arguing in a church environment whether my thesis would stand up to shipmates criticism and decided that it wouldn't, and that it needed a bit more rigour.
[ 25. July 2013, 22:00: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on
Originally posted by Spike:
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Who remembers Neoworks??
Yep. We had to pay for membership in those days. The boards changed to UBB about 6 months after I joined.
When I started posting the Ship's boards used Neoworks, but you didn't yet have to pay to post.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on
Just wanted to say, the blind-faith arguments on facebook really get to me. I had a friend like that too. Wanted me to just change my views...just because he/she thinks that it is that way. God forbid facts, supporting articles. I just can't stand it anymore in real life when people don't do. You all have ruined me!
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by A.Pilgrim:
More than once I've thought when arguing in a church environment whether my thesis would stand up to shipmates criticism and decided that it wouldn't, and that it needed a bit more rigour.
Eh, I don't worry about that here or IRL. I just waffle on and bound to get it right occasionally.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
Ruth, I'm glad you said that.
I remember Neoworks - found it on the university computers at the time, but wasn't near those computers when it went to paid.
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on
Was'nt "Mystery Worshiper" or some board free on neoworks?, Thats what I recall.
I used to stay up 'til God knows when in the morning, a noob curate, smoking like a chimney reading and reading. I seem to remember TomB.
Fly Safe Pyx_e
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
Yes, the MW board was free on neoworks. That was the board where people could respond to MW reports, and it was considered appropriate that if someone wanted to slag off a report on their church that they didn't need to first pay a subscription to do so. Quite right too.
Although, I remember Erin commenting on a couple of occasions that she made a mistake at the time by assuming that people talking about MW reports couldn't get into a lot of trouble and therefore she didn't look in very often. While her back was turned the MW board transmorphed into a place full of AngloCatholic tat-queens discussing the minutea of how precisely a thurible needs to be swung and exactly what shade of scarf was right for the coming Sunday (or, more often rant about how their priest got it not quite right the previous Sunday). A legacy that still infects Ecclesiantics.
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on
If anyone's interested, you can see some of the early discussions archived here. I found my first post, and maybe I did pay after all, though I don't remember doing so, as it mentions my registration having just kicked in.
Anyway -- couldn't agree more with the OP.
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Originally posted by A.Pilgrim:
...if there are any faults or flaws in my argument, someone will definitely point them out.
But always in Christian love.
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
Originally posted by RuthW:
If anyone's interested, you can see some of the early discussions archived here. I found my first post, and maybe I did pay after all, though I don't remember doing so, as it mentions my registration having just kicked in.
Likewise my first post that starts quote:
I've been following this thread with interest for some time waiting for my registration to come through - so this is my first input to the discussion
Since it was a thread on Creationism it was a long way from my last input to the discussion! (on that and other threads in 14 years)
Posted by MrsBeaky (# 17663) on
Having lurked (and loved it!) for a long time and then finally having come on board this summer I must confess to spending time trying to imagine what some shipmates look like and what their lives are really like especially when I've been captivated by what they've written....
I know, I'm odd...
But this really is a great place to spend time, you're a good bunch of people and I'm very grateful to all of the hosts and admins who keep us afloat.
Posted by anne (# 73) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
I deeply admire people who have been here a decade or more and have a post count in 3 figures. You either have self-control or a life.
Neither - but I do spend a lot of time thinking "I was going to say that." Also, fear of parishioners or colleagues recognising themselves in my descriptions prevents me from starting a hell thread most weeks. I delete a lot too - preview post really is my friend.
But the Ship has been a really important part of my life for more than a decade. I haven't exactly sailed through exploration, selection, training, ordination, curacy or incumbency, but much of the sailing I have done was on board the Ship. I have learned a great deal, particularly from people that I disagree with, and laughed and wept - and I keep coming back.
Thank you - seriously, this is a great place.
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
Originally posted by Pyx_e:
Was'nt "Mystery Worshiper" or some board free on neoworks?, Thats what I recall.
Yes, there was only one free one. That was where I started off. I hardly posted at all - most of the discussions seemed to be about the finer points of Anglican vestments, don't know why I stuck with it. Anyway, the boards went free after a while, and 12 years later, I seem to be still here. A lot of people have come and gone, the boards have gone through a bunch of changes.
It probably won't be too long now before the first children born after the first Ship weddings are now able to post. Though today's generation may see an internet forum as hopelessly uncool and middle-aged. We might have to wait until that gains "retro appeal".
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
Originally posted by Ariel:
Originally posted by Pyx_e:
Was'nt "Mystery Worshiper" or some board free on neoworks?, Thats what I recall.
Yes, there was only one free one. That was where I started off.
Small Fire and E-Pistles were free as well, the former to discuss Alt+Worship ideas from the now defunct Small Fire column on the main site and the latter to discuss general stuff from the main site.
Posted by Amos (# 44) on
Originally posted by Spike:
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Who remembers Neoworks??
Yep. We had to pay for membership in those days. The boards changed to UBB about 6 months after I joined.
AFAIR, I signed up in 1998 or 99, as I prepared to move to the UK. I still wish Todd was still around posting about theology. The culture of the boards has changed hugely, but on the whole it's been managed pretty well thanks to an amazing succession of Admins and Hosts, and Simon.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
I was bullied and harried and cajoled into joining by a rather strange Canadian friend, made a few faux-pas to begin with, got told off a bit and then sort of settled. Gradually it became my sort of home on the web. It is hard to believe it is nearly 8 years!
Yes, it is a great place full of some great folks - and a few very strange ones! I think I'll probably hang around for a little bit longer.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on
Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
I was bullied and harried and cajoled into joining by a rather strange Canadian friend, made a few faux-pas to begin with, got told off a bit and then sort of settled. Gradually it became my sort of home on the web. It is hard to believe it is nearly 8 years!
Yes, it is a great place full of some great folks - and a few very strange ones! I think I'll probably hang around for a little bit longer.
Better than my HUGE faux-pas when I joined. And it's over 10 years. (From one of the strange ones.)
Posted by ElaineC (# 12244) on
I lurked for sometime before I signed on.
I read through the active threads several time each day. It keeps my brain occupied during slack times at work!
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on
Originally posted by Amos:
I still wish Todd was still around posting about theology.
Yes! I learned a lot from him.
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on
This probably reveals something deficient in my character, or that it's time for another bout of therapy, but threads like this -- how cool the Ship is -- especially when coupled with nostalgia for longed-for Absentees -- make me start wondering about leaks in the hold, and how much longer I can count on her being afloat . . .
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
I'm not worrying much about that Porridge. I don't remember a thread quite like this, although there have been "Thanks to the Hosts & Admins" style thread and posts before, but this is rather broader in scope.
Shipmates were saying "It's a shame so-and-so isn't around any more" since the day I arrived, so I'm sure it's been going on forever. I miss many too, but mostly I hope they are happy wherever they are and whatever they are doing.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Porridge:
This probably reveals something deficient in my character, or that it's time for another bout of therapy, but threads like this -- how cool the Ship is -- especially when coupled with nostalgia for longed-for Absentees -- make me start wondering about leaks in the hold, and how much longer I can count on her being afloat . . .
Seeing that people have been doing that since the first person left, and she's still sailing, I don't think I'll lose much sleep over it.
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on
Originally posted by Porridge:
This probably reveals something deficient in my character, or that it's time for another bout of therapy, but threads like this -- how cool the Ship is -- especially when coupled with nostalgia for longed-for Absentees -- make me start wondering about leaks in the hold, and how much longer I can count on her being afloat . . .
One you will come and it will all be gone. Your dream of a faith free world one step closer.
Fly safe Pyx_e.
(If any of you feckers tell her the new url l will stick a frog down your ass crack)
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on
Originally posted by Pyx_e:
One you will come and it will all be gone. Your dream of a faith free world one step closer.
Fly safe Pyx_e.
(If any of you feckers tell her the new url l will stick a frog down your ass crack)
(Ha! I think this means I've made it into the In Group!)
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Porridge:
(Ha! I think this means I've made it into the In Group!)
Step over here and I'll get you your button and wallet card.
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on
Button?! Wallet Card?! What do you take me for? I know perfectly well I'm now entitled to a monogrammed Death Ray.
[ 27. July 2013, 22:33: Message edited by: Porridge ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Porridge:
Button?! Wallet Card?! What do you take me for? I know perfectly well I'm now entitled to a monogrammed Death Ray.
You're not that far "in."
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
When I joined, after one of my first posts mousethief threatened to call me to Hell. I'm sure that I would have completely grilled him
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on
Well, he told me what he was sure I would do when I did get called to Hell. But, as I have not yet, I haven't worried about it.
I am exceedingly thankful for the Ship, though. I was wearing my CuppaT apron, which a Secret Santa had made for me years ago, at a baby shower I was hosting and one of the guests asked about it. I told them the significance of the large cup, and about the ShipofFools, and how I had friends all over the world. The whole room got sort of quiet. I don't think people really know me too well.
(Thought I needed to edit, but I didn't.)
[ 28. July 2013, 05:03: Message edited by: CuppaT ]
Posted by Honest Ron Bacardi (# 38) on
Originally posted by RuthW:
If anyone's interested, you can see some of the early discussions archived here. I found my first post, and maybe I did pay after all, though I don't remember doing so, as it mentions my registration having just kicked in.
Anyway -- couldn't agree more with the OP.
I just spent a misty-eyed few minutes trawling through the old Neoworks archive. Not for the first time, but it's been a while...
Am I imagining it, or were discussions conducted a bit more spaciously back then? By that I mean that they took longer to unfold, and perhaps people had more time to consider other people's POVs before responding.
It's just that on a couple of occasions recently, I've been called away for a couple of days, and on returning the discussion has moved on so far that there's no point in resuming. Maybe it's just the effect of Twitter and the like which pushes things in the direction of blurting your response then moving on. It's not as big a difference as that makes it sound, but I'd be interested in hearing what people think.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
I remember neoworks, although I don't think I actually posted anything until the boards changed. I think the first thread I followed was the 'Gold Fillings' one. Plus some of the earliest MW reports.
One of the reasons I love looking through the very old threads, is to see some of the original members posting more frequently - eg. it's really funny to see Dyfrig and frin slugging it out in 'Mornington Crescent'. The game still continues, but now with completely different players (except for Spike, who appears to be a permanent fixture - I think he still lives in one of the tunnels).
Once you belong to the Ship, you can never really leave. Even if people no longer post much, they still pop in from time to time. I was particularly moved by the number of former shipmates / hosts / admins who called in to pay their respects to Erin when she died.
Gawd bless the Ship and all the barnacles who cling to her bottom.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on
Originally posted by Honest Ron Bacardi:
Am I imagining it, or were discussions conducted a bit more spaciously back then? By that I mean that they took longer to unfold, and perhaps people had more time to consider other people's POVs before responding.
It's just that on a couple of occasions recently, I've been called away for a couple of days, and on returning the discussion has moved on so far that there's no point in resuming.
I think that is due to the much larger number of shipmates nowadays. I remember Erin saying back when that there were about two hundred registered shippies and about fifty regular posters. There were far fewer posts.
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
When I started on the Ship I didn't have internet access at home, and even when I did for a while it was dial up. I used to use a bit of code at work that downloaded all the threads into a file that fitted on a floppy disk, which I then read at home composing replies in Notepad to post the following lunchtime at work. I don't think I was the only one doing that. There were certainly a lot of people on dial up who read, disconnected to compose and then dial back in to post ... I certainly did when I got dial up at home, there didn't seem much point paying the phone bill when not actually looking at new content, not to mention keeping the phone engaged if someone wanted to call you. It certainly made sure you only posted something if it was worth saying.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Heehee, I was still on dialup when the Ark came along. You can imagine how long that took to load!
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
...It certainly made sure you only posted something if it was worth saying.
Good grief, if we kept to that my post count would be VERY low!
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
When I started on the Ship I didn't have internet access at home, and even when I did for a while it was dial up. I used to use a bit of code at work that downloaded all the threads into a file that fitted on a floppy disk, which I then read at home composing replies in Notepad to post the following lunchtime at work. I don't think I was the only one doing that. There were certainly a lot of people on dial up who read, disconnected to compose and then dial back in to post ... I certainly did when I got dial up at home, there didn't seem much point paying the phone bill when not actually looking at new content, not to mention keeping the phone engaged if someone wanted to call you. It certainly made sure you only posted something if it was worth saying.
That is wicked impressive.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on
I am on dial-up, it's a PITA, but at least it gives me longer than 2 mins to edit my posts.
But I still miss the errors
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on
And it's still a great place.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
The testimony to it being a great place is that it has gone on so long. Particularly in this age of instant wish for change, the ship has a very impressive sailing record.
Posted by Martha (# 185) on
This seems to be one of those threads where we long-time semi-lurkers out ourselves once again. Yes, this is a great place, even when you've been around long enough to think, "oh, a thread about that again." And this has reminded me that I should budget some money to the Organ Fund.
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on
Originally posted by Martha:
And this has reminded me that I should budget some money to the Organ Fund.
Thanks for the reminder, Martha.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on
Money to the ship? Time for a new avatar I think.
Posted by moron (# 206) on
Welcome to the forum Ship of Fools
apologies to Don Henley, hotels, California and especially Joe Walsh.
Posted by Inanna (# 538) on
Also another one of those old-timers who mostly lurks and reads, but I am still grateful to the Ship for good friends, good conversations, and stretching my faith in all the right ways. (Can't quite believe that it's been 12 years for me... and I'm sure I was on Neoworks before they started charging too.)
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Originally posted by moron:
Welcome to the forum Ship of Fools
apologies to Don Henley, hotels, California and especially Joe Walsh.
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Oooh. Off to fiddle with log off text...
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
Nicely done, Kelly - it has a slightly Hitchcock-ian feel to it.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Oooh. Off to fiddle with log off text...
Aw. I liked the logoff message I came up with when I first became an Admin .
On the plus side, I now have Hotel California in my head. An earworm I actually enjoy - paradise .
Posted by Drifting Star (# 12799) on
There's a log-off text?
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Does someone ever log off the Ship?
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
I log off every night and log back in again every morning - it's the logical thing to do.
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
Isn't the normal thing to do to sit up late at night reading the Ship, fall asleep with your head crashed into the keyboard, then wake up in the morning and read what's been posted while you slept? Isn't that what everyone does???
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Alan Cresswell: Isn't the normal thing to do to sit up late at night reading the Ship, fall asleep with your head crashed into the keyboard, then wake up in the morning and read what's been posted while you slept? Isn't that what everyone does???
You forgot the part about the half-empty glass of wine falling into your lap.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Isn't the normal thing to do to sit up late at night reading the Ship, fall asleep with your head crashed into the keyboard, then wake up in the morning and read what's been posted while you slept? Isn't that what everyone does???
Well, given some of the posts made, I assumed something of the sort.
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Originally posted by moron:
Welcome to the forum Ship of Fools
apologies to Don Henley, hotels, California and especially Joe Walsh.
You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.
Oooh. Off to fiddle with log off text...
Nice. There should be an intermediate logon text. User name. Password. (click) Are you certain you wish to do this? (click Yes) Don't say we didn't warn you.... Going to page...
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on
In all seriousness, as long as you're on your personal computer and not a shared public one, why would you ever log out of the ship? Just stay logged in and close the window when you're done.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on
Originally posted by balaam:
Money to the ship? Time for a new avatar I think.
And here it is. Thanks Simon.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Originally posted by Nicolemr:
In all seriousness, as long as you're on your personal computer and not a shared public one, why would you ever log out of the ship? Just stay logged in and close the window when you're done.
Those of us with partners who are also shipmates sometimes find we have 'posted' things we didn't say. So it is important to check the login details.
[ 31. July 2013, 20:16: Message edited by: Chorister ]
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on
Ah yes, good point.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Originally posted by balaam:
Originally posted by balaam:
Money to the ship? Time for a new avatar I think.
And here it is. Thanks Simon.
Good one!
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on
The heading in Ruth's link mentions Joanne. Is it wrong that I would love to have witnessed her? You charter members have talked about her so much she has become magnified in my mind as the Ship's own mythical sea monster.
Yes, hear hear to the opening post. Discussions on other boards turn into name calling, illogical hate fests before I can say straw man and I've found that there is no subject on earth that can't be reduced to a political issue. I prefer caramel icing to chocolate? Well that's just what they would expect from a bleeding heart liberal Democrat like me!
I love it here.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Serious for a moment, I agree with the OP, this is a great place.
Even when it hurts to post, perhaps especially then.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Twilight:
The heading in Ruth's link mentions Joanne. Is it wrong that I would love to have witnessed her?
I always thought it would be awesome to witness a real-life hurricane, until I ended up in the middle of one while on holiday in Cuba last year. The reality on the ground isn't quite the same as seeing it on TV - what on TV is "wow cool! That tree totally destroyed that building!" becomes "oh shit! That tree is totally going to destroy the building I'm in!"
Such devestation may be kinda fun to watch from afar, but it's not something you should ever hope to experience yourself.
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on
Originally posted by MrsBeaky:
Having lurked (and loved it!) for a long time and then finally having come on board this summer I must confess to spending time trying to imagine what some shipmates look like and what their lives are really like especially when I've been captivated by what they've written....
I know, I'm odd...
But this really is a great place to spend time, you're a good bunch of people and I'm very grateful to all of the hosts and admins who keep us afloat.
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars. (Come on, I can't be the only one who thinks so!)
Actually, isn't there a gallery somewhere? I never look at it because I don't want to be disillusioned.
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars.
I find I'm less and less orange as I get older.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
I look pretty much like my avatar at the end of the summer (if we've had a summer, that is).
I've heard many reports about how hard Erin and the other admins had to work when the hurricane hit, so was very glad nothing like that ever happened when I was a host. Perhaps, Twilight, you don't appreciate what relentless work being a Host or Admin can be at times, without additional chaos to try to rectify.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
Last year I recognised Adeodatus immediately from his!
[and he from mine, no doubt - at least nobody can call me two faced!]
Posted by Fr Weber (# 13472) on
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
Originally posted by MrsBeaky:
Having lurked (and loved it!) for a long time and then finally having come on board this summer I must confess to spending time trying to imagine what some shipmates look like and what their lives are really like especially when I've been captivated by what they've written....
I know, I'm odd...
But this really is a great place to spend time, you're a good bunch of people and I'm very grateful to all of the hosts and admins who keep us afloat.
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars. (Come on, I can't be the only one who thinks so!)
I will eventually resemble mine, I'm sure.
Posted by M. (# 3291) on
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars.
Oh dear.
Posted by ElaineC (# 12244) on
Originally posted by M.:
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars.
Oh dear.
And it's 'Oh dear' from me too!
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
the MW board transmorphed into a place full of AngloCatholic tat-queens discussing the minutea of how precisely a thurible needs to be swung and exactly what shade of scarf was right for the coming Sunday (or, more often rant about how their priest got it not quite right the previous Sunday). A legacy that still infects Ecclesiantics.
And there's a problem with that?
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on
I look lik my avatar, that's why I picked it.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
(Oh ... and perhaps sadly, I am told I do resemble The Old Bugga™
I only wish my bank account resembled his)
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Originally posted by Zappa:
I am told I do resemble The Old Bugga™
I only wish my bank account resembled his)
Never mind the money. Next question: are you married? Just askin'
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Alan Cresswell: While her back was turned the MW board transmorphed into a place full of AngloCatholic tat-queens discussing the minutea of how precisely a thurible needs to be swung and exactly what shade of scarf was right for the coming Sunday (or, more often rant about how their priest got it not quite right the previous Sunday). A legacy that still infects Ecclesiantics.
I personally have the feeling that Small Fire (the Alt.Worship scene) fell a bit overboard with the merger to Ecclesiantics.
(PS I look like Jesus.)
[ 02. August 2013, 12:05: Message edited by: LeRoc ]
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on
I've been here since late on in my first pregnancy. That little baby is now an enormous 7-year old. I do use lots of other internet (other fora, twitter) but nothing keeps me coming back like the Ship has done.
A big thank you to the crew.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
Although, I remember Erin commenting on a couple of occasions that she made a mistake at the time by assuming that people talking about MW reports couldn't get into a lot of trouble and therefore she didn't look in very often. While her back was turned the MW board transmorphed into a place full of AngloCatholic tat-queens discussing the minutea of how precisely a thurible needs to be swung and exactly what shade of scarf was right for the coming Sunday (or, more often rant about how their priest got it not quite right the previous Sunday). A legacy that still infects Ecclesiantics.
Which would have been fine had it not had to share space with Small Fire, which, true to the latter's name, was pretty comprehensively squashed.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
Originally posted by QLib:
Originally posted by Zappa:
I am told I do resemble The Old Bugga™
I only wish my bank account resembled his)
Never mind the money. Next question: are you married? Just askin'
I'll ask kuruman!
Posted by comet (# 10353) on
Originally posted by ElaineC:
Originally posted by M.:
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars.
Oh dear.
And it's 'Oh dear' from me too!
my avatar is an exact likeness of myself. right down to the pokey nose and whiskers.
eta: more facial fur than actual whiskers, I guess. I'm embracing the beard.
[ 03. August 2013, 00:46: Message edited by: comet ]
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
Originally posted by balaam:
Originally posted by balaam:
Money to the ship? Time for a new avatar I think.
And here it is. Thanks Simon.
Good one!
Yes, you look so much younger.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by comet:
Originally posted by ElaineC:
Originally posted by M.:
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars.
Oh dear.
And it's 'Oh dear' from me too!
my avatar is an exact likeness of myself. right down to the pokey nose and whiskers.
eta: more facial fur than actual whiskers, I guess. I'm embracing the beard.
I'm blonde and very pale but not often serious.
Posted by MrsBeaky (# 17663) on
Originally posted by Adeodatus
It's one of the Ship's better kept secrets that we actually all look like our avatars. (Come on, I can't be the only one who thinks so!) Actually, isn't there a gallery somewhere? I never look at it because I don't want to be disillusioned.
Hilarious/ hideous thought!
Not sure how it would apply to my avatar....and not sure I want to know either.....
Posted by QLib (# 43) on
Originally posted by Evensong:
I'm blonde ...
We guessed.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Now, now.
Posted by Nenya (# 16427) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian: The reality on the ground isn't quite the same as seeing it on TV - what on TV is "wow cool! That tree totally destroyed that building!" becomes "oh shit! That tree is totally going to destroy the building I'm in!"
Such devestation may be kinda fun to watch from afar, but it's not something you should ever hope to experience yourself.
I find hurricanes terrifying when I watch them on TV. I'd be a gibbering wreck if I were ever in the middle of a real one. We were living on the south coast when the UK hurricane of 1987 struck.
Nen - nothing like her avatar. Blue and square. Oh wait...
[ 03. August 2013, 21:00: Message edited by: Nenya ]
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by QLib:
Originally posted by Evensong:
I'm blonde ...
We guessed.
Bottle blonde.
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