Thread: Circus: 2013 Celebrity Death Pool: Kicking the Dust, Biting the Bucket Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Yes, it's that time of year again: time to pick up your copies of trashy celebrity rumor mags and place your bets on who's going to shuffle off this mortal coil in the forthcoming year. Now in it's tenth year on the Ship, we're going to celebrate this auspicious anniversary by keeping things pretty much exactly the same as they have been! Those of you who have been with us before should know the rules, and those of you who haven't may have played this before elsewhere, but, just because we'll need them, here follows the Official Posting of the Official Rules:
1. You must pick 13 well-known people whom you think will shuffle off this mortal coil in 2013. That is, starting from 00.01 UTC (GMT, really) on January 1st 2013 and ending at 23.59 UTC on December 31st 2013, as determined by the United States Naval Observatory.

2. The definition of "well-known" is that their deaths will be reported by at least one major news outlet. Examples outlets include (but are not limited to) The Guardian, CNN, IMDB, Al Jezeera, or the Church Times(!).

3. All selections must be real, natural born people. No fictional characters, abstract entities, or "corporate persons," please.

4. Points are awarded according to the following formula: 100 minus the celebrity's age at the time of death. For example, if the person you choose dies at the age of 67, you will earn 33 points. Should you pick someone who is 100 years old when they die, you will receive no points; should your person be over 100, you will lose a point for every year after 100.

5. You earn 50 bonus points if the death occurs in such a way as to clearly prove the existence of God (for example, if some doofus dies from burns after trying to torch a church), or in such a way that a Darwin Award is granted posthumously.

6. You cannot choose anyone under the age of 18.

7. You can choose an inmate scheduled to be executed, but you only earn points if the person dies by some means other than the state-sponsored execution. For example, a shiv in the stomach counts, lethal injection does not.

8. You are disqualified if you contribute in any way to the death of one of your chosen candidates. Exceptions will be made if you are a police officer or member of the armed services and kill someone in the line of duty.

9. All entries must be submitted on this thread no later than 23.59 UTC on December 31st 2012. No entries will be accepted after this time. You may however make changes to your list up until this time, but only if someone pops their clogs before the beginning of the year or you've put someone in twice.

There are also a couple of bonus awards:
Inside Track with the Grim Reaper Award: given for picking the first death of 2013.
Quantity Not Quality Award: given for picking the most people who croak in 2013, regardless of their points value.
Sudden Death: given for picking the last death of 2013

Also, because we've been running this for ten years, we've learned that the same questions and complaints get lodged each time, so here's the disclaimer: this is only a game. The Ship, its management, and their associated lackeys do not necessarily endorse the death any human being. One should not necessarily view this as a "wish list;" reviewing past years will show that, at any rate, truly evil and nasty dictators seem to have a habit of lingering, while those figures we truly respect and admire often don't. The Circus is a place for games, not discussion of the rights or wrongs of those games; if you want to discuss the ethics of this one, there are other places you can do that.

Now then. I think it's time to find me a copy of US Weekly and get playing!

(And PeteC, I changed the title just for you. Happy now?)

[ 05. January 2015, 19:39: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Death List for 2013

1. Billy Graham (an American evangelist)
2. George H, Bush (Satan)
3. James Earl Carter
4. George W. Bush (Spawn of Satan)
5. Robert Mugabe
6. H.R.H The Prince Philip (just because)
7. HM the Queen (her kiss of life from her devoted subject)
8. Knowlton Nash (CBC News Presenter)
9. Margaret Hilda, Baroness Thatcher (the Bloody Baron – isn’t she dead yet?
10. Lloyd Robertson (CTV news presenter)
11. Stephen Hawking (well he’s a medical miracle, he’s gotta go sometime!)
12.The Countess Mountbatten of Burma (she’s getting a little long in the tooth)
13. Princess Alexandra, Dowager Lady Ogilvy
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Here's my little list - and there's precious few of them that would be missed!

1. Rupert Murdoch.

2. General Than Shwe.

3. L K Advani.

4. Margaret Hilda Thatcher.

5. Newt Gingrich.

6. Jean Marie LePen.

7. Robert Mugabe.

8. Raj Thackeray.

9. Pat Robertson.

10. Ian Paisley.

11. Mitt Romney.

12. Gerry Adams.

13. Philip Mountbatten.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Here goes, in no particular order:

1. Robert Mugabe
2. HM Queen Elizabeth II (please not)
3. HRH Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
4. Baroness Thatcher
5. Nelson Mandela
6. Fidel Castro
7. Rupert Murdoch
8. Pope Benedict XVI
9. The Rev'd. Ian Paisley
10. Michael J. Fox
11. Pete Doherty
12. David Bowie
13. Justin Bieber (is he 18 yet?)

[ 10. December 2012, 02:37: Message edited by: piglet ]
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
13. Justin Bieber (is he 18 yet?)

19 next March.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
1. Billy Graham
2. Margaret Thatcher
3. HM Queen Elizabeth II
4. Lindsey Lohan
5. Robert Mugabe
6. Donald Sinden
7. Nelson Mandela
8. Bernie Eccleston
9. Prince Philip
10. Stephen Hawking
11. John McCain
12. Ian Paisley
13. Bill Treacher

This is largely unchanged since last year. Which just shows how well I do in this game.

If I keep playing it, I have to score with some of them eventually. Surely?
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
I forgot to enter last year, so here is my all new list.

1 Mahmoud Abbas - Palastinian leader (disputed)
2 Aziz Duwaik - Palastinian Leader (disputed)
3 B B King - greatest living guitarist
4 Charlie Watts - because Keith is indestructible
5 Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
6 Baron Kinnock - (Neil Kinnock - former Labour leader)
7 Stephen Hawking
8 Terry Pratchett
9 Sir Paul McCartney
10 Xi Jinping - Chinese leader
11 Jean-Marie Le Pen - French NF former leader
12 Hugo Chavez - President of Venezuela
13 Dame Judy Dench
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
I'll play the same numbers again.

1. Hugo Chavez
2. Ariel Sharon
3. P.D. James
4. Duke of Edinburgh
5. Robert Mugabe
6. Jimmy Carter
7. George H.W. Bush
8. Nelson Mandela
9. Margaret Thatcher
10. Billy Graham
11. Bashar Al-Assad
12. Fidel Castro
13. Stephen Hawking
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
1. Margaret Thatcher
2. Robert Mugabe
3. Brad Pitt
4. Nelson Mandela
5. Ion Iliescu (former President of Romania)
6. Katie Price (aka Jordan)
7. Nick Clegg
8. Duke of Edinburgh
9. Bob Geldof
10. Stephen Fry
11. George Michael
12. Pope Benedict
13. Alex Ferguson
Posted by Spike (# 36) on :
1. Margaret Thatcher
2. Prince Philip
3. Nelson Mandela
4. John Noakes
5. Muhammed Ali
6. Ken Dodd
7. Ronnie Corbett
8. Kylie Minogue
9. Brian Cant
10. Michael Aspel
11. Liz Smith
12. Denis Healey
13. Jasper Carrott
Posted by Imersge Canfield (# 17431) on :
My hypothetical list (no hard feelings)

1. Antolin Scalia
2. Joseph Ratzinger
3. Anthony M Kennedy
4. Prince Philip
5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
6. Margaret Thatcher
7. Stephen G Breyer
8. Sandra Day O'Connor
9. Bruce Forsythe
10. John Paul Stevens
11. George Bush (snr)
12. George Carey
13. Lady Trumpington

[ 15. December 2012, 23:34: Message edited by: Imersge Canfield ]
Posted by kankucho (# 14318) on :
Eyes down for a full crypt..!

1 Clive James
2 Fidel Castro
3 Frank Thornton
4 Richard O'Sullivan
5 Nelson Mandela
6 Ian Brady
7 Ronald Biggs
8 Zsa Zsa Gabor
9 Frank Williams (the actor)
10 Stephen Hawking
11 Vera Lynn
12 Robert Mugabe
13 Liz Dawn
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on :
My picks for the coming year:

1. Lindsay Lohan
2. Katt Williams
3. Zsa Zsa Gabor
4. George H.W. Bush
5. Hugo Chavez
6. Margaret Thatcher
7. Keith Richards
8. Courtney Love
9. George Michael
10. Muhammad Ali
11. Billy Graham
12. Aretha Frankllin
13. Kirk Douglas
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Here we go:

1. Danny Baker
2. Felix Dennis
3. Michael Douglas
4. Michael J Fox
5. Aretha Franklin
6. Dave Gahan
7. Johnny Halliday
8. Clive James
9. George Michael
10.Liza Minnelli
11.Reg Presley
12.Phil Spector
13.Michael Winner
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
Here's my 13:
1 Shirley Bassey
2 Duke of Edinburgh
3 Kirk Douglas
4 Steven Hawkings
5 Tom Jones
6 Terry Pratchett
7 Nelson Mandela
8 Margaret Thatcher
9 Ronnie Wood
10 Cliff Richard
11 Mugabe
12 Rod Stewart
and 13 - Fred Phelps. Do I get the 50 bonus points if he is assasinated, particularly if it's by a church member?
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by St. Gwladys:

and 13 - Fred Phelps. Do I get the 50 bonus points if he is assasinated, particularly if it's by a church member?

Anyone who assassinated him would get hundreds of bonus points from the whole of Christendom.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Originally posted by Imersge Canfield:
My hypothetical list (no hard feelings)

1. Antolin Scalia
2. Joseph Ratzinger
3. Anthony M Kennedy
4. Prince Philip
5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg
6. Margaret Thatcher
7. Stephen G Breyer
8. Sandra Day O'Connor
9. Bruce Forsythe
10. John Paul Stevens
11. George Bush (snr)
12. George Carey
13. Lady Trumpington

I take it you think Obama will be putting a whole new spin on SCOTUS? [Biased]
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on :
Unless someone kicks the dust in the next two weeks, my 2012 list got skunked. nevertheless, this is my list for 2013:

Stephen Hawking
Muhammad Ali
Ethan Zohn
Terry Pratchett
Charlie Sheen
Hugo Chavez
Hamid Karzai
Scott Hamilton
Michael J. Fox
Mike Tyson
Pete Doherty
Lindsay Lohan
Lance Armstrong
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on :
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
I take it you think Obama will be putting a whole new spin on SCOTUS? [Biased]

One can certainly hope. [Cool]
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Originally posted by St. Gwladys:

and 13 - Fred Phelps. Do I get the 50 bonus points if he is assasinated, particularly if it's by a church member?

Anyone who assassinated him would get hundreds of bonus points from the whole of Christendom.
... but be disqualified under the terms of Rule 8. [Big Grin]
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Originally posted by St. Gwladys:
and 13 - Fred Phelps. Do I get the 50 bonus points if he is assassinated, particularly if it's by a church member?

Only if it's because of a gay sex induced heart attack.

Okay, I've actually been leafing through celebrity gossip mags, etc., so I think reading that trash balances out any bad karma from playing this.

1. Ke$ha
2. Katy Perry
3. Lindsy Lohan (cleaned up her act, but still a bad driver)
4. Jay-Z
5. Brittany Spears
6. Gary Dourdan
7. Shia Labouf
8. Alex Lifeson (guitar player for Rush)
9. Keith Richards
10. Barack Obama
11. Justin Bieber
12. Fidel Castro
13. Hilary Clinton

(Slight change in the lineup there . . .)

[ 17. December 2012, 07:01: Message edited by: Ariston ]
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Lindsy Lohan (cleaned up her act, but still a bad driver)
She's also a bad liar to police.

Poor girl. Unlike Spears, she doesn't have anyone in the corner of sanity in her life.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
1. Lindsey Lohan
2. Maggie Thatcher
3. Phil the Greek
4. Nelson Mandela (hope he makes it to New Year!)
5. Clive James
6. Bob Mugabe
7. Cheryl Cole
8. Freddie Starr
9. Jimmy Carter
10. George H W Bush
11. Keith Richard (cos he is mortal!)
12. Father Palsy (Ian Richard Kyle Paisley)
13. Geoffrey Howe-come-he's-still-alive

[ 18. December 2012, 16:30: Message edited by: Matt Black ]
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
If anyone's interested, sixteen people have cast their votes (?) so far and the most popular (?) celebrities are the Duke of Edinburgh and Margaret Thatcher with eleven nominations each. Robert Mugabe, Nelson Mandella and Stephen Hawking follow with nine, eight and seven respectively. In total one hundred and twenty two people are on at least one list.

If nobody's interested please ignore my post.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
1. Lindsay Lohan
2. Fidel Castro
3. Stephen Hawking
4. Rush Limbaugh
5. Mary Tyler Moore
6. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud (president of Somalia)
7. Larry Flint
8. Hamid Karzai
9. Brooke Mueller (Charlie Sheen's ex)
10. Michael Douglas
11. Bret Michaels
12. Dick Cheney
13. Tatum O'Neal
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Similar to last year, with one substitution for the only one I called correctly.

From oldest to youngest:

(1) Betty White
(2) Henry Kissinger
(3) Pope Benedict XVI
(4) James Garner (the actor, not the politician)
(5) Helmut Kohl
(6) Jim Bunning
(7) Emperor Akihito
(8) Tom Baker
(9) Henry "Hank" Aaron
(10) Bob Dylan
(11) Hulk Hogan
(12) Macaulay Culkin
(13) Lindsay Lohan
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
1. Margaret Thatcher
2. Billy Graham
3. Nelson Mandela
4. George Herbert Walker Bush
5. Lindsay Lohan
6. Fidel Castro (I think he may be secretly dead already)
7. Pope Benedict XVI
8. Barbara Bush (wife of GHW Bush)
9. Zsa Zsa Gabor (I can't believe she's still around!)
10. Prince Phillip
11. Charlie Sheen (famous for drug use and "winning"
12. Betty White (though I hope not)
13. Chris Christie (US Governor of New Jersey and very overweight)
Posted by St Everild (# 3626) on :
Never played this here goes...

Nelson Mandela
The Duke of Edinburgh
Terry Pratchett
Margaret Thatcher
George Bush (Sen)
George W Bush
Jimmy Carter
Michael Douglas (married to Catherine Zeta Jones)
The Pope
Mick Jagger
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by St Everild:
Never played this here goes...

Nelson Mandela
The Duke of Edinburgh
Terry Pratchett
Margaret Thatcher
George Bush (Sen)
George W Bush
Jimmy Carter
Michael Douglas (married to Catherine Zeta Jones)
The Pope
Mick Jagger

You get 3 more selections! 13 choices.
Posted by Light User (# 14254) on :
1) Sister Wendy Beckett
2) Doris Lessing
3) King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
4) Rabbi Lionel Blue
5) Princess Lilian of Sweden
6) Ian Brady
7) Tom Finney
8) Anthony Armstrong-Jones, 1st Earl of Snowdon
9) Diana Athill
10) Dave Swarbrick
11) Lord Carrington
12) Sir George Martin
13) Tariq Aziz
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
A bit more analysis:

Margaret Thatcher and Prince Philip are still the front runners for the obituary sections.

Twenty one people have submitted lists although St Everild is currently generously handicapping him/her self.

If everyone on all the lists were to snuff it on the first of January Ariston would win, having chosen younger candidates.

If I keep on doing these posts I might actually remember to put up my own list this year.
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on :
1 Margaret Thatcher
2 Prince Philip
3 Tom Baker
4 David Hasselhoff
5 Stephen Hawking
6 Bruce Forsythe
7 Macaulay Culkin
8 Robert Mugabe
9 Archbishop Desmond Tutu
10 Rev Ian Paisley
11 Nelson Mandela
12 Ozzy Osbourne
13 Mary - Kate Olsen
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
If everyone on all the lists were to snuff it on the first of January Ariston would win, having chosen younger candidates.

I am really conflicted about this. On the one hand, I've been wanting to know who would win if everybody snuffed it. On the other hand, I am appalled that anybody would actually waste their time figuring it out. How do I say "thank you" and "get a life" at the same time??
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Short answer: most everybody on my list is under 60, some under 25. It's pretty conspicuous, so it's not like it'd take much time to notice it. I've thought about changing out one or two people for someone older, but . . . naaaaaaah, I'm stickin' with my story.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Much as last year with one alteration.

Posted by Og: Thread Killer (# 3200) on :
Ian Paisley
Steve Guttenburg (used to be actor)
Nelson Mandela
Robert Mugabe
Arthur Valerian Wellesley, 8th Duke of Wellington(token old dude)
Charles Aznavour
Shane MacGowan
Charles Taylor
Rihanna (token pop star)
Richard Rush (movie director)
Susannah York
Tom Baker
Hugo Chavez

[ 25. December 2012, 00:34: Message edited by: Og: Thread Killer ]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
One member closer to a complete Odd Couple reunion.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Originally posted by Og: Thread Killer:

Charles Taylor

Which one? There are several reasonably well-known in certain circles,
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by Og: Thread Killer:
Rihanna (token pop star)

So you don't count Shane McGowan as a pop star?
Posted by Og: Thread Killer (# 3200) on :
Originally posted by PeteC:
Originally posted by Og: Thread Killer:

Charles Taylor

Which one? There are several reasonably well-known in certain circles,
Liberian dude

And the Pogues never were pop.
Posted by Hart (# 4991) on :
Given that no-one on my list managed to die last year, they should really be paying me a little retainer for having kept them alive. Therefore, I'm going to be terribly unimaginative and list the same people again:

Queen Elizabeth II
Urban Meyer
Katy Perry
Dale Earnhartt Jnr
Cardinal Rigali
Thabo Mbeki
Joe Donnelly
Keith Richards
Vera Lynn
Helen Mirren
Sir Peter Tapsell
Clint Eastwood
Bruce Forsyth
Posted by JFH (# 14794) on :
For those who prefer a bit of science in their predictions, this might be of interest. Apparently rock stars that became famous before 1980 are expected to reach an age of 39 in Europe, 45 in North America. Every fifth North American solo artist dies at a young age - Justin Bieber is sure to make it to my list this year.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
My list (only the second I have ever posted because I have forgotten so many times) is:

Jonathan Rhys Meyers
Ethan Zohn
Brooke Burke
Rosie O'Donnell
Melanie Griffith
Martina Navratilova
Sharon Osbourne
David Cassidy
Terry Jones
Judy Blume
Dustin Hoffman
Burt Reynolds
Nelle Harper Lee
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on :
Russell Brand
Jimmy Carter
Fidel Castro
Sir Henry Cecil
Duke of Edinburgh
Bruce Forsyth
Dawn French
Gary Glitter
Denis Healey
Lindsay Lohan
Salman Rushdie
Peter Salllis
Margaret Thatcher
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
I changed most of my list this year. Therefore, the ones not making it to this list are doomed.

1. Billy Graham
2. Philip Mountbatten
3. Michael J. Fox
4. Justin Bieber
5. George H W Bush
6. B B King
7. Stephen Hawking
8. Pope Benedict
9. Muhammed Ali
10. Courtney Love
11. Charlie Sheen
12. Lindsay Lohan
13. Helen Mirren
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on :
Okay, here we are again. My somewhat eclectic list:

Tony Iommi
Ian Paisley
Clive James
Liz Dawn
Hugo Chavez
Nelson Mandela
Margaret Thatcher
Sharon Osborne
Richard Attenborough
George H. W. Bush
Hosni Mubarak
The Duke of Edinburgh
Ronnie Biggs

Good luck to all the above.
Posted by Gussie (# 12271) on :
Nearly the same list as last year.

1 Robert Mugabe
2. Margaret Thatcher
3. Fats Domino
4. Little Richard
5. Jerry Lee Lewis
6. Rabbi Lionel Blue
7. Christian Bale
8. Pete Townsend
9. Roger Daltrey
10. Fidel Castro
11. Pete Seeger
12. Bruce Forsyth
13. Vince Cable
Posted by Og: Thread Killer (# 3200) on :
I would be somewhat curious about a demographic study of these lists.

For example, do we tend to choose more men then women? (I now I do)
Posted by Queen Mousie (# 9925) on :
1. Rev. Billy Graham
2. Fidel Castro
3. Za Za Gabor
4. Doris Day
5. The Pope
6. Lindsey Lohan
7. Jerry Lewis
8. Ex President Bush (senior)
9. Steven Hawking
10. Michael J. Fox
11. Mary-Kate Olson ( looks like a zombie)
12. Charlie Sheen
13. Camilla Duchess of Cornwall
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
We now have 31 entries (one with only ten nominees) encompassing 213 celebrity Choir Invisible candidates. Of these, 162 (76%) are male and 51 (24%) female. In terms of votes cast 307 (77%) are male and 93 (23%) are female.

I will look at nationalities but that will take a while and I'll probably wait until next year.
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
Copied and pasted from last year:
1. Bruce Forsyth
2. Tony Blair
3. Margaret Thatcher
4. Katie Price
5. Prince Phillip
6. Prince Harry
7. Billy Graham
8. Robert Mugabe
9. Ronnie Wood
10. Radovan Karadzic
11. Asif Zardari of Pakistan
12. George H.W. Bush (born 1924)
13. Mswati III of Swaziland.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
1. Mohammed Ali
2. George Herbert Walker Bush
3. Jimmy Carter
4. Hugo Chavez
5. Dick Cheney
6. Kirk Douglas
7. Roger Ebert
8. Aretha Franklin
9. Billy Graham
10. Lindsey Lohan
11. Nelson Mandela
12. Fred Phelps
13. Margaret Thatcher
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Dick Cheney
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
George H.W. Bush
Fidel Castro
Margaret Thatcher
Billy Graham
Bill Wyman
Hugo Chavez
Robert Mugabe
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Lindsay Lohan
Prince Philip
James Garner
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
1. Margaret Thatcher
2. Billy Graham
3. George H. B. Bush
4. Nelson Mandela
5. Kirk Douglas
6. Michael Douglas
7. Zsa Zsa Gabor
8. Fidel Castro
9. Muhammad Ali
10.Peter Tork
11.Robin Roberts
12.Glen Campbell
13.Jerry Lewis
Posted by JFH (# 14794) on :
Copied from last year with two slight modifications:
1. Julian Assange
2. Hosni Mubarak
3. Ali Abdullah Saleh (former dictator of Yemen)
4. Oleg Kashin (Russian reporter)
5. Raul Castro
6. Bashar Al-Assad
7. Kim Jong-Un
8. Hugo Chavez
9. Justin Bieber
10. Miley Cyrus
11. Robert Zimmerman
12. Charles Taylor (former Liberian dictator)
13. Madonna
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
It may be too soon, but my nominations for 2012 have survived, nevertheless I'm going to change a couple.

1. Margaret Thatcher
2. Robert Mugabe
3. Pete Doherty
4. Keith Richards
5. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
6. Tom Baker
7. Alex Ferguson
8. Clive James
9. Stephen Hawking
10. Silvio Berlusconi
11. George W Bush
12. Vladimir Putin
13. Paul Gascoigne
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
In under the wire…

I'm letting most of my list ride again with the one casualty duly replaced. I quite like Billy Graham and he isn't worth many points anyway, so he gets a reprieve.

Which gives me:

1. Margaret Thatcher (if I take her off the list she'll die to spite me)
2. Fidel Castro
3. Hosni Mubarak
4. Peter Stringfellow (long shot - but I personally have a theory that he's dead already and just hasn't stopped moving about)
5. Ronnie Biggs
6. Hakimullah Mehsud (big cheese of the Pakistani Taliban)
7. Silvio Berlusconi
8. Paul Daniels (just because)
9. Bashar al-Assad
10. Michael Douglas
11. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
12. Hugo Chavez
13. Ben Jonson (Olympic cheat and famous anabolic steroid abuser - bad for the heart)
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on :
Large chunks copied and pasted from last year, including the panicked note... I did finally get some points on the board, but Megrahi had to go some day, so hardly a surprise

Right, as ever, suddenly realised it's the last day - eek!

1. Aretha Franklin
2. Hugo Chavez
3. Rush Limbaugh
4. Sharif Ahmed (Somali President)
5. George H W Bush (same grounds as Megrahi last year which, I quote, was "I'm going to get a bloody point if it kills me!")
6. Jimmy Armfield
7. Michael Douglas
8. Paul Gascoigne
9. Hilary Clinton (can you tell I'm desperate, given today's news?)
10. Alan Stanford
11. Bernie Madoff
12. Tony Blair
13. Jerry Lee Lewis (can you tell that I was getting a bit desperate towards the end...?)

(sod the disclaimer - I only play because it's twisted [Devil] )
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
1. George H. Bush
2. Hugo Chavez
3. Patty Andrews
4. Jerry Lewis
5. Pope Benedict
6. Billy Graham
7. King Bhumibol Adulyadej
8. Harper Lee
9. Muhammad Ali
10. Roger Ebert
11. Tommy Chong
12. Michael Weiner
13. Nelson Mandela
Posted by Auntie Doris (# 9433) on :
Well I did poorly in 2012, so let's hope that I a more successful in 2013!

1. Ken Dodd
2. Prince Philip
3. Val Doonican.
4. Michael J Fox
5. Maggie Thatcher
6. Lesley Phillips
7. Fidel Castro
8. George Michael
9. Nelson Mandela
10. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi
11. Billy Graham
12. Muhammad Ali
13. George Bush Snr

(I have been a little distracted lately so if anyone has died on this list please let me know!)

Auntie Doris x
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
Can we claim points for Jerry Lewis AND Jerry Lee Lewis if either dies? [Smile]
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
Originally posted by Auntie Doris:
(I have been a little distracted lately so if anyone has died on this list please let me know!)

Abdulbaset al-Megrahi died this year. Better choose someone else, quick!
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
1) Hosni Mubarak
2) Fidel Castro
3) Bashar al-Assad
4) Hugo Chavez
5) Margaret Thatcher
6) George HW Bush
7) Nelson Mandela
8) Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh
9) Rev. Billy Graham
10) Muhammed Ali
11) Annette Funicello
12) Zsa Zsa Gabor
13) Lindsay Lohan
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
My list:

1. Charlotte Church
2. Lady Gaga
3. Amanda Bynes
4. Robert Pattinson
5. Shia LaBeouf
6. Ashley Olson
7. Mary-Kate Olson
8. Lindsay Lohan
9. Usain Bolt
10. Armie Hammer
11. Emmy Rossum
12. Kate Voegele

And just so I have a chance of scoring a couple of points: 13. Billy Graham

Ten points to Gryffindor for anyone guessing (without the aid of the Google) what the first twelve have in common and why that puts them in the death pool.
- Anne L.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by maleveque:
Ten points to Gryffindor for anyone guessing (without the aid of the Google) what the first twelve have in common and why that puts them in the death pool.
- Anne L.

They are all vampires.
Posted by Eloise (# 4292) on :
(Just in under the wire, assuming I have the timezones correct?)

1. Ariel Sharon
2. Molly Meldrum
3. Nelson Mandela
4. Dave Davies
5. Russell Watson
6. Ivica Osim
7. Etta James
8. Masao Yoshida
9. Jerry Brown
10. Prince Philip
11. Ruth Bader Ginsberg
12. David Hasselhoff
13. Ryan Buell
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
last minute ACK! okay, random off the top of my head:

1. George HW Bush (George the First)
2. George W Bush (George the Second)
3. Hugo Chavez
4. Lindsey Lohan (is she 27 yet?)
5. AK Rep Don Young (I like to think positive)
6. Margaret Thatcher
7. Hilary Clinton
8. Bill Clinton
9. Aretha Franklin
10. BB King (LOVE this man... but he can't live forever...)
11. Ozzy Osbourne
12. Levi Johnston
13. John McCain

a little bit of everyone...
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Eloise:
(Just in under the wire, assuming I have the timezones correct?)

1. Ariel Sharon
2. Molly Meldrum
3. Nelson Mandela
4. Dave Davies
5. Russell Watson
6. Ivica Osim
7. Etta James
8. Masao Yoshida
9. Jerry Brown
10. Prince Philip
11. Ruth Bader Ginsberg
12. David Hasselhoff
13. Ryan Buell

Etta James died nearly a year ago.
Posted by Eloise (# 4292) on :
So she did. This is what happens when you leave it to the last minute and don't double check your list...
Posted by Chapelhead (# 21) on :
This will mean nothing to the large majority of American shipmates, and possible little to anyone outside England (as defined for cricketing purposes), but the passing of Christopher Martin-Jenkins will be a very sad start to the year for many on this side of the pond.
Posted by Imaginary Friend (# 186) on :
He was the perfect antidote to Henry Blofeld's idocy and I spent many a happy summer's afternoon listening to him on TMS. He will be missed.

In other news, my rather spectacular failure to keep the results web page up to date in 2012 has precipitated a change in how things will be run this year. Stepping manfully into the breach is The Rogue, so many, many thanks to him. I'll let him describe how things will work, but I'm sure it's going to be great.
Posted by Auntie Doris (# 9433) on :
Originally posted by Jack the Lass:
Originally posted by Auntie Doris:
(I have been a little distracted lately so if anyone has died on this list please let me know!)

Abdulbaset al-Megrahi died this year. Better choose someone else, quick!
I am really sorry but I hope that you will permit me to swap in Lindsay Lohan. I forgot to check back and see if anyone had checked up on my list!

Auntie Doris x
Posted by Wet Kipper (# 1654) on :
Well, given that I've been too late to join in, I fully expect most people from my list which has been pretty much the same over the past few years will pop their proverbials.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Originally posted by Imaginary Friend:
Stepping manfully into the breach is The Rogue, so many, many thanks to him. I'll let him describe how things will work, but I'm sure it's going to be great.

Thanks, iF.

One difference between 2013 and previous years is that I don't have any web space so will be posting results here. In summary form, I hasten to add, as the hosts won't want great long posts with zillions of zeroes.

I am keeping my records on a spreadsheet and if you want a copy please pm me.

To make sure that I have got the correct people on each list I will pm everyone with who I think they have picked. This will be over the next few days. I'm doing this because no matter how careful I am there is still plenty of scope for cock-up!
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
To summarise the entries (subject to correction - see above) there have been 45 lists entered. One has only ten names and one twelve so there are 581 nominations for 269 celebrities. 207 (77%) of the names are male and the rest female.

Margaret Thatcher has the most nominations (27) and the Duke of Edinburgh is next with 22. George Bush snr and nelson Mandella share third place with 19 nominations each. 193 celebrities have only one nomination.

If all the celebrities had all died today maleveque would have won, assuming rule five did not come into play.
Posted by Imaginary Friend (# 186) on :
I can also let you all know that I've gotten around to doing the scores from the 2012 edition. You can find it all at this link.

And thanks again to The Rogue.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
There are three pairs of nominees born on the same day - one of these pairs actually are twins. There is also a trio. Paul McCartney, Roger Ebert and Thabo Mbeke were all born on 18th June 1942.

I'm not aware that any of the nominees are Shippies.

I could go on but once they have shown Spurs on Match of the Day I will be switching off.

Please ask me any questions you have about how the Pool will be run and please do give me feedback on how it's going as the year progresses. Any corrections will be gratefully received.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Originally posted by maleveque:
Ten points to Gryffindor for anyone guessing (without the aid of the Google) what the first twelve have in common and why that puts them in the death pool.
- Anne L.

They are all vampires.
Hahahaha. I like that better than my answer, which I suspect is the true one (they're all under 30 if I am guessing correctly so would be high points). Bynes might be an excellent sleeper entry, she is as much of an addicted wreck as LiLo.
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Originally posted by Amazing Grace:
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Originally posted by maleveque:
Ten points to Gryffindor for anyone guessing (without the aid of the Google) what the first twelve have in common and why that puts them in the death pool.
- Anne L.

They are all vampires.
Hahahaha. I like that better than my answer, which I suspect is the true one (they're all under 30 if I am guessing correctly so would be high points). Bynes might be an excellent sleeper entry, she is as much of an addicted wreck as LiLo.
Not vampires (as far as I know, anyway), and their age *does* have something to do with it, but there's something more specific.
Some clues: Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse.
- Anne L.
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on :
All 27?

Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Right, then. Getting down to business:

Singer Patti Page is doing the Tennessee Waltz up yonder.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
On seeing the headline that a Taliban militant had been blown up by a US drone, I thought I was going to be in early luck, but unfortunately for me, it wasn't the same one.

Apparently I should have studied the CIA hitlist more closely. [Devil]
Posted by Yam-pk (# 12791) on :
Well it's late, I'm sorry [Help] [Confused] please feel free to strike from the record but here are my snuffing-it candidates:

1. Leslie Phillips
2. Nelson Mandela
3. Hugo Chavez
4. Fidel Castro
5. Leonard Nimoy
6. Margaret Thatcher
7. Gough Whitlam
8. Geoff Boycott
9. Clint Eastwood
10. Richard Attenborough
11. Pope Benedict XVI
12. Michael Parkinson
13. Nick Clegg
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Those who have Chavez keep your champagne bottles at the ready...
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Daphne Oxford is now sitting comfortably in Heaven.
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Originally posted by Sandemaniac:
All 27?


The 27 Club.

- Anne L.
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on :
Conrad Bain has joined both Arnold (Gary Coleman) and Maude (Bea Arthur) in sitcom heaven.
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on :
Memories! For some reason my dad - not a lover of sitcoms at all - really loved that show. It used to be on during the all-important 'teatime slot' as I remember.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Pauline Phillips, aka Dear Abby, has died at 94.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Great Baltimore Oriole manager Earl Weaver has died. While on a baseball fantasy cruise. I suppose there are worse ways to go than being surrounded by adoring fans.
Posted by Hart (# 4991) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
Any corrections will be gratefully received.

No corrections, just an expression of appreciation for the interesting summary stats!
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
One difference between 2013 and previous years is that I don't have any web space so will be posting results here. In summary form, I hasten to add, as the hosts won't want great long posts with zillions of zeroes.

So far this year nobody on anyone's list has died.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Wow. Rough couple of days for baseball. Cardinal great Stan Musial has died, the day after Earl Weaver.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
I had the good fortune to see Stan the Man play a couple of times toward the end of his career. There was a joke at the time that if you were a father taking his son to a Cardinals game, you would send him to get a hot dog every time Stan came up to bat, so he wouldn't be tempted to imitate his (extremely weird) stance.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Just got the PM verifying my death list predictions. The Rogue, you are amazing. Thank you for doing this!
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :
Did anyone have Michael Winner?
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by kingsfold:
Did anyone have Michael Winner?

Cos if they did, they are.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Yes, I did. Still comes as a shock though!
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Apart from a few people who either have opted out of PMs or whose PM boxes are full I have sent confirmations to all coffin anticipaters.

Well done, Tree Bee, for getting the Inside Track With The Grim Reaper award. I should add that this is subject to there being no other deaths which are still to be reported or discovered.

In fact, at the moment you are holding all four awards on offer...
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Does that mean my box was full? If so, I have now emptied it. Substantially.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Patty Andrews, the last surviving Andrews Sister, is sitting under the apple tree at last with her siblings.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Ed Koch, three-time mayor of New York City and famous for asking, "How am I doing?", knows the answer to that question at last.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
I know some New Yorkers who have strong opinions one way or the other....
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Ed Koch was a great man and a great mayor. Rare among politicians, he wasn't afraid to speak his mind regardless of who might think differently. Some of his one-liners will live in infamy, such as his advice about not flushing toilets during the drought of the early 1980s: "If it's yellow, let it mellow. If it's brown, flush it down."

Yes, he had his faults, but which of us doesn't? His administration had its scandals, but which administration doesn't?

Rest in peace, Mr. Mayor.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
I was not a fan (but then I wasn't a constituent either, so my opinion doesn't matter). However, I did admire one of his lines: "I can explain it to you, but I can't comprehend it for you."
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Originally posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe:
Patty Andrews, the last surviving Andrews Sister, is sitting under the apple tree at last with her siblings.

That's six points for Gwai.

A bit more analysis of our picks:

Of the 268 nominees 119 are from Europe, 111 from North America and 19 from Asia.

104 are from the USA and 101 from the UK.

61 are famous for music, there are 60 politicians, 49 actors, 18 sportsmen/women, 13 royalty and 12 comedians.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Thanks for all your help!
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
I doubt if anyone had Chris Kyle, a Navy SEAL sniper who had more kills to his credit than any other. I respectfully submit, however, that the manner of his death (shot to death) goes toward proving the existence of God.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
Muhammad Ali may or may not be at death's door, according to some news reports. Stay tuned!
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe:
I doubt if anyone had Chris Kyle, a Navy SEAL sniper who had more kills to his credit than any other. I respectfully submit, however, that the manner of his death (shot to death) goes toward proving the existence of God.

No. It just goes to show that the only thing that can stop a good guy with a gun is a bad guy with a gun.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
If the labels "good" or "bad" could be applied to either of them, surely that's for God to decide, not us.
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on :
Reg Presley of the Troggs has died, aged 71.

Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Originally posted by Sandemaniac:
Reg Presley of the Troggs has died, aged 71.


This is getting embarrassing ! [Hot and Hormonal]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
So not such a Wild Thing any more - or perhaps Heaven is where our wildness will be fulfilled.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Originally posted by Tree Bee:
Originally posted by Sandemaniac:
Reg Presley of the Troggs has died, aged 71.


This is getting embarrassing ! [Hot and Hormonal]
Purely in the interest of scientific research into your abilities to tell the future, what will the lottery numbers be this Saturday?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Stuart Freeborn has died. Create no more, he will.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Found the thread at last [Razz]

Is anyone else seriously bummed out that they didn't pick the pöpe?
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
1. He ain't dead yet!
2. I find the discussion of how much you want to kill Il Papa distressful. Off to Hull with you!


Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Of the nine people who went for him seven were specific to the soon to be former Holy Father but two attempted to hedge slightly by just saying "The P***". If the new man (or woman) dies this year while still in office a decision will have to be made. If this happens and another P*** is elected and dies then will these two competitors be able to score twice for the same choice?
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
My opinion is irrelevant, but I'd say that they score every time a p*** dies while still the p***, but do not score if Ratzinger dies while not the p***.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
I imagine that anyone who selected Joseph Ratzinger would score.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Bump. Because I can't find the thread.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Gwai:
... but do not score if Ratzinger dies while not the p***.

I had him on my list as "Pope Benedict XVI"; wouldn't he still have that title, as there won't be another with the same name and number?

Having said that, I wish him a long and happy retirement.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Tony Sheridan, who arguably gave the Beatles their crucial break, has moved on to Rock & Roll Heaven.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Ronald Dworkin, one of the most important legal and political philosophers of his generation, died Thursday. I'm pretty sure nobody had him, but, having interpreted this community's comprehensive norms and ethos in the best possible way, it seems as if such a constructive interpretation would demand that I post a notice of his death.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Richard Briers has died at 79. Although he seems best remembered for The Good Life he played all sorts of roles and I remember him best with John Gielgud in the TV adaptation of Chekhov's Swansong.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Sad news about Richard Briers. He was an excellent actor - he had his own style, and it is not for everyone, but he was good.

AND he got to snog Felicity Kendal. What more could you ask for in life?
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
Mindy McCready has died. A sad, sad life when there was so much potential. [Votive]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
Richard Briers has died at 79. Although he seems best remembered for The Good Life he played all sorts of roles and I remember him best with John Gielgud in the TV adaptation of Chekhov's Swansong.

My favourite quote from Richard Briers was after a damning review of his Hamlet: Briers replied that "I may not have been the best, but I was definitely one of the fastest".

Lovely modest man with little to be modest about.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Brilliant quote from a terrific actor and a lovely human.
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on :
In U.S. sports news L.A. Lakers Basketball coach Jerry Buss. He took a mediocre team and during his time as owner the Lakers won 10 championships and made it to the finals multiple times.

[ 18. February 2013, 17:49: Message edited by: Niteowl ]
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Originally posted by Niteowl:
In U.S. sports news L.A. Lakers Basketball coach Jerry Buss. He took a mediocre team and during his time as owner the Lakers won 10 championships and made it to the finals multiple times.

A remarkable man. But actually he was the Laker's owner rather than coach. He had the brains to hire fantastic coaches and players, and hired a young, unknown Paula Abdul to dance with and choreograph for the Laker Girls. [Big Grin]
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Pep Simek, co-founder of Tombstone Pizza (famous for its commercials where an executioner asks his victim, "What do you want on your tombstone?" and the victim replies, "Pepperoni and cheese"), has finally gotten to decide what he wants on his.

On no one's list, I'm sure, but it's been slim pickings for the Grip Reaper lately, so we'll take whoever we can get (so to speak).
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Magic Slim has gone to the crossroads in the sky...
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Ray Cuisick who designed the Daleks has been exterminated.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Let us hope that Paul McIlhenny, a member of the family whose company has for generations produced the fiery hot pepper sauce known as Tabasco, is not experiencing in death the full reality of which his product is merely, erm, a foretaste.

[ 25. February 2013, 14:24: Message edited by: Amanda B. Reckondwythe ]
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on :
C. Everett Koop former Surgeon General has died at the age of 96. The healer did well but couldn't beat old age.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
American Concert Pianist Van Cliburn has died.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
American Concert Pianist Van Cliburn has died.

Nooooo. [Waterworks]
Posted by Organ Builder (# 12478) on :
We lost Marie-Claire Alain yesterday.

A generation of musical giants is passing.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Originally posted by Organ Builder:
We lost Marie-Claire Alain yesterday.

How did I miss that? I had the privilege of hearing her about 25 years ago.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
D. included a tribute to her in his weekly organ recital today: Choral dorien and Litanies, both by her brother, Jehan Alain, for the interpretation of whose music she was particularly renowned.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
American Concert Pianist Van Cliburn has died.

Oddly enough, not only did he graduate from the same university as me, but we were also fraternity brothers, albeit separated by 50 years. RIP, at the sounding of the final chord.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
For those of you who have Hugo Chavez, he seems to be knock, knock, knockin on heaven's door:
Chavez fighting for his life.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
According to some comments by
Chavez's self-appointed successor
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
I know someone who swears (although his source is suspect -- his imagination!) that Chavez has been dead for months and that the Cubans gussied up someone with plasic surgery to be his double.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
You don't believe this? Hmmmm, miss Amanda, part of the coverup are we?
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
Bonnie Franklin , 70's-80's sitcom star, no longer takes "One Day at a Time."
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Originally posted by ChaliceGirl:
For those of you who have Hugo Chavez, he seems to be knock, knock, knockin on heaven's door:
Chavez fighting for his life.

come on, Hugo! mama needs a new set of snowtires!
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
One less Miracle in the world.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Hugo Chavez has died
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
I feel a little horrible for my cheering. he took good care of Alaska once. RIP
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Wow, he may be the first Evil Dictator™ to actually die in a while. 42 points to . . . well, a lot of people.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
To steal the headline from NPR, Alvin Lee is going home.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
Chavez was number 1 on my list.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
He was on 14 lists.
Posted by Og: Thread Killer (# 3200) on :
Stompin' Tom Connors has gone to stomp on a piece of plywood in the upstairs bar. About as Canadian an icon as has ever lived.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Midnight in Heaven
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Sybil Burton Williams Christopher, wife (well, one of them anyway) of the late actor Richard Burton, is learning in reverse the meaning of Matthew 22:28.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Frank Thornton has gone. Points for somebody, if I remember correctly.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Harry Reems, star of the film Deep Throat and the first person ever to be prosecuted simply for having appeared in a film, and an eventual convert to Christianity (the pastor who received him was dismissed), is experiencing bliss of a different sort.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Horror writer James Herbert has penned his last.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Rise Stevens has joined the heavenly chorus.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Chinua Achebe, [Votive]
Posted by kankucho (# 14318) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
Frank Thornton has gone. Points for somebody, if I remember correctly.

Er, yes, that's me. For a rather meagre eight points. Still, every little helps.

"RIP, Captain Peacock?"
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
He did a lot more than the Harry Potter films but that is probably what Richard Griffiths will be mostly recognised for. I remember him in Bird of Prey on the BBC which I really enjoyed - someone completely out of his comfort zone.

[ 29. March 2013, 11:50: Message edited by: The Rogue ]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Now eating pie in the sky. The comments indicate what I have always though, that he was a lovely, charming, pleasant person. Although I have no doubt that he would also tell you to fuck off of it was appropriate. Not maliciously though.

A sad loss. I hope they can find a coffin large enough.
Posted by geroff (# 3882) on :
And superb as Hector in The History Boys
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
But even Richard Griffiths couldn't save The Cleopatras.

(nb some links NSFW)
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
We loved Pie in the Sky - the sort of gentle, quirky detective drama at which Britain excels. D. will be forever in DI Crabbe's debt for his suggestion that the key to a really good shepherd's pie is to put a layer of mashed potatoes in the base of the dish, to soak up the juices.

May he rest in peace (or maybe in peas).
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
A death foretold alas: Iain (M) Banks will be going off-Earth shortly.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
That is a huge tragedy, he is a brilliant writer. I just hope that his final novel is a fitting finale.
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on :
Roger Ebert, movie critic of the Chicago Sun Times, has died. His thyroid cancer had come back.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
Roger Ebert. This is a shock, since the return of his cancer was only announced earlier this week. He had planned on continuing to review films, on a reduced schedule, and said he was looking forward to only viewing the movies he actually wanted to see.

Thumbs up, Mr. Ebert.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
Sorry to double-post, but this obit written by one of Ebert's colleagues is more complete and obviously heartfelt.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Originally posted by Kyzyl:
Roger Ebert, movie critic of the Chicago Sun Times, has died. His thyroid cancer had come back.

It's probably my fault. I took him off my list after several years. What a man! [Tear]
Posted by cheesymarzipan (# 9442) on :
Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by cheesymarzipan:
Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke.

Possibly on more lists than anyone else, ever.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
She was on my list. [Yipee]
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Me too. My first one! 11 points
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
11 points!
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Matt Black:
Me too. My first one! 11 points

I got 13 points. Did we see different reports, or are you displaying the maths lawyers are often associated with?
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
13 points according to the Telegraph. I'm going to be controversial and say that on balance I think she was a Good Thing.

May she rest in peace.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Originally posted by cheesymarzipan:
Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke.

If I were her, I would have had a stroke a long time ago seeing the mischief Cameron and his cronies are up to.

Honest,but misguided.

13 points! [Yipee]
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Originally posted by Matt Black:
Me too. My first one! 11 points

I got 13 points. Did we see different reports, or are you displaying the maths lawyers are often associated with?
Lawyers' maths are designed to work in favour of the lawyer. Matt has underclaimed by 2 points, hence not lawyers' maths.

(Matt, my time sheet says it took me 30 mins to write this post supporting you. My fee-note is in the post.)
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
I had her number 1 on my list. Do I get extra points?
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Originally posted by cheesymarzipan:
Margaret Thatcher has died following a stroke.

Possibly on more lists than anyone else, ever.
She is/was on 27 lists and so generated 351 points. However, Hugo Chavez augmented the overall points total by 588.

As there have been some significant developments on the game I will try to get up to date scores by this weekend.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Originally posted by North East Quine:
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Originally posted by Matt Black:
Me too. My first one! 11 points

I got 13 points. Did we see different reports, or are you displaying the maths lawyers are often associated with?
Lawyers' maths are designed to work in favour of the lawyer. Matt has underclaimed by 2 points, hence not lawyers' maths.

(Matt, my time sheet says it took me 30 mins to write this post supporting you. My fee-note is in the post.)

Usual 30-days' terms (for me to look at it, that is)?

First site (Beeb as it happened) that I looked at said she was 89, hence the error.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
It's my fault. I took her off my list.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
I've been refusing to take her off my list for years on the basis that if I did she'd die to spite me.

Finally my leaning towards the despotic is starting to pay off [Snigger]
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on :
Annette Funicello
LA Times Annette Funicello
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
Say it isn't so.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Originally posted by Grits:
I had her number 1 on my list. Do I get extra points?

I like this idea. She was Number One on mine, and my first ever points.

[Big Grin]
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Erm. I got two in one day. Annette Funicello has gone to the beach party/Disney reunion in the sky. RIP Annette.

Do I get some sort of (ad-hoc) prize for that?
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
For those of you begging (and, I notice, not brown-nosing!) for extra points: nice try. Bragging rights are all you win in this anyway, so you can have some extra if we remember to note it at the end of the year.

[ 09. April 2013, 03:03: Message edited by: Ariston ]
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Although all bribes will be gratefully accepted and subsequently forgotten about.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
I'm working on who's still alive and have come across this which appears to be a hoax.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
The scores at the moment are based on eight of our candidates for daisy pushing having actually snuffed it.

Quite a few people got 55 points for both Margaret Thatcher and Hugo Chavez but Amazing Grace also got Annette Funicello and so is leading for overall points and also for the Quantity Not Quality award. Well done.

Frank Thornton, Lillian Davies, Reg Presley, Patty Andrews and Michael Winner are the other chosen celebrities who have shuffled off the mortal coil.

Nine of the competing Shipmates have yet to score. There are still nearly nine months for them to do something about that although please bear rule 8 in mind.

If you think I've missed anything or you want to know your own score please pm me.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
I'm working on who's still alive and have come across this which appears to be a hoax.

It's indeed a hoax and he's very much alive:
Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Jonathan Winters has died at 87.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Maria Tallchief, Osage ballerina and Kennedy center honoree, has finished her last dance at 88.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Both gifted artists.
Mr. Winters told stories with more than words, Ms Tallchief told stories that were more than the sum of her movements.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Sir Colin Davis is conducting the heavenly choirs.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Originally posted by basso:
Jonathan Winters has died at 87.

I miss him: I was seconded to a tour with local bankers years ago at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art where my late mother had been a docent. Mr. Winters shook hands with everybody at the end of the tour. A wonderful comic talent, he will be missed!
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
The amazing George Beverly Shea passed away today.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Of course I've heard of him and seen him on TV: I did not know that he was well over 100!
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Originally posted by Grits:
The amazing George Beverly Shea passed away today.

Bless his soul. He sang at the age of 97 at the last Billy Graham crusade in 2005, MWd here.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
I doubt anyone had Richard LeParmentier, but would have been worth 34 points! That force grip Darth Vader did on him finally got him.

[Hot and Hormonal]

May he rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by Stetson (# 9597) on :
Your sad devotion to that ancient religion has not helped you [VADER INFLICTS DEATH GRIP ON MOTTI]
Sounds like a particularly nasty Hell thread.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
When I first watched that scene as a young teenager, it totally freaked me out. RIP Mr. LeParmentier.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
80's music fans may remember this group and this song, the lead singer has died.

Poor girl had a double-whammy of cancer and MS. [Frown]

I won't forget her "touching" song!
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Richie Havens has died.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on :
lilBuddha: Richie Havens has died.
Great performance at Woodstock, with the guitar in some sort of open tuning, using only the thumb of his left hand. Genious. R.I.P.
Posted by Uriel (# 2248) on :
It's off to the great pavilion in the sky for Mike Denness, the only Scotland-born cricketer to have captained England.
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :
RIP Allan Arbus, M*A*S*H's Major Sidney Freedman.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Jocasta Innes is now ragging, stippling and scumbling in Heaven.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
Jocasta Innes is now ragging, stippling and scumbling in Heaven.

I have my original copy of The Pauper's Cookbook yet. I still do the meat loaf from time to time.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Cellist Janos Starker is now playing Bach suites with Bach himself for a divine audience.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Guitarist extraordinaire Bob Brozman. [Votive]
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Originally posted by ChaliceGirl:
80's music fans may remember this group and this song, the lead singer has died.

Poor girl had a double-whammy of cancer and MS. [Frown]

I won't forget her "touching" song!

Man, she was hot! [Frown]

Jeff Hanneman of Slayer is now playing riffs upstairs

[ 03. May 2013, 09:20: Message edited by: Matt Black ]
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
Movie stop motion pioneer Ray Harryhausen is now making heavenly effects.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :

Nobody else did work like him; there are few to zero special effects creators who get top billing on film posters, especially not now, in the time of 40 people with computers in a broom closet. One of a kind.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Ray was always a hero of mine. It is a sad day.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Pretty certain that he wasn't on anyone's list, but film director and author Bryan Forbes has died.
I'm privileged to be related to him.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Television psychologist and columnist Joyce Brothers has died at 85.
Posted by Trudy Scrumptious (# 5647) on :
Originally posted by Grits:
The amazing George Beverly Shea passed away today.

If anyone had had GBS on their list, would they have lost four points?
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
From the Official Posting of the Rules:

Should you pick someone who is 100 years old when they die, you will receive no points; should your person be over 100, you will lose a point for every year after 100.
So yes. An academic question, perhaps, but when does that stop us?
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
A few years ago, Uriel, who kept winning the death pool, chose all people who were over 100, just to make sure he didn't win again!
Posted by Trudy Scrumptious (# 5647) on :
Ah, I'd missed that fine point in the rules.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
The oldest person in this year's selections is Arthur Valerian Wellesley who, if he dies on or after 2nd July will earn Og: Thread Killer two points.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
I don't know if anyone had him, but Paul Shane will now be cheering up the happy campers in the sky.
Posted by Matt Black (# 2210) on :
Ray Manzarek has now passed through the Doors of heaven [Frown]
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
One for the grapple fans
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
As if Mick McManus's dirty tricks don't cause enough pain, one of the best comedy script writers will be splitting sides in Heaven.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
After 85 glorious, provocative, and NSFW years, the notorious Bettie Page has answered the Judge's summons.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
"After a nervous breakdown, she was arrested for an attack on a landlady, but was found not guilty by reason of insanity and sent to a California mental institution. She emerged years later as a born-again Christian, immersing herself in Bible studies and serving as an adviser to the Billy Graham Crusade."
The irony in that quote defines comment.

[ 24. May 2013, 18:58: Message edited by: Amanda B. Reckondwythe ]
Posted by Spiffy (# 5267) on :
Originally posted by Ariston:
After 85 glorious, provocative, and NSFW years, the notorious Bettie Page has answered the Judge's summons.

Bettie Page died in 2008.
NYT obit
Ms. Page's headstone.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
You know, I should have checked the date on that obit. Seems that people I know are just now getting around to posting news of her death.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Well, I never knew her name, but I'd recognise her face anywhere. [Hot and Hormonal]
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Originally posted by PeteC:
Well, I never knew her name, but I'd recognise her face anywhere. [Hot and Hormonal]

Just her face? [Snigger]
[Miss Amanda will get her feathered boa.]
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
I've heard that Queen Victoria has died...
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Now there's someone who would never have worn a feather boa.

Meanwhile, Marshall Lytle, the next-to-last remaining member of Bill Haley's Comets, is rockin' 'round the throne.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Another member of the Tonight Show joins the ethereal reboot.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Another Dad's Army actor has gone to Warmington-in-Heaven. How many are left?
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
By my reckoning, three - Pte. Pike, Mrs. Fox and the Vicar.

Now I come to think about it, what about Pike's mum? She always seemed rather younger than most of the cast (and more glamorous!), but I've no idea what the actress's name was.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Apparently, as someone pointed out to me on twitter*, he was the last of the Round the Horne stars to die. Another great loss.

*translate to "If I am wrong, don't blame me."
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Janet Davies played Mrs Pike and she died in 1986. In the film Liz Fraser played her and she is still alive.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
Dr. Henry Morgentaler, who led the abortion movement in Canada, has died at age 90.

Carolyn Egan, with the Ontario Coalition of Abortion Clinics, said she spoke with members of Morgentaler's family, who told her he died early Wednesday morning, surrounded by family, and that it was a peaceful death at his Toronto home.

Morgentaler emerged in 1969 as one of Canada's most controversial figures when he broke the law at the time, and opened the country's first abortion clinic in Montreal.
Posted by Organ Builder (# 12478) on :
Andrew Greeley, priest and novelist is loving and criticizing the Catholic Church from the next world.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Metropolitan Cyprianos Kutsumbas, President of the Synod of the Orthodox Church of Greece (Holy Synod in Resistance), has gone to that place where Old Calendar, New Calendar, all are the same.
Posted by Stetson (# 9597) on :
Originally posted by Organ Builder:
Andrew Greeley, priest and novelist is loving and criticizing the Catholic Church from the next world.

Depending on how the celestial authorities regard salacious airport novels, he might be doing a few weeks in purgatory.

(Sorry. I know Greeley was a compassionate and scholarly individual. But those book covers were always a hoot.)
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Ah yes, I remember reading a few steamy Greeley novels myself. He could have used an editor for story continuity but, my, he could turn a tale!

Jean Stapleton, America's favorite "dingbat", has died.
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Jean Stapleton has died.
RIP, Edith Bunker.
- Anne L.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
That's a hard one. God Bless you, Dingbat. [Tear]

Another hadr one-- Harvey Korman went to that big sketch show in the sky on Thursday, where he will surely burst out laughing mid-scene through eternity.

A lovely tribute here.

[ 01. June 2013, 23:43: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
Gosh. [Tear]

We've lost a couple of dandy folk, haven't we?
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Kelly - that link is 5 years old.... Harvey Korman, rest his soul, has been dead lo, these many years.
- Anne L.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
.. OK:

1. WTF is it with Facebook lately? This is the second time old obits have been going around.

2. Did I miss this the first time around? If so, How TF?

3. .. or did I not miss it the first time around, and just developed goldfish brain about it?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Jeez, can I manage to say something that's not wrong today?

[ 02. June 2013, 01:58: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Oh, I can easily manage that. Now if I can just work out how to do it whilst speaking or writing...
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Esther Williams has died. The url thingummy is being weird and I can't post a link.
Also, Joey Covington of the Jefferson Airplane.
- Anne L.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Tom Sharpe, creator of Wilt, Blott, Skullion & co has died.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Originally posted by maleveque:
Esther Williams has died. The url thingummy is being weird and I can't post a link.

Here's the link.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Tom Sharpe, creator of Wilt, Blott, Skullion & co has died.

Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Richard Ramirez, the infamous mass murderer/serial rapist known as the "Night Stalker", will stalk no more.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Nobody on our lists has died since my last report on the bottom of page four but at that time I had missed Roger Ebert who had actually been reported further up the page [Hot and Hormonal] . Nobody else spotted him either [Razz] .

As a result there are now three Shipmates with three names they won't be able to put on next year's list: Gwai and Mamacita join Amazing Grace. Amazing Grace and Mamacita share the lead on total points to date.
Posted by Percy B (# 17238) on :
Originally posted by PeteC:
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Tom Sharpe, creator of Wilt, Blott, Skullion & co has died.

Yes I saw that and read his interesting obituary. Son of a Unitarian minister...

Any other well known authors died in recent months?
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
It has been reported elsewhere on these Boards that it is dangerous to presume the gender of any individual shipmate but I think that of the ten people to have picked more than one coffin occupier nine are female.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Ian Banks has died.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by Japes:
Ian Banks has died.

Expected, but still very sad. One of those literary geniuses. I suspect his last books will sell well, and I do hope they can serve as a good testament to his genius.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
It has been reported elsewhere on these Boards that it is dangerous to presume the gender of any individual shipmate but I think that of the ten people to have picked more than one coffin occupier nine are female.

I learned valuable lessons in the Art of the Deadpool from a woman on a group I loosely followed on the Internet.

(Their "title" for the winner was MCB, for Most Cynical B******. I aspire to be an MCB With Bars on the Ship.)

Speaking of Roger Ebert, whose passing I still mourn and not because I left him off my list this year (dammit I thought he was getting better), I recently came across this tribute to him. Memory Eternal!
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on :
Did anyone else have Sir Henry Cecil? I think I did.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
You were the only one. Well done: 30 points.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
There wouldn't have been very many points for this gentleman.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
I was afraid you meant Nelson Mandela until I clicked the link. Now there's 6 points I would very much rather not having!
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
There wouldn't have been very many points for this gentleman.

I was thinking he'd only bring minus points when I read his obit.

RIP [Votive]
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Helen Brush Jenkins, America's first woman news photographer, is no longer seeing through a glass, darkly, but rather face to face.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
James Gandolfini, known for his TV portrayal of mobster Tony Soprano, has entered that big Bada Bing lounge in the sky.
Posted by The5thMary (# 12953) on :
Originally posted by Organ Builder:
Andrew Greeley, priest and novelist is loving and criticizing the Catholic Church from the next world.

Oh, crap! I just now am seeing this! How bizarre! I've been thinking about him a lot this past week... maybe because my very Catholic uncle just died... anyway, sorry for interrupting your game...
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Some of the best bits of this game are the interruptions when people say things about the deceased.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Bobby "Blue" Bland is turning on that heavenly lovelight... [Votive]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Timothy the Obscure:
Bobby "Blue" Bland is turning on that heavenly lovelight... [Votive]

Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
The "Time Team" facebook page has just announced that Mick Aston has died [Frown]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by Jack the Lass:
The "Time Team" facebook page has just announced that Mick Aston has died [Frown]

That is a sad loss. He was one of those crazy people who made archeology exciting. I mean the whole program did, but Mick, in particular, showed the crazy passionate side of archeology.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
Richard Matheson, author of innumerable books later mined for plot by Hollywood, including The Incredible Shrinking Man and I Am Legend, has died.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by ArachnidinElmet:
Richard Matheson, author of innumerable books later mined for plot by Hollywood, including The Incredible Shrinking Man and I Am Legend, has died.

Its been a bad few weeks for SF and fantasy writers [Frown]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by Gwai:
I was afraid you meant Nelson Mandela until I clicked the link. Now there's 6 points I would very much rather not having!

I'm getting a bunch of FB hits that he just died. I can't find official confirmation.
Posted by The5thMary (# 12953) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Originally posted by Gwai:
I was afraid you meant Nelson Mandela until I clicked the link. Now there's 6 points I would very much rather not having!

I'm getting a bunch of FB hits that he just died. I can't find official confirmation.
I haven't seen any confirmation, just that he's in dire health and the clock is ticking... poor, dear man*

*The late Andrew M. Greeley was fond of having his female characters say that of their menfolk.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
No one has yet mentioned notorious alleged tax evader and fugitive from justice, who was controversially pardoned by outgoing President Bill Clinton, Marc Rich, who has gone to stand before the Judge who grants no pardons.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
The man who invented the mouse has died.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Bernie Nolan has left us.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Robert L. Hardesty, speechwriter for President Lyndon B. Johnson, has taken his place in the Great Society in the Great Beyond.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
The end of the (Whicker's ) World.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Anna Wing, known to Brits as Lou Beale in EastEnders, has died.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Amar Bose, designer of the small high-quality radio/CD player that bears his name, won't be needing his noise-canceling headphones anymore.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
Anna Wing, known to Brits as Lou Beale in EastEnders, has died.

Holy crap, she just now died?! She was looking old and ancient 20 years ago!

God bless her!
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
The inventor of the game "Twister" has died.

For kids it was a fun game, for adults, well..kind of awkward!
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by ChaliceGirl:
Originally posted by piglet:
Anna Wing, known to Brits as Lou Beale in EastEnders, has died.

Holy crap, she just now died?! She was looking old and ancient 20 years ago!

God bless her!

20 years ago she was 78, which is not that young.

Twister for adults is much better played nude.....
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:

Twister for adults is much better played nude.....

and don't forget the baby oil......
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Toshi Seeger, without whom Pete would not be the Pete we know. [Votive]
Posted by Og: Thread Killer (# 3200) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
The oldest person in this year's selections is Arthur Valerian Wellesley who, if he dies on or after 2nd July will earn Og: Thread Killer two points.

I haven't looked at this thread in two months.

I chose that man because he is old, hoping he would prove me wrong. I am glad he has made it half way through the year and will raise a glass to him on Jan 1 if he makes it through this one.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Off most folk's radar, but the blues is a little more blue today.
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :
RIP Mel Smith . I remember his shows with Griff Rhys Jones when I was growing up.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Press conferences in Heaven will be much more interesting with Helen Thomas front row center.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Originally posted by kingsfold:
RIP Mel Smith . I remember his shows with Griff Rhys Jones when I was growing up.

This is a sad loss. His work with NTNON was groundbreaking. Him and Gerald the Gorilla is TV history.
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Hey , only just heard this from reading above [Frown]

God Bless you Mel Smith [Votive]

I loved that sketch from S & J when he's watching a really boring football match on TV which suddenly livens up everytime he leaves the room .
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
Press conferences in Heaven will be much more interesting with Helen Thomas front row center.

Unless you're Jewish.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Originally posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe:
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
Press conferences in Heaven will be much more interesting with Helen Thomas front row center.

Unless you're Jewish.
Her anti-Semitism, which finished her long career, was totally uncalled for. I've always assumed she was suffering from dementia by then. It was a horrid end to an illustrious career.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
RIP Mel Smith - NTNON was to my generation what Monty Python was to thoas ten years older than us.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Virginia E. Johnson, known best as the Johnson of Masters & Johnson, the pioneers of research into sexual "dysfunction" and exactly how "dysfunctional" (or not) it may be, is experiencing ecstasy of a different sort.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Aleha ha-shalom (peace be on her.) Good woman.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
JJ Cale is now writing for the Heavenly choir.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
70's film star Karen Black , "Five Easy Pieces" star, has died.

Rest in piece/peace.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Singer Eydie Gorme is doing the bossa nova up yonder.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
We are pretty rubbish because since I last reported on the state of play only two of our nominees have complied: Henry Cecil and Masao Yoshida. Well done Eloise and Sparrow.

The leaderboard hasn't changed much and Amazing Grace and Mamacita share the top spot with Gwai running them close.

At the other end of the terminal anticipation league eight of us should stick to the day job.

[ 11. August 2013, 21:51: Message edited by: The Rogue ]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Sid Bernstein will be promoting concerts in Heaven.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Muriel Siebert, the first woman ever to hold a seat on the New York Stock Exchange, has had her options called.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Welsh rugby star, BBC broadcaster, sports commentator and executive Cliff Morgan has died.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Does anyone else of A Certain Age (i.e. early 50s [Big Grin] ) remember him presenting a school radio programme in the early 70s called Singing Together?

Posted by Anglo Catholic Relict (# 17213) on :
Seamus Heaney.

Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
Seamus Heaney [Tear] [Votive]

"Mid Term Break" is one of the most extra-ordinary poems I have ever read.
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on :
I am so sad about that one. I met him once, and he was a perfect gentleman. I can't begin to count the poems of his that I love, but they touch deeper than most. May his gentle soul rest in peace.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by Anglo Catholic Relict:
Seamus Heaney.



He was the featured speaker at my college commencement. He prepared and recited a 46-stanza poem for the occasion, carefully tailored for the event. It was remarkable and easily the best commencement address I have ever listened to.

His death makes me feel just that little bit older.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Originally posted by Anglo Catholic Relict:
Seamus Heaney.


At least here there are people who have noticed that the world's greatest living poet isn't. I'm surrounded by word-lovers, but they have deadlines and meetings... Sigh.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Originally posted by Anglo Catholic Relict:
Seamus Heaney.


At least here there are people who have noticed that the world's greatest living poet isn't. I'm surrounded by word-lovers, but they have deadlines and meetings... Sigh.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
I heard Seamus Heaney read in my first week at university back in 1975. He'd been recommended to me by the headmaster of the school I went to. But I really went there because a very attractive woman called Lucy who I'd met on the train on the way up was going to be there. I think the next time I met her was three years later on the train back after we'd graduated. We talked about thinking about becoming Catholic but deciding not to.

But it was a great reading by a good poet. I have two or three of his books now. Including the Beowulf translation. It was fascinating reading that alongside the Old English original. Thank you Seamus (and thank you Penguin).
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Oddly sad about this. We had friends in common, so there was always a faint possibility that we might have met again. I even had one of those little imaginary chats ready in my head - besides the time at Queen's, I wanted to talk about a place we both lived in childhood.

Not now. Not ever.
Posted by Amos (# 44) on :
I studied with Seamus when I was an undergraduate. I remember with great amusement him astounding a Harvard seminar on the very first day by telling them that, no matter how hard they worked, they would not be able to get an 'A' unless they had talent. He was a good teacher. Anyone who knows my stuff would probably never guess that Seamus taught me, but without his enthusiastic support I would probably have never got published in the first instance, nor written the particular things I have.

I've known many poets. I can count on my two fists the number who can truthfully be described as kind, generous, humble, and good. Seamus was all that.
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
I never had the privilege of meeting him. But there was a warmth in so many of his poems that I feel diminished by his death.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Anyone have David Frost?
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Sir David Frost has given his last broadcast.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
The soft voiced David Jacobs has died.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Time to listen to my CD of Mack and (*Flippin') Mabel with an introduction by David Jacobs.

When David Jacobs used to do his show tunes show, the late great Ray Moore would always associate it with "Mack and Flippin' Mabel" when he played the trailer. In an affectionate way.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
A bad week for Davids.

They were both outstanding in their own fields, and will be missed.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
A bad week all round. SF author and publisher Frederick Pohl has died.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Another person of whom I thought, "I didn't know he was still alive!"
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Ann, thanks for the reminder of the great and much missed Ray Moore (the BBC one, who died way too young back in 1989). He made insomnia and getting up at stupid o'clock bearable and paved the way for broadcasters like Alex Bruce to treat that time of the day with the contempt and battiness it deserves.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Yes, memories of abominable loads and Gatport Airwick and the orchestra turning off into a lay-by when the travel news went on too long. And My father had a rabbit and he thought it was a duck ...
Posted by Celtic Knotweed (# 13008) on :
Originally posted by ArachnidinElmet:
A bad week all round. SF author and publisher Frederick Pohl has died.

As Ann said above, I didn't know he was still alive! [Waterworks]
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
And the time you find out he's still alive is when he isn't!
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Fred Pohl :-(

And yes I did know he was alive.

Its been a bad year for sf writers.

He was one of the greatest. A good writer and a better editor. But his supreme achievement must have been discovering Cordwainer Smith. [Eek!] Its hard to imagine what it must have been like to see Scanners live in vain for the first time.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Ray Dolby, the inventor of the Dolby noise reduction methodology, is hearing the celestial choirs in Surround Sound.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
British singer Joan Regan has died.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Jimmy Herman has died. Probably not too well known outside of Canada, but he was one of the good guys.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Author Tom Clancy won't be hunting for Red October any longer.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe:
Author Tom Clancy won't be hunting for Red October any longer.

Wow. I didn't see that plot twist coming at all!
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
General Giap has died.

And I really had no idea he was still alive.

Outlived Tom Clancy though.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Marcella Hazan's Spaghetti Bolognese is more heavenly than ever.

[ 05. October 2013, 04:41: Message edited by: Timothy the Obscure ]
Posted by Antisocial Alto (# 13810) on :
The Washington Post Magazine has re-published a profile of Tom Clancy that they first did in 1993. Wow-zers. Quite a guy, it seems, in his own mind.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Ruth Benerito, the inventor of wrinkle-free wash-and-wear cotton fabric, has put on a gown that will never need ironing.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
I haven't looked at our scores for a while and I can report that they are completely unchanged from last time.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Scott Carpenter, Second American To Orbit Earth, Dies -- I remember when, as school kids, we knew all of the original astronauts by name and watched the space flights on (black and white) televisions at school.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Former U. S. House Speaker Tom Foley has died at 84.
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
I don't think he would have been on anyone's list, but comedian Felix Dexter has died at 52 [Frown] Really sad news.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Too young for this game but the world's tallest dog has died.

Edited because I hit the post button instead of URL. [Roll Eyes]

[ 24. October 2013, 20:15: Message edited by: The Rogue ]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Bart Simpson's teacher has died.

[ 27. October 2013, 01:12: Message edited by: lilBuddha ]
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Bart Simpson's teacher has died.

aka Marcia Wallace, who co-starred on the Bob Newhart show as well.
Posted by JFH (# 14794) on :
Rolling Stone reports that Lou Reed has died.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by JFH:
Rolling Stone reports that Lou Reed has died.

This is what happens when you strum that third chord.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Basketball great Wes Bialosuknia is shooting hoops in heaven.

He was a neighbor and classmate of Miss Amanda way back in ancient times when we were all still at school. He lived on the next street from us -- our back yards bordered each other. I remember him always with a basketball in his hand, practicing the sport, or reading everything he could get his hands on about it.

His passing brings back many childhood memories.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
I doubt anyone had him on their list but actor Graham Stark has died.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Ditto Nigel Davenport.

I remember suddenly realising while watching Coupling that Jack Davenport just had to be his son.

Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
6. Hakimullah Mehsud (big cheese of the Pakistani Taliban)

Lots of points for me.

(Not yet confirmed as such, could take a while. Finding out his age could also be a bit of a challenge, I shall do my best...)
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Wikipedia (reliability uncertain) says he was 34 so unless there are any better sources that's 66 points. Well done!
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Ha! In this game, the Taliban high command are the gift that keeps on giving. Hakimullah's predecessor also netted me a hefty points haul a couple of years ago.

They're usually quite young, and the CIA really, really want them dead. [Two face]
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
Ha! In this game, the Taliban high command are the gift that keeps on giving. Hakimullah's predecessor also netted me a hefty points haul a couple of years ago.

Really, I keep thinking that maybe we need to tweak this rule:

7. You can choose an inmate scheduled to be executed, but you only earn points if the person dies by some means other than the state-sponsored execution. For example, a shiv in the stomach counts, lethal injection does not. that it includes members of the Taliban. Like, if they die from eating a hot dog, points, but if they die because the U.S. targets them you get nothing. Or maybe only half points.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Although to be honest, the ability of the US to kill them does make for a real challenge.

I think if a shiv in prison is allowed, then a US strike on the Taliban should be considered, as it seems rather less reliable.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Although to be honest, the ability of the US to kill them does make for a real challenge.

I think if a shiv in prison is allowed, then a US strike on the Taliban should be considered, as it seems rather less reliable.

What SC says. After all, how badly did the CIA and other agencies desperately want Osama Bin Laden dead and how long did that take?
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
Originally posted by Hedgehog:
Like, if they die from eating a hot dog, points, but if they die because the U.S. targets them you get nothing. Or maybe only half points.

Hot dog? Extra points for a Muslim dying whilst eating pork products?
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by balaam:
Originally posted by Hedgehog:
Like, if they die from eating a hot dog, points, but if they die because the U.S. targets them you get nothing. Or maybe only half points.

Hot dog? Extra points for a Muslim dying whilst eating pork products?
Could be an all-beef hot dog. But if it was a pork product, then at least arguably the extra points could come under Rule 5:

5. You earn 50 bonus points if the death occurs in such a way as to clearly prove the existence of God (for example, if some doofus dies from burns after trying to torch a church), or in such a way that a Darwin Award is granted posthumously.
I'm not sure it is dramatic enough to prove the existence of God, but it would be darn close.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
I doubt that anyone had him on their list, but I think John Cole, the former BBC political editor, deserves a mention, if only because I listened to him before moving to Belfast in order to understand the Ulster accent.

Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
I doubt that anyone had him on their list, but I think John Cole, the former BBC political editor, deserves a mention, if only because I listened to him before moving to Belfast in order to understand the Ulster accent.


He has to be the man who enabled the population of Britain to understand what "Norn Iron" is.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Dr. Michael Brown, an orthopedic surgeon who pioneered innovative surgical procedures for hands, and who founded the Brown Hand Center with locations in several US cities, will not be needing the use of his hands any longer.

Brown was best known for his TV commercials in which he portrayed himself as a loving family man surrounded by his wife and children. In reality, he served jail time for spousal abuse and a variety of other legal troubles and ended his career in disgrace. His Brown Hand Centers, however, continue to thrive.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
I don't think anyone had Steve Prescott, a Rugby League international who has died at 39 having been given six months to live back in 2006.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Cardinal Domenico Bartolucci, director for life of the Sistine Chapel Choir, has seen his appointment expire.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Sir John Tavener has died, aged 69.

(Edited to correct link)

[ 18. November 2013, 05:59: Message edited by: Smudgie ]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
The cast of I Love Lucy is now complete.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Doris Lessing, Nobel Prize-Winning Author has died.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
And I took her off my list this year. [Frown]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Fred Sanger, scientist, pacifist, and the only person to win the same Nobel Prize twice. Aged 95.

He invented the easy way to sequence proteins. And the. He invented the easy way to sequence DNA nearly 30 years later. One of the greats.

May he rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Famous for being famous, but in a good way, Diane Disney Miller is touring the ultimate theme park.
Posted by ChaliceGirl (# 13656) on :
Sylvia Browne , famous psychic, has crossed over. Did she see it coming?
Posted by Kyzyl (# 374) on :
Originally posted by ChaliceGirl:
Sylvia Browne , famous psychic, has crossed over. Did she see it coming?

She predicted she would die at 88. So she kept to her pattern of way off the mark predictions.

Larry King Live transcript

Hard to find in that typeface but the pertinent part is near the bottom.

"KING: OK. Do you know when you're going to die? BROWNE: Yes. When I'm 88. "
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
I don't know if anyone had him, but Araucaria, the Grauniad's master crossword-setter, will now be puzzling the angels.

RIP. [Frown]
Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
I don't know if anyone had him, but Araucaria, the Grauniad's master crossword-setter, will now be puzzling the angels.

RIP. [Frown]

He gave me many pleasant hours.

I like that he survived the writer of his obituary by 11 years. Crosswords and the priesthood were a good combination.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
I don't know if anyone had him, but Araucaria, the Grauniad's master crossword-setter, will now be puzzling the angels.

RIP. [Frown]

There were days when I cordially hated the man but he was a great compiler - good luck to the angels and saints as he tries to bamboozle them for eternity.

God, of course, knows the answers already.
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
Stan Stennet, comedian, has died
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Chico Hamilton is swinging on a higher level. The first live jazz I ever heard was his quintet playing a free show in the lobby of the NYU Student Union when I was 15.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Lewis Collins, who played Bodie in The Professionals, has died.

I must confess I was more of a Doyle girl (I had a poster of him above my bed [Hot and Hormonal] ), but they made a great team.

Posted by Smudgie (# 2716) on :
Piglet, I had the matching poster of the pair over my bed so am surprisingly beset by a vague sense of loss at the death of my first ever heartthrob.

Smudgie, still in denial.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
I never had the posters, but a definitely Bodie girl here. I used to rush home from my clarinet lessons to be in time for the Professionals.

RIP Lewis Collins.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Jane Kean, who played Trixie in the 1950s TV sitcom The Honeymooners, has been reunited with Ed, Alice and Ralph.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Dorris Lessing (above) gives points to Light User and Michael Weiner means more points for Gwai.

So far this year fourteen of our suggestions have died and Gwai leads the competition with 127 points over la vie en rouge's 121. Amazing Grace and Mamacita are joint third with 85 points. Gwai also leads the Quantity not Quality chart with four. The other three already named are one behind on three.

At the other end of the table eight of us have yet to score. I suggest we get together and advertise our services to celebrities who don't want to do in 2014.

If you want the full scores, please pm me.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
I doubt anyone had him, but Paul Walker has been killed in a car crash.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
What about next year's game? My pristine list from this year has to gain something!
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on :
Paul Crouch has gone on to build a heavenly network affiliate.
Posted by Uriel (# 2248) on :
Mary Riggans better known as Suzie Sweet from Balamory, has died aged 78. My daughter was a massive fan.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Points for nineteen people.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Peter O'Toole has died, aged 81.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by Japes:
Peter O'Toole has died, aged 81.

Soooooo, I should probably not put him on my 2014 list, then.
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on :
Nor should you put Joan Fontaine down.

Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
She would have been on my "I thought they'd been dead for years" list.

Now I think about it, I was rather surprised that Peter O'Toole hadn't ...
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Doomsday has finally come for Harold Camping.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Ronnie Biggs is dead.

And yes, I admit it, my very very first thought was “Does that put into the lead in the death pool?” [Two face]
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
I have to admit I was wondering whether he'd help me catch up before I remembered I'd taken him off my list!
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
To be honest, I was a little disappointed to find out that Justin Bieber was only retiring at 19 (81 points! Man who makes bad decisions and does dumb things worth 81 points! I thought I had a lock!). Being evil is partly why we play the game.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Our little man is growing up and is announcing his first "retirement". How sweet! [Tear]
Posted by Ye Olde Motherboarde (# 54) on :
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
Doomsday has finally come for Harold Camping.

Darn I'm going to miss counting down to Doomsday every year. Wonder who will follow him and make crazy predictions and then watching them being shot down? [Confused]
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
And why doesn't anyone take Christ's words seriously about no one knowing the time, not even him?
“But about that day or hour no one knows, neither the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Beware, keep alert; for you do not know when the time will come. Mark 13:32,33
Here endeth the tangent.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Maybe we should have an annual thread predicting the end of the world, and whoever gets the most catastrophic day wins?
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on :
I seem to be having a late surge. After a quiet year, two in the last few days.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Maybe we should have an annual thread predicting the end of the world, and whoever gets the most catastrophic day wins?

If anyone does correctly predict the end of the world, how will we congratulate them? Perhaps the Ship will keep afloat during all the turmoil.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Al Goldstein, noted pornographer and publisher of Screw magazine, is most likely not experiencing the ecstasy he had hoped for.

Once, when asked if he believed in God, Goldstein replied, "God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being." Isn't that pretty much what Lucifer's reasoning must have been?

He died of renal failure. I respectfully submit that this goes to argue for the existence of God, as clearly he was full of p-ss.
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on :
Heard on the radio, David Coleman, sports commentator, has died.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
I doubt anyone had him (and he wouldn't have scored many points), but Mikhail Kalashnikov, Creator of AK-47, has died at 94.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
I can't find a cause of death, but had he died of gunshot wounds it definitely would have gone to prove the existence of God.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
From the reports I have seen, he died of old age. Which is ironic, given how many people failed to reach old age due to his invention.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Andy Granatelli, former race car driver and spokesperson for STP oil treatment, has lubricated his way through the Pearly Gates.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
And slipping in under the wire of 2013, John Fortune of Bremner, Bird and Fortune fame has slipped away.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Happy 2014! This (last?) year's game is now OVER. I look forward to hearing final scores from The Rogue, as well as winners, losers (hi there!), and various other stats. This thread will be kept open for a while longer for stats and congratulations—but our next round has already begun.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Thanks, Ariston. I'll give it a day or so in case anybody dies without realising it straight away.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :

point of information, sir. 2013 isn't over for awhile yet. if someone were to kick the bucket in the next 9 hours or so in California, it would still count. not to mention Alaska or Hawaii.

Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Point of counterinformation, courtesy The Rules: we already thought of that. The game started at 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 2013, and ended at 23:59:59 on 31 December UTC—which is odd to write from here, where it's currently 6:13 in the evening. However, since we're judging by a specified time zone where it's already 2014, the game's over.

Yes, it could cause a time paradox. Oh well. Perhaps the 2015 rules will include a special "blue box" provision accounting for such things.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
AH. I was remembering getting my entries in years ago at something like 10 to midnight, but perhaps that was midnight UTC time.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Could we have the final score please?

(not disinterested [Snigger] )
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Coming soon.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
FWIW I think it wise to wait a few days for late notifications.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
There's been a few days now so here goes.

Of the 268 celebrities chosen a grand total of 16 actually co-operated. They were:

Michael Winner 23 points
Patty Andrews 6 points
Reg Presley 29 points
Hugo Chavez 42 points
Lilian Davies 3 points
Frank Thornton 8 points
Roger Ebert 30 points
Annette Funicello 30 points
Margaret Thatcher 13 points
Henry Cecil 30 points
Masao Yoshida 42 points
Hakimullah Mehsud 66 points
Doris Lessing 6 points
Michael Weiner 49 points
Nelson Mandela 5 points
Ronald Biggs 16 points
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Shipmate scores are:

la vie en rouge 137 points
Gwai 132 points
Amazing Grace 90 points
Mamacita 90 points
Cottontail 76 points
Caissa 60 points
comet 55 points
Niteowl 55 points
Timothy the Obscure 55 points
Tree Bee 52 points
Eloise 47 points
Og: Thread Killer 47 points
Sparrow 43 points
balaam 42 points
Campbellite 42 points
JFH 42 points
Sandemaniac 42 points
kankucho 29 points
Auntie Doris 18 points
ChaliceGirl 18 points
Grits 18 points
Heavenly Anarchist 18 points
Jack the Lass 18 points
Matt Black 18 points
piglet 18 points
Schroedinger's cat 18 points
Spike 18 points
St Everild 18 points
St Gwladys 18 points
Gussie 13 points
Imersge Canfield 13 points
Japes 13 points
North East Quine 13 points
PeteC 13 points
Sioni Sais 13 points
Welease Woderick 13 points
Light User 9 points
Hedgehog 0 points
Ariston 0 points
Hart 0 points
jedijudy 0 points
Lyda*Rose 0 points
maleveque 0 points
Queen Mousie 0 points
The Rogue 0 points

Well done, la vie en rouge.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
The Inside Track with the Grim Reaper Award goes to Tree Bee for picking Michael Winner.

The Quantity not Quality Award goes to Gwai who had five correct guesses.

The Sudden Death Award is shared by kankucho, Cottontail and la vie en rouge for picking Ronald Biggs.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Ive always thought that people shouldn't mess with Gwai....
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Someone should check her, and la vie en rouge, travel patterns for the last year....
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Suddenly, I'm wondering if those games of Mafia weren't really training.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Pretty pleased with coming tenth, and the Inside Track award! [Smile]
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Ive always thought that people shouldn't mess with Gwai....

Heartily agreed [Biased]

If it helps, I missed the deadline this year because I forgot that official midnight was 6 hours away from midnight where I live, so I won't be killing anyone for the sake of winning the deathpool. At least this year.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
You seem to leave the way open there to kill people for other reasons - but then as you are a Purg Host I think that is entirely reasonable!

P.s. - do you want me to send you a copy of my list?
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Fame at last [Two face]

My thanks to the CIA for their assistance in my victory. And I like to think Ronnie Biggs would have found this game entertaining.
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on :
After a dismal year, a very late surge took me into 5th place! I am highly pleased with that, and especially with the Sudden Death award. A respectable showing, and without any help from the CIA (as far as I know). [Smile]
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
Fame at last [Two face]

My thanks to the CIA for their assistance in my victory. And I like to think Ronnie Biggs would have found this game entertaining.

Not even doing your own murders. Geesh, winners getting soft these days! [Biased]

WW: Sure, though do be sure to include a suitable bribe. Less needed if the people are offensive enough.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Gwai:
... If it helps, I missed the deadline this year ...

That'll improve the odds for the rest of us. [Yipee]
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
I don’t think I’ve entered a particularly competitive team this year. This is partly because I figure winning two years in a row makes one look like a sicko [Biased]
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Is there a hall of fame?
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
I don’t think I’ve entered a particularly competitive team this year. This is partly because I figure winning two years in a row makes one look like a sicko [Biased]

I've just had a look at your 2014 pick and there aren't many longshots in that 13; some would be grateful for any Kiss of Life going their way.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
Is there a hall of fame?

I know that Mamacita, Gwai, and I have won at least once. I can't remember if I've won twice.

I got two on one day in 2009. Has that happened to anyone else? (Yeah, I was looking over my shoulder for about a week.)
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
I don't think I've ever won, but I got the inside track award once. I remember because it was weird. one day, while making my list, Ricardo Montalban popped into my head for some reason, hadn't thought of him for years. a few days after the new year, he bit the big one. it's like God was guiding my hand.

However fucked up that bit of divine guidance might be.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
Very pleased with coming fifth on the strength of Margaret Thatcher, Nelson Mandela and Hugo Chavez.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
Make that sixth not fifth. [Big Grin]
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Originally posted by Amazing Grace:
Originally posted by The Rogue:
Is there a hall of fame?

I know that Mamacita, Gwai, and I have won at least once. I can't remember if I've won twice.

I got two on one day in 2009. Has that happened to anyone else? (Yeah, I was looking over my shoulder for about a week.)

I think Uriel won twice in a row perhaps.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
I remember that Uriel chose centenarians on at least one occasion to make sure he didn't win.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
I think that was after he's won twice, but I'm not positive.
Posted by Hart (# 4991) on :
Once again, everyone I picked failed to die. Unfortunately, some of them couldn't afford my retainer this year, so I haven't entered the 2014 contest.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :

I propose a special suspension of the rules to let Gwai and Hart enter this year's competition.
The stipulation being they must use the exact same list.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
Originally posted by Amazing Grace:
I know that Mamacita, Gwai, and I have won at least once. I can't remember if I've won twice.

I think I won once and got the quantity not quality award once, but those might have been the same year. My son thinks this is hilarious. He and his sister always discuss the new year's list with me during Christmas break. Aren't we a lovely family!
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
I have never won anything.

Not just on the death pool. I have just never won anything.

Loser - that's me.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
I have never won anything.

Not just on the death pool. I have just never won anything.

Loser - that's me.

There's a world of difference between a loser and a non-winner. Although whinging can turn someone into a loser.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
I won one year, felt so bad didn't enter the next year. Then another year I knew a couple of people well enough known to be publicly acknowledged, who were likely to die shortly and didn't feel like putting them on the list (one did die that February and was worth 48 points).

Uriel did centenarians after winning, definitely.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Originally posted by Gwai:
I think that was after he's won twice, but I'm not positive.

I don't think he won twice, but he won by 20 lengths going away (I think I came in tied for second that year, about 150 points behind).

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