Thread: New Year Resolutions - your real ones Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Ariel (# 58) on :
Are you planning to make any? Making them's quite easy, of course... mine are to try to keep more on top of the housework and become a paragon of virtue -

Oh, stuff that. We can all plan something virtuous for ourselves, but it's also good to have "hyacinths for the soul" and plan a little fun as well.

So, in 2014, I'll make a conscious effort to watch more television and listen to more music. I also intend to sample lots of different kinds of dark chocolate instead of sticking to the old favourites, go to London more often, revamp my wardrobe and change my hair colour at least once.

How about you? Any New Year resolutions to, as it might be, have a trial flight in an aircraft, take that holiday you've always wanted to, take up a new language? If you have a fun New Year resolution, post it here.

(If you haven't, why not spend a few minutes thinking one up? New Year resolutions don't have to be grim things that you don't want to keep.) [Big Grin]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
I resolve to listen to more music. I spend most of my spare time listening to NPR, or reading, and only occasionally does any good music slip into my ear. When it does I'm always like, "Ahhhh, what is that lovely sound?!" So I resolve to find a radio station where people aren't talking all the time and see if it makes me less savage.
Posted by leo (# 1458) on :
To get my blood pressure down without resorting to pills.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
I think I'm going to resolve to play more of my music as well as what I need to learn for my ministry.

Also to view and enjoy more sunrises and sunsets! [Big Grin]
Posted by ToujoursDan (# 10578) on :
Not to waste my time discussing what made-up personalities on contrived reality shows on cable TV (which I don't even have) said, and what should be done about it.

I hope to last an hour.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on :
To de-clutter, to develop a Rule of Life, to write more and speak, chunter, post online less.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
I've been organizing recipes for several months --LOTS of recipes! In 2014 I plan to try (at least) one new one each week.
Posted by Nenya (# 16427) on :
Usual stuff. Declutter the house. Lose the weight. Exercise more. [Roll Eyes]

Nice things - make more time for reading and write more real letters: you know, on good quality paper, with a pen! Go on retreat more regularly.

Nen - wondering where she's put her Nice Pen.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
I resolve to start a bonfire in the back garden to burn all the unnecessary papers that have been around the house for years.
Posted by Thyme (# 12360) on :
Past experience tells me that the mere act of making a NYR means it will never happen. Some sort of weird self sabotage dynamic.

But, I would really like to get into the habit of getting up early. If I did this a lot of other things would just naturally fall into place.

But this is definitely not a NYR. No.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on :
Have more fun.

Life is short.
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on :
I'm going to have lots of dinner parties. My life was messy with low grade depression after having the children and it has only been recently that my house has been in a suitable state for entertaining. I've now overcome my fear of people coming round [Smile]
Oh, and expand my network of friends at the same time.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Getting rid of the builder's clutter*, getting the house fit for a spot of entertaining, and doing said entertaining.

* This may take some time; some of the building work is outdoors, and we already have about 3 feet of snow, due to be added to at regular intervals, so it's not likely to be done this side of Easter.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
I will read more books than I buy. [Killing me] *wipes tear from eye*
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
I've got most of these resolutions in stock.
Lose weight, exercise, get a job, declutter and read less.
Posted by Amorya (# 2652) on :
Get back into a gym routine. I lost mine when I changed jobs: now I start work at 10am, with no commute, so there's ample gym time beforehand, but I haven't got into the routine yet. Strange that I was fine leaving the house at 7.30 to commute to my last job, but it's so hard to do the same to attend the gym.

Get to bed earlier. I need to get over my fear of missing out on fun things (e.g. housemates are watching TV or playing a game, I can't help but go and join them). I just find it hard to reserve time to relax.

Save money. I've started this already in the last few months, but I need to continue setting aside part of my salary to savings. I've been close to the overdraft limit a bit too much last year, and I want to build up a buffer in case of emergencies.

I like Heavenly Anarchist's dinner party resolution. I love cooking for people, and celebrating stuff. Maybe I should adopt that one! (Sensibly though I shouldn't — I need relaxation more than that kind of fun-but-stressful event.)
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on :
Go to bed earlier for me as well. That will set my whole day better.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
Cut myself some slack.

Embrace my inner Alzheimer's.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Each year I resolve to make no resolutions. This has saved me a lot of time and stress.

However, over the years I have resolved (but not at this time) to exercise more, to increase my spiritual life, and to maintain my blood sugar at healthy levels. For the most part, I have been somewhat successful.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
I don’t have resolutions so much as goals – in 2014 I want to find a literary agent and run the 20 km or half-marathon.
Posted by Surfing Madness (# 11087) on :
I want to try and not let fear of the past cloud the future.

On a lighter note I want to buy (and listen) to more music.
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on :
Originally posted by ArachnidinElmet:
I will read more books than I buy. [Killing me] *wipes tear from eye*

Actually, I like that. It doesn't mean you'll stop buying books, it just means the "To Read" pile will be smaller this time next year.

I haven't done any formal learning since I finished my MA back in 2009. I think I might look at learning something this year - perhaps a new language, or do a refresher course in the French or German I've barely used since I was at school.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
Originally posted by Adeodatus:
Originally posted by ArachnidinElmet:
I will read more books than I buy. [Killing me] *wipes tear from eye*

Actually, I like that. It doesn't mean you'll stop buying books, it just means the "To Read" pile will be smaller this time next year.
I just wish I thought it would work. I suspect books may be an alien life form, dividing and spreading whilst their 'owners' are looking away.
Posted by Starbug (# 15917) on :
I will probably buy more books than I read, as usual. [Big Grin]

I'd like to get back into writing. I used to write poetry and sketches for performance at church, but my job seems to have squeezed all the creativity out of me lately and I want it back. I also have a vague idea for a novel that I'd like to have a crack at.

My other resolution is to grow my own vegetables. I was given a potato planter for Christmas and I want to see if it's true that home-grown veg taste better than shop-bought.

As for the usual resolution to lose weight, the gardening should help with that.
Posted by Daffodil (# 13164) on :
To achieve something each day.

To finish projects before, not at, deadlines.

To declutter.
Posted by Gussie (# 12271) on :
I want to spend less time playing silly computer games, maybe using computers less generally, thoiugh of course that would mean less ship time [Big Grin] I'd like take up calligraphy again, I made some Sloe gin labels last week and really enjoyed doing them, and be more creative generally, more knitting, more writing etc Oh and go back on my diet when I've finished all the Chrismas treats.
Posted by The5thMary (# 12953) on :
I resolve to not "adopt" any more stray people. The last two that my partner and I tried to help turned out to be drug-addicted losers who would happily sell their grandmothers for pot/pills/alcohol/just for the fun of it. These two clowns used to attend the same church that my partner and I used to attend... uhhh.... that's all I'm gonna say about that!

I resolve to work out, if not every day, then every other day--no excuses. I have a FREE membership at a local health club and I haven't taken advantage of this yet.
Posted by cattyish (# 7829) on :
The best ones are vague. My best ever was to get out more. It was a success of operatic proportions.

For 2014 I resolve to write some things.

Cattyish, scribbling away.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Originally posted by Daffodil:
To achieve something each day.

To finish projects before, not at, deadlines.

To declutter.

A noble idea. Good luck with that. I refer you to my previous post!
Posted by Mrs Shrew (# 8635) on :
I'm resolving to return to church, and also to put more effort into looking after my emotional/mental health by taking time to relax more regularly.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on :
More walking, something that has fallen by the wayside since I lost the dog. Which will give me thinking time for more writing (another novel planned to go on Smashwords), and also more cosplay - a London Comic Con in March and WorldCon in August are already booked!
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
Originally posted by Eigon:
... WorldCon in August are already booked!

Me too. A resolution of sorts in that I missed the last UK-based one in 2005, and I was damned if I was going to wait another 9 years to go even if it meant not leaving the house for 6 months to afford it.
Posted by The5thMary (# 12953) on :
I'm going to finish my book! I'm going to see about getting it published!

I'm going to get off disability, get a job, KEEP a job... and I'm going to learn to play guitar or piano in addition to getting better on drums.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on :
I went to WorldCon 87 in Brighton, and thought that it would be a once in a lifetime experience. In 2005, I was unemployed and broke, so I was determined not going to miss this one!
(I'll be half of the couple dressed as Inspector LeBrock and his girlfriend the Divine Sarah - both of them badgers in Victorian dress - if any other Shipmates are going!)
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Last night's dinner table conversation has inspired me to make another resolution. Talk turned to the naughtiest things we had ever done, notably during our school days and I realised with a little sadness that I spent my whole adolescence being a little goody two shoes and never doing anything truly naughty [Frown] Frankly the people who did stupid naughty things had far more fun than I did...

Consequently my resolution for 2014 is to be naughtier [Big Grin]
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by Eigon:
I went to WorldCon 87 in Brighton, and thought that it would be a once in a lifetime experience. In 2005, I was unemployed and broke, so I was determined not going to miss this one!
(I'll be half of the couple dressed as Inspector LeBrock and his girlfriend the Divine Sarah - both of them badgers in Victorian dress - if any other Shipmates are going!)

See you there!

Will be my fifth - I've made all the UK ones for over thirty years, never been abroad to one.
Posted by SvitlanaV2 (# 16967) on :
Happy New Year to you all.

I haven't organised a job yet, but my goal is to teach EFL abroad, probably in China. I'm a bit scared about culture shock, but it has to be done.

I also have to get stuck into writing the book I've spend the past 18 months planning. This is frightening as well, even more so in some ways.
Posted by Macrina (# 8807) on :
I have given up daily news. I started a few days earlier in the dying embers of 2013.

I decided that it wasn't good or healthy to start each morning with news of death, war, famine and lies.

I feel better for it.

I intend to get a good quality editorial magazine and read that instead once per week.
Posted by Anglo Catholic Relict (# 17213) on :
Originally posted by Macrina:
I have given up daily news. I started a few days earlier in the dying embers of 2013.

I decided that it wasn't good or healthy to start each morning with news of death, war, famine and lies.

I feel better for it.

I intend to get a good quality editorial magazine and read that instead once per week.

That is such a good idea. The news definitely does not do me any good whatever; I would be better off without it.

Thanks, Macrina.
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
Apart from the usuals (lose weight, do more exercise), I'm trying to be relatively low-key about my resolutions. Inspired by the Decluttering thread I am resolving to do a 'small declutter' each day - a drawer, or shelf, or somesuch. And I want to make the time to read more books. I'll say one a month; although I'd like to say one fiction and one non-fiction a month I think that might be setting myself up to fail. But if I can manage that that would be good! I'd also like to try and write a bit each day, but that is the resolution that always gets pushed to one side, so I'm not going to beat myself up about it, but if it happens (or maybe I should say weekly rather than daily) then I'll be happy about that.

I also want to do something fun with the baby each day. She's got a few books, so that is currently reading with her. When the weather's better we can be a bit more outdoorsy.
Posted by Macrina (# 8807) on :
Originally posted by Anglo Catholic Relict:
Originally posted by Macrina:
I have given up daily news. I started a few days earlier in the dying embers of 2013.

I decided that it wasn't good or healthy to start each morning with news of death, war, famine and lies.

I feel better for it.

I intend to get a good quality editorial magazine and read that instead once per week.

That is such a good idea. The news definitely does not do me any good whatever; I would be better off without it.

Thanks, Macrina.

You're welcome though I can't take all credit [Smile] I read about the idea on a blog post ages ago and a few days ago it suddenly clicked as to why you'd do that.
Posted by Porridge (# 15405) on :
I'm making only one resolution this year (though I need all The Usual Suspects). Here's my one lonely one: Do. One. Thing. At. A. Time.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
this may sound a little trite, but my "resolution"* this year is to be true to myself and be kind to myself.

this involves lots of little changes - eat in a way that supports my body rather than sabotaging it, do my yoga every day ('cause it feels good!), reduce and hopefully eliminate self-destructive internal dialogue, write in my journal every day when possible, get enough sleep, forgive myself.

...and don't go out in public looking my worst and therefore making myself feel hideous. it doesn't take much effort to look like someone I'm proud of being, and therefore will hold my chin up and be less insecure.

the difference between this and other years is that suddenly I want to do these things for myself, and to hell with what other people think or want to see me do.

*I like to think of it as a New Year Reinvention
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
I wish you well with your resolution comet .

We are resolved this year to putting up a garage that doesn't leak . Thus giving it the status of being the first properly water-tight out-building on this property.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Well, I made a resolution that I have actually kept (so far). I determined to write a poem a week, and I have done the first one.

It's a sort of mental photographic 365 - it obliges you to actively notice stuff and wring something out of it.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
I need to loose some weight. The most typical New Year's resolution there is, huh? But this time I really, really mean it. And I want to start writing again.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
Instead of losing 10 lbs last year I gained 12 pounds. Need tolose 16 pounds this year to get down to my desired weight of 180.
Posted by Clotilde (# 17600) on :
Originally posted by leo:
To get my blood pressure down without resorting to pills.

How will you do that practically, Leo? (Maybe by reading fewer posts on here! - sorry that part was a joke - the question is not!)

Such resolutions I've found are harder than one thinks because they are often related to significant change in eating habits or lifestyle.

Are their food stuffs which are known to assist in BP lowering?
Posted by leo (# 1458) on :
Cut out/down drinking and smoking.

Follow a diet sheet.


Boring! But so is having a stroke.
Posted by Scarlet (# 1738) on :
I intend to try to encourage someone every day.

Just even one person by some action or word of kindness. We all have sorrows, I am convinced and I am going to do my best not to cause further harm.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Drink less on work days. Continue to observe the axiom Eight hours from bottle to throttle even though I no longer aspire to be an airplane pilot.
Posted by cattyish (# 7829) on :
I'm finding all these quite inspiring [Smile] If anyone needs a restart I'd say, here am I with my cheerleader outfit on bouncing around yelling, "Do it! Dooooo it!"

Cattyish, possibly giving people disturbing mental images, but encouraging ones.
Posted by Sherwood (# 15702) on :
To spend at least two hours every Saturday morning writing. I spent six months last year planning a novel, but I didn't write a word. This year, I intend to get it written.

To try and not let my lack of self worth and confidence hold me back. I have the opportunity of a fresh start here in Finland and I need to make the most of it.

To pray more often.

To make time to play boardgames with my wife more often. We're both gamer geeks, yet we've done precious little gaming since I started my Finnish language and integration courses over a year ago.
Posted by Belle Ringer (# 13379) on :
Re-arrange the house so I have an easy to close off room where I work on private papers (year end finances, book I'm writing, etc). That would make it less disruptive to -

Invite people for a meal, practice new recipes on them, learn how to cook a bit, take time to enjoy their company.

Get out and see the world! Both local and across borders; why am I sitting at home surfing so much?

Take the time and effort to give this body the care that will result in sparkling health - physical and emotional. (Exercise, eat right, etc).

Be more responsive to whatever I think God wants me doing. If it's really God's idea, it is for my benefit, not to exploit me for someone else only.
Posted by Silver Swan (# 17957) on :
My resolution this year is to be a better neighbour, starting with doing the rounds in prayer each day.

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