Thread: Twins Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Scots lass (# 2699) on
I have a non-identical twin sister, and we're vaguely considering signing up to St Thomas's twin research. I was just wondering if there were any twins on board who had taken part and what you thought about it?
Or we could just tell stories about the things people say when they discover you're a twin
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on
I have a twin sister. People who say that fraternal twins have no more links than ordinary siblings are full of it.
I have not lived close by my sister for more than 45 years. We have different interests, have followed different career paths. Additionally, for 25 years we have lived at different ends of a large country. But if something is going on in her family, I have often picked up a phone to talk to her before the issues became common knowledge. She has done the same to me. We have often sent each other the same birthday card. If either of us need help, the other is there, even to the extent of travelling cross-country to do so. This has certainly not been the case with any of the other children of my parents.
I never have to explain myself to her; nor does she to me.
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on
That does look interesting
it wouldn't really be practical for us to sign up if it involved travel (my brother was born visually impaired due to syndrome we both have) but I might look into it.
Posted by Hazey*Jane (# 8754) on
I'm not a twin, but I do know someone who works on the study. It seems like they're quite active in getting the participants involved, keeping them informed, and generally giving opportunities to interact with the research team and the other partipants. For example, putting on events like this.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on
Originally posted by PeteC:
I have a twin sister. People who say that fraternal twins have no more links than ordinary siblings are full of it.
As a sister of fraternal pair of twins, this! When my mother called my sister to tell of a tragedy that had happened to our brother, her twin, my sister's first words were, "I know."
And she did. Despite having no reason to suspect anything but the best, she'd called me worried the day after it happened.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
I've wondered a bit about this, as my son was one of twins, but the other was ectopic and died several weeks into the pregnancy. I wonder what being the surviving twin means to him. (Actually there were three, but one never implanted.)
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
My great niece and nephew are twins (now nine months old). It's delightful to watch their developing relationship with each other.
My future DIL especially enjoys them as she is a non-identical twin too.
I have never seen parents work as hard as my niece and her husband! Exhausting!!
Posted by Moo (# 107) on
My daughter has boy-girl twins who are now ten years old. They are very different in terms of their temperaments and preferred activities, but despite this they are very close.
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on
Originally posted by Boogie:
I have never seen parents work as hard as my niece and her husband! Exhausting!!
My mother already had 6 children when she gave birth to my brother and I! I look back in wonder how she coped, though I know it was also tough on my two eldest sisters who had to look after us a lot.
The sweet thing my brother and I did as babies was to lie in our cot sucking each other's thumbs.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
My matched pair are already in a study (TEDS) into early years development and that now has funding to follow them for another 5 years.
They're also part of a study being undertaken by a US team involving so-called mirror twins (left-handed/right-handed). Two other sets in the family are part of the same study.
The family history of identicals is traceable back to at least 1803 and the person who's been doing the research thinks it may go back even further. Always identicals - no fraternal twins.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on
Is it my imagination or are twins less of a rarity than they used to be? Since we moved here 10 years ago, three women in the Cathedral congregation (two of them in the choir) have had twins, and a colleague whose sister has twins is expecting her own two in July.
Posted by Jengie Jon (# 273) on
Answer is yes and there are several factors contributing.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
The sharp rise in the number of twin pregnancies resulting from IVF and other fertility treatments has meant that some twins clubs (affiliated to the Twins & Multiple Births Association) are now restricting membership to identical twins and triplets plus.
In any case, if a double birth is the result of the implantation of two embryos produced outside the body, are they really twins? Perhaps a better term would be concurrent siblings.
Posted by Auntie Doris (# 9433) on
I have twin aunts and they have been involved in twin research (St Thomas' I think) for many years.
Auntie Doris x
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
I have identical twin daughters ... such fun as a parent, but I confess when coaching them in sports teams I was often in trouble for getting them wrong.
They're 22 (each!) now ... I don't see them often but they still live together, and I have to hedge my bets until I've done the freckle analysis.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on
Years ago when my husband and I were advisers to a youth group, we had a pair of identical twins in the group. They wanted people to tell them apart, so Debby always had a hairstyle that involved hair on her forehead, and Denise never did.
I thought that was a good way of handling it.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Heh. We had two sets of identical twins in my confirmation class, and a further looked-like-identical-triplets but-wasn't in the same.
There were about a dozen of us. Pity the poor pastor.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on
I'm reminded of a set of twins I met at a church camp (aeons ago!) who, although probably not truly identical, looked very alike and dressed in similar outfits. The only way I could tell them apart was that one of them tended to wear warm colours and the other cold colours.
I recall a photograph from my old primary school magazine of six sets of twins in the same Primary 1 class (I can't remember what the gender breakdown was - they were a few years younger than me and I didn't know them personally).
I couldn't help feeling sorry for the class teacher ...
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on
I went to a church years and years ago where there were two sets of identical twins among the youth group. I never did manage to tell any of them apart.
I have a few friends who have twin children - one friend said she used to get really fed up of being asked the "are there twins in your family?" question when she was pregnant, and learned to reply "well there are now!"
Posted by Moo (# 107) on
Originally posted by Jack the Lass: friend said she used to get really fed up of being asked the "are there twins in your family?" question when she was pregnant, and learned to reply "well there are now!"
My daughter got fed up with total strangers coming up to her and asking if she had taken fertility drugs. She couldn't think of a wisecrack answer so she would just say, 'No, my grandmother also gave birth to twins.'
Posted by Scots lass (# 2699) on
It occurred to me a while ago that as if I ever have children I'll be at least 35 (I'm 33 now) and twins do run in my family then my possibility of having twins is quite high. This has done nothing to make me think that I want children! Particularly as my mum says the busiest she has ever been was when we were little.
Somewhat to my surprise, my sister has agreed to sign up so I have to fill in the study registration form sometime over the next few days. It might be interesting!
Posted by Cartmel Veteran (# 7049) on
In some ways twins are easier than having two babies a couple of years apart. You get it all over with in one go and they do keep each other company.
When my twinnies were very little they would stand up in their cots and burble and giggle to each other in the morning. Made life easier than one lonely baby crying out for daddy that's for sure.
Though having said that the 3am feeds were less fun.
Posted by Cartmel Veteran (# 7049) on
Originally posted by Moo:
My daughter got fed up with total strangers coming up to her and asking if she had taken fertility drugs. She couldn't think of a wisecrack answer so she would just say, 'No, my grandmother also gave birth to twins.'
I got a bit bored of the "ooh are they twins" question. After a while I would respond, "no, I stole one of them."
And the other question I got, when clearly one was a boy and the other a girl, was "are they identical?" I would point at my son and say "no, that one has a penis."
Very bored of the phrase "double trouble" too. And old people thinking they could just touch the babies. Though I suppose everyone gets that.
I did tend to notice more twins once mine came along. I'd often see double buggies in shopping malls. There would be a nod of recognition between the parents of twins - it's like a little club.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on
Originally posted by Cartmel Veteran:
I did tend to notice more twins once mine came along. I'd often see double buggies in shopping malls. There would be a nod of recognition between the parents of twins - it's like a little club.
I was once behind two cars (one in my lane, one in the next lane) with bumper stickers, "Triplets on Board." The two mothers driving were frantically waving to each other. (And maybe I was more aware because my sister-in-law had recently given birth to triplets.)
Also, I must say, I absolutely love your responses to nosy questions!
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on
My nieces are twins, probably, though not verified as identical. (They don't want to know.) Full term, 38 hour labour, breech and footling breech presentation, not caesarian.
However, that isn't why I logged on. My sisters and I were born several years apart, and I get to know if there's a problem - usually by an otherwise unexplained sleepless night, and at least once by my saying something as I slipped back into full wakefulness which didn't make sense for me to say, but did become meaningful when I found out what had been happening. So I wouldn't attribute that sort of thing to womb sharing. I've also had it with someone not related at all. The trouble is, there is usually not enough information, so I have to wait to find out. I can't quite ring everyone up and ask if they are OK, can I?
[ 18. April 2014, 18:48: Message edited by: Penny S ]
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on
Originally posted by Cartmel Veteran:
And the other question I got, when clearly one was a boy and the other a girl, was "are they identical?" I would point at my son and say "no, that one has a penis."
Yes, I give a similar reply when asked if my brother and I are identical twins (as a child I was often asked whether my parents were Catholic as they had 8 children and I always replied that my parents just liked each other a lot
Posted by Barnabas Aus (# 15869) on
Our girl-boy twins are now 26, and poles apart in personality and interests. They have been so ever since they were little, although our girl was very protective of her brother when he was a juvenile asthmatic. Perhaps part of it is that they are both very particular about certain things, but those things have no interest to the other, and indeed can irritate the other. Sometimes makes for tense interactions.
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