Thread: Are you a humanist quiz Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Lucia (# 15201) on :
According to the British humanist society "Many people are humanists without even knowing it."

Perhaps you had better check and find out... [Paranoid]

Quiz here

I came out at 46% humanist, so nearly half way down the slippery slope...
Posted by Kitten (# 1179) on :
I came out as only 23% Humanist
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
I came out 70% humanist: "You may be an agnostic or a humanist or vaguely religious."

Considering that I answered that there was definitely a God and God created the universe, the conclusion that I may be agnostic strikes me as being a rather strange evaluation of the data...
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Hedgehog - I got 66% Humanist after responding with a few "follow God" answers. I went through the whole thing thinking how loaded it was.

How can you answer the creation question? The one I wanted to use had - "as the scientists say", but without the rider that "no God was involved".

The quiz setters are assuming that you cannot be a Christian and believe in evolution or science.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
I agree. The questions were badly slanted to get the results that, presumably, they wanted--that "you just might be a humanist."
Posted by TheAlethiophile (# 16870) on :
Originally posted by Curiosity killed ...:
How can you answer the creation question? The one I wanted to use had - "as the scientists say", but without the rider that "no God was involved".

The quiz setters are assuming that you cannot be a Christian and believe in evolution or science.

It is an absurd quiz and a demonstration that the quiz setters do not understand science, religion or humanism, let alone the relationships between them.

To quote Karl Barth: "there is no humanism without the gospel."
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Terrible, terrible quiz! The scores, like my 53%, are quite meaningless.
Posted by Lucia (# 15201) on :
But it does rather confirm my opinion of the British Humanist Society...

As was said above "a demonstration that the quiz setters do not understand science, religion or humanism, let alone the relationships between them."


[ 18. July 2014, 06:09: Message edited by: Lucia ]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
ISTM that three of each four answers are 'humanist' options to varying extents, while the fourth is the 'Christian' alternative and that is often far from a liberal Christian view.
Posted by Yorick (# 12169) on :
*Please note, this is just a bit of fun designed to spread awareness of Humanism. It’s not clinical.
Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
80% humanist
Posted by leo (# 1458) on :
80% humanist - like every other time I've done a similar quiz.

The working of the questions is often silly and misrepresents Christianity.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
"Humanists try to think, and to think for themselves."

As do I, but I am not a humanist. So many of the humanist principles are mistaken.

I did come out 60%. I am a thinking Christian, a category that they seem to dismiss.
Posted by pjl (# 16929) on :
Humanist 90%
Posted by The5thMary (# 12953) on :
I got told I was 53% humanist with the need to obey others in higher positions than me. I'm also more of a follower than a leader and don't like to think for myself. WTF? Oh, because I said that we need to respect all life as it comes from God? I agree with others. This quiz is slanted.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
I got 60% humanist ("perhaps a bit dependent on authority or other people or pure emotion.") Several of the questions were really unanswerable (not to mention philosophically illiterate). These people have obviously never heard of Christian humanism...
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by TheAlethiophile:
It is an absurd quiz

This is true.
Originally posted by TheAlethiophile:

To quote Karl Barth: "there is no humanism without the gospel."

This is no less loaded than the quiz.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
This is confusing. Do they mean secular humanist? The first use of the term was by and about Christians; the "no God" meaning is several hundred years younger. Tell these jerks to give us our word back.

The "It's best to be honest because" question was the first where I absolutely could not in good conscience pick any of the answers. They were all wrong in some way; the right answer is "because it's the right thing to do" which wasn't an option. In fact all four answers pissed me off. Being honest for any of those reasons is bad. They are unworthy motivations.

From there it went kind of downhill.

That said, I'm 53% humanist.

But clearly by humanist they mean "New Atheist" because they congratulate themselves on being able to think for themselves, unlike those deluded religious people. The self-congratulatoriness is choking. They might as well be fundamentalist Christians.
Posted by Byron (# 15532) on :
93%, probably 'cause my subjective-objective centrifuge separated out evidence and belief.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
20% here, but then I am a devout Roman Catholic convert, as was the late Cardinal Newman....
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
I thought I'd give a good lille old Evangelical answer. So I tackled this quiz biblically. With a good Calvinist bias to progressive revalation, (the later the passage was written the more authoritave.) The Calvinist Biblical progressive revalation is...

Your answers are fairly neutral, perhaps a bit dependent on authority or other people or pure emotion. Humanists try to think, and to think for themselves. You may be an agnostic or a humanist or vaguely religious.
Whoever set this quiz had no idea of what Christians believe.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
26%. I think I'm a sort of theo-incarnatus-eratist. Also known as boringly orthodox Christian
Posted by pimple (# 10635) on :
Well on this quiz I'm 90% humanist. On a similar one I imagine set by Christians I would probably be 90% Zahidi. As a matter of interest my computer is 100% Christian and won't allow me to type *hristian without a capital letter. If I came out as h********* it would probably explode...

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