Thread: God's favorite color Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
So what do you think God's favorite color is and why? The evidence is all around you.

* 'd say black. After all half the world is covered in shadow at any one time. Clearly God likes dark or she wouldn't do that. Heck, even when the sun is up there are shadows around unless it's high noon and you're outside. * 'd even say that is why God made light.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Define light.
Posted by itsarumdo (# 18174) on :
There was a young kid in Norfolk got referred to the local child psychotherapists because he always painted in black. Turns out he was sat at the far end of the table in art class and by the time the paints had been passed to him, the only colour left was black.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Color is only a social construct anyway.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
Sky-blue pink. Obviously.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
God's favourite colour is clearly green, because that's what my favourite colour is.

That's how these sort of theological questions are answered by everyone else, right?
Posted by Galilit (# 16470) on :
Posted by Lucia (# 15201) on :
We only see colours because of the particular wavel***ths the receptors in our retinas are sensitive to.

Since God presumably doesn't have humanoid type eyes maybe a greater variety of colours are available to Him via the many different wavel***ths of electromagnetic radiation that we can't actually perceive!

But that aside, blue of course! The colour of sea and sky, Facebook and Ship of Fools!
Posted by Lord Jestocost (# 12909) on :
Earth looks mostly blue from space, so that's what * 'm going for.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on :
Eutychus, * 'd start with light being what God created when he said "Let there be light." Light is the inspiration for shadow and it's cause. But interestingly, we also have "God is light" and such. Perhaps opposites really do attract.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
That's too subjective by far.
Posted by Net Spinster (# 16058) on :
Invisible pink because he is the stable lad for a certain unicorn.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Crap spouted by Marvin the Martian:
God's favourite colour is clearly green, because that's what my favourite colour is.

That's how these sort of theological questions are answered by everyone else, right?

Yes. So God's favourite colour is blue. Which is why His mother wore it all the time. [Razz]

Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on :
He likes them all. He said "all very good".

Heavenly thread. But this time we're not moving threads arbitrarily.

Euty and Gwai, you may be developing a personality conflict or something. But * 'm not going there either.

Chill! It's Spike's **th ********.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Octarine, the color of Magic. Even if Terry Pratchett doesn't believe in God, * think he'd agree.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on :
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Actually, chances are it's orange - checked out Heaven lately?

(Turns out we'll be reading Comic Sans MS up there too).
Posted by TheAlethiophile (# 16870) on :
Guessing it's not brown. Too reminiscent of wood and rusty nails.

Maybe there's a heavenly colour that no human has ever seen or even conceived of.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Purple. Why else would his b***ops be so clothed? Also the colour of Lent which all the miserable gits (ncluding me) much prefer over Easter white and Christmas red. Purple is truly the most divine colour.
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on :
* rather hope it's rainbow.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
Ginger, obviously.

(but Pissy is probably right)
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on :
Crap spouted by Lucia:
We only see colours because of the particular wavel***ths the receptors in our retinas are sensitive to.

*nerd alert*
[* ]Technically[/* ], our eyes detect frequencies, not wavel***ths. When light passes through a refractive medium (any medium, really, but let's say water) we don't perceive it to change colour. That's because when the light passes through the medium, its velocity and wavel***th change, but its frequency doesn't.
*nerd all-clear*

(Oh, that's interesting. We can't code italics while the letter * is being replaced with a *.)

[ 18. September 2014, 22:24: Message edited by: Adeodatus ]
Posted by Sober Preacher's Kid (# 12699) on :
Black. Deepest black, a true black. With white accents such as may be found on preaching tabs. A true, Calvinist black, such as God intended.
Posted by Gildas (# 525) on :
The whole point of colours is you need lots of them to make the concept work so having a favourite colour is a bit rubb***, frankly.

Oh, and God spells it with a 'u'. Just sayin' [Biased]
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
* did just see a comment about a book about the culture of colors. Apparently each of the seven deadly sins has a color; greed has green and jealousy read if * recall correctly.
Posted by Martin PC not & Ship's Biohazard (# 368) on :
Adeodatus [Overused] it's going to be a GOOD day at work today.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
Well obviously l have to put in my vote for red. God’s favourite colour is red. That’s why he invented lipstick.
Posted by Galilit (# 16470) on :
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
The question surely calls for further theological enquiry. Is lipstick only the idea of the Holy Spirit, in whom is traditionally seen that part of the godhead which might be likened to the human female sex, or does lipstick issue forth from the whole of the Trinity?
Posted by Stercus Tauri (# 16668) on :
The correct (presbyterian) way to handle this is to send an overture to the General Assembly praying for its collective wisdom to be applied to the question. The Moderator will then appoint a Special Committee charged with studying the appropriate scientific and theological resources with reference to Biblical authority, in consultation with the Committee on Church Doctrine, to report back to a future Assembly. Six years later the Committee will present its report, which nobody will read and with which everyone will disagree, calling for a fresh study and censuring the committee members for being a bunch of ungodly heretics. It's similar to the process for changing light bulbs.

But * think the answer is 'yellow'. * once had a lovely yellow shirt, and * 've never been able to find the exact rich shade again. * am sure God likes it, too, because it made me so *****.
Posted by Kitten (# 1179) on :
* expect God loves the unlovely, so her favourite colour is probably something like puce, or beige.
Posted by Russ (# 120) on :
Crap spouted by la vie en rouge:
Well obviously l have to put in my vote for red. God’s favourite colour is red. That’s why he invented lipstick.

Red is the colour of sin - the colour of rage, of scarlet women, and of the politics of envy.

Black is the colour of evil, of the darkness we choose to hide our sin.

Green is the colour of life; life blooming in the desert is a metaphor for the Holy Spirit.

No contest.
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on :
God enjoys all colours equally. He can probably also see ones that we can't, not being limited to the visual spectrum that we're on.
Posted by Highfive (# 12937) on :
No-one's mentioned scarlet...
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Crap spouted by Highfive:
No-one's mentioned scarlet...

That's because God keeps redecorating. Every time he sees anything painted scarlet, he has to give it several new coats until it is white as snow.
Posted by no prophet (# 15560) on :

A colour you and * cannot see even if we squint. It drips off the sword daily, like so many fallen bees smoking cigarillos and starting forest fires among the volcanoes on the surface of our unconscious bicameral, biannual and bicommerical minds. And a yak. With a hint of raspberry.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Eutychus:
... Turns out we'll be reading Comic Sans MS up there too ...

Please not! [Eek!]

Bearing in mind that GIN is colourless, perhaps God doesn't have a favourite colour ... [Big Grin]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on :
Originally posted by Ariel:
God enjoys all colours equally. He can probably also see ones that we can't, not being limited to the visual spectrum that we're on.

And having invented insects and goldfish.
Posted by Jane R (# 331) on :
God's favourite colour MUST be rainbow. Hasn't anyone else read the Book of Genesis? Surely you don't think he would have a bow in a colour that *wasn't* his favourite? [Two face]
Posted by Quizmaster (# 1435) on :
I think it has to be pink because pink is not a colour.

Look at the spectrum and you will not see pink because it is not a colour and it does not have a frequency.

I finally resolved the problem in my own mind when I found a "Gamut" on the internet. The rainbow shows the pure colours around the edge, but we only see pink because we have blue, red and green receptors and when blue (one end) and red (the other end) spark together we see pink.

Now I know why it is so special to some people.
Posted by Twangist (# 16208) on :
Where does beige fit into this debate?
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
[tangent] Quizmaster! It's SO good to see you!!![/tangent]
[Big Grin]

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