Thread: Alternative Ship Names Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
This thread may well sink without a trace, no problem if it does but...
Over the years I have thought of a few names that might have done well, for me, as a Ship Name. As it is I chose Welease Woderwick as I am a Life of Brian fan, changed it to WiffWaff [Rocky Horror] and then back to Welease Woderwick but, amongst others now lost in the mists of time, could easily see myself as a [Dr.] Prunesquallor [Mervyn Peake] or as an Elmer J Fudd [Bugs Bunny/Warner Brothers].
Has anybody else ever thought of alternative names for themselves that they never tried as they quite liked what they already had?
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on
There are other places on the internet where I am known as silver-chipmunk. I have occasionally thought I should switch to that as my shipname just to unify everything, but I never actually do.
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on
I have been... Helen Earth (think about it) and Smart Alex.
I don't think I have ever really been tempted to change from OtG. but if I were, I would probably go for something from the Blessed Marx Brothers. Perhaps Captain Spaulding or Dr. Hackenbush or (most likely) Rufus T. Firefly.
Posted by Arabella Purity Winterbottom (# 3434) on
Ramset Fastener
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on
I toyed with a few before I arrived at mine. The only one I remember is Wenhaston Doom, which fitted my interest in history and being an East Anglian.
Instead I'm me, and intend to stay that way.
[ 25. February 2015, 09:26: Message edited by: Sandemaniac ]
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on
I MW under several different names, but the only other Ship name I've used was The Geezer. After changing to it during a name change amnesty, I immediately regretted it and could hardly wait until the next amnesty so I could change it back to Amanda B. Reckondwythe.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on
I've gotten quite attached to Pigwidgeon and will probably never change my name.
But if I were just signing up today, I'd probably choose a character from Shakespeare rather than from Rowling just because my interests have changed over the years. (Peaseblossom, perhaps?)
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on
Truly I identify to my name to the point that I'm always a bit impressed others can stand to change theirs. There have been stages in my life where people I met on the internet called me Gwaihir--what Gwai is short for--often enough that I turned about as quickly and instinctively as I do for my given name.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
I don't think it would ever have occurred to me to be anything but Piglet; D. and I have had a thing about piggies for almost as long as we've been together. I chose the name in honour of a knitted Piglet, made and given to me by my sis-in-law over 25 years ago, who's become a sort of mascot: where we go, he goes.
The only change I've made was adding a capital "P".
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
When the new boards were launched back in 2001 I did consider whether to take the opportunity to change from my name to something else. But, I don't feel any need to hide who I am.
The name I would have chosen was "Dr Strangelove". Partly it's just a continuation of the Mad Scientist theme. Partly because we are called to love neighbours and God as He loves us, and quite honestly sometimes I find the way He loves us (even the fact He loves us) very strange.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on
When I first joined the Ship, I had serious thoughts about being Captain Nancy, or Peggy Blackett, since I also love the Arthur Ransome Swallows and Amazons books and they were the only names I could think of with a nautical theme (and I always fancied being one of the Amazons).
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on
I would have liked to be Priscilla, as one of my ancestors was one Aquilla Cable, but apparently there wsa already a Priscilla registereed, and I can't be bothered to change now.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
When I started doing this internet thing, it took me quite some time to find a good screen name. When I found this one, I instantly loved it so I'm not going to change it.
Posted by BessLane (# 15176) on
When I first started playing around on the internet, I went by Pink Peony (from the Carl Sandburg poen). I really liked that name, but got tired of explainging that it was a flower, not a small horse
I didn't have a computer for several years and when I got back on-line, using my name just seemed the easiest way to go. I only recently changed it to reflect my current last name (rather than the former hubby's).
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
I originally joined as Carmel, in honour of the Carmelites, for whom I still have great respect. That got changed to Kieran at one point, and then Ariel.
Sometimes I think about changing it to Miranda, though on bad days I also consider Caliban. However, I've been Ariel too long to want to change now, and there's a sort of identity that goes with a screen name, and it would all be a bit disconcerting becoming someone else for a bit. And also freeing up a previous name for someone else to use.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Chorister is rather a tradition now, so can't think who else I'd be. (I was briefly Posh Chorister for a while, after a comment from Wood about where I grew up). The only other name I've gone by was Choris, for the Church of Fools, because by the time I'd typed the rest of the word, the place was full and I couldn't get in!
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Chorister: The only other name I've gone by was Choris, for the Church of Fools, because by the time I'd typed the rest of the word, the place was full and I couldn't get in!
I was ll in CoF, for the same reason. It wouldn't accept one letter names, and this was the fastest one I could type.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
I was English Johnny for just my first few weeks then changed to the Welsh translation.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
I have been jedijudy for decades, and it would be hard to change!
I'll have to squeeze my brain to see if there's another possibility in there.
Posted by basso (# 4228) on
I was briefly Chaliapin, during the festivities for Mousethief's ten-thousandth post -- how long ago that seems!
My other occasional nom-de-net is backrowbass. It comes from a former parish where the choir did sit in the far back of the church, next to the organ. You couldn't sit any further back in that room than I did.
Posted by Stercus Tauri (# 16668) on
I thought I needed a nom de guerre long ago on another forum when I wanted to get involved in a debate where I was already involved in a more formal role. Conflict of interest - shame! Yes - I know. Given my debating skills, the name made sense, and as it still does, I'll probably stay with it. These days, I tend to avoid serious debate. Like WW, I find The Life of Brian to be a useful source of wisdom for most things, and two or three good ministers for the rest.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
basso: I was briefly Chaliapin, during the festivities for Mousethief's ten-thousandth post -- how long ago that seems!
I was LeRock 'n' Roll for Chorister's 10k, when we had musical names for a couple of days.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Listening to yesterday's reading about Abram / Abraham and reflecting on other examples of name changes, made me think that those of us who have changed names on the Ship are at least being true to Biblical precedent!
Posted by Aravis (# 13824) on
I was Adso (Name of the Rose) for a few years, but changed when I got a new email address, partly as I knew a number of shipmates IRL and wanted a little more anonymity (which didn't last long).
I wanted to be Felix Culpa but the name was already taken, by someone who never posts as far as I am aware!
Posted by Banner Lady (# 10505) on
Well, WW, as I age disgracefully, I am now more of a Banner Nanna than a Banner Lady. But as it's pleasant to indulge occasionally in fantasy, I'll be sticking with BL.
You do have a fascination with W's, don't you, WW? I suppose that means in years to come you'll progress to WWW - Where's Welease Wodewick or Who's Welease Wodewick? Do you like to wear red stripey apparel by any chance?
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on
Originally posted by Banner Lady:
You do have a fascination with W's, don't you, WW? I suppose that means in years to come you'll progress to WWW - Where's Welease Wodewick or Who's Welease Wodewick? Do you like to wear red stripey apparel by any chance?
I'm just glad he chose Welease Wodewick instead of Biggus Dickus.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
Originally posted by Banner Lady:
You do have a fascination with W's, don't you, WW? I suppose that means in years to come you'll progress to WWW - Where's Welease Wodewick or Who's Welease Wodewick? Do you like to wear red stripey apparel by any chance?
Actually in this climate most of the time I wear as little as possible, currently a pale cream lunghi [sarong] and a thin white kurta top. Perhaps I will become World-Wide Woderwick - the rate my waistline is expanding it's not far off the truth!
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
...I'm just glad he chose Welease Wodewick instead of Biggus Dickus.
Not qualified! Having taught sex and sexual stuff for a number of years, and having been a gay man rather a long time, I have read loads of research on this subject and am happily average - well within a normal deviation of the mean.
Posted by Lincoln Imp (# 17123) on
Originally posted by Chorister:
Listening to yesterday's reading about Abram / Abraham and reflecting on other examples of name changes, made me think that those of us who have changed names on the Ship are at least being true to Biblical precedent!
In our mini-sermon/ reflection we were talking about name changes. A former Nun, who had to give up her name when taking vows, had to give up her name because there was already [someone] of her name living in community. She said she found this the most difficult aspect of the vows. Married folk who have changed names, and held a multitude of nicknames,emails et al were bemused. Some others felt that taking on a name of one's choosing was actually very attractive.
[edited for code and clarity]
[ 04. March 2015, 09:01: Message edited by: Firenze ]
Posted by Wet Kipper (# 1654) on
For a while I was Papa Smurf, as it fitted the nickname I had in a choir at the time. I even had a picture of him as my avatar.
Then I got worried that the Ship would be involved in copyright/trademark style issues, so I changed (or changed back, can't remember if I was Wet Kipper originally) to the nickname I use pretty much everywhere else on the net - and the avatar is from a photo of mine so the ship is safe on that one !
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Well, I suppose there's always one's real name... but I've been "orfeo" online in various places dating back to 1999.
Occasionally I find it's already taken and I resort to "orfeocookie". Inspired by the occasional American who either accidentally removes the 'f' or does so because they're trying to insult me and/or be witty.
Posted by Nenya (# 16427) on
I have several noms de net and the one I use here is the name of one of the three Elvish rings of power from The Lord of the Rings, I've loved those books since I was a child. I can't think of any other name I'd rather use and I'd hesitate to change as I get confused enough when other people do it.
As for changing one's name in real life, I disliked my maiden name and was very glad to take Mr Nen's when we got married. I love my first name and it's short enough to prevent all but the most determined diminishing it in any way. Apparently my mum wanted me to be Jessica, which I really like but know I would have gone through life as Jessie or Jess.
The name that was earmarked had I been a boy I really dislike and regard being born female as a lucky escape.
I work with someone who uses one of her first names in the work place and the other in her personal life, which I'd find hard to get my head round. I asked her what happens when a work colleague becomes a friend and apparently some manage the name change, some don't and some hyphenate.
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