Thread: General Prayers for your Vicar ... Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
... or ministers.

I am trying to increase the prayer support for my ordained sisters and brothers and I am not so good at hitting the right note.

So what sort of things do you / would you pray for those in leadership? I am looking for spiritual reality not tweeness and I recognise that Vicars needs to pray for the congregation and parish too. I also am pretty passionate about leading teams (it's not hero worship).

I am looking for a patchwork from you. Full prayers, snippets, random thoughts, jokes all welcome.

I will put back into this thread the finished prayer.

Many thanks. Pyx_e.
Posted by Offeiriad (# 14031) on :
'Lord, we ask for a poor, humble minister. You keep him humble: we'll keep him poor'?
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
Lord, bless the minister with the strength and courage to challenge all that's wrong in the church, while being endowed with sufficient kindness and compassion to do it gently.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
I couldn't possibly improve on Cranmer's matchless prose, from the Prayer for the Church Militant in the Book of Common Prayer:
Give grace, O heavenly Father, to all Bishops, Priests, and Deacons, and specially to thy servant [N]. our Bishop, that they may both by their life and doctrine set forth thy true and living Word, and rightly and duly administer thy holy Sacraments ...
substituting whatever titles your clergy have, if they're not called bishops, priests and deacons.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Well ours is starting this week. So initially I'd pray for him and his family to settle in well and feel at home in the church and community. I'll have another think about more general stuff later.
Posted by Leorning Cniht (# 17564) on :
I often find myself praying for our priest during his sermon - that his voice hold out long enough to finish preaching.

Or, sometimes, the opposite [Devil]
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
Many years ago a residentiary canon at St Albans Abbey stopped in mid-sermon and then said "I wonder how many of you have prayed for your preacher tonight" - and then dropped down dead.

Some presentiment, perhaps?

Caused quite a stir ...
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on :
I generally go vague and just ask God to "bless" the clergy team - on the basis that He knows their needs batter than I do.
Posted by Zoey (# 11152) on :
Currently, my prayers quite often include 'Dear God, thank you for St X's'. St X's being the church I've now managed to attend for about 6 months after not regularly attending church for about 15 years before that. Mostly I'm thankful that St X's seems to be a good fit for me / good for me spiritually, so maybe the appropriate wider prayer point is that ministers will be able to know and meet their congregants' spiritual needs.
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Pyx-e - our ministry team (Vicar, Hon. Curate and 3 Readers) are prayed for more or less as a matter of course at morning and evening services (can't vouch for 8 am communion [Eek!] ), along with residents of one or two roads in the parish, another parish or two in the Deanery, etc etc. These prayers are led by members of the congregation on a rota, which makes it easier, I suspect, than the Vicar having to lead prayers for himself.

I'm not on that particular rota, heaven be praised, but if I were I'd say something like this -

'Dear Lord, we ask your blessing on Arthur, James, April, May and June, as they seek to serve You, and us, in this parish. You know their needs, Lord, better than we do; please protect and support them, and fill them with your Holy Spirit so that they can best fulfil their work for You in this world.'

Or words to that effect!

(I just love that phrase, 'Lord, you know our needs' - it doesn't absolve us from enumerating what we perceive our needs to be, but it does show our awareness that God Knows Best!)

Mrs. S, on too many rotas already [Confused]
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by The Intrepid Mrs S:
... I just love that phrase, 'Lord, you know our needs' ...

Thou knowest, Lord, the secrets of our hearts ...
Posted by squidgetsmum (# 17708) on :
at the moment I'm praying a lot for Fr D's family - wife and 2 boys, to settle in (they're fairly new) and find friends and just generally enjoy life down here. Fr D kind of had an open slot, but I think for families it's a bit harder.
Posted by Rev per Minute (# 69) on :
Not sure about the main part of the prayer, but surely it should end with

"... and may God have mercy on their souls"

[Two face]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Originally posted by L'organist:
Many years ago a residentiary canon at St Albans Abbey stopped in mid-sermon and then said "I wonder how many of you have prayed for your preacher tonight" - and then dropped down dead.

Some presentiment, perhaps?

Caused quite a stir ...

Some people will do anything for a bit of attention.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
in a closed Brethren Assembly down here many years ago, an elderly man gave thanks for the bread and wine and it was passed around. As he took the wine, he collapsed and died.

[ 18. February 2015, 21:57: Message edited by: Lothlorien ]

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