Thread: Three years on... thank you Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Jonathan Strange (# 11001) on
Hello Shipmates
For anyone who remembers, I used to post a lot on the prayer thread about multiple miscarriages and fearful pregnancies, before finally posting the good news about Mrs Strange delivering a healthy boy.
Everything is well - fear not. Master Strange is strong, clever and sensitive, if a bit of loner at times. He loves rabbits, ducks, books, beaches, anything with water, Robin Hood, Mr Benn and Dogtanian. He is enjoying preschool, has an exceptional musical memory and shows great interest in playing the trumpet. Like many parents, I'd love another but I count myself blessed to have even one - and one so brilliant, at that.
I just popped by to say the family Strange has not forgotten the very real support and love we received throughout our journey. The wonderful messages, books and clothes shipped to us from all over the world when the boy arrived really surprised and humbled us and will not be forgotten.
I've fallen overboard since the arrival of Master Strange and the currents have swept me off to other places but I really do remember the Ship with great fondness and enormous gratitude.
I discovered recently that goperryrevs has joined our little fellowship group and we were quite a few sessions in before I realised. This happy accident prompted me to dig out my old password and log in to say thanks.
[ 23. March 2015, 13:46: Message edited by: Jonathan Strange ]
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on
Great to hear from you! Delighted to get the update on Master Strange.
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on
I've wondered how you were getting on. Glad to here things are going well and Master Strange sounds delightful.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
I'm always delighted to hear such excellent news.
Posted by Leaf (# 14169) on
Jonathan Strange!! It's a pleasure to have you back. No mystery about your extended absence from the Ship - new parenting will do that to you.
I'm so happy to hear that your family are well and that young Master Strange is flourishing. I remember your previous struggles, and the joy of your son's safe arrival.
Hope that all looks good on the horizon for the Stranges for family life, employment, health, etc. Hoping also that the currents of life may sweep you back here from time to time.
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
If he likes Mr Benn and Dogtanion he's obviously a very bright and well brought up young man!
Great to see you back
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on
Waves excitedly!! Welcome back.
I am so pleased to know young Master Strange is flourishing well. It was a joy and delight to attend his Baptism on the Ship's behalf.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on
Lovely news and very good to hear.
Posted by Ferijen (# 4719) on
How lovely to hear from you. And it looks like you may have moved? If you fancy a three year old friendly Shipmeet in Wessex I can think of several other shippie toddlers who might be interested!
Posted by Qoheleth. (# 9265) on
Hi - lovely to hear your good news.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
Excellent news, JS - delighted to hear that Master Strange is doing so well.
You're always welcome on board, however frequently or otherwise you choose to post.
Posted by Jonathan Strange (# 11001) on
Originally posted by Spike:
If he likes Mr Benn and Dogtanion he's obviously a very bright and well brought up young man!
I forgot to mention he really likes 'Around the World with Willy Fog' as well. We're giving him an early-1980s childhood
When he reaches 13, he'll be ready for the Fresh Prince and Saved by the Bell. Buffy the Vampire Slayer will kick in when he's about 16.
Originally posted by Ferijen:
How lovely to hear from you. And it looks like you may have moved? If you fancy a three year old friendly Shipmeet in Wessex I can think of several other shippie toddlers who might be interested!
Are you thinking of Farmer Palmer's, perchance? A great place. We're in the Midlands now, but often go back to the ancient lands of my fathers for family visits and beach time.
Originally posted by Leaf:
Hope that all looks good on the horizon for the Stranges for family life, employment, health, etc. Hoping also that the currents of life may sweep you back here from time to time.
Thanks! On the work front, I'm actually leaving my job with a London-based NGO and looking for a new employer. The organisation was suffering from an acute case of Founder Syndrome, and I seemed to have some kind of target on my head, so it was an easy decision to move on. I leave this week, actually. Perhaps it has made me more reflective and prompted me to come back to the Ship.
I'm also exploring a sense of calling towards joining the Army Reserve so - in typical JS style - crises and opportunities come hand-in-hand and always at inconvenient moments, but I'm not too worried. Things will work out.
Family life and health are great, thanks. I've been working on my fitness for the Reserve and feel stronger than at any point in my life, probably. I even surprised myself in finding joy in running 4k/5k distances.
There is certainly a sense of a new beginning in my life.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Glad to hear things are going well for you
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on
Glad to hear everything is OK with your family!
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