Thread: Ecclesiantics hosting change Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Spike (# 36) on
After several years sterling service in Ecclesiantics, Seasick has now paid full penance for his sins and is standing down as a host.
Fluffy, the ship's bunny has crapped on Barefoot Friar's square, so I'm delighted to announce that he will be taking on the role.
Please join me in thanking Seasick for all his hard work and congratulating Barefoot Friar on his new magic powers.
SoF Admin
Posted by Alan Cresswell (# 31) on
Many thanks to both seasick, for his years of hosting, and Barefoot Friar for stepping into his shoes.
Posted by An die Freude (# 14794) on
Despite the new host being somewhat gullible and not always knowing who he really ought to trust, excellent choice!
Thanks for your service, seasick!
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Originally posted by Alan Cresswell:
and Barefoot Friar for stepping into his shoes.
So that'll be Shod Friar from now on.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Fluffy does things like now again.
Best wishes to Barefoot Friar in that offbeat place (that's how it seems to me) and thanks to Seasick, who can take communion where he wants, when he wants, without worrying about what Shipmates will think.
Posted by Gwai (# 11076) on
Thanks for the reminder, An die Freude, I knew I liked Barefoot Friar!
Really though it was a good game, and it'll be good to have you around. Welcome Barefoot Friar.
Seasick, you've been great. Enjoy the newfound time!
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Seasick, you have done well. You should be made a bishop for your efforts, but you probably wouldn't be allowed to accept the honour.
Barefoot friar, are you mad??!
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on
Odd to be sorry to see Seasickness go.
Make sure feet are clean before tromping over the nice rugs.
Posted by Barefoot Friar (# 13100) on
Am I mad? Hardly. Flabbergasted seems more accurate.
Seasick, you've been a great host and a great shipmate. Y'all come back now, y'hear?
Posted by Adam. (# 4991) on
Farewell and thanks, seasick! Another one of the great old timers retiring.
Welcome and thanks for stepping up, Barefoot! Making you could don shoes as your hostly implement?
Posted by Qoheleth. (# 9265) on
Farewell and thanks, O Nauseous One.
Being an ex-Methodist, I do hope we haven't heard the last of you.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on
Seasick, thank you for your good work, and enjoy having more free time in your day, although I'm sure it will fill up quickly. I've always enjoyed your posts as a Shipmate and hope that will continue.
Barefoot Friar, thanks for taking this on, and best wishes!
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on
A significant loss and an excellent gain. Fluffy strikes again!
Farewell, seasick and many thanks; hopefully you'll need fewer Kwells without that Host role.
A warm welcome, Barefoot Friar, and make sure you acquire a shield and a pair of hobnailed boots from the Host store.
[They come free, but only because they are virtual.]
[ 13. January 2015, 16:36: Message edited by: Barnabas62 ]
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
Many thanks for your years of service, seasick! I will miss seeing you in the Lounge.
Welcome Barefoot Friar! (I know where the GIN is hidden if you ever have "one of those" threads.)
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on
Sorry to see you go, seasick-- have fun in civilian life.
Welcome to the Monkey House, Barefoot Friar!
Posted by Ecclesiastical Flip-flop (# 10745) on
Thanks for your time of hosting, Seasick, and I hope you will continue to post.
Welcome and good wishes to Barefoot Friar.
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on
Well sailed, seasick, courageous with such an ailment.
Barefoot Squire with have firm toeholds on these slippery scuppers.
Posted by seasick (# 48) on
Thanks everyone
Posted by dj_ordinaire (# 4643) on
Every best wish for the future seasick.
And Barefoot Friar - welcome! An excellent choice.
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