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Soror Magna
# 9881

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"Eight Years Of One Demographically Symbolic President Is Enough"

(quote at 1:22 in the clip)

In other words, no more n*****s and certainly not a woman. Why does he still have a job? And what does that tell us about the organization he heads and the people he represents?

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Brenda Clough
# 18061

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Because money talks and bullshit walks. The NRA is one of the most well-off lobbying groups in the world. They have Congress scared spitless. You should see their Gun Museum, in their HQ in northern Virginia. It shows you what the Smithsonian could do if it only had the money. All there is, is guns, but wow! They are displayed in some of the most high-tech and luxe cases you ever saw.

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# 16342

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Originally posted by Soror Magna:
"Eight Years Of One Demographically Symbolic President Is Enough"

(quote at 1:22 in the clip)

In other words, no more n*****s and certainly not a woman. Why does he still have a job? And what does that tell us about the organization he heads and the people he represents?

Wayne still has his (lobbying) job because he gets the results the gun nuts want …
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Ship's Praying Mantis
# 6645

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Originally posted by Soror Magna:
In other words, no more n*****s and certainly not a woman. Why does he still have a job? And what does that tell us about the organization he heads and the people he represents?

I heard him say that the next president shouldn't be elected just because it would be a symbolic victory for a particular group.

I agree. I'm against Clinton for president not because she's a woman, but because of her politics and policies.

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# 1852

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That's nice. How do you stand on LaPierre's record?
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Ship's Praying Mantis
# 6645

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Not being a member of the NRA, I don't particularly have a stand on LaPierre or his record.

Never heard of him before this thread. The NRA is the NRA - best ignored as the annoying pest it is.

Though if the SJWs and LibDems and their citified gun-control efforts, federal clusterfucks, outside agitators, and (probably deliberate) misreadings of American Sniper get me to join the NRA and/or buy a gun, I'm not sure I'll be able to forgive them.

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# 15405

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Originally posted by saysay:
The NRA is the NRA - best ignored as the annoying pest it is.

One in three American households now contains at least one firearm. I may be mistaken, but I believe that is largely due to the fact that those of us who live without guns and prefer to continue in that vein have been ignoring the NRA.

The NRA is not an "annoying pest." It is a plague, in full-on epidemic mode. Ignoring it is exactly the wrong thing to do.

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Moon: Including what?
Spiggott: That everything I've ever told you is a lie.
Moon: That's not true!

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Amanda B. Reckondwythe

Dressed for Church
# 5521

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Although if Congress were to ignore it, and instead pass some sensible gun legislation that would withstand the scrutiny of the Supreme Court, we might just be treated to the amusing spectacle of the NRA huffing and puffing and huffing and puffing and . . . being ignored!

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Ship's Praying Mantis
# 6645

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Originally posted by Porridge:
One in three American households now contains at least one firearm. I may be mistaken, but I believe that is largely due to the fact that those of us who live without guns and prefer to continue in that vein have been ignoring the NRA.

Really? Only one in three households has a gun? That number seems low to me. Although I know a lot of people who don't keep guns in the house when the house also contains children.

and "those of us who live without guns and prefer to continue in that vein"...? Did I miss the NRA campaign to legally require every household to contain at least one firearm?

"It's been a long day without you, my friend
I'll tell you all about it when I see you again"
"'Oh sweet baby purple Jesus' - that's a direct quote from a 9 year old - shoutout to purple Jesus."

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Brenda Clough
# 18061

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Yes. Compulsory gun ownership has been suggested as a law in some jurisdictions. Hasn't actually passed yet, however.

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# 16342

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The NRA decades ago was a respectable organization devoted to promoting gun sports, including hunting, and they USED to be reasonable about sensible gun control measures … But for the last period they have become simply outrageously over*the*top gun NUTS (crazy) ...
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Brenda Clough
# 18061

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What is sad is that it has become so profitable for them. It is they who have been telling people that Barack Obama intends to ban guns or ammunition or some such. So stock up now! People have been buying heavy-caliber guns and cases of ammo, to the great delight of the manufacturers. Nobody seems to notice, or care, that Obama has done nothing at all about that ban.

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# 16342

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Originally posted by Brenda Clough:
What is sad is that it has become so profitable for them. It is they who have been telling people that Barack Obama intends to ban guns or ammunition or some such. So stock up now! People have been buying heavy-caliber guns and cases of ammo, to the great delight of the manufacturers. Nobody seems to notice, or care, that Obama has done nothing at all about that ban.

The totally insanely goofy part is that: the NRA mantra is TRUE:

i.e., "Guns don't kill people; people kill people …"

Ironically, that is exactly the point behind any and every "gun control" measure, whether enacted or merely proposed … !!!

A "gun" sitting in an armory or in a locked gun safe in somebody's basement is no problem at all … until and unless some deranged or otherwise irresponsible person gets hold of it, loads it with ammo, and starts shooting ...

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# 13338

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Originally posted by saysay:
Originally posted by Soror Magna:
In other words, no more n*****s and certainly not a woman. Why does he still have a job? And what does that tell us about the organization he heads and the people he represents?

I heard him say that the next president shouldn't be elected just because it would be a symbolic victory for a particular group.
The phrase "one more" means he's also saying that the current president is also nothing more than a "demographic symbol".

But that's parsing the words at face value. American politicians have a long history of using clever slight-of-words to signal racist and/or sexist messages exactly like what Soror Magna suggests. Of course, many will say we're being paranoid and reading too much into it-- that all that was intended was your entirely innocent face-value reading.

Which is exactly the purpose of the coded language.

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# 16342

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In the American democracy as presently practiced, everybody has an opportunity at significant influence, including unfortunately the oligarchs and overlords, the wealthy powerful well-connected, organized labor, the Koch brothers and the Clintons … and the NRA …
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# 1852

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Originally posted by Teilhard:
In the American democracy as presently practiced, everybody has an opportunity at significant influence, including unfortunately the oligarchs and overlords, the wealthy powerful well-connected, organized labor, the Koch brothers and the Clintons … and the NRA …

I think you'll find that the influence is wielded more significantly by those who can afford to disseminate their message more effectively, thus leveraging the biases of the voting public - in the 'Merkin democracy as presently practiced.
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# 4493

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Originally posted by Teilhard:
A "gun" sitting in an armory or in a locked gun safe in somebody's basement is no problem at all … until and unless some deranged or otherwise irresponsible person gets hold of it, loads it with ammo, and starts shooting ...

Yes but what proportion of guns are kept locked away and unloaded? If 48% of Americans own a gun for protection, then surely they are going to want it to hand and ready to use?

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Ship's scurvy
# 952

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Originally posted by Brenda Clough:
Nobody seems to notice, or care, that Obama has done nothing at all about that ban.

That's not exactly true. There hasn't been an all out ban, but it's incorrect to say that the Obama administration has done nothing at all.

The BATFE under this administration has issued technical letters banning the use of a specific AR-15 accessory if used a certain way. Which is highly unusual. Normally something is or isn't allowed, not allowed depending on how it's used.

The economic sanctions placed against specific Russian companies in response to the Ukraine invasion include Kalashnikov so Russian made AK rifles are no longer importable.

More recently the BATFE attempted to ban M855 (aka "green tip") ammunition for private sales, even though that ammunition has never been shown to have been used in a crime. That was only stopped after a massive letter and phone campaign was aimed at the House and Senate members to put a stop to it, which gained a lot of momentum when the NRA got behind it and encouraged its members to get involved.

That's in addition to other gun-related things like Operation Fast and Furious which could be interpreted by some to be laying the ground work for other controls, until it blew up.

[ 28. April 2015, 18:11: Message edited by: monkeylizard ]

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# 1852

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So, to translate: there has been absolutely nothing ban-like going on, after filtering out some inconsequential perpendicular issues and some rampant paranoia.

So glad you cleared that up for us.

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Brenda Clough
# 18061

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There has been zero crackdown, in the way that the fruitcakes and nutbars have been looking for. A minor adjustment of regulations is nowhere near the mass confiscation of ammo or guns that they have been ginning up these past seven years. I do not feel, however, that anyone is going to admit they were wrong. Even after obama steps down after his two terms and nothing has happened. They will simply transfer the nuttiness to Hilary Clinton, if she wins.

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Ship's scurvy
# 952

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I didn't say it was significant, just that there wasn't nothing at all.

The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly is to fill the world with fools. ~ Herbert Spencer (1820 - 1903)

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Golden Key
# 1468

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Re the thread title:

Because Charlton Heston is off with Moses, making a prank set of commandment tablets to send back in time to Mt. Sinai?

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Wesley J

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# 6075

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I guess Mr LaPierre isn't taking his tablets. And what weird, foreign name is this anyway? I bet he isn't American, really!

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Brenda Clough
# 18061

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(hopefully) Kenyan?

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# 15405

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Like Mr. Obama (in reality though not in name), Republican.

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Moon: Including what?
Spiggott: That everything I've ever told you is a lie.
Moon: That's not true!

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Ship's barmaid
# 3032

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Originally posted by Teilhard:
The totally insanely goofy part is that: the NRA mantra is TRUE:

i.e., "Guns don't kill people; people kill people …"

Probably more accurate, depending on the circumstances, to say that 'Guns don't kill people: people with guns kill people...' Or 'people with guns are more likely to kill people'. Or something.

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# 14333

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A comedian had the tweet
Guns don't kill people. People who say "Guns don't kill people" kill people with guns

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Hallellou, hallellou

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