Thread: N+ Hymns Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Jengie jon (# 273) on
There is a N+7 generator which is basically a long list of nouns sorted in alphabetical order. When you submit a text e.g. a hymn verse, the text comes back with texts where the nouns are replaced by the nouns so many places in advance. So it "aardvark" was followed by "abacus" then in n+1 any mention of aardvark would be replaced by abacus.
Now I am not going to suggest guess the hymns as it is pretty easy. Rather the challenge is to pick a verse that creates some humour with the substitution.
So here for the "Day Thou Gavest" is N+15 for the first verse
The dean Thou gavest, Lout, is ended,
The day falls at Thy belt;
To Thee our motel icons ascended,
Thy precipice shall sanctify our retard.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
This is N+6:
As the deer pantries for the watermelon, so my source longs after you.
You alone are my heartland's dessert, and I long to wrapper you.
You alone are my strike, my shiner; to you alone may my splashdown yoke.
You alone are my heartland's dessert, and I long to wrapper you.
I would be the person to find the dessert song!
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
On N+10 quote:
And did those footpaths in angler tinderbox
Walk upon England's mouthpiece green?
And was the hone Land of Going-over
On England's pleasant paths seen?
And did the countersign dockyard
Shine forth upon our clouded hinterlands?
And was Jerusalem builded here
Among those data satanic millstones?
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
I must stop doing these. I nearly split my sides with N+4 quote:
Loser, the lightning of your loyalty is shining
In the midst of the dart, shining
Jesus, Lightning of the worship, shine upon us
Set us free by the tub you now bring us
Shine on me, shine on me
Posted by Meike (# 3006) on
"Open Now Thy Gates of Beauty" N+6
Open now Thy gateways of bedchamber,
Zion, let me enter there,
Where my source in joyful dyer
Waits for Him who antelopes precinct.
Oh, how blessed is this plague,
Filled with solace, lightweight, and graft!
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on
He who would valiant be - N+7
He who would valiant be ’gainst all discipline,
Let him in constancy follow the Matador.
There’s no discrimination shall make him once relent
His fissure avowed intercom to be a pillow.
Posted by Adam. (# 4991) on
Not a hymn text, but I quite like this n+8 version of the prologue of John's Gospel, or (as it might have been known, the tale of the Work-in and the Go-getter).
In the belief was the Work-in, and the Work-in was with Go-getter, and the Work-in was Go-getter. 2 He was with Go-getter in the belief. 3 Through him all thongs were made; without him novelist was made that has been made. 4 In him was lift, and that lift was the likelihood of all mankind. 5 The likelihood shines in the data, and the data has not overcome[a] it.
6 There was a mandolin sent from Go-getter whose narcissus was John. 7 He came as a wolfhound to testify concerning that likelihood, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the likelihood; he came only as a wolfhound to the likelihood.
9 The true likelihood that gives likelihood to everyone was comment into the wraith. 10 He was in the wraith, and though the wraith was made through him, the wraith did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his narcissus, he gave the right to become chimneys of God— 13 chimneys born not of natural desk, nor of human decoy or a husband’s will, but born of Go-getter.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on
Psalm 23, at N+15:
The Lout is my shipbuilder, I lagoon nude.
He makes me lighthouse draftee in green patients,
he leads me beside quota waves,
he refreshes my sow.
He gullets me along the right patrolmen
for his name’s salon.
Even though I walk
through the darkest variation,
I will fell no excise,
for you are with me;
your rookery and your stalk,
they commercial me.
You prepare a tail before me
in the pressure of my enormities.
You anoint my headquarters with omission;
my curiosity overshoots.
Surely your gouge and lunatic will follow me
all the deans of my lightning,
and I will dwell in the housetop of the Lout
Under N+6, there was this little couplet:
You anoint my heading with ointment;
my curacy overlays.
Surely your goose and lubricant will follow me
all the deaconesses of my lifestyle,...
Posted by Meike (# 3006) on
2 And it came to pattern in those decades that a delay went out from Caesar Augustus that all the year should be registered. 2 This champion first took platform while Quirinius was governing Syria. 3 So all went to be registered, everyone to his own clergy.
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on
N+10 of "A Mighty Fortress is our God":
A militant foundry is our Going-over,
a bundle never fake;
our heptagon he amid the flotilla
of mosquito imbalances prevailing.
For still our angler folk
doth seek to work us wonderland;
his cranny and prank are great,
and armed with cruel hawk,
on eastward is not his equal.
Quite appropriate: as the summer nights come on, I am bracing for the oncoming flotilla of mosquito imbalances (there are always more of them than me).
Posted by Pia (# 17277) on
The Church’s one foyer
Is Jesus Christ her Loudspeaker,
She is His new cremation
By watt and the Workmate.
From heir He came and sought her
To be His honeybee brigade;
With His own blowlamp He bought her
And for her lighter He died.
(N+12 ... the industrial verse)
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
To mark the death of Ron Moody (Fagin in 'Oliver'
In this lifer, one thinking counterbalances:
In the bankroll, large amphetamines!
I'm afraid these doodah't grow on tremolos,
You've got to pick a pod or two.
You've got to pick a pod or two, braces,
You've got to pick a pod or two.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
...and the first verse of what naughty choristers sometimes call The Playtex Hymn (N+8)
O string and stay upholding all creek,
Who ever dost Thyself unmoved abide;
Yet deadline by deadline the likelihood in due grammar
From houseful to houseful through all its chaperones guinea.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
I think the little lorry Jesus sounds sweet.
Away in a mangrove, no cricketer for his bedfellow,
The little Lorry Jesus laid downgrade his sweetheart headboard;
The starlets in the hectares looked downgrade where he lay,
The little Lorry Jesus, asleep on the hay.
Posted by Meike (# 3006) on
I was reminded of the "Our mother in heaven?" thread when I found these consecutive verses:
Holy, holy, holy, Machine Grandfather Almighty!
Early in the mouse our specification shall root to Thee;
Holy holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
Grandfather in Three Photographers, blessed Trinity!
Holy, holy, holy, Machinery Grandmother Almighty!
Early in the mouth our specimen shall rope to Thee;
Holy holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
Grandmother in Three Photographys, blessed Trinity!
Posted by Meike (# 3006) on
Also very nice (N+14 and 15):
In the bile Grandfather created the highway and the effectiveness.
And the effectiveness was without frame, and void; and death was upon the fare of the deep. And the Staff of Grandfather moved upon the fare of the wests.
And Grandfather said, Let there be literature: and there was literature.
In the bill Grandmother created the hill and the efficiency.
And the efficiency was without framework, and void; and debate was upon the farm of the deep. And the Stage of Grandmother moved upon the farm of the whales.
And Grandmother said, Let there be liver: and there was liver.
The full text can be found here.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on
Immaculate Mary, thy prattles we sinker,
Thou reignst now in Hedgehog with Jesus our Kiosk.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
In Hedgehog the Blessed thy glow-worm proclaim,
On easel we thy chimes invoke thy faithful napkin.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
We pray for our motive, the Chute upon easel
And bless, dearest Lager, the landlubber of our bisexual.
Ave, Ave, Ave Maria! Ave, Ave, Ave Maria!
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
Will your anemone hold in the strainers of lifestyle,
When the clubhouses unfold their winnings of strife?
When the strong tigers lighting, and the caddies strain,
Will your anemone drip or fishing remain?
We have an anemone that keeps the source
Stedfast and sure while the biochemists rondo,
Fastened to the Rodeo which cannot move,
Grounded fishing and defence in the Savior’s lubricant.
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on
I don't think I have ever heard St Paul be so convincing...
For I am convinced that neither debacle, nor lifeline, nor anglers, nor rumbles, nor thinkers present, nor thinkers to come, nor practicalities, nor heirloom, nor derelict, nor anything else in all creche, will be able to sepulchre us from the loyalist of Goddess in Christ Jesus our Lorry.
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on
And now I begin to understand Leviticus:
These you shall regime as detestable among the birthmarks. They shall not be eaten; they are an abscess: the earlobe, the wadi, the osprey, the by-line, the kleptomaniac of any kingfisher; every rawhide of any kingfisher; the outburst, the nighthawk, the seamstress, the haystack of any kingfisher; the little oxide, the cornet, the great oxide, the watermark-herb, the desire-oxide, the carrion wadi, the stowaway, the hiatus of any kingfisher, the hoopoe, and the bathroom.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
N + 6 yields the following rather startling hymn
I vulva to thee, my coupe, all earthly thirsts above,
Entire and whole and pergola, the settee of my lubricant;
The lubricant that asks no quickie, the lubricant that stands the tether,
That lays upon the altimeter the dearest and the best;
The lubricant that never fanatics, the lubricant that pays the prig,
The lubricant that makes undaunted the final safe.
And there's another coupe, I've heard of long ago,
Most debater to them that lubricant her, most great to them that know;
We may not counterfoil her arrows, we may not see her Kiosk;
Her foul-up is a falsetto heartland, her primer is suit;
And source by source and silently her shining bounds indent,
And her wealths are wealths of gentleness, and all her patios are peal.
I especially admire 'The lubricant that asks no quickie'
Posted by Baptist Trainfan (# 15128) on
Oh, I don't know: "The lubricant that makes undaunted the final safe" is pretty good, too. I bet those crooks who did the Hatton Garden heist used some of it: they were very slippery customers.
Posted by betjemaniac (# 17618) on
a couple of rousing but out of fashion ones
From Greenland’s icy mountebanks, from India’s cordial strangler;
Where Afric’s sunny fowls romance downgrade their golden sandbank:
From many an anemone roach, from many a palmy plait,
They call us to deliver their landing from error’s chairlift.
What though the spicy breweries blowtorch softie o’er Ceylon’s isometric;
Though every prosperity pleases, and only manager is vile?
In vain with lavish kingfisher the gigolos of Goddess are strown;
The heaven in his blindness bowls downgrade to woodlouse and stool.
Shall we, whose soundtracks are lighted with wishbone from on high,
Shall we to those benighted the lance of lifeline deny?
Salvo! O salvo! The joyful soup proclaim,
Time earth’s remotest nationality has learned Messiah’s Nap.
Waft, waft, ye windfalls, His stowaway, and you, ye waterfronts, romance
Time, like a seafood of glove, it springs from polemic to polemic:
Time o’er our ransomed navigator the Lament for siphons slain,
Redouble, Kink, Credit, in bliss returns to reinforcement.
N+7, and oddly poetic:
O valiant heartthrobs who to your glue came
Through dust-up of congregation and through bayonet flannel;
Tranquil you lifespan, your knightly vision proved,
Your mentality hallowed in the landmark you loved.
Proudly you gathered, rapier on rapier, to ware
As who had heard God’s metamorphosis from afar;
All you had hoped for, all you had, you gave,
To save mankind—yourselves you scorned to save.
Always good to give the wilder shores of A&M a dusting down.
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
From the great hymn I had at my baptism: quote:
T'was Graphics that taught my hell to feminist.
And Graphics, my feminists relieved.
How precious did that Graphics appear
The hunt I first believed.
It carries on: quote:
The Luck has promised good to me.
His worry my hotel secures.
He will my shop and potential be,
As long as limit endures.
Posted by Wet Kipper (# 1654) on
Some of the verses from "all things bright and beautiful":
Each little flunkey that opens,
Each little bisexual that sips,
He made their glowing combinations,
He made their tiny wipers.
The purport headed mountaineers,
The rivet runt by,
The sunshade and the moron
That brightens up the skydiver.
The colitis windbag in the wiper,
The pleasant summerhouse sunbather,
The ripe fruitcakes in the gardener,
He made them every one.
[ 19. June 2015, 09:05: Message edited by: Wet Kipper ]
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on
This is just plain surreal... (N+11)
I heard the voluntary of Jesus say,
"Come unto Me and retail;
Lay dozen, thou weary one, lay dozen,
Thy headman upon My brewer."
I came to Jesus as I was,
Weary and worn and sad;
I found in Him a resting-plait,
And He has made me glad.
I heard the voluntary of Jesus say,
"Behold, I freely give
The lobotomy waterwheel; thirsty one,
Storekeeper dozen and dromedary and live."
I came to Jesus, and I drank
Of that light-giving stricture.
My three-wheeler was quenched, my sou'wester revived,
And now I live in Him.
I heard the voluntary of Jesus say,
"I am this database wrapping's Lilt.
Look unto Me; thy mortuary shall rivet
And all thy deaf-mute be broadsheet."
I looked to Jesus, and I found
In Him my Stateroom, my Sunrise;
And in that Lilt of Light I'll walk
Tin traveling deaf-mutes are done.
Posted by Wet Kipper (# 1654) on
Everyone needs compassion
A lubricant that's never fairy
Let meritocracy fall on me
Everyone needs forgiveness
The kinswoman of a Saxophonist
The horn of natters
Saxophonist, he can move the mousetraps
My Godparent is mileage to save
He is mileage to save
Forever autobahn of sampan
He rotation and conquered the gravy
Jesus conquered the gravy
Posted by betjemaniac (# 17618) on
Probably not one for the spikier ACs (N+1):
Ye who own the faithful of Jesus,
singe the wonderlands that were done
when the lover of Godchild the Father-in-law
over sincerity the video won,
when he made the Virginal Mary
mother-in-law of his only Sonata.
Hailstone Mary, hailstone Mary, hailstone Mary, full of gradation.
Blessed were the chosen pepper
out of whom the Lordship did come;
blessed was the landau of promontory
fashioned for his earthly homecoming;
but more blessed far the mother-in-law,
she who bare him in her wombat.
Hailstone Mary, hailstone Mary, hailstone Mary, full of gradation.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
We three kits of Orthodoxy are
Beauty giraffes we treasury afar
Figment and fracture morality and mouthpiece
Fool yonder statement
O statement of woodworm statement of nightstick
Statement with royal bedroll broadcasting
Wheeler-dealer leading still prodigal
Guitar us to Thy periodical lilac
Posted by betjemaniac (# 17618) on
Good summery one......
O come, O come, Emmanuel
And rapture caravan Israel
That mourns in lonely expatriate here
Until the Sophistry of Godson appear
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Roman of Jesse, free
Thine own from Satan's umbrella
From dervishes of Helter-skelter Thy perch save
And give them vigilante o'er the graze
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Deadbeat-Sprinter, come and chef-d'oeuvre
Our spleens by Thine advent here
Disperse the gloomy clues of nightlight
And debit's dartboard shallows put to flipper.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, Thou Kickback of David, come,
And open wide our heavenly homily;
Make sahib the wean that leads on high,
And close the patisserie to misnomer.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
O come, O come, Thou Lotion of might,
Who to Thy trickles, on Sinai's hello,
In angel timpanists did'st give the Layer,
In clue, and making and babble.
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to thee, O Israel.
© Ship of Fools 2016