Thread: How high up the candle are you? Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on
Test your candle height/depth here
I came out all lacey, bells and smells. Ah, for the church of my youth.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on
Top of the flame -- but I already knew that.
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on
Yay, I'm top of the flame too! But I only answered as per the usual tat 'n' stuff at our shack
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
Bottom of the candle for me, free from all forms of liturgical piffle!
Posted by Kitten (# 1179) on
Bottom of the candle, suits me just fine
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on
Bottom of the candle - thank God!
Posted by churchgeek (# 5557) on
They almost never had an answer I would choose honestly. So I wound up "top of the flame." I would have chosen the answer, "Who cares?" for several of the questions, or, "If it's practical" for others.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
I like liturgy, but I know nothing about clothes and stuff. Therefore it's no surprise that I ended up low down the candle.
Posted by Albertus (# 13356) on
Middle of the candle. But I did sort of aim some of my answers to place me there.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Middle. But they have no idea what the bottom end is like! So perhaps I'm really middle of the top.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
I'm a Top of the Flame Quaker!*
What would George Fox say?
*I was a bit spikey when I was still an Anglican.
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on
Bottom of the candle, no surprise there.
Posted by Baptist Trainfan (# 15128) on
Please - what is this thing called "candle" of which you speak?
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I got 'middle' - but then again, it was pretty easy to work out which answers would give such a result.
It struck me when completing the quiz that I know more about 'high-end' liturgical tat and stuff in RC and Orthodox circles than I do within the Anglican communion - because most Anglican parishes I have contact with are either snake-belly low (so low they almost drop out of the bottom) - or else Middle of The Road or 'catholic-lite' liberal Catholic ones.
I've never been to an Anglo-Catholic High Mass - although I've attended plenty of Orthodox Liturgies, some RC masses and even Benedictions and Expositions ... which I must admit, I do find difficult ...
As with everything else, all these things are relative. Some of my old 'house-church' friends and even my Baptist pals would probably think I'm way, way up the candle by their standards - but I'm pretty low down compared to the real spikey end of things.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Incidentally, I've noticed that they don't have any candles at all on the altar -- sorry 'table' -- at our local parish church.
Kill-joys ...
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on
Bottom of the candle, in fact I needed some lower options to a few questions.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
This is an Anglican quiz. We don't have individual candles on our altars, our altar servers don't wear cottas, our cassocks don't have hoods, we don't have a thing called "high mass" (or "high liturgy") (Or "solemn mass" -- as opposed to what? frivolous mass?), or sanctuary slippers (although that would be a great name for a rock band), or boat boys (sounds rude); nor do we use the word "thurifer."
We're not on your candle. We're not even in your candelabra. But does that make us low church? This is navel-gazing Anglicans thinking they're the only people in the world.
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
Top of the flsme - even though i hate cottas and lace.
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Anglicans thinking they're the only people in the world.
You mean we aren't?
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
(I was waiting for an Anglican person to give mousethief this answer.)
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by leo:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Anglicans thinking they're the only people in the world.
You mean we aren't?
Duh. Methodists.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
So what are you proposing, Mousethief?
An Orthodox Quiz which tests ...
- How phyletic are you?
- How anti-Semitic are you?
- How racist are you?
- How homophobic are you?
- How fascist are you?
Because the way things are going on the ether, that's all I'm picking up from the Orthodox out there at the moment.
So, the quiz was concocted by Anglicans and addresses purely Anglican concerns? Well, duh ... the altar servers who came up with it happened to be Anglican.
If they were Orthodox or RCs or whatever else then their quiz would have reflected that.
Which would have been fine. I wouldn't have come along whining, 'Oh, look at those Orthodox, they think they're the only ones around ...'
Next time I see an Orthodox blog or an Orthodox book or an Orthodox website or something, perhaps I ought to throw a hissy fit and say, 'Oh look, that's an Orthodox site/book/quiz of some kind ... they must think they're the only ones around ...'
Give us a break ...
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on
Bottom of the candle, unsurprisingly, and would have been lower if the questions had had more options.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on
Strokes Mousethief's fur gently with one finger
It was meant to be fun, sweetie.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
Bottom of the candle. Under it, more like! And, there were no organist questions. The questions were rigged!!!!
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
So what are you proposing, Mousethief?
You could call it "how high up the Anglcian candle are you?" The bullshit you posted is unnecessary and stupid.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
Originally posted by Baptist Trainfan:
Please - what is this thing called "candle" of which you speak?
I came out as "middle" - no real surprise there, considering my first 15 years as an Anglican were spent in the Church of Ireland, which barely reaches the base of the candlestick. We're a bit further up the candle here*, but ISTM that most of the options offered in the quiz were so close to the flame that I was in danger of burning myself ...
* Plenty of bowing, crossing oneself and the odd genuflection, but no bells or smells.
Posted by leo (# 1458) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
So what are you proposing, Mousethief?
You could call it "how high up the Anglcian candle are you?"
Ah but there is no such thing as an Anglican candle. Anglicans have no orders of our own but that we inherited from the one, true church. Same with our candles.
Posted by Kwesi (# 10274) on
I find modern electric lights more efficient and illuminating than any part of a candle.
Posted by Arethosemyfeet (# 17047) on
Was the candles question a trick? Surely every good Anglican knows that you have 2 on the altar and then a further 4 within the sanctuary, 2 each side of the altar, just as Jesus (or Percy Dearmer at least) intended?
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
Originally posted by leo:
Ah but there is no such thing as an Anglican candle. Anglicans have no orders of our own but that we inherited from the one, true church. Same with our candles.
What are you talking about? We are the one true church. Everybody knows that God is an Anglican.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on
I remember doing this previously. Most of the questions, my answer would be "I don't give a f*ck".
So I guess I am several feet below the candle.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
Top of the flame.
As Spike said quote:
Everybody knows that God is an Anglican.
, which only leaves me to add and God's own country is Wales.
Arethosemyfeet: I'm shocked, shocked: everyone knows you have 6 candles on the altar, at least 2 on the sanctuary floor, plus another two that are carried in by the acolytes.
[ 27. June 2015, 15:40: Message edited by: L'organist ]
Posted by Baptist Trainfan (# 15128) on
Originally posted by Spike:
What are you talking about? We are the one true church. Everybody knows that God is an Anglican.
Baptist Trainfan coughs discreetly, then louder ... Err - are you absolutely sure?
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
Absolutely! The Book of Common Prayer is the Inspired Word of God.
Posted by Arethosemyfeet (# 17047) on
Originally posted by Spike:
Absolutely! The Book of Common Prayer is the Inspired Word of God.
Which one?
I vote 1637.
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
1662 of course. Are you implying there may be more than one?
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
Originally posted by Spike:
Absolutely! The Book of Common Prayer is the Inspired Word of God.
Yea and amen.
Posted by Albertus (# 13356) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by leo:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Anglicans thinking they're the only people in the world.
You mean we aren't?
Duh. Methodists.
As Donald Soper said, a preaching order of the Church of England.
[ 28. June 2015, 17:55: Message edited by: Albertus ]
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on
Rock bottom of the candle parish in a fairly high church diocese
Posted by Emendator Liturgia (# 17245) on
Top of the flame for me - though as others said, you know how to manipulate the questions to come out just about anywhere you like.
As for me, I really don't like cottas and lace: our servers, like the clergy wear cass-alb (without hood)and look darn good!
Posted by roybart (# 17357) on
Astonished to find myself at the bottom of the candle. I rather liked the lace and the five-foot candles; didn't mind the incense; didn't know about maniples but made it up (I thought) by identifying the thurifer. I even lied about the servers, upping the number I prefer. And for all that, I was advised at the end to take up a tambourine. Something's dodgy here.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
@Mousethief, I don't understand why you've become so agitated by this one. It's all a bit of fun and if anything sends up Anglican 'spikiness' -- I certainly didn't read it as some kind of promotion of Anglican exclusivity.
If it was then pot meet kettle ...
Hence my rather hyperbolic response.
I'm certainly aware that the Orthodox tend to be a lot less 'self-conscious' than many High Church Anglicans can me when it comes to rubrics, rituals and twiddly bits.
The point I was making - clumsily no doubt - was that out in the Ortho-ether I come across far more outrageous comments - and not only from the convertititis types - than I do from High Church Anglicans - although I've certainly seen some ker-razy stuff online from the top and spikey end of the Anglican spectrum.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on
Top of the flame Roman Catholic here!
Posted by Scarlet (# 1738) on
Bell Book and Candle
Posted by venbede (# 16669) on
Top of the flame as it happens, but what I want to see is Vatican II liturgy with style and care.
Yes, I know what a maniple is, but I don't want it used.
Yes, I'd like to see a High Mass set used every sung mass, but only if there are two deacons. And if there's only one deacon, s/he should be in a dalmatic.
Catholics are not a funny sort of Anglican. Anglicans, of all sorts, are a very funny sort of Catholic.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on
Or,as a CoE friend said to me:"I'm a Catholic - you're a Roman."
Posted by The Phantom Flan Flinger (# 8891) on
I'd need a cherry picker, tall stepladder and stand on tiptoes to reach the bottom of the candle.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
posted by jacobsen quote:
Or,as a CoE friend said to me:"I'm a Catholic - you're a Roman."
Err, no. As an old friend of mine would tell you, the Roman church may call itself catholic but it actually fulfils all the requirements to be properly called a sect.
Posted by Banner Lady (# 10505) on
Good Lord - I am apparently top of the candle. All I can say is that standards must be slipping down the wax at quite an alarming rate!
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