Thread: Praise and Thanksgiving 2015 Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
This is the thread for the giving of thanks not just to God but to those people and organizations [and even pets] that have influenced our lives for good whether momentarily or over the longer term.

All that we have comes from God, may we all be faithful in giving thanks.

WW - AS Host
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
I'm giving praise and thanksgiving to God for 2014:

Although there were nasty diseases in the family, they were treated and healed.

Although I struggled, I came through: with perseverance, and with God's help and guidance, the factors giving me the most insecurity have been overcome, for now.

In fact, the last three months of the year were so good that I don't want to lose touch of the warmth and joy the memory of them brings.

Thank you God [Axe murder]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
I had a lovely day today to get my mobile fixed ! And now it works and gets messages and can send messages. I prayed and God has helped to get it fixed again ! [Overused] Thank you Lord ! [Yipee]
Posted by Wesley J (# 6075) on :
Thanks be to God for the very swift return of a friend's beloved kitten, after a long and very unusual having gone AWOL.

[Angel] [Overused] [Axe murder]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
And today I prayed to God to get my mobile as I had lost it yesterday. My son found it today, praying and noising his mobile and so thank you God and thank you also for him managing to get it for me ! [Overused]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Yay for all the yay!

Update: I got the job!!
Posted by ThunderBunk (# 15579) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Yay for all the yay!

Update: I got the job!!


(one of the few times when shouting seems mandatory)
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Update: I got the job!!

[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee] and again I say [Yipee]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Yay for Kelly's job!
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Yay indeed - and possibly even a YAHOO!
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Brilliant news Kelly [Yipee]
Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Great news, Kel. Congratulations!
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
fist bump with Kelly
[Big Grin] [Yipee]
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
Well done, Kelly! Hope other good things follow.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
To share a little good news: Some of you might remember my asking for prayers for my son-in-law, who had surgery for thyroid cancer late in 2014. He did radiation last month, and yesterday the results of his bloodwork were "no evidence of disease." Hallelujah! And thank you for your prayers and support!
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Great news, Mamacita! [Smile]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
26 years ago today I had my first sober day for a long time and I haven't touched a drop since!

Thanks be to God!
Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Happy birthday, Wodders. 26 years is great. (I've got a little over three.)
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Thanks basso, and well done you - the first few years are probably the toughest.

Keep on trucking.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
Bravo, Wonders. That is an accomplishment and a blessing!

And well done on the three years, basso!
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Well done, gentlemen. [Smile]
Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
Flat for S finally located.

Cooker in our living room and back room filled with belongings soon to be relocated.


[ 25. January 2015, 12:03: Message edited by: Ethne Alba ]
Posted by welsh dragon (# 3249) on :
we finally get a woman bishop, hallelujah!
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
Yes! [Yipee]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Some great news here: daughter of neighbours got married a few years ago and has had a couple of miscarriages but today gave birth to a full term baby daughter, mother and baby both doing fine!

[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
OK, you know that old lady I have been griping about?

Today, the end of week 2 of my wonderful new job, she stops me and says, "You know, I have to say, every day you come in smiling now. That's good."

Yesterday was even better-- I came in and said hello, and sighed, " Have to say, I am having a hard time getting used to people being so darn nice all the time", and my mom burst out into the loudest, longest, most natural laugh I have heard out of her in literally years.

"No, you don't understand!" I protested, thinking of my dreary years of subbing at dreary schools.

"Oh, yes, I do!" she said.

It was a nice moment-- I guess for all her weirdness and passive aggression she does notice what's going on with me. And I could see on her face that she was very happy for me.

And I feel so lucky and blessed right now that my worst problem currently is adjusting to people who are consistantly pleasant, decent, and kind. May I never lose that gratitude.

[ 31. January 2015, 03:50: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Back reading and catching up on all the yay! [Yipee]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Fab, Fab, Fab Kelly!

Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Yay, Kel! Great to hear that.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on :
Praise God, I seem to have got my mojo back [Yipee]

I have been volunteering 3 afternoons a week in a charity bookshop and, last month, that took all my energy. But this week-end, I have done some housework and admin-type stuff as well. (Doing housework may seem an odd thing to be thankful for but not doing it is generally worse.) Now, if we can sort our finances out, life could be fun again...
Posted by tessaB (# 8533) on :
As Kelly would say Yay for all the Yay!!!
I saw the consultant today for the results of my MRI and thanks be to God the pancreatitis was not caused by anything nasty. Still have to have some tests to see if my gallbladder needs removing, but no cancer!! [Yipee]
Posted by Lia (# 7396) on :
I give thanks for surviving a very hard day at work.

I did not think I would survive (literally), but I am still here (just about).

20 more to go before I can catch my breath, but I will try not to think about that for a while.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by tessaB:
As Kelly would say Yay for all the Yay!!!

(I stole that from Lots of Yay. [Big Grin] )

But, ditto!
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
Today on London many of the bus were not on and so I got onto the tube and got to the Scottish church to the left in London and I got in time by 1pm. It always has a good time om Thursday and was lovely. I'm really pleased I managed to get there.
I did pray to God to get me there, with no bus, thank you God [Overused]
Posted by Ye Olde Motherboarde (# 54) on :
I want to thank everyone who prayed for ME and P in their court trial against an evil neighbor. The suit didn't go perfectly, but ME and P are good with the outcome. It was the prayers that finally gave them peace.

Thank you. I appreciate it and so did they.

Prayer works!
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
Today I was at a meeting of the local Anglican clergy - our Deanery Chapter - as part of the "listening process" about whether ort not the CoE should bless same-sex marriages. The process has not had a good press generally, so I was very apprehensive. However, our discussion was excellent; we did listen and explored honestly all sorts of views. After as while I found the courage to out myself, and felt valued even by those with the most conservative views. So I feel good about myself, and about my fellow clergy. Great.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
[Overused] [Votive]
Posted by tessaB (# 8533) on :
Beloved husband was made redundant last October and was starting to worry that at nearly 55 he may never get another job. Today he got a phone call to say that the chap who was offered the last job he interviewed for turned it down and he was their second choice!! Hopefully starting at the end of the month [Yipee]
Posted by Kitten (# 1179) on :
That's brilliant news Tessa, I'm really pleased for him
Posted by Stercus Tauri (# 16668) on :
Almost exactly two years after a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma, just had a routine check-up with the oncologist, involving much laughter and joking, ending with, "See you in six months!" So many people to thank; thanking God for the gifts of caring in so many people. Cured? Can't tell. Healed - yes.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on :
[Overused] [Axe murder]
Posted by Rosa Gallica officinalis (# 3886) on :
After 22 months of searching, 24 applications, 14 interviews I have been offered a post that feels like exactly what I've been waiting for.

I'm taking Geroff to see the vicarage he's going to have to live in tomorrow.

Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
Yay! Thank you God! [Yipee] [Axe murder]
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
Originally posted by Stercus Tauri:
Almost exactly two years after a diagnosis of metastatic melanoma, just had a routine check-up with the oncologist, involving much laughter and joking, ending with, "See you in six months!" So many people to thank; thanking God for the gifts of caring in so many people. Cured? Can't tell. Healed - yes.

Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
ST and RGO - [Yipee] [Yipee]

[ 26. February 2015, 13:27: Message edited by: Piglet ]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
My sister is staying with me this week and she wanted to go walking and we went around today across the waters and it was sunny, blue sky. thank you Lord ! [Overused]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
Today was my daughter's birthday and she and he came here and we fed them and sang "Happy Birthday to you may the dear Lord bless you. Happy long life to you !" [Overused]
Posted by Carex (# 9643) on :
A keyboard/electric piano arrived in the post the other day. My wife called Amazon to complain, since we hadn't ordered it and didn't want to be billed for it, or to have to pay to return it. They confirmed that it had been shipped to us by mistake, but said there was no need to return it - we could keep it or dispose of it as we wished.

Initially we thought our granddaughter might use when she gets older. It turns out, however, that my wife had always longed to learn piano, but her stepmother (a very good pianist but impatient teacher) had scared her out of it.

Last night we made space for it in a nook with a stool, a lamp and some teach-yourself-to-play music books. She still feels very self conscious touching the keys even when she is home alone, in case the neighbors might hear, but now she can take as much time as she needs to get comfortable with the fingerings and key positions. It's wonderful to see her excitement at finally being able to do something that she had wanted for 60 years.

The funny thing is that it isn't a very expensive keyboard - we could easily have purchased one if she had wanted. But something about it having arrived by mistake has made it possible for her to let go of her fears and decide to learn to play.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
Today after school my sun's daughter came back and my daughter and her husband came too. We had a lovely food to eat and we sang again "Happy Birthday to you may the dear Lord bless you Happy long life " She was happy about that. We had a lovely time and she played Sand Tray as I had not allowed her when she was younger. [Overused]
Posted by MrsBeaky (# 17663) on :
The wheelchair consignment for which I requested prayer was released from Mombasa and finally arrived here safely this morning.
So thankful
Now we'll be able to help more than 150 of the most marginalised people here.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
I was afraid my dad would have to start aggressive, intravenous chemo for stage 4 cancer possibly this week, but when we got to the oncologist who had his latest lab tests, we found that the oral meds seemed to have been doing their job and the chemo has been held off for at least eight weeks. Maybe more. Yay! Praise God! [Yipee]
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Yes! Good to hear your dad is in better shape than he might have been.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
My one computer was fixed to not work by my family, for several days and now he managed to fix it today.
I did pray to God - thank you very much God that it is now working ! [Overused]
Posted by Lia (# 7396) on :
Just got the news that I passed round 2 of the online selection tests for a job I'd love to do.

There are several most steps to go and it is very unlikely that I will get it but at least I now have a chance.

I am so thankful for this glimmer of hope after months (ok, years) of bleakness and for the friends who have been so supportive all along. May I not forget to be grateful even if I don't get the job.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
Just returned yesterday from a weekend away at a convention that was a delightful and refreshing experience.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
I went to an old church, a long away, a while away with friends - it was a lovely church and really nice people. I also got in time. Thank you God ! [Overused]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
It's nearing the end of my first year as a schoolteacher, and I have not yet been asked back for a second year at my current school, and I'm starting to get feelers from other districts. So I took my metaphorical hat in my hand and went to my principal (UK: headmistress). I asked if I should be applying for positions in other districts and she said, "Please don't."

I said I didn't know if they were going to ask me back and needed to start thinking about where to work next year if they don't. She said if they were planning on bouncing me I'd have known about it already and some time back, and she has heard nothing from anybody that would make her not want me around next year. So no, don't go looking for another job, expect to be here next year.

Definitely a load off, and made me feel good too! Thank you, Lord, for thinkin' 'bout me, I'm alive and doin' fine!
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Yay Mousethief! [Yipee]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Our head of department, M is back!

I mentioned this guy back in September. He beat lymphoma about six years ago then after five clear, it returned. He's had a couple of courses of chemotheorapy and the medics are happy for him to return to work. I think he is too. Apart from being a bit thinner in body and hair, he's looking OK.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
I got a phone call at 03.47 today - very excited friend in Mysore telling me his wife had just given birth to their second baby, easy delivery, no complications, both doing well!

Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
I just had an email from the Dowager - again, a miracle in itself - to say that she is so much better that the hospital team who have been checking on her and visiting her at home are looking to discharge her either tomorrow or the day after! What a HUGE relief!

[Angel] [Angel] [Angel]

Thank you all for your prayers and thank you God for Becca and Wendy of the above-mentioned team [Overused]
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on :
I'm so grateful , after hearing various stories about why people voted the way they did in the election, that my parents brought me up to be interested in politics. The fact they gave me a love of the Marx Brothers was a good thing too.

[ 09. May 2015, 06:04: Message edited by: Sarasa ]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
We had a lovely time i the church, all of India people. We sang "Kushi Kushi" Indian, as well as singing English ones. My son was doing the piano and did well. Some spoke well and some led the songs.
And his little son 'A' is now well. [Overused]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
My son was doing the piano and did well.
That's lovely to hear. I can understand your happiness. My son who plays piano and keyboard has been off his church's music roster for 18 months for various reasons. Today was his second time on keyboard after that break. So happy for him.
Posted by Heavenly Anarchist (# 13313) on :
I have finished my marking for the academic year. God be praised! [Smile] The last week or so have been a struggle but I can now have a rest. Thanks for everyone's prayers for my health.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
The hospital was fine to me and had me checked about cancer! I do not have cancer! [Overused]
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Originally posted by daisymay:
The hospital was fine to me and had me checked about cancer! I do not have cancer! [Overused]

Always good to know. [Votive]
Posted by Diomedes (# 13482) on :
Praise God for tiny daily improvements in R's sight. This follows an operation which resulted in several serious bleeds within his eye. Any improvement will be such a blessing. We are so grateful to all those people praying with us and for us.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on :
That is good to know Diomedes [Yipee]
Prayers continuing to ascend for further improvement
Posted by moonfruit (# 15818) on :
Praise God for a new head teacher for the school I teach at. The panel made an (imo) excellent choice, and I couldn't be happier. [Yipee] It's such a weight off everyone's shoulders to know that we have a boss for September.
Posted by Meg the Red (# 11838) on :
Thanks be to God for allowing me in a small way to help a co-worker get away from a bully. She was so defeated and now she's practically dancing around the office. [Yipee]
Posted by Dormouse (# 5954) on :
For 30 years of (mostly) happy marriage to Mr D
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Congratulations Dormouse and Mr. Dormouse! [Yipee]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Congratulations to the Dormice.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
I'm thankful for seeing some old friends at my college reunion this past weekend. [Smile]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
Thank you God for helping me and the other family and warm and dry to camp. [Overused]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Originally posted by daisymay:
Thank you God for helping me and the other family and warm and dry to camp. [Overused]

Good news daisymay. Rain has given me some moments to remember while camping, but i would prefer fine weather.
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Thank You God for hedgerow flowers in May. Especially Bluebells [Yipee]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
My son is happy with the outcome of a property settlement hearing following divorce in January. Custody hearing will be in October.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on :
Yay Loth, that's good news [Smile]

Meanwhile MrP's previous employers have discovered that he is indispensable (at least until it occurs to them to ask for full documentation of the software he has written for them) and they want him back - badly enough to agree to more generous terms than they would give him before. Working for them is not optimal - but is better than not working. Such a relief.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
And we are home now and the children are very happy about all they could play there ! Thank you Lord, that it was dry and warm ! [Overused]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Grateful thanks that the elderly aunt I visited in Copenhagen at the weekend recognised, and spoke to me in English! She is happy in her care home, and I am so pleased for her. It was such a relief that thngs were going well.

Posted by Diomedes (# 13482) on :
R and I are so grateful for small but significant improvements in his sight. Each day brings another little step forward. Praise God for answered prayers.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Good news, Diomedes.
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on :
Thank you, Father, for a really great couple of days - lovely, supportive people and interesting opportunities to do something worthwhile. And for my wonderful family.

Thank you.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Grateful thanks again, this time that my pre-op appointment went well and my other hip will be replaced on schedule. Such a relief.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
My niece, Olivia, the future rocket scientist, has received a National Merit Schoiarship! She starts at a university this fall not far from where I live so I should see her once in a while.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
I'm delighted to report that the Bishop has appointed D's former organ scholar to the post of Curate in the Cathedral for the next three years.

Episcopal good sense - a rare commodity indeed! [Yipee]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
Thank you God that you got it dry all yesterday as we camped ! [Overused] And it was lovely in Dingwal as we walked arownd and up.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Mr Bee's health concern is allayed. Thanks be to God!
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Wonderful news for you. We have similar scares in my family, so I can feel for you and yours.
Posted by Gee D (# 13815) on :
Daistmay, we're both glad that you had such an enjoyable day particularly after the recent scares and setbacks that have come your way.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
Originally posted by Tree Bee:
Mr Bee's health concern is allayed. Thanks be to God!

Sadly he's in such an anxious mindset that he's convinced himself he hasn't been told the whole story. [Frown]
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Poor Mr. Bee.

[Votive] that he can get his confidence back; anxiety isn't going to help his general well-being at all.
Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on :
Thanks to the help of several very much beloved friends, it looks like we are going to be OK between now and my first September paycheck. Praise be to God!! And infinite hugs and gratitude toward our friends!! [Overused] [Axe murder]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
My computer was not working and one who was part of our home, he came and fixed it and it's OK now, and also I prayed to God to fix it ! Thanks ! [Overused]
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
My eldest has had his results - a FIRST!

If I had ever learned how I'd be turning cartwheels [Overused] [Yipee]

Fingers firmly crossed for the younger
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
l'organist, that is wonderful - you must be so proud! Congratulations all round!
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Huge congratulations to Son of L'Organist!

[Yipee] [Overused] [Yipee]
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
Bit of nail-biting here: second son should have had result today but nothing in the post [Ultra confused]

Poor cherub is convinced he's failed or only got a third and is drifting around the house maundering on about working as a postman.

I now declare it GIN O'CLOCK, purely for medicinal purposes naturally.
Posted by moonfruit (# 15818) on :
I'm all for Gin O'Clock, as long as I can keep it with Pimms [Biased] Fingers crossed for your son, L'organist.

I am grateful indeed for all the people who support me in so many ways, and who are helping me inch my way towards wholeness.

[ 27. June 2015, 17:51: Message edited by: moonfruit ]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
I hope that letter arrives very soon. I find a good G&T very medicinal with great restorative powers.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
Yippee - another 2:1.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Brilliant - congrats from me!
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
And from me - well done Junior Organist! [Yipee]
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
We're having a blow-out meal this evening - or maybe just a Chinese takeaway with lots of GIN before and beer with [Yipee]
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on :
Excellent results!!
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Today Zeke had a long interview and was offered a full-time job teaching English literature and language arts. She plans to accept it and it's not far from home!

Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Well done Zeke! [Yipee]

Now you'll be able to be kept "in the style what you'd like to get accustomed to", as a friend of D's used to say. [Devil]
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
Hearty congrats, Sir Kevin!

The only advice I'd give is that you go easy on the celebratory gin - and I wish I'd followed my own advice last night [Eek!]
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
Drinking water just now - no gin! I did take her out to dinner last night.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Congratulations to Zeke!!! [Yipee]
Posted by neandergirl (# 8916) on :
Yay! for all the yay!
Posted by basso (# 4228) on :
Great news, Zeke! Hallelujah!
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
In addition to all the other excitement in her life, The Former Miss S (Intrepid as ever) has just heard she passed the last hurdle towards her M.A. in Defence Studies!

[Overused] [Yipee] [Overused] [Yipee] [Overused]

Yay, yay and a thousand times yay! especially as she dropped out of her first degree after a term*

*literally - fell off a climbing wall and broke a vertebra [Eek!]

The Truly Grateful, Thankful Mrs S [Yipee]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Congratulations to her. Lots of lovely news for you just now.
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Thanks Loth - trying not to crow to people in RL*(too much [Hot and Hormonal] ) so I'm happy to be able to celebrate here.

* just at the moment, everything's coming up Milhouse (cf. the Simpsons) but it isn't this good for everyone, I know that

Mrs. S, steering her head sideways through doors
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
For the kindness and acceptance of my extended family.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Deeply thankful that my other hip replacement has gone as well as the first one. Am home and learning to walk on two sticks. [Angel]

Even more grateful to the friends [Angel] who are rallying round to help me through the recovery period.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Great news, Jacobsen - may your recovery be swift and complete! [Smile]
Posted by Diomedes (# 13482) on :
R continues to make progress after his eye operation. Yesterday he reached a major milestone and read the newspaper with the aid of a magnifying glass. Then he spent time sorting out some research notes on his computer. Increasing the font size 200% makes enough difference for him to work fairly normally, which it hadn't done up to now. Things are still improving slowly so we hope for even more. We could not be more grateful.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
That is wonderful news and to be able to use computer and to read, albeit with a magnifying glass, would be so encouraging.
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
((Diomedes and R)) what wonderful news!

[Votive] [Votive] [Votive]
Posted by Chamois (# 16204) on :
My friend and colleague L has got a new job! She has been deeply unhappy in her current job and this looks like a wonderful opportunity for her.

[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on :
Thank you, Father, for the local Baptists and their wonderful annual summer play-scheme. It's really well attended this year and the children seem to be having a great time.

Bless their church and its community.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Yesterday my consultant told me I could drive again! Rather sooner than expected. many, many thanks!
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Good news , Jacobsen. Some independence regained.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
My brother is alive and well.

Last night he was the victim of an armed robbery, in his role as unarmed security guard for a construction site. His security booth was rushed, he was pistol whipped, hit on the head, thrown on the ground and tied up, had his wallet and car key (but not his car) and all the money in his bank account stolen (which he'll get back from the bank) but he is ALIVE. There are no words to express my gratitude for that fact.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
That sound simply horrendous, Nicole.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Crikey, Nicole. Prayers ascending for his recovery (and the apprehension of the scumbags who attacked him).
Posted by Lia (# 7396) on :
Giving thanks for a couple of possible job openings after a long and soul-destroying search.

Not sure whether they will turn into real offers, but just having some hope of a change on the horizon has made huge difference to my mood and outlook on life.

I have not felt this happy for years - I am conscious of how fragile the feeling is, but for now, I will drink it in and be grateful [Overused] [Yipee]
Posted by neandergirl (# 8916) on :
Thanks be for other half's important travel docs being found in the nick of time!

Yay! for all the yay!
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on :
Astonished and pleased to have sold a short story. And it is a reprint, which means very little work had to be done!
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Deeply thankful for the kindness of a friend, who went out of her way to do something lovely for (wholly undeserving) me [Overused]

Thank you God for S [Angel]
Posted by Diomedes (# 13482) on :
R has spent the last two weeks completely rebuilding our computer home network. This has involved removing and replacing all kinds of component parts, installing new software etc etc. His close sight has gradually returned to pre-operation acuity, against all the odds - Thank you God for a miracle of healing and recovery.
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on :
Diomedes, that is so good to hear.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Really good news.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Glad to hear it, Diomedes. [Yipee]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Brilliant! Great news.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Giving thanks for a quite unexpected opening as a part-time bnb host! It's partly the relief of having another source of earnings, but also the pleasure of youngsters in their 20s coming and going, to their intern sessions, holidays and job interviews. It's all most enlivening. I may not always understand yoof, but I do like them.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Sounds interesting, Jacobsen.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Great news!

Originally posted by jacobsen:
...I may not always understand yoof, but I do like them.

I feel like that, too.

If the new job helps you to understand them then please share.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Well done, Jacobsen, and all the best! [Smile]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :

We are grandparents!
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Congratulations Sioni.

Thanks greatly for son getting a job directly compatible to his adult education course. And for securing decent lodgings in a highly sought-after area outside London.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Fantastic news Sioni - congratulations
Posted by neandergirl (# 8916) on :
Yay for all the yay!
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Wonderful news re new grandchild. Blessings on all, especially the baby.

That is good news to, Rolyn about your son's job. I hope all works out well for him.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Congratulations Grandpa and Grandma Sioni! [Smile]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Great news from Sioni and Rolyn!
Posted by JB (# 1776) on :
Prayers, please.

Friend and collaegue K just informed us that his wife T has a "stress test" on Tuesday. She had a heart attack last year that shocked them. Please remember T, and K, this Tuesday.
Posted by teddybear (# 7842) on :
I am very thankful for all the wonderful things in my life but most grateful for the kidney transplant I received three years ago today. In fact, at the time I am posting (9:30 am central time here in the USA) I was in recovery and my new kidney had already put out a liter and a half of urine! The surgeon told me it had started working immediately after it was connected to me. The whole process was just incredible! Got the word the day before that a kidney was available. It was from a 20 yo male who was on life support, we were an 85% match, which is unheard of in a cadaver donor. He had tested negative for HIV, hepatitis and all of those fun things they check for, even for the virus that causes cold sores! Of course I accepted it!

I got to the hospital at 1am on the 28th, spent the rest of the night being prepared for surgery. Went to the OR around 7:00 am. I was told the surgery would take 3-6 hours, I was done in an hour and a half. I was told I would be in surgical ICU for a week or more, I went right back to the transplant unit. I was told it could take several days for the kidney to start working, it started working immediately. I was told I would be in hospital 2-4 weeks, I went home on the fourth day after surgery and could have gone home sooner had I pooped sooner. The day after surgery I was up walking the halls, doing a couple of miles a day. It was all pretty awesome.

The hospital care and nursing staff were top notch. My doctors were all very good too. They were all amazed at how well my new kidney was working and more than one stated that it worked more like a family donor that that of a cadaver. Since transplant the kidney continues working perfectly and my renal doc is ecstatic at how well it continues doing. I am a very, very lucky man!
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Good on you, Teddybear, and long may it continue. [Smile]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Great news!

Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Teddybear that's great and has reminded me I must have that conversation with my family when I visit on Tuesday. Here there is a space on your Drivers' Licence that says Donor but family can veto it after death. I will warn them I'll come back and haunt them if they do [Two face]

Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
As I recall, a donor card was actually included with my (British) driving licence when it came in the post (many moons ago). I wondered if they knew something about my driving skills that I didn't ( [Paranoid] ) but I signed it, and have carried it ever since, and hope that my nearest and dearest would honour it.

A couple of years ago, a friend of ours had a "live" kidney transplant (affectionately known as Sid the Kid), given by his son, and is doing very well on it - it's literally given him a new lease of life.

[ 30. August 2015, 00:21: Message edited by: Piglet ]
Posted by Beenster (# 242) on :
I would like to share my thanksgiving news. As an epileptic, my driving license is only granted on a 3 year basis. I had to renew it recently, something which should be a formality given that I'm clear of fits - for the last 7 years. However, I had messed around with the medication without medical consultation (successfully and carefully) and I was concerned that the DVLA were going to tut-tut me and deny me a license for a period of time.

The process has been a nightmare. A letter arrived at the beginning of the week saying that my application was with the medical team and would take 9 weeks to process. In which time my license would have run out. Then yesterday, my new license arrived.

I'm overjoyed and so grateful. These things leave you / me so vulnerable, we are at the mercy of so many things that we might normally take for granted. And whilst it is a small thing in the grand scheme of things, not having a car is, for me, a life changing situation. Not insurmountable but nevertheless, choices that I had been hoping to make could have been constrained.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Proving that the right hand knoweth not what the left hand is doing!

Great news, Beenster.

Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
More good news about Our Grandson. He is out of the neo-natal care unit and with H, his mum in a single room, so J can come over any time. He has to go over to the care unit for meds and tests but that's only for 30mins, three times a day.

Looks like he'll be in for at least two more weeks, which is a bore but I just thank our NHS and wonder what this would cost "over the pond". Basic delivery costs would be one thing but a lumbar puncture on a newborn? Heck, the liability insurance would be a hefty portion of that, plus mother and child in care for (probably) three weeks and three weeks of meds and tests. I wouldn't expect much change from a six-figure sum.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Glad to hear things are going in the right direction, SS - prayers continuing though. [Votive]

Here in Canada as I understand it most of what happens to you in hospital is free, but as soon as you leave, any medicines or treatments cost the earth unless you've got health insurance.

[ 31. August 2015, 03:11: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
That is good about your grandson's progress, Sioni. I will say when I read "lumbar puncture" that I shivered. Miss M, my granddaughter had them every few days when hospitalised with leukaemia. They are now about every six weeks and always with a general anaesthetic. The thought of a newborn needing one made me shivery.

However, progress is good news. [Votive]
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on :
So pleased things are moving in the right direction with your grandson SS.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Got in to see him again yesterday. Being a grandfather is a totally different feeling to becoming a father. [Smile]
Posted by Uncle Pete (# 10422) on :
Originally posted by Piglet:
Glad to hear things are going in the right direction, SS - prayers continuing though. [Votive]

Here in Canada as I understand it most of what happens to you in hospital is free, but as soon as you leave, any medicines or treatments cost the earth unless you've got health insurance.

You have that right. Back in the day, I brought along all my meds to the hospital except for the one that cost $1200 for a seven days supply. I knew I would be back on that as soon as I left the hospital care, so I looked ahead. [Two face]

edited to correct horrid typo

[ 01. September 2015, 13:17: Message edited by: Uncle Pete ]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
My computer has been fixed now ! [Overused]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Good news for you, daisymay.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
The password which was lost has been found! [Yipee]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
All last night as I slept and not with pain ! [Overused]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Good news, both Jacobsen and daisymay.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
And all night I had not pain and I just woke at 10.30 now ! Thank you God for helping me ! [Overused]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Daisymay, I have a bad hip, quite painful at times, so I can understand how thankful you are for a good sleep. May there be many more nights like that one
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on :
Dear Lord, another day to love Thee!
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
At long last the medication course and tests are over and baby S got home at 11:30 on Monday night!

There was a bit of a kerfuffle on Monday afternoon when the registrar wanted to do another lumbar puncture "just to be sure" but S's mum gave her what for, stating that they had been told that providing there were no reactions, they would go home after the 8pm meds, tests and feeds. It was still delayed by paperwork then when they got home the community midwife rang after midnight asking about her paperwork (which the hospital should have handled).

It's all sorted now and Mrs Sioni is going to drop in this afternoon so I'll probably have the house to myself.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Welcome home, Baby! [Yipee]

Many prayers of gratitude for a heavy rain in Napa and Lake Counties, California, which has given huge relief to this week's devastating fires.
Posted by Graven Image (# 8755) on :
We had to evacuate our home in 10 minutes because of forrest fire in our area last Saturday night. We just found out our home made it through. So thankful for that and great outreach to our community as well as wonderful friends and neighbors who are supporting each other.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Wow, that is a big praise moment. So glad your house made it [Votive]
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
The move to the new apartment happened yesterday and went comparatively smoothly. Now I just have to clean the old apartment, and then unpack....
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Good news Nicole.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Excellent news, SS, BL and Nicole. [Smile]
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Graven Image and Nicolemr
Praise be to God that your homes have been spared and given. [Votive]
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
Nicolemr - try not to rush the unpacking too much, particularly the kitchen items, but decide where everything goes BEFORE you put it all in the wrong places!

So pleased that you are relocated.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
4 fine days in a row forecast for the first week of the school holidays [Yipee]

My doctor halved the new diabetic meds and I Have regained some energy and clarity of thought plus my mood has lifted (helped by the sunshine).

Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Good news, Huia. You have been on my mind a lot the last few days. [Yipee]
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Thanks Lothlorien. The trouble with being confused as a side effect is that you don't always realise that you are - or what's causing it.

Next time I have any new meds I'm going to ask the pharmacist for the patients' information that comes in the packet, but which you don't get if you have a bubble pack.

Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
I had spinal surgery two and a half weeks ago, and am full of thanksgiving that my healing is going very well! When I had my first follow-up with my surgeon on Monday, he declared me to be the poster child for this particular surgery.

Most of you weren't aware of my medical status because I kept it pretty quiet, but I think the good news is something well worth shouting about!
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Quite right, JJ. [Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Congratulations, JJ. Isn't it wonderful to know that all has gone,not just very well, but superlatively well! [Smile]

Following my other hip replacement this summer, I've just achieved a long standing aim, which was to walk into the town centre and back without a stick. The round trip, which included a moderately steep hill on the homeward stretch, was about 3.5 miles. Dead chuffed. [Yipee]
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
Dead chuffed. [Yipee]

[Big Grin] What an achievement!
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Well done! That is wonderful.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Good on you, Jacobsen - don't be overdoing it though. [Smile]
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Thanks that this morning, sitting on the floor by my handbag, I found the contact lens that I lost a week ago yesterday IN TOWN!

(it must have fallen into my handbag and been pulled out at some point)

That's £80 saved - thank you, thank you, thank you!

Mrs. S deeply grateful
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
I belong to St John's Hyde Park church and today they were 3 woman trained, and just one man. Last Sunday there were 4 men and only 2 women.

It is always lovely to be in this church. And we always get tea and coffee and bread after the service.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
That sounds lovely, daisymay.
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
I have just this evening been in the Scottish church in London, Crown Court. It has been great with good singers and hearing about the Bible and they have many in our place. He speaks very well to us. And later we have tea and coffee and something to eat. I love being in this church.
Posted by neandergirl (# 8916) on :
Yay! for all the Yay!
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
After 104 working days my mother the Dowager has finally received the insurance payout for the cruise she missed back in May [Yipee]

Wonder how long it would have taken if I hadn't stuck my oar in? [Mad]

Mrs. S, rejoicing
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
That's fine news Mrs S.
And praise be to all other thanks givings here.

Glorious spell of extended dry weather is gratefully recieved in this normally soggy time of year.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Yay! Middle Son P and his partner S have been through the mill recently, what with unintentional pregnancy, loss of jobs (three between them) and becoming homeless but there is light at the end of the tunnel! They have a two-bed ground floor flat that needs a bit of work and furnishing, but they have three months to get things in shape for the baby.

[Votive] for furnishings and help with practical stuff.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by The Intrepid Mrs S:
After 104 working days my mother the Dowager has finally received the insurance payout for the cruise she missed back in May [Yipee]

Wonder how long it would have taken if I hadn't stuck my oar in? [Mad]

Mrs. S, rejoicing

I like the idea of an "oar" being stuck in. It brings up an image of a Viking longship as a cruise liner.
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Thank you Sioni [Killing me] I shall cherish that image.

And to add to all the Yay! - Master S called from Amsterdam at lunchtime to say he'd asked his lovely girlfriend to marry him, and she said yes! [Axe murder] [Axe murder] [Axe murder]

Mrs. S, choosing her outfit
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Congratulations Master S and LG! [Yipee]
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Originally posted by Piglet:
Congratulations Master S and LG! [Yipee]

Thank you all! [Overused]
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Sorry for the double post, but I had to share this [Yipee] An elderly lady in our church suffered a dreadful fall a few weeks ago, cracking her skull and suffering deeply worrying injuries.

Today one of her nurses stood up in church and said that this lady was now in rehab in a local hospital, doing so much better than she had any right to, and telling EVERYONE who would listen, up to and including the consultant, that she was only recovering because of all our prayers for her [Angel]

Isn't that just wonderful?
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Deep gratitude that my new computer A} works and B) accepted my somewhat elderly music writing programme CD.

Now I can re-access my music files [Axe murder]
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
After a scan and a mammogram yesterday the persistent lump in my breast was confirmed as "nothing to worry about" being caused, as I suspected, by my fall down the front steps.

This is the second lump this year, the other being caused by a sandfly bite (lump wasn't the bite site so it wasn't as obvious).

Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Glad to hear it, Huia. [Smile]
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
I have finally gotten cable and internet in my new apartment. Back online after about a month and then some.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Good to see you back! [Smile]
Posted by Arabella Purity Winterbottom (# 3434) on :
Good news, Huia!

And for me, in amongst the sadness of my mother's death, a birth - my mother's first great-grandchild, Elijah Alan, born today to my eldest nephew and his wife.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Aaahh - what a shame your mum didn't get to meet him.
Posted by Arabella Purity Winterbottom (# 3434) on :
I figure their souls passed in transit. [Smile]
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on :
Thanks be to God, Our Lady, St Joseph and St Cajetan for prayers answered. My friend A has been offered a job.
Posted by Uncle Pete (# 10422) on :
Thank goodness, my friend Cathy, who has a lump on her thyroid, has had it determined to be a cyst. The downside, of course, is that, for the rest of her life she must speak softly. If you knew Cathy...
Posted by Twangist (# 16208) on :
Thank you God for the safe arrival of Twanglet no.3
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
[Yipee] [Yipee] [Yipee]
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Congratulations Twangist, and welcome Twanglet III. [Smile]

[ 17. November 2015, 19:12: Message edited by: Piglet ]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Profound gratitude that when I pranged my car last week the only damage to me was a broken ankle. [Smile]

And further and deeper thanks that this fracture is on the lighter side of the spectrum, so I was awarded a walking boot rather than a cast. Can't drive in it, of course, but can walk rather than hobbling. Brilliant. [Yipee]
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
That's very philosophical of you, Jacobsen - I'd be moaning about the broken ankle!

[Votive] for speedy healing. [Smile]
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
Yesterday marked the 28th anniversary of me becoming a Christian. I'm not very good at it these days, but I'm grateful I'm still here hanging on!
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
We're pleased too, Jack the Lass! [Axe murder]
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Today is the date, and Monday is the day, of my first treatment for Stage 3 Inflammatory Breast Carcinoma, November 22, 2010. I had a 34% chance of being alive right now. I am here thanks to good friends, good music, and God's good grace. Thank you to all who have prayed for me. (Please keep it up, since I currently have a 1/3 chance of being alive in two years from the Stage 4 cancer it turned into last year. No surrender!)
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Rossweisse [Votive]

[ 23. November 2015, 06:58: Message edited by: jacobsen ]
Posted by Uncle Pete (# 10422) on :
Best of luck and prayers Rossweisse. I am still chugging along nearly 15 years from the same odds.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Rossweisse:
... No surrender!

That's the spirit, Rossweisse! [Smile] [Votive]
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Thanks be to God for all who are holding on, hanging in there, and for just being generally thankful over the day to day stuff of life.
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
Thanks be to God for the truly miraculous healing of my friend A, who fell and cracked her skull, with associated nastinesses [Eek!]

By all accounts she should not be walking, talking and most of all, recognisably herself - the same woman she was before the accident...

But she is! Hallelujah and praise be.

[Overused] [Angel] [Overused] [Angel] [Overused]

Mrs. S, rejoicing at good news!
Posted by Beenster (# 242) on :
This probably sounds incredibly trite but I'm more than grateful for the clear skies today. It's cold but it's not raining. november gave us 30hrs of sunlight and whilst there's no sunshine (behind a thin little cloud), it's not raining.

I just hope those in Cumbria / Lancashire who have suffered in the floods get some respite and the cold weather doesn't aggravate mattters.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
I am deeply grateful for the care my DIL has given my sister who has had well entrenched pneumonia. She went to see her and just give a hand and stayed eight days. She did a lot of tidying up from house reorganisation started by my sister before she became ill. She fed the dogs and cats and polo ponies, made tiny attractive meals to tempt a very poor appetite and doled out medication. She was an encouraging presence when my sister was missing her own daughter who was in Argentina for weeks.
Posted by Telepath (# 3534) on :
I am so grateful that the Telemum's blood pressure is back down.

I am also relieved and delighted that my car, which I have had for 12 years and which I feared I would have to replace, is restored to full health and I am told it will last me for several more years. I have had this one car and only this one car for the entire time I have been driving.

Also thankful that Visiting Cat has broken the habit of a lifetime and discovered the concept of affection and why it's good. Due to circumstances, he has been sleeping in the same very small room as the Telemum, where he is never more than five feet away from her. And this is what it took for him to get soft-hearted and start unequivocally purring for the first time in three years, and even running back and forth against our ankles (it's a way of initiating touch without involving hands, which he is afraid of).
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Yay Telemum - there is some research that says having a companion animal can have beneficial effects on the blood pressure of their humans (except when they throw up a fur ball in your bed),

Posted by neandergirl (# 8916) on :
Yay for all the YAY! [Yipee]
Posted by The Intrepid Mrs S (# 17002) on :
For the safe (if difficult) delivery of The Intrepid Grandchild*, a boy weighing 8 lb 2.7 oz, more beautiful than any baby ever born [Overused] and the health of baby and mother [Yipee]

*also a first great-grandchild for the Dowager [Yipee]


The Delighted Mrs. S
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
Lovely news!

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