Thread: Things I want to do (or do more of) in 2016... Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on
I don't like New Year Resolutions. That said, I have left my job on the Thames, finishing just before Christmas, and I a, going back to being a musician, effectively ending the full-time boat chapter of my life.
Because of this, it means that reorganising myself and readjusting my life, and trying to get enough music teaching and stuff together to make it work. I've therefore been thinking about what I'd like to do, in an ideal world where I am a productive and effective human being, and am both living ashore and not doing shift-work
I want to do more paracord crafting, maybe even start selling little paracord thingies on an Etsy shop or on eBay or something. I like knots and string, and I was surprised when I made the first decorative thing I'd done by how nice it is to do.
I want to do lots of good practise, get my playing up to standard again, and also work on jazz. I'd like to also do some practise on my non-pro level instruments, and maybe find a big band that I can be a little baby sax in, and maybe a group of harps I can be a little baby clarsach in. It would also be good to find a good standard orchestra to play with, maybe even a good recorder consort...
These things must exist in London... Right?
I want to do lots of courses and stuff, partly to make my big gap I music on my CV look less gaping, partly to get me sharp on the stuff, and to keep me enthusiastic and learning new stuff
I want to find social things to do, I'd like to find board game things to do, and that sort of thing. I also want to actually spend some time with my friends!
Finally, I want to, and for my mental and physical health I need to do some exercise. I want to try aerial silks, or aerial hoop, or similar, and maybe cyr wheel.
[i want *not*to waste all my time on Facebook, on Netflix on all-day hibernation and similar. I intend to have Rules whereby I don't do those things during normal work hours and am supposed to be productive]
What do you want to do or do more of in the New Year?
Posted by Banner Lady (# 10505) on
Two of my daughters joined an aerial academy early this year to get fit and have some girly fun together. They have developed a great love of acrobatic pole work and intend going to silks classes this year. They are so toned now - but are always covered in very impressive bruises! I have been promised a seat at one of the next Showcases the academy puts on, and am looking forward to seeing them in action. So go for it.
I would like to spend more time developing craft ideas and doing renovation projects, and less time doing stuff away from home.
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
... maybe even a good recorder consort ...
If I were anywhere near you I'd be delighted to join your recorder consort; I used to play trios occasionally with a couple of friends, but it kind of fizzled out, and I reckon a proper consort would probably be rather fun.
Good luck with finding one!
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
I don't like New Year Resolutions. That said, I have left my job on the Thames, finishing just before Christmas, and I a, going back to being a musician, effectively ending the full-time boat chapter of my life.
Because of this, it means that reorganising myself and readjusting my life, and trying to get enough music teaching and stuff together to make it work. I've therefore been thinking about what I'd like to do, in an ideal world where I am a productive and effective human being, and am both living ashore and not doing shift-work
I want to do more paracord crafting, maybe even start selling little paracord thingies on an Etsy shop or on eBay or something. I like knots and string, and I was surprised when I made the first decorative thing I'd done by how nice it is to do.
Facebook is a good place for selling. We have a small cottage industry selling things handmade from oak. We are now selling two a day. We ask buyers to put a photo up on their FB and it has spread from there
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
Because of [good] changes in family dynamics here I am hopeful that I may be allowed to cook more! I have always loved cooking, wise mother taught all three sons to cook, and I will be so pleased to get going again. Baking would be especially nice but I doubt that can happen much in 2016 but have hopes beyond that.
[ 30. December 2015, 05:51: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on
Enjoy your cooking, WW. I taught my sons to cook from an early age and the three are all good cooks now who enjoy it. I have now started on the grandchilfren. Miss 15 was turning chicken in the pan at 18 months.
I don't make resolutions as such, but have plans to do some writing, even if just for the family.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
More puppy walking! Twiglet will move on to Big School in July/ish. I am going to have a boy next so that my memories of them don't all run together. I'm going to ask for a boy - any breed any colour. I really want a German Shepherd, but don't tell Mr Boogs
Posted by Sandemaniac (# 12829) on
I'm getting considerably less leave in the new job than the old one, and hopefully will be worked considerably harder, so I'm not sure where I'll find the time, but I want to sort the garden in the new house... OK, maybe that's a bit ambitious, but I certainly intend to make it a lot more charming than it is currently!
I'd also like to get my photography mojo back, and this year I am determined that I am going to bowl to the best of my ability and try to bag the trophy for best bowler again. I expect I'll think of more...
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
I mentioned the idea of doing more cooking at lunch today and it appeared to be well received. Next I think a visit to the imaginatively named Bakers Traders to inquire if they can get me some decent bread making flour.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on
In 2016 I want to get a new job. I have an exam in January to obtain a professional qualification (equivalent to MA) as a translator and assuming I pass it I shall then set myself to obtaining alternative employment.
I also need to get back to exercising which completely fell by the wayside in 2015. I ran the 20km in October 2014, and because my knee was complaining a bit, decided to have a little rest after that. The little rest has now turned into a really very long rest…
Posted by Jenn. (# 5239) on
I want to be healthier - I loved making homemade smoothies and going to the gym before life went wrong in autumn. I intend to restart that, possibly today!
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
Basically, getting the fun element back into life is probably going to be the aspiration for next year. Watching more tv instead of just the news now and again, going to a theatre matinee or a live cinema broadcast, and having a proper holiday for the first time in years. Rediscovering lost skills: cooking, photography, gardening, musical, creative. Reviving lost friendships and getting out more. That would do for a start. I suspect life will have other plans but you can but try.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on
Get my PhD, pass my Advanced Driving test.
That is what I want to do. I want to avoid having to take time off sick this year.
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on
As well as the usuals (weight, declutter, exercise), which I am trying to be more sensible about in my aspirations (eg rather than 'lose 4 stone in 2016' I'm going for 'don't buy chocolate bars that cost 70p or more', and generally eat less crap), I am trying to think of more fun but manageable things too. Years ago I bought a rather nice penny whistle but it has languished somewhat, so I think I'd like 2016 to be the year I finally get my head (and fingers) round that and learn to play it properly. I also intend to read more, and properly tackle Mt TBR (which has got a bit out of control), so I am thinking of a new rule of the computer going off after 9pm so that I can read more then (I think that will probably help the quality of my sleep too).
I also need to come to terms with the reality of my job, as it is looking like I didn't get the job I interviewed for before Christmas. I suspect that although I will never love it, I will find it much more bearable if I don't just regard it as a stopgap. Not that that will stop me thinking about the future, but I do need to get my head round it better than I have.
Posted by Alwyn (# 4380) on
Having started creative writing as a hobby, I'd like to do more of that.
I also hope to post in Heaven a bit more (and Purgatory and Hell a bit less) this year. More fun, less arguing!
Posted by Nenya (# 16427) on
More having friends round to a meal. I dislike cooking and have always had the feeling that to "entertain" one must have slaved in the kitchen all day beforehand. I'm just getting my head round the idea that something done in the slow cooker, accompanied by several veg and followed by fresh fruit and ice cream or fromage frais is absolutely fine.
Nen - domestically challenged.
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on
There is a local knitting group I've been meaning to join but haven't, so that's one aim for 2016 We're also thinking of trying out local pub's quiz night so that's another. Generally trying to go out more and be more social able.
Posted by ThunderBunk (# 15579) on
Originally posted by Nenya:
More having friends round to a meal. I dislike cooking and have always had the feeling that to "entertain" one must have slaved in the kitchen all day beforehand. I'm just getting my head round the idea that something done in the slow cooker, accompanied by several veg and followed by fresh fruit and ice cream or fromage frais is absolutely fine.
Nen - domestically challenged.
Nenya, we should definitely swap. I love cooking and would happily spend all day in your kitchen making a horrible mess of it and producing what should be pretty edible food.
On the other hand, I hate, loathe and despise all forms of sorting and "decluttering" (a term I have deep misgivings about, but they are not heavenly material), and so your domestic preter-deity could be well employed.
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on
I swear that this is the year I get the comic book collection out of my life. I have 14 long boxes in the basement. Between auction and Ebay, this year is their last.
Posted by Lia (# 7396) on
This year I want to tell that guy that's I (still) love him and find out once and for all whether there is any change we can be more than friends - even as I write this I feel the fear and dread the consequences but I hope I will have the courage..
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on
Good luck.
Excercise - what else? What with two hip replacements and a broken ankle in the last eighteen months, it has rather (or even completely) fallen by the wayside. Eat less and more sensibly. Practise singing and get those muscles back into the kind of condition which will support the top of the voice. WALK. Get a life...
[ 31. December 2015, 08:47: Message edited by: jacobsen ]
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on
This year's resolution is to walk! I want to use the car a lot less, and I could technically do much of my work on foot. It will take a lot longer to get about, but it will be a kind of natural exercise time - and given how hopeless I am at doing exercise, this might work instead. And if I can also work out the local buses, I could always walk in one direction and ride back. I may have to invest in a high-vis jacket, though.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on
I had pencilled in 2016 for an only slightly premature mid-life crisis, so I'm making plans for a red Ferrari and a hot blonde half my age. Or possibly more guitar playing of non-church related music and being proactive in getting more work in my self-employed job. Possibly both, you never know.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on
Work less. Had planned retiring fully a year ago. But it appears the millenial crowd don't commit the same way to working, so no sooner that we've developed full time work for them, off they go.
Posted by Galilit (# 16470) on
Watched Cristiano Ronaldo's Christmas Greeting on YouTube where he took us on a tour of his home including his bedroom...
He said "I spend almost half my day here...I have to rest I can perform good" ...
I have decided to rest more - actively rest as it were.
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on
Originally posted by Banner Lady:
Two of my daughters joined an aerial academy early this year to get fit and have some girly fun together. They have developed a great love of acrobatic pole dancing
Are they over 21? Most clubs where keep their kit on require this!
Posted by Fineline (# 12143) on
I like New Year Resolutions - I seem to be quite unusual in that, as lots of people seem to dislike them, but I find it fun to have an official ritual day for starting anew, for new diaries to begin, and for taking stock of my life and thinking of new ideas, and what I want more of and what I want less of. I have bought myself a page-a-day Moleskine diary and I plan to draw a sketch in it each day.
Posted by St Everild (# 3626) on
I would like to enjoy life more. I have always been a rather serious person, who takes life and self too seriously. I'd like more fun.
I'd also like rediscover the joy of singing. Thinking about learning to play the folk harp.
That sort of thing. But right now, I have to do some work.
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on
Have a look at the Clarsach Society if you are thinking about learning folk harp.
I intend to get mine out and relearn how to play it this year.
Posted by Graven Image (# 8755) on
I plan to dig out my dulcimer and catch up on playing more music. Extend my walking from 40 minutes to an hour but that was the plan all along. I started last year with 10 minutes. Make time each week to do art. Spend time each week volunteering on a more regular schedule. AND at 78 eat and drink whatever I want, and say No to those things that do not make me smile. Life is getting short. I plan to enjoy it. Graven Image wonders off searching for a cup cake.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
There is but one word for 2016, and the word is UKELELE
Posted by Joan Rasch (# 49) on
Originally posted by Chorister:
There is but one word for 2016, and the word is UKELELE
and Amanda Palmer tells us why
Posted by Uncle Pete (# 10422) on
I want to stop seeing doctors. They make me sicker than I feel. I want to travel again. And enjoy friends more. I am the youngest in my family in my 68th year. There remains only a twin sister on the west coast and an estranged brother who lives in the States. Part of travelling is to get to see my sister whom I have not seen, and that briefly, for two years. I also want to survive a full Canadian winter (that is my first priority.)
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on
Thus far I am failing to do everything I was intending to do.
I am so utterly useless.
Posted by Sarasa (# 12271) on
luvanddaisies - We've only just had Twelfth Night. i never think the New Year really starts till then.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
AIR, the year starts on 1 January as a result of some administrative finagling on the part of the Romans to enable a Consular army during the 2nd Celtiberian War. This is not an event which makes me feel condemned because I didn't do X by or since it.
Begin when you want, I say.
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
Thus far I am failing to do everything I was intending to do.
I am so utterly useless.
The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step, and nobody says you have to march all day every day.
If you look at your original post it's got quite a lot in it, and you couldn't do everything all at once, so I suggest that when you feel like it (this is supposed to be spare-time fun, not a duty) just picking one small element that appeals to you at that time and having a go at that. It doesn't matter if you don't complete it or it turns out not at all as you expected; all that matters is you enjoy the process. If you don't, it's absolutely fine not to do it and to do something else that appeals to you more instead.
Posted by Eigon (# 4917) on
luvanddaisies - as Thomas Edison said, you haven't failed; you have successfully found a way that doesn't work!
Posted by Fineline (# 12143) on
Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
Thus far I am failing to do everything I was intending to do.
I am so utterly useless.
Nah, failure doesn't make you useless. Part of my resolution was to feel free to fail, and see failure as a positive thing. I drew the most dreadful portrait last night in my diary - I was really sleepy, couldn't focus, but tried doing a quick sketch of a photo of a glamorous young woman in brush pen, and got the proportions so wrong that I made her look more like Sloth from The Goonies! But as part of my resolution was to feel free to fail, I can feel I'm achieving that! And now I'm doing some better sketches of her today.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on
Originally posted by Eigon:
luvanddaisies - as Thomas Edison said, you haven't failed; you have successfully found a way that doesn't work!
I think this captures it well. Trying something and having it not work out as you envisaged gives you a chance to tinker with the idea, where as keeping on doing the same thing can get you stuck in a rut. My worst habit is doing the same things and hoping the outcome will be better - which of course it never is.
OK - this year I want to get back to walking. Last year was a disaster as I had foot problems, then fell down the steps at home. On Monday I have an appointment with the Doctor to discuss my knee x-ray, and depending on the results, hope to make some plans from there.
I also plan to take better charge of my finances. I don't owe any money, but wold like to be more mindful of my spending.
Posted by Lia (# 7396) on
Here is an encouragement to you all (hopefully!)
Me and The Guy actually had The Talk - Part 1 this weekend and although it might not work out in the long run, I feel so much better for having addressed the elephant in the room and for finding out I was not the only one hoping for more than friendship...
I don't really like New Year resolutions as they seem quite a contrived way of making changes in life, but in this case I am so glad I used them as a tool to move things on! Yipee
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Get my PhD, pass my Advanced Driving test.
That is what I want to do. I want to avoid having to take time off sick this year.
good luck with that - even if you make a slight error on the first test, I think it's well worth carrying on. Many years ago when I was still driving, I was involved with the Bournemouth IAM group. I think the IAM is such an interesting test to take - it's such a positive thing to do. My key ring is still my IAM one!
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
I have a postgraduate diploma in SPLD dyslexia and have never used it.
So I have taken the first, tentative, steps towards helping out teaching reading at the local prison. I'm speaking to the person in charge tomorrow.
I have been thinking about this for about twelve months now - so I'm quite glad to have taken the first step, but full of trepidation at the same time.
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on
Originally posted by Alwyn:
Having started creative writing as a hobby, I'd like to do more of that.
Are you member of a local group? I have been a part of one for several years, and it is invaluable to keep me motivated, and help me with focus.
Originally posted by SusanDoris:
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
Get my PhD, pass my Advanced Driving test.
That is what I want to do. I want to avoid having to take time off sick this year.
good luck with that - even if you make a slight error on the first test, I think it's well worth carrying on. Many years ago when I was still driving, I was involved with the Bournemouth IAM group. I think the IAM is such an interesting test to take - it's such a positive thing to do. My key ring is still my IAM one!
I failed my first test last year, so I need to pass it next time.
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on
Originally posted by Lia:
Here is an encouragement to you all (hopefully!)
Me and The Guy actually had The Talk - Part 1 this weekend and although it might not work out in the long run, I feel so much better for having addressed the elephant in the room and for finding out I was not the only one hoping for more than friendship...
I don't really like New Year resolutions as they seem quite a contrived way of making changes in life, but in this case I am so glad I used them as a tool to move things on! Yipee
Good for you Lia! This happened to me and the BF a couple of years ago, we realised we both wanted a LOT more than just friendship and it has so far been dare I say idyllic.
Posted by SusanDoris (# 12618) on
schroedinger's cat
Yes, I too failed the first time - I passed a 30 mph sign at about 35. It was an empty road and no danger involved, but, as I said to the Police Driver, I would not want to have passed then!
[ 21. January 2016, 18:17: Message edited by: SusanDoris ]
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
I have just bought myself a ukelele and instruction book. Watch out!!
Posted by Lia (# 7396) on
Originally posted by Sparrow:
Originally posted by Lia:
Here is an encouragement to you all (hopefully!)
Me and The Guy actually had The Talk - Part 1 this weekend and although it might not work out in the long run, I feel so much better for having addressed the elephant in the room and for finding out I was not the only one hoping for more than friendship...
I don't really like New Year resolutions as they seem quite a contrived way of making changes in life, but in this case I am so glad I used them as a tool to move things on! Yipee
Good for you Lia! This happened to me and the BF a couple of years ago, we realised we both wanted a LOT more than just friendship and it has so far been dare I say idyllic.
Thank you Sparrow! This is so encouraging - I am glad it's not just me..
We are both quite reserved / inexperienced, so are taking things slowly, but it is good so far
and however it goes, it is worth finding out...
Posted by Sparrow (# 2458) on
I was very reserved too Lia, having had immense trust difficulties with regard to men for many years. But BF was so patient with me that the long wait was worth it.
All I can say is, don't rush it, you both need to be comfortable with things as they progress.
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on
So I seem to be getting somewhere. I've had lots of cover work, so I've been lying around less.
I've managed to do some social things, which is nice, and I've taken some steps towards meeting new people... I'm going to a Star Trek Convention , where I hope to meet some new people, and I've linked up with some new people online.
I do need to get my finger out on the practise front though. Once I start I get some good work done, but the actual getting started part...
Posted by Jemima the 9th (# 15106) on
Hoorah hoorah for Lia, and for luv'n'daisies.
This year I should like to nick Ariel's idea and have more fun.
Read more books, go to more gigs, and do resting properly. Er, to which end, I should have been in bed nearly an hour ago......
MrJt9 & I have significant birthdays this year, so one plan is to have the most almighty party.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on
I was out in the heat today helping build a fence - not the skilled bits, but passing the level. making tea and providing cold drinks. I looked at the poor roses covered in weeds and vowed to do more weeding, put down mulch to stop weeds and rescue the mini roses.
I also vowed I would hire strangers, rather than a friend to do any more outside work so I don't have to hang about making admiring noises.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
I'm trying to get a work-life balance back so have booked myself something every weekend until half term, so that I get out and don't w*rk all the time.
Another idea I have signed up for is the walk 1000 miles. It's only 2.74 miles a day / 20 miles a week and I walk over 1.3 miles a day / 7 miles a week just getting to the tube and back. But it's another incentive to get out and do something.
And a New Year quote from Neil Gaiman:
"I hope that in this year to come, you make mistakes.
Because if you are making mistakes, then you are making new things, trying new things, learning, living, pushing yourself, changing yourself, changing your world. You're doing things you've never done before, and more importantly, you're Doing Something."
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