Thread: Decent displeasure intensifiers Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Shamwari lamented the paucity of language which seemed to find no other decent way of conveying what is intended than the F-word.

I'm posting this in Hell, because the thread "Anything else need fucking?" seemed to be attracting alternatives to the F- word. Maybe it should be in the Circus. If so, would a kindly host arrange the transfer.

OK - alternative phrases which still convey the disgust, anger and sheer weariness of the F- word, but which would not horrify your innocent (if they are ) children or your nice minded (if she is) grandmother. Creativity welcome.

An old boyfriend of mine used "shit and derision" as an expression of the ultimate displeasure, with the emphasis on weariness, that Sod's law was operating yet again.

"Proctalgic" was an adjective popular in my youth...

Over to you, shipmates.

[ 10. June 2016, 22:14: Message edited by: jacobsen ]
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
I floccinaucinihilipilificate the condemnation of fuck.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Doublethink, when you have unwound your tongue from the consonants, could you give us the etymology of that expression?
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Allow me...
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
I would love to know what the smegging smeg this smegging thread is smegging doing in smegging Hell rather than smegging Heaven, though,
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Presumably because arsecrumpet, cockwomble and wankspanner would be too much for the Heavenly Host.

I tend to swear in Russian gangster slang. It's very expressive.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Do share.

Call me some names. C'mon, twatwaffle, hit me.

Yiddish is also a very good language to tell someone what a vershluggener potzer they are being,
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Allow me...

I am going to fuck you?
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
"Decent" is a good one itself. It reminds of Bill & Ted. "Bogus" is one they'd say. (Which is the opposite of "most triumphant".)
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Allow me...

I am going to fuck you?
How did you get that from the link?
Posted by Stetson (# 9597) on :
This being the Ship, may I suggest that posters utilize blasphemous DIs more often, or at least lace their usual profanity with affornts to the sacred?

"Jesus Sucking Off Joseph, do you Brexit people have any idea how much you'd be fucking up the UK?"

[ 11. June 2016, 02:25: Message edited by: Stetson ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Allow me...

I am going to fuck you?
How did you get that from the link?
Imgtfy. How can you NOT see that?

[ 11. June 2016, 03:06: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on :
Originally posted by mousethief:
Imgtfy. How can you NOT see that?

Because "img" stands for "images" and the first thing I thought of was Imgur.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Also, the first letter in this particular acronym is "L".
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on :
At work, we sometimes use each others names as verbs and adjectives.
For example, You're being a Kelly today or He's been kellied.

Moused, jacobsened etc could all be utilised. Please note these are not necessarily negative and generally meant for laughs.

Bit like 'pissy' which I am sometimes called in fun and rather like.*

*Patdys actually stands for my initial ship name, 'Pure as the Driven Yellow Snow'. At least, I assume it is in fun.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Also, the first letter in this particular acronym is "L".

And that's so easy to see in a sans-serif font that someone who doesn't see it is to be mocked?

I don't understand the idea that someone who doesn't know something you know must perforce be stupid.

Originally posted by Ariel:
Originally posted by mousethief:
Imgtfy. How can you NOT see that?

Because "img" stands for "images" and the first thing I thought of was Imgur.
I'm not you.

[ 11. June 2016, 09:45: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Nobody mocked you, MT. For my part, I was answering your question -- "How can you not see that?"

This may shock you to death, given how rigorously courteous and careful you are with your words, but that comment of yours might be read as mocking someone for not seeing things the way you do.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
You're of course right. I should have just spelled it out:


That's what I saw.
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
But you don't see that unless you click the link - in which the acronym is spelled out [Confused] And you've seen the page before, because that's why you called Euty to hell.

[ 11. June 2016, 10:25: Message edited by: Doublethink. ]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Sorry, need to look something up really quick...
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Wow. Heavy. Sorry, those weren't the search results I expected.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Doublethink.:
But you don't see that unless you click the link - in which the acronym is spelled out [Confused] And you've seen the page before, because that's why you called Euty to hell.

I had seen the page "Let me google that for you" long before Eutychus thought it was cutesy and clever to spring it on me, but that doesn't mean I'd seen the acronym before. This is a weird line of argument. Especially when I took the first letter to be an "I" as has been established. Why not just say I'm a fucking fuckwit and let it go at that?
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Wow. Heavy. Sorry, those weren't the search results I expected.

I got ones about anti-abortion arguments, which don't seem too heavy. But we have no way of knowing what you got unless you tell us, since Google notoriously tailors its responses to what it knows about each Googler*. We all live inside our own private little Google bubble hell.

*Which is probably why I got results about a Spanish rock group instead of English toilet paper when I googled "Izal." Because Google knows I don't live in England, and that I google about rock groups far more often than about personal hygiene products.
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
Originally posted by mousethief:
Originally posted by Doublethink.:
But you don't see that unless you click the link - in which the acronym is spelled out [Confused] And you've seen the page before, because that's why you called Euty to hell.

I had seen the page "Let me google that for you" long before Eutychus thought it was cutesy and clever to spring it on me, but that doesn't mean I'd seen the acronym before. This is a weird line of argument. Especially when I took the first letter to be an "I" as has been established. Why not just say I'm a fucking fuckwit and let it go at that?
I'm just confused because the acronym never appeared on the thread - Kelly's post shows as "Allow me ..." to me. Or you click, and the whole page comes up. Where are you seeing the acronym ?

[ 11. June 2016, 12:22: Message edited by: Doublethink. ]
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
When I clicked I got an ad offering to sell me a mug or a t-shirt with the acro on it.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Re Kelly's link:

I got anti-abortion links, too--but also Nicene fathers! Maybe because I have the Ship window open?
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
Originally posted by mousethief:
When I clicked I got an ad offering to sell me a mug or a t-shirt with the acro on it.

OIC ! As soon as I registered it was trying to give me a pop up, I reloaded the page to get rid of it. Didn't really read the ad.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Golden Key:
Re Kelly's link:

I got anti-abortion links, too--but also Nicene fathers! Maybe because I have the Ship window open?

Yes I too got a link to the Nicene Fathers. Perhaps because they made a lot of inane arguments at that council?

Originally posted by Doublethink.:
Originally posted by mousethief:
When I clicked I got an ad offering to sell me a mug or a t-shirt with the acro on it.

OIC ! As soon as I registered it was trying to give me a pop up, I reloaded the page to get rid of it. Didn't really read the ad.
I just closed the tab. I have enough t-shirts and mugs both.

[ 11. June 2016, 12:38: Message edited by: mousethief ]
Posted by BroJames (# 9636) on :
Originally posted by Doublethink.:
I'm just confused because the acronym never appeared on the thread - Kelly's post shows as "Allow me ..." to me. Or you click, and the whole page comes up. Where are you seeing the acronym ?

If I hover over Kelly's linked text I get "". If I don't click through I don't see "let me Google that for you".
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Fiddlesticks and Sugar were often decent alternatives to the F or S words.

I used to work with farmers who had church backgrounds and would avoid outright swearing by using frick or buck instead of fuck. The F word is now used so much on TV by stand-ups and comedians on panel shows it has become almost legitimate.
People still seem to know -- There is a time to eff and a time not to eff--- as Eccles might have put it had it covered displeasure intensifiers.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Central and Eastern European languages have a rich tradition of insults using the anatomy of animals. My favourite is "Go stick your head up a dead bear's bum", from Hungarian.

It isn't a one word alternative but these languages and cultures could provide alternatives, although I'm sure these too would soon be regarded as indecent within a few years of their introduction.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
You deerbum! It has a certain ring. Needs a "k" though. Maybe "deerkum." Uh, maybe not.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Or you bumkum dear! as a term of endearment?
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
I'm kind of disappointed. Doc was supposed to call me a Russian whore or something, and then we got sidetracked by The Tangent That Ate The Ship.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
I'm kind of disappointed. Doc was supposed to call me a Russian whore or something, and then we got sidetracked by The Tangent That Ate The Ship.

I prefer to call it The Tangent That Made Hell Interesting for a Change.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
I guess you can't call Godzilla boring...

Still no Russian epithets.

[ 11. June 2016, 17:17: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Central and Eastern European languages have a rich tradition of insults using the anatomy of animals. My favourite is "Go stick your head up a dead bear's bum", from Hungarian.

[Big Grin] that made me laugh.

British swearing does lack imagination and is rooted in misogyny I fear. For example...
Tit or dickhead = mild annoyance
Fucking C*** = very angry.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
And as we all know, Flippin' Heck is Baptist for Fuckin' Hell.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
I'm kind of disappointed. Doc was supposed to call me a Russian whore or something, and then we got sidetracked by The Tangent That Ate The Ship.

Yobany stos!* I've been dealing with all manner of pizdets**, only to come back to find my board covered in this govno***. Stick it up your zhopa****, you shluha vokzal'naja*****.

* fucking hell
** a situation so terrible that anything you do will inevitably make it worse
*** shit
**** arsehole
***** train station whore

(worryingly, the first four of these are common currency in the Girl's vocabulary)
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
(Fans self)

A former friend taught me how to say "stick your dick in tea" in Russian, but I forgot.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
I can do several variations of 'go fuck your mother', but not that.

(in case anyone's wondering, I found a list of reprehensible Russian swears on the early interwebs, and thought, "that'll come in useful one day". One Philip K Dick Award later...)
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
(Fans self)

A former friend taught me how to say "stick your dick in tea" in Russian, but I forgot.

Found it-- Sun Hui Chai. Apparently it's a fake Chinese name Russians use for ethnic jokes.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Posted by Hedgehog (# 14125) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
OK - alternative phrases which still convey the disgust, anger and sheer weariness of the F- word ....

It is the "convey" part that is the problem, isn't it? I can imbue an otherwise innocent word with all sorts of disgust, etc. from my point of view, but if the recipient doesn't share that meaning it fails to convey my feelings.

That being said, I have been trying to incorporate "Oh, whiskers!" into my regular vocabulary.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
Shakespeare was good at insults as he was at any English wordcraft.

A few of my favorites from this list:
Methink’st thou art a general offence and every man should beat thee.
There’s no more faith in thee than in a stewed prune.
Thou art unfit for any place but hell.

Posted by mark_in_manchester (# 15978) on :
Sun hui chai - s molokom, ili bez ? [Smile]

It seems very region-specific. I stayed with some fairly reformed evo types in Rotterdam years ago, and on talking about this the wife there surprised me by cheerfully saying 'we'd say fuck or shit no problem, but we'd never say <hushed voice, looks ashamed> God damn you'.

There's a clip somewhere of a bad-ass rapper getting lots of laughs (and no shock at all) out of a Dutch TV audience, and looking rather foolish and frustrated. I can't find it!

[ 12. June 2016, 00:34: Message edited by: mark_in_manchester ]

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