Thread: The creation game Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
Inspired by this, let's do our own version.
The first person names anything (could be an animal, a plant, a geographical feature, etc) and then the next person has to describe God's thought process behind it.
Let's start with a zebra.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on
"What's black and white and read all over? No, they won't invent newspapers for a long time. Hmm...pun?! What would be red? Something that blushes? Ok, so a living thing. Now, where are those drawings the Kid did? Ah, on the fridge. Asked him whether that one was a horse, and why it had stripes. 'So you can *see* it, silly!' That Kid." {chuckles} "I'll let that clay guy in my studio have the fun of naming it."
Slime mold
(Not an animal, but...)
[ 30. September 2016, 20:18: Message edited by: Golden Key ]
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on
I need coverage, lots of coverage. Only a couple cells thick, OK, but it has to spread wide. Iridescent, that would be nice. No reason why this could not be combined with lichen, right? Lichen for dry bits, this slime mold thing for the damper areas, lemme see...
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on
Okay, now. Something to really spook out those guys with hangovers. Mobile -it flies, OK? Stubby fat head. Looks like an armchair philosopher with feathers. And mocking. That'll freak them out. It laughs at their pain. OH YES!
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
God: I want to make an armoured killing machine. It'll have pincers to grab it's prey and instead of that old fashioned method of venom delivery by biting, I'm going to give it a massive, arching tail that will instill fear into whoever sees it! It shall be terrifying.
Angel: And it shall be as big a cow!
God: No. It shall be about the same size as a hamster.
Angel: Oh.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
God: I want a flying creature that is the most stupid on earth. That flies into the ground and windows, craps on its own feet and everywhere else and goes "pop" when you run it over.
God's Adviser: Oh Lord, surely not another d****d beetle?
God: No, I want one of those fancy retro-dinosaur thingies, what do you call them, oh yes, birds. Make it grey. Make it taste good too, then at least it'll be some use.
Posted by St. Gwladys (# 14504) on
God:I want something to make people understand what evil is like - something nasty, irritating and irritable and painful if you try and hit it away, unless you're really careful.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
"And let there be stars in the seas, living stars; let the stars of the seas teem forth like the stars of the sky—"
"Wow, that's like, a great metaphor or symmetry in creation or symbol or someth—"
"And let them be set up in the seas as a symbol to my people, for even when a member is cut off, it will regrow, a new whole shall be set up in the sea."
"Uh, leaving aside the symbolism for a moment, that's kinda creepy—"
"And let the stars of the sea expose their inward parts, consuming that which they desire, enveloping that which they would consume—"
"That's it, we're done here. Goodluckwiththatone"
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on
God: "A metaphor, that's what I-AM is looking for. An animal embodying the inexorable quality of My all-devouring love!"
Assisting angel: "You already got a nice cat here, Sir. Look at her, sitting here on my keyboard. Does the inexorable quality of Your love involve affectionately showing me an anus?"
God: "Nah. Enough with the fur and pettable, I think we've gone as far as we're going to go with that theme. Today, we do coldblooded slimy with double rounds of grinding teeth!"
Assisting angel, alarmed: "Puff, get outa here, don't you have mice to chase?"
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on
God: What a night that was. Gabriel & Lucifer can drink almost anyone under the table - it's a good job there are three of me. Now what happened to that long legged bird we were working on? And where did we put that pink paint we rejected for the elephants?
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
I want something adorable. Irresistable. Something you just want to hug as tight as you can.
Then put knives on its feet. Oh, and in its mouth.
[rubs hands]
That'll keep 'em busy.
Posted by Oscar the Grouch (# 1916) on
"Now, I don't want those arrogant humans to think that this world is a soft touch. I need something that will always remind them of the nearness of their mortality.
Oh - and I'll need something to keep those bloody Aussies in line, as well..."
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
The parrots were OK. But really, you can't beat black and white; classic, elegant, timeless. One day, when humans get past all this gaudy robes business, they'll recognise what style really is.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
"This is a pretty darn fine forest, if I do say so Myself. But hey, all the animals I've made so far are so hyper and running this way and that that they don't even see the forest for the trees. I need an animal who'll just chill and enjoy the view like I do. Even better, it will enjoy the view upside down with a lazy grin on its face. That's the ticket!"
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
You know the plans I have for the human race? You know that thing I was going to inflict upon them. The one who was to be called Piers Morgan?
I need an animal they can liken him to...
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
"And lo, let the oceans teem with life; with every sort of living creature, let the seas be filled."
"I shall listen to your supplication; what you ask of Me, I shall answer"
"Every kind? Like, every every kind?"
"In My words, what was lacking? What shall you say was missing from my speech?"
"Um...well...I don't know how to say this, but..."
"What is your understanding next to your Lord's? What is your wisdom, next to His?"
"Six feet long, ties itself in knots, no mouth? That's a thing? Not a typo? I'm reading these specs right?"
"Will you impugn error to the Lord? Will you question His design?"
"Okay, five gallons of snot it is. Guess you want to put allergy season in perspective..."
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