Thread: jlg Board: Glory / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
We have been notified that our friend and colleague jlg killed herself this past September.

Jennifer had been long-suffering from both alcoholism and depression. The dismay of her ending is terrible and sad, especially for those who knew her to be a good and insightful friend. We'll save discussion of those aspects for Purgatory.

The notification came from Jennifer's daughter, who told us that her mother talked about the Ship frequently and that it was a very important part of her life. It seems fitting to in turn remember jlg here, about who she was and how important she was to us.

From early on, jlg and I recognized a highly-aligned affinity for each other. Both of us engineers, and both of us with sharp tongues. We were each other's allies in various stormy times, and trusted each other to "get" our humour. However narrow our porthole into each other's lives might have ultimately been, I will miss jlg terribly. She was my friend.

[ 27. December 2011, 15:04: Message edited by: RooK ]
Posted by Presleyterian (# 1915) on :
A shocking loss.
Posted by monkeylizard (# 952) on :
I met jlg at my very first shipmeet during her Great Southern Tour way back in 2006. It was a fun night filled with her laughter. That's how I'll remember her.

[ 27. December 2011, 14:53: Message edited by: monkeylizard ]
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on :
Oh no!

So very sorry to hear this.

Rest in peace jlg. [Votive]
Posted by Scot (# 2095) on :
I met jlg once and talked to her occasionally here. We had a number of elements of our lives in common, although there were many more that did not intersect. We interacted less after we both retired from hosting, but she was still a friend.I will miss jlg. We are poorer for her loss.
Posted by Grits (# 4169) on :
She was a great gal, and we had lots of fun times together, both in Nashville and at our great Mardi Gras gathering in New Orleans years ago.

I'm sorry to hear of her death, sorrier to think of the pain and sadness she must have experienced. I know she loved her family, loved their life together. She was a great asset to the Ship, as well.

I'm sorry she's gone. Rest in peace, Jennifer.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on :
Rest in peace, jlg. [Votive]
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
Such sad news - my heart goes out to jlg and her family.

My favourite memory of jlg is of us both being part of the Sheep brigade in the Nativity play in 2002. She was definitely one of the stars of the show. So long Sheep 3 [Waterworks]

Jackie (Sheep 1).
Posted by Smudgie (# 2716) on :
What Jack said.

It's all a bit hard to take in, but my thoughts are with her family and friends as they come to terms with all that happened and I pray that jlg has now found a peace which clearly evaded her in this life.

Sad news indeed.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on :
Oh! I'm so sorry [Tear]

Rest in Peace, jlg

[Votive] for all who will miss her.

[ 27. December 2011, 15:30: Message edited by: Boogie ]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
Shocked. Very.

Not quite sure what else to say yet.
Posted by Adeodatus (# 4992) on :
My God! What awful news.
Originally posted by Smudgie:
... I pray that jlg has now found a peace which clearly evaded her in this life.

Yes. This. This, a thousandfold.

Posted by Ye Olde Motherboarde (# 54) on :
[Votive] I'll miss you JLG. [Votive]

This is not real. I can't wrap my mind around this right now. [Confused]
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
So sorry to hear this.

As a mother of another small female engineer (just) and coming from an engineering background her stories of coping in the most incredible situations really struck a chord with me.

From what she posted more recently it has sounded as if her life had been more difficult recently. I am so sorry she felt she couldn't carry on.
Posted by Think² (# 1984) on :
Posted by Apocalypso (# 15405) on :
So shocked and saddened to hear of this. While we did not interact much, I appreciated her intelligent and insightful posts on these boards.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
For jlg [Votive]
For you here affected [Votive]
Terrible news indeed.
Posted by Adrienne (# 2334) on :
For jlg [Votive]

For her loved ones and her friends, both RL and here [Votive]
Posted by Anna B (# 1439) on :
Terribly shocked.

Prayers ascending for Jennifer and her family. [Votive]
Posted by Trudy Scrumptious (# 5647) on :
Terrible, terrible news. [Votive]
Posted by Tubifex Maximus (# 4874) on :
Originally posted by Smudgie:

It's all a bit hard to take in, but my thoughts are with her family and friends as they come to terms with all that happened and I pray that jlg has now found a peace which clearly evaded her in this life.

This has been the worst news in a long while. I Particularly want to echo Smudgie's words. My own family has known a complicated death or two and the "coming to terms" can be immensely difficult and require great courage and commitment. I pray that Jlg's family with find that courage and commitment in their own hearts.
Posted by sophs (# 2296) on :
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
I am so shocked and saddened by the news. jlg and I were roommates at a long-ago shipmeet in Colorado. I enjoyed her company, and as I became more and more involved on the boards, looked forward to her posts. She could be funny, challenging, thoughtful and thought-provoking. I have missed her these last several months of her absence from the ship and am so sad to know that she is gone. May she be at rest. May light perpetual shine upon her.

[Votive] For comfort and peace for those who loved her.
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
I only ever met jlg virtually. When we did so meet she was kind and helpful, I think we shared a smile.

Care for her, Lord. [Votive]
Posted by soggy_amphibian (# 2487) on :
I'm sorry to hear this.
Lord, have mercy on our friend. [Votive]
Posted by Angloid (# 159) on :
I can't connect what Rook said about the tragic circumstances of jlg's death, with the style of her many postings here. Which IIRC were enlightening, witty and positive. I trust the latter represents the real person and that she will be judged at least as much for being that person. May she rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive] [Votive] [Overused]
Posted by Pants (# 999) on :
Originally posted by Grits:
I'm sorry to hear of her death, sorrier to think of the pain and sadness she must have experienced.

Rest in peace, Jennifer. Thoughts for her family too. [Votive] [Votive]
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Angloid has said it best. She was a fine, thoughtful poster and a good friend in private messages. May light perpetual shine upon her.
Posted by seasick (# 48) on :
[Votive] Rest eternal.
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on :
Posted by Jenny Ann (# 3131) on :

jlg and family.
Posted by Fineline (# 12143) on :
Posted by Cottontail (# 12234) on :
I am so sorry to hear this. I always enjoyed her posts. She was witty, warm, and thoroughly honest.

Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Very, very sad.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Rest eternal grant her. [Votive]
Posted by Horatio Harumph (# 10855) on :
RIP jlg xx
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
Too sad.

Who knows what is going on in our lives huh?

JLG a real shipmate.

Posted by Rowen (# 1194) on :
how sad.
my prayers too.
Posted by JoannaP (# 4493) on :
Posted by Flausa (# 3466) on :
Missing you, jen. I've lots of happy memories from Real Life and Not-so-real-life. Hoping you've found rest and peace. Hoping your family and friends will find comfort. [Votive]
Posted by Ferijen (# 4719) on :
[Votive] from one Jennifer, to another, rest in peace. I hope you have found peace in the great heavenly shipmeet.
Posted by Stetson (# 9597) on :
Posted by marmot (# 479) on :
She was a friend to me when I needed one, and even after I stopped visiting the Ship, she checked in periodically as circumstances in my life changed. In person, as online, she brooked no bullshit. I'm sad that she felt so alone in her trouble, and I'll miss her presence in my life.
Posted by cor ad cor loquitur (# 11816) on :
Shocking, sad news. May our shipmate jlg rest in peace. May light perpetual shine on her, and may those who were close to her be comforted. Lord, have mercy on us all.
Posted by Moo (# 107) on :
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
I didn't know her, nor did we have much Ship interaction, but what tragic news.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory. [Votive]
Posted by BessHiggs (# 15176) on :
Posted by Amos (# 44) on :
[Votive] Shocked and sad. jlg was one of the best: a shipmate with a hinterland and a wicked sense of humour. I have missed her. May she rest in peace, and may her family find themselves surrounded by God's love.
Posted by Jenn. (# 5239) on :
[Votive] jlg

I don't know what else to say. Prayers for all affected.
Posted by Miffy (# 1438) on :
Posted by Kitten (# 1179) on :
Posted by Suze (# 5639) on :
How very sad. My prayers for those who loved and cared for her. [Votive]
Posted by TonyK (# 35) on :
What terribly sad news.....

[Votive] for jlg
[Votive] for her family and friends
Posted by LutheranChik (# 9826) on :
This makes me very sad. May she find peace and rest.
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on :
How shocking and sad.
I'm so very sorry. [Votive]
Posted by Jahlove (# 10290) on :
[Votive] very sorry to read this
Posted by Margaret (# 283) on :
How inexplicably awful and sad - may she have found peace and healing now [Votive]
Posted by MrSponge2U (# 3076) on :
This is very sad to hear. May God have mercy. [Votive]
Posted by comet (# 10353) on :
I can't seem to come up with any words that would be appropriate outside of hell.
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
I never met jlg, and didn't often interact with her on the Ship; nevertheless I valued her. This is very hard to take in.

Rest eternal grant unto her, O Lord. [Votive]

And [Votive] for all those affected by the aftermath of her actions.
Posted by Beautiful Dreamer (# 10880) on :
I did not know her well, but I wish for peace for both her and her family. I believe we will see her again one day...
Posted by Wesley J (# 6075) on :
Posted by Campbellite (# 1202) on :
May her memory be eternal. Godspeed, Jen.
Posted by FCB (# 1495) on :
She was one of only two shipmates I had ever met IRL. She was passing through town and came to my parish on a Sunday morning to hear me preach.

She had long struck me as one of those about whom Augustine spoke so eloquently when he said our souls are restless until they rest in God. Perhaps that was why she found this place of unrest so congenial.

Requiescat in pace.
Posted by Qoheleth. (# 9265) on :
Posted by Enigma (# 16158) on :
So very very sorry - may Jennifer's family and friends somehow find strength to cope with what seems to be a near impossible situation. [Votive]
Posted by snowgoose (# 4394) on :
I just can't believe it. I had dinner with her (and JB and Motherboard) some time ago when I was in New Mexico, and she was very charming and witty and kind. They all drove me home (it was dark and my night vision is very bad), with Jen driving me in my little pickup truck, and we chatted on the way. She was an amazing person who had done some amazing things.

Then, last year when I was all worried about the stray cat who adopted us, she was very helpful, gave great advice, got her daughter (a veteran stray-cat saver) to email me with advice, and followed up to make sure everything was going well.

I don't know what horrible demons drove her to this, but there was on balance much more kindness and compassion than hatred in her, I am quite sure.

[Votive] Lord have mercy. I pray for peace and healing for all the survivors. And may Jen rest in peace.
Posted by Drifting Star (# 12799) on :
Rembering the person we knew her to be, thanking God that the overwhelming darkness is now lifted, and offering prayers for all those affected.


Posted by Manipled Mutineer (# 11514) on :
[Votive] for JLG and her family.
Posted by Esmeralda (# 582) on :
What everyone said. Praying particularly for her friends and family as I know from first hand experience what suicide can do to a family.

I wish she had come to Waving not Drowning for support. We can't stop anyone committing suicide, or even change their feelings, but we can be a safe place to express them and for others to say they know how it is.
Posted by Organ Builder (# 12478) on :
I'm simply stunned.

She was one of the few whose name at the end of a thread would make me check it out even if the title did not seem to be the least bit interesting.
Posted by Meg the Red (# 11838) on :
[Votive] Dear God.
Posted by Lothlorien (# 4927) on :
What sad news.

Prayers for her and her family.
Posted by Drifting Star (# 12799) on :
This is good to read - from her local paper, presumably.
Posted by snowgoose (# 4394) on :
Originally posted by Drifting Star:
This is good to read - from her local paper, presumably.

Thanks, DS.
Posted by welsh dragon (# 3249) on :
How sad. Thinking of her daughter and son. [Votive]
Posted by Nicolemrw (# 28) on :
So sorry to hear. [Votive]
Posted by Bronwyn (# 52) on :
Lord have mercy and thoughts and prayers for her family. [Votive]
Posted by Emma Louise (# 3571) on :
Can't quite believe it. Thinking of her and of the family left behind.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on :
Thinking of Jennifer's family. May she, and they, find rest. [Votive]
Posted by nickel (# 8363) on :
Posted by Taliesin (# 14017) on :
I can't believe it... The year began with Erin and has ended with Jen - so terribly sad and I can only pray for her and her family.

At peace with God now. [Votive]
Posted by tomb (# 174) on :
I'm sick at heart. She was such a delightful person with a snarky sense of humor that was even nastier than mine.

And she was a liturgist as well. I remember quarreling with her at the Colorado Shipmeet about how truly awful RC liturgy was; I found myself defending it.

I remember her humor. I remember the way her eyes would twinkle just before she said something outrageously inappropriate that made everybody laugh until they were sick.

She bought me a bottle of GIN.

She was a good person, and I am devastated that the darkness overwhelmed her. + May the Light of Christ pierce that darkness and + guide her into the Presence of the Almighty, and may she + find the courage to let her Lord love her.
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
Originally posted by Organ Builder:
I'm simply stunned.

She was one of the few whose name at the end of a thread would make me check it out even if the title did not seem to be the least bit interesting.

Yes, me too. This is so sad.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on :
This is so shocking and sad. Jennifer was such a neat and special person, and I feel privileged to call her my friend.

We met at the 2003 Colorado International meet, and found out almost immediately that we had a lot of things in common. She had invited me to Even Tinier Town, where a lot of music would have been played.

Our lives have been richer because of Jennifer.

Rest in peace, dear lady. Indeed you are a sheep (3) of His flock.

[Votive] [Tear]
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on :
She was one of those whose avatar would make me stop and read a post.

Prayers for her family and friends.
Posted by rosamundi (# 2495) on :
Jennifer was one of the Shipmates I met on my sojourn in New York. She was so kind and welcoming.

So shocked to read this, may she find the peace that passes all understanding.

Acknowledge, we, humbly beseech thee, O Lord, a sheep of thine own fold, a lamb of thine own flock, a sinner of thine own redeeming. Receive her into the arms of thy mercy, into the blessed rest of everlasting peace, and into the glorious company of the saints in light.
Posted by Curious (# 93) on :
Oh good grief.I saw 'jlg' and thought this will be good. It isn't. It's so tragic. Thoughts and prayers with her family for whom the last few days must have been so hard.

We don't know what happens to affect the decisions a person makes. May God's spirit of peace rest with those whose minds are in turmoil.

Curious [Votive]

[ 27. December 2011, 21:56: Message edited by: Curious ]
Posted by dolphy (# 862) on :
I am lost for words.

I read about this elsewhere.


It seems so unreal...
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
Dear Lord God.
Posted by Geneviève (# 9098) on :
I'm in shock. Like others who have already posted, I too would stop and read anything jlg wrote. I met her once IRL when she came to a cookout Shipmeet we had in our area. She seemed like a smart, down-to-earth, interesting person.
I am so sorry for her family and friends, and for what she must have been suffering.
Rest in peace now, Jen.
Posted by St Everild (# 3626) on :
I am so sorry to hear this.

May she rest in peace, and rise in glory.

Posted by Auntie Doris (# 9433) on :
So sad [Frown]

Auntie Doris x
Posted by Sir Kevin (# 3492) on :
We met Jen eight years ago in Colorado and she was our housemate. So witty, intelligent and kind was she. We last saw her in Colorado at another shipmeet. We remember her at the end of the cattle drive where she got terribly sunburned but was still undaunted.

RIP, old friend. [Votive]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :

I always enjoyed jen, and had hoped to meet her irl when in her neck of the woods 18 months ago. Sadly it didn't happen. May she now be embraced in the Christlight that was so often unclear to her ...

As Jack the Lass said on the missing shippies thread, her slighty freaky avatar was sheer delight. I'll miss her.

[Votive] for all who will always mourn her passing
Posted by sabine (# 3861) on :
She has been released.


Posted by TurquoiseTastic (# 8978) on :
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
Flabbergasted. Bewildered. Astonished.

I told myself I wouldn't even open the thread. I saw "jlg" there on All Saints' first page, and I told myself I reject it, I refuse it, it can't be good. And I looked, and it wasn't.

She's in the hands of the perfect, loving God now, which is the place to be. No one knows her so well as the Lord, not even Jen herself. And no one loves her so well as the Lord.

What I hope for now is that the people close to her, who were hurt, can heal without a single negative emotion trapped in the scars. That's what I pray for.
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on :
Posted by PataLeBon (# 5452) on :
[Votive] Dear Lord.
Posted by Josephine (# 3899) on :
Originally posted by Geneviève:
I'm in shock. Like others who have already posted, I too would stop and read anything jlg wrote.

Me, too. I never had the privilege of meeting her in real life, but I always enjoyed seeing her on the Ship.

May her memory be eternal.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on :
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.

May her memory be eternal.
Posted by rugasaw (# 7315) on :
[Votive] May God be with her children.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on :
So sad.

Grant her peace and rest.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
May she be safe in the arms of Jesus.

Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on :
Dear Lord, take away her suffering as well as the suffering of her surviving family.

Help the survivors to move on and have a better life.

Have mercy on us all.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :

Lord, have mercy.
Posted by Balaam (# 4543) on :
Oh fuck.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Peace, light, and healing to JLG and all affected. May there be healing of all the ripple effects.

I've had my own struggles with depression, and one long-ago suicide attempt. (I'm very ok now, folks.) When you're down in that pit, especially if it's due to a chemical imbalance, you can only see darkness and pain--and no end to it.

JLG and I had a few conversations, here and there. We had some spiritual questing in common.

May Erin and the other Shipmates-in-Glory welcome you home, JLG.
Posted by duchess (# 2764) on :
I thought too of what GoldenKey just said. May Erin and the rest of the lot greet her up there in heaven. Such an interesting, engaging person on the ship. God have mercy. +
Posted by Dark Knight (# 9415) on :
Shocked and saddened by this news. [Votive]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by Wesley J:
jlg (Amazing Grace)

[Votive] [Votive] [Votive]

Good catch, Wes.
Posted by Banner Lady (# 10505) on :
Oh bugger, bugger, sh*t...
And in the end, God.


The eternal shipmeet is looking more and more welcoming. *Sigh*.
Posted by Eutychus (# 3081) on :
Kelly has it right. I'll miss sheep3.
Posted by JoyfulNoise & Parrot OKief (# 2049) on :
Sad news. [']
Posted by Barnabas62 (# 9110) on :
Originally posted by QLib in the Purgatory thread:
I don't even want to say, "there but for the grace of God...." because I don't believe in a God who would withold Grace from Jenn. I suppose that leaves me with There, but for fortune...

This. Thanks QLib. Personally, I was lost for words and thoughts. Strange to feel such sorrow for a person who I only met virtually. Echoes of Erin there. I liked very much what I met.

Joan Baez helped a lot.

The news caught me at a vulnerable time. Our three year old grandson (visiting for Christmas) woke up early, disorientated and a little distressed, and before his parents were awake. So he joined my wife and me, snuggled down with us in our bed, and we sang lullabies to him. A lovely and poignant reminder of times gone by when we were young. My wife and I both got happy-sad tears.

They left yesterday morning and we were sad to see them go - they live a long way away. After a tidy up, I logged on and got the shocking news. Didn't know where to put myself.

RIP, jlg. For us who are left, who knew you somehow and felt a connection, it is a time to mourn.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
Originally posted by Balaam:
Oh fuck.

Yeah, this.

Posted by Nunc Dimittis (# 848) on :
May she find mercy and grace and healing.

Posted by Chelley (# 11322) on :
Empty text screen and flashing cursor seem to demonstrate how hard it is to find any words.
But these feeble ones offered just to be here, remembering - in ours and Jennifer's place. Prayers with all those affected and in pain.

jlg [Votive]
Posted by Nicodemia (# 4756) on :
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
May jlg and all those who knew her find grace, healing, strength and comfort. Be with them all Lord. [Votive]

This makes no sense, but life often doesn't. [Waterworks] But this is particularly hard to take in. I shall miss her humour, wisdom and kindness.

Posted by Hugal (# 2734) on :
Posted by Anselm (# 4499) on :
Posted by Niteowl2 (# 15841) on :
Being a somewhat recent addition to the ship I never met jlg IRL or through IM, but there are always posters who strike your interest from the start as they are intelligent and/or witty and I always read her posts. May she find peace in death that failed her in life. [Votive]
Posted by daisymay (# 1480) on :
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by Jack the Lass:
Such sad news - my heart goes out to jlg and her family.

My favourite memory of jlg is of us both being part of the Sheep brigade in the Nativity play in 2002. She was definitely one of the stars of the show. So long Sheep 3 [Waterworks]

Jackie (Sheep 1).

And as you recall, I loved both you sheep passionately. [Big Grin]

Jackie, I keep thinking of you-- what an awful answer to the question you asked on the "Where's that Shipmate?" thread a little while back... [Frown]

[ 28. December 2011, 11:42: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
Posted by amber. (# 11142) on :
There aren't any words....but I shall keep her and all who love her in my prayers this afternoon when I'm at the funeral of another friend...

Posted by Scarlet (# 1738) on :
Originally posted by Eutychus:
Kelly has it right. I'll miss sheep3.

As will I. [Frown]
Posted by Boadicea Trott (# 9621) on :
So sad to read this [Frown]

God grant her peace, rest and light in His Kingdom, and comfort to her family and friends who grieve her passing..... [Votive]
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on :
How dreadfully sad. I didn't know jlg but I too have experienced depression and suicide attempts (long ago in the past) and my thoughts and prayers are for Jennifer and her family.

May jlg rest in peace [Votive] .

Lord have mercy.
Posted by Anna B (# 1439) on :

May God be with jlg and with all of us.

I'm really quite often a judgmental little twit of a person and am reminded of how inappropriate that is.

Lord, have mercy [Votive]
Posted by JB (# 1776) on :
Originally posted by Scarlet:
Originally posted by Eutychus:
Kelly has it right. I'll miss sheep3.

As will I. [Frown]

And I
Posted by IngoB (# 8700) on :
Out of the depths I cry to You, O Lord; Lord, hear my voice.
Let Your ears be attentive to my voice in supplication.
If You, O Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?
But with You is forgiveness, that You may be revered.
I trust in the Lord; my soul trusts in His word.
My soul waits for the Lord more than sentinels wait for the dawn.
More than sentinels wait for the dawn, let Israel wait for the Lord,
For with the Lord is kindness and with Him is plenteous redemption;
And He will redeem Israel from all their iniquities.

Posted by Ethne Alba (# 5804) on :
Posted by Yerevan (# 10383) on :
If You, O Lord, mark iniquities, Lord, who can stand?
But with You is forgiveness, that You may be revered

That verse in particular seems so appropriate. [Votive] for jlg, that those injured may be fully healed, and her family and friends strengthened and comforted.
Posted by JFH (# 14794) on :
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :
Dear God!

Posted by ChastMastr (# 716) on :
Just heard from Cubby about this. [Frown] God bless her. Prayers ascending. [Votive]
Posted by Jack the Lass (# 3415) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
Originally posted by Jack the Lass:
Such sad news - my heart goes out to jlg and her family.

My favourite memory of jlg is of us both being part of the Sheep brigade in the Nativity play in 2002. She was definitely one of the stars of the show. So long Sheep 3 [Waterworks]

Jackie (Sheep 1).

And as you recall, I loved both you sheep passionately. [Big Grin]

Jackie, I keep thinking of you-- what an awful answer to the question you asked on the "Where's that Shipmate?" thread a little while back... [Frown]

That memory is etched on my consciousness forever Kelly [Big Grin]

Yes it was an awful answer [Frown] But I'm sure I wasn't the only one who noticed her absence before this news broke. I hope she knows (now if not then) that she was missed.
Posted by Wet Kipper (# 1654) on :
Lost. For. Words

another stalwart gone. [Frown]

RIP, jlg
Posted by claudine (# 12441) on :
Posted by Benedictus (# 1215) on :
I am stunned, and grieved. She was always funny, and wise, and kind.

I remember her from New Mexico/Colorado, and more from the Mardi Gras meet and going with her godparents to the parade, and most from the Great Southern Tour when she spent the night at my house. Mostly sitting up talking.

I hate that it went so black for her she couldn't see any other way. You are in light now, Jen. And may those left behind find healing, and come to remember her without anger or hurt or guilt.
Posted by Hart (# 4991) on :
"Jennifer died of suicide"

Saying it that way doesn't so much help, or make this make sense, but it does reframe things away from something even harder to abide.

Jesus wept.

She's all yours now, Lord, do what no mortal could...
Posted by Spiffy (# 5267) on :
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by Kelly Alves:
... what an awful answer to the question [JtL] asked on the "Where's that Shipmate?" thread a little while back ...

I thought I'd seen a post asking if anyone knew anything about JLG, and for some reason when I went back to look for it, I couldn't see it for looking.

[Frown] [Votive]
Posted by CuppaT (# 10523) on :
Lord have mercy.
Memory Eternal.
Posted by Wesley J (# 6075) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
I thought I'd seen a post asking if anyone knew anything about JLG, and for some reason when I went back to look for it, I couldn't see it for looking.

[Frown] [Votive]

It was JtL's post, on 21 December 2011. [Votive]
Posted by Lynn MagdalenCollege (# 10651) on :
boggled and grieved and dumbstruck. Praying for the repose of her soul and peace and healing for all others impacted.

[Frown] [Votive]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Yesterday I read her "50 most recent posts," and there, right up until two days before, was the most good natured, encouraging, kind person anyone would ever want to know. Something surely snapped and the tragedy is that none of the gifts of fate stopped her.

Then I did some internet browsing and found a Catholic prayer thread where someone who was friends with Mary, the woman who was shot in the face, asked for prayers for her. In another place a man who knew the young girl's family said she was suffering nightmares and extreme anxiety.

I think we should pray for them, too. I'm sure Jennifer would want us to.
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on :
Just playing on the radio is Sting's 'Fragile'.

Lyrics here

You can listen to the song here

If 'Fields of Gold' was Miss Molly's soundtrack, this song is now jlg's for me. How fragile we are, indeed. Lord have mercy.
Posted by kentishmaid (# 4767) on :
What bloody awful news. So terribly sad. I, too, looked forward to her posts and will miss her on the Ship very much.
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on :
And now they're playing 'Fields of Gold' too, so I need even more tissues. (It's a programme about Sting, so I guess I should have been prepared...)
Posted by birdsoftheair (# 15219) on :
such sadness for all involved.
Posted by Jemima the 9th (# 15106) on :
Oh, God. [Votive]
Posted by irish_lord99 (# 16250) on :
[Votive] May God have mercy [Votive]
[Votive] May her memory be eternal [Votive]
Posted by Nenuphar (# 16057) on :
[Votive] jlg. May the Lord have mercy on your soul, and send grace and mercy to all those grieving. Rest in peace and rise in glory.
Posted by Laura (# 10) on :
I'm away where there was almost no internet access and finally got on, to see this. I knew about some of her struggles, but clearly not enough. So sad. As someone who has struggled both with depression and alcohol abuse, I recognized her as a fellow on the road and, now, as a fallen warrior in one of the hardest fights a human can face.

Memory eternal. [Waterworks]
Posted by Zappa (# 8433) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:

I think we should pray for them, too. I'm sure Jennifer would want us to.

[Votive] Indeed
Posted by Pancho (# 13533) on :
[Votive] for jlg.
[Votive] for the victims.

Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins,
save us from the fires of hell
and lead all souls to Heaven,
especially those in most need of Thy mercy.

Posted by ebeth (# 4474) on :
Posted by Grammatica (# 13248) on :
Posted by Zeke (# 3271) on :
Jen was my friend. She always seemed so calm and sensible, and I confided in her more than once. I am unable to write anything else, though I have tried. Rest in peace, Jen.
Posted by Alwyn (# 4380) on :
Posted by Earwig (# 12057) on :
May God wipe away all her tears. So sorry to hear about all this. Want to post more but words are so stupid.

Posted by Yangtze (# 4965) on :
Have been following this and the related threads on my phone where I'm not logged in, so it's only now I can post my thoughts and prayers.

Oddly, the day before this thread I had looked at the 'where are they / missing shipmates thread' and noticed that someone had noticed they hadn't seen jlg around. And realised that, whilst I rarely post and had never interacted directly with her, I too had missed her posting.

Rest in Peace Jennifer [Votive]
Posted by Tubifex Maximus (# 4874) on :
Originally posted by Gill H:
Just playing on the radio is Sting's 'Fragile'.

Lyrics here

You can listen to the song here

If 'Fields of Gold' was Miss Molly's soundtrack, this song is now jlg's for me. How fragile we are, indeed. Lord have mercy.

Funny enough, what's been going through my head is
Depressed beyond tablets by Half man half biscuit Should anyone misunderstand and think that this is mockery, I will say that Nigel Blackwell, who wrote this song, knows what it feels like from the inside.
Posted by uffda (# 14310) on :
I've been following the various threads, but I didn't know Jen at all, enjoyed her posts, and simply want to offer prayer for her to rest in peace, and for the rest of us to appreciate the Ship for what it is and what it offers.

Posted by Dormouse (# 5954) on :
Posted by Eloise (# 4292) on :
Posted by Louise (# 30) on :
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
[Votive] Please God accept our sadness and prayers for all involved [Votive]
Posted by TomOfTarsus (# 3053) on :
[Votive] May the love and grace of God heal the awful pain that feels so unhealable. Peace, jlg.
Posted by Duo Seraphim (# 256) on :
jlg was surely one of the Great Ovines and made more of her part as Sheep 3 in the Nativity Play than you'd believe a sheep could.

I will remember Jennifer for her dry wit and good sense. I feel very sad that the Black Dog has claimed another good soul.

May she rest in peace and rise in glory!

comet has very kindly just let me know - which is one of the many reasons this place is special
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
Yesterday I read her "50 most recent posts," and there, right up until two days before, was the most good natured, encouraging, kind person anyone would ever want to know. Something surely snapped and the tragedy is that none of the gifts of fate stopped her.

Then I did some internet browsing ...

I found this, which I hope others find helpful - don't think I've seen any other links to it.

I can't trace the 50 latest posts - directory search isn't working for me - but I remember thinking she had changed in some way. I hoped it was because she was less unrestful in her new spiritual home. [Frown]
Posted by QLib (# 43) on :
My apologies - Drifting Star linked to it upthread, but I missed it.
Posted by 205 (# 206) on :
Mostly I have words, and they fail me.
Posted by Ags (# 204) on :
Posted by Twangist (# 16208) on :
Posted by Lady A (# 3126) on :
So sad - may she walk in healing and love. I always enjoyed her posts.
Posted by Taliesin (# 14017) on :
I miss her very much. I posted a kid-question, and then remembered she won't be responding to it. I so valued her thoughts on child raising.
She was so clear and honest and careful and wise.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
May God give her rest and heal her soul. [Votive]

And may God heal the bodies and spirits of those she harmed. [Votive]

And may God heal the broken place in our hearts. [Votive]
Posted by rolyn (# 16840) on :
I didn't know jlg or anyone connected with this awful tragedy, but have taken part in some discussion in an endeavour to understand it.

I feel now like praying for all those affected.
Posted by Malin (# 11769) on :
[Votive] So deeply sad and tragic for all.

I've no words to pray so I just offer Jen and those injured to God, whose mercy and love are beyond my imagining.
Posted by Pooks (# 11425) on :
Posted by harmony hope (# 4070) on :
[Votive] No words only prayers.
Posted by Silver Faux (# 8783) on :
Anyone wishing to explore the issues arising in dealing with unbearable pain by enrolling in a professional seminar is welcome to follow the link in my signature.
Posted by Amazing Grace (# 95) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
Yesterday I read her "50 most recent posts," and there, right up until two days before, was the most good natured, encouraging, kind person anyone would ever want to know. Something surely snapped and the tragedy is that none of the gifts of fate stopped her.

I read the last posts and was struck by that as well.

Then I did some internet browsing and found a Catholic prayer thread where someone who was friends with Mary, the woman who was shot in the face, asked for prayers for her.
I saw something similar via a google search on Free Republic (not a place I usually visit). They've certainly got my prayers, as do Jen's children and friends.
Posted by Full Circle (# 15398) on :
Posted by Nunzia (# 4766) on :
Posted by Mili (# 3254) on :
After time to absorb it all I finally feel ready to post in All Saints to. But mostly I wish time could be turned back and this tragedy prevented.

I pray that JLG is at peace now and that her loved ones have the strength to get through this and do not fall into depression themselves. I also pray for the physical, mental and emotional recovery of the victims.

I pray that all JLG's friends here on the ship can still appreciate the good times they had with JLG online and in real life, and appreciate the help and support she gave them, even though her final actions have been so shocking and hurtful.
Posted by Jengie Jon (# 273) on :
Picked this up a few days ago, but this is the first time I have had internet access without little girls reading over my shoulder. So was obviously not spending time with this thread.

Hope that she may find peace and those affected deeply by this as well.

Posted by Beethoven (# 114) on :
Praying that she may now be at peace. [Votive]

Praying that all those suffering through this may know God's love and peace. [Votive]
Posted by Erroneous Monk (# 10858) on :
Posted by Craigmaddie (# 8367) on :
I am so sorry.


Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her.
Posted by saysay (# 6645) on :

Such sadness.

I heard the news a while ago but didn't have the chance to post.

Years ago I asked Jen if I could adopt her, as in her humor, good sense (and, yes, sometimes sadness), she reminded me so much of my own mother. At the time, I was still struggling with an onslaught of deaths (stepfather-ish, mother, grandparents, and a few others in a short period) and trying to figure out how I was going to give my brother hippy earth-mother advice about raising his kids, as he seemed to need me to step into my mother's shoes in some ways. Jen graciously allowed me to adopt her, and although it's been a while since we had any communication outside of the boards, I still looked forward to reading her posts.

I'll miss her. A lot.

Everywhere I go is the song I've been listening to.

[Votive] for all affected by this tragedy.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
All I can do is offer a prayer for jlg and her family and friends, thinking especially of the Shipmates who knew her.


[ 05. January 2012, 12:39: Message edited by: Sioni Sais ]
Posted by Otter (# 12020) on :

As another snarky engineer (although a lot quieter than Rook!) I'll miss her.
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on :
Just found about this after a couple of weeks off-ship. Rather stunned. I certainly remember seeing her postings around.

Posted by Siegfried (# 29) on :
Just back from the holiday break and stunned to see this.
Words don't express my thoughts.
Posted by Johnny S (# 12581) on :
Another one just back from hols and saddened to hear the news. [Votive]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
I find myself able to let go a little more easily that which I no longer have. Whatever that means.

And so, here is a bittersweet PM conversation I had with jlg back in 2009, a while after she had formally stepped down as a Host.


It's probably about time to free you from the temptations of the Hosts board. Would you like any modifications to your title to reflect your new status (or, whatever)?


Yes, it is time to go. You're on the west coast, so if you can do it late evening or early morning tomorrow (your time) I will be out of the way and will wake up knowing that my morning ritual of reading the Hosts board will be a thing of the past. It will be good for me, but I'll still miss all of you.

No need to change my title or avatar. They refer to my (still active) consternation that I find myself so enthralled by the Ship, not to mention the whole thing of Christianity. Nothing to do with having become a host except that I was offered a free custom avatar and title; and I thought a bit about who I was and why I was here and took advantage of it.

You seem to have the same fascination; why else do you continue to hang out here and put in time and care about how it all works?

Best wishes to you and the Nurse (who I assume is now actually nursing? ) and the new babe. It can be a rough time, that newly married with new babe thing. You suddenly find out who you really are.

For what it's worth, my Yenta radar (which is pretty accurate) sees the two of you as a solid and reasonably happy couple 'til death do you part.

Mazel Tov.


The deed is done, and I am sad. Thanks for all your sternly amused interactions. Best wishes with your newfound freedom.


"sternly amused interactions"


Posted by no_prophet (# 15560) on :
Just back on the shop today. All I can say is 'oh my' and what little bits we know. Kind thoughts and prayers to all who are suffering through this.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
Thank you, RooK.
Posted by Qestia (# 717) on :

I don't post much but thought of jlg as a neighbor since we were probably less the 50 miles from each other. I can't imagine the pain she must have been in to take such drastic actions and I pray she is at peace now.
Posted by Anselmina (# 3032) on :
Haven't been able to reply to this till today. This is desperately sad and shocking news. Since joining the Ship I admired jlg as the very best example of a host and poster in her own right; and made her a kind of mentor - unbeknown to her - when I took up hosting myself. She was the host I most wanted to be like, and the one whose advice I most valued. I can't believe it.

My heart goes out to jlg's family and friends.
Posted by Old Hundredth (# 112) on :
I haven't been on board for a while and have only just seen this news which has shocked and saddened me greatly.

Posted by The Silent Acolyte (# 1158) on :
jlg's was a rare voice of wry realism. I'll miss her terribly.

May God grant her continual growth in his love and service until we all become partakers of his heavenly kingdom.
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
I haven't known what to say. When we first got the news of Jen's death on the admins board, I was the one who went looking for the bleak comfort of an obituary and found the news reports instead. I kind of wish I hadn't, though I know sooner or later someone else would have done the same thing.

I met Jen in person when I was visiting family in Boston in the fall of 2004; she took the train down from New Hampshire and we spent the day together. We wandered around the North End of Boston, had lunch in a great little Italian hole in the wall, and guffawed over electric votive lights in some church. It was like getting together with an old friend. I've been kicking myself for not making the effort to see her the last time I was in Boston. I've had weeks to get used to the idea that I missed my last chance to see her, but it still seems like a very stupid bad joke.

[Votive] jlg -- rest in peace.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Ruth. [Waterworks]

I have been struggling with my feelings about this-- every time I read some new thing someone posts about some friendly exchange or some expression of support, I just cry. And when I read the Nativity Play and all the shenanigans the Sheep and I got up to, I cry as well. Because-- stuff happened, and I went through a bad patch, and Jen made it pretty clear to me that she didn't think I handled it well. And then all the friendly stuff just-- stopped.

And boy, did I feel it.

I went through--oh, a couple years of working on it-- a PM here, a friendly question on the boards there, little gambits of friendship, and it was like hitting a wall of ice. I just couldn't be forgiven. But I kept trying, to the point that I worried trying itself was an annoyance. It was literally something I had to consign to prayer-- the prayer went, "Lord, I'll forget everything, just please let me have my friends back."

Then, finally-- maybe a year ago-- I wrote something about my sister's dog, and she responded. Then I wrote something about some silly crow incident, and she responded with a cheery remark.

And what I should have done, right that minute, was write something like "Hey Jen, I've been worried I've been on your shit list for a while, and it's nice to chat with you again.I missed you" but I couldn't. I kept waiting to figure out what the right words would be.

That's all. No advice needed, I know what I need to do-- let go and let God. But it easier to let go if you know you're not alone.
Posted by Silver Faux (# 8783) on :
I can't help you feel any better about this, Kelly; I can tell you that, as a minister who has moved away from a church where I was close to a great many people, I have some empathy for what you are saying.
There is often a measure of strain in discerning that it is time to seek a new call; when it happens, that strain intensifies, as not a few folks let you know that they feel abandoned.
Yet, as clergy, part of the task is that we are expected to cut ties and set boundaries so that the church can move on, into a time of interim, and then new ministry.
So we make that effort.
But then a young woman, who was a teenager in confirmation class and a cutup at her sister's wedding, dies suddenly and tragically, and her family sits through a funeral conducted by fill-in clergy they have never met; that nice, classy old gentleman who always enjoyed a visit passes away; a family with whom you spent a great deal of time during a bereavement asks if they can come to your new church as a family to mark the one-year anniversary of the event.
And you (or at least I) wonder, could I have done things somehow differently, somehow better, somehow said or done something that would have made a greater difference?
And there is no answer.

As a teacher, Kelly, you surely must have seen children move to the next level and occasionally run into difficulties, and then wish that you could reach out and change things.
You can't, though, and you realize that.
Peace by with you, Kelly; treasure what was good, remember, and give a measure of thanks through the tears.
That is about all any of us can ever do when people move on, regardless of how or why or how much it hurts.
As far as I know.

[ 16. January 2012, 12:35: Message edited by: Silver Faux ]
Posted by luvanddaisies (# 5761) on :
shocked and sad.
[Votive] jlg and all struggling to make sense or come to terms
Posted by Matrix (# 3452) on :
Having become a less frequent treader of this ship's boards I only just discover this.

Dreadfully sad, the whole thing.

Praying for a lasting peace for Jen and for full recovery for those hurt.


Posted by East Price Road (# 13846) on :
[Votive] ...for all those affected.

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