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Thread: Kerygmania: EXODUS: The Bible Non-stop
Nigel M
# 11256
Exodus 39:22-43
“Mmmphffph” Said Aaron.
“Does Sir find the the fit comfortable?” Asked the professional weaver (Ben-Huri, Specialist Outfitters to the Gentry). “A little more give under the shoulders, perhaps?
“Perhaps Sir would find it better if we widened the central head-hole a modicum, so it does not stick in the mouth quite like that, hmmm?” There was a flourish of needles, measuring stick, finest linen and yarn, and the ephod dropped neatly onto Aaron's shoulders. Aaron sagged a bit more.
“These gems are heavy.” He complained. “Couldn't we cut down the number of tribes?” He enquired of his brother, who was surveying the apparel outfitting of Aaron and his sons with a critical eye.
“Nonsense” Responded Moses, “We would lose the symmetry.”
“Well, couldn't we at least lose those blue and gold pomegranates and bells from the hem?” pleaded Aaron.
“You are not fit enough” This from Moses who was thoughtfully cramming cake into his mouth. “Right, pop the holy diadem on his head.”
There was a clang.
There was a dull thud as Aaron made horizontal contact with the floor.
There was a chorus of “Ups-a-daisy” as assorted Gentlemen Outfitters' Assistants struggled to pull Aaron back upright.
“I think” remarked the Professional Outfitter, “That Sir will find it necessary to dress himself with the turban before he apparels himself with the pure gold diadem.” Moses consulted the appropriate tablet. “Ah, Yes. Sorry about that. Turban first then.”
A dazed Aaron rubbed his head, waited while his eyes stopped watering and came back into focus, then stared at his reflection in the highly polished silver plate being held in front of him by one of the store minions. There was the turban, the diadem with 'HOLY TO IAIVTWY' inscribed on it fastened with a blue chord, just as the tablet instructed. Aaron passed his gaze down the reflection to the ephod – while his brain made a mental flicker about something not quite right. Anyway, ephod in order, nice colours, very much this season. Natty shoulder pieces and breastpiece. Brain flickered again about something... Never mind, pass on. Good work with the sash. Undergarments felt comfortable. Nice tinkle effect on the bells around the hem. Brain – something still not quite right. Back up a bit. Aaron's gaze passed back up to the part between the ephod and the turban.
“My face!” He spluttered. “It's blue!”
“Hadn't time to wait for the dye on the ephod to dry out brother,” said Moses. “We're working to a tight timetable. No room for luxury here. Right, let's get a move on. I've got to inspect the Meeting Tent.” And he strode out into the sun. “Hurry Up. We haven't got all day. And bring the cake.”
“But – Blue.” stuttered Aaron, as he gathered up his heavy garments and waddled, panting, after his brother.
“Don't be overly alarmed, Sir” said the Professional Outfitter, “I am assured that the effect will wear off. In time.”
Moses stood, hands on hips and surveyed the completed Meeting Tent. Everything was in tip-top condition, just as ordered. He ticked off the items: Tent, furnishings, clasps, frames, crossbars, posts, bases, red ram skin coverings, hides from unmentionable creatures, curtain, container, poles, cover, table, articles, gold lampstand, lamps, accessories, oil, gold altar, anointing oil, incense, entrance curtain, bronze altar, grating, poles, utensils, basin, stand, courtyard curtains, posts, bases, courtyard entrance curtain, ropes, pegs, furnishings, the priests' garments.
It was all there. Save one item. Moses walked over a plate on an altar, glittering in the sun. Carefully – and with a great deal of satisfaction – he placed the cake of the Presence on the plate.
Aaron collapsed, panting over the incense container. A few heaving sighs and then - “Watchshooooooooo!”
“Bless You” said Moses.
Posts: 2826 | From: London, UK | Registered: Apr 2006
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Lynn MagdalenCollege
# 10651
{is that, like, the pratfall translation?!}
Exodus 40:1-16
IAIVTWY said, "First day, first month, set up the tabernacle. You'll put the ark there, behind the veil. You'll bring in the table and array the showbread and utensils on it; you'll bring in the lampstand and set up the lamps upon it. You shall also place the gold incense altar in front of the ark. Be sure to set up the veil for the doorway to the tabernacle. The altar for the burnt offering you shall place in front of the doorway of the tabernacle and you put the laver between the tent of meeting and the altar for burnt offerings.
"Put water in the laver after you position it because water is really heavy... Then set up the court with all its curtains.
"Now, take that special anointing oil and anoint away, everything within the tabernacle, so that it is consecrated and set apart, holy to Me.
"Now bring Aaron and his sons to the opening of the tent of meeting and wash them (use water); put the dedicated garments upon Aaron, anoint and consecrate him as priest to Me. Bring his sons, put their special clothes on them, and anoint them too - this will authorize them as the beginning of a perpetual priesthood, passing to their sons and grandsons and all their generations."
And Moses did it all, just as he had been instructed.
-------------------- Erin & Friend; Been there, done that; Ruth musical
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Nigel M
# 11256
Exodus 40:17-33
{The “Let's sit round the family fire while our Wise-Elder-With-the-Beard regales us more Tales of Our Fathers” translation}
Wednesday dawned – the first day of the first month of year 2. Which, of course, is exactly one year after The People left Egypt, which in turn was exactly 430 years to the Wednesday that The People entered Egypt. A Wednesday nine months to the day after The People arrived at Sinai.
Moses knew because he kept a diary. “You never know,” he said when his diary carriers complained about the weight, “When these might become useful. I might write a book or two some day.”
Just to ensure his carriers understood the relevance of the weighty matter of records, he jotted down a few more tablets along the lines he had used before:- tablets 1-8 setting out what the Lord told him to do, and then tablets 9-16 saying what he actually did – which would be a word for word repeat of tablets 1-8, save for being in a different tense.
So Moses finished the work of the Meeting Tent.
The real advantage, of course, of being the owner of a diary was that one could say that one did the work, when in reality it was the many who did the work. But if the many didn't keep a diary, who was to know?
Posts: 2826 | From: London, UK | Registered: Apr 2006
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 Prophetic Amphibian
# 11014
Exodus 40:34-38
Watch as a haze begins to form around the tent. It thickens steadily, going from a faint grey-white air-dusting to a heavy pea soup fog. As this happens, a steady white glow permeates the site, the Glory of the One who Is, Was, and Will Be.
Moses walks up to the tent, but is turned away, dazzled and gagging.
The cloud suddenly lifts, and The People gather behind it, following their train de vie through the desert. And then the cloud settles, and they do likewise, resting in the presence of the Almighty.
During the day, the pillar of smoke guided, and during the night it was the light that shone in the darkness, and this was visible to the entire House of Israel at each stage of their journey.
-------------------- Some say that man is the root of all evil Others say God's a drunkard for pain Me, I believe that the Garden of Eden Was burned to make way for a train. --Josh Ritter, Harrisburg
Posts: 7522 | From: Chicago | Registered: Feb 2006
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Kelly Alves
 Bunny with an axe
# 2522
And on that note-- we move on to Leviticus!
See y'all in the next book...
Kelly Alves Kerygmania Host
-------------------- I cannot expect people to believe “ Jesus loves me, this I know” of they don’t believe “Kelly loves me, this I know.” Kelly Alves, somewhere around 2003.
Posts: 35076 | From: Pura Californiana | Registered: Mar 2002
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