Source: (consider it)
Thread: Hell: don't know why you girls aren't attracted to me...
Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
quote: Men, even more than women, need to learn the sad truth that just because you really, really like someone doesn't mean they will like you back.
Ha. That was fucking easy to learn. I'd figured it out by the time I was 14. It's believing that it's actually possible that someone you really, really like might actually one day like you back that's the hard one to believe.
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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Marvin the Martian
# 4360
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: Exactly how much time do the straight men of the world spend examining the courting attempts of other men instead of working on their own?
How are we supposed to work on our own courting attempts if not by examining what has worked for other people?
-------------------- Hail Gallaxhar
Posts: 30100 | From: Adrift on a sea of surreality | Registered: Apr 2003
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# 13504
Thanks Boogie & SCK. It is a shitty game, but it seems that we're forced to play it anyhow. Kudos to you, Boogie, for breaking the mould.
I feel like I should address this post:
quote: Originally posted by Egeria: Thanks for the links, Josephine. I'm glad to see some criticism of "The Big Bang"--I think the main male characters are creepy losers. And for your previous comment in regards to that nonsense about women "having power."
From the examples I've seen, self-proclaimed "nice guys" are every bit as like to be misogynists as the "alpha males" they envy so much. (And the male half of the human species is not simply divided in alphas and "nice guys," either.)
The thing is, the guy who wrote that article is himself one of those creepy losers. He wasn't criticising the show for having nerds in it, he was rightly criticising the narratives that men are fed over and over, and exhorting his fellow nerds to rise out of that. So, I can't help thinking you've missed the point.
In terms of that nonsense about women having power. Again, point missed. My point was that, in the perception of many men, when it comes to relationships, women have power. Whether or not they objectively do have the power is neither here nor there. I'm talking about perceptions. Someone's perception is valid because it is entirely subjective. And in terms of power dynamics, if my perception is that someone has power over me, then the result is that they have power over me, because my perception is what informs the dynamic itself, even if they are oblivious of that. I and others have subsequently explored why that perception exists.
As for whether all the nice guys are closet misogynists, well, as I've already said, I think that's bull. IME the misogynists are a vocal minority. However, you're right that the world can't simply be divided into alphas and nices. And of course, there are plenty of men that could benefit from the advice you give with regards to good manners and personal hygiene, but I don't think that's the magic bullet that will fix all this.
-------------------- "Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole." - David Lynch
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 Ship's whipping girl
# 376
quote: Originally posted by Doc Tor:
So, who exactly would think a woman asking a man out was "forward" "pushy" "slut" "unfeminine"? Is it actually her own girlfriends?
This is how my friends describe of their workmates, or of people they used to be friends with.
My own friendship group is disproportionately high in people 1. "On the spectrum" and 2. In non traditional relationship structures. So we are big on asking for what you want using words, and not doing things when drunk. But every now and again we are reminded that we are not the norm.
-------------------- it's a secret club for people with a knitting addiction, hiding under the cloak of BDSM - Catrine
Posts: 2901 | From: Cambridge | Registered: Jun 2001
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# 11076
quote: Originally posted by Boogie: goperryrevs
This 'the man should do the asking' stuff really annoys me, and it did when I was a young woman too. In fact I didn't bother with it, I did the asking - every time. I wish more women would, it would add some balance to the whole dating minefield imo.
(It wasn't that I didn't get asked, I did, it was just that the people I fancied never asked me. I am sure it was for the reasons goperryrevs said as the quiet, studious type is my type. I am a little wild and outgoing, so it adds balance 'tho can still be disconcerting for Mr Boogs after nearly 40 years!)
Yep! Same here. I was the one that asked, and Bullfrog's surprised answer is still a party story.
I also recommend the fun of holding the door for guys and doing other 'gentlemanly' things. Some very polite guys get SOO awkward when you do something normally polite like hold the door for them. Other just as old-southern-gentleman types smoothly enter the door and thank you. Either way it's a lot more fun for holding a door than guys get.
-------------------- A master of men was the Goodly Fere, A mate of the wind and sea. If they think they ha’ slain our Goodly Fere They are fools eternally.
Posts: 11914 | From: Chicago | Registered: Feb 2006
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 Ship's tough old bird
# 107
{tangent alert}
I think it's partly because I belong to an older generation, (I was born in 1934) but it amazes me that people get their ideas of what life should be like from movies, television, etc. rather than real life.
I grew up with two parents who loved each other very much. I expected to have the same kind of relationship with the man I married; I did.
We were both geeks who met in a co-op house for graduate students. We knew each other for three years before we started taking an interest in each other. (Any relationships that developed in that house were serious; you don't want to have a casual relationship with someone you may meet at any hour of the day.)
The fact that I was born during the Depression and was a child in WW2 made me take it for granted that I wouldn't get everything I wanted; like most other people, I went for what was feasible. It seems that nowadays many people never consider feasibility.
What I wonder is, how many people get their expectations from the media, and how many from real life? The media present such a thin and pallid picture of things.
{/tangent alert}
-------------------- Kerygmania host --------------------- See you later, alligator.
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# 13338
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: That (first) article is fine, until the end, when it says, about Rodger, 'he needed to grow up'.
This makes me despair really. What, like Rodger was just a bit immature? Oh, fuck. I give up. We have mutual incomprehension here.
Where did you get the word 'just' from, though? Would him growing up not help? At all?
The word 'just' doesn't appear in the quote you made, but it does appear in your own sentence. To me taking that word out or putting that word in to either sentence changes the meaning significantly.
Again it feels as if you want to say that Rodger being 'mad' is the sole cause of everything, and that a mature, non-misogynistic mad version of Rodger would have generated exactly the same outcome as an immature, misogynistic mad version of Rodger. [/QB][/QUOTE]
Rodger's problem was not immaturity. There are lots of immature boys (and girls) in the world. I teach them. And there's nothing wrong with them-- kids mature at different rates, so there's nothing wrong with that. But "immaturity" is not what was going on with Rodger. An immature 15 year old boy is one who still would rather play with legos than talk about girls. He might be prone to making fart jokes or giggling if you say "boobs" or some homonym for a private part (heck, the word "homonym" probably gets a giggle). They grow out of it, just a bit later than their peers. But immature boys don't try to rape girls. [ 29. May 2014, 13:28: Message edited by: cliffdweller ]
-------------------- "Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid." -Frederick Buechner
Posts: 11242 | From: a small canyon overlooking the city | Registered: Jan 2008
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
quote: Originally posted by Marvin the Martian: quote: Originally posted by orfeo: Exactly how much time do the straight men of the world spend examining the courting attempts of other men instead of working on their own?
How are we supposed to work on our own courting attempts if not by examining what has worked for other people?
I dunno, but I'm not entirely buying this idea that men are struggling THIS much to find women, but women can find a man when they want one.
For starters, the suggested 10% figure of men that women find attractive bears no relationship at all to the actual proportion of the male population that is partnered. There are lots of single guys out in the world these days, but it ain't sitting at 90%.
Nor is the number of male singles anywhere near as much out of kilter with the number of female singles as the little thought experiment suggests. And it would be surprising if it was, given that the great majority of relationships consist of one male and one female.
We do not, in fact, live in a world where a small proportion of alpha males have harems of females while the great majority of men go without a partner because the women are all taken. That's pretty much the kind of fantasy that Rodger bought into and perceived himself to be on the wrong side of.
-------------------- Technology has brought us all closer together. Turns out a lot of the people you meet as a result are complete idiots.
Posts: 18173 | From: Under | Registered: Jul 2008
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
quote: Originally posted by cliffdweller: quote: Originally posted by orfeo: quote: Orignally posted by quetzalcoatl, actually: That (first) article is fine, until the end, when it says, about Rodger, 'he needed to grow up'.
This makes me despair really. What, like Rodger was just a bit immature? Oh, fuck. I give up. We have mutual incomprehension here.
Where did you get the word 'just' from, though? Would him growing up not help? At all?
The word 'just' doesn't appear in the quote you made, but it does appear in your own sentence. To me taking that word out or putting that word in to either sentence changes the meaning significantly.
Again it feels as if you want to say that Rodger being 'mad' is the sole cause of everything, and that a mature, non-misogynistic mad version of Rodger would have generated exactly the same outcome as an immature, misogynistic mad version of Rodger.
Rodger's problem was not immaturity. There are lots of immature boys (and girls) in the world. I teach them. And there's nothing wrong with them-- kids mature at different rates, so there's nothing wrong with that. But "immaturity" is not what was going on with Rodger. An immature 15 year old boy is one who still would rather play with legos than talk about girls. He might be prone to making fart jokes or giggling if you say "boobs" or some homonym for a private part (heck, the word "homonym" probably gets a giggle). They grow out of it, just a bit later than their peers. But immature boys don't try to rape girls.
Well, I'm glad we've sorted out that there's no possible correlation between immaturity and rape based on the fact that not every immature boy rapes. Especially not the ones who are 15 years old and immature.
Seriously? I spent vast paragraphs, if not pages, pointing out this kind of logical fallacy, and you just walked right on up to it again didn't you. You also neatly managed to ignore the fact that when we call a 40 year old immature we don't mean the same thing as when we call a 15 year old immature.
Also, I fixed your crappy coding for you. In this post. If you ask nicely I'll switch into Host mode and fix the crappy coding in YOUR post for you. Oh who am I kidding, no I won't. [ 29. May 2014, 13:40: Message edited by: orfeo ]
-------------------- Technology has brought us all closer together. Turns out a lot of the people you meet as a result are complete idiots.
Posts: 18173 | From: Under | Registered: Jul 2008
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 Orthodox Belle
# 3899
quote: Originally posted by goperryrevs: I've posted two lengthy emails trying to look at things from the perspective of some men. Your only engagement with it was to paint it as some ridiculous "women are cock-blocks and men resent that because they deserve those women who shouldn't withhold their vaginas from them so men should control women because women hold that power over them".
You're right, you did, and unfortunately, I haven't had the time to provide the kind of thoughtful response that they deserved. I gave a quick response to one of them, simply rephrasing one of the points that you made into rather starker terms than you had used. You suggested in a subsequent post that you knew someone might read it that way, so I don't think that my reading of it was ridiculous.
I'd like to have had the time to have engaged more deeply. I might later. I'm not sure.
quote: Men understanding the experiences of women, and women understanding the experiences of men aren't mutually exclusive. We need both.
I agree.
I'm still puzzling over the idea that men are typically only willing to date women who are higher status and more desirable than they are, and, that being the case, we should feel sorry for them because of the pain they feel when their advances are rebuffed.
Even if that is true -- and I'm not sure that it is -- I hope you can see the difference between, "If I make a mistake about this person, I might get rejected, and that is demoralizing and depressing and as painful as all get-out" and "If I make a mistake about this person, I might get raped or killed."
-------------------- I've written a book! Catherine's Pascha: A celebration of Easter in the Orthodox Church. It's a lovely book for children. Take a look!
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Brenda Clough
# 18061
Hmm. As a female, I would say that probably 90% of women could indeed find casual sex, if only they are willing to lower their standards enough. (This is what the internet is for!)
All men, without exception, can find sex. All they need is money; prostitution is the oldest profession.
The problem is that lowest-common-denominator action is not what most people want. Women are powerfully socialized to not lower their standards; by and large we cannot do it. Even the mass-murderer was not up for paid sex; he wanted love.
-------------------- Science fiction and fantasy writer with a Patreon page
Posts: 6378 | From: Washington DC | Registered: Mar 2014
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# 16740
quote: cliffdweller wrote:
Rodger's problem was not immaturity. There are lots of immature boys (and girls) in the world. I teach them. And there's nothing wrong with them-- kids mature at different rates, so there's nothing wrong with that. But "immaturity" is not what was going on with Rodger. An immature 15 year old boy is one who still would rather play with legos than talk about girls. He might be prone to making fart jokes or giggling if you say "boobs" or some homonym for a private part (heck, the word "homonym" probably gets a giggle). They grow out of it, just a bit later than their peers. But immature boys don't try to rape girls.
I thought that saying that Rodger should grow up is so wrong, it verges on pernicious. If only it was that simple.
It makes me despair really, that people can say stuff like this. Where do you start.
-------------------- I can't talk to you today; I talked to two people yesterday.
Posts: 9878 | From: UK | Registered: Oct 2011
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: quote: Originally posted by Marvin the Martian: quote: Originally posted by orfeo: Exactly how much time do the straight men of the world spend examining the courting attempts of other men instead of working on their own?
How are we supposed to work on our own courting attempts if not by examining what has worked for other people?
I dunno, but I'm not entirely buying this idea that men are struggling THIS much to find women, but women can find a man when they want one.
For starters, the suggested 10% figure of men that women find attractive bears no relationship at all to the actual proportion of the male population that is partnered. There are lots of single guys out in the world these days, but it ain't sitting at 90%.
No-one said that all the women fancy the same 10% of men. Just that any given woman would only fancy about 10% of the men in the hypothetical room.
quote: Nor is the number of male singles anywhere near as much out of kilter with the number of female singles as the little thought experiment suggests. And it would be surprising if it was, given that the great majority of relationships consist of one male and one female.
We do not, in fact, live in a world where a small proportion of alpha males have harems of females while the great majority of men go without a partner because the women are all taken. That's pretty much the kind of fantasy that Rodger bought into and perceived himself to be on the wrong side of.
That's not the suggestion. Again, I refer you back to the important point that there's no suggestion that only 10% of men are fanciable, or that all women are attracted to the same 10% of the men. [ 29. May 2014, 13:57: Message edited by: Karl: Liberal Backslider ]
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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Marvin the Martian
# 4360
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: I dunno, but I'm not entirely buying this idea that men are struggling THIS much to find women, but women can find a man when they want one.
Not all men, obviously. But enough of us do to make it a known phenomenon.
And I will take any bet you'd like to offer that if we took ten men and ten women of equal but low attractiveness and sent them into a nightclub with the object of seeing how many of them could take someone home at the end of the night, the women would win virtually every time. Probably by about 8 to 2.
-------------------- Hail Gallaxhar
Posts: 30100 | From: Adrift on a sea of surreality | Registered: Apr 2003
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 Orthodox Belle
# 3899
quote: Originally posted by quetzalcoatl: I thought that saying that Rodger should grow up is so wrong, it verges on pernicious. If only it was that simple.
By "grow up" I think the article meant something like, "have that Copernican revolution that most folks have when they realize that the universe doesn't revolve around them, get a grip on the idea that other people do not exist to meet your needs, and lose the sense of entitlement that is entirely appropriate in an infant or toddler but not in a 22YO man."
Of course, if this particular 22YO man could have done that on his own, he would have. So, yeah, it's not that simple.
On the other hand, making it clear to privileged, entitled young men that their ideas are not only ugly and misogynistic, but stupid and infantile as well -- that just might help change the cultre. And changing the culture just might prevent a lot of future violence. Which would be a good thing.
-------------------- I've written a book! Catherine's Pascha: A celebration of Easter in the Orthodox Church. It's a lovely book for children. Take a look!
Posts: 10273 | From: Pacific Northwest, USA | Registered: Jan 2003
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
quote: Originally posted by Brenda Clough: Hmm. As a female, I would say that probably 90% of women could indeed find casual sex, if only they are willing to lower their standards enough. (This is what the internet is for!)
All men, without exception, can find sex. All they need is money; prostitution is the oldest profession.
The problem is that lowest-common-denominator action is not what most people want. Women are powerfully socialized to not lower their standards; by and large we cannot do it. Even the mass-murderer was not up for paid sex; he wanted love.
You're not comparing like with like though. Male prostitutes servicing women do exist, do they not? So if you add the proviso "money and willingness to see a prostitute" 100% of both sexes can get sex.
It'd be interesting (although hard to get past the ethics committee, or find subjects) to send 20 women and 20 men on a night out with the mission of getting a casual non-paid for shag, instructions to lower their standards as far as necessary. The results would confirm or falsify the Ken Hypothesis. I know where my money is.
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
(Bloody hell - MtM's suggested exactly the same research project!)
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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Marvin the Martian
# 4360
quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: It'd be interesting (although hard to get past the ethics committee, or find subjects) to send 20 women and 20 men on a night out with the mission of getting a casual non-paid for shag, instructions to lower their standards as far as necessary. The results would confirm or falsify the Ken Hypothesis. I know where my money is.
Great minds think alike, Karl!
(Though fools seldom differ )
-------------------- Hail Gallaxhar
Posts: 30100 | From: Adrift on a sea of surreality | Registered: Apr 2003
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# 16740
quote: Originally posted by Josephine: quote: Originally posted by quetzalcoatl: I thought that saying that Rodger should grow up is so wrong, it verges on pernicious. If only it was that simple.
By "grow up" I think the article meant something like, "have that Copernican revolution that most folks have when they realize that the universe doesn't revolve around them, get a grip on the idea that other people do not exist to meet your needs, and lose the sense of entitlement that is entirely appropriate in an infant or toddler but not in a 22YO man."
Of course, if this particular 22YO man could have done that on his own, he would have. So, yeah, it's not that simple.
On the other hand, making it clear to privileged, entitled young men that their ideas are not only ugly and misogynistic, but stupid and infantile as well -- that just might help change the cultre. And changing the culture just might prevent a lot of future violence. Which would be a good thing.
But if you start telling this stuff to somebody like Rodger, you tend to get a very strong reaction, as in fact, they tend to feel utterly powerless. The last thing they can take is people telling them what to do, and how to behave.
This presents a very tough problem for those who are trying to work with them in therapy or psychiatry. However, there are ways and means of working with them, but not by saying, you are a privileged entitled prick.
-------------------- I can't talk to you today; I talked to two people yesterday.
Posts: 9878 | From: UK | Registered: Oct 2011
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Antisocial Alto
# 13810
In terms of how easy it is to find a casual sex partner or get asked out, I think we are losing sight of the fact that the average woman has put in a LOT more effort on her appearance before arriving at the meat market than the average man.
As a female, I can tell you that showing up at a night spot clean, combed and wearing decent clothes (but not any effort to cover up your physical "flaws", like makeup or shapewear) will actually put you behind the average guy who makes the same preparations, in terms of getting attention.
Maybe women have the advantage because they work harder for it?
Posts: 601 | From: United States | Registered: Jun 2008
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# 13504
quote: Originally posted by Josephine: I gave a quick response to one of them, simply rephrasing one of the points that you made into rather starker terms than you had used. You suggested in a subsequent post that you knew someone might read it that way, so I don't think that my reading of it was ridiculous.
I spent a long time on the wording precisely because I didn't want it rephrased that way, but fair do's.
quote: Originally posted by Josephine: I'm still puzzling over the idea that men are typically only willing to date women who are higher status and more desirable than they are, and, that being the case, we should feel sorry for them because of the pain they feel when their advances are rebuffed.
I don't really get this either, so I can't comment. I'm more of the mindset that dating some highly desirable supermodel or whatever would be more trouble than it's worth, and make me even more insecure than I already am. I guess I'm not alone, or the phrase "high maintenance" wouldn't exist, but really, I just don't think in those terms (what does it mean to say someone is a higher or lower status to you anyhow?), so I can't relate.
quote: Originally posted by Josephine: I hope you can see the difference between, "If I make a mistake about this person, I might get rejected, and that is demoralizing and depressing and as painful as all get-out" and "If I make a mistake about this person, I might get raped or killed."
Of course. As I've said, I can only see things from my own (male) perspective. I highly value you and others giving me a glimpse of the female perspective. My feeling, though, was that the male perspective was being caricatured and misrepresented, so wanted to present something more accurate.
quote: Originally posted by Josephine: I'd like to have had the time to have engaged more deeply. I might later. I'm not sure.
Thanks. I hope you do. What you have to say is generally worth listening to.
-------------------- "Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole." - David Lynch
Posts: 2098 | From: Midlands | Registered: Mar 2008
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: No-one said that all the women fancy the same 10% of men. Just that any given woman would only fancy about 10% of the men in the hypothetical room.
So how is this particularly bad for MEN, then?
Because it seems to me that if, as you postulate, men tend to like 50% of the women in the room, there's a far better chance that any women who expresses interest in you is one that you want to express interest in you.
Whereas women have to deal with the fact that 90% of the advances they receive are unwelcome.
In other words, it cuts both ways. While men might be moping about despairing at how many women reject then, women are despairing at how hard it is to find a decent man. Who's going to win out of that in the LONG term? If anyone is going to change their standards, it's the women, expanding the range of men they're interested in, to the benefit of the men who apparently quite happy with a large number of people so long as they have curves and breasts.
It seems me that talking about the percentage of people who find you attractive is rather missing the point that you only need one person to find you attractive: the person you're interested in.
Also... I'd leap for joy if 10% of the people I find attractive found me attractive. I don't have that luxury. Propositioning around 98% of the people I find attractive would risk a bashing. You might have heard of these folk. They're called straight men.
-------------------- Technology has brought us all closer together. Turns out a lot of the people you meet as a result are complete idiots.
Posts: 18173 | From: Under | Registered: Jul 2008
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
quote: Originally posted by Antisocial Alto: In terms of how easy it is to find a casual sex partner or get asked out, I think we are losing sight of the fact that the average woman has put in a LOT more effort on her appearance before arriving at the meat market than the average man.
As a female, I can tell you that showing up at a night spot clean, combed and wearing decent clothes (but not any effort to cover up your physical "flaws", like makeup or shapewear) will actually put you behind the average guy who makes the same preparations, in terms of getting attention.
Maybe women have the advantage because they work harder for it?
As a young adult I was into the Glam Rock scene where believe me, the male preparation effort is pretty intense. I was more than once nagged by female friends because I was taking longer over eyeliner than they were.
Same pattern. Worst still was seeing the women leaving on the arm of some greaser who smelt like his Kawasaki 500.
Never got to the bottom of it.
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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# 11076
Re the Karl-Marvin research project, however if you sent them out night after night looking for someone they wanted to stay with, I think the odds would suddenly become about even. Yeah, I agree that it's easier for straight women to get sex on average than it is straight men. That's at least partially because many of us women are programmed to find more serious relationships actually sexier. That's certainly not universal, but I definitely think more men want (even if they morally or practically wouldn't do it) casual hook-ups than women. I'd suspect that a large majority of single men would enjoy a one-night stand with a hot woman. I think it would be a significantly smaller majority of single women. I know that I for one have never found one-night stands that appealing. Very very few people appeal to me that much the first time I see them. If there is even a significant minority of women like me, and I think there is, then the more serious the ten women and ten men are, the more the gender balance will even.
By consequence, women who are looking for a even moderately serious relationship* don't feel like they have power. Sure if we're decent looking, there may be more people who'd have a fling with us than vis versa, but if that's not what you're looking for, it doesn't make you feel any stronger or more desirable, even though it's real.
*Say they won't have sex with someone they don't at least want to stay with. I'm not imagining strict morals or marriage-level seriousness here.
-------------------- A master of men was the Goodly Fere, A mate of the wind and sea. If they think they ha’ slain our Goodly Fere They are fools eternally.
Posts: 11914 | From: Chicago | Registered: Feb 2006
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: No-one said that all the women fancy the same 10% of men. Just that any given woman would only fancy about 10% of the men in the hypothetical room.
So how is this particularly bad for MEN, then?
Because it seems to me that if, as you postulate, men tend to like 50% of the women in the room, there's a far better chance that any women who expresses interest in you is one that you want to express interest in you.
Whereas women have to deal with the fact that 90% of the advances they receive are unwelcome.
In other words, it cuts both ways. While men might be moping about despairing at how many women reject then, women are despairing at how hard it is to find a decent man. Who's going to win out of that in the LONG term? If anyone is going to change their standards, it's the women, expanding the range of men they're interested in, to the benefit of the men who apparently quite happy with a large number of people so long as they have curves and breasts.
It seems me that talking about the percentage of people who find you attractive is rather missing the point that you only need one person to find you attractive: the person you're interested in.
Aye. And on Ken's figures that's 10% likely for a man and 50% likely for a women
Hence a woman is more likely to get their first choice of partner than a man is.
quote: Also... I'd leap for joy if 10% of the people I find attractive found me attractive. I don't have that luxury. Propositioning around 98% of the people I find attractive would risk a bashing. You might have heard of these folk. They're called straight men.
This isn't a game of "who has it worst." It's a game of "this is what our problems are".
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: This isn't a game of "who has it worst." It's a game of "this is what our problems are".
Fine. So then, your problem is women rejecting you. Women's problem is being hit on by lots of men they find unappealing. And then finding out that some of those men are really lousy at taking no for an answer.
And my problem is being scared of what might happen if the wrong guy thinks I'm staring at him too long, but I'll put that to one side and let you straight folk work out your gender-based issues.
EDIT: No I won't, because I actually think that flippant little summary encapsulates precisely why one group's problem is liable to be transferred onto the other groups, and the other problems aren't. [ 29. May 2014, 14:26: Message edited by: orfeo ]
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
quote: Originally posted by Gwai: Re the Karl-Marvin research project, however if you sent them out night after night looking for someone they wanted to stay with, I think the odds would suddenly become about even. Yeah, I agree that it's easier for straight women to get sex on average than it is straight men. That's at least partially because many of us women are programmed to find more serious relationships actually sexier. That's certainly not universal, but I definitely think more men want (even if they morally or practically wouldn't do it) casual hook-ups than women. I'd suspect that a large majority of single men would enjoy a one-night stand with a hot woman. I think it would be a significantly smaller majority of single women. I know that I for one have never found one-night stands that appealing. Very very few people appeal to me that much the first time I see them. If there is even a significant minority of women like me, and I think there is, then the more serious the ten women and ten men are, the more the gender balance will even.
By consequence, women who are looking for a even moderately serious relationship* don't feel like they have power. Sure if we're decent looking, there may be more people who'd have a fling with us than vis versa, but if that's not what you're looking for, it doesn't make you feel any stronger or more desirable, even though it's real.
*Say they won't have sex with someone they don't at least want to stay with. I'm not imagining strict morals or marriage-level seriousness here.
There's something in this; it would explain the pattern I observe of blokes who find it easy to hook up going through a lot of partners (as they're rejected by women who realise that despite superficial attractiveness they're not right for them) whilst others (like me) have a very small number of relationships before settling down (in my case, just that one). It would explain how the 50%/10% ends up roughly as a 1:1.
On the plus side, for us seldom rolling the 0 on the "will this woman be attacted to me?" d10*, is that we have fewer breakups
(*I think mine was a d1000) [ 29. May 2014, 14:26: Message edited by: Karl: Liberal Backslider ]
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# 11076
quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: On the plus side, for us seldom rolling the 0 on the "will this woman be attacted to me?" d10*, is that we have fewer breakups
(*I think mine was a d1000)
Yeah, as someone who dated no one before halfway through college and then a bunch of people during the last two years--and none of them the right one--I don't think it clearly sucks more to be alone. That probably depends more on the person. It just sucks differently. During my various relationships I was still jealous of L who only dated one person ever, but found him freshman year of college (and is happily married to him).
-------------------- A master of men was the Goodly Fere, A mate of the wind and sea. If they think they ha’ slain our Goodly Fere They are fools eternally.
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# 13504
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: This isn't a game of "who has it worst." It's a game of "this is what our problems are".
Fine. So then, your problem is women rejecting you. Women's problem is being hit on by lots of men they find unappealing. And then finding out that some of those men are really lousy at taking no for an answer.
And my problem is being scared of what might happen if the wrong guy thinks I'm staring at him too long, but I'll put that to one side and let you straight folk work out your gender-based issues.
And children are starving and dying all across the world, so none of our problems mean shit.
-------------------- "Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole." - David Lynch
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
...because the world can only have one kind of problem at a time?
Anyway, the whole reason this thread began is because a particular individual's collection of problems led to death as well. And I don't believe anyone's suggested yet that the problems were nutritional.
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Marvin the Martian
# 4360
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: In other words, it cuts both ways. While men might be moping about despairing at how many women reject then, women are despairing at how hard it is to find a decent man.
Yes. And the way that looks from the male side of the equation is like there's one person starving to death while the other one is surrounded by food but complaining that it's not nice enough.
I'm sure it looks very different from the female side of the equation, and I'm certainly not saying the women are doing anything wrong. But we're talking about subjective perceptions here, not objective truths.
-------------------- Hail Gallaxhar
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Marvin the Martian
# 4360
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: And I don't believe anyone's suggested yet that the problems were nutritional.
What an ironic crossposted analogy I just made.
-------------------- Hail Gallaxhar
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# 14333
quote: Originally posted by Brenda Clough: Hmm. As a female, I would say that probably 90% of women could indeed find casual sex, if only they are willing to lower their standards enough. (This is what the internet is for!)
All men, without exception, can find sex. All they need is money; prostitution is the oldest profession.
The problem is that lowest-common-denominator action is not what most people want. Women are powerfully socialized to not lower their standards; by and large we cannot do it. Even the mass-murderer was not up for paid sex; he wanted love.
First, Rodgers did not want love.* We wanted control and to recieve what he "deserved", paid sex would not be that. That is cheating at solitaire. Second, I've seen plenty of women lower their "standards" . Jeremy Kyle and Jerry Springer owe much financial success to this. Third, can we just jettison this "standards" bullshit? The standards generally referenced are superficial, temporal and have little bearing on compatibility.
*No, I am not psychic, but that much should be obvious.
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
quote: Originally posted by Marvin the Martian: quote: Originally posted by orfeo: And I don't believe anyone's suggested yet that the problems were nutritional.
What an ironic crossposted analogy I just made.
Massive tangent approaches...
I did actually, at one point, pour my passions into saving the world's starving children. More or less. What it actually was about was clean water.
It involved what was quite possibly the best idea I will ever have in my entire life. We raised $15,000 in the one year that we ran the fundraising. It didn't happen again after that, crushed by the combined effects of my own battle with depression and the interstate move of the other key person. I think she may have raised a small amount on her own the second year.
So that was my moment to truly change the world. It's gone now. Now my passions are reduced to yelling at people on the internet in the vague hope of inspiring someone to do more than shrug their shoulders and wait until the latest shootest tragedy fades from the headlines.
[/tangent] [ 29. May 2014, 14:54: Message edited by: orfeo ]
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# 13504
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: ...because the world can only have one kind of problem at a time?
Anyway, the whole reason this thread began is because a particular individual's collection of problems led to death as well. And I don't believe anyone's suggested yet that the problems were nutritional.
Sorry, I was being flippant. I said that to make two points. Firstly, in the grand scheme of things, many of our problems are not that big a deal, and part of getting over them is seeing them in context (which is why Josephine's point about genuine fear over safety vs emotional damage is pertinent). There are real problems in the world, and people of either gender being grumpy because they can't find someone to love them isn't the biggest one out there.
Secondly, though, I think your "well my problems are worse than yours" back and forth is a red herring. We are who we are. Our feelings matter, the emotional trauma we go though is real, whether it's caused by losing one's family in a genocide, or because the 10th girl in a row you've asked out has said 'no'. These experiences and emotions matter to us, and they matter to God. That someone else has it worse, or thinks that your reasons for feeling the way you do are stupid, is meaningless. It is all real.
The truth lies in holding these two extremes in tension: that it doesn't matter, and it matters hugely. "It only matters a bit" is not where truth is.
-------------------- "Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole." - David Lynch
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# 16740
It's just that 'mattering hugely' can lead to a catastrophe, as with Rodger, where his own inflation had become dangerous. I suppose also, that as you inflate yourself, you deflate others, so you end up with a terrible Manichean fantasy system, in which you are the perfect being, but also a kind of Moloch, to which others must be sacrificed.
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
[replying to goperryrevs]
^ Well, while I agree with all that up to a point, I also think it makes a problem more serious and more real when it can have serious consequences for others.
My own piece of flippancy still stands, I think. There is evidence, in my opinion, that men who are frustrated with their romantic failings decided to take those frustrations out on women in violent and lethal ways. They say that's what they're doing, anyway. Apparently we shouldn't believe this first hand evidence (any more than we should believe terrorists who explain precisely why they hate us, a parallel I drew earlier).
There is a heck of a lot less evidence, whether believed or not, of women taking out their frustrations with men in the romantic game in violent and lethal ways.
None of which, of course, means that the proportion of men who take out their frustrations on women is large. What it does mean, in my view, is that it's actually a more serious problem. If women's romantic problems show little capacity to reverberate far beyond the women having the romantic problems, then I would most certainly rank them as less important to solve than any male romantic problems that are shown to have the capacity to reverberate across entire communities. [ 29. May 2014, 15:12: Message edited by: orfeo ]
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Posts: 18173 | From: Under | Registered: Jul 2008
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
quote: Originally posted by Gwai: However I would say that if we are more interested as a society in solving men's romantic problems because they handle them more violently, that in itself is a pretty deep problem.
Just appealing to basic self-interest, I'd say. Very few efforts to solve a problem are purely altruistic.
Anyway, I don't think I've really said anything about trying to solve men's romantic problems. I've been talking about trying to reduce the number of men that possess the mindset necessary to translate romantic problems into violence.
I'm most certainly not going to suggest that anyone has some kind of obligation to prevent a man from developing a lonely heart in the first place. That's precisely the kind of thought that this man's manifesto espoused. See the thread title. [ 29. May 2014, 15:22: Message edited by: orfeo ]
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Karl: Liberal Backslider
# 76
I'm not sure they're dramatically solvable. Might be as much as you can do to spot the signs.
[cartharsis]In adolescence, girls letting boys down a little more gently than strongly implying they'd rather stick their legs in a blender, or reacting with disbelief that for a second the boy in question could possibly think they'd ever dream of lowering themselves to going out with them would help in the making blokes feel less shit about themselves stakes, as well. Comments to friends along the lines of "can you believe it? He asked me out! As if! Eww!" tend to get back to the asker.[/catharsis] [ 29. May 2014, 15:22: Message edited by: Karl: Liberal Backslider ]
-------------------- Might as well ask the bloody cat.
Posts: 17938 | From: Chesterfield | Registered: May 2001
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# 13504
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: There is evidence, in my opinion, that men who are frustrated with their romantic failings decided to take those frustrations out on women in violent and lethal ways....None of which, of course, means that the proportion of men who take out their frustrations on women is large.
Yep, of course - I think I've made some of those points myself. Even if they don't vent in violent or lethal ways, they can still vent through general misogyny and hate language.
I have argued, however, that the proportion that go down that path is small, and tried to present things from the point of view of men who don't.
quote: Originally posted by orfeo: They say that's what they're doing, anyway. Apparently we shouldn't believe this first hand evidence (any more than we should believe terrorists who explain precisely why they hate us, a parallel I drew earlier).
Again, I agree with you (at least, I agree with your irony).
-------------------- "Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole." - David Lynch
Posts: 2098 | From: Midlands | Registered: Mar 2008
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# 13504
Yikes! Sarcasm, not irony. Who am I? Alanis Morrisette? [ 29. May 2014, 15:28: Message edited by: goperryrevs ]
-------------------- "Keep your eye on the donut, not on the hole." - David Lynch
Posts: 2098 | From: Midlands | Registered: Mar 2008
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 Ship's Musical Counterpoint
# 13878
I would have stuck with first description, actually.
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 Sentire cum Ecclesia
# 8700
quote: Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider: Same pattern. Worst still was seeing the women leaving on the arm of some greaser who smelt like his Kawasaki 500. Never got to the bottom of it.
You probably reeked of need for (intimate) love back then, which smells somewhat less attractive to potential partners than vomit.
To find a mate, one needs to project "open - not needy", "interested - not needy" and "wanting - not needy" in sequence, with appropriate timing.
That tends to be hard when one is soul-crushing lonely and masturbation has become a major pastime. (Yes, I do speak from experience...)
There are three main ways out, best I can see. You can try to fake it, and become "successful" but a cad. You can get lucky and have somebody look past your neediness and rescue you. Or you can learn how to set aside your needs unsatisfied, honestly seeking a happy life on other terms, and thereby ironically much increase your chances of having your needs satisfied after all.
-------------------- They’ll have me whipp’d for speaking true; thou’lt have me whipp’d for lying; and sometimes I am whipp’d for holding my peace. - The Fool in King Lear
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 Orthodox Belle
# 3899
quote: Originally posted by Marvin the Martian: quote: Originally posted by orfeo: I dunno, but I'm not entirely buying this idea that men are struggling THIS much to find women, but women can find a man when they want one.
Not all men, obviously. But enough of us do to make it a known phenomenon.
You know, from time to time, my children used to tell me that they got in trouble in class more than any of the other children, or that they got made fun of by classmates, or any of a number of other unpleasant things happened to them more than they happened to anyone else they knew.
And sometimes there is someone who is a magnet for bad stuff.
But more often, as I told my children, it's a matter of awareness and attention. You are with yourself 100% of the time, so you are aware of the bad things that happen to you 100% of the time. If 10 bad things happen to you, if you are, say, rejected by someone you fancy 10 times, you are painfully aware of every single one of those times.
But it is impossible for you to be aware of every single rejection that someone else has faced. You do not know of the 10 or 20 or 50 rejections that a woman has faced.
So it seems obvious to you, and to the men that you compare notes with, that men struggle more than women to find a partner. But that's simply because you haven't yet figured out that other people have experiences that you know nothing about. And you haven't listened to the women who tell you that women also struggle to find partners, too, and that women also feel pain and rejection and frustration over their romantic struggles.
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Kelly Alves
 Bunny with an axe
# 2522
quote: Originally posted by IngoB: That tends to be hard when one is soul-crushing lonely and masturbation has become a major pastime. (Yes, I do speak from experience...)
Bingo, we have so much more in common than I ever realized.
quote: There are three main ways out, best I can see. You can try to fake it, and become "successful" but a cad. You can get lucky and have somebody look past your neediness and rescue you. Or you can learn how to set aside your needs unsatisfied, honestly seeking a happy life on other terms, and thereby ironically much increase your chances of having your needs satisfied after all.
Amen all over this. ( and for record, all of the above except for the word "cad" can be applied to women.) [ 29. May 2014, 15:47: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]
-------------------- I cannot expect people to believe “ Jesus loves me, this I know” of they don’t believe “Kelly loves me, this I know.” Kelly Alves, somewhere around 2003.
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art dunce
# 9258
My daughter has many friends who are very intelligent nerdy /geek girls who do not in general possess the superficial qualities valued by the average male and not one of them has had a boyfriend and most don't have a date for senior prom. Guys fixate on certain girls who are out of their league and ignore the many girls who are available and then complain girls are stuck up bitches. There are plenty of lonely plain Janes watching reruns of Firefly on Friday night.
-------------------- Ego is not your amigo.
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The Great Gumby
 Ship's Brain Surgeon
# 10989
quote: Originally posted by Gwai: Re the Karl-Marvin research project, however if you sent them out night after night looking for someone they wanted to stay with, I think the odds would suddenly become about even. Yeah, I agree that it's easier for straight women to get sex on average than it is straight men. That's at least partially because many of us women are programmed to find more serious relationships actually sexier. That's certainly not universal, but I definitely think more men want (even if they morally or practically wouldn't do it) casual hook-ups than women. I'd suspect that a large majority of single men would enjoy a one-night stand with a hot woman. I think it would be a significantly smaller majority of single women. I know that I for one have never found one-night stands that appealing. Very very few people appeal to me that much the first time I see them. If there is even a significant minority of women like me, and I think there is, then the more serious the ten women and ten men are, the more the gender balance will even.
By consequence, women who are looking for a even moderately serious relationship* don't feel like they have power. Sure if we're decent looking, there may be more people who'd have a fling with us than vis versa, but if that's not what you're looking for, it doesn't make you feel any stronger or more desirable, even though it's real.
*Say they won't have sex with someone they don't at least want to stay with. I'm not imagining strict morals or marriage-level seriousness here.
There was an interesting experiment that was once carried out along these lines - Clark and Hatfield, 1989. It may have a bearing on this conversation.
They tested male and female receptiveness to direct unsolicited propositions from the opposite sex, requesting either a date, to go to the apartment of the propositioner, or to have sex. The approaches were made by people who were judged to be of average and comparable attractiveness. The responses show no significant difference in willingness to go on a date (about 50%), and while women almost invariably said no to anything else, men were actually more interested, hitting 70-75% acceptance for an unsolicited one-night stand.
What I think this shows is not so much a difference in attractiveness to the opposite sex, but a difference in how we approach the first steps in dating. Men's increasing enthusiasm as the proposition becomes nearer to no-strings sexyfuntime suggests a preference for physical release over commitment, where women's declining responses indicate the opposite. When ken quoted this figure, he may have had this study in mind, as the results are certainly not too far off.
In making an approach towards the opposite sex, I suggest women are more likely to be successful because a man is likely to view it as an opening to the aforementioned sexyfuntime. Men, on the other hand, are much more likely to be knocked back, because a typical woman will be thinking more along the lines of "does he just want me for my body?" and "do I feel safe with this man?"
I'm not wedded to that conclusion, but I hope the introduction of some actual data might help to keep us on track.
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A letter to my son about death
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