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Thread: Want to lose some weight?
# 1726
I'm a happy kingsfold again.
I'm now a couple of pounds below my target weight and have lost over two and a half stone.
The down size (boom tish) is that I'm having to replace what feels like my entire wardrobe as everything was hanging off me and I loathe shopping. It does feel weird having something resembling a figure again....
So hang in there folks, it can be done ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif) [ 14. March 2016, 19:21: Message edited by: kingsfold ]
Posts: 4473 | From: land of the wee midgie | Registered: Nov 2001
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# 3473
Wow Kingsfold - well done!
I think I might brave a weigh in tomorrow wwith the Practice Nurse at the Medical Centre - if the right one is there.
Last week I bought a pair of Nordic Walking poles and today I checked with the instructor that they are set up correctly. So I did the usual hour and a half exercise with the class and at least another hour walking to the venue and various other bits and pieces. So far I am not in any pain, though I am really tired.
I'm going to have a bath with arnica bath salts and anoint my knee with anti-inflammatory crème as a precaution, but at the moment I'm feeling a wonderful endorphin buzz
Huia [ 15. March 2016, 03:27: Message edited by: Huia ]
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
Oh, buggeration!
I am right back up to my top weight.
Yesterday's family size Dairy Milk probably didn't help.
On the plus side, I've cut down drastically on caffeinated coffee for Lent, and now the initial headacheyness has passed, I'm sleeping better and feeling good. So I'm motivated to tweak my diet a bit.
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# 16710
I have lost 13 lbs since the start of the year.
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# 3473
North East Quine, good news about the coffee. It is my personal belief that a good night's sleep is one of the best foundations for any kind of positive change.
Caissa - well done
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# 3473
I did an hour's Nordic walking in the Park and the Botanic Gardens yesterday, so have decided on a quieter day today, particularly as I didn't really do enough stretching beforehand. The beauty of the Park is that there are people doing all kinds of weird exercises so no one pays much attention to yet another weird one. Next time I'm taking music with me as the Park part of the walk isn't beautiful like the gardens are.
Next week I will get round to being weighed, which I ran out of time for this week
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
Good luck, SM - a former manager lost over 4 stone with them. What a transformation ...
Mrs. S, looking on enviously
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
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# 3473
I was weighed - and had lost a smidgen. Portion control and less nibbling would be a good idea. On the other hand I am noticing some muscle development.
I am managing to do at least half an hour's NW a day and one day did 3 hours, which left me feeling a bit tired, but not as exhausted as I would have thought. I've discovered that the NZ section of the Gardens is best on a really hot day because it's shady, plus the bird life is lovely - not as good as being in the bush, but real bush is some distance from Christchurch .
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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# 16427
I know a number of people who have achieved excellent results with Slimming World and, what's more, succeeded in keeping the weight off - which, as any seasoned dieter knows, is at least half the battle. Coincidentally I had a leaflet through my door about local classes the other day so am half toying with the idea, although I do begrudge the money. ![[Frown]](frown.gif)
-------------------- They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.
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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002
I know people for whom the cost is an actual incentive, Nen - my friend who is a yo-yo dieter says that's the only way for her to avoid cheating on a diet! To be fair, she uses online WW rather than SW; but to balance up again, my t'ai chi instructor (who is pretty overweight) won't use SW because they allow diet drinks, which he thinks are bad for you.
Mrs. S, who doesn't understand why he can't just NOT drink them! ![[Confused]](confused.gif)
-------------------- Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny. Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort 'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'
Posts: 1464 | From: Neither here nor there | Registered: Mar 2012
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# 11803
I dislike most diet drinks* so much that I'd rather have tap water anyway.
* except ginger ale, which isn't so bad.
-------------------- I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander. alto n a soprano who can read music
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
quote: Originally posted by Piglet: I dislike most diet drinks* so much that I'd rather have tap water anyway.
* except ginger ale, which isn't so bad.
Exactly. i have never liked soft drinks as they are called down here, even as a child.
As for diet drinks, bleeugh! A couple of mouthfuls and I have a migraine. This happens even if I don't know it is artificially sweetened. I found out a week ago that the same thing happens to eldest son. DIL was amazed when i mentioned the migraine with such a small amount as P. has the same thing happen.
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Migraines are verily the work of Satan!
I'm afraid I misread your post, Lothlorien, and dissolved into fits of giggles - but as a Fellow Migraine Sufferer you and your son have my deepest sympathy. I'm 67 and have finally managed to work out most of my triggers, he says hopefully and with fingers crossed!
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
I have restarted My Fitness Pal. Is anyone else using it?
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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# 3473
There is a new drink available here that is sweetened with stevia (advertised as a natural sweetener - the use of that word always makes me think, if not say out loud to the person giving away free samples, that cyanide is natural too) . This particular drink leaves me with a nasty metallic aftertaste.
My choice of drink in my water bottle is Christchurch tap water, which comes untreated from artesian aquifers or, if I want a change I have cold ginger and lemon or peppermint tea with no sweetener.
It was the final class in my Nordic Walking course today I never thought I could enjoy a form of exercise so much. There is a possibility that it will be repeated next term but whether or not that happens I am going to continue walking on my own. Even now I tend to take my poles everywhere, but I am not very dutiful about the stretching warm-up and down exercises which are not as much fun by myself.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
quote: Originally posted by North East Quine: I have restarted My Fitness Pal. Is anyone else using it?
Yes, but have been away five days with no phone and intermittent wifi. I kept a record but I see now it is not as complete as it ought to be. After a sneaky quick peak at the scales I think things have gone fine.
My sister planned and cooked the meals and really did try to stick to things.
A funny story. She is used to cooking just for herself but made plans and lists. Easter here is an extra long weekend with extra public holidays and closed shops. She misread opening times on one day and there was much reorganising. The fish she wanted had all gone, so she grabbed frozen calamari.
She cooked my share, then hers. I smelt onions a little bit but thought she may have had some on salad. The rings were very lightly crumbed, and in view of the mess up, i decided to disregard the crumbs. I asked what was the brand as they were extremely soft. Not calamari at all, but onion rings. We had a good laugh and she had toast following hers as they weren't filling and she ate only a few. My food balance was all over the place, but I was a guest and did not feel able to say much as i knew how hard she had been trying. [ 29. March 2016, 09:14: Message edited by: Lothlorien ]
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
I've just tried peppermint tea as a calorie-free drink, but it's like drinking toothpaste. Odd, because chocolate peppermint creams taste glorious and not a bit toothpastey.
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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# 3473
Sorry NEQ, the Ginger and lemon may suit you better. I like peppermint because I take diuretics and they can leave my mouth feeling yukky. Peppermint is one of my favourite flavours.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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# 16427
quote: Originally posted by The Intrepid Mrs S: I know people for whom the cost is an actual incentive, Nen - my friend who is a yo-yo dieter says that's the only way for her to avoid cheating on a diet!
Yes, I know people who feel that too and it was part of the incentive when I joined a Rosemary Conley class some years ago. I liked Rosemary Conley because part of the class was 40 minutes of aerobic exercise so even if you didn't manage any other exercise that week you knew you'd done that. But for various reasons it all stopped working for me and neither the price nor the shame of having gained weight were enough incentive to stick at it.
For me the overeating is part of a much bigger issue, which I'm now getting help with, but it's a long process. I'm feeling cautiously optimistic about getting it under control this year.
On the subject of drinks, when Nenlet2 is home (as now) we find ourselves drinking things like green tea, as that's what he drinks, and I always mean to explore different ones. I find lemon and ginger undrinkable but the nettle tea I had at lunchtime was ok. I'm also wondering whether to try the chamomile and honey tea I found at the back of the cupboard to try and help the insomnia.
-------------------- They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.
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# 17346
quote: Originally posted by Nenya: On the subject of drinks, when Nenlet2 is home (as now) we find ourselves drinking things like green tea, as that's what he drinks, and I always mean to explore different ones. I find lemon and ginger undrinkable but the nettle tea I had at lunchtime was ok. I'm also wondering whether to try the chamomile and honey tea I found at the back of the cupboard to try and help the insomnia.
It's worth shopping around for a different brand. Morrisons' Own brand lemon and ginger is vile (a pity, as a previous incarnation with lime was lovely, described by a friend as drinking jelly tots), I changed brand and it's much improved.
Aniseed flavours are good as well. Clipper Dandelion and Burdock is very nice, but I think it has just been discontinued.
-------------------- 'If a pleasant, straight-forward life is not possible then one must try to wriggle through by subtle manoeuvres' - Kafka
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# 16710
Down 17 lbs this year.
Posts: 972 | From: Saint John, N.B. | Registered: Oct 2011
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# 3473
Caissa, well done
Your example inspired me to do an hour's Nordic Walking, despite the drizzle.
My mum who loved the Beatrix Potter books where Mrs Rabbit often prescribed chamomile tea tried it herself and declared that Mrs Rabbit was "A nasty old Bunny"
I enjoy lemon in water too especially at this time of year when many of our church's generous gardeners share their bounty. I know it's a bit too acidic for some people though.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Lemon juice in cold soda water is FAB!
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
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St Everild
# 3626
I love Nordic Walking, me. Although not so much yesterday, when I went for a 30 min leg stretch around the local playing field, to find myself being used as target practice by the local youth, who were kicking a football around.
Posts: 1782 | From: Bethnei | Registered: Dec 2002
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# 3473
St Everild I haven't had that. The gardens where I walk are fairly quiet during the week apart from older people and tourists.
I have had people wondering where the snow is (the joke wears thin very quickly) and a bus driver who jokingly asked if the poles were offensive weapons. I thought loudly to myself that the most offensive weapon I had was my tongue - and was tempted to prove it - but didn't.
I am going to investigate a zip fit bit, which seems to be the simplest one available. I think if I use it as a pedometer it might spur me on to do more walking. I'm not really interested in competing with anyone but myself. so the more complicated ones would be overkill for me.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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# 16710
Relapsed with a gain of 1.5 lbs this week.
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# 3473
Caissa, Damn - when I did that last time I gave up altogether but I expect you have more sense.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002
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# 1726
Don't lose heart. Probably better to look at the longer term and as long as the general trend is downward, the occasional gain of a pound or so isn't something to beat yourself up about. Draw a line under it and continue to do what you were doing when you were losing steadily. It seemed to work for me. [ 05. April 2016, 20:40: Message edited by: kingsfold ]
Posts: 4473 | From: land of the wee midgie | Registered: Nov 2001
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# 16427
Update - chamomile and honey tea does not help the insomnia.
-------------------- They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.
Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011
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# 16710
Dropped 3 lbs last week.
Posts: 972 | From: Saint John, N.B. | Registered: Oct 2011
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by Caissa: Dropped 3 lbs last week.
I have coasted for the last week or two - back on it now!!
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
With sons' encouragement, I have been using My Fitness Pal since first week of March. Two of them have been doing it a while and warned me that it takes a while for weight to move. In just under six weeks, I have lost almost six kilos, feel better and arthritis is better. I am never hungry but do muss summer fruit and have to eat extra greens.
I keep telling them that I did similar when pregnant with each of them. Not quite the same as now, but the forerunner. Each of them was a large healthy on term baby. The most I gained in nine months of pregnancy wss five pounds. So it works.
Kilo equals 2.2 lbs.
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# 12271
I've put on some weight lately, and a check up showed I have highish chlorestral and blood suger levels (though not so high that they want to investigate further). I'm trying to eat more sensibly, though as a vegetarian I think my diet is fairly OK as it is. As for excerise I've just done a zumba class which I really enjoyed, and I'm looking to see if I can find a taster session for Nordic walking anywhere. i don't want to invets in poles etc if I hate it.
-------------------- 'I guess things didn't go so well tonight, but I'm trying. Lord, I'm trying.' Charlie (Harvey Keitel) in Mean Streets.
Posts: 2035 | From: London | Registered: Jan 2007
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
I made the mistake of getting on the scales the other evening after the month that has the birthdays of not only myself but also Herself and then Himself!! Crown that with today being one of the Great Feasts of the year here and ... !!!
Tomorrow starts the exercise regime and the reduced food intake - well, I hope so - that is certainly the idea.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
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# 11803
Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow ye diet? ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
-------------------- I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander. alto n a soprano who can read music
Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006
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# 3473
quote: Originally posted by Sarasa: As for excerise I've just done a zumba class which I really enjoyed, and I'm looking to see if I can find a taster session for Nordic walking anywhere. i don't want to invets in poles etc if I hate it.
I am one of those tiresome people who has discovered the joys of a form of exercise and believes the whole world could benefit from it. For me Nordic Walking is it Zumba doesn't get a look in (mainly because I'm not well co-ordinated).
I found a very informative book in the library;The Ultimate Book of Nordic Pole Walking which gives some useful stretching exercises that were used on the course I did - but of course if you don't enjoy it you are less likely to do it, so find your passion.
I take my poles everywhere and one (unintended) consequence is that high school students stand up for me on the bus (old lady with two walking sticks).
I hope you find you enjoy it too.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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Brenda Clough
# 18061
I have a digital scale, and for some weeks now it has been blinking and peeping in an irritating way. Finally my husband googled on it, to see if he could suss out a fix. No. Furthermore, the device no longer is weighing accurately. All my painstaking weigh-ins are fantasy. I have no idea what I weigh. Am off to eat some chocolate-covered raisins, to comfort myself.
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Brenda Clough
# 18061
We did that. However, just now I stepped on it and it was as good as gold. Maybe the mere threat of action, as with taking animals to the vet, made it get better.
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 Ship's Owl
# 10192
quote: Originally posted by Brenda Clough: We did that. However, just now I stepped on it and it was as good as gold. Maybe the mere threat of action, as with taking animals to the vet, made it get better.
Just like your car stops making that clunky sound as soon as you get to the repair shop. ![[Biased]](wink.gif)
-------------------- "...that is generally a matter for Pigwidgeon, several other consenting adults, a bottle of cheap Gin and the odd giraffe." ~Tortuf
Posts: 9835 | From: Hogwarts | Registered: Aug 2005
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# 12271
Huia - I've just sent an enquiry to a guy who runs nordic walking sessions in my local park. I'm lucky to live near one of the very large wild Royal parks in London so should be a good place to find out if it's going to be the exercize for me.
-------------------- 'I guess things didn't go so well tonight, but I'm trying. Lord, I'm trying.' Charlie (Harvey Keitel) in Mean Streets.
Posts: 2035 | From: London | Registered: Jan 2007
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# 3473
I hope you enjoy it Sarasa. I read that it used 90% of the muscles in the body and wondered about the 10% not used. It definitely wasn't any of the muscles used for talking in our group.
There is a new course starting in May and I'm just waiting for the website to be loaded so I can sign up. I have a friend with rheumatoid arthritis who will be trying it out too.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
Yesterday I had the genius idea of writing my weight in mirror writing, then taking a selfie in the mirror by way of a "before" picture." Alas, trying to hold the paper and operate the camera proved difficult. The North East Man came to investigate the reason for the cuss words and was entirely baffled to see me holding a piece of paper with the date and "16 stone 10lbs" in mirror writing. So I explained and he was gob-smacked. I've told him my weight often enough, but he has had 27 years of honing the husbandly ability of agreeing without listening and it turned out he had no idea I was so heavy.
I now have the "before" picture - full steam ahead for the "after."
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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lily pad
# 11456
quote: Originally posted by North East Quine: Yesterday I had the genius idea of writing my weight in mirror writing, then taking a selfie in the mirror by way of a "before" picture." Alas, trying to hold the paper and operate the camera proved difficult. The North East Man came to investigate the reason for the cuss words and was entirely baffled to see me holding a piece of paper with the date and "16 stone 10lbs" in mirror writing. So I explained and he was gob-smacked. I've told him my weight often enough, but he has had 27 years of honing the husbandly ability of agreeing without listening and it turned out he had no idea I was so heavy.
I now have the "before" picture - full steam ahead for the "after."
I highly recommend posting a "Way Before" photo on the fridge. It's amazing how a slim photo can motivate.
(I've been reluctant to post here as, due to an illness, I lost 25 pounds in a few weeks and have been struggling to not lose any more since the start of the year. I've been forced to eat every three hours and am just barely keeping the weight on. While I am sure it is hard to believe, being forced to eat when you have no appetite is very difficult.)
-------------------- Sloppiness is not caring. Fussiness is caring about the wrong things. With thanks to Adeodatus!
Posts: 2468 | From: Truly Canadian | Registered: May 2006
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
For some of us [e.g. me] the concept of no appetite is completely alien!
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
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# 16710
Lost another 2 pounds last week. I am now down 21 pounds.
Posts: 972 | From: Saint John, N.B. | Registered: Oct 2011
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Brenda Clough
# 18061
2 lbs is real. 1 lb (what I lost) is not real, alas. It's probably water.
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
Lily pad, when we were trying to get our son to regain weight after illness, we were recommended to use creamy yogurts, some of which are surprisingly high in calories. The rational was that it wouldn't create an unhealthy eating pattern; once he had regained the weight he could easily swop back to "normal" yogurt.
quote: I highly recommend posting a "Way Before" photo on the fridge. It's amazing how a slim photo can motivate.
I'd have to back over 20 years to get a truly "slim" photo. I was slim all through my twenties, but I was pearshaped and very flat chested, and totally failed appreciate that I looked good. I suspect that I'm more body-confident now, in my fifties, fat, saggy and greying, than I was then.
Actually, if I could lose a few stone, get fitter and more toned and keep my current mindset, then I'd probably hit my prime.... a good thought.
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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