Source: (consider it)
Thread: Prayers of the Faithful
Pine Marten
# 11068
for strength and healing for Raptor Eye.
for all here.
Lord, hear us.
-------------------- Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Oscar Wilde
Posts: 1731 | From: Isle of Albion | Registered: Feb 2006
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# 12244
Please pray for L, a friend who has asked for prayer as she is going though troubled times at the moment.
-------------------- Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. John Erskine
Posts: 464 | From: Orpington, Kent, UK | Registered: Jan 2007
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# 4474
I am still having dizziness/spinning, etc. please pray that the specialist can work me in sooner than 4 weeks from now.
for all here
-------------------- "To eat bread without hope is still, slowly to starve to death." --Pearl S. Buck
Posts: 1486 | From: Here | Registered: Apr 2003
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St Everild
# 3626
Prayer for all...
Might I ask for prayer as I begin sorting out insurance claims from my 2 recent burglaries. Some stuff which was precious to me, and all of it irreplaceable. I don't want more than I should have but I want to be treated fairly.
And I'd like to stop feeling tearful and short of patience right now, please!
Posts: 1782 | From: Bethnei | Registered: Dec 2002
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 Ut unum sint
# 1202
Lord, in your mercy, hear our prayers.
Still dealing with a financial setback, but coping. Thank you for continued prayers.
Also I ask your prayers for my friend and colleague Ed, who had a stroke last Sunday (I just learned) and who is in rehab. His wife said that they hope he can be home by Wednesday.
-------------------- I upped mine. Up yours. Suffering for Jesus since 1966. WTFWED?
Posts: 12001 | From: between keyboard and chair | Registered: Aug 2001
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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# 2334
I met M in the street this morning and he told me he has decided alcohol will have no further part in his life. He's taken steps for support, and has not had a drink for a few weeks now. Please hold him in your prayers for this major battle he faces.
Posts: 977 | From: UK | Registered: Feb 2002
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 St Elmo's Fire
# 1480
reading praying
and I have problems at home - the water is sliding out from where it comes and water all down the back of the home, loads and loads. I've asked for an "emergency" worker and so far have no info when that person will come. It's scarey and worrying...
-------------------- London Flickr fotos
Posts: 11224 | From: London - originally Dundee, Blairgowrie etc... | Registered: Oct 2001
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Ship's Foolwise Unperson
# 1984
Please pray for my friend, she texted me today - saying she didn't want to talk but was asking for prayer. It seems that her pregnancy is miscarrying, her father has just been given six months to live and diagnostic tests show she may have a serious health problem.
Sarah ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome. George Orwell
Posts: 19219 | From: Erehwon | Registered: Aug 2005
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 St Elmo's Fire
# 1480
And the man has just come and fixed it! My neighbours were also getting wet because of it and it went on to now from 11am! thank you God for helping to get it sorted! ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- London Flickr fotos
Posts: 11224 | From: London - originally Dundee, Blairgowrie etc... | Registered: Oct 2001
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
For Malin, M Malin, Malinette, and Malino. For Ariel, for light and something to hope for.
For Cottontail.
For Coop, for healing.
For Mad Cat's C. For her private intention.
For comet's theatre.
For Mili's S.
For Spiffy.
For North East Quine's L.
For Pine Marten. victory!
For peace-with-justice for Anna B.
For Late Paul. For travelling mercies and a good holiday for St Gwladys.
For malik3000, for healing and a successful obstacle race.
For patience and success for St Everild.
For strength and healing for Raptor Eye. For ElaineC's L.
For ebeth, for healing.
For Campbellite's finances. For healing for his friend Ed.
For Adrienne's M, for healing.
For Doublethink's friend and her friend's father, for healing.
Yeah daisymay!
For K., whose new boss apparently is one of those completely scatterbrained and incoherent people whose rise to the top of the workplace hierarchy is seemingly guaranteed by their abject gibbering incompetence. When others in the department found out who K. was reporting to, the universal response was "I'm so sorry". Also for K's relationship with her abusive mother (who also needs healing, but that's not why she's abusive).
For healing for the Telemum, who is despondent about being unable to use her right arm.
For the C. Organisation.
For me to do a brilliant job at work tomorrow, and for wisdom in taming the finance-monster.
For my heart's desire.
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
Just paid off about 80% of my debt.
I want to wipe it out completely by next month, and never, ever see it again. Goodbye, finance monster, don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
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 Snowball in Hell
# 10353
Telepath! that's so exciting! woot woot!
-------------------- Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin
Posts: 17024 | From: halfway between Seduction and Peril | Registered: Sep 2005
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# 13248
There's a discussion going on in Purgatory about the definition of poverty. I know people who are poor, and ask your prayers for them. One family in particular. God knows who they are. Roof over head, enough to eat, work and income coming in, the usual stuff
Posts: 1058 | From: where the lemon trees blosson | Registered: Dec 2007
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Ship's WonderSheep
# 5267
Praying through...
Spent last night sleeping on the floor of my new home. ![[Yipee]](graemlins/spin.gif)
-------------------- Looking for a simple solution to all life's problems? We are proud to present obstinate denial. Accept no substitute. Accept nothing. --Night Vale Radio Twitter Account
Posts: 10281 | From: Beervana | Registered: Dec 2003
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# 28
I would ask for prayers for my brother who really, really needs 1. a place to live (he's currently living in the living room of our cousin, who really wants him to move) and 2. a new job so he can afford 1. So please pray for T.
Prayers for all here. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- On pilgrimage in the endless realms of Cyberia, currently traveling by ship. Now with live journal!
Posts: 11803 | From: New York City "The City Carries On" | Registered: May 2001
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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Pine Marten
# 11068
-------------------- Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Oscar Wilde
Posts: 1731 | From: Isle of Albion | Registered: Feb 2006
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# 16158
Praying for all as I catch up after some holiday leave. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- Who knows? Only God!
Posts: 856 | From: Wales | Registered: Jan 2011
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Mary LA
# 17040
Reading through and praying by name ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- “I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams.” ― Muriel Spark
Posts: 499 | From: Africa | Registered: Apr 2012
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Boadicea Trott
# 9621
Praying for everybody. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
Posts: 563 | From: Roaming the World in my imagination..... | Registered: Jun 2005
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# 17294
-------------------- Helen-Eva:'This is all really interesting and intensely confusing stuff and I am now bewildered in a much more informed way than I was before.'
Posts: 144 | From: bagdad cafe | Registered: Aug 2012
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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 The Endless Simmer
# 3337
My friend P. has revealed to me that she and her family have been suffering the attentions of a (probably psychotic) vandal neighbor. For two years. I mean to the point of the man shooting out their taillights, putting bullets through car doors, killing kittens he mistook for theirs, and shooting at a dining room window with my brightly lit friend framed in it while at the table.
If they close a car door or speak loudly outside when the man's trying to sleep -- at any hour of the day or night -- he takes a shot at whatever made the noise: the car, a screen door... He does this stealthily, the next night perhaps. They have no proof, they think.
It seems their philosophy so far has been to placate the man and do everything in their power not to aggravate him, since they've never had what they consider concrete proof he was the culprit (none suitable for police/court). They cramp and curtail normal activities, they park on the next block rather than their own drive...
Trouble is, all they've bought with their supposedly more Christ-like approach is frayed nerves, and two years of their children and property being "in the sights" -- literally! -- of a maniac.
If they aggravate the man with police attention, and he takes it out on them -- oooh, he might, what, kill their pets? Shoot their cars? Shoot at them?
Duh, they've already gotten all that.
OTOH, if they report every act and name him as suspect, even with little proof, at least they develop a history and a record. (I never did get straight exactly why the cops didn't get anything by analysis of the bullets. They haven't wanted to call the police, but my friend automatically did call 911 when the guy shot out her dining room window.)
The way things are, they're counting on an insane and probably evil man to have enough good judgement (and good aim) not to kill one of the children.
They need help. Please pray for the situation, and for the extended family of my friend, and pray for that nutcase. The best thing that could happen to him is to have his weapons taken away and to be forced to be evaluated and treated. The neighbors would be safer, anyway, even if it did nothing for Mr. Boom Boom.
-------------------- I'm a Fundagelical Evangimentalist. What are you? Take Me Home * My Heart * An hour with Rich Mullins *
Posts: 13788 | From: Below the Bible Belt | Registered: Sep 2002
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North East Quine
 Curious beastie
# 13049
quote: Originally posted by North East Quine: Please pray for L, a single mother, who has a number of problems in her life, and who now has a worsening health issue to deal with as well. Also for L's friends, who have supported her through seemingly endless crises of varying descriptions over many years.
L now has three possible diagnoses, the most likely of which is also the least serious. However, her doctor wants to rule out other possibilities, albeit they are unlikely. One of these unlikely possibilities is cancer. L has lost the plot completely at hearing the word "cancer." Panic attacks, crying till she vomits. Friends piling in to take turns to have coffee with her and calm her down. The worst bit is that her children know Mummy "might" have cancer, and they're too young to understand that there's an 80% chance it's not serious, a 17% chance it's something else and only a 3% chance it's cancer.
Please pray for a quick diagnosis of the most likely possibility, and please pray for her children; I'm really worried about the impact on them. I lost my temper with her yesterday and told her to Get.A.Grip. I don't like losing my temper, and I'd be distancing myself if I weren't worried about her kids.
Posts: 6414 | From: North East Scotland | Registered: Oct 2007
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# 37
Praying for everyone here
I'm doing much better but there's this thing, a little thing really but I need to be able to let go of it and I can't seem to.
Posts: 3690 | From: UK | Registered: Jun 2004
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# 11437
For NE Quine's L to get perspective and healing and for her children
For Janine's friend P and her family and the troubled neighbor (what i'd really want to say about a society that allows such a situation to go on belongs in Purgatory)
Prayers for U.S. society
For a job and a place to live for Nicolemr's brother
In thanksgiving for Telepath's routing of the finance monster
For each by name.
It is now the dark early morning and I am about to start in an hour or 2 a week of of medical appointments closely scheduled and hectic. this morning i am being infused with the chemical that wi make me extremely light-sensitive for a month or so. Then later in the boring I go across town for a series of scans. The scan that most concerns me is the MRI of my head. -- Then Thursday and next Monday i have lung/bronchia procedures which will require me to be put under. Will i am recovering from the anesthesia of the 2nd procedure i will again race across town to learn the results of the scans, hopefully being in an alert and right mind.
My 2 main concerns are 1)that I have no damage to my one retina due to being extremely light sensitive. 2)that no malignancy has made it into my brain, which so far has been clean
For Cee-lo and BK, 2 very sweet brother cats of a friend, who have been lost for several weeks. May God protect them, give them security and non-stressful provenance, and because they are beautiful black cats, give them extra protection from wrong-minded superstitious people.
For my niece J and her perhaps psychotic 10 year old daughter, wherever they may be (no one has heard anything at last report)
Thank you God for another day and for being here and for being Love.
-------------------- God = love. Otherwise, things are not just black or white.
Posts: 3149 | From: North America | Registered: May 2006
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# 17294
-------------------- Helen-Eva:'This is all really interesting and intensely confusing stuff and I am now bewildered in a much more informed way than I was before.'
Posts: 144 | From: bagdad cafe | Registered: Aug 2012
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Mary LA
# 17040
Reading through and praying by name and request
For Malik ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- “I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams.” ― Muriel Spark
Posts: 499 | From: Africa | Registered: Apr 2012
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From the edge
# 3081
Your prayers please for my brother-in-law who is having emergency surgery in the next few hours for a torn main artery in his heart. He has three young children and his wife is emotionally fragile at the best of times.
Word is he may not make it through surgery.
-------------------- Let's remember that we are to build the Kingdom of God, not drive people away - pastor Frank Pomeroy
Posts: 17944 | From: 528491 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Wesley J
 Silly Shipmate
# 6075
-------------------- Be it as it may: Wesley J will stay. --- Euthanasia, that sounds good. An alpine neutral neighbourhood. Then back to Britain, all dressed in wood. Things were gonna get worse. (John Cooper Clarke)
Posts: 7354 | From: The Isles of Silly | Registered: May 2004
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# 5358
-------------------- Blog may or may not be of any interest.
Posts: 2013 | From: Somewhere in the middle | Registered: Dec 2003
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 Looking for light
# 15201
Eutychus' brother in law and family
Posts: 1075 | From: Nigh golden stone and spires | Registered: Oct 2009
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 St Elmo's Fire
# 1480
reading praying ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- London Flickr fotos
Posts: 11224 | From: London - originally Dundee, Blairgowrie etc... | Registered: Oct 2001
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Amanda B. Reckondwythe
 Dressed for Church
# 5521
Dear Lord, we know that you put trials in our path to strengthen us, not to hurt us. Still, we are slow to understand these things. Give us the grace to know your will and to accept that you will always do what is best, even if we do not understand.
My friend R needs your prayers again. A project that he was counting on to bring in much needed money has failed miserably, and he is virtually penniless. I have had to loan him money for this month's car payment and insurance, lest he lose his car to the repossessors.
He has been answering job ads, so far with no results. There are currently two good prospects he has applied for, both here in Phoenix. One looks perfect for him; the other I have not seen but trust his judgment. Please pray that the prospective employers will see that his resume is an exact match for the skills that they seek, and that they will call him for an interview.
R desperately wants to get out of Colorado before winter sets in. He has been severely depressed ever since the death of his mother a year ago. I fear that another winter in Colorado, alone, stranded and penniless, will drive him beyond the point of redemption.
Please pray that God will hold R, and all of us, tightly clasped to his bosom, as he does all his children.
-------------------- "I take prayer too seriously to use it as an excuse for avoiding work and responsibility." -- The Revd Martin Luther King Jr.
Posts: 10542 | From: The Great Southwest | Registered: Feb 2004
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 Organist of the Jedi Temple
# 333
quote: Originally posted by Lucia: Eutychus' brother in law and family
Amen. ![[Frown]](frown.gif)
-------------------- Jasmine, little cat with a big heart.
Posts: 18017 | From: 'Twixt the 'Glades and the Gulf | Registered: Aug 2001
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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From the edge
# 3081
Thanks for the prayers. The operation has been a success, although he is still described as "very poorly", whatever that means in UK doctor-speak.
[ETA: "fairly stable", apparently] [ 05. September 2012, 06:07: Message edited by: Eutychus ]
-------------------- Let's remember that we are to build the Kingdom of God, not drive people away - pastor Frank Pomeroy
Posts: 17944 | From: 528491 | Registered: Jul 2002
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Wesley J
 Silly Shipmate
# 6075
for all continued for Euty et al
Lord, thank you for hearing our pleas.
-------------------- Be it as it may: Wesley J will stay. --- Euthanasia, that sounds good. An alpine neutral neighbourhood. Then back to Britain, all dressed in wood. Things were gonna get worse. (John Cooper Clarke)
Posts: 7354 | From: The Isles of Silly | Registered: May 2004
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Golden Key
# 1468
Emotional balancing and inspiration and steadiness for me, please. Thanks!
-------------------- Blessed Gator, pray for us! --"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon") --"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")
Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001
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# 3482
RIP Grandma
Posts: 152 | From: Hertfordshire, UK | Registered: Oct 2002
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# 2334
For all who have asked for prayers here, and for those who need upholding
Please pray for wisdom for me in a difficult situation - I need to make a right decision. I have nothing to go on - not a thing. Please Lord, not another regret for later.
Posts: 977 | From: UK | Registered: Feb 2002
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# 9822
Praying through the thread by name.
Last night I managed to put my back and neck out literally from top to bottom. All I did was roll over in bed and there was a domino effect of sickening crunches all the way down my spine. I'm not a happy bunny. Its really painful. Please pray that it will ease up quickly.
Scooby X
-------------------- Friendships multiply joy and divide grief.
Posts: 1036 | From: Dorset | Registered: Jul 2005
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# 11437
Thanks be to God that Eutichus' brother-in-law made it through surgery, for his recovery and for his family
For Amanda B Reckondwith's R's emotional healing -- that he be able to get good employment and be able to leave Colorado quickly
Just got a call from my cousin C in New Orleans -- his father N is in hospital after suffering long-term senior neglect from his sisters (C's aunts). C, who's having struggles of his own, is the only one who cares about his father -- both C and his father are persona non grata from the pious church-going affluent rest of his father's family, and the aunts were actually angry at C for calling an ambulance after C found his father lying in bed unattended for 3 days plus (this was during and after the hurricane -- the aunt lives in the front part of the same house and N's un-air-conditioned bedroom had a separate entrance and he was locked out from the main (air-conditioned) part of the house.). For healing, guidance, and that God may touch hardened hearts.
The 1st day of my hectic medical week went better than expected, thanks be to God, for that, and for wonderfully supportive friends. And that the scan results be good news.
And thanks for the Ship's prayer nav ![[Axe murder]](graemlins/lovedrops.gif) [ 05. September 2012, 15:49: Message edited by: malik3000 ]
-------------------- God = love. Otherwise, things are not just black or white.
Posts: 3149 | From: North America | Registered: May 2006
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# 11437
Meant to say Ship's prayer navy -- (as contrasted with prayer army lol), It's a blessing to have this place to share our needs, concerns and rayers
-------------------- God = love. Otherwise, things are not just black or white.
Posts: 3149 | From: North America | Registered: May 2006
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# 11437
... not to be greedy, i did mean to add that in addition to staying away from my brain, i pray that the big mel stay away from my liver! (God i have been SO fortunate so far!)
For the people of Quebec, both francophone and anglophone, after last night's sad fatal violence
-------------------- God = love. Otherwise, things are not just black or white.
Posts: 3149 | From: North America | Registered: May 2006
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Tree Bee
 Ship's tiller girl
# 4033
quote: Originally posted by kaytee: RIP Grandma
So sorry kaytee. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- "Any fool can make something complicated. It takes a genius to make it simple." — Woody Guthrie
Posts: 5257 | From: me to you. | Registered: Feb 2003
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
For comet.
For the poor families known to Grammatica, for roof over head, enough to eat, work and income coming in, etc.
For Spiffy, hooray!
For Nicolemr's brother T., for a place to live and a new job so he can afford it.
For Janine's friend P., her family, and her neighbour.
For North East Quine's L, for healing. For L's kids.
For the little thing that Late Paul can't let go.
For US society.
For malik3000, for healing.
For Cee-lo and BK, for protection, security, and nonstressful provenance, and extra protection from wrongminded suspicious people.
For malik's niece J and her 10-year-old daughter.
For malice's cousin C, C's father N, and C's aunts. For healing, guidance, and that God may touch hardened hearts.
For Eutychus' brother-in-law, for healing.
For Amanda's friend R, for financial provision and gainful employment. For R. to be able to get out of Colorado before winter. For healing of his depression.
For emotional balancing and inspiration and steadiness for Golden Key.
For kaytee's Grandma, may she rest in peace and rise in glory.
For Adrienne to make the right decision.
For healing for Scooby-Doo.
For the people of Quebec after last night's fatal violence.
For me to tame the finance-monster, and do an excellent job at work tomorrow. My head has been very fuzzy these last few days, not totally sure why. A petty thing is that I need to make sure I get a prescription on time, but it won't be petty if I don't get it.
For the Telemum, upset about not being able to use her right arm.
For my heart's desire.
For some apparently hardened hearts to be touched by You.
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
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