Source: (consider it)
Thread: Prayers of the Faithful 2013
Uncle Pete
 Loyaute me lie
# 10422
I liked WW's opening, so I just copied it:
Here at the beginning of the New Year, just starting in the Chatham Islands, we bring our prayers before God.
Once again I begin with the prayer I used last year:
My God, my Creator, my Redeemer, my Love Spirit pervading all creation, of which I am a part Spirit which moves within me and unites me to that whole May we grow towards unity May we help each other in our daily needs, earthly, spiritual and emotional May I learn to have compassion for myself and others May I be open to the promptings of the Spirit So that we all may live in peace and love and rejoice in the glory of creation. Let it be so.
Prayers for all, the quick, the dead, the suffering and unhappy.
eta ![[Hot and Hormonal]](icon_redface.gif) [ 31. December 2012, 14:59: Message edited by: PeteC ]
-------------------- Even more so than I was before
Posts: 20466 | From: No longer where I was | Registered: Sep 2005
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Meg the Red
# 11838
-------------------- Chocoholic Canuckistani Cyclopath
Posts: 1126 | From: Rat Creek | Registered: Sep 2006
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
Pat, a dying neighbour and her children caring for her at home, and grandchildren. Very peaceful and unconscious as her body gradually closes down.
For Cedd and family and all your intentions here
spoken and unspoken
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
sorry to post again
Pat "has taken a turn for the worst"
please pray for her and them in these last hours or minutes
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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Raptor Eye
# 16649
Blessings please Lord for the people who find it hard to look forward to the new year. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- Be still, and know that I am God! Psalm 46.10
Posts: 4359 | From: The United Kingdom | Registered: Sep 2011
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
Pat RIP ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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Ship's Aspiedestra
# 11142
Prayers aplenty
Posts: 5102 | From: Central South of England | Registered: Mar 2006
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
Pat, who has entered eternity
For the Telemum's appointment on the 7th
For a private intention by 31st January
For R.
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
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# 5358
-------------------- Blog may or may not be of any interest.
Posts: 2013 | From: Somewhere in the middle | Registered: Dec 2003
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Ye Olde Motherboarde
Ship's Mother and Singing Quilter
# 54
My darling Aunt Molly is now comatose and has been given 48 hours to live. I am packing my bag for the trip to be with the relatives. It is a sad start to my New Year. ![[Tear]](graemlins/tear.gif)
-------------------- In Memory of Miss Molly, TimC, Gambit, KenWritez, koheleth, Leetle Masha, JLG, Genevieve, Erin, RuthW2, deuce2, Sidi and TonyCoxon, unbeliever, Morlader, Ken :tear: 20 years but who’s counting?..................
Posts: 4292 | From: Looking for more trouble to get into | Registered: May 2001
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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 High Church Valkyrie
# 2349
Praying through, for all, by name.
God bless us, every one.
-------------------- I'm not dead yet.
Posts: 15117 | From: Valhalla | Registered: Feb 2002
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 Lakefront liberal
# 3659
-------------------- Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly, now. Love mercy, now. Walk humbly, now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.
Posts: 20761 | From: where the purple line ends | Registered: Dec 2002
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Mary LA
# 17040
Amen to PeteC's prayer
For the repose of the soul of Imersge's Pat and comfort for her grieving children and grandchildren
For Cedd and family
For those who find it hard to look forward to the new year
For the Telemum's appointment, for Telepath's private intention by 31 January, for R
For Ye Olde Motherboarde and her Aunt Molly ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- “I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams.” ― Muriel Spark
Posts: 499 | From: Africa | Registered: Apr 2012
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# 15917
Praying for all by name. And also for my mother-in-law, who faces the new year without her partner.
-------------------- “Oh the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?” ― The Day of the Doctor
Posts: 1189 | From: West of the New Forest | Registered: Sep 2010
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Rosa Gallica officinalis
# 3886
Please pray for Lee, who didn't get to jump today, that he gets the help and support he needs through this crisis. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- Come for tea, come for tea, my people.
Posts: 874 | From: The Hemlock Hideout | Registered: Jan 2003
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 St Elmo's Fire
# 1480
reading praying ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- London Flickr fotos
Posts: 11224 | From: London - originally Dundee, Blairgowrie etc... | Registered: Oct 2001
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Mad Cat
# 9104
Prayers for this New Year ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- Weird and sweary.
Posts: 1844 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Feb 2005
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# 28
Prayers for all. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- On pilgrimage in the endless realms of Cyberia, currently traveling by ship. Now with live journal!
Posts: 11803 | From: New York City "The City Carries On" | Registered: May 2001
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# 11437
For all on this Ship's journey as we enter 2013
That Pat may rest in peace and rise in glory and that Imersge Canfield and other family and friends of Pat may be comforted and strengthened
For all for whom this time is one of sorrow and worries
For Telemum's appointment
For Telepath's private attention
For Telepath's R
For Ye Olde Motherboard's Aunt Molly and for Ye Olde Motherboard and whole family
For Cedd
For Rosa Gallica officinalis' Lee
For all for whom 2012 was a time of suffering and sorrow
In thanksgiving for all blessings received in 2012
In thanks that, in spite of a potentially diagnosis, over a year since that diagnosis God has maintained me in good health and spirits. Halleluyah!
May God keep my liver strong.
For my niece J and for her seriously troubled daughter L, wherever they may be (when last I checked no one had heard anything about them for months
![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif) [ 01. January 2013, 19:56: Message edited by: malik3000 ]
-------------------- God = love. Otherwise, things are not just black or white.
Posts: 3149 | From: North America | Registered: May 2006
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Boadicea Trott
# 9621
Prayers for all who have posted, and for their intentions. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett
Posts: 563 | From: Roaming the World in my imagination..... | Registered: Jun 2005
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
For Inmersge Canfield's Pat, may she rest in peace and rise in glory. For Pat's children and grandchildren.
For Cedd.
For Malik3000's troubled relatives, for him to hear that they are safe and well.
For Malik3000's liver, also, melanoma be gone!
For Starbug's mother-in-law.
For Ye Olde Motherboarde and her aunt.
For my private intention re 31st January, and I feel I need some encouragement there too.
For R.
For the Telemum.
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
There is so much prayer here, I thank God and you,
I am seeking to 'tune in' to it; and praying for all raised here.
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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Mrs Shrew
 Ship's Mother
# 8635
For all those who hope this year may be brighter than last. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- "The goal of life is not to make other people in your own image, it is to understand that they, too, are in God's image" (Orfeo) Was "mummyfrances".
Posts: 703 | From: York, England | Registered: Oct 2004
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
For my friend Steve's friend, also called Steve, who has suffered a nasty breakdown recently - for him, his wife and his kids.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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Mary LA
# 17040
Praying through by name
Asking for prayers for the 3 000 left homeless after a fire raged out of control in Khayelitsha settlement near Cape Town
For all those caught up in conflict in Damascus and Aleppo in Syria
For all those killed and injured at a religious rally at a stadium in Luanda, Angola. That the authorities and organisers might learn something about crowd safety regulations after so many incidents this past year ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- “I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams.” ― Muriel Spark
Posts: 499 | From: Africa | Registered: Apr 2012
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
For Welease Woderwick's Steve, his wife, and his kids.
For Ross.
For the 3000 left homeless after the fire in Khayelitsha settlement near Cape Town.
For those caught up in conflict in Damascus and Aleppo.
For those killed and injured in the rally in Luanda, and for improved crowd safety in Angola.
For Rosa Gallica Officinalis' Lee, sorry to leave that out yesterday.
For a good day tomorrow for us all.
For R.
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
| IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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Golden Key
# 1468
For me: health, encouragement, general upholding, and private intentions.
-------------------- Blessed Gator, pray for us! --"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon") --"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")
Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001
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# 15917
Praying for all.
Please pray for N, who meets with occupational health today to decide whether he should take early retirement through ill-health. I'm accompanying him to the appointment. Lord, please guide the doctor to judge his case wisely and with compassion.
-------------------- “Oh the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?” ― The Day of the Doctor
Posts: 1189 | From: West of the New Forest | Registered: Sep 2010
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 Hopeless Insomniac
# 15841
For Ross and all suffering with cancer.
For Telepath and the Telemum.
For all in need, Lord hear their cries.
Requesting prayer as my health is again in a downward spiral and I am the sole caretaker of my mother.
-------------------- "love all, trust few, do wrong to no one" Wm. Shakespeare
Posts: 2437 | From: U.S. | Registered: Aug 2010
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Mad Cat
# 9104
Dear God, I need your help. Please.
Amen ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- Weird and sweary.
Posts: 1844 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Feb 2005
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Mary LA
# 17040
Praying through all requests
Mad Cat ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- “I often wonder if we were all characters in one of God's dreams.” ― Muriel Spark
Posts: 499 | From: Africa | Registered: Apr 2012
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# 15917
Thank you for all your prayers for N. The referral was very positive and in his favour. ![[Smile]](smile.gif)
-------------------- “Oh the pointing again. They're screwdrivers! What are you going to do? Assemble a cabinet at them?” ― The Day of the Doctor
Posts: 1189 | From: West of the New Forest | Registered: Sep 2010
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St. Gwladys
# 14504
For Morlader and Morladres Also for my friend Kathy and her family in Texas - her father died on Friday.
-------------------- "I say - are you a matelot?" "Careful what you say sir, we're on board ship here" From "New York Girls", Steeleye Span, Commoners Crown (Voiced by Peter Sellers)
Posts: 3333 | From: Rhymney Valley, South Wales | Registered: Jan 2009
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# 185
For my husband, who has come home in tears from the first two days at his new job.
Posts: 388 | From: in the kitchen | Registered: May 2001
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 St Elmo's Fire
# 1480
reading praying ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- London Flickr fotos
Posts: 11224 | From: London - originally Dundee, Blairgowrie etc... | Registered: Oct 2001
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Imersge Canfield
# 17431
For Martha's husband;
for Cedd;
& all written here and on last year's list.
And all other needs and intentions +
![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif) [ 03. January 2013, 21:27: Message edited by: Imersge Canfield ]
-------------------- 'You must not attribute my yielding, to sinister appetites' "Preach the gospel and only use jewellry if necessary." (The Midge)
Posts: 419 | From: Sun Ship over Grand Fenwick Duchy | Registered: Nov 2012
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# 17346
Repeating PeteC's New Year prayer, and reading and praying for all others individually.
Prayers for all those this year for whom noone else eill prayer.
Please, prayers also for I, mother of my friend E, who is in Intensive Care at the moment and unlikely to leave.
-------------------- 'If a pleasant, straight-forward life is not possible then one must try to wriggle through by subtle manoeuvres' - Kafka
Posts: 1887 | From: the rhubarb triangle | Registered: Sep 2012
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Ship's Steamer Trunk
# 3534
For ArachnidinElmet's I and E.
For Cedd.
For Starbug's N, hooray!
For Mad Cat.
For Niteowl and her mother.
For St Gwladys' friend Kathy.
For Ross.
For Golden Key's upholding and health.
For Martha's husband.
For Morlader and Morladres.
For the Telemum's appointment on the 7th.
For T.
For R.
For M. and G.
For health, relationships and upholding for me please, also my private intention by the 31st. [ 03. January 2013, 23:23: Message edited by: Telepath ]
-------------------- Take emptiness and lying speech far from me, and do not give me poverty or wealth. Give me a living sufficient for me.
Posts: 3509 | From: East Anglia | Registered: Nov 2002
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Holding us all in the living, loving Light.
eta: prayers and upholding for all of us here as well, please - particularly Himself. [ 04. January 2013, 01:28: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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