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Thread: Furry Family Members
Ship's barmaid
# 3032
I'm sorry to hear about Duke, Comet. It's heartbreaking to lose a pet. We miss them so much. And my condolences to others who've been through this, too.
Can I ask advice on a foster-dog I'm looking after at the moment? She's a fox-hound - big, gentle girl but very nervous (been with me over a month). Moves away at every approach I make. I have to get away from doorways and ignore her if I want her to come in from the garden or move to another room. Though she shares the bed and the sofa with me, lets me pet her a little and wants to be in the same room as me.
But if we had an emergency I'd never be able to get her into the car to go to the vet; I can't get her anywhere near the bathroom - let alone into a bath. And would need at least two other people to dog-handle her, when she digs her big paws in and refuses to move.
Is it just a matter of time? Or are there things I can do to make her more comfortable with human proximity and handling, such as following on a lead, bathing, etc.
-------------------- Irish dogs needing homes! Greyhounds and Lurchers are shipped over to England for rehoming too!
Posts: 10002 | From: Scotland the Brave | Registered: Jul 2002
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# 12020
I'd say that its a good sign that she wants to be in the same room with you, and willing to share the couch and bed (I'm guessing she snuggles up, even if she denies it). My boy is very snuggly, but only if he doesn't feel like he's being held.
A month really isn't that long, she probably needs more time. As for handling, walking on a lead, etc., bribery is a wonderful thing. When she's on the couch or bed with you, reach out and give her a pat, stroke (like you do a cat) or ear scritches every now and then. Call her to come outside, or come get some really good snack (even a step or two toward you is progress at first) - not so much to teach her to come when called, but to associate being called with good things.
She may always be a bit jumpy about being reached for, but she'll probably learn that you're a safe person. [ 18. March 2013, 20:09: Message edited by: Otter ]
-------------------- The plural of "anecdote" is not "data", YMMV, limited-time offer, IANAL, no purchase required, and the state of CA has found this substance to cause cancer in laboratory aminals
Posts: 1429 | From: Chicago, IL 'burbs | Registered: Nov 2006
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 Pincered Beastie
# 12057
quote: Originally posted by Pine Marten: Our dear cat Stan Lee will be 12 this year. Just recently he has been having periods of not eating, therefore losing weight, and being somewhat listless. This will last for a few days then he'll suddenly perk up and be his old self again. He has had blood tests etc, and the vet can't find anything wrong. I have googled this and found many other people having this trouble with their cats, for no apparent reason.
Good shipmates, any idea what is going on? Please??
This isn't much help, but it sounds like the behaviour of an elderly cat. But 12 isn't ancient....
Prayers for you and Stan Lee.
Posts: 3120 | From: Yorkshire | Registered: Nov 2006
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Ship's barmaid
# 3032
Thanks, otter. Small steps, I guess, and lots of patience. She is a lovely old girl (about 9). Just so unused to being touched affectionately by humans.
(And yes I know how weird and suspect that sounds.... )
Posts: 10002 | From: Scotland the Brave | Registered: Jul 2002
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Pine Marten
# 11068
Thanks, Earwig. We think he may be feeling a bit arthritic (as do I ) as his back legs obviously get a bit stiff at times, and as my aches and pains are worse in wet weather I'm keeping a note to see if he is the same. At least he is eating something (even if only a little) every day.
He does still like chicken very much, though it not very calorific, and he needs to keep his weight up. Hopefully it will pass again in a few days and he'll perk uo again - if the rain ever goes away!
-------------------- Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Oscar Wilde
Posts: 1731 | From: Isle of Albion | Registered: Feb 2006
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# 12244
When our elderly kitty became arthritic the vet gave us a glucosamine supplement which helped her a lot. Previously she would hesitate before jumping onto the sofa, afterwards she was back to her old self.
-------------------- Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. John Erskine
Posts: 464 | From: Orpington, Kent, UK | Registered: Jan 2007
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Pine Marten
# 11068
Ah! good thinking - I take glucosamine myself. I'll check with our vet.... thanks, ElaineC.
-------------------- Keep love in your heart. A life without it is like a sunless garden when the flowers are dead. - Oscar Wilde
Posts: 1731 | From: Isle of Albion | Registered: Feb 2006
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# 15541
I am in the process of adopting a 6yr old Collie/Samoyed cross from the dog shelter. They will give me advice but I'm open to as many tips as possible.
We will be on a diet together, learning to get fit together and a companion will be good therapy for my depression.
Friends who live near me are very positive about it but family see it as be taking on a burden rather than a positive thing. And I am finding that hard. But looking forward to her arrival and looking up how to help her settle and training etc.
Posts: 1305 | From: west midlands | Registered: Mar 2010
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Dogs are indeed great for exercise and wonderful for helping with depression - HAVING to feed and walk mine was a great blessing when I least felt like it.
Eta: I envy you this blessing - all best wishes for it. [ 20. March 2013, 03:36: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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# 44
Avila--how lovely for you both! What's her name?
-------------------- At the end of the day we face our Maker alongside Jesus--ken
Posts: 7667 | From: Summerisle | Registered: May 2001
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 Ordinary decent pagan
# 619
Avila, sounds as if you could do with more uncritical affection in your life. Dogs are quite good at that.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by Avila: I am in the process of adopting a 6yr old Collie/Samoyed cross from the dog shelter. They will give me advice but I'm open to as many tips as possible.
Marvellous! I have had dogs all my life and can't imagine being without one. My old pooch, Gavin , is 14 now and still a wonderful (if a little creaky) companion.
I know he's controversial, but I find Ceasar Milan the best by far. He understands dogs and body language so well.
I started watching his programmes a few years ago after Gavin developed a lead fetish which was completely ruining all our walks. I watched many episodes before I cottoned on to Caesar's methods. When I worked it out and started using them, Gavin was completely cured within three days.
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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Welease Woderwick
 Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424
Avila, she is gorgeous!
-------------------- I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way. Fancy a break in South India? Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?
Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005
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Uncle Pete
 Loyaute me lie
# 10422
quote: Originally posted by Avila: Her name is Gabi
And I have had a note from post to say they called with a parcel whilst I was out - should be the dog bed!!
![[Axe murder]](graemlins/lovedrops.gif)
-------------------- Even more so than I was before
Posts: 20466 | From: No longer where I was | Registered: Sep 2005
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 Snowball in Hell
# 10353
Aw, she's beautiful! congratulations!
brush regularly - take it from someone who recently had a fluffdog - they matt up quick. but regular brushing is not only good for the fur, it's bonding time. and works well with TV time or something similar.
I'm sure you and Gabi will be thick friends in no time. exciting!
-------------------- Evil Dragon Lady, Breaker of Men's Constitutions
"It's hard to be religious when certain people are never incinerated by bolts of lightning.” -Calvin
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Nanny Ogg
 Ship's cushion
# 1176
I've had to send Zorro on an extended holiday with my ex whilst I pack and try to find a home.
I'm hoping that I will be able to have him returned to me when everything is settled, but I do miss him.
I know he is being well looked after and that he was learning his place with the other cats and a dog when it comes to food and sot places to sleep on, but he is frustrated at not being able to go out and having to use a litter tray.
Whilst it's not an easy time for me, it must he difficult for him ![[Frown]](frown.gif)
-------------------- Buy me a beer and I'm you friend forever
Posts: 4137 | From: Away with the fairies | Registered: Aug 2001
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# 16106
Here we go again. About 18 months ago, I saw my 14 year old cat through months of chemo for lymphoma, until he suddenly crashed and had to go off for the green dream. Now my not-quite-five year old cat is at the hospital with acute kidney trouble, which the vet clearly thinks likely to be shown by today's biopsy to also be lymphoma.
Such sweet boys, both. And so hard to stay positive this time.
Posts: 291 | From: Sydney | Registered: Dec 2010
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# 12244
for you and the poorly kitty
-------------------- Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. John Erskine
Posts: 464 | From: Orpington, Kent, UK | Registered: Jan 2007
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 Glis glis Ship's rodent
# 5954
for kittyville and her poorly kitty.
-------------------- What are you doing for Lent? 40 days, 40 reflections, 40 acts of generosity. Join the #40acts challenge for #Lent and let's start a movement.
Posts: 3042 | From: 'twixt les Bois Noirs & Les Monts de la Madeleine | Registered: May 2004
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# 16040
quote: Originally posted by Kittyville: Here we go again. About 18 months ago, I saw my 14 year old cat through months of chemo for lymphoma, until he suddenly crashed and had to go off for the green dream. Now my not-quite-five year old cat is at the hospital with acute kidney trouble, which the vet clearly thinks likely to be shown by today's biopsy to also be lymphoma.
Such sweet boys, both. And so hard to stay positive this time.
I sympathise..
Our beloved Mia (feisty female cat, about 8 years old) is in the vets for removal of squamous cell carcinoma. Vet is very positive. But her present good looks will be affected.
Morladres is depressed, with 2/3 of the family having cancer: yes, hard to stay positive. [ 22. March 2013, 09:36: Message edited by: Morlader ]
-------------------- .. to utmost west.
Posts: 858 | From: Not England | Registered: Nov 2010
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# 16106
My sympathies, also, to you, Morlader - how awful. Fingers crossed for good outcomes all round.
Thanks to you, ElaineC and Dormouse for the thoughts and prayers.
Posts: 291 | From: Sydney | Registered: Dec 2010
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 Glis glis Ship's rodent
# 5954
My tiny Bib (well, not that tiny, but compared to the others she is) is having her reproductive organs removed as I type. I trust the vet implicitly (unlike the Killer Vet of the Village) but I still can't help being worried. She seems very small to have a major op like this! (She's about 9 months old...we don't know exactly...but she is old enough to be on heat, so it Must Be Done!)
-------------------- What are you doing for Lent? 40 days, 40 reflections, 40 acts of generosity. Join the #40acts challenge for #Lent and let's start a movement.
Posts: 3042 | From: 'twixt les Bois Noirs & Les Monts de la Madeleine | Registered: May 2004
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# 16040
Re Mia and yesterday's message, for pray-ers and others interested.
Vet couldn't operate because the scab caused by the biopsy obscured the site. So we all wait for the scab to heal - perhaps two weeks.
Vet thinks the biopsy may have removed the carcinoma anyway .
Morlader Relieved but apprehensive about what might develop in two weeks.
-------------------- .. to utmost west.
Posts: 858 | From: Not England | Registered: Nov 2010
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# 5761
quote: Originally posted by Avila: Her name is Gabi
She's got a lovely face. How exciting
quote: Originally posted by Boogie: My old pooch, Gavin ...
I have no idea why, but the idea of a dog called Gavin makes me want to fall over laughing ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
-------------------- "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)
Posts: 3711 | From: all at sea. | Registered: Apr 2004
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# 12167
I do wonder about the life cat Truffles had as a kitten.... whenever I play my flute she comes running from her nice cosy nest, and has to get as close as she can to it, today she even jumped onto my shoulders. Sometimes she rolls around as if she's in a patch of cat-nip. She's usually friendly enough, but not a cat to be all over anyone. At first I wondered if it was because the sound hurts her ears (I'm still a beginner so that wouldn't surprise me) but I think it is more than that.
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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# 15541
quote: Originally posted by luvanddaisies: quote: Originally posted by Avila: Her name is Gabi
She's got a lovely face. How exciting
quote: Originally posted by Boogie: My old pooch, Gavin ...
I have no idea why, but the idea of a dog called Gavin makes me want to fall over laughing
I once knew a friend's dog called Dave...
Gabi comes home on Thursday Then I'll have to be a grown up with responsibilities!
Posts: 1305 | From: west midlands | Registered: Mar 2010
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John D. Ward
# 1378
quote: Originally posted by luvanddaisies:
quote: Originally posted by Boogie: My old pooch, Gavin ...
I have no idea why, but the idea of a dog called Gavin makes me want to fall over laughing
Have either of you read Terry Pratchett's The Fifth Elephant ?
Posts: 208 | From: Swansea, Wales, U.K. | Registered: Sep 2001
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 Pincered Beastie
# 12057
quote: Originally posted by daisydaisy: I do wonder about the life cat Truffles had as a kitten.... whenever I play my flute she comes running from her nice cosy nest, and has to get as close as she can to it, today she even jumped onto my shoulders.
This is apparently quite common! I think idea is that the flute is in the same register as cats' miaows, and they get quite excited that you're talking in kitty.
Posts: 3120 | From: Yorkshire | Registered: Nov 2006
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Ship's barmaid
# 3032
Not sure dogs should have proper people names. One student at theological college had a big labrador called Peter. Which was also the first name of our college principal. He must've found it as disconcerting as we found it hilarious to hear her voice call out across the chapel lawn of a morning: 'Peter, bad boy. Don't go poo-poo on the lawn. Naughty boy!'
Or in general conversation to overhear such tit-bits as 'it's all right, Peter's quite safe. He's been done, you know!'
-------------------- Irish dogs needing homes! Greyhounds and Lurchers are shipped over to England for rehoming too!
Posts: 10002 | From: Scotland the Brave | Registered: Jul 2002
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# 12167
Truffles didn't appear from her nest this evening when I practised, nor when I rattled her food bag... I found her in a sorry state nursing an injured leg (maybe more), I think from a fight with an intruder. I'll take her to the vet first thing tomorrow, but she has a long night ahead of her, poor thing.
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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 Sardonic Angel
# 2296
How is she?
Posts: 5407 | From: searching saharas of sorrow | Registered: Feb 2002
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Little Miss Methodist
 Ship's Diplomat
# 1000
quote: Originally posted by daisydaisy: Truffles didn't appear from her nest this evening when I practised, nor when I rattled her food bag... I found her in a sorry state nursing an injured leg (maybe more), I think from a fight with an intruder. I'll take her to the vet first thing tomorrow, but she has a long night ahead of her, poor thing.
Hope truffles is ok...?
I once had a cat who would come running miaoing her head off whenever I sang "I the Lord of Sea and Sky" or "Nobody Does it Better" (you know, from James Bond). Any other song had absolutely no effect... Weird.
-------------------- Tell me where you learned the magic, The spell you used the day you made me fall....
Posts: 1628 | From: Caretaker of the Overlook Hotel | Registered: Apr 2003
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# 12167
Thank you for your concern. We visited the vet this morning where Truffles was given 2 injections (brave cat didn't flinch - clever vet) of pain killer & antibiotic because of a bite to her leg. She is now walking ok (and responding the the flute!) and eating again, but is too scared to go outside & hasn't realised what the litter tray is for. I'll see if she'll come outside with me in a few minutes, to build her confidence.
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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Mrs Shrew
 Ship's Mother
# 8635
Pleased to hear Truffles is feeling better.
I'm preparing to take Spike, our hedgehog, with us to visit my parents tomorrow. The weather here is so cold I am a bit worried about taking him outside-if hedgehogs get too cold they can try to hibernate, which would kill him. Today will therefore be spent making a fleecy cover for his carrier, and buying those rechargeable hand warmers to put in pockets in the cover...
-------------------- "The goal of life is not to make other people in your own image, it is to understand that they, too, are in God's image" (Orfeo) Was "mummyfrances".
Posts: 703 | From: York, England | Registered: Oct 2004
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 Pincered Beastie
# 12057
Aw! I'm sure Spike will be cosy. If you get worried, you can always tuck him down the front of your jumper in his fleece. I used to do that with Yona if it was chilly!
Posts: 3120 | From: Yorkshire | Registered: Nov 2006
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# 15541
Today was D-Day, Dog-Day - collected Gabi from the shelter and brought her home. She was a bit nervous about what was happening and was sick on the way home (kindly missing my friend who was in the back of the car to reassure her).
But home and cleaned up, a wander around the garden to explore and then the downstairs (just looked at the stairs unsure - her previous home was a bungalow) and she seems to be settling in. A game of chase around the garden and now dozing on the living room carpet.
Posts: 1305 | From: west midlands | Registered: Mar 2010
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 Glis glis Ship's rodent
# 5954
quote: Originally posted by Anselmina: Not sure dogs should have proper people names. One student at theological college had a big labrador called Peter. Which was also the first name of our college principal. He must've found it as disconcerting as we found it hilarious to hear her voice call out across the chapel lawn of a morning: 'Peter, bad boy. Don't go poo-poo on the lawn. Naughty boy!'
Or in general conversation to overhear such tit-bits as 'it's all right, Peter's quite safe. He's been done, you know!'
I knew a cat who was very good at escaping from the house when he shouldn't. He was known as Steve as in Steve McQueen in the Great Escape. A cat called Steve doesn't really sound right.
-------------------- What are you doing for Lent? 40 days, 40 reflections, 40 acts of generosity. Join the #40acts challenge for #Lent and let's start a movement.
Posts: 3042 | From: 'twixt les Bois Noirs & Les Monts de la Madeleine | Registered: May 2004
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# 5761
quote: Originally posted by Avila: Today was D-Day, Dog-Day ...
Have a great time getting to know each other ![[Smile]](smile.gif)
-------------------- "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." (Mark Twain)
Posts: 3711 | From: all at sea. | Registered: Apr 2004
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 Making an ass of myself
# 4543
quote: Originally posted by Dormouse: quote: Originally posted by Anselmina: Not sure dogs should have proper people names. One student had a big labrador called Peter.
A cat called Steve doesn't really sound right.
A freind had a budgie called Philip.
-------------------- Last ever sig ...
Posts: 9049 | From: Hen Ogledd | Registered: May 2003
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Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528
We had a cat named Peter. He was named after the church he frequented. He coukd get the door open, and next thing you knew he'd be there lying in a pool of sunlight before the altar. Or critiquing one of the seminarians' preaching through body language. A very Good Cat.
-------------------- Er, this is what I've been up to (book). Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
Posts: 20059 | From: off in left field somewhere | Registered: Feb 2004
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 liberal "peace first" hankie squeezer
# 13
My previous two cats would come close, trying to scale my legs if I was wearing jeans, and meowing their heads off, when I played flute.
I have been catless since last July, but that will soon end! Today I went to the shelter and picked out two males, both about two years old, who were brought in together as strays. They were housed together, and when I was let into their room, they were cuddled up together in a corner (and the staff was later delighted to learn they'd be adopted together -- which also made me happy, because I really want two cats who already get along). The Siamese mix came over to say hello after a minute, and then got very friendly. The orange tabby took a bit longer to decide I was okay, but he let me pet him and started to purr. They get neutered and chipped over the weekend and I get to take them home Monday. I can't wait!
I've never started with adult cats -- I started with a pair of kittens last time -- so any advice about helping these two guys feel at home would be gratefully appreciated.
Posts: 24453 | From: La La Land | Registered: Apr 2001
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
quote: A cat called Steve doesn't really sound right.
One of the several Abyssinian cats one DIL has had over the years was named after Claudia Schiffer, the model. Claudia had a haughty temperament and obviously considered herself a model. However, she consistently missed the litter tray and so her surname evolved from Schiffer to Schitter.
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003
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# 12167
quote: Originally posted by RuthW: My previous two cats would come close, trying to scale my legs if I was wearing jeans, and meowing their heads off, when I played flute. ...... I have been catless since last July, but that will soon end!
I've never started with adult cats -- I started with a pair of kittens last time -- so any advice about helping these two guys feel at home would be gratefully appreciated.
Ah ha! Truffles isn't alone then.
What lovely news about your 2 new cats - I've never started with kittens, just adult cats. I've learned that they need time to feel comfortable in their new home, checking out every cranny and window, not necessarily as an escape route but as much to get their bearings. They usually disappear under a piece of furniture for a day or two, but will come out when they are ready. Don't be surprised if your 2 boys bicker at first - they might each see this move as an opportunity to become Top Cat - this might continue now and then through their time with you as that role moves between them. Plenty of lap time and gentle words will do you all a world of good - enjoy!
Posts: 3184 | From: southern uk | Registered: Dec 2006
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# 12244
quote: Originally posted by RuthW: I have been catless since last July, but that will soon end! Today I went to the shelter and picked out two males, both about two years old, who were brought in together as strays. They were housed together, and when I was let into their room, they were cuddled up together in a corner (and the staff was later delighted to learn they'd be adopted together -- which also made me happy, because I really want two cats who already get along).
That's pretty much how I ended up with three cats. The two brothers were advertised together and when I phoned up to meet them I was told that they came with a third who had been living with them when they were taken into care. So that was three, then a stray turned up and I let him stay.
-------------------- Music is the only language in which you cannot say a mean or sarcastic thing. John Erskine
Posts: 464 | From: Orpington, Kent, UK | Registered: Jan 2007
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# 14715
quote: Originally posted by RuthW: My previous two cats would come close, trying to scale my legs if I was wearing jeans, and meowing their heads off, when I played flute.
I have been catless since last July, but that will soon end! Today I went to the shelter and picked out two males, both about two years old, who were brought in together as strays. They were housed together, and when I was let into their room, they were cuddled up together in a corner (and the staff was later delighted to learn they'd be adopted together -- which also made me happy, because I really want two cats who already get along). The Siamese mix came over to say hello after a minute, and then got very friendly. The orange tabby took a bit longer to decide I was okay, but he let me pet him and started to purr. They get neutered and chipped over the weekend and I get to take them home Monday. I can't wait!
I've never started with adult cats -- I started with a pair of kittens last time -- so any advice about helping these two guys feel at home would be gratefully appreciated.
When we were looking for a new cat some years ago, the three Miss's Marks alighted on a litter of 3 kittens. Suffice to say no choice culd be made and we had all 3. Allow them time to explore, provide a few toys and lots of cuddles and I'm sure they'll love their new home with you.
Incidentally we have the last of the 3 kittens still: Macavity the Tortishell (sadly the tabby and black are now ruinning in greener fields) is asleep on the sofa as befits an old lady of 18. It won't be lkomng before supper and her following Mrs M and me to bed, where she sleeps by the side of Mrs M.
Posts: 3845 | From: A new Jerusalem | Registered: Apr 2009
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# 15541
Paranoid new pet mum here.
Gabi is settling in well and seems to like being in the garden. Or so I thought, now after a few moments when having been upstairs I came down to a scattering of paws as she dashes outside (similiar to the sudden movement off a forbidden sofa)I am wondering if she thinks I want her to be in garden, when I think I am leaving the door open for her to choose. I don't want her to think she is being sent out as a negative thing.
She has no interest in any of toys provided, but loves me to play chase with her in the large garden. When I can't be playing with her she lies down, but has that mournful abandoned bored look - I need some ideas for her to entertain herself.
Posts: 1305 | From: west midlands | Registered: Mar 2010
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 Ordinary decent pagan
# 619
quote: Originally posted by Avila: that mournful abandoned bored look.
I thought dogs looked like that all the time.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001
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 Ship's broken porthole
# 4544
quote: Originally posted by Firenze: quote: Originally posted by Avila: that mournful abandoned bored look.
I thought dogs looked like that all the time.
I visualize a basset hound.
-------------------- "Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano
Posts: 21377 | From: CA | Registered: May 2003
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 Boogie on down!
# 13538
quote: Originally posted by Avila: When I can't be playing with her she lies down, but has that mournful abandoned bored look - I need some ideas for her to entertain herself.
Dogs don't need to be entertained. They need good, long walks - then they'll happily snooze.
-------------------- Garden. Room. Walk
Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008
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