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Thread: Pacifica plays... Australia, NZ and the like!
Ship's Grandma
# 4927
quote: Originally posted by rexory: Just talking to little Esther's grandma. The little one one is off life-support and stable. Prayer continuing.
Thanks for the update. Have been praying and wondering how things were.
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# 3473
Yes, me too
Well, fingers and toes firmly crossed. I talked to one of the workers on the sewerage pumping station being buried in the road at the end of the street. He estimates that they will be finished in 2 weeks time Hopefully that will mean the road is sealed and the nearest bus stop should be fully functional.
The other good news is that the company hired by my insurers rang and my driveway and fence are going to be fixed in the near future. It's difficult to get really excited about this when other people are still waiting to have their sub-standard houses fixed . I know there are often legal and engineering isssues involved, but it doesn't feel right.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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 Foxier than Thou
# 12744
Happy Pentecost, everyone! I've just been to a most splendid Eucharist with baptisms at St John's Cathedral, Brisbane. If I were mystery worshipping, then thing thing I would remember in seven days is the font overflowing with water, and the Dean making a big splash as he inducted Lucy into the Body of Christ.
-------------------- I've started blogging. I don't promise you'll find anything to interest you at uncleconrad
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# 11803
That sounds like good news about little Esther, Rexory - prayers continuing from over here too.
-------------------- I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander. alto n a soprano who can read music
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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505
Ro is now on her way to the bosom of family and shippies at the sunny end of Oz, and her very impressive Frontier Services Patrol vehicle is gathering much local comment on our front lawn.
Chez Banner - ministry advertising for free! ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
-------------------- Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.
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Galloping Granny
# 13814
A party for the birthday of the church this morning, with lots of bright 'flames' as well as balloons and general joy. The bible reading was read simultaneously in English, Mandarin, Greek, Hindi, Maori, French, German and Latin, an awesome babel of tongues.
-------------------- The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it. Gospel of Thomas, 113
Posts: 2629 | From: Matarangi | Registered: Jun 2008
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# 10582
A joyous celebration of Pentecost up here. I preached in part on the chaos of the Spirit, and the kids (fortunately?!) in their own way turned on the chaos more than ever.
But tempered by the sad news about +John. May his wife Jan and family be comforted by the Spirit.
-------------------- 'All the same, it may be that I am wrong; what I take for gold and diamonds may be only a little copper and glass.'
Posts: 506 | From: Top End | Registered: Oct 2005
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# 12829
Just a note to say a huge THANK YOU! to patdys who has both emailed and posted to me on a USB stick photos of granny's cousin's grave in Adelaide's Centennial Park.
The Floating Fund will get a boost in just a few minutes, plus I will do my best to commit a random act of genealogical kindness as soon as the opportunity presents.
Thank you so much, patdys, he was AWOL from 1919 until 2003, so it's fantastic to see where his final resting spot.
-------------------- "It becomes soon pleasantly apparent that change-ringing is by no means merely an excuse for beer" Charles Dickens gets it wrong, 1869
Posts: 3574 | From: The wardrobe of my soul | Registered: Jul 2007
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# 12829
...and entirely forgot to say "Cute wallaby!"
-------------------- "It becomes soon pleasantly apparent that change-ringing is by no means merely an excuse for beer" Charles Dickens gets it wrong, 1869
Posts: 3574 | From: The wardrobe of my soul | Registered: Jul 2007
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
No fun and games here. My brother developed flashing in his right eye on Monday evening. He went to GP yesterday who was concerned about the possibility of a detaching retina. From there straight to an emergency appointment with eye surgeon. After about five hours there, he was told to come back if symptoms returned but all seemed well.
Late last night the flashing returned, so my nephew drove him to ER at Sydney Eye Hospital. After a while, they also said there was no sign of detaching.
As hours pass the likelihood of this passes, but it's worrying.
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
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Gee D
# 13815
Thanks for the news Lothlorien - we'll look out for him over the weekend.
-------------------- Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican
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Ship's Wake
# 8433
My diocese heads into episcopal electoral mode on Saturday ... not significant enough to play "Predicting the Ocker Kiwi Purple", but spare a prayer for us, not least that we survive hours of hot air and repeated speeches. We will have a bishop at the end of it - NZ goes for first past the post 50% in both houses, as against the OZ 66% in both houses model.
I have my preferred candidate ... but I'm not saying who until after the result is out. These pixels have ears.
Candidate profiles are on the diocesan website if anyone wants a look.
-------------------- shameless self promotion - because I think it's worth it and mayhap this too:
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# 11803
Good luck, Zappa - for wisdom and discernment.
-------------------- I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander. alto n a soprano who can read music
Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006
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Gee D
# 13815
Lothlorien, We saw your brother this morning. He said his eye does not feel as it should, but after all the tests last Tuesday, the doctor made a further appointment for Thursday next week. In an emergency, he's to get straight back.
-------------------- Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
Had email, thanks Gee D. He's not supposed to do heavy lifting or gardening either.
I can imagine the eye feels assaulted after all the drops and poking and testing. We'll be glad when all has been cleared up.
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003
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# 3473
Looked at your possibilities Zappa, I know one of them by name only and him because I think he was one of my mother's cousin's Sunday School boys.
Ah, degrees of separation in NZ!
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002
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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505
I shall be limping off to the airport tomorrow to collect Rowen, who will be in a wheelchair.
Talk about the lame leading the lame... ![[Disappointed]](graemlins/disappointed.gif)
-------------------- Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.
Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005
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James the Confident
Ship's Pastor
# 9678
-------------------- "How do you get all those coins?" asked Mort. IN PAIRS "Mort", Terry Pratchett
Posts: 3219 | From: Geelong | Registered: Jul 2005
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
quote: Originally posted by Banner Lady: I shall be limping off to the airport tomorrow to collect Rowen, who will be in a wheelchair.
Talk about the lame leading the lame...
I hope someone gets a photo! Will she be able to drive home?
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003
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# 1194
I slipped in a wet bathroom...sprained a hip muscle. I can walk, but slowly. Airports are pretty big, so a chair will be handy.
A wedding of a family member in Brisbane... I limped my way through it, but had great fun. A Buddhist originally from Sri Lanka, and she is from an Anglo UCA family. Glorious ethnic and religious wedding.
-------------------- "May I live this day… compassionate of heart" (John O’Donoghue)...
Posts: 4897 | From: Somewhere cold in Victoria, Australia | Registered: Aug 2001
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
Take care, Rowen and prayer for quick healing.
Probably cold down your way. SMH reports snow all night at Perisher and still snowing.
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003
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# 11803
I should avoid the snow if I were you, Rowen - we don't want you taking another tumble.
Take care and get better soon! ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander. alto n a soprano who can read music
Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006
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Gee D
# 13815
Prayers for you both Rowen and Lothlorien - just saw your post on the JtC thread.
-------------------- Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican
Posts: 7028 | From: Warrawee NSW Australia | Registered: Jun 2008
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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505
Rowen has successfully arrived and departed the National Capitol - thanks to wheelchairs and painkillers - perhaps the hardest part of the journey was the climb up into her patrol vehicle.
May the journey get easier as she goes home. And so may it be for all of us. ![[Votive]](graemlins/votive.gif)
-------------------- Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.
Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005
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# 1194
Actually, climbing up into the big car is easy. My body knows the motions well. And painkillers help! I am supposed to rest when I get home... Typical sprain treatment, only it is around my hip, so rather odd. I am in Cooma tonight. Bit chilly, what! Winter has certainly struck. BL was very kind, as she limped away beside me. Two limpers... She even went into a computer shop and bought the right part for me, all computer illiterate and all. And then made me yummy sandwiches for the twilight journey. May those who are cold, sore, and worried tonight, find warm rest somewhere.
-------------------- "May I live this day… compassionate of heart" (John O’Donoghue)...
Posts: 4897 | From: Somewhere cold in Victoria, Australia | Registered: Aug 2001
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# 1194
After a cold night in Cooma, a visiting friend contacted me in a panic. The usual Sydney to Orbost bus route is severely curtailed in winter, which we didn't know, and she, from OS, was in Sydney, and faced with great difficulty in getting into East Gippsland. So, I turned around, directing myself and her into Canberra. I am now in BL's house again, hanging round until my friend's bus arrives after lunch. BL is as gracious as ever! Her house is warm and cosy, and the tea is plentiful. Two tiny weeny ship meets in as many days!
-------------------- "May I live this day… compassionate of heart" (John O’Donoghue)...
Posts: 4897 | From: Somewhere cold in Victoria, Australia | Registered: Aug 2001
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
quote: Originally posted by Mr Curly: Biggest is now a learner driver.
Lord, have mercy.
mr curly
I think I must have missed seeing some years whizz past.
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003
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# 3473
Drive safely Biggest.
I haven't driven for over 20 years, but keep my license renewed as it is the only form of ID I have that is acceptable in most places.
Countdown to the shortest day I can put on extra clothes if I'm cold, but nothing really compensates for getting up in the dark. Matariki (Maori New Year) festival of light at the Port this weekend.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
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Gee D
# 13815
He has grown, hasn't he. Please post warnings if he'll be driving around here.
But it's a bugger having to do all the hours. Madame did the daytime ones, and then I took the 20 night-time hours. A long journey on well lit roads, with you having control of the music is the trick. That way, you can get 90 minutes to 2 hours in a night. Be careful of RBTs. Not only is the driver tested but also the supervising drive.
A good hint. That place out near St Ive's Showground (no advertising there) does a great job both at the beginning and just before the test. Book a half day course after the test has been booked, tell the instructor, and Biggest will be trained on the usual test routes and all the tricks pointed out.
-------------------- Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican
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Mr Curly
 Off to Curly Flat
# 5518
Thanks for the tips Gee D. Once he has the same amount of enthusiasm for practicing for his 8th grade piano exam as getting behind the wheel, we'll be right. The word "leverage" comes to mind.
Mrs C took him to Warrawee last night for Yr 11 subject selection night. It all went well, but he was "tired" so they came home without going to a session on the subject he's not sure if he wants to do. ie the most important thing to go to.
Off course, having not woken them up until 6 to watch recording of Aus V Holland, I'm in trouble. The logical link between these events is denied.
Rant over.
mr curly
-------------------- My Blog - Writing, Film, Other Stuff
Posts: 2645 | From: Curly Flat | Registered: Feb 2004
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Ship's Grandma
# 4927
Lots of inconsistencies at that age, Mr Curly.. Priorities vary from day to day. At least that was my experience with each of three boys.
-------------------- Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.
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Gee D
# 13815
They should have dropped in for a chat. Mrs C should ring and have a chat with the subject head, then all discuss with Biggest. And perhaps ask for a one-to-one talk at school. Heads like to grab students, popularity boosts their status and so forth.
-------------------- Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican
Posts: 7028 | From: Warrawee NSW Australia | Registered: Jun 2008
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# 3473
quote: Originally posted by Lothlorien: Lots of inconsistencies at that age, Mr Curly.. Priorities vary from day to day. At least that was my experience with each of three boys.
One of the benefits of not having had children is that there is no one to put me through what I put my parents through as a teenager. (Of course it has its downsides too.)
A beautiful day today, but -2c is expected overnight - good thing I found my hottie. I may even have to wear a woolly hat to bed tonight. Thank heavens there is only the cat to laugh at me.
Huia [ 19. June 2014, 05:58: Message edited by: Huia ]
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002
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James the Confident
Ship's Pastor
# 9678
Pictures please ![[Big Grin]](biggrin.gif)
-------------------- "How do you get all those coins?" asked Mort. IN PAIRS "Mort", Terry Pratchett
Posts: 3219 | From: Geelong | Registered: Jul 2005
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Mr Curly
 Off to Curly Flat
# 5518
quote: Originally posted by Gee D: They should have dropped in for a chat. Mrs C should ring and have a chat with the subject head, then all discuss with Biggest. And perhaps ask for a one-to-one talk at school. Heads like to grab students, popularity boosts their status and so forth.
No doubt, the service IS excellent. Our time, on the other hand, is in short supply with assisting various unwell relatives* - apart from running the three ring circus that is our family life.
And I'm looking for more work - where would I fit it in?
mr curly
* Mother-in-law better, home from hospital earlier than expected after another round of chemo. Sister-in-law-in-law deteriorating at a steady pace with Motor Neuron disease.
-------------------- My Blog - Writing, Film, Other Stuff
Posts: 2645 | From: Curly Flat | Registered: Feb 2004
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# 3473
quote: Originally posted by James the Confident: Pictures please
And I always though you were a nice young man. My illusions have been shattered
I have neither the technological ability nor the technology, however the warmest single hat I own is a black knitted helmet lined with polar fleece. It has two buttons sewn on as eyes, whiskers stitched and black pointy ears lined with pink. I have only worn it once in public when all the other hats were wet. Small children were amused, while their parents looked at me sideways.
Georgie-Porgy does not think that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
-------------------- Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.
Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002
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James the Confident
Ship's Pastor
# 9678
![[Hot and Hormonal]](icon_redface.gif)
-------------------- "How do you get all those coins?" asked Mort. IN PAIRS "Mort", Terry Pratchett
Posts: 3219 | From: Geelong | Registered: Jul 2005
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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505
A foggy day this week where the temperature was 1 degree Celsius at midday saw TP out in the garden with the warmest hat on that he owns. It was made by my sister and looks remarkably like one worn in medieval portraits. A short cylinder made out of black velveteen with the reverse side padded purple fleecy, it has a back flap that covers both ears as well.
It makes him look very severe; the magpies that usually follow him around looking for worms gave him a wide berth that day.
-------------------- Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.
Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005
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Dennis the Menace
# 11833
quote: Originally posted by Zappa: and amen
I had not heard of John McIntyre until his passing, but I sure do wish I had meet him.
-------------------- "Till we cast our crowns before Him; Lost in wonder, love, and praise."
Posts: 853 | From: Newcastle NSW Australia | Registered: Sep 2006
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# 7002
Did anyone else have the church life survey today? Is it still the go that it happens one Sunday of the year? I am amazed at whatever sorcery happened at my church today, almost every single once in a blue moon Sunday School attender was there today, instead of usual 6-8 kids we had 17
Posts: 2871 | From: "A capsule of modernity afloat in a wild sea" | Registered: May 2004
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Emendator Liturgia
# 17245
The death of Bishop John is a huge loss to both the Church Catholic, the Anglican Church, and to the nation. John stood up for what he saw as imperatives without counting the cost to himself.
Bishop John had accepted the invitation of our Communities to celebrate and preach at our Feast of Title in August, before which we were going to have discussions with him regarding becoming our 'Episcopal Visitor' or the like - his untimely and way-too-early death has been deeply felt. We continue to commend his soul to the protection of a loving and caring God.
Posts: 401 | From: Sydney, Australia | Registered: Jul 2012
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