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Source: (consider it) Thread: Pacifica plays... Australia, NZ and the like!
# 11803

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That's frightful, DD. May his soul rest in peace and rise in glory.

[Votive] for the recovery of the survivor.

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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Originally posted by DangerousDeacon:
Sad news from my former ministry in the Solomon Islands. Whilst two novices (trainees in the Melanesian Brotherhood) were walking the road between Tabalia (the Brother's Headquarters on Guadalcanal) and Honiara, it appears they were set upon. One novice escaped with his life, but the other is dead. Lots of conjecture, but no further reliable information at this time. May our brother rest in peace.

Very sad. I have passed this on to my friend who has just returned from his second trip this year to Solomons. While not a pentecostal, he preaches in many of their small churches and holds studies and coffee shop type talks to discuss matters with some of their pastors.

[ 30. October 2014, 20:23: Message edited by: Lothlorien ]

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 7002

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What a horrible thing to happen DD, so sad and so brutal.

[Votive] for all involved

Posts: 2871 | From: "A capsule of modernity afloat in a wild sea" | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 10582

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The young novice who died is Jackson Londo. The other novice, Abraham Kelly, is injured. The police are investigating, and the Melanesian Brotherhood are devastated. As we observe All Saints Day, please pray for the repose of the soul of Novice Jackson, and for God's comfort for those who mourn, especially his family and community in East Guadalcanal, and for the Melanesian Brotherhood. We also pray for Novice Abraham Kelly, and for his recovery.

'All the same, it may be that I am wrong; what I take for gold and diamonds may be only a little copper and glass.'

Posts: 506 | From: Top End | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Galloping Granny
# 13814

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The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it. Gospel of Thomas, 113

Posts: 2629 | From: Matarangi | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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[Votive] [Votive] for all concerned here. The Brotherhood has paid a high price for its work yet again.

for all the saints who from their labours rest...

[ 31. October 2014, 19:40: Message edited by: Lothlorien ]

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Emendator Liturgia
# 17245

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I have incorporated both of the novices names in our liturgy for the morrow - we celebrate both All Saints' and All Souls' - one rolling into the other - not the best liturgical practice but one born our of necessity.

[Votive] [Votive]

[ 31. October 2014, 22:02: Message edited by: Emendator Liturgia ]

Don't judge all Anglicans in Sydney by prevailing Diocesan standards!

Posts: 401 | From: Sydney, Australia | Registered: Jul 2012  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Wake
# 8433

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[Votive] Jackson Londo
[Votive] Abraham Kelly, and
[Votive] the Melanesian Brotherhood

shameless self promotion - because I think it's worth it
and mayhap this too: http://broken-moments.blogspot.co.nz/

Posts: 18917 | From: "Central" is all they call it | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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[Votive] for the soul of Jackson Londo, for the recovery of Abraham Kelly, for the rest of the Brotherhood and all those who mourn.

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Galloping Granny
# 13814

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Just received my renewed driver licence, and discovered I'm still licensed to ride a motor bike. I thought they'd dropped it years ago. Brrrm Brrrm! Don't think I could get my leg over even the 125cc I rode 35 years ago.
My photo looks quite like the queen.
What are the rules for ageing drivers over the ditch? Here it's a medical at 75 and 80 and every 2 years thereafter. Or a test if the doctor isn't convinced.

The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it. Gospel of Thomas, 113

Posts: 2629 | From: Matarangi | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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My youngest brother bought a Harley - but I don't think he would be likely to lend it to you for a spin. The first time he took it up the Kapiti Coast the local bikie gang offered to let him ride with them. [Eek!]

I went to a lovely craft show on Friday. Mainly quilting, needlework, scrapbooking and some card making. Amongst some very traditional crafts there was some very up to date technology This ScanNcut blew me away, as did the price. Still it's much cheaper than many sewing machines.

I also got some ideas for fine tuning the Christmas mini banner which may be my 'card' this year.


[Link corrected]

[ 01. November 2014, 10:28: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]

Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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Originally posted by Galloping Granny:
... What are the rules for ageing drivers over the ditch?

In the UK your driving licence lasts until your 70th birthday, and when I passed my test (in 1987) they didn't have a photograph, so you didn't need to renew the physical licence. At 70 you have to get a medical certificate to say that you're fit.

I don't drive over here (I haven't had the nerve to sit another test), but I think the rules are similar, although the photo-licences have to be replaced every five years.

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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It is similar here with the basic licence lasting until 70 but Himself has to renew his additional [Heavy Goods Vehicle and Bus] licences every three years which involves an eye test and various other things.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 10582

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Thank you for all the prayers for the Melanesian Brotherhood. I have spoken to a couple of the Brothers, they are preparing for burial once the body is released by the police.

'All the same, it may be that I am wrong; what I take for gold and diamonds may be only a little copper and glass.'

Posts: 506 | From: Top End | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 10582

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Drivers Licenses - in Australia I think (? - not being of senior enough years yet!) that it is 75 then you need a medical, and at 84 you need to pass a driving test. There is also provision for a restricted licence where you can only drive within 10 km of your home, in which case you don't need to pass the test. But I stand to be corrected on this!

Many years ago in the Army I gained a licence for a light bus (the old Toyota Hi-Ace). This then became a civilian licence for a light rigid vehicle, which due to changes in licencing regulations over the decades has now morphed into a licence for a truck up to 8 tons. I haven't had to do a thing, just watch the regulations change.

'All the same, it may be that I am wrong; what I take for gold and diamonds may be only a little copper and glass.'

Posts: 506 | From: Top End | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
Ship's parrot
# 9594

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Rescuing the thread from the bottom of the page...

Explaining why is going to need a moment, since along the way we must take in the Ancient Greeks, the study of birds, witchcraft, 19thC Vaudeville and the history of baseball. Michael Quinion.

Posts: 2966 | From: somewhere with a book shop | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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Hi, Athrawes. Getting ready for the end of school etc?

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Ship's parrot
# 9594

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Trying to survive report cards. I'm up to my armpits in marking, so checking the ship is vital!

Explaining why is going to need a moment, since along the way we must take in the Ancient Greeks, the study of birds, witchcraft, 19thC Vaudeville and the history of baseball. Michael Quinion.

Posts: 2966 | From: somewhere with a book shop | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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Hi Athrawes - have you needed to use the long jump pit this year? [Biased]

Hope the report writing goes well and that when your well deserved holidays finally come you have a chance to relax.


Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Ship's parrot
# 9594

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The long jump pit had to be retired [Waterworks] . Fortunately there are enough yabbies in the creek for body disposal purposes. It's been a long year.

Explaining why is going to need a moment, since along the way we must take in the Ancient Greeks, the study of birds, witchcraft, 19thC Vaudeville and the history of baseball. Michael Quinion.

Posts: 2966 | From: somewhere with a book shop | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged
Gee D
# 13815

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Good to hear from you again - keep us up to date with your doings.

Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican

Posts: 7028 | From: Warrawee NSW Australia | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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Athrawes I hope you can get a good break over Christmas.


Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Gee D
# 13815

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GG, how are the new hearing aids? At least being purple, they should make assignations in railway stations and so forth easier.

Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican

Posts: 7028 | From: Warrawee NSW Australia | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
Nunc Dimittis
Seamstress of Sound
# 848

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Hello everyone. It's been a loooooooong loooooong time since I posted on the Ship.

Some of you may know I had some turmoil earlier in the year. That's now more or less resolved and I'm staying put for the time being (there are plans in the works, but I'm not going to say anything here and now).

Just, er, lobbing in to say hi and I haven't disappeared into the ether.

Posts: 9515 | From: Delta Quadrant | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
Uncle Pete

Loyaute me lie
# 10422

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Originally posted by Gee D:
GG, how are the new hearing aids? At least being purple, they should make assignations in railway stations and so forth easier.

You mean Huia? Mine are so boring.

Even more so than I was before

Posts: 20466 | From: No longer where I was | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ordinary decent pagan
# 619

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Originally posted by Nunc Dimittis:

Just, er, lobbing in to say hi and I haven't disappeared into the ether.

Glad to hear it. Hope you'll have more time to was- spend on board.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Gee D
# 13815

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Welcome back Nunc Dimittis. Now if someone could persuade Multipara to return as well......

Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican

Posts: 7028 | From: Warrawee NSW Australia | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
Gee D
# 13815

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Sorry for the double post, but I did forget to say that I was not aware of any difficulties you had earlier in the year. Commiserations for those.

My memory must be bad Uncle Pete. I thought that it was GG had the new hearing aids. I have really only had a quick scan of the hip over the last few weeks is the better of available excuses.

Not every Anglican in Sydney is Sydney Anglican

Posts: 7028 | From: Warrawee NSW Australia | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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Originally posted by Uncle Pete:
Originally posted by Gee D:
GG, how are the new hearing aids? At least being purple, they should make assignations in railway stations and so forth easier.

You mean Huia? Mine are so boring.
I know of one young boy who has one purple and one green aid so he can tell easily which colour goes in which ear. Diagnosed with severe hearing loss when he was very young, he has worn hearing aids basically all his life.

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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Gee D They are fantastic! The purple is almost hidden by my hair, but I know it's there. There are birds at the end of my street that yell every time I walk past and the magpies next door are very loud.

The audiologist said when children are choosing hearing aids anything can happen colour wise because they get 4 choices, one for each of the aids that fit behind the ear and one for each of the ear moulds that go inside the ear, anything to encourage them to wear them. Being more adult (ahem) my right ear mould is red and the left blue - so I put them in the correct ear.

Nunc - it's lovely to see you back. [Cool] Take care of yourself.


Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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Being more adult (ahem) my right ear mould is red and the left blue - so I put them in the correct ear.
Both sets of aids which I have had had a discreet, permanent red dot on the right earpiece. Just how they came. I put a corresponding dot of nail polish on the actual right aid so I could always pair them up correctly after taking apart for cleaning.

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 13074

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My young grandson opted for hearing aids in Collingwood colours and his young friends are most envious and impressed. Now he is no longer embarrassed about wearing hearing aids, which can be a problem for young boys.

"My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, accept the praise I bring"

Posts: 1307 | From: Australia | Registered: Oct 2007  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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I've no experience of hearing aids (yet!) but the colour-coding thing works with contact-lenses: as well as being labelled "L" and "R", the lids or the little baskety things are usually one white, one coloured - "right in the white".

I suppose if you haven't got your lenses in, you might not be able to read the letters ... [Biased]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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I suppose if you haven't got your lenses in, you might not be able to read the letters ...
I have a set of the tiny screwdrivers needed for tightening screws on the arms or frames of my glasses. Trouble is, I have to take the glasses off to use them and then can't see the head of the screw. I now wait for someone else to arrive with better sight.

[ 12. November 2014, 03:30: Message edited by: Lothlorien ]

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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Yup, been there, done that ... [Big Grin]

I use spectacles as well as contacts, and I used to have a set that comprised a little magnifying glass with a screwdriver that slotted into the handle, but I've lost the screwdriver. [Frown]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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I have my magnifying specs on a neck chain - trouble is when I take them off and put them down they sometimes tangle - and I can't see to untangle them without my magnifying specs on!

Catch 22, sigh.

I have decided that my new year's resolution is to buy as many cheap different colour rimmed specs as possible and put them on hangers with matching scarves. As I mostly wear black, it's an inexpensive way of doing "fashion". I've got to that age when I begrudge time spent on how I present myself to the world.

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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Some of those scarves could well be more expensive than the frames!

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 1194

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I used to need glasses for everything.
As I get older, I can see better up-close, so now take them off for reading, computer, jewellery clasps and so forth.
Many folk giggle when they see me do this.... Not a typical gesture of tne older section of tne community.
Or maybe I am just laughable at?

"May I live this day… compassionate of heart" (John O’Donoghue)...

Posts: 4897 | From: Somewhere cold in Victoria, Australia | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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I'm pretty much the same and read without my specs but recently invested in a sort of middle pair that is fab for computer use but it is taking me a while to learn to move back for clarity rather than forwards as I have been doing for so many years.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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I have been wondering if anyone has had contact with James the Confident, or did he tell us he wold be caught up with RL?

Huia the forgetful - who doesn't have much RL

Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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Perhaps his marriage has happened, or he is in the throes of preparation, making him a bit busy.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
Galloping Granny
# 13814

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I need hearing aids but have been so busy with all the Grandad's problems that I haven't got a round tuit yet.

Whereas his hearing's much worse but he is so furious when I mention his overdue hearing test and de-waxing that it's not happening yet.


The Kingdom of Heaven is spread upon the earth, and men do not see it. Gospel of Thomas, 113

Posts: 2629 | From: Matarangi | Registered: Jun 2008  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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I've seen round tuits in bargain shops here. Perhaps I should send you one.

I knew I needed them for very many years before I actually got a round tuit too. I hate them but know I could not manage without them now at all.

My sister once spoke to ex Mr L and was told it was my problem, not his.

Buy a bale. Help our Aussie rural communities and farmers. Another great cause needing support The High Country Patrol.

Posts: 9745 | From: girt by sea | Registered: Aug 2003  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Wake
# 8433

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Originally posted by Huia:
I have been wondering if anyone has had contact with James the Confident, or did he tell us he wold be caught up with RL?

Huia the forgetful - who doesn't have much RL

While one shouldn't mention other fora on the Ship, he appears active and cheerful elsewhere ...

shameless self promotion - because I think it's worth it
and mayhap this too: http://broken-moments.blogspot.co.nz/

Posts: 18917 | From: "Central" is all they call it | Registered: Sep 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 9491

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Poor FD has be doing some supply work at Sick Dissenters and has just been called out.... after a long day there already, plus 37 degree heat, plus the car breaking down, plus only just getting home and pouring a glass of something convivial before dinner.

Dear Lord, I know that in the Great Scheme of Things it's trivial, but can you keep his guardian angel on alert tonight?

I scraped my knees while I was praying - Paramore

Posts: 793 | From: Over the rainbow | Registered: May 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 3473

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37c [Eek!] Commiserations. I can't even begin to imagine that!

The something convivial sounds like a good idea.


Charity gives food from the table, Justice gives a place at the table.

Posts: 10382 | From: Te Wai Pounamu | Registered: Oct 2002  |  IP: Logged
Ship's Grandma
# 4927

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Huia, it was 34° at my place in inner west Sydney yesterday. However, I have a screen shot showing name of suburb and 46° last summer.

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# 11803

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I've just checked the Environment Canada web-site and it's 33°F here at the moment.

Then again, it's nearly winter here ... [Big Grin]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
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