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Source: (consider it) Thread: Keep Calm and Carry On - the British thread 2014
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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I went to buy a new internet dongle for Pete this morning and noticed that on their smellies shelf they had a bottle of a new [to me] fragrance from Imperial Leather™ called Liverpool - the mind veritably boggles!

I imagine just a hint of The Albert Dock at low tide and a soupcon of the smell of the paddock after the Grand National.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
Heavenly Anarchist
# 13313

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No snow here, just endless drizzle.

'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' Douglas Adams
Dog Activity Monitor
My shop

Posts: 2831 | From: Trumpington | Registered: Jan 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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No snow here - just chilly and overcast. [Roll Eyes]

I am Home Alone for a few hours and it's such a treat that I hardly know what to do with myself. [Big Grin] I could write my journal, start one of the books on my ever-growing To Read list, watch one of the DVDs I got for Christmas which are still in their cellophane...

Nen - drinking coffee. [Biased]

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
I went to buy a new internet dongle for Pete this morning and noticed that on their smellies shelf they had a bottle of a new [to me] fragrance from Imperial Leather™ called Liverpool - the mind veritably boggles!

I imagine just a hint of The Albert Dock at low tide and a soupcon of the smell of the paddock after the Grand National.

Wonderful!! [Killing me]

There could be the makings of a thread in this.

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Boogie on down!
# 13538

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The lesson observation went really well. I am still glowing from all the good feedback.

Phew phew phew phew. If it hadn't gone well I'd have jacked it all in there and then. I put so much effort into one lesson it darn well had to be graded outstanding!

Hopefully I'll be left alone to get on with it now.


Garden. Room. Walk

Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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That's good news, Boogie. [Big Grin]

I've had a delightfully indulgent day in front of the fire with my books but now need to embark on cooking tea.

Nen - wishing she could have days like this a bit more often.

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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Good on you, Boogie. [Yipee]

I get the feeling I may regret asking this, but what's a dongle?


I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
la vie en rouge
# 10688

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After providing the most shocking customer service in the known universe this Christmas (not one but two cancellations that added up to a seventeen hour [Eek!] delay for our flight) Air France have somewhat redeemed themselves.

We sent a very strongly worded letter and the reply came back today. Some of it is a bit weaselly (we was obeying safety regulations and our staff totally did their best - yerright) but on the upside, they have given each passenger a whopping 250€ for a new ticket our of choice. Which is (a) not so bad and (b) pretty much an admission of guilt anyway, since it's more than the value of our original tickets on the doomed Christmas journey.

They may now get off the spit.

[ 30. January 2014, 19:42: Message edited by: la vie en rouge ]

Rent my holiday home in the South of France

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# 4655

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A dongle can be used to plug into your computer for mobile data, so if you are out and about you can get internet connection. You pay a subscription for them generally or get them as part of a package.

It's a great word!

Posts: 773 | From: London | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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Originally posted by la vie en rouge:
...Some of it is a bit weaselly...


Glad you got it sorted, airlines are all bad but some are worse than others - they all care more for the shareholders than either customers or staff.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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As of last night, my phone has decided to finish its little break by the south coast seaside and is now in London, wanting a lift home.

I suppose this is the trouble with smartphones - they're intelligent, so they get curious and bored, and want to explore. I’ll be having a few words with it later on.

(Given the way things have gone so far, I may also christen it either "Romy" or "Wanda".)

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Heavenly Anarchist
# 13313

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Glad you found it, it must have been very worrying.

Finally got the tax return in last night (a day later than last year [Big Grin] so much for best laid plans and all that). Today is a busy one shopping, tidying and baking as we have 7 thirteen year old boys descending on the house for my son's birthday - pizza, film and fireworks, if the rain holds off.

'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' Douglas Adams
Dog Activity Monitor
My shop

Posts: 2831 | From: Trumpington | Registered: Jan 2008  |  IP: Logged
St Everild
# 3626

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Have fun, HA! Sounds rather terrifying, lots of 13 year old boys around the place...

Having spent a lovely lunchtime and afternoon catching up with a friend whom I have not seen for several years (and we picked up where we left off) I now have to Get On With It and prepare for tomorrow morning and write Sunday's sermon and choose a month's worth of hymns...

Posts: 1782 | From: Bethnei | Registered: Dec 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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Originally posted by St Everild:
Having spent a lovely lunchtime and afternoon catching up with a friend whom I have not seen for several years (and we picked up where we left off)

I have this to look forward to tomorrow. [Big Grin] Am having coffee with a friend I haven't seen to talk to properly for months and prior to that it was years - and we talked as though we'd never been apart. In fact, I have a lovely, if busy, day ahead tomorrow and haven't got to do any planning for Sunday apart from take a dessert for shared lunch at church.

Nen - whose weekends are not always such fun. [Biased]

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

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Heavenly Anarchist
# 13313

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Today I received a letter from work confirming that they are taking up my offer of voluntary redundancy for my February course (not full redundancy as I still will teach 2 October - June courses, more a reduction of hours) but that they need to pay me 3 months salary in lieu as I didn't get 3 months notice of confirmation. So next month I get an extra 3 month's pay for giving up a course I no longer want to teach. Now I have less marking to do in the Spring, the whole summer off and I get 3 months pay for doing nothing. Result! [Big Grin]

'I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.' Douglas Adams
Dog Activity Monitor
My shop

Posts: 2831 | From: Trumpington | Registered: Jan 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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That sounds like a very good deal, HA - hope you enjoy practising for retirement. [Yipee]

Fun times today - went out with the lab staff and students to celebrate one of the students handing in her PhD thesis, and the choice of celebration was bowling. No matter that I'm absolutely rubbish at it (I think I got two "strikes" the whole afternoon) - I really rather enjoyed it, although I think I may have developed bowler's knee/shoulder/back/neck ... [Ultra confused]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Wesley J

Silly Shipmate
# 6075

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Were you wearing a bowler hat?

Be it as it may: Wesley J will stay. --- Euthanasia, that sounds good. An alpine neutral neighbourhood. Then back to Britain, all dressed in wood. Things were gonna get worse. (John Cooper Clarke)

Posts: 7354 | From: The Isles of Silly | Registered: May 2004  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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Originally posted by Heavenly Anarchist:
Glad you found it, it must have been very worrying.

Yes, 11 days of "who has got it and are they doing anything with the info on it". It's back, a bit dirtier and scuffed, and someone has opened the cover and removed the 32GB SD card so my photos and apps have gone, but everything else is intact. I'm a bit annoyed about having to pay £11 retrieval and storage fees after nearly 2 weeks and having the SD card taken, but what the hell.

Nice afternoon in Chinatown and the National Gallery afterwards, despite the rain. I'd meant to explore the South Bank, but it really wasn't the weather for it and ended up in the medieval section of the NG: a real delight. Some of those paintings look startingly recent, so clear and bright with the gold still sparkling, even 700-odd years later.

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Boogie on down!
# 13538

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I'm off to walk the dog then visit Mum. The dog comes too - she is like a PAT dog for all the old folks, puts her head on their knees to be fussed. One lady says "I love you" to her over and over again.

It's a lovely sunny day! [Smile]

Garden. Room. Walk

Posts: 13030 | From: Boogie Wonderland | Registered: Mar 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 4756

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Sun just disappearing here, and getting windy. But going over, minus our dog, to see family. [Smile]
Posts: 4544 | From: not too far from Manchester, UK | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 14017

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been niceish weather here, but weird. Bright sun then hail, and a strong wind. Now an odd yellow light over everything!

But not cold. which is good.

My son (14) has had xbox and kindle privileges removed for the day, and is currently building a kit car left over from christmas. peaceful...

Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 14017

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... and I just want to report the weridness of taking dogs out but picking up wrong jacket, so having to go out again afterward to retrieve poos. In the hail. I took the car. We are the strangest nation on earth.
Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged

Mostly Harmless
# 36

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Originally posted by Taliesin:
But not cold. which is good.

Not good at all. While it's nice at the moment, the ramification of this is that this summer we'll see a larger than usual influx of insects, particularly ants and wasps, as we've not had a decent frost so more of the queens will survive the winter than usual.

"May you get to heaven before the devil knows you're dead" - Irish blessing

Posts: 12860 | From: The Valley of Crocuses | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 14017

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I was being upbeat, dammit! I'm actually praying for snow.
Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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It's raining again. Pouring with rain. I've had enough of it. Am sick of rain. Want the rain to stop. [brick wall] We're going out this evening and we'll get wet. I'm tired of getting wet. I'm fed up with hearing the sound of rain on the windows. I don't want to keep waking in the night to the sound of rain.

Nen - did I mention I was tired of rain?

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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Originally posted by Spike:
Not good at all. While it's nice at the moment, the ramification of this is that this summer we'll see a larger than usual influx of insects, particularly ants and wasps, as we've not had a decent frost so more of the queens will survive the winter than usual.

Not necessarily. Winter hasn't finished with us yet: I've a feeling that February may yet see the winter chill we haven't had so far. Snow will be fine, provided it doesn't settle.
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# 12007

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Originally posted by Spike:
Originally posted by Taliesin:
But not cold. which is good.

Not good at all. While it's nice at the moment, the ramification of this is that this summer we'll see a larger than usual influx of insects, particularly ants and wasps, as we've not had a decent frost so more of the queens will survive the winter than usual.
See this is exactly what I'm not looking forward to this year. Is there a patron saint of snow and frost to whom we might entreat?

"I dream of the day when I will learn to stop asking questions for which I will regret learning the answers." - Roy Greenhilt OOTS

Posts: 199 | From: Shakespeare's County | Registered: Nov 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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Originally posted by Taliesin:
... I'm actually praying for snow ...

We're supposed to be getting about 6 inches of it tomorrow - would you like some? [Big Grin]

It was one of those beautiful, sunny but cold winter days that Newfoundland's so good at today. I can't say I did very much with it though, except go to the choir practice postponed from Wednesday. Should be a good Candlemas service tomorrow. [Smile]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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Candlemas and no morning mass at the Latin Catholic church we usually go to [this weekend there are evening masses both last night and tonight] but we found they were having a morning mass at the very old and very beautiful Syro-Malabar alternative so we hied off there despite it being quite difficult getting Pete in there - three steepish steps up, a lintel of less than a foot wide then a step down is not easy with a wheelchair. They have another new priest, which was a surprise, and it was nice to have a change of rite, not that I understood a word of it, of course. The new priest was entreating us to return next week but I don't know that we will. I may attend there on my own occasionally when Pete goes back to Canada, the building is very beautiful.

What did surprise me a bit is that the new priest must be a Sunderland fan as the altars were decked out in Red and White vertical stripes. Is this usual for Candlemas? I suppose I should ask in Eccles but I don't think I've posted there for several years.

The altar boys lead parts of the service but they are the only ones without microphones - 11 or 12 year old voices just can't be projected adequately in a large building full of about 300 folks.

Meanwhile the weather continues warm and bright and sunny and the younger son of our new neighbours feels it necessary to ring his cycle bell almost continuously as he cycles round the neighbourhood - he and his brother bought the bike between them by saving up industriously for a couple of years and they are very proud of the fact!

Their parents are quite proud of them, too.

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 4756

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I rather fancy a short, very cold snap to kill the slugs and snails. But the good news is that for the moment, the rain has stopped and the sun is shining!

Still, more rain is coming I hear. I have noticed the weather forecasters on TV are running out of suitable expressions for their forecasts, and rather tell us its going to be wet, wet, and wet again with a brisk, no nonsense attitude.

Anyone noticed, or is it my imagination! [Big Grin]

Posts: 4544 | From: not too far from Manchester, UK | Registered: Jul 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
Meanwhile the weather continues warm and bright and sunny

That's really nice, WW. Really. I mean it. Seriously.

In other news, it's raining here.

Nen - who is pretty sure that Candlemas won't be mentioned or even thought of in the Baptist service she'll be part of in less than an hour.

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged

Making an ass of myself
# 4543

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Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
What did surprise me a bit is that the new priest must be a Sunderland fan as the altars were decked out in Red and White vertical stripes. Is this usual for Candlemas? I suppose I should ask in Eccles but I don't think I've posted there for several years.

He's just celebrating the thrashing of Newcastle.

Last ever sig ...


Posts: 9049 | From: Hen Ogledd | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 17338

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I know that an organist friend, also from God's own country, drapes a flag from her organ loft when we're victorious on the rugby field (not sure if this is for every game or just the championship).

Only after the blessing and dismissal, of course, but I'm told the Sunday School has children who are fascinated to see a dragon flag in church!

Rara temporum felicitate ubi sentire quae velis et quae sentias dicere licet

Posts: 4950 | From: somewhere in England... | Registered: Sep 2012  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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A second beautiful sunny day that feels like early spring - sunshine, blue sky, fleecy clouds and NO RAIN. It was so nice that I went out for breakfast, and even had it at a quiet corner table outside, in the sun. Food always seems to taste better outside, and this was no exception. First time this year to eat al fresco: spring is on its way.
Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Jengie jon

Semper Reformanda
# 273

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Originally posted by balaam:
Originally posted by Welease Woderwick:
What did surprise me a bit is that the new priest must be a Sunderland fan as the altars were decked out in Red and White vertical stripes. Is this usual for Candlemas? I suppose I should ask in Eccles but I don't think I've posted there for several years.

He's just celebrating the thrashing of Newcastle.
Not if he is a Sheffield United football fan.


"To violate a persons ability to distinguish fact from fantasy is the epistemological equivalent of rape." Noretta Koertge

Back to my blog

Posts: 20894 | From: city of steel, butterflies and rainbows | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ordinary decent pagan
# 619

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Originally posted by Ariel:
A second beautiful sunny day that feels like early spring - sunshine, blue sky, fleecy clouds and NO RAIN. It was so nice that I went out for breakfast, and even had it at a quiet corner table outside, in the sun. Food always seems to taste better outside, and this was no exception. First time this year to eat al fresco: spring is on its way.

There must be quite a divergence in temperature north-south. Bright enough today, but a high of 6 C (aka chew-your-face-off cold). But at least not the episodes of sleet there were yesterday.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 4655

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'Bout 10C here, Ariel must be made of strong stuff!
Posts: 773 | From: London | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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The wind wasn't blowing. Also I suppose I've become inured to having to spend longish periods of time on station platforms at either the crack of dawn or sunset, when it can be bitingly cold (and they will have those damn metal benches for you to sit on that freeze your entire body within two minutes), so by around 10.30 am, a quiet, sheltered table in the sun with a hot meal is a lovely bonus.
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# 11803

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Originally posted by Firenze:
... a high of 6 C (aka chew-your-face-off cold) ...

No no. A high of minus 6°C is chew-your-face-off cold. [Big Grin]

It wasn't quite as bad as that today, but it started to snow while we were in church this morning and has only stopped in the last hour or so, so we've got another 6 inches or so. And again, not coming at the right time to give us a snow-day. [Frown]

Candlemas went off very nicely (even though we were without our most confident soprano, who's recovering from surgery); both the Dean and D. were v. pleased.

I've actually got a bit of time off tomorrow, as we've got a big funeral at the Cathedral - a former president (equivalent of a vice-chancellor) of the University, who also happened to be a parishioner, so there'll be lots of academic big-wigs there. Nothing too elaborate musically - he didn't want a requiem, so we'll probably only have to sing an anthem, a Nunc Dimittis and a few hymns, maybe with a psalm thrown in for good measure.

We saw some fairly fearsome weather pictures from Aberystwyth this evening - hope the Welsh contingent round those parts are all doing all right.

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002

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Originally posted by piglet:
We saw some fairly fearsome weather pictures from Aberystwyth this evening - hope the Welsh contingent round those parts are all doing all right.

Wodders, wodders, piglet used a naughty word! [Two face]

Mrs. S, telling tales ...

Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny.
Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort
'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'

Posts: 1464 | From: Neither here nor there | Registered: Mar 2012  |  IP: Logged
# 14017

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I'm not well, so I'm curled up in bed with hot water bottle and kindle... I do love my kindle... And have dropped into the ship via its tiny screen to see if tea and sympathy was available.
I have a high temperature and feel grim but no other symptoms. Only time and sleep well tell. But I really need to go to school tomorrow. [Frown]

Posts: 2138 | From: South, UK | Registered: Aug 2008  |  IP: Logged
# 4655

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Awwww, virtual tea and sympathy from me!
Posts: 773 | From: London | Registered: Jun 2003  |  IP: Logged
Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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...and from me, too.

Mrs S, piglet is Orcadian, what can one do?


I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Fancy a break in South India?
Accessible Homestay Guesthouse in Central Kerala, contact me for details

What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

Posts: 48139 | From: 1st on the right, straight on 'til morning | Registered: Sep 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 11803

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No-one ever told me that "Aberystwyth" was a naughty word* ... [Big Grin]

The funeral went well - in the event there was even less for us to do than we'd thought - just a couple of hymns and the Nunc Dimittis from Gibbons' Short Service (our favourite setting).

Taliesin, virtual tea and CAKE coming your way.

* although when the Grauniad published a British Universities Monopoly board, instead of "Go to Jail" it had "Go to Aberystwyth". [Devil]

I may not be on an island any more, but I'm still an islander.
alto n a soprano who can read music

Posts: 20272 | From: Fredericton, NB, on a rather larger piece of rock | Registered: Sep 2006  |  IP: Logged
The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002

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Originally posted by piglet:
No-one ever told me that "Aberystwyth" was a naughty word* ... [Big Grin]

* although when the Grauniad published a British Universities Monopoly board, instead of "Go to Jail" it had "Go to Aberystwyth". [Devil]

I thought we all had to refer to it as Kumquat, in memory of the blessed Erin??? [Devil]

Oddly, both my children went there, although mercifully not at the same time. Master S loved it, loved every minute of it. Miss S loathed it with an equal passion and only lasted a term. I mean, I knew they were different, but really! [brick wall]

Mrs. S, still amazed at what a let-down genetics and heredity are.

Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny.
Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort
'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'

Posts: 1464 | From: Neither here nor there | Registered: Mar 2012  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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Sympathies, Taliesin, I'm not well either and keep hoping to feel better soon. I went to the doctor's this morning and the whole expedition has worn me out completely. [Frown]

Nen - who has hit the bottom of the pit and is watching daytime TV. [Hot and Hormonal]

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

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Welease Woderwick

Sister Incubus Nightmare
# 10424

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What a shame they cancelled Crossroads all those years ago - at least it was good for a daytime giggle!

I give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
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What part of Matt. 7:1 don't you understand?

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The Intrepid Mrs S
# 17002

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Originally posted by Nenya:
Sympathies, Taliesin, I'm not well either and keep hoping to feel better soon. I went to the doctor's this morning and the whole expedition has worn me out completely. [Frown]

Nen - who has hit the bottom of the pit and is watching daytime TV. [Hot and Hormonal]

From me too, both of you - I've just recovered from Something Unmentionable, and it is blissful to be over it [Overused] Sometimes antibiotics just ROCK!

Mrs. S, having a Good Day today

Don't get your knickers in a twist over your advancing age. It achieves nothing and makes you walk funny.
Prayer should be our first recourse, not our last resort
'Lord, please give us patience. NOW!'

Posts: 1464 | From: Neither here nor there | Registered: Mar 2012  |  IP: Logged
# 17346

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Can you catch the dreaded lurg over the internet? I seem to have been laid low as well. Have spent 36 hours or so dosing my tea and hot lemon with (purely medicinal) booze and watching films. It's funny how satisfying it is to watch superheroes beating the snot out of each other when you are under the weather.

'If a pleasant, straight-forward life is not possible then one must try to wriggle through by subtle manoeuvres' - Kafka

Posts: 1887 | From: the rhubarb triangle | Registered: Sep 2012  |  IP: Logged
# 16427

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I took my first lot of medication from the doctor, turned off the TV and slept for most of the afternoon. Now feel noticeably better. [Smile] My lovely mum, a retired nurse, always used to say that sleep's the best medicine but I'm sure the tablets have something to do with it too.

Nen - happy to be feeling a bit more human.

They told me I was delusional. I nearly fell off my unicorn.

Posts: 1289 | Registered: May 2011  |  IP: Logged

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