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Thread: Living as a Christian Homosexual
Joan the Outlaw-Dwarf
 Ship's curiosity
# 1283
Does anyone remember Mr Collins?He popped up several months ago wondering how one went about being Christian and homosexual, but there was no-where on the boards he could ask this. I think this would be a useful discussion to have. One thing, though: If you believe homosexuality to be wrong and cannot bring yourself to take part in a 'what if' discussion, then please do not post on this thread. There's plenty of places to say what you think, but there's a further question to be discussed: GIVEN THAT, or SUPPOSING THAT, homosexual acts are not sinful, how is one to live ones life? There is an absence of role-models to which to look, so how do we relate what is given in Christianity to being gay? How should we do relationships as marriage isn't an option? Basically, what is to be done if we accept that God made us this way and it's OK? I've got fairly strong views on this, but this is a call to debate, so over to you. Again, if you think the only thing gays can do is be celibate, either post as "well, IF it were OK then..." or please don't bother, I do NOT want 'yet another' homosexuality thread.
-------------------- "There is a divine discontent which has always helped to better things."
Posts: 1123 | From: Floating in the blue | Registered: Sep 2001
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# 30
Host hat on quote: If you believe homosexuality to be wrong and cannot bring yourself to take part in a 'what if' discussion, then please do not post on this thread.
Joan - This is a debate board and all threads are open to all points of view. Enders Shadow was warned on Purgatory for doing exactly this - setting down preconditions for who could and who could not respond to his thread. Unfortunately I can't find that thread to link to in Purgatory now - I suspect it's been deleted. By all means, say what you would prefer to be discussed, but do not set stipulations as to who can or can't post. Thank you. Louise PS. If you're not happy to do that please ask me and I will close this thread. [edited to correct spelling] host hat off [ 29 March 2002: Message edited by: Louise ]
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# 30
host/Fine - as long as anyone is free to respond within the usual guidelines. Louise host off/
[adding tags] [ 29 March 2002: Message edited by: Louise ]
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# 716
Hmmm -- and what do I classify as? On the one hand I don't believe in sexual intercourse outside of male-female marriage (i.e., no genital penetration of any bodily orifice, and no deliberate stimulation to orgasm) -- on the other, I think same-sex nude snuggling (kissing, S&M, fisting, etc.) is (or can be) wonderful.
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 Ship's redhead
# 538
As a lesbian christian, I feel myself bound to the same standards of behaviour as any other Christian.I highly recommend Jeffrey John's booklet "Permanent, Faithful, Stable", in the "Affirming Catholicism" series which deals with this very issue. So - while I believe that sexual expression is OK within the context of a permanent, faithful, committed "marriage-like" relationship, if I were single, I'd consider myself called to celibacy, the same as any other single Christian. I don't believe that promiscuity is right. As I think came up over and over on the Big Long Thread in Purgatory, it's awfully hard living as a lesbian or gay Christian. Because you don't really fit in in either community. Luckily my partner and I have plenty of supporting friends, and a great home church which is very affirming and supportive of our love. Don't know if this is the sort of thing you were after Joan...
-------------------- All shall be well And all shall be well And all manner of things shall be well.
Posts: 1495 | From: Royal Oak, MI | Registered: Jun 2001
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 Ship's redhead
# 538
Oh. And to add to this (I was wondering where to bring this in)....Courage Trust, who used to be part of Exodus and the ex-gay movement, have separated from them, saying that quote:
"experience has proved this ["coming out" of homosexuality] to be a counter-productive approach. The result of seeking the mind of Christ for this area of ministry in the light of many years experience, together with further bible study, has been to see that God recognises and supports sincere committed relationship between gay people where there is no likelihood of the possibility of marriage."
They've also parted company from the Evangelical Alliance, because of this view that lesbians and gays have the same need for intimacy in relationships as anyone else. And three cheers for them in my book, for finally being honest and admitting that for the vast majority of people, their sexual orientation cannot be altered, no matter how hard you pray.
-------------------- All shall be well And all shall be well And all manner of things shall be well.
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Nunc Dimittis
Seamstress of Sound
# 848
I think Inanna is right... I am not making a decision re the compatability of being gay and being Christian; I am not gay, and so can have no conception of how it must be... But I do think it is probably appropriate that intimacy is reserved for committed relationships - regardless of orientation (preferably in marriage, but discussion on these boards and my own observation means my view's become quite relaxed... I would put an emphasis on "committed" though, very long term, perhaps with the partners having made some sort of private promises - again I can't speak from experience and am only hypothesising!). This, in my view, is the most compassionate on all involved. How easy it is for people to exploit others sexually...
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Basket Case
# 1812
This is a good thread – it moves the discussion forward. From Joan: Basically, what is to be done if we accept that (1) God made us this way And (2) it's OK? Yes, God made you and He made no mistakes. However, the Christian life, for me, is a continual process of comparing myself to the standard Jesus set, and being honest when I realize that I am falling short. I am NOT saying that I know what is acceptable & what isn’t – especially for others. I am trying hard to discern what is Christ’s will for me, and what are old, sick patterns that He wants me to grow past, for my own benefit. The way that God made me is indeed OK, but in response to the fallen world, and because I am fallen too, over years I have developed my own personal ways of coping, which are not optimally healthy for me. The best I can do is be honest with myself, & not pretend that because certain behaviors soothe me, that they are necessarily what God has in mind for me. Next, I think that out of pain, scapegoated groups (like homosexuals) may withdraw into their own subculture. While totally understandable, a Christian homosexual should (IMHO) question whether that indeed is Christ’s plan for him or her. I know that it is only because of my exposure to “out” gays, that I have experienced that they are not exotics, just strugglers like all of us. I am grateful to people like Innana who are honest and rigorous with themselves, despite plenty of reasons to retreat into “victimhood”. I know that the people in her congregation who know her & her partner, have been blessed, whether they realize it or not. Basically, I just recognize & respond to love; and I recognize and respond to self-deception (as do we all). I am fortunate to have personally known gay couples who love and are committed to each other – in fact, I do suspect it may be easier to do this, than for couples who are of opposite genders (men and women are SO different). Easier does not mean better, but love is always “the answer”.
Posts: 1157 | From: Pomo (basket) country | Registered: Nov 2001
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# 268
Oh, now I understand, chast. Sticking your fist up someone's ass is okay. 
-------------------- A cowgirl's work is never done.
Posts: 2732 | From: NYC | Registered: May 2001
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# 30
host hat onUltraspike you've been warned about this and suspended before - for attacks on Chastmastr. That is an unprovoked swipe at another Shipmate. Apologise for it or I will turn this straight over to an admin. Louise host hat off.
[edited to clarify] [ 30 March 2002: Message edited by: Louise ]
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Posts: 6918 | From: Scotland | Registered: May 2001
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# 268
I don't mean it as an attack, Louise. I'm just mystified as to why he considers fisting as not a sexual act. Perhaps he will explain. Or perhaps it's none of my business. I really don't care what he does, but it does seem a bit hypocritical to me to condemn homosexual acts in one breath and commit them on the other. Or is fisting not virtually the same as anal sex? I realize it's not the same exactly, but does God really see a difference, if in fact God cares at all about this kind of thing? I'm asking this as a sincere point of debate, not an attack, honestly.
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 liberal "peace first" hankie squeezer
# 13
Host hat onLouise has gone to bed, and asked me to take over. Ultraspike, as an honest question, that's fine. Next time phrase it as a straightforward question and omit the rolling eyes smiley, and you won't get jumped on. Host hat off RuthW sexhostess
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John Donne
 Renaissance Man
# 220
Yer, I know the hostly descriptions and admin revelations have more chance of causing me to stumble than any of the content of Tits and Testicles. Oh god. All they have to do now is put on a clerical collar and I'll be away.
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# 268
Okey dokey. Perhaps I can refine my question a little more. And I do apologize for my sarcastic tone. It gets the better of me at times, especially when I'm as tired as I am right now.Do we believe that, as Jesus said (to paraphrase for this occasion), if you have fantasized about committing a homosexual act, done everything short of actually doing it (a la CM), it is the same as actually having done it in God's eyes? So if you're fisting, having all the sensations (and more, probably, from what I've heard) of anal sex and then subsequently having an orgasm in private while flashing back on it, what's the diff? Might as well go for the real thing, IMHO. Unless, of course, you're practicing kundalini, where you retain all the sexual energy for a higher purpose. Guess that's possible. (Rolling eyes suppressed.)
-------------------- A cowgirl's work is never done.
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# 716
quote: Originally posted by Ultraspike: if you have fantasized about committing a homosexual act, done everything short of actually doing it (a la CM)
When did I say I was fantasizing about putting my penis in someone else's orifice, or theirs in mine? I'm talking about putting other things in various places (by the way, while I have fisted and been fisted, I did put that in partly for humour value, and partly to show how far I do think is OK)... quote: So if you're fisting, having all the sensations (and more, probably, from what I've heard) of anal sex
Well, you're having the sensations of a hand inside your rear. One could also argue that a very good bowel movement is like anal sex, only in reverse. I don't really consider a hand to be a substitute penis. I suppose it can be used that way, but that's not the approach I have taken with it. Fisting is much more about letting go and relaxing and trust than anything else, in my experience and the experience of others I've known. quote: and then subsequently having an orgasm in private while flashing back on it
I don't do that either, actually; I don't believe in masturbation. (As I say, deliberate stimulation to orgasm.") Technically I don't see how the act of fisting or whatnot affects the moral value of masturbation. quote: Unless, of course, you're practicing kundalini, where you retain all the sexual energy for a higher purpose.
Actually, I've never tried it under that name, though I do think some kinds of sublimation are definitely involved in the things I do. I'm tempted to suggest caution in thinking of things in terms of "higher" and "lower" with regard to "spiritual" and "bodily" aspects -- hunger and thirst may help one toward greater humility far better than something more self-consciously "spiritual." I do get, I believe, some spiritual benefit from various things, but also emotional and physical, and the mix in any given case is going to vary. (Strangely, or perhaps not so, when I do these things, my health improves, and whether it is psychosomatic or hormonal or both or neither, I don't know. I mean, it improves during the actual scene -- sinuses clearing up, etc.)
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Posts: 14068 | From: Clearwater, Florida | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 266
The reason Mid that we make a distinction between homosexuality and hetrosexuality is that as christians is that we should attempt to live by Biblical norms.I believe that Biblical norms exclude homosexuals from having a sexual relationship. I admit that sexual relationship is hard to define. Now many christians disagree with my traditional view of Bible and church tradition. The reason there is no role models in the bible or in tradition is because that it was considered to be outside christian practice. If it was considered to be inside Christian norms there would be role models. Any way I simply wanted to say something as I was irritated by Joans OP. 
-------------------- I don't know what you are talking about so it couldn't have been that important- Nightlamp
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# 102
I wrote a wonderfully reasoned post and then the screen froze. DAMN!Ah well - basically, love to Chastmastr, I know I'll never understand you but that doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you. Marriage? What IS i? Which of these couples have sinned more? The gay/hetero (us) who married and have split up after 18 years, OR the gay male couple (one of whom was our Best Man) who are still together after 18 years? That should keep the hair-splitters busy! The role models are there, the role they model is that of Invisible Gay Christian. Due to extenuating circumstances. Wasn't always the case. Marriage CAN only be what our society dictates, but I'm not sure that the gay couple above are any less married than I am. Especially once I'm divorced... Clear? Good!! 
-------------------- Still hanging in there...
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The Mid
 Officer and a gentleman
# 1559
quote: Originally posted by Nightlamp: The reason Mid that we make a distinction between homosexuality and hetrosexuality is that as christians is that we should attempt to live by Biblical norms.I believe that Biblical norms exclude homosexuals from having a sexual relationship. I admit that sexual relationship is hard to define. Now many christians disagree with my traditional view of Bible and church tradition. The reason there is no role models in the bible or in tradition is because that it was considered to be outside christian practice. If it was considered to be inside Christian norms there would be role models. Any way I simply wanted to say something as I was irritated by Joans OP. 
I took that post as quite condescending, I trust you didn't mean it that way? I am surprised that there are still closed minded people who believe they are right about everything. IT's not up to ANY OF US to say that homosexuality is right or wrong, it is ONLY up to God. Until He tells each one of us, then we should love the person as they are, and as such it should not matter what sexual preference they are. I really hope that there are no homosexual people/couples in your church, I pity any that are there. Take a look at my signature - TAKE NOTE! 
-------------------- For God so loved the world She got involved
Posts: 3022 | From: The Wardroom | Registered: Oct 2001
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 Completely Frocked
# 473
As it is impossible for those of us who are not gay to imagine what it must be like to be gay - and to experience hostility for ones lifestyle - I would like to see the homosexual community to be free to work out its own approaches and solutions to the issues, without judgement from heterosexual Christians and in a supportive environment not a judgemental one. After all, we do not expect to keep looking over our shoulders to see what the homosexuals think about us when we discuss heterosexual issues.
-------------------- Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.
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St. Sebastian
 Staggering ever onward
# 312
To try to get back to the original topic, I think a gay Christian must, as implied above, refrain not only from isolating themselves in the gay subculture (not too difficult as that culture tends to reject serious Christianity) but also examine (and frequently reject)many of the values of that subculture, while not rejecting the adherents of those values. The hedonism and emphasisis on vanity that are the hallmarks of what is popularly perceived as The Gay Lifestyle are clearly incompatible with Christian values. Of course, the very emphasis on beauty and youth means the majority of us cannot participate fully in that culture and many of us reject those values anyway. But we still absorb them must be vigilant and must replace them with Christian ones. I think that's a particularly intense challenge that gay christians have to meet, though in modern society everyone is increasingly subverted by them. The even greater challenge is that we are, to varying degrees, outcasts in both our own culture and in the Church. We don't get to give up one culture for the culture of the church, as we aren't truly and completely accepted in either. As for the particulars of living life as a gay Christian, I guess we are all left to our own consciences. ChastMastr has made accomodations that work for him. Peter (from the "are we all against homosexuality thread) has made very different ones. My partner of 13 years and I are in the midst of struggling to find a way to accomodate our love and committment to each other with the teachings of our (Orthodox) church. In some ways the struggles are universal, but I do think there are particular challenges that gay Christians have.Does that make any sense?
-------------------- St. Seb
In Spite of Everything: Yes.
Posts: 962 | From: Burlington, North Carolina | Registered: May 2001
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# 716
Warning: The following post may contain Too Much Information (re biological functions) for some people. quote: Originally posted by Ultraspike: So accidental orgasms are okay? How very monastic.
Thanks for the compliment, though I don't see how it applies. (Yes, I consider being compared with monks a high compliment!) Seriously, I make a distinction between "deliberate stimulation to orgasm" and unintended, yes, because for one thing I'm not convinced (for example) that nocturnal emissions are intrinsically sinful. I think some have believed that "wet dreams" are a sign of sin (or even, in some periods, of spiritual attack), but I am not sure this is correct. Yes, these things can happen during "leather work" as well (heck, I'll say I've had spontaneous orgasms without anyone doing anything at all below the waist, or even without erection), but also wholly apart from it, and I am trying to be meticulously clear about what I believe to be forbidden and what I don't. If I say that all orgasm, apart from sex within male-female marriage, is sexual sin, then it pretty much means one is going to sin just from seminal fluid building up and overflowing. (Well, okay, this can happen without orgasm as well. If I don't have one then my body releases itself when I go to the bathroom about once a week or so, no orgasm, just emission -- barely conscious of it.) Intent and attitude seem to play a large role for me, interestingly. When I am primarily self-focused, and wanting the experience (usually when I am lonely and frustrated by life in general, by the way) -- rather than trying to learn and grow (or teach, heal, etc.) or explore with the person I am with -- then I am much more likely to have an unwanted orgasm. When I am focused the other way, I am much less likely. I've also found that being erect or flaccid has nothing to do with whether I will have an orgasm or not, which surprised me; I had thought that a man had to have an erection to do so. So attitude really does make a difference.
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Basket Case
# 1812
RuthW: Do you plan to take your bunny ears off after Easter?
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Robert Armin
 All licens'd fool
# 182
I find it sad that, in quite a short sapce of time, animosity has crept into this thread. I am well aware (I'm sure we all are) that traditional Christian teaching is that sex should be reserved for the marriage bed alone. If you are not married, you must be celibate - which, by implication, rules out any kind of homosexual activity.Within this board, however, there seems to have been a lot of good natured discussion about how we understand sexuality, and its expression, today. I haven't read every thread, so I can't be sure, but it seems to me people have been able to talk about the possibility of Christians having sex before marriage (for example) with honesty and mutual respect. Yet when the possibility of being actively homosexual and actively Christian is raised, noses seem to be out out of joint very quickly. Forgive me if I'm being unfair to anyone, but why does this area of sexuality seem to give more offence than any of the others?
-------------------- Keeping fit was an obsession with Fr Moity .... He did chin ups in the vestry, calisthenics in the pulpit, and had developed a series of Tai-Chi exercises to correspond with ritual movements of the Mass. The Antipope Robert Rankin
Posts: 8927 | From: In the pack | Registered: May 2001
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 Ship's redhead
# 538
Is there any way for the comments relating to ChasteMaster's admittedly crossposted and in-the-wrong-thread post on fisting etc etc back to the LEather thread where I'm assuming it was meant to go.I was actually enjoying what was shaping up to be an interesting "how can we live with integrity" type discussion, and it's gotten all horribly derailed and personal and insulting (not to mention focusing on specific practices again...) To get back on topic: Seb, I agree with you totally about the gay subculture. I think an awful lot of the anger there comes out of feeling rejected by mainstream society. So, it's safer to retreat to a ghetto, develop one's own music styles, dress preferences, language/slang, have specific clubs to go to, certain festivals ... (and gosh, this is sounding ever so reminiscent of another subculture too...) The outrageous behaviour that one sees, often on TV screens after gay pride marches, seems to me to be saying "OK, you want to reject me? Right! I'll go out and be everything you're terrified I wil be. You think I'm bad now? Watch how bad I can be." It's this core of "I'm bad" - (I think it's more than internalised homophobia, because I know plenty of non-gay people who struggle with the same thing) - which so badly needs to be healed. And, unfortunately, it's exactly that core which the Church keeps wounding, intentionally or not. Peace, Kirsti
-------------------- All shall be well And all shall be well And all manner of things shall be well.
Posts: 1495 | From: Royal Oak, MI | Registered: Jun 2001
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# 30
host hat onInanna, I can't find any post by Chastmastr which is in the wrong thread. He made a comment directly related to this thread and was then attacked over it leading to an exchange of views with Ultraspike. You're right however, such an exchange of views seems to be personal and as such doesn't belong in the general discussion on this thread. Chastmastr and Ultraspike - if you want to continue this exchange can you do so in Hell? Thanks Louise. host hat off
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J. J. Ramsey
# 1174
There was an interesting, if sad, article from a homosexual Christian entitled [URL=][/URL]No Easy Victory. It's an anonymous account of a Christian who struggles against his homosexual desires. It is not a cheery story, to say the least.On a different topic altogether: IMHO, the big problem that homosexuals have to deal with is the verses in Scripture that pretty solidly condemn homosexual behavior, with Romans 1:26-27 being the most sticky, since one can't so easily say, "Well, that was Old Covenant." You can say that the Scripture's wrong, or try to exegete your way out of it, or say the Scripture is right and deal with the consequences, but one way or another, you have to wrestle with it because your fellow Christians are going to point to and point out those verses. You can't sidestep it. It must be met head on.
-------------------- I am a rationalist. Unfortunately, this doesn't actually make me rational.
Posts: 1490 | From: Tallmadge, OH | Registered: Aug 2001
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# 30
Host hat onJJ, Joans OP asks quote: GIVEN THAT, or SUPPOSING THAT, homosexual acts are not sinful, how is one to live ones life? There is an absence of role-models to which to look, so how do we relate what is given in Christianity to being gay? How should we do relationships as marriage isn't an option? Basically, what is to be done if we accept that God made us this way and it's OK?
If you want to argue the rights or wrongs of homosexuality, you should do so on the thread on that subject already open on this board 'Homosexuality, are we all against it?' And the same applies to anyone wanting to argue that point with JJ - we have another thread for that.
Louise host hat off [clarifying] [ 31 March 2002: Message edited by: Louise ]
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# 91
Remember the story of the man born blind, and he keeps getting interogated by the religious establishment? I'm too lazy to get my Bible and look up chapter and verse. Anyway, when he speaks about the miracle of regaining his sight, he finally confesses: "Whether this man who put mud on my eyes and healed me was a sinner or not, I do not know. This I know--I was blind, but now I see."All I can tell you is that I know one openly gay and openly Christian gentleman. He is the nicest person! I enjoy talking to him and he has been very kind to me, and everyone else I know of. He's thoughtful, intelligent, and generous. Today I was helping to serve communion, and as I passed the wine to him, saying, "The blood of Christ, shed for you," it seemed exactly the same as when I passed it to anyone else. I also know several lesbians who were run out of their churches. They are now openly hostile to all things Christian. Three of them, however, are known to me to be just as articulate, kind, and generous as my gay male friend and brother in Christ. Too bad they were forced away from the church, and now do their good works in secular settings only. They also bad-mouth Christianity. Very, very sad, because they could have had a much different fate.
Posts: 795 | From: Indiana, USA | Registered: May 2001
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# 716
quote: Originally posted by Louise: Chastmastr and Ultraspike - if you want to continue this exchange can you do so in Hell?
Thanks -- no plans to continue that exchange for me. By the way, I used the wrong word above: I didn't "crosspost," I posted at the same time as someone else and our posts crossed one another. Not sure what the word is for that, but I didn't mean to mislead anyone; my post was indeed meant for this thread. (I must start hitting the "refresh" button before hitting "enter reply" so I don't miss things like that again.)To Inanna, I think specific practices are relevant -- you even mention "outrageous behaviour" after Pride parades, yet I don't consider what I have encountered to be outrageous. I find the gay tribe/subculture/whatnot (or cultures -- there is more than one), while flawed as all groups are, to be very good, and it is one I am quite proudly a member of. The ghetto mentality, on the other hand, I don't think is so good -- and I think we can have the good parts of both being in the subculture, and in the larger, general culture, without the bad if we work at it. And, perhaps, find role-models within that subculture.
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Posts: 14068 | From: Clearwater, Florida | Registered: Jul 2001
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# 268
I just want to clarify a couple of things and then I don't intend to say anything else about this topic. While I do sincerely feel sad for you, ChastMastr, that you are unable to accept yourself as a homosexual and live as a sexually fulfilled member of the gay community, the thing that annoys me about your posts is the self-congratulatory tone you always take to describe yourself. If you were totally uninvolved in the gay community and lived like a monk I would find that alot more admirable than being proud of being involved in S&M and fisting, which I find to be contradictory to your so-called ethics. Your rationalizing of these things is a neat bit of sophistry, IMHO, and I will never see them as anything else. I'm not condemning your practices as such and perhaps they fulfill you in ways I don't understand, but I think you'd be living a healthier life, physically and spiritually, if you could accept your homosexuality and live it actively. I dare say that Christ would find that more acceptable and alot more loving than what you're doing now.
-------------------- A cowgirl's work is never done.
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 Completely Frocked
# 473
FWIW I think that Chastmastr should live life in the way that he thinks best and he is comfortable with as a Christian and human being. I'm sure he wouldn't try to impose his idea of 'normal sexual behaviour' on you U'S or anyone else either. What is 'normal' anyway? I don't think it exists in real life.
-------------------- Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.
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