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Source: (consider it) Thread: Crappy Choruses & Horrible Hymns redux
# 174

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Originally posted by Oriel:
Ha! *We* had "Bind us together", and I couldn`t help but think of the bondage version.. and ended up trying to finish it! ("Strip me and tether me
Naked, and leather me
Bind us together in lust")

Hmmm. Well done, and it scans better than the original, which isn't, I suppose, saying much.

I wonder if we couldn't expand the scope of this thread by listing *actual* songs that would be suitable for people with various emotional, physical, and personality disorders.

"Pass it on" immediately comes to mind for people afflicted with communicable diseases. I suppose it would also work for anybody afflicted with pyromania: "It only takes a spark to get a fire going/" etc.

"Shout to the North" would be an excellent theme song for a television weather reader--particularly one burnt out by reporting winter storms. I'm assuming, you'll note, that being a meteorologist is a personality disorder. Certainly the way they behave on television leads to that conclusion.

And how about "Whispering Hope" for the schizophrenics?

And having thoroughly explored "Bind us together" for bondage enthusiasts, how about expanding the repertoire with "Draw us with the Spirit's tether"?



[fixed my own stinkin' UBB code]

[ 30 January 2002: Message edited by: tomb ]

Posts: 5039 | From: Denver, Colorado | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

# 268

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"Have you seen Jesus my Lord?" for those who constantly misplace things (is there a word for that?) or for the visually challenged.

A cowgirl's work is never done.

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La belle Dame sans merci
# 1012

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'When I Needed a Neighbour, Were You There?' For the amnesiacs among us


“Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”

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The Alchemist
# 2178

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At the time of the Foot and Mouth crisis, did anyone else's church sing 'All Creation Groans and Travails' which was written for the cattle plague of 18-something-or-other and (I think) reprinted in The Times.

It was all pretty dire, but one line gave me a particularly loud, prolongued and embarrassing laughing fit. It was an earnest prayer that:

"Our sheep may bring forth thousands
And ten thousands in the streets."

It brought to mind such a vivid picture that even when the main laughter had subsided (thanks to angry glances from a more senior member of my choir), I was unable to prevent myself from emitting the odd giggle throughout the rest of the service.

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La belle Dame sans merci
# 1012

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Hey big Daddy
You up there
Tune in to
Our special prayer

Make our world a better place
Help us save the human race
Give us food to feed our faces
As we’re put through our paces
Keep us safe from evil’s harm
Be our safe-ty alarm

You’re in charge
Oh you’re so cool
Cos’ you ain’t
No man’s fool

Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck I was subjected to this recently, and it has a tune as dire as the words! It's a kind of rap (i.e. it tries to be a rap, but fails miserably due to lack of scansion )

Can you spot what this is a modernisation of?

Answers on a postcard to the usual address


“Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”

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Ship's elephant
# 1438

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I prefer the txt mssg version!

"I don't feel like smiling." "You're English dear; fake it!" (Colin Firth "Easy Virtue")
Growing Greenpatches

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# 2173

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Right. Hello.

I had been resisting joining this thread because this is a subject I happen to feel very strongly about.

But a recent experience has changed all that. I just need to check the furious face is working :
yes? Right. Here goes.

This week I went off to cell group, leaving husband (who'd had a foul day and didn't want to talk to anyone) at home.

When I arrived I had two new songs inflicted upon me. One was entitled Adjust to the Dove, and the second, The Waters are Breaking.

I don't really think I need go on, but I will. I can't actually recall many of the words to either, but the chorus of the first went:
Come Holy Spirit
Come Holy Spirit
To rise above the Mountains
We must adjust to the Dove.

The second included a line beginning 'I feel like pushing' but strangely didn't have anything along the lines of 'it's been 36 hours and I've had enough, give me more pain relief' or 'this is all your fault, I'm never letting you anywhere near me again'.

When I got back husband and I had a good laugh, but now I'm just

Who in their right mindcan possiblythink that any such DRIVEL can be appropriate to worship God?

I've got myself all cross now, I'm going to have to go.

I would have taken the sheet of words to 'share' with others, but I was scared it might be interpreted as a positive response.

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness."
Captain Jack Sparrow

Posts: 1290 | From: the edge | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
Newman's Own
# 420

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Welcome, Birdie. My eyes are streaming because your post had me laughing so much! Your assessment is quite correct, of course, but on one point you are sadly mistaken. None of the people who write and propagate such "hymns" are by any means in their right minds!

I'm glad to see the resurection of this thread - it's my favourite. Someone I know was telling me of a hymn called "The Angel Gabriel," which she was taught by nuns at school. I'd never heard of it - perhaps one of the nuns was the composer - and it loses much when one cannot hear the bizarre tune, but these are the words as I recall:

The Angel Gabriel declared to Mary,
That she would be God's mother you see.
And on the Cross, Jesus our brother,
Said behold thy mother.

Hail, Mary, mother of God,
Lady in blue, I love you,
Hail Mary, mother of God,
Mary is my mother too.

“History as Revelation is seldom very revealing, and histories of holiness are full of holes.” - Dermot Quinn

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# 2044

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Crappie and annoying songs (from any era and any stable) =
any ones that overuse words along the lines of, 'Jesus died on the treeeee', 'he died for meeee', 'at Calvareeeee', 'so I can go freeee'

Anything for a rhyme.

"Faith is more than believing; it is an act of courage, a bold grasping of God's truth" Mike Yaconelli

Posts: 129 | From: SE Essex and not far from Foulness | Registered: Dec 2001  |  IP: Logged
Gill H

# 68

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You forgot 'at thirty-threeee'...

More info please on the 'dove' and 'breaking waters' songs. I've just got to see those words for myself!

I've heard rumours of a 'prayer of Jabez' chorus asking God to 'enlarge my borders'. As a dedicated Weight Watcher, there's no way I'm asking God to enlarge my anything!

Could be a useful song for managers of large American bookstores though.

*sigh* We can’t all be Alan Cresswell.

- Lyda Rose

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# 2173

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I will try and get hold of the words for the two songs mentioned. You must understand that this is a risky mission.

I lead worship on a Sunday morning occasionally and I can't help be scared that asking for more details of these songs will mean people then expect to hear them.... I have already decided what I will say if I'm ever singing as back-up and someone schedules these songs, as I can't, in all conscience, sing them!

I can't shake off the image I have of God, in heaven, listening to us, and saying 'eh?'

I'll be back when I've found them!


"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness."
Captain Jack Sparrow

Posts: 1290 | From: the edge | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 174

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Birdie wrote:
When I arrived I had two new songs inflicted upon me. One was entitled Adjust to the Dove....

It is perhaps my profoundly unregulated imagination, but this immediately made me think of Leda and the Swan.


[ 04 March 2002: Message edited by: tomb ]

Posts: 5039 | From: Denver, Colorado | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 266

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since tomb has closed the thread I was going to reply on I'll say it here.

For a song to be become the new 'shine Jesus shine' It has to be sung in places like here where 'shine Jesus shine' is really modern and He has to appear on songs of Praise.

I don't know what you are talking about so it couldn't have been that important- Nightlamp

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# 2212

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I hate that song that has a middle part about dancing:
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever(which the song attempts to mimick by indeed, repeating itself, you guessed it, forever)

"Oh I feel like dancing
It's foolishness I know,
But when the world has seen the light,
they will dance with joy like we're dancing now."

I always want to scream,
"I don't feel like dancing,
it's not just foolishness, it's bullsh!t,
the world has seen the light, and they crucified it,
Furthermore you're all sitting on your under-excersized McDonald's fed arses with nothing moving at all but your bloody hands waving in the air!"

Which is why I skip the music part of the service and time my arrival for the sermon and communion, what ever happened to "What a friend we have in Jesus" and "Amazing Grace" There's a song you can sing. My favorite is the Doxology. "...praise Father Son and Holy Ghooooooost. Aaaaaamen." in pleasant harmony can make my spine tingle.

Posts: 321 | From: off the deep end | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged

Sardonic Angel
# 2296

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Sorry didnt know about this thread...sorry
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simon 2
# 1524

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That old hymn about the trump of God. For the flatulent choir.

sorry for my spelling and bad gramma

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Ship's redhead
# 538

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Jumping back to the "christian lyrics to pop songs to show just how incredibly hip and trendy we can be" I've got burned into my brain some "youth" service at the large charismatic house church (though we met in a school and a swimming baths and if that hasn't given it away yet, oh well) back in, oh, I guess the late 80s.

Some pop/rap type song of the day, had the refrain "No money man can win my love, it's sweetness that I'm thinking of" ... and we were inflicted to, of course, "it's JESUS That I'm thinking of" sung (badly) over an even worse kareoke backing track by two rather daringly clad young women.

And I've never been able to get it out of my head since. I think they did one or two others, but those, along with the verses to said song, are obliviated in the mists of time and my ageing brain.

All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.

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Ship's redhead
# 538

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And a current "peeve"...

One of the favourite songs at the Catholic Community here in Nottingham seems to be a little ditty called "Zion".

The refrain of which is:

"Zion, holy mountain, holy city
Lead me on to the Father
Sacred road
I set my face like flint for you Jerusalem
My greatest joy."

Is it just me, or can /anyone/ make any sense out of this? "I set my face like flint?" *boggles quietly*.

Unfortunately we're doing it this Sunday. I'm sorely tempted to go to the 11am Latin Mass at the Cathedral instead...

All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.

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# 748

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I think Christ, as prophesied by Isaiah, grimly set his face like flint at his suffering and stubbornly went on.

There`s another song which uses that line. I can`t remember much of it, but it does go

Setting our faces like flint
We`ll walk into the light

with such a cheery bouncy tune that it makes a mockery of the whole idea that we`re meant to be setting our faces like flint to the prospect of *suffering*!

Unlike the link previously in my sig, I actually update my Livejournal from time to time.

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# 86

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Originally posted by Oriel:

There`s another song which uses that line. I can`t remember much of it, but it does go

Setting our faces like flint
We`ll walk into the light

with such a cheery bouncy tune that it makes a mockery of the whole idea that we`re meant to be setting our faces like flint to the prospect of *suffering*!

It was called 'We shall stand', and was a favourite in the early 90's. It went something like:

We shall stand
With our feet on the rock
Whatever men may say
We'll lift your name up hi-igh
We shall waaaaalk
Through the darkest night
Setting our faces like flint
We'll walk into the liiight

Hopefully that's now all stuck in your heads

(PS I did quite like it at the time )


Posts: 505 | From: Off the M9 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Jonah the Whale

Ship's pet cetacean
# 1244

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Originally posted by Birdie:
Adjust to the Dove[/i]

I would have thought that you, of all people would have appreciated this one. Now, can someone find me a song including a line about cephalopods?

Posts: 2799 | From: Nether Regions | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's redhead
# 538

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Little Miss Chatterbox reminded us all:
It was called 'We shall stand', and was a favourite in the early 90's. <snip>
Hopefully that's now all stuck in your heads

Ach. So it is. And the "Zion" one has a similarly bouncy feel to it. All most un-flint-like.

All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.

Posts: 1495 | From: Royal Oak, MI | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 266

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Inanna said
I set my face like flint for you Jerusalem My greatest joy."

setting your face like flint comes from Isaiah 50 vs 7 'Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced.
Therefore have I set my face like flint,
and I know I will not be put to shame'

Basically to be determined to reach Jerusalem in the context of your song. Now does that mean heaven

I don't know what you are talking about so it couldn't have been that important- Nightlamp

Posts: 8442 | From: Midlands | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

# 2173

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Back, triumphant! Hope you're all ready for this:

Bitterness is poisonous to my soul
Un-forgiveness makes the heart grow cold...
O to forgive and be forgiven
Release and be release.
We were created to be free.
To rise above the mountains
We must adjust to the dove....

Holy Spirit come
Holy Spirit come
To rise above the mountains...
We must adjust to the dove...

Quarelling is damaging this I know
With forgiveness the anointing flows...
O to show mercy and to know mercy
Grace and know grace
Filling our lives with peace again
To rise above the mountains
We must adjust to the dove

It's not actually as bad as I remember it.

I can only bring myself to give you the fisr verse of the other one:

The waters have broken
All across this land
Birthing a new dawn
I don't fully understand
But hwew I am
Watching, Watching
The Earth is groaning
There's pain within this land
I feel like pushing
I don't fully understand
But here I am
Praying, shaking
Anticipating... something...
Better than before, it's got to be
And expecting... something...
Greater than we've ever known
A new thing...
From the ancient spring.

I bet you all though I'd made it all up. I have to confess that I quite like the line about the ancient spring, but I think that's a reaction against churches who tend to behave as though Jesus was born in 1962. If you know what I mean.

In some ways I feel quite bad about posting this...after all some people obviously love them and I know God can use anything to speak to people. But I can't forget the horror when I was handed the sheet of words....



"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness."
Captain Jack Sparrow

Posts: 1290 | From: the edge | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged

# 2173

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oops... apologies for the typos above. I'm sure you all know what I meant!

"Gentlemen, I wash my hands of this weirdness."
Captain Jack Sparrow

Posts: 1290 | From: the edge | Registered: Jan 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 2044

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Used to visit a young offenders' institute with a group of eager young Christians to lead the mid-wek service.

There was the time when one bright spark decided we should sing:

"Jesus take me as I am
I can come no other way..."

Needless to say, the inmates (with lots of tittering) saw meanings to the word that the songwriter had not even imagined!

"Faith is more than believing; it is an act of courage, a bold grasping of God's truth" Mike Yaconelli

Posts: 129 | From: SE Essex and not far from Foulness | Registered: Dec 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 1018

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We did a couple of new songs on Sunday and once again Christian Music is leading the way. First up was A delightful ditty which started off with the line "Two sins have we commited".Yeah and the rest.

Next was another stinker whose only line I can remember is

"Judgment is good.Mercy is Best"

Stood there halfway between laughing and just going What? One day we may do a good new song at church.Huh.Fat chance.

Posts: 3202 | From: The Dreaming | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
Jonah the Whale

Ship's pet cetacean
# 1244

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Originally posted by da_musicman:
"Two sins have we commited".Yeah and the rest.
"Judgment is good.Mercy is Best"

Musicman, you're a genius. You just formed a rhyming couplet which scans perfectly (or as well as many others). Keep working on it and you'll have a complete chorus to teach your church by Sunday.


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# 1194

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you might like to look at this great web page....

I love it!

"May I live this day… compassionate of heart" (John O’Donoghue)...

Posts: 4897 | From: Somewhere cold in Victoria, Australia | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 1018

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Originally posted by Cuttlefish:
Musicman, you're a genius.

At last my gift is recognised by the rest of the world.Watch Out Kendrick here I come.

Posts: 3202 | From: The Dreaming | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged

Sardonic Angel
# 2296

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Originally posted by da_musicman:

Next was another stinker whose only line I can remember is

"Judgment is good.Mercy is Best"

I think the song is Greater grace
and i like the words...sorry

Posts: 5407 | From: searching saharas of sorrow | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
# 133

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Originally posted by Atticus:
I hate that song that has a middle part about dancing:
I Could Sing of Your Love Forever(which the song attempts to mimick by indeed, repeating itself, you guessed it, forever)"

When this forst came out our worship leader had scrawled on the bottome of his music copy
"repeat 29 times to fade"

I think he was joking

Geoff H - an unreconstructed proddy

Posts: 305 | From: UK | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 1194

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last night, in my dreams, some of these songs came back to haunt me... I dreamt I was in the clappy happy church of my youth!
Ah dear!

"May I live this day… compassionate of heart" (John O’Donoghue)...

Posts: 4897 | From: Somewhere cold in Victoria, Australia | Registered: Aug 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's redhead
# 538

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I remember our church mission group doing a parody version of "Jesus take me as I am" based around our mission leader of the time:

"Make me like a David Stone
Six foot two and finely combed"

Of course, this was also the group which turned "Ascribe greatness to our God the Rock" into the following:

Ascribe lateness to our faulty clock
It's works are dirty and both its hands are bust (repeat)
A clock of latefulness and completely rusty
Good and uptight are we... (repeat)

Not to mention the new modern re-working of Jesus wants me for a sunbeam: "I wanna be an LED for Je-e-e-esus"

All shall be well
And all shall be well
And all manner of things shall be well.

Posts: 1495 | From: Royal Oak, MI | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 91

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Camp song, never ending:

I may never
March in the infantry
Ride with the calvary
Shoot the artillary
I may never
Fly o'er the enemy
But I'm in the Lord's Army!

I'm in the Lord's Army!
I'm in the Lord's Army!

(Start over, with actions. Once sung for over half an hour in the van as we left Camp Lutherhaven.)

Posts: 795 | From: Indiana, USA | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

What is this place?
Why am I here?
# 98

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Over half an hour!

I just mentally ran through it three times to figure out how to transition back to the "verse" and that was horrible enough.
Were there adults on this bus? Did the church pay for their psychiatric care?

Posts: 17391 | From: Just a Town, New Hampshire, USA | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 1894

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There was a song at Spring Harvest (I can't remember it's name), which had the lines;
You give the baren woman healing
She'll dance for joylikethe mother of children.

I actually paused during that.

Posts: 210 | From: London, UK | Registered: Nov 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 525

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Am I the only one who has had to endure the musical atrocity known only as "I leap up high".

I am, well let me share. Remember that all this is accompanied by actions.

"I leap up high and I touch the ground
I touch my knees and I turn around
I've got to (Woo-hoo)praise the Lord"

The next stanza includes the line

"I might look silly, but that's all right, I've got to (woo-hoo) praise the Lord".

Just so everyone knows that the truly pious person will be jumping around like a loon and not standing at the back trying to work out how the same God who inspired Bach was also responsible for this drivel.

Thank you for letting me get that particularly traumatic experience off my chest.

How easy it would be to live in England, if only one did not love her. - G.K. Chesterton

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Sardonic Angel
# 2296

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the version i know of that is
i reach up high
i touch the ground
i stanp my feet
and i turn around

look on the bright side...it could be
Oh jesus thou hast promised to the cheesyest tune possible.....i was cringing in the pew....
(scared for life by st georges parade..we had no matter what played on the organ once......aaaagggggghhhhh)

Posts: 5407 | From: searching saharas of sorrow | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged

Ship's elephant
# 1438

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Originally posted by Yaffle:
[QB]Am I the only one who has had to endure the musical atrocity known only as "I leap up high".



No, Yaffle, you're not.

"I don't feel like smiling." "You're English dear; fake it!" (Colin Firth "Easy Virtue")
Growing Greenpatches

Posts: 4739 | From: The Kitchen | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 525

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sophs, your recollection of the lines is probably more correct than my own. I have been doing my best to blot out the memory.

How easy it would be to live in England, if only one did not love her. - G.K. Chesterton

Posts: 9757 | From: Citizen of the World | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 748

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Originally posted by sophs:

look on the bright side...it could be
Oh jesus thou hast promised to the cheesyest tune possible.....i was cringing in the pew....

That`s not the one that goes

OJesusI have prom ised (pom pom pom)
Toservetheeto the end (pom pom pom pom)
Bethouforev er near me (pom pom pom)
Mymasterand my friend
I-shall-not fear the battle (da-da-da)
If-thou-art by my side
No-or WANder from the pa-athway
If thou wilt be my guide (pom, pom, PA-da and into next verse)

is it?

Unlike the link previously in my sig, I actually update my Livejournal from time to time.

Posts: 796 | From: Scotland | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 1018

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Originally posted by sophs:
I think the song is Greater grace
and i like the words...sorry

Okay eating my hat slightly here.The song aint that awful(we sung it again yesterday) but that last verse/Chorus/Bridge(You know that bit which is to an entirely differnt tune and tempt to to the rest of the song) is dreadful.

Posts: 3202 | From: The Dreaming | Registered: Jul 2001  |  IP: Logged
La belle Dame sans merci
# 1012

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On Sunday.....we sang.....The Undignified Song!!!!

Picture this. A church of 253 adults after the children have left to go to their groups. (I'm stood in the balconey, counting heads ) The adults are ALL singing:

I will dance, I will sing
To be mad for my king
Nothing Lord is hindering
(nice rhyme there)
The passion in my soul!

And I'll become (bom-bom)
Even more undignified than this
etc. etc. etc.

Pan over the entire congregation. All.Stood.Still.
Rigid even. Which, lets face it, if I had to be in the body of the church for this song, I too would be stood stock still. Either that, or I would have gone out 'to the loos' before the song started. But I wouldn't have sung it. And they ALL are!!

And when I discretely asked several of them afterwards, if they could see any problems with singing this, and standing still, NONE of them got it!!

Anglicans. Tchuh.


“Just because your voice reaches halfway around the world doesn't mean you are wiser than when it reached only to the end of the bar.”

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High Church Valkyrie
# 2349

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<< you might like to look at this great web page.... http://www.wibsite.com/wibblethorpe/fridgemagnet.htm >>

Too, too faboo. It has been sent to assorted Friends of Real Music/Enemies of Tripe. Thank you!

I'm not dead yet.

Posts: 15117 | From: Valhalla | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged

High Church Valkyrie
# 2349

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I would like to second the suggestion of the person (on Page 1) who recommended "Why Catholics Can't Sing." Particularly satisfying in that volume is the discussion of the egregious bit of drivel, "Here I am, Lord," a shining example of what author Thomas Day calls the "Vox Dei" school of church music. (My favorite is the bit that steals from the theme song for "The Brady Bunch.")

We owe God our best, and it is my considered opinion that NONE of the lyrics offered thus far for our consideration in this discussion remotely qualify. (And I'm sure the same is true of the tunes.)

I'm not dead yet.

Posts: 15117 | From: Valhalla | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
Gill H

# 68

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Honest version of 'here I am Lord':

Someone else, Lord
Please not me, Lord
I am hiding underneath my bed
I won't go, Lord
I'm too scared, Lord
Won't you please send someone else instead?

*sigh* We can’t all be Alan Cresswell.

- Lyda Rose

Posts: 9313 | From: London | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Sardonic Angel
# 2296

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Originally posted by Oriel:
That`s not the one that goes

OJesusI have prom ised (pom pom pom)
Toservetheeto the end (pom pom pom pom)
Bethouforev er near me (pom pom pom)
Mymasterand my friend
I-shall-not fear the battle (da-da-da)
If-thou-art by my side
No-or WANder from the pa-athway
If thou wilt be my guide (pom, pom, PA-da and into next verse)

is it?

That'll be the one......

Posts: 5407 | From: searching saharas of sorrow | Registered: Feb 2002  |  IP: Logged
Ship's lurker
# 1899

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Originally posted by Oriel:
That`s not the one that goes

OJesusI have prom ised (pom pom pom)
Toservetheeto the end (pom pom pom pom)
Bethouforev er near me (pom pom pom)
Mymasterand my friend
I-shall-not fear the battle (da-da-da)
If-thou-art by my side
No-or WANder from the pa-athway
If thou wilt be my guide (pom, pom, PA-da and into next verse)

is it?

What a fabulous rendition! I couldn't for the life of me remember the tune, but suddenly - thanks to your effortless use of punctuation - it all came flooding back, and now it won't leave. At all. Even whistling the Great Escape isn't working.

I'm not a happy ginger.

Posts: 1075 | From: London | Registered: Nov 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's elephant
# 1438

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Since posting yesterday seem to have got that 'I Jump up high' song on the brain!! Can't stop whistling it!

Wondered why there was a gust of laughter from Mr M and daughter last night as I wandered into TV room mid-rendition. Turns out Ricky Gervaise was just sounding forth about people who whistle.

I have been sent to Room 101!

"I don't feel like smiling." "You're English dear; fake it!" (Colin Firth "Easy Virtue")
Growing Greenpatches

Posts: 4739 | From: The Kitchen | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged

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