Source: (consider it)
Thread: Erin Memorial page
 liberal "peace first" hankie squeezer
# 13
Thanks, Simon. I still have that page open and was going to save it, but of course I would lose it in a computer meltdown sooner or later ...
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# 14408
It's good to finally see the face of the person who was (and remains) such a guiding influence on these boards.
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# 5358
Thanks, Simon. I was unexpectedly free to pray at the right time, and so appreciated having the page there as part of the prayer.
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Uncle Pete
 Loyaute me lie
# 10422
quote: Originally posted by Simon: A link to the memorial page for Erin, displayed when the Ship was dressed for her funeral today.
Please Mr Editor Sir:
Could you pin this photo page to Limbo when, in the course of time, the Erin Board is shut down?
-------------------- Even more so than I was before
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# 58
I was just wondering whether there might be a sort of memorial gallery somewhere. I don't think we have a photo of Miss Molly, but we do have pictures of most of the other shipmates who have died, I think. It could be a way of commemorating them - perhaps with a brief biog but comments turned off, which might also be a useful explanation for shipmates who join subsequently and don't know who older members are referring to.
Anyway, just an idea, but ISTM it would be nice for people to be able to pop in to a commemorative area now and again, especially when some of the deceased have played such a major part during their time on the boards.
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Paul W.
# 1450
I'm sure I remember seeing a photo of Miss Molly at some point.
Paul W
-------------------- "It's just a ride" - Bill Hicks
Blog Flickr
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# 8845
Thank you, Simon.
-------------------- "My Jesus would never be accepted in my church...the blood and dirt on His feet might stain the carpets." Todd Agnew
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but you can call me Neil
# 25
I have saved that picture. It has made me shed a tear, and anyone who knows me will know that is an event.
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Lamb Chopped
Ship's kebab
# 5528
I saved it too. I can see why she might not have posted it (besides the nutters, I mean)--looks way too nice to rip huge chunks of flesh out of a troll's behind. ![[Snigger]](graemlins/snigger.gif)
-------------------- Er, this is what I've been up to (book). Oh, that you would rend the heavens and come down!
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 Ship's Blue Blooded Lady
# 2764
Thank you so much.
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# 1
Thanks for the idea, Ariel... it's a good one. A separate Memorial board might be a good way to do this, with threads containing photos and tributes for shipmates who have died. Having a single place on the Ship where we can gather them together would be really valuable, I think.
PeteC, I'll make sure the page is always accessible, in some form or other.
-------------------- Eternal memory
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Uncle Pete
 Loyaute me lie
# 10422
A memorial page should also include shipmates whose death has come to our notice, not just the Great and the Glitterati. I can think of two or three who might be missed by a smaller subset of people, but whose lives deserve some commemoration.
-------------------- Even more so than I was before
Posts: 20466 | From: No longer where I was | Registered: Sep 2005
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# 7315
Erin looked just like I pictured her. Thank you Simon.
-------------------- Treat the earth well, It was not given to you by your parents. It was loaned to you by your children. -Unknown
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 The Ship's jack
# 9933
quote: Originally posted by PeteC: quote: Originally posted by Simon: A link to the memorial page for Erin, displayed when the Ship was dressed for her funeral today.
Please Mr Editor Sir:
Could you pin this photo page to Limbo when, in the course of time, the Erin Board is shut down?
quote: Originally posted by PeteC: A memorial page should also include shipmates whose death has come to our notice, not just the Great and the Glitterati. I can think of two or three who might be missed by a smaller subset of people, but whose lives deserve some commemoration.
As a founding mother or the Ship's Boards, maybe one of the boards should be retained in her name (maybe even this one) and put to particularly Erinesque use e.g. (off the top of my head) chewing up and planking trolls who get ejected from Hell? Equally, it could be some kind of memorial forum for deceased shipmates as PeteC suggests.
Whatever, all great institutions honour their most distinguished personalities by naming some edifice after them. Surely Erin merits such a privilege on the Ship. But maybe this has all been said elsewhere.
-------------------- ... The Respectable
Posts: 1718 | From: the abode of my w@ndering mind | Registered: Aug 2005
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# 58
Thank you Simon!
quote: Originally posted by PeteC: A memorial page should also include shipmates whose death has come to our notice, not just the Great and the Glitterati. I can think of two or three who might be missed by a smaller subset of people, but whose lives deserve some commemoration.
If they were shipmates, and we are told of their death, then they should have a place in a Ship's memorial gallery/page/board whatever their post count. There can be a lot of untold stories sometimes.
(I'd hate to think that post count would be a criterion for admission into the Hall of the Dead.)
Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001
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 Godless Liberal
# 3131
I think a memorial board is a good idea. Stoo and I also wondered about an annual memorial service (like the one in the cafe yesterday) for shipmates that have died, both the ones we know about, and those that we don't.
-------------------- Was Jenny Ann, but fancied being more minimal.
Posts: 5318 | From: Manchester, England | Registered: Aug 2002
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Lynn MagdalenCollege
# 10651
quote: Originally posted by Simon: Thanks for the idea, Ariel... it's a good one. A separate Memorial board might be a good way to do this, with threads containing photos and tributes for shipmates who have died. Having a single place on the Ship where we can gather them together would be really valuable, I think.
Sort of a virtual columbarium...
-------------------- Erin & Friend; Been there, done that; Ruth musical
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Robert Armin
 All licens'd fool
# 182
I liki the idea of an annual memorial service, and I will try to get Java fixed on my PC so I can ber present in future. All Saints seems the obvious time for this Anglican, but maybe the feat day of St Simeon, patron saint of the Ship, would be more apporpriate.
-------------------- Keeping fit was an obsession with Fr Moity .... He did chin ups in the vestry, calisthenics in the pulpit, and had developed a series of Tai-Chi exercises to correspond with ritual movements of the Mass. The Antipope Robert Rankin
Posts: 8927 | From: In the pack | Registered: May 2001
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# 1
I like that, Robert. We've always been a bit stuck for what to do with St Simeon's Day. It's 21 July.
-------------------- Eternal memory
Posts: 3787 | From: London | Registered: Mar 2001
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 Godless Liberal
# 3131
Thats a good idea.
-------------------- Was Jenny Ann, but fancied being more minimal.
Posts: 5318 | From: Manchester, England | Registered: Aug 2002
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Robert Armin
 All licens'd fool
# 182
Since posting last I've been rereading Calling Erin to Hell. It did me a power of good, and I would recommend it to other Shipmates (but there are 16 pages, so it will take a while). Not only is it very funny, with wonderful contributions by a whole range of people, but it was bracing to be reminded of Erin as she really was - not sweet and loved by all, but sharp, cutting and invigorating. How she will be missed..... [ 08. January 2011, 14:28: Message edited by: Robert Armin ]
-------------------- Keeping fit was an obsession with Fr Moity .... He did chin ups in the vestry, calisthenics in the pulpit, and had developed a series of Tai-Chi exercises to correspond with ritual movements of the Mass. The Antipope Robert Rankin
Posts: 8927 | From: In the pack | Registered: May 2001
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Compassionate fundamentalist
# 4169
I just read it myself. Wow -- seems a long time ago, circa pre-JohnBoot. I had forgotten it was the famous "retard" thread, too, and I loved the references to "taking offense in the style of...", etc. What fun, and it looks like it raised a good bit of money, too.
-------------------- Lord, fill my mouth with worthwhile stuff, and shut it when I've said enough. Amen.
Posts: 8419 | From: Nashville, TN | Registered: Feb 2003
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 Ship's tough old bird
# 107
I wish I had the computer skills to compile a map showing everywhere that prayers or meets took place in Erin's memory.
I think it would be amazing.
-------------------- Kerygmania host --------------------- See you later, alligator.
Posts: 20365 | From: Alleghany Mountains of Virginia | Registered: May 2001
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# 20
quote: Originally posted by Moo: I wish I had the computer skills to compile a map showing everywhere that prayers or meets took place in Erin's memory.
I think it would be amazing.
I'm just looking at a thing on Google maps that might allow it. But my techy skills aren't great either..!
-------------------- "If ye love me, keep my commandments" John 14:15
"Commandment number one: shut the hell up." Erin Etheredge 1971-2010
Posts: 4345 | From: West of England | Registered: May 2001
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Ship's Foolwise Unperson
# 1984
There is already a swamp lights map up - don't know if the ideas could be combined ?
-------------------- All political thinking for years past has been vitiated in the same way. People can foresee the future only when it coincides with their own wishes, and the most grossly obvious facts can be ignored when they are unwelcome. George Orwell
Posts: 19219 | From: Erehwon | Registered: Aug 2005
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# 20
quote: Originally posted by Think²: There is already a swamp lights map up - don't know if the ideas could be combined ?
Well that shows how much attention I was paying, before I started my own Swamp Lights map!
I see it now! Thanks ecumaniac. [ 08. January 2011, 17:27: Message edited by: Viola ]
-------------------- "If ye love me, keep my commandments" John 14:15
"Commandment number one: shut the hell up." Erin Etheredge 1971-2010
Posts: 4345 | From: West of England | Registered: May 2001
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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505
It would be great if we could have a global map with glowing lights on it for the swamp lights and little boats or crosses for the meets and prayer services held. Way beyond anything I could do, but I can dream....
-------------------- Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.
Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005
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 Ship's whipping girl
# 376
quote: Originally posted by Viola: quote: Originally posted by Think²: There is already a swamp lights map up - don't know if the ideas could be combined ?
Well that shows how much attention I was paying, before I started my own Swamp Lights map!
I see it now! Thanks ecumaniac.
It's publicly editable. I just haven't had time this weekend to update it myself.
-------------------- it's a secret club for people with a knitting addiction, hiding under the cloak of BDSM - Catrine
Posts: 2901 | From: Cambridge | Registered: Jun 2001
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 What is this place? Why am I here?
# 98
Neither of the maps posted on the Swamp Lights thread seem to be working for the hoi polloi. Perhaps a separate thread for the maps should be started so all this techie discussion doesn't derail things?
Posts: 17391 | From: Just a Town, New Hampshire, USA | Registered: May 2001
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Sir Kevin
Ship's Gaffer
# 3492
One of our English Shipmates, a friend of ours, posted her photo on Facebook. I saw it yesterday. Good to see it here too.
-------------------- If you board the wrong train, it is no use running along the corridor in the other direction Dietrich Bonhoeffer Writing is currently my hobby, not yet my profession.
Posts: 30517 | From: White Hart Lane | Registered: Oct 2002
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 Organist of the Jedi Temple
# 333
Thank you, Simon. A fitting tribute. And thanks for giving us the ability to see the page.
-------------------- Jasmine, little cat with a big heart.
Posts: 18017 | From: 'Twixt the 'Glades and the Gulf | Registered: Aug 2001
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 High Church Valkyrie
# 2349
Thank you, Simon.
-------------------- I'm not dead yet.
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Jengie jon
 Semper Reformanda
# 273
I have put up a largely working map using Googlemaps.
However if a final map is wanted I would actually want to do things different. Firstly that map is a cludge, something I knew enough to get it working but it is a simple approach and I have used fixes so anyone else editing it may struggle with things like the candle votive.
Secondly it relies on Google storing the data, now Google aren't likely to disappear over night but I am cautious over having the data editable by anyone over the long term.
I am not a google map expert, this is close to the limit of my knowledge, it would need someone who is familiar with the Google api which would allow us to store the base knowledge and to plot it on Google maps.
The first stage is to get a copy of the data off that site and to put it somewhere safe.
-------------------- "To violate a persons ability to distinguish fact from fantasy is the epistemological equivalent of rape." Noretta Koertge
Back to my blog
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 Mother-Hatting Cat Lover
# 9098
Jengie, That is amazing.
-------------------- "Ineffable" defined: "I cannot and will not be effed with." (Courtesy of CCTooSweet in Running the Books)
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 Completely Frocked
# 473
quote: Originally posted by St. Punk the Pious: Thank you so much for posting her photo.
But I expected her to look more like an alligator for some reason.
I posted this elsewhere, but it would probably be more fitting here:
This sign, spotted in Bath today, made me smile and remember a certain person.
Four-and-a-half inches - seriously big teeth! Proceed with caution, indeed. ![[Eek!]](eek.gif)
-------------------- Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.
Posts: 34626 | From: Cream Tealand | Registered: Jun 2001
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# 100
I only found out because Chalky told me. RIP Erin. She made a huge contribution to the ship. It was good to see the photo too, Simon.
-------------------- "It is better to light a candle than curse the darkness." Confucius
Posts: 743 | From: cardiff | Registered: May 2001
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# 716
Prayers and thoughts continuing to ascend for Erin.
I imagined her looking kind of like ... don't laugh, now, but sort of like a tough-talking female detective from something noir. Think Carmen Sandiego, but blonde, with a voice like Ruby, the Galactic Gumshoe from ZBS' radio dramas. Zapping trolls...
-------------------- My essays on comics continuity:
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Ship's fisherman
# 3784
She had a warm voice.
Posts: 6963 | From: The Venice of the South | Registered: Dec 2002
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art dunce
# 9258
What sad and shocking news. She was one of a kind and made every thread she posted on worth reading.
-------------------- Ego is not your amigo.
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