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# 58

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Quite simple: just continue the story in up to and no more than four (4) lines max. Idioms, proverbs, metaphors, whatever etc are actively encouraged. But you must take them literally, exactly at face value.

* * *

I looked out of the window thinking what a beautiful autumn day it was. Blue skies and autumn leaves everywhere. It would be good to go for a spin in the countryside, and maybe a tramp in the woods.

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 9597

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[Could you provide an example of how this game is supposed to work? Sort of like...

POSTER 1: Blah blah blah

POSTER 2: Blah Blah Blah]

Posts: 6574 | From: back and forth between bible belts | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ordinary decent pagan
# 619

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Mounting my gyroscope, I was soon revolving merrily through the local woodlands. 'Aha! I see a tramp!' But before I could go for him, a startled pheasant rose like a bat out of hell, sending me cartwheeling into the undergrowth like a trampoline in a hurricane.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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The hurricane seemed to appear out of Nowhere, and I found myself clinging desperately to a large oak. Sticks, leaves, two umbrellas, a line of washing and a trampoline tumbled past and then were gone. Was I imagining it? Was it all a strange dream? In the tree, I noticed a brightly coloured beetle hanging from a branch.

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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I blinked and the beetle was gone, but a bewildered and dishevelled tramp was sitting up amid the bracken and leaves looking dazed.

"I hate this weather," he said. "One minute the sun's shining, the next there's a dirty great gale, then it's raining cats and dogs."

[Hint: try to get an idiom or pun or such into your four lines which the next player will have to take literally to continue the story.]

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged
Golden Key
# 1468

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Rin-Tin-Tin and Clarence, the cross-eyed lion*, fell from the sky and landed on their feet. Toto and Dorothy Gale, in a muddy pinafore, soon followed.

"Glinda suggested we drop in on you," said Dorothy, brushing off her pinafore. Toto nipped at her heels.

*Look them both up!

Blessed Gator, pray for us!
--"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon")
--"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")

Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
Curiosity killed ...

Ship's Mug
# 11770

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"Ow!" cried Dorothy as Toto drew blood and stained her shoes red.

The Good Witch of the North wondered why Glinda suggested this motley crew should descend on her uninvited. How could she weasel out the real reason?

Mugs - Keep the Ship afloat

Posts: 13794 | From: outiside the outer ring road | Registered: Aug 2006  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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The tramp and I looked hard at the motley crew and the cross-eyed lion. I'd never seen a lion with such cross eyes before, and it didn't bode well for the immediate future. The tramp and I glanced at each other and came to an immediate unspoken agreement: we were going to run like hell.
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# 9597

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And since Hell is actually run rather badly(abysmal morale, endless labour strife, continuous cost-overruns on brimstone and pitchforks, etc), we didn't get very far, and ended up nose-diving head first off a cliff into a lake of raging waters.
Posts: 6574 | From: back and forth between bible belts | Registered: Jun 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ordinary decent pagan
# 619

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raging waters - lower case brother of the more famous Muddy - looked askance and then aghast as we emerged dripping from his lake. 'You look like drowned rats' he chuckled.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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Then he got into his brightly coloured VW beetle and drove away, humming the blues. Just then a rugby team jogged into view, and trotted past in a neat crocodile.

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged

# 14998

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The crocodile didn't look too enthused about it's passengers, but refrained from snapping.

Butter wouldn't melt in its mouth. Indeed, it looked positively po-faced.

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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The rugby team stopped to eat their sandwiches. "What are we going to give the crocodile to eat?", one of them said. "He can't eat any of our sandwiches because they have butter in them". "We must think of something", another replied, "or we'll be on the menu".
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged

Ordinary decent pagan
# 619

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The po-faced crocodile - properly Crocodylinae urinus - dived into the lake. Deprived of their transport, the rugby team left in high dudgeon. 'Well, that's us up the creek' I remarked to the tramp.
Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged

# 14998

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"What, no paddle?" enquired the tramp. "Surely the flow will take us back to where we want to be."

This was a blinding revelation to his listeners; they were absolutely gobsmacked.

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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Glinda, Dorothy and I picked ourselves up after being hit in the mouth by flying monkeys. The tramp commented that what with the cross lion, the po-faced crocodile and the evil chimpanzees, strolling through the woods was not what it used to be. "It's a jungle out there!" he said as the rain began to hammer down again.

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged

# 14998

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Through the green thick undergrowth came Tarzan, swinging on a tendrilly rope. "Anyone seen Jane," he enquired. "And could I have my hammer back, please? I'm being drowned by the rain unless I can get my roof fixed."

"He'd dp better to get plastered instead,~" muttered Dorothy."Then he wouldn't notice the rain at all."

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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Being temporarily blinded by the revelation, we were all somewhat startled to hear Tarzan calling down to us.

"What on earth is that?" muttered the tramp as bits of wet plaster dripped from Tarzan's dangling torso. "They must have birds as big as buses in these parts."

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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At that moment Megabird arrived. "All aboard", he said. We all climbed on to his back, although it was packed and we had to stand for the whole journey. When we came to the end of the route, we all got off. We were in the Emerald City, just outside McDonalds. "I fancy a Big Mac", said Glinda.
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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"Yeah, well, Big Mac doesn’t fancy you," said a huge, shaven-headed man with an incredible assortment of tattoos, looking her up and down. "Burger off."

"Not after we’ve come all this way," I said, "and I’ve got vouchers for a special offer."

"You lot have had your chips," said the shaven-headed man and turning on a sixpence, disappeared.

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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Though we didn't recall having eaten, we picked up the sixpence, which was shiny brightly in the mud, turned it off to save electricity, and offered it to a nearby motorist. "I'd offer you a lift," he said, "but I appear to have run out of juice."

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged

# 14998

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We pointed him to the nearest mango tree, but he actually didn't give a toss.

We thought he had better mend his ways if he wanted to be flavour of the month.

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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"Today tastes like aniseed," said Glinda dreamily. "Yesterday was better - that was tutti fruiti."

"Is anyone still hungry?" asked Tarzan. "I could eat a horse - or even a hippo."

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged

Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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Under the mango tree was a Hippo Food Truck- hippo hot dogs. hippo hamburgers, even hippo hoagies were on offer. Then Jane appeared out of thin air to demand Tarzan buy her a hippo garbage burrito, a large order of onion rings, and an extra large black forest shake. She had a bun in the oven.

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

Posts: 21377 | From: CA | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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"We'd better get home quickly", said Tarzan to Jane "or the bun will be burnt", and off they went. The rest of us decided to visit the wizard to see if he could help us to get home, so after we'd finished eating we made our way to his palace. We knocked on the palace door. It was opened by Mac, the big, shaven-headed man we'd met earlier. "What do you lot want?" he said. "We want to see the wizard", said Dorothy. "Well, you can't", he said, "Your names aren't down, you're not coming in".
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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"Yes they are," I protested and pulled out a list for Mac to see. "Glinda Down, Dorothy Down, Tramp Down..."

Big Mac looked suspiciously at me and then at the list and back again, but it was in print so it had to be true. "Well, come in and make yourselves at home then," he said sarcastically and stalked ahead of us with his nose in the air.

[ 04. November 2015, 07:22: Message edited by: Ariel ]

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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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"Walk this way," said Big Mac. So we followed the strange man, with our heads tilted back so our noses were in the air too. He had legs made of broccoli stalks and there was quite a spring in his step.

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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We did not know how he had come to be without a real foot, but none of us liked to ask. He showed us into a room and closed the door behind us. We suddenly got a shock as we heard the key turning and realised at the same time that there was no wizard in the room, only a lizard, munching a cornish pasty. "Hey Mac", shouted Dorothy, "where's the wizard?" "Oh, wizard", shouted Mac with mock surprise, from the other side of the door, "I thought you said lizard". We could hear Mac walking away as we turned to look at the lizard. "Hallo", said the lizard gloomily, "My name's Eddie and I've been here for ages. There's no way out at all". We noticed that there were bars at the window.
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged

Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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"Well, at least we can get plastered", I said as I collected my apple mojito from the cocktail bar, while Eddie the lounge lizard sauntered to the piano bar to sing the blues.

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

Posts: 21377 | From: CA | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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"Now we know where the rugby team were headed," I said to the tramp as a rousing rendition of the Blues team song rattled our eardrums. Glinda gave me a wink as she purred to the barman. "I'd like a Black Russian, please."

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged

# 14998

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"Not many of those around," he replied. "Would a yellowish Mongolian do?"

"Stop pulling my leg" she said. "I'm feeling too shattered for jokes. Give me a break, for heaven's sake."

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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"Coming right up!" said the barman and leaning down, produced from under the counter a genuine Russian Black cat, thrusting it into Glinda's arms. "That'll be £850, do you want ice with that or a cherry on top?"

The tramp eyed Eddie the lizard speculatively, then grabbed him and plonked him on the counter. "Let’s do a swop, we’ll take the cat, you take the lizard, keep the ice, we’ll take the cherry and a little parasol."

"You drive a hard bargain," said the barman.

Posts: 25445 | Registered: May 2001  |  IP: Logged

Ordinary decent pagan
# 619

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'Which is parked right outside, if we could just get out of this locked room.

OK, everybody - back to the piano. We need to find the right key.'

Posts: 17302 | From: Edinburgh | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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We all gathered around the right hand side of the piano expectantly. "What shall I play?" hissed Eddie, who was a bit dark about being traded for a cat.

Glinda smiled and whispered into the holes on his head.

"All right." he agreed, "Let's give the Jailhouse Rock a good belt out."

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
Golden Key
# 1468

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The Blues Brothers were suddenly there, wearing shoes made from automotive timing belts. As they performed (with Eddie on keyboard), everyone rocked to the Jailhouse Rock. Glinda did cartwheels, Dorothy did handsprings, and everyone had a smashing time.

[ 05. November 2015, 19:30: Message edited by: Golden Key ]

Blessed Gator, pray for us!
--"Oh bat bladders, do you have to bring common sense into this?" (Dragon, "Jane & the Dragon")
--"Oh, Peace Train, save this country!" (Yusuf/Cat Stevens, "Peace Train")

Posts: 18601 | From: Chilling out in an undisclosed, sincere pumpkin patch. | Registered: Oct 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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The next thing I could remember was waking up outdoors, early the next morning. The palace was a heap of rubble nearby. "There they are, Officer!", said a woman to a policeman. "They completely demolished a beautiful historic building! We get a lot of trouble with drunks around here but this really takes the biscuit!".
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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"I'll be taking that as evidence," said the officer, picking up the biscuit carefully after it had been photographed. "And this jailhouse rock too," he added, collecting some of the rubble.
"Stone the crows, you are a rum looking lot."

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged

# 14998

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"60% proof after our intake today" said Glinda, taking precise aim at the nearest black-winged bird.

"However, I can't make head nor tail of today's events.It's a real headache."

The policeman bounced back with a jolly"Well, it's nearly over now. The sun goeth down."

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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While the policeman was at the bottom of the well, trying to retrieve his tabloid newspaper, we quickly pulled the ladder up out of the well and then made our escape. Soon we were sitting on a train with tickets to Amethyst City, which was as far as the railway went. The train began moving and a voice from the tannoy informed us that drinks and snacks were available in the buffet. "Hair of the dog is what we need", said the tramp.
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged
Kelly Alves

Bunny with an axe
# 2522

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Dorothy took a deep breath."I wouldn't, if I were y-"

Ignoring her, the tramp reached across her blue and white checked lap and grabbed a handful of Toto's fur. Toto, who had been attempting to sleep it off, jumped to his feet and buried his teeth in the tramp's hand. The tramp squealed and tried fruitlessly to shake the little dog loose.

"Get him, Toto!" Dorothy cheered, blood lust in her eyes. "You get that old meanie!"

Ellwood Blues leaned back in his seat and lit a cheroot. "Well, ain't that a sight for sore eyes," he chuckled.

[ 07. November 2015, 23:01: Message edited by: Kelly Alves ]

I cannot expect people to believe “
Jesus loves me, this I know” of they don’t believe “Kelly loves me, this I know.”
Kelly Alves, somewhere around 2003.

Posts: 35076 | From: Pura Californiana | Registered: Mar 2002  |  IP: Logged
Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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"Ow!" we all chorused as the Amethyst City came into view and made our eyes sore. It had been a long and uncomfortable night on the train, and now the morning sun bouncing off the crystalline roofs made us all squint. Only Ellwood and Jake were smiling - but then, they were the only ones with sunglasses.
Ellwood rubbed his hands, " I do believe opportunity knocks, but we need to front the penguin first."

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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We felt a bit foolish arguing with a chocolate biscuit in the station foyer, but very soon a knock came at the window and a man walked in. "Hallo there", he said, "My name's Opportunity and I want you all to be in the dance extravaganza at the theatre". We followed Opportunity out of the station, but I whispered to Glinda, "What am I going to do? I've got two left feet".
Posts: 522 | Registered: Mar 2014  |  IP: Logged

Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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"Make a trade," Glinda replied, pointing out a young dancer hobbled by two right feet. Approached with the proposal, the dancer gleefully handed over her left right foot as I handed back my right left foot. Then we both cut a rug to the strains of "Cheek to Cheek".

[ 09. November 2015, 13:55: Message edited by: Lyda*Rose ]

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

Posts: 21377 | From: CA | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged

Ship's Barnacle
# 2716

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And it was indeed a strain, remaining cheek to cheek while they took a pair of scissors each and began to shred the small circular patch of carpet which lay before them. "I feel a fool," muttered Glinda.

Miss you, Erin.

Posts: 14382 | From: Under the duvet | Registered: Apr 2002  |  IP: Logged

Ship's broken porthole
# 4544

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"Hey! Watch those hands!" sputtered the fool as he waved his bladder menacingly at the careless witch.

Attention now caught, Glinda purred, "Under all that motley, you are actually quite a hunk." Elwood rolled his eyes as the flustered jester glowed beet red.

"Dear God, whose name I do not know - thank you for my life. I forgot how BIG... thank you. Thank you for my life." ~from Joe Vs the Volcano

Posts: 21377 | From: CA | Registered: May 2003  |  IP: Logged

Completely Frocked
# 473

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"Oy, geroff!" objected the Fool, fed up with all this undue attention. "You can get arrested for that! I'll have you know I have friends in High Places!"

Retired, sitting back and watching others for a change.

Posts: 34626 | From: Cream Tealand | Registered: Jun 2001  |  IP: Logged
# 58

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We glanced up at the trees, where a bunch of people in strange motley costumes, perched in the branches, waved back enthusiastically. We pretended we hadn't noticed them and moved hastily away in case they fell on top of us.

"Let's get something to eat," said the tramp impatiently. "Fries and a hot dog will do me just fine."

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Banner Lady
Ship's Ensign
# 10505

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Last we saw of the fool was him chasing a panting puppy down the street. "I'm hungry too, " said Ellwood, "but Jake needs four fried chickens and a coke. Where's the nearest Milk Bar or Soda Fountain?"

Women in the church are not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be enjoyed.

Posts: 7080 | From: Canberra Australia | Registered: Oct 2005  |  IP: Logged
# 18045

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But nobody much fancied drinking out of a fountain where people had been paddling in its pool and the milk bar would need a powerful metal saw to open it. "Whoever designs these milk containers needs shooting", said Glinda. After walking for what seemed like hours along street after street, we eventually found a McTucky Burger Fried King. We all ate. Toto had a special McTucky Doggy Meal which consisted of a burger, fries, a container of water and a bonio. "Does anyone know the way back to the theatre?", said Dorothy, suddenly looking at the clock, "The show's due to start soon." "Search me", we all said in unison.
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# 14998

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The Search Gestapo materialised on the spot and advanced with thunderous looks. We ducked hastily and made tracks as fast as we could, looking for a bolt hole.

But God, holding a candle, looks for all who wander, all who search. - Shifra Alon
Beauty fades, dumb is forever-Judge Judy
The man who made time, made plenty.

Posts: 8040 | From: Æbleskiver country | Registered: Aug 2009  |  IP: Logged

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