Thread: Recycle, recycle, recycle. Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Our bins are only emptied once every three weeks. We have five bins - general rubbish, food waste, garden waste, paper/card, plastic/glass.
If you put the wrong thing in the wrong bin you get a 'red tag of shame' and they don't empty it!
So I have turned into the 'bin police'! My husband and I are lucky enough to have a bathroom each, but I have told him I'll remove his bin if he keeps putting the wrong stuff in it - heh.
Who is the bin police in your house?
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
We have six receptacles at home:
- compost bin (emptied weekly)
- cans and glass bin (emptied weekly)
- papers, cloth, shoe and minor electrical items (emptied weekly)
- Cardboard, in a useless bag, (emptied fornightly)
- Garden waste wheelie bin (emptied fortnightly)
- General waste wheelie bin (emptied fortnightly)
Mrs Sioni manages it by telling everyone else to get it right, but it's my job to take everything out.
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on
We have weekly collections, but with a complicated choreography. Small black food bin every week: larger than small bin but smaller than large bin landfill alternate weeks: large green bin with paper, cardboard and plastic the same week as glass and tins (blue box) and garden waste (brown bin). There are also slots for textiles and batteries.
Despite this, there is always a pile of unclassifiable junk at the top of the stairs - old bathmats? Dismembered clothes horse?
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
* Brown bins for compostable waste
* Blue bins for paper, cardboard, tins, certain plastics
* Green bins for landfill
* Black bins for brown glass
* More black bins for green glass
* Even more black bins for white glass
* No provision for coloured glass, batteries, fabric or small electricals which you have to take to the collection points in supermarket car parks.
Nobody in our flats really sticks to the bin arrangements. The compostable waste bins always get plastic carrier bags of anything and everything dumped in them as do the blue bins, or failing that, the green bins.
Collections are fortnightly which is ridiculous. Bring back the weekly collections - it's unhygienic having decomposing food hanging around for days on end, especially in the summer.
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
The first day I arrived in my house in Brazil, I asked the neighbours: "When do they collect waste here?"
The answer was: "10 o'clock and half past 3"
I was going to ask "But on which day?" when the penny dropped.
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on
Plastic bag for batteries, placed on top of any bin collected weekly.
Small green caddy for compostable waste collected weekly.
Blue lidded bin for paper, plastic, tetrapak and tins collected fortnightly.
Black bin for general waste collected fortnightly.
Bottle bank for glass in school car park.
Garden waste, cardboard, lightbulbs and large items have to be taken to the coup (municipal dump) in the next town.
I'm the recycle police in our household - the family would cheerfully put brown cardboard in with the paper collection.
We have a green cone in the garden, sold very cheaply by the council, for cooked food waste, chicken bones, etc. I do like my green cone.
Posted by Lucia (# 15201) on
The only thing that gets recycled round here (I'm in Tunisia!) is that poor people come round and collect the plastic bottles as they get some very minimal amount per kilo for them. We also made ourselves a compost bin for the garden (black bin with holes drilled down the sides standing on bricks in the garden) so all our vegetable waste goes in there.
Otherwise the rubbish is collected from the heap on the street corner at least a couple of times a day by guys who come round with a tractor and trailer. Except at midnight when they come with the most incredibly noisy garbage lorry and park it outside our bedroom window for 10 minutes while they do the final clear up of the day. Wonderful when you have just got off to deep sleep...
If I have any household stuff that I am throwing out I usually put it in bags on the street corner away from the rubbish heap. It is usually gone within minutes because clearly anything 'the foreigners' are throwing away might be worth having! And people will mend and use all kinds of things here that would simply be thrown away and replaced in the UK.
Of course the other rubbish collectors are the numerous stray cats and dogs who scavenge whatever they can....
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on
I am my own recycle police. One of many advantages of living on my own.
We have just received our new wheelie bins. One for general household waste (weekly) and one for recycling plastics/glass and what's called a pod in that one for paper and cardboard (fortnightly). Garden waste is fortnightly as well, but only if you've paid for it, which I do as I don't have a car for taking it to the
I have an ominous feeling my general waste wheelie bin will be targeted by those households who, up until now, have usually put out several bin-bags full each week and who will now be limited to what can go in the bin.
Posted by Japes (# 5358) on
I have just re-read the leaflet which came with the bins. I can apply for a smaller bin.
Posted by Diomedes (# 13482) on
Reading of the arrangements some of you have to manage I'm really grateful that our waste collection system is so simple. Black sacks for landfill, collected weekly. Pink sacks for everything recyclable, collected weekly. There are large bins available for garden compostable stuff if you want one, or you can have a bucket sized one for vegetable peelings etc. also collected weekly. As long as we remember which day is Wednesday we're OK!
Posted by marzipan (# 9442) on
We have four bins: one little one for all food waste, one for mixed recycling (cardboard, plastic, tins), one for glass and one for landfill. We don't have one for garden waste so it goes in the landfill one for now (if we had a car we could take it to the tip). Recycling gets collected every fortnight, landfill and food fortnightly in the other week, and glass every couple of months - they text us when they're picking that up.
We did forget to put the bin out this week but luckily it was recycling week not rubbish week!
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
They don't provide bins here
but they do like you to recycle things. You have to buy all your own bags - ordinary black ones for general rubbish and blue or green ones for recycling.
Although we have to separate plastic/cartons/tetrapacks from paper/cardboard/egg-boxes, there's no provision at all for glass, which is a bummer.
As to the regime chez Piglet, it's down to me. D. will drop empty plastic bottles beside, but not actually in, the plastic bag - he claims he doesn't know which bag* to put them in ...
There are a few enterprising souls round here who go round with shopping-trolleys collecting bags of plastic bottles, as they get a few cents for each at the bottle-bank; I'd much rather give them the money than let the Council cash them in.
Our rubbish is still, mercifully, collected weekly, and recycling fortnightly; I'm the one who empties the bins and waste-paper baskets and puts the bags out.
* Try the one with plastic bottles in it.
Posted by crunt (# 1321) on
We just got a leaflet telling us how to separate our rubbish and how many times a week we can put out old appliances, mattresses and what have you.
The rubbish collectors come three times a week / month and various other people keep an eye out for recyclable plastics that they can collect and get paid for - but many of my neighbours STILL tie their trash into neat little plastic bags, and drop them in the storm drain running along our street.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on
We have one bin for recycling. Everything in it and robots and people sort it. Paper and cardboard, all plastics, glass, all dairy containers. Its picked up by a truck with a hydraulic lift dumper. Automated.
Electronics of all kinds, liquid, paints, we take along to beverage container recycling. The beverage containers are worth 5 to 40 cents. Depending on what was in them and size. You pay when bought, get back when returning them. Their value means we seldom have them as litter.
They have started a new program for all kitchen waste except meat scraps, ie veg matter. This is only for those who don't compost themselves. So far its voluntary and user pay. You get compost back.
Where we have a second seasonal home, a camera has been placed at the transfer site ( dump, recycling ) because of inappropriate use. Makes me sad/ angry that its been required. They have had to go to a permit system and inspections to prevent badness.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
We sell our stuff - newspapers [we get two a day], cardboard, glass bottles, etc. all gets stored until we have enough then Himself takes it down the road and sells it to the recycling man. Compostable stuff is spread round the bottoms of the coconut palms and the other stuff is mainly burnt at the far end of our land.
The recycling guy will take most things but not CRT monitors [remember those?] as the country is awash with them.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Originally posted by Boogie:
Our bins are only emptied once every three weeks. We have five bins - general rubbish, food waste, garden waste, paper/card, plastic/glass.
If you put the wrong thing in the wrong bin you get a 'red tag of shame' and they don't empty it!
So I have turned into the 'bin police'! My husband and I are lucky enough to have a bathroom each, but I have told him I'll remove his bin if he keeps putting the wrong stuff in it - heh.
Who is the bin police in your house?
Someone actually looks closely enough at your trash to red tag it? Whoa. We have three bins collected once a week: solid waste (brown), recyclable (blue), and yard waste (green). Color coded bins collected by three big trucks with robotic arms that grab each bin from the side, then toss the contents into the back of the truck. No driver sees what is in each bin. We are on the Honor System.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
Someone actually looks closely enough at your trash to red tag it?
Yes - we have trucks and bin men who put the bins on a thingie on the back of the bin waggon, which whisks it in, our streets are far too narrow for robotic arms.
Here is the red tag of shame
Posted by Ariel (# 58) on
Originally posted by Boogie:
If you put the wrong thing in the wrong bin you get a 'red tag of shame' and they don't empty it!
Yes - we don't get a "red tag" but a long white sticky label is slapped on the bin saying it can't be emptied because it contains the wrong items so empty it yourselves or else.
This once led to a standoff that started around Christmas and lasted for months with the composting bins still not being emptied well into July, and would have lasted even longer had I not rung the letting agents and complained that the orange plastic carrier bags (which shouldn't have been in there) had been in the composting bin so long that the sunlight had bleached the colour to a pale beige and the whole thing was a health hazard.
It led to someone coming round to sort out the bins and a letter being sent to all residents, but people still dump plastic carrier bags, empty tins etc in the brown bins so it hasn't made any real difference.
Posted by Boadicea Trott (# 9621) on
I am the Recycling Manager in our house, but fighting a losing battle with my husband who can't be bothered, does not see the point of it all and just chucks everything in a black bin bag unless I intercept it first
The girls recycle everything, partly as a result of indoctrination in school.
We have a blue bag for plastic bottles and metal tins, one black box for paper and glass, one black box for cardboard and a big brown sealed container for food waste. Heaven help you if you get it wrong as they will just leave the whole lot with a note saying you are The Worst Person In Town.
Our recycling gets collected weekly, black bin bags get collected fortnightly.
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on
Black bag for incineratable, clear bag for recycling (paper, plastics - not black or film, tins, foil). Those weekly. Can buy garden sacks or bins for fortnightly collection but I either put it in my composters, or, if blighty haulm or woody, take it to the dump. (Blight goes in the incineratable - don't tell.) Glass to the bottle bank. Electricals, batteries to the dump.
I despair at the dump. Last visit, perfectly usable wooden stepladder, which the attendant nearly totted but saw he was watched, and sheets of thick opaque glass going in landfill. Other occasions, perfectly good bicycles, a marquetry table top, and a gold plated dual use radiator (think that had been totted). I have collected two Ikea boxes between the car and the wall (allowable if they haven't got as far as the wall). They were better quality than the ones now on sale which I bought to add to the range in my study.
[ 11. October 2015, 16:01: Message edited by: Penny S ]
Posted by Tree Bee (# 4033) on
We are just back from Cornwall where we were mightily confused about the recycling arrangements. In fact we brought our paper and cardboard home with us.
We have a weekly collection here.
General waste in black sacks which we now have to buy ourselves. Paper, plastic,aerosols,cans, cardboard in a pink sack provided free. Glass in a blue plastic box. Garden and food waste in a green wheelie bin. Batteries in a small bag placed on top of the wheelie bin.
We've been recycling for 30 years in MK so it seems natural to us.
Posted by Dormouse (# 5954) on
Binmen come every Friday & take whatever's in the bins! There are big skips around the village for glass, cartons/tins/card, and for paper, but it's up to you whether you recycle or not. We have bags in the cupboard where we toss our recycling, and every couple of weeks MrD or I will take them to the nearest skips
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on
Bins are emptied once a week - landfill 'household waste' one week, recycling the next.
Our recycling bin is usually full to bursting by the end of one week, while the waste bin could go for six weeks before it became a problem.
Our LA doesn't recycle much via bin, but there is a good Tip which does most things, including dead fire extinguishers, gas cannisters, etc.
Posted by Leorning Cniht (# 17564) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
We have three bins collected once a week: solid waste (brown), recyclable (blue), and yard waste (green). Color coded bins collected by three big trucks with robotic arms that grab each bin from the side, then toss the contents into the back of the truck.
We have the same, but it's one green wheelie bin for landfill and one blue wheelie bin for mixed recyclables. Yard waste (which gets composted) goes in paper sacks.
Electronics, hazardous goods (CFLs!), old paint and so on gets taken to the recycling centre on Saturdays.
The last I heard, basically all the recycling is worth nothing - aluminium cans are the only things that you can sell to anyone. I don't think you can even give away bulk paper these days.
[ 11. October 2015, 21:36: Message edited by: Leorning Cniht ]
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on
Kent is supposed to have an incinerator which produces power, and used to have an arrangement with a papermill, but this has gone bust, so I don't know what happens to the paper. They have recently sent out a leaflet announcing changes in recyclables, which now includes clear plastic food trays, so they have presumably got some outlet for plastics.
OTOH, I know of two places full of paper bales which went to some company which was going to deal with them, and hasn't, and the monstrous carbuncle near Orpington, of my county's waste. The Heap The awful thing about this is that the landowner, an elderly man who lives in the cul-de-sac, is now responsible for the mess left by the defaulting company which broke their agreements, and he simply doesn't have the where-with-all to do it.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on
We have a large yellow wheelie bin for recycling (plastics with numbers, paper and cardboard, plastic milk bottles, clean tins, glass jars without tops) collected fortnightly alternating with middle sized red topped rubbish wheelie. Tetra paks can be put into the recycling but I drop mine off at "Trees for Canterbury" a native nursery which grows free trees for public places such as schools
Organics - green top(garden rubbish, food scraps, bones) is the smallest wheelie, which is collected weekly.
I am fussiest about the recycling bin as people have to hand sort through this stuff. I heard of a woman facing a steep fine for putting used nappies in it. All the trucks are fitted with cameras so there is a check on what goes where. If the bin is overfull it won't be emptied as stuff goes all over the street.
The Council are really good at answering questions regarding sorting and generally take an educational, rather than a punitive approach.
The only difficulty I have is that there is no collection of old appliances, or gas bottles but they can be taken to the transfer station. Not having a car means I rely on a friend who has a trailer (I bribe him with baking.
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
There is a company somewhere in India [it's a big place!] that takes used plastic [mainly bottles] and does something to it to produce oil - seems a good plan.
Posted by jedijudy (# 333) on
We just had a change in our collections this week. A very Large wheeled bin was delivered to my home about six weeks ago with a note to not use it until the first week in October. It's for garbage of all kinds. A couple of years ago, a blue wheeled bin was delivered for recycling.
They were collected weekly, but I had to remember which was collected on Wednesday, and which on Fridays. Now, they are both on Friday, along with yard waste! Good deal!
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
Originally posted by Lucia:
(I'm in Tunisia!)
Except at midnight when they come with the most incredibly noisy garbage lorry and park it outside our bedroom window for 10 minutes while they do the final clear up of the day.
I will never again listen to this in quite the same way.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on
We have very little recycling here and what we do have must be taken to bins in supermarket parking lots.
Our trash-- mix of whatever you don't want to lug down to the market, iow, everything-- gets picked up weekly. The one sweet thing about it is that because we live up twisty narrow one-lane mountain roads, instead of the usual big, loud dump trucks we have these adorable red mini-dump trucks that look very much like a children's toy that zip up and down the narrow winding roads. They will also beep their cute little toy horn & wait a bit if you forgot to take out your trash cans so you have a chance to out and get them. If you're not home but the cans are in plain view they'll even go get them from your yard.
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