Thread: Giving that make you smile Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Banner Lady (# 10505) on
Going into shopping malls during December makes me want to scream, so I try to avoid doing this every year. But there are some gifts and some giving that does bring a smile to my face.
Finding a comic book style bible with the Christmas story done in Minecraft pics was a delightful find for me this week, as two of my grandchildren love Minecrafting.
What gifts have you received or given/giving that have made you smile?
Posted by Brenda Clough (# 18061) on
My husband is getting into mixology -- the mixing of cocktails. Naturally I encourage this hobby with energy. This Xmas I am buying him a silicon mold that allows him to make ice cubes in the shape of the Death Star. (It is desirable to have one solid chunk of ice in some drinks, rather than many cubes.)
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by Banner Lady:
Going into shopping malls during December makes me want to scream, so I try to avoid doing this every year.
Me too, me too - I avoid shops from the end of October.
What gifts have you received or given/giving that have made you smile?
My nieces are both over 40. Through the year I buy them all sorts of gifts which I know they will like. I wrap them up separately and put them in a gift bag for them like I did when they were 7 years old. I love doing it and they love receiving them
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on
Something I really, really would have loved to get my Dad: one of those “give an experience” days driving a JCB. He’s always wanted to have a go. Unfortunately all the ones I’ve found are too far away. I have a bit of a sad about this.
Brenda has reminded me: for my husband I have found a print your photos site where you can print Star Wars film posters with your own photo inserted. I may also get him a chocolate Darth Vader.
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
As an uncle to 5 children aged 7-11 (yes, we had 5 consecutive years when there was a new addition each year), I love seeing their face when you've got something just right.
It's something that they love, but they didn't ask for. Thing is, I am a bit competitive, so I love seeing the kids playing the present I bought them.
Often it's something very small. This year, I expect the Top Trumps - Baby Animals will go down a treat with one young lady.
Posted by North East Quine (# 13049) on
A friend of ours assumed he would not have children and delighted in buying noisy, messy or downright dangerous gifts for ours.
Ours are now young adults and he has 8 year old twins. Oh, the joy of buying them fart whistles, kazoos, football rattles etc. This year we have bought them science kits to make alarms.
Posted by Jengie jon (# 273) on
My niece is one of those people for whom sprouts taste horrid. Every year she is asked to try them, just one. This year I think of getting her chocolate sprouts. Please note I would not get her sprout flavour chocolate or chocolate covered sprouts. Those are just mean.
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on
Posted by NEQ:
A friend of ours assumed he would not have children and delighted in buying noisy, messy or downright dangerous gifts for ours.
Ours are now young adults and he has 8 year old twins. Oh, the joy of buying them fart whistles, kazoos, football rattles etc. This year we have bought them science kits to make alarms.
I believe my sister is now getting her come-uppance for much the same reason. kingsnephew is now three and a quarter so not really old enough for science kits yet, but I'm waiting....
![[Two face]](graemlins/scot_twoface.gif)
[ 26. November 2015, 11:47: Message edited by: kingsfold ]
Posted by Piglet (# 11803) on
Originally posted by kingsfold:
... kingsnephew is now three and a quarter so not really old enough for science kits yet ...
He's old enough for a miniature drum-kit though ...
Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on
All noisy toys that my nieces and nephews receive "accidentally" get left at Grandma and Granddad's house.
For a 4 year old, fuzzy felt goes down quite well with both child and parent.
My one 'policy' was that I never gave the kids weapons of any kind. There's enough violence in the world, without confusing them into thinking it's fun.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on
For my birthday earlier this month I received a Tom Hiddleston colouring book. That made me smile
In previous years I received a battery-operated tribble (it has two modes: distressed twitter and contented purr) which still makes me laugh.
As for present giving, Godson#1 is getting a paint-your-own rubber duck this year. Hope it goes down well.
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on
Do you think that if I do a really lovely paint job on the paint-your-own-rubber-duck my sister gave me, and then give it back, that would go down well?
Posted by LeRoc (# 3216) on
Penny S: Do you think that if I do a really lovely paint job on the paint-your-own-rubber-duck my sister gave me, and then give it back, that would go down well?
Just make sure the paint is water resistant.
Posted by Penny S (# 14768) on
It's the paint from the kit!
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on
LeRoc: Yes, I did worry about that. But as Penny S says, the paint comes with the kit, so either it'll be fine, or it won't and I'll be a long way away
Originally posted by Penny S:
Do you think that if I do a really lovely paint job on the paint-your-own-rubber-duck my sister gave me, and then give it back, that would go down well?
A friend (the same one who gave me the tribble) gave me a paint-your-own gnome. I loath and detest gnomes, so I painted it up and gave it to somebody else.
Posted by Pine Marten (# 11068) on
Originally posted by ArachnidinElmet:
For my birthday earlier this month I received a Tom Hiddleston colouring book. That made me smile Is he dressed as Loki, is he, please, please, is he Loki, pretty please?? I want one NOW
I'm sorry, I just had to look that up on Amazon...
Posted by Galloping Granny (# 13814) on
I enjoy the look on the face of a young giver when someone opens the gift he gave them and their face lights up. Very heartwarming.
[ 27. November 2015, 22:19: Message edited by: Galloping Granny ]
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