Thread: Hell: The Joys of Passive Aggression Board: Limbo / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Ah, the holidays. Christmas, New Year, Boxing Day (ok, maybe not in that order) Winter Festival, Kwanza, and the Monday Bank holiday in Britain, where I am currently ensconced.

And for even more enjoyment at my ensconcement, I log on to check e-mail today and discover that the evil roommate (let's call her......nah, let's just stick with Satan's Fuckbuddy), who has promised to move out for the last six months, who when the other roommate got sick of such promises was smart enough to go to court and get a court ordered agreement that said SF had to move out December 31 (and also waived her right of appeal), announced yesterday that.....
she wasn't going to move out until January 15.

Of course, she is incorrect in her statement, as the posession of the court ordered agreement (which is in itself amazing, as SF "mistakenly" opened Dawn's mail and neglected to put back the official copy of the court ordered agreement, but Dawn was smart enough to call the court and discover she had not received all documents and indeed had a new copy sent to her office) means that Dawn will get herself to the sherriff's office on Monday when it opens, pay the necessary deposit/fees, and have the eviction order executed, which will apparently take 48 hours, so it should happen on Wednesday.

I'll be home Monday night, and quite honestly I'm debating not working Wednesday so that I can get a deck chair and sit back with a G&T while this woman is moved out on her rear.

In the meantime, this woman has made all kinds of passive aggressive statements. Some of the ones in the run up to the court date were spectacular. Until, of course, the night before when she came in, apologized for "causing any trouble" (such as requesting a jury trial for an eviction matter), and said that she'd agree to move out by December 31 if the whole matter was dropped. Dawn rightly said not without an enforcable court order. After the hearing, SF turned to Dawn's witness and said "I think Dawn should apologize to you for wasting your time." Now she is apparently threatening to call animal control and report animal cruelty. Exactly on what grounds I don't know, as these are some of the happiest and well cared for cats I've ever seen, but whatever. The list goes on.

You know, sometimes it isn't the passive part, it is the just sheer aggression!

[ 17. January 2005, 16:57: Message edited by: RooK ]
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
Are there extra deck chairs? If I weren't on the wrong side of the pond, I'd be glad to bring the G&T fixings in return for a ringside seat. [Snigger]

Perhaps Dawn could sell seating and thus help defray the legal costs?
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Honey, you're in New Hampshire. We're in Cambridge, MA. Come on down!!!!!! (I'm only in the UK for hollydays. And the M&S lingerie sale.)

As for the legal costs, this is one of the statements that SF keeps making - how it will cost Dawn money to get her evicted by the sherriff. This is technically true, in that Dawn has to pay the deposit on having SF's stuff stored. However, this money gets reimbursed to Dawn when SF pays to get her stuff out of storage, the principle being that Dawn should not have to pay for SF's issues.

Should SF not pay for storage after the initial deposit month, her belongings are sold at auction (they won't bring much, trust me), the money is used to cover the costs of the storage, and any extra is reimbursed to Dawn, up to the amount of the deposit she made. Anything on top of *that* (unlikely) is then reimbursed to SF. Anything then still owed to Dawn entitles Dawn to sue and get a judgement against SF.

All that said, at this point in time, Dawn would and will happily pay the required amount just to get rid of her, even if she never gets it back.

[ 01. January 2005, 21:40: Message edited by: Go Anne Go ]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
(I'm only in the UK for hollydays. And the M&S lingerie sale.)

Good grief, M&S knickers are worth crossing the Atlantic for?

Anyway, I hope you get this human pustule out of your dwelling with no more hassle.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
It isn't the knickers so much as the bras, really. I always find it quite amazing that the bustier you are, the less sexy the architecture to hold them up seems to get. But M&S does a brill job, and it is quite cheap now in the sales even with the most appalling exchange rate I've ever seen in my 15 years of back and forthing the Atlantic!

|SF still declares she's not going til the 15th. Tomorrow, the sherriff!
Posted by Emma. (# 3571) on :
hmmm - i really might try m and s shopping today [Big Grin] tee hee
Posted by Glimmer (# 4540) on :
Not being a complete expert in ladies nether attire, nor indeed in the possibilities of textile engineering, but is it within the realms of hope that M&S can supply a 'contain and uplift' big enough to secure the charming SF for transportation to the South Pole?
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
It isn't the knickers so much as the bras, really.

For real Vorsprung durch Technik I find the Triumph Doreen (ah, when was that last a Good Idea for a product name?) holds a place in my heart (and obviously holds a few other things in place as well).

One thing annoys me though - all this 'medium control', 'firm control' - you never see that on mens' underpants. Where it would make some sense.

Glimmer, what have the penguins ever done to you that you should wish this succubus on them?
Posted by Qestia (# 717) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
We're in Cambridge, MA. Come on down!!!!!!

Hey, so am I! Tell me when to show up and I'll bring the deck chairs...I have extra.
Posted by chukovsky (# 116) on :
I've gone back to the UK from two different, other, continents for M&S underwear. I used to buy both knickers and bras there but now get some of my bras from Figleaves or Bravissimo (Little known fact - when you lose weight, it's possible to lost most of it off your waist and bra back rather than bra cups, hence sending the bra cups upwards to unfeasible sizes that are rarely found in your smaller M&S).
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
Originally posted by Qestia:
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
We're in Cambridge, MA. Come on down!!!!!!

Hey, so am I! Tell me when to show up and I'll bring the deck chairs...I have extra.
We have the makings of a mini-meet here, ladies! Do let us know the date, Anne!
Posted by Joan Rasch (# 49) on :
Originally posted by jlg:
We have the makings of a mini-meet here, ladies! Do let us know the date, Anne!

I can see it now on All Saints - the "Watch the Middlesex County Sheriff's Department Do Its Thing Meet"

Joan [Oh Dear God] Rasch
Posted by Pax Romana (# 4653) on :
And, of course, Anne has to give all of us who cannot be there in person every single little detail of what goes down when the woman is finally evicted.

This is better than a supermarket tabloid!

Pax Romana
Posted by Codepoet (# 5964) on :
I have logged on especially to get an update to this saga. C'mon, I know it is still 3pm on the east coast, but I want to go to bed soon, and I wanna here all about it...
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
I'll be there in spirit, cheering on the sheriffs as they do their thang [Big Grin]
Posted by Duo Seraphim (# 3251) on :
There are some people where only a court order will do. Don't forget to change the locks.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
I have arrived back in the People's Republic of Cambridge, MA. The SF is still there, and Dawn went to the sherriff's yesterday. She thinks, but cannot yet confirm, that the sherriff has been to post the notice on the door. If they didn't do it yesterday (and Dawn did go first thing), they will do it today. The 48 hour countdown is happening as I type.

Not a thing, and I mean not one thing appears to have been packed. And since she's got a helluvalotta stuff, this appears to be bringing passive aggression to a new level. Of course, when I moved in, she had stuff hanging in my closet. I came the day before the movers. She said she'd get the clothes out that afternoon. Instead, she got them out when the movers arrived there and started putting stuff in the room. The clothes went to the sofa and stayed there for a month. When I put them into at least one pile instead of having them all over the sofa, she complained. And then spread them all out again. In the meantime, no one can use the sofa. This is the sort of thing I'm talking about. (The stuff has now just been removed, and I don't care about her bitchin.)

Tomorrow could well be the day. G&Ts ladies?????
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Originally posted by Duo Seraphim:
There are some people where only a court order will do. Don't forget to change the locks.

Oh, don't worry. We were going to do that anyway.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Pray for me, pray for me, pray for me.....there's a whole lotta deadbeats in Suffolk County as it turns out, and the sherriff can't schedule an eviction til a week from tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not going to be able to take it. I'm just not!
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
I have faith in you, Anne, that not only can you outlast this miserable roomie, but that you can out-bitch her the entire time as well.

Keep us appraised. Let us know if we can help.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Um, thanks? Quite the back handed compliment there Rook, but whatever.

Outlast, outwit, outplay. She is rather slow and dimwitted. Not to mention all but hiding in her room!
Posted by Glimmer (# 4540) on :
I can't stand the tension! This is worse than the worst soap! I can feel myself getting wound up on your behalf, ready to smack anyone looking to be obstructive. Oh boy, I pray the showdown rolls your way without more hold up.
Posted by HangarQueen (# 6914) on :
Webcam! We need a webcam! I want a live feed on the Big Day! [Devil]

Oh, and isn't there a M & S anywhere in the USA? We have one in Daejon, although admittedly it's a small boutique in another department store.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by HangarQueen:
Webcam! We need a webcam! I want a live feed on the Big Day! [Devil]

..that would be cool. [Big Grin]
Posted by Dee-nz (# 5681) on :

a web cam, this is reality internet at its best. I am happy to host the NZ G&Ts at my place...we have broadband!!!
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Physical evictions can be extremely traumatic, especially if the evictee is in complete denial as to the circumstance.

I was once compelled, while in the temporary role of apartment manager at a large complex, to forcibly evict a single woman who happened to be a devout Christian. All attempts to collect 3 months unpaid rent were met by pleas that her situation would soon be resolved with the help of Jesus. My hands were tied by the owners, lease agreements and the law.

When the horrible day arrived, I had hired 6 temporary laborers to help pack her belongings off the property. This happened to be at the end of a driveway leading into the complex. She had prepared nothing for the move and had kept insisting that Jesus would provide and save her situation at the last minute. It was a miserable experience. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth as the sheriff held her back during the process.

After 3 hours of shuttling her possessions to the curb, she sat miserably in a mountain of stuff with no friends or family to help. Later, she disappeared and over the course of the next week, her things were picked over by passersby till there was nothing left but a few plastic bags and junk.
Posted by Qestia (# 717) on :
Originally posted by Gort:
Physical evictions can be extremely traumatic, especially if the evictee is in complete denial as to the circumstance.

Your story reminds me of a joke I heard awhile back. Rabbi keeps praying to G-d to let him win the lottery. Every day. Never wins. Finally, he gets mad. "G-d, I've served you well my whole life, why can't you do this one thing for me?" Voice comes out of the sky, "Well, buy a ticket already!"

Not sure I told that right, but I think you get the picture.

Anne, let us fellow New Englanders know when the mini-meet is scheduled for now.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Man oh man, the SF has been claiming she's going to move in with the mysterious "Anya" on the 15th, except now Dawn's had a reply to a web ad for the room, and it was from the SF! (Don't you love anonymity on e-mail replys?) Dawn and I were both quite skeptical, but hey, now we know it ain't gonna happen......

Just can't believe it. It is all just too fucked up for words.


I think I will commence drinking G&Ts right away!
Posted by Bartolomeo (# 8352) on :

We shall have to help you cultivate the proper attitude of sad detachment that is more appropriate for these proceedings. "Satan's fuckbuddy," as you insist upon calling her, is not here to defend herself, and so it is up to the rest of us to take, at least, the side of decorum, if not that of your roommate.

Over the course of years I too have had things go sour with roommates, as well as friends, landlords, employers, employees, suppliers, debtors, and creditors. Rarely, it has been necessary for me to seek out the aid of law enforcement in terminating such relationships; in many other cases I have seen law enforcement utilized in like fashion by others.

I once lived in a cheap apartment in a run-down portion of Atlanta. Evictions were carried out by the apartment complex every couple of months. There were also cars repossessed from the parking lot from time to time. I called the cops on the repo men once by accident, thinking them garden-variety thieves breaking into my neighbor's car. The cops gave the repo men a terrible fright and they were shaking rather badly by the time the whole thing was straightened out.

The evictions were, as a rule, rather like the ones Gort described. The sheriff's deputy would look on while hired movers would carry the now-homeless person's belongings to the curb. The effect was rather like that of a garage sale gone wrong -- cheap fiberboard furniture, now worn beyond the point of salvage, a beat-up old television, garbage bags full of clothing and linens. In perhaps half the cases, the ex-tenant would look on, in tears or nearly so, the grim reality finally setting in, watching over the few material things they had left. In most cases they had no means to secure or transport their belongings, and would take only what they could carry. Otherwise, the goods would sit abandoned on the curb, picked at by passers-by, subject to the elements, and ultimately hauled to the dumpster by the maintenance man after a week or so.

This is hell, right? So I can say bluntly that it is a sad deal for someone to be evicted by the cops and you're an asshole to treat it like entertainment. Grow up. Men with guns are going to come to remove her and her belongings from her place of residence and will utilize force and take her away in chains if she resists or interferes. Funny, isn't it? Pass the fucking popcorn, why don't ya.

Strive to replace your childish feelings of glee at the pain of others with a more mature feeling of relief tempered by compassion. You can still do what you have to do, but don't gloat. Your roommate, however much trouble she may have caused you, is still human.

The rest of you shipmates who have stooped to speaking of watching this over a webcam and drinking gin ought to be ashamed of yourselves.

Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
You want to show her compassion, then YOU live with her. She is human yes, but she has gone to law school. She knows what's going on. She knew from day one. She has lived in the house one year, and has yet to pay the rent on time, although that pales into comparison when you look at the number of times she has failed to pay the rent at all. She didn't even LOOK for a job for 8 months, until her brother decided that at the age of 51, it was time to stop paying her rent while she didn't work. She has repeatedly, and I do mean REPEATEDLY promised to move out. Which is why I moved in. Because she's not moving out, I am living in the spare room, and she is making my life a living hell. My boyfriend wouldnt' stay the night due to her repeated interference. Her language in speaking to us can be best classified as "abusive." She conciously knows what she's doing, and yet persists in lying about it, opening other people's mail, and being passive aggressive. The passive bit is exceptionally passive, the aggressive bit is exceptionally aggressive. I am a compassionate person, and in some ways I do feel extremely sorry for her, but it is time for her to live up to her word. Since she won't, and since she knows what's coming, then I am prepared to treat it as entertainment, what with what I have had to put up with in the last few months from her (which is NOTHING compared to what Dawn has had to put up with in the last year). This is not someone in your complex's eviction, this is MY HOUSING SITUATION. It is going to cost in the realm of over $1000 to get her out. She knows what's coming - she's known all along and call it denial, but she's signed agreements and she has now broken them. Again. And again.

It would be a lot easier to be compassionate if:
1) she actually acted like she wanted any compassion instead of baiting her roommates all the time and
2) my mail wasn't being opened, my roommates mail wasn't being opened, and we weren't constantly being threatened with being called to animal control, the cops, or the courts.

You want compassion, then I suggest you be the better Christian than I and you come over here and pick up her and all her stuff and take her in. She's known this has been coming for MONTHS.

Besides, in the state of Massachusetts, her stuff is not carried to the curb. In order to evict her, we have to pay for six months of storage and the movers to get it there. Her stuff will all be removed, and put into storage at OUR (Dawn's, really) expense. It will not be picked over by people on the curb. There will be a moving van, and really no more onlookers than me in my deck chair and anyone who wants to join me. (And in fact, the last time I moved, I got a deck chair and some G&Ts for that, too. Refreshing.)

She's got a job now, and insists on telling us how much more money she's making than us, and how sad we are as individuals and people. I'm making those G&Ts extra strong.

[ 05. January 2005, 21:30: Message edited by: Go Anne Go ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Well spoken, Bartolomeo.
Now, stop hogging the popcorn. I like buttery goodness to go with my shame and vindictive glee at someone being forced to feel the effects of the foolishness they've been foisting on others.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
And besides, just for extra fun, she is CONSTANTLY reminding us how much it is going to cost to get her evicted. Yeah, she knows its coming.

This is a woman who demanded a jury trial on her eviction claim as a delaying tactic, and then when on the day the judge refused it and hammered out a settlement (which she has now broken.) turned to Dawn's witness and said "I think Dawn should apologize to you for wasting your time in coming down here." I stick with the nickname of Satan's Fuckbuddy.
Posted by Lurker McLurker™ (# 1384) on :

Have you PMed your address to Go Anne Go yet?

If you are really willing to walk it like you talk it, you will offer to put Satan's Fuckbuddy up.

It would make you feel good, and you might even get a shag out of it too. After all, you and this woman sound ideal for each other.
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
he he he.

Posted by welsh dragon (# 3249) on :
Anne, you know, I would generally be a bit wary about moving into a new flat - when the previous occupant of "my" room hadn't moved out yet...It does sound like a situation which was going to be pretty difficult from the start...
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
I was wary about moving in when she hadn't moved out yet. But I heard it from her own mouth that she was moving out October 15, so with my own tenancy ending, etc, it all seemed fine.

That is, until it wasn't. I moved in November 1, and the court dates were already rolling at that point.

There would be a lot more compassion if she wasn't taunting about it costing money to evict her. That's not denial, folks, that's just plain twisted.
Posted by Bartolomeo (# 8352) on :
Originally posted by Lurker McLurker™:

Have you PMed your address to Go Anne Go yet?

If you are really willing to walk it like you talk it, you will offer to put Satan's Fuckbuddy up.

As luck would have it everything is already rented. I do however have several mangers going unused, having kicked the cows outside. They can be quite comfortable when filled with straw. There may however be competition from cats and raccoons.

Originally posted by Lurker McLurker™:

It would make you feel good, and you might even get a shag out of it too. After all, you and this woman sound ideal for each other.

Sorry, one woman in my life is enough.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
As luck would have it everything is already rented. I do however have several mangers going unused, having kicked the cows outside. They can be quite comfortable when filled with straw. There may however be competition from cats and raccoons.

As luck would have it, one of SF's only saving graces is she really likes cats. Don't know how she feels about raccoons.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Raccoons are just dumpy striped cats with thumbs.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Rather like the SF, then. So raccoons should be fine. Bring it on, Bartolomeo.
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
During the intermission, can I sidetrack into a passive agressive story of my own?

I was planning to start up as a substitute again at the beginning of this week, but my mom gave me a big speech about a pile of work projects that needed doing, and that an individual that was going to help us would only be available next week. So I told her I would postpone things a week to get those done. One of them was moving a bed into my room, so I spent the beginning of the week clearing things out of my room.

By Wednesday I notice that nothing seems to be coming up about the work projects. So I ask my mom what is up. She launches into this big speech about how everything has come to a halt because there is a small, slow leak in one drain in the basement. I asked about the other guy who was planning to help us and she blew it off. I remind her that I took this week off to help out with this stuff, and she claims that was never settled.

From experience I know exactly what is going to happen: she is gonna stall and stall and wait until the day before I have a major test or a major paper and become wildly insistant that it needs to be done right then. Some version of this has happened every semester. I don't know how I made it through last semester.

Arrghhh! Get me out of here!
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Kelly dear, I would suggest moving out if you could. And I find the best way to deal with the passive aggression is not to accomodate it. The night before your exam or whatever, I think the best thing when she pulls this is to just go in your room, shut the door, and put your headphones on. Lock the door if you have to. But sesriously, consider moving.
Posted by Glimmer (# 4540) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
Rather like the SF, then. So raccoons should be fine. Bring it on, Bartolomeo.

Er... GAG, Rook said 'cats' not 'rats'.
Posted by HangarQueen (# 6914) on :
Actually, raccoons are related to dogs.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by HangarQueen:
Actually, raccoons are related to dogs.

Well, sort of. Procyonidae are nominally part of the Suborder Caniformia (dog-like), which is part of the Order Carnivora along with Felidae. However, you've got to admit that they look a lot like cats. They fly just like cats when you kick them hard. It's very distinctive.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
They're vicious, rabid scavengers. I once confronted, at night, a snarling masked gang of 15 with a baseball bat. This was at night in my backyard, where they were making loud, slurping, chittering noises while ravaging a plum tree outside my bedroom window.

I couldn't sleep. I was desperate. I was in my underwear. They won.
Posted by Rev per Minute (# 69) on :
Originally posted by Gort:
They're vicious, rabid scavengers. I once confronted, at night, a snarling masked gang of 15 with a baseball bat. This was at night in my backyard, where they were making loud, slurping, chittering noises while ravaging a plum tree outside my bedroom window.

I couldn't sleep. I was desperate. I was in my underwear. They won.

The raccoons had a baseball bat? [Eek!] They breed 'em tough over there - rapid evolution, perhaps... [Razz]
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
I read it that way, too, RevPM, and thought Gort was just being colorful. [Killing me]

We had one that hung around our house for a year (chowing down from the cat food dishes on the back porch). It got very friendly; too friendly, I realized when it walked up to my husband in broad daylight, put its paws on his thigh and stretched up its nose to see if perhaps he had something tasty in his (empty) hands. We trapped and relocated it after my toddler son tried to pet it one day while it was raiding the cat dish and received a (very gentle - no skin broken) nip as the raccoon made its escape through the cat door.

In the meantime, however, it had eliminated every single wasp nest (eating the larvae) under all the various eaves, nooks and crannies of our house and inside the barn. This was not a minor undertaking at all, and such a thorough job that nearly twenty years later, we have just a few nests here and there.
Posted by ken (# 2460) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
Procyonidae are nominally part of the Suborder Caniformia (dog-like), which is part of the Order Carnivora along with Felidae. However, you've got to admit that they look a lot like cats.

They are really more like weasels pretending to be squirrels.

The pandas are the best ones. I mean the cute real pandas, the little red ones.

Zoologists have now worked out that giant pandas - the black-and-white ones with small genitals - are in fact not pandas at all but a sort of bear.

As any four-year-old child could have told them.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
A long time ago in another neighbourhood here in Boston, I lived in a slumlord building on the third floor. The raccoons used to actually break into our apartment! They would climb a tree, jump to the porch below ours, come up the stairs to our porch and push the window open (it popped out of the frame) to get at the cat's food.

Racoons are actually really big. Particularly when there's two of them at 4;30 in the morning in your very small kitchen. One was in front of the oven, and I realized that it would not have fit into the oven (don't ask me why that occurred to me - it was the small hours of the morning).

Still, they were preferable to the SF. The raccoons washed everything. The SF seems to observe some religious prohibition on bathing.
Posted by Ann (# 94) on :
Last time I took the children to a zoo, there was an area given over to animals from Madagascar. Obviously, the lemurs were the main attraction, but they have a couple of fossas and the information board said that, in the absense of any of the cat family in Madagascar, this animal, close kin to the mongoose and meercat, had taken over the niche usually occupied by cats.

It was a hot day and, sure enough, the fossa was doing a good job of pretending to be a cat. It was stretched out in the sun, fast asleep!
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Posted by Bartolomeo (# 8352) on :
Originally posted by Gort:
They're vicious, rabid scavengers. I once confronted, at night, a snarling masked gang of 15 with a baseball bat. This was at night in my backyard, where they were making loud, slurping, chittering noises while ravaging a plum tree outside my bedroom window.

I couldn't sleep. I was desperate. I was in my underwear. They won.

Yup, vicious, rabid scavengers is right. Damn things are nothing but a nuisance, and occasionally take a bite out of any dog that tangles with them.

One night last summer I confronted a similar gang of them (two adults and six babies) that was in the tree outside our back door. Rather than resorting to a baseball bat (crude and ineffective) I instead made use of a handy old Smith & Wesson K-frame .357 revolver, which left me with one hand free so I could hold a flashlight.

The following week our Pastor was called upon by a parishoner to shoot a skunk that had somehow gotten into a cage holding a fancy pheasant her son was raising. After consuming most of the pheasant the skunk couldn't get out of the cage. Up until this point, I had been unaware that the remit of a pastor included such responsibilities.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Now now Bartolomeo, you really need to be more Christian and charitable about the racoons. They're just in denial, you see.......
Posted by Jeremiah Gutzywuk (# 8783) on :
A super-soaker water pistol filled with very cold water is a much safer form of racoon intervention.
According to urban legends, racoons like to lure dogs to the nearest stream, then hold the dog's head under water and drown it. So be careful if your dog is a local urban legend.

A much nicer little critter is the chipmunk; if you put peanut butter on the end of a stick and stand the stick in the ground, a chipmunk will climb the stick and pose beautifully while eating the peanut butter. You can then take close-up pictures with a digital camera, transfer the pictures to PowerPoint, and use them in a children's story about kindness and sharing, or possibly in a customer service presentation in the business world.

None of this has much to do with the point of this thread, unless of course Ann feeds SF peanut butter cookies to keep her off guard until the police come to toss SF head-first into a snowbank, where her protruding bits can be eaten by rabid, scavenging racoons.
But that seems a bit of a stretch.

[ 07. January 2005, 21:12: Message edited by: Jeremiah Gutzywuk ]
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
Originally posted by Jeremiah Gutzywuk:

A much nicer little critter is the chipmunk; if you put peanut butter on the end of a stick and stand the stick in the ground, a chipmunk will climb the stick and pose beautifully while eating the peanut butter. You can then take close-up pictures with a digital camera, transfer the pictures to PowerPoint, and use them in a children's story about kindness and sharing, or possibly in a customer service presentation in the business world.

And be sure to wrap them around the middle in sellotape so that when you have sex with tthem they don't split.


(That of course would be human male on any gender chipmunk sex)
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
IbP you can ignore my last post. You damn chipmunk pleasurer.

Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
Originally posted by Rev per Minute:
Originally posted by Gort:
They're vicious, rabid scavengers. I once confronted, at night, a snarling masked gang of 15 with a baseball bat...

The raccoons had a baseball bat? [Eek!] They breed 'em tough over there - rapid evolution, perhaps... [Razz]
Yes and all I had was a broom. I beat a hasty retreat with the pack in close pursuit. My shame was complete when an over-ripe plum smacked me in the back of the head.
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
Still, they were preferable to the SF. The raccoons washed everything. The SF seems to observe some religious prohibition on bathing.

What a curious rite. Maybe she's practicing some sort of extreme asceticism in preparation for a life of solitude?
Posted by HopPik (# 8510) on :
Where you have raccoons we have foxes. More foxes in the cities here than in the country. Worst thing is the noise they make... can sound anywhere between someone screaming blue murder right down to heavy breathing outside your back door.
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
We have foxes, too. And coyotes. There were some articles in the Boston Globe last week or so trying to once again explain to all the suburbanites that the random appearance of one of these wild animals in your back yard doesn't constitute a major emergency. Just ignore it (or make some loud noises to encourage it to go away) and more important, don't provide food, intentional ("Oh, aren't they cute!" or otherwise (unsecured garbage, pet food, etc.).

Moose have also invaded some of the Boston suburbs.

All of which, IMHO, are preferable to the SF described in the OP.
Posted by Qestia (# 717) on :
Since we're speaking of vermin--have any Boston-area shipmates taken a walk in the Common recently? I've noticed it is advisable to avoid making eye contact with the squirrels there. If you look at them too long they assume you want to feed them, I guess, and mob you. I had a squirrel run up to me and put its filthy little paw on my trouser leg once, looking for a handout. [Disappointed]
Posted by ozowen (# 8935) on :
I have worked for a Christian org, never again!
If I am gonna be stabbed in the back I do not want someone describing it to me as a blessing from God.
The Passive Agg title is spot on, that's the kind of stuff you get. Me, I don't do PA too well. Mostly I just serve em when it's needed. I hate folks trying to be nice when nice isn't on the menu.
Posted by HopPik (# 8510) on :
Well in my experience, the more charitable or public-service an employer is, the worse they treat their employees. It's as though the service remit licenses a complete disregard for the people who actually do the work and keep the organisation on the road. The best employers I've had have all been private sector, commercial, profit-oriented. They understand that if you treat good staff like sh*t you will lose them. End of story.
Posted by Timothy the Obscure (# 292) on :
Yeah, I work for a "faith-based" mental health agency. Essentially, they treat employees as expendable resources. The assumption is that basically you're a volunteer who will put in unlimited energy and should be grateful that they bother to pay you. The director actually told me that he expects people to tithe through their work ("I expect employees to give 10% back"--I was too stunned to ask whether he meant work for 90% of what they're worth or work 10% overtime for free), though of course this isn't mentioned in the contracts, or in the hiring process.

Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
(wondering when the SF is actually gonna be gone, and what in the world we're gonna do with all this wildlife when the whole OP purpose of the thread had run its course...

maybe SF will take them all with...)

Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Janine, raccoons make lovely fur coats, which also stops them from destroying the backyard sweet corn crop.

Rossweisse // not a fan
Posted by Balaam (# 4543) on :
Originally posted by Janine:
maybe SF will take them all with...)

take them all with ... what? A side order of fries?
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Greetings from deep here at SF central, sports fans. We're currently in the 24 hour countdown to the notice of eviction being put on the door, which then will launch a 48 hour countdown to actual removal. Those 48 hours are going to be quite sensitive, I think, as the SF may well be under the impression that since forcible eviction didn't occur last week, it just isn't happening. Plans have been made to keep the cats locked up and safe during the tumult, and God bless my old landlady who let me keep everything valuable in her basement until this blows over. (I knew doing all that plumbing for her would pay off somehow!)

Latest passive aggressive behaviour is coming into the lounge not just once, but twice while my date for the evening and I were in there. BEfore you ask, we weren't making any noise, not even talking as our mouths were otherwise occupied. (All clothes bar socks still on, thank you very much.) Bearing in mind that her intrusions occurred at 12:30 and 2 in the morning respectively, I'm not feeling charitably inclined that this was just a casual "oh, sorry I didn't know you were here" thing. Let's face it, staring is just plain rude!

As for the squirrels on Boston Common, I'm on the Common almost every day (I'm at Suffolk Law School) and they are aggressive little buggers. But I think they're cute, so I don't mind. Of course, they're all looking exceptionally fat this winter, so I guess the "give me a peanut or your trouser leg gets it" deal is working!
Posted by Mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
(All clothes bar socks still on, thank you very much.)

How did you get your socks off without removing your shoes? That's a nifty trick.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Shoes are not clothes. Shoes are shoes. Tailors make clothes. Cobblers make shoes. Santa's elves make toys.

No toys were involved in last night's sofa encounter. And no clothes were removed until we went to bed.
Posted by Gordon Cheng (# 8895) on :
Originally posted by Mousethief:
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
(All clothes bar socks still on, thank you very much.)

How did you get your socks off without removing your shoes? That's a nifty trick.
Well, I'm not a big Bean fan, but did you see the ep where Rowen Atkinson removed his underpants whilst keeping everything else on? You had to be impressed.
Posted by mummyfrances (# 8635) on :
much like the trick of taking a bra off whilst keeping top(s) on, i imagine?
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
GAnneG, I tune in each and every evening, breathlessly awaiting the latest episode of How the SF Churns. If I were closer, I'd come for the grand denouement!

Rossweisse // no chance of a webcam, huh?
Posted by jlg (# 98) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
Greetings from deep here at SF central, sports fans. We're currently in the 24 hour countdown to the notice of eviction being put on the door, which then will launch a 48 hour countdown to actual removal. ...

So would Tuesday be a good day for a field trip to Boston? I keep my Tuesday free and clear of fixed obligations, it's my Fun Day; the weather reports are predicting reasonable weather (for January). Thanks to the decadence of the international trade markets, limes, gin, ice, and tonic water are all available in abundance. [Big Grin]
Posted by Mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
No toys were involved in last night's sofa encounter. And no clothes were removed until we went to bed.

Is T&T back, then?
Posted by Gracie (# 3870) on :
Originally posted by mummyfrances:
much like the trick of taking a bra off whilst keeping top(s) on, i imagine?

That's much easier !
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Much easier.
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Whether the top comes off or not, I've found taking off a bra is almost always a long and intricately involved task, requiring my full attention if I don't want to be hurt in the process.
Posted by Mousethief (# 953) on :
Originally posted by AdamPater:
Whether the top comes off or not, I've found taking off a bra is almost always a long and intricately involved task, requiring my full attention if I don't want to be hurt in the process.

By the bra, or by the wearer?
Posted by Jengie Jon (# 273) on :
Well I had a friend that claimed he could take a waistcoat off, from underneath a jacket while holding onto a door handle with one hand. I guess that is somewhere between the two in difficulty.

Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
Y'all just know some very flexible people.

(still feeling a little [Paranoid] about the chipmunk on a stick...

Hey, I just rolled out of bed this morning, so the vision of a chipmunk, in a bra, climbing a peanut butter-greased stick, isn't abnormal -- is it?
Posted by Glimmer (# 4540) on :
Originally posted by Jengie Jon:
Well I had a friend that claimed he could take a waistcoat off, from underneath a jacket while holding onto a door handle with one hand. I guess that is somewhere between the two in difficulty.


Is this what is meant by the phrase "we had to make our own entertainment in those days ..."?
Posted by babybear (# 34) on :
Originally posted by AdamPater:
Whether the top comes off or not, I've found taking off a bra is almost always a long and intricately involved task, requiring my full attention if I don't want to be hurt in the process.

You need oodles more practise! I suggest that you get a triple A cup bra and put it on. Then each hour on the hour you can practise. This has the advantage of not endangering the delightful AdamMater.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
The sherriff has arrived, Tex, to put the notice on the door. In fact, I was there and saw the car from the upstairs window, so I ran downstairs in my socks (had em on, this time) and flung open the door and invited him in for a cuppa tea. "We're SO GLAD you're here!" I cried. I even did a little dance. The notice is now on her own personal room door.

Considering she woke me up this morning (bear in mind that the one wall of my room is a Japanese style thing, so it is just a screen, directly across from the bathroom - not that noiseproof or lightproof, and we've had discussions before about not leaving the bathroom light on and door open as it floods my room with light) to her VACCUUMING the bathroom at 6:45, I almost popped out of bed to pop her on the nose, but instead I sat up, looked at the clock, said "the sherriff's notice will be here soon" and stayed where I was.

The cats are locked in Dawn's room for safety. Poor kitties!

With the 48 hour notice, the time and day is officially 10 a.m. Wednesday. Onlookers should PM me. I hope I don't have to work that day.

Unfortunately, I think the next 40 hours are going to be a nightmare once she finds out. Aggressive should be the tone, not the passive.

And for the record:
Taking a bra off under a top is easy peasy if you';re doing it yourself. I would theorize that it is harder if someone else is trying to do it TO you.

Waistcoat off under jacket holding on to door handle? Easier than above. Come on, folks, that's not even trying.

Undies off without undoing trou? Requires trick undies or a massive wedgie.

Socks off after shoes? Perfectly natural.

[ 10. January 2005, 19:10: Message edited by: Go Anne Go ]
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
There is now a page in All Saints to organize the "Watch the Sherriff Do His Thang" Shipmeet. Not that we'll watch - taht's at 10 in the morning. But G&Ts at Christopher's that evening to meet, mix and celebrate?
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on :
Originally posted by Glimmer:
Originally posted by Jengie Jon:
Well I had a friend that claimed he could take a waistcoat off, from underneath a jacket while holding onto a door handle with one hand. I guess that is somewhere between the two in difficulty.


Is this what is meant by the phrase "we had to make our own entertainment in those days ..."?
[Killing me] [Killing me] [Killing me]
Posted by Henry Troup (# 3722) on :
Originally posted by Gort:
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
The SF seems to observe some religious prohibition on bathing.

What a curious rite. Maybe she's practicing some sort of extreme asceticism in preparation for a life of solitude?
Wasn't there a saint who was canonized for never bathing? (I'd have used a real cannon, myself!), ah here it is:
St. Benedict Joseph Labré (1748-1783)
He never bathed or washed his clothes. Some custodians, offended by the look and the smell of him, drove him out of their churches. When Benedict Joseph died, however, all his eccentricities were forgotten, or at least forgiven. Immediately he became the focus of a grassroots devotion. The priests of Santa Maria dei Monti had a death mask made of his face, preserved his filthy rags as relics and buried him in the church he loved.

After a rigorous investigation to make certain that he was neither mentally disturbed nor a fraud, Pope Leo XIII canonized Benedict Joseph Labré in 1883.

Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
She did actually bathe this morning, following the vaccuuming incident. This was, in itself, unusual. But never mind.

She's going.

Mostly I'm going to be glad that when she's gone, she'll stop occupying my time even when she's not in the room, if that makes any sense. All this having to sort her out gets very draining.

I liked the Sherriff guy this morning. He seemed very good at his job, and in talking to him it came across as very reasonable. In short, if she behaves reasonably on the day, they will treat her reasonably. If she starts getting belligerent, etc, then she will just be removed from the house instantly and not allowed to return, and the movers will just move her stuff, end of story. This allows me to feel a little more compassionate, as it will be down to her how she's treated. The locksmith can come as the movers arrive, so it is all scheduled.
Posted by HopPik (# 8510) on :
Only just read this thread Anne, but I've had some impossible housemates in my time, know what it's like. If home ain't home, where can you go?
Posted by HopPik (# 8510) on :
Gosh just realised I did actually post to it earlier! Ah well time flies, and life is full!
Posted by Dee-nz (# 5681) on :
...has she seen the eviction notice??? did she freek??? Huh??? Huh???
Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
(scheduling time at home by the computer Wednesday morning...)
Posted by Mousethief (# 953) on :

After a rigorous investigation to make certain that he was neither mentally disturbed nor a fraud, Pope Leo XIII canonized Benedict Joseph Labré in 1883.

I'm pleased to hear that Pope Leo XIII was neither mentally disturbed nor a fraud.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
[Killing me] There's a thin line between malodor and madness!
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
There is now a page in All Saints to organize the "Watch the Sherriff Do His Thang" Shipmeet. Not that we'll watch - taht's at 10 in the morning. But G&Ts at Christopher's that evening to meet, mix and celebrate?

You need to check All Saints more often [Biased] [Razz]

Posted by Bartolomeo (# 8352) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
There is now a page in All Saints to organize the "Watch the Sherriff Do His Thang" Shipmeet. Not that we'll watch - taht's at 10 in the morning. But G&Ts at Christopher's that evening to meet, mix and celebrate?

You have no couth and your methods are crude.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Well, with much less than 24 hours to go, there has been no freakage. I was out last night when she came home, but when I was up this morning I asked Dawn what had happened and it turns out Dawn was in bed by the time the SF came home as well. So, nada. Nothing this morning. So tomorrow it is (and of course maybe tonight, but hey, I'll take it as it comes.)
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Maybe she's saving it all up for one spectacular freakaganza.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Ugh, I really hope not. I do sincerely hope that this can all be done in a dignified manner. Because if there's going to be a freakaganza, then the cops are gonna be there and will not hesitate to get involved.

You never know, I supposed there's a chance in hell she could get a stay of execution, but I sincerely hope not.

The good news is if she finds somewhere else to live, say, tonight, then the movers will actually take it there tomorrow, saving her the hassle, and also saving us the cost of storage. Fingers crossed!
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
The good news is if she finds somewhere else to live, say, tonight, then the movers will actually take it there tomorrow, saving her the hassle, and also saving us the cost of storage. Fingers crossed!

You are joking? Right?

Posted by BuzzyBee (# 3283) on :
Good luck today G-A-G, I hope it goes smoothly and you can get on with your life again.

Can I recommend that once she and all she owns have finally been removed from the house, you do a really thorough check for all the possible "revenges" she may have left - especially things like sardines (or similarly smelly things) left behind radiators, on top of curtain rails or under floorboards, nasty substances or glue smeared on backs of door handles, etc. (see hell treads passim for further ideas she may have had, if they are still around)
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by BuzzyBee:
Good luck today G-A-G, I hope it goes smoothly and you can get on with your life again.

Can I recommend that once she and all she owns have finally been removed from the house, you do a really thorough check for all the possible "revenges" she may have left - especially things like sardines (or similarly smelly things) left behind radiators, on top of curtain rails or under floorboards, nasty substances or glue smeared on backs of door handles, etc. (see hell treads passim for further ideas she may have had, if they are still around)

Is the the first time good advice has appeared in a Hell thread?
Posted by Qestia (# 717) on :
Originally posted by Sioni Sais:
Originally posted by BuzzyBee:
Good luck today G-A-G, I hope it goes smoothly and you can get on with your life again.

Can I recommend that once she and all she owns have finally been removed from the house, you do a really thorough check for all the possible "revenges" she may have left - especially things like sardines (or similarly smelly things) left behind radiators, on top of curtain rails or under floorboards, nasty substances or glue smeared on backs of door handles, etc. (see hell treads passim for further ideas she may have had, if they are still around)

Is the the first time good advice has appeared in a Hell thread?
Actually, this is an off-shoot of some bad advice I remember from awhile back. Someone was getting ready to move out from a truly awful living situation and asked what revenge he could take on his ex-roommates. Those were some of the suggestions.
Posted by BuzzyBee (# 3283) on :
Originally posted by Qestia:
Actually, this is an off-shoot of some bad advice I remember from awhile back. Someone was getting ready to move out from a truly awful living situation and asked what revenge he could take on his ex-roommates. Those were some of the suggestions.

That's exactly the thread I was thinking of, but couldn't remember enough about it to find and link to it.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Well, following some weird passive aggressiveness this morning about her demanding to know how many movers were coming (We have no idea, nor do we actually care) and some arguing about a dish rack which 15 minutes later she "remembered" wasn't hers, the movers and Sherriff Faye have arrived. We're just awaiting one more sherriff, the Cambridge PD, and 10 a.m (eight minutes from now) and we're good to go!
Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
Cue "Ride of the Valkyries" or similar thunderous music while we wait...
Posted by Rev per Minute (# 69) on :
Originally posted by Janine:
Cue "Ride of the Valkyries" or similar thunderous music while we wait...

I was thinking more of the theme from 'Jaws'...

"Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the apartment..."
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
<checks watch> Nearly bed-time here... am I going to miss the finale?
Posted by BuzzyBee (# 3283) on :
53 minutes since the evicters arrived... I'm finding the tension unbearable...
Posted by AdamPater (# 4431) on :
Maybe SF has glued herself to the keyboard.
Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
Or to Go-Anne-Go.
Posted by maleveque (# 132) on :
Well?!?! Well?!?!?!
We await news with fear and trepidation!

Anne L.
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on :
Hellhost debates closing the thread, prior to the denoument, which woud leave the denizens hanging, endlessly waiting for the climax which never came...
Posted by HopPik (# 8510) on :
Bit late Sarky, close it now we're still hanging!
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
I think that was her dastardly scheme.

Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
[pictures battle-royal with much kicking and struggling while constable snaps cuffs on]

Alright... grab those Hefty bags and start stuffing, boys!
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Which would bolster this prediction:

Originally posted by RooK:
Maybe she's saving it all up for one spectacular freakaganza.

Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
2 pm here at eviction central, and the eviction is still going on (as I said before, she's got a LOT of crap, and not one piece of paper or anything else has been packed.).

The widely predicted freakstravaganza has not materialised, apart from this morning before the sherriff and movers came. Then she just kept going at Dawn, "thanking" her for the "free move" and saying how it was an odd gift for Dawn's friend (since Dawn had to borrow the money for this) to give her. I tried to stay out of it, as I have for 99% of this, but in the end I got really fed up after she'd been at this for half an hour with Dawn doing her diplomatic best to just sit there and say "yes, but he felt it was a worthwhile gift (it is a loan, in fact)." So in the end I spoke up and said:
"Yes, but it is all recoverable in small claims court."
She insisted it wasn't. I, ofcourse, had checked with the dean of my law school who happened to be my property law professor. It completely is. She argued with me for a bit about it, and I assured her it was pretty much a slam dunk, and that garnishment of wages would ensue, and 12% interest from date of judgement.

She told me I was wrong, and then when the sherriffs arrived she asked them if it was possible. They told her it was. She's trying to laugh it off, but now she's seen the bill for $3200 for the movers and storage (plus $300 for execution by the sherriffs, plus court fees, etc). Now, not so much. She drove the movers so crazy that they took her to the storage depot so that they'd stay mostly out of the way for a while. Now she's gone to get lunch. The mover is actually treating us to lunch (a cost now included in the $3200 charge, so in effect the SF is going to pay for our lunch.)

We have two sherriffs, at one point we had three. Since the SF is just being annoying and not belligerent, she has been allowed to stay around and supervise the process (although she drove the sherriffs a little nutty before they even arrived by calling them to ask for the movers number to find out how many movers there were coming. Who cares?) There's a little bit of supervision, but the movers are nice, the sherriffs are nice, and for the most part the sherriffs, Dawn and myself are sitting at the kitchen table drinking tea and generally having a good time,considering what's going on.

I admit, I'm glad she's going without the freakstravaganza, and I'm glad her last bit of passive aggression about the "free move" (and her annoyance that the storage place is out in Everett as it will be so annoying for her to get it out of there, and expensive. Sorry, we didn't get to choose. There are very few moving companies that actually DO evictions.) is now put in place and settled, but even more I'll be really glad when she's gone. The prediction is a couple more hours now.

You know, after the mover returns with our burritos!
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on :
The mover is actually treating us to lunch (a cost now included in the $3200 charge, so in effect the SF is going to pay for our lunch.)

See RooK there is a God.

Posted by The Riv (# 3553) on :
And you, Rook, are not Him.
Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
What does the fact that lunch is burritos say about the God that provided?
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
God likes Mexican?
Posted by Sarkycow (# 1012) on :
God likes it hot?
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by The Riv:
And you, Rook, are not Him.

Sounds like a deity with room to improve.

So, GoAnneGo, was that the most psychologically-satisfying lunch of all time?
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
Sounds like a deity with room to improve.

Do you think tsunamis happen when God spluts His/ Her tea all over the monitor?
Posted by The Riv (# 3553) on :
Upon further reflection, I must say that my pot-shot at Rook was both lame and added nothing to the thread.

Apologies all around.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Well, it is now 7:15. And it is *over*. [Yipee] [Yipee] Finally. At long last. The movers left around six, and frankly there was increased worry all around that there was in fact going to be the final all out freakfest freakstravaganza, which of course no one wanted. The SF was alternating between being curled up in a fetal position on the couch, bossing the movers around, and answering everything in an extra forced and chirpy "see everything is fine here" tone that seriously had me worried. I honestly believe that contrary to what she said she has no where to stay this evening, and it is a nasty night outside. Her box of food (the movers couldn't take it, as food can attract pests) was stored with the neighbours downstairs, who have put it in our joint basement. She says she's coming back for it in three days, as she's found a place to move into on Saturday. Seeing as she was phoning around to look at places last night at 10pm, I doubt this is true as well. As an act of compassion, Dawn phoned her brother (who paid her rent on a number of occasions) and informed him of what happened. He said he hadn't heard anything about this and asked when the eviction was going to happen, so we told him it just had. He was going to call her mobile phone, so hopefully he can be a resource for her. There really isn't anything else we can do.

Then we grabbed the NZ book of common prayer and went through each room in the house, reading the blessings and the lessons as appropriate to make this a house of peace, restfulness and respite. And THEN, bowing to both the cleansing, fung shui and other rituals, we wiped down all the walls with vinegar to purify, lit pure beeswax candles, vaccuumed like you couldn't believe, and lit sage, rosemary and cedar smudge sticks, praying our best for the house, for peace and indeed even for Rachel.

We're exhausted. It was an amazingly draining experience, and that was with the fact that we were blessed with the best sherriffs and movers possible for the job. Letters of praise will be written all around. The lady sherriff let the SF know she was on a short leash as far as the bossiness, etc was concerned, and as the stall tactics kicked in as the move came to an end, she was known to utter more than once "keep her moving, keep her moving."

I'm so happy it is all over, although we can't quite shake the feeling that she's coming back somehow. That will pass. I've already moved my stuff into the study area, which is actually a really great space, as it turns out. Happiness and cheeriness will follow. Amen.
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Thank God it's over, Anne, and without bloodshed. I hope you all recover quickly.

I trust you've had the locks changed already?
Posted by Dee-nz (# 5681) on :
NZ book of common prayer...a most excellent histronics...oh well...could be worse I suppose.
Posted by Gort (# 6855) on :
They very well could be worse. If the evil spirit is reluctant to depart, you can always fall back on The Lesser Banishing Ritual.

[Don't forget to close the circle]
Posted by Joan Rasch (# 49) on :
I know this is un-Hellish, but it might be nice, as this thread is likely to close soon, to offer prayers: - for the now ex-roommate, that she may learn what she needs to know, so that she may get her life in order; and for our Shipmate and her housemates, (who I think, setting aside the banter in this thread, have in fact, thought carefully about the choices they've made in acting on this situation), that they may be freed from rancor, and able to go forward in peace.

Joan Rasch
Posted by Janine (# 3337) on :
Spread out. Fill the space with your stuff, with light and music and yourselves. Don't leave a vacuum.

(Matthew 12:43-45, NKJV)

"When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest, and finds none.

Then he says, "I will return to my house from which I came." And when he comes, he finds it empty, swept, and put in order.

Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first...

So far, in this Hell thread, there's been a purification ritual and prayer and Scripture quoted.

Can we get some hymns sung and have Communion? Hell could get to be the new, edgy CoF.
Posted by Qestia (# 717) on :
Originally posted by Janine:
What does the fact that lunch is burritos say about the God that provided?

I don't know about this, but it reminded me of a "deep thought" from Jack Handy.

If God dwells inside us like some people say....I sure hope he likes enchiladas, cuz thats what he's getting.
Go-Anne-Go--I'm glad the ordeal is over. And hope unhellishly that the SF gets her life together...someplace else.
Posted by kinder (# 8886) on :
"A student asks the rabbi if there is a blessing for the czar, a cruel ruler ultimately responsible for terrible persecution of the Jews. The rabbi replies in the affirmative, as he offers this benediction: "May God bless and keep the czar . . . far away from us!"

Replace czar with former roommate. Lather, rinse, repeat.

[ 13. January 2005, 16:30: Message edited by: kinder ]
Posted by HopPik (# 8510) on :
Anne this thread must be running to a close now, but peace be in your home, God bless
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Originally posted by Janine:
So far, in this Hell thread, there's been a purification ritual and prayer and Scripture quoted.

Can we get some hymns sung...?

Hmmm...."Once to ev'ry man and nation/Comes the moment to decide..." to the tune "Ebenezer."

Rossweisse // I know it's theologically Wrong, but it seemed appropriate
Posted by Leetle Masha (# 8209) on :
Good one, Ross, and Very New England.

The sixth and last stanza of # 739 in A & M suits me:

For right is right, as God is God,
And right the day must win;
To doubt would be disloyalty,
To falter were to sin.

Ayyyyy MEN!

Leetle Masha
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
It is completely weird how she'd taken over our lives and we hadn't realized how much. I was starting to get tense on the T as I was going home, but then I realized she wouldn't be there, and waves of relief keep flooding over me. Anyway, apart from the debt collection litigation (and the sherriffs were even giving us advice on how best to do that, as they're pretty expert), she is gone, we are COMPLETELY moving everything around and she will be relegated to stories over a beer, so I think it is time to ask this thread to be closed, please, hostly people.
Posted by Go Anne Go (# 3519) on :
Originally posted by Gort:
They very well could be worse. If the evil spirit is reluctant to depart, you can always fall back on The Lesser Banishing Ritual.

[Don't forget to close the circle]

As soon as I saw it opened with "hold steel dagger" I knew we wouldn't be able to do it. Where the heck am I supposed to get ahold of one of those? My restraining order says "no weapons." [Biased]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by Go Anne Go:
Anyway, apart from the debt collection litigation (and the sherriffs were even giving us advice on how best to do that, as they're pretty expert), she is gone, we are COMPLETELY moving everything around and she will be relegated to stories over a beer, so I think it is time to ask this thread to be closed, please, hostly people.

I think that single sentence was asking for this thread to be closed. Request granted.


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