Thread: TICTH-tastic rehash Board: Hell / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
When things go wretched and wrong, and you don't want a whole thread for it, but you'd like to curse a bit, and attract some disinterested comment, false pity, etc. That's why I started this thread.

My winge: this was the lousiest Xmas since 1975. My father is going blind, and we're seeing specialists weekly. A friend's husband (early 50s) entered palliative care on Boxing Day (does he get a month?). And then I had to travel on Boxing Day to where my sister fled after her husband walked out just a week before Xmas. Spent until yesterday sorting out with her. Where fled was lovely and tropical but it's just awful travelling to such a place at the last minute, at great expense and 4 airplanes and 22 hours of travel. And then to crown it all after the diarrhoea, I left prescription glasses in a rental car which cost the bloody earth to hire The only saving grace is that they'll ship them back, though for $200 is 'where's my chainsaw, I need to cut my head off'.

[Fixed title per Hellhost decision to temporarily permit.]

[ 08. January 2018, 23:29: Message edited by: RooK ]
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Is this a "Today I Consign to Hell" thread I see before me?

Well now. Well well well well.

Considering we're jumping ship very shortly - this month in fact - I'm going to let this stay open, but only for as long as we're on the old board. TICTH threads ain't happening on the shiny new ship, mind - they fill up the bilges and the crew have to pump faster.


Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Thanks, Doc-Tor. I had forgotten what those initials meant, and could happily have consigned the thread to hell, were it not here already, as I didn't understand the title!

Things with me are fine at the moment but I would like to consign to this department arrangements which worked when I made them, but are now double bookings because things change, dammit. [Mad]

(Not one of nature's Buddhists. Nothing is forever.)
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Because it's here:

Having now spent 5 weeks dealing with this situation without a break, TICTH:

* Although moving stuff home with her brought the problem here. It would have been quicker and cheaper to just bring her and the laptops home (Windows for work and her personal Mac), donating everything else to the charity shops there, not bag by painful bag here. Everything has been cleaned and put away, the smell and allergic reactions persist, she continues to react, so we track down the source, wash/clean the drawerful again (or for the first time for most of my stuff and the stuff she left behind, give up and throw out 50% of anything in that drawer.

Decluttering is not decluttering if the stuff needs replacing.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on :

Posted by Sipech (# 16870) on :
TICTH this decision:
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
TICTH threads ain't happening on the shiny new ship, mind

[Two face]
Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
Originally posted by Boogie:


You and me both.

I drove up to Santa Barbara just hours before the rain in the area scarred by California's largest wildfire led to mudslides. 30 miles of Highway 101 between Santa Barbara and Ventura will be closed till Thursday night due to mud and debris. So now my two-hour drive home will instead take at minimum 5 1/2 hours.

Yeah, I know, I'm alive, I'm not one of the poor bastards who ignored the evacuation orders and died in the mudslides. But still. I'll take my mother to the doctor late this morning, then run some errands with her, and then get on the road. And God knows when I'll get home.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Originally posted by Sipech:
TICTH this decision:
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
TICTH threads ain't happening on the shiny new ship, mind

[Two face]
Ooh, is someone looking for an early outing for the shiny new banhammer?
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by RuthW:
Originally posted by Boogie:


You and me both.

I drove up to Santa Barbara just hours before the rain in the area scarred by California's largest wildfire led to mudslides. 30 miles of Highway 101 between Santa Barbara and Ventura will be closed till Thursday night due to mud and debris. So now my two-hour drive home will instead take at minimum 5 1/2 hours.

Yeah, I know, I'm alive, I'm not one of the poor bastards who ignored the evacuation orders and died in the mudslides. But still. I'll take my mother to the doctor late this morning, then run some errands with her, and then get on the road. And God knows when I'll get home.


Daughter-unit got caught in that mess yesterday in the other direction-- driving her infant to appt at Children's Hospital LA, gets redirected off 101 in Carpenteria and finds herself caught in the mess of flooded streets, harrowing drive around trying to find the way out before hwy patrol helpfully told her to return home to Santa Barbara. They offered if the appt was an emergency to get a boat to take our grand baby to CHLA, but fortunately it was a routine appt. But yeah, it was wicked crazy-scary there yesterday. Glad both you and them are safe.
Posted by Jengie jon (# 273) on :
TICTH Migraine

Posted by Zacchaeus (# 14454) on :
TICTH was one of my favourite threads..
Posted by Bene Gesserit (# 14718) on :
Originally posted by Zacchaeus:
TICTH was one of my favourite threads..


TICTH overcrowded, late-running buses with loud rap being played by antisocial youths who pushed to the front of the queue to be on the bus in the first place. [Mad] TICTH the potty-mouthed individual arguing with the owner of said rap... Not for demanding that it be stopped (though asking nicely might have done the trick) but for his extreme language and belligerence which inflamed the situation.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
The general life dysfunction became specific this morning. I started to dump last evening's tea leaves into the compost bucket but instead dumped the compost all over the kitchen floor. Mucked it all up, mopped the floor, then I re-set and started to make tea and porridge at the same time. Then I cleaned the porridge out of the teapot.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on :
[Killing me]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
I love this thread [Two face]
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
TICTH time-wasters who keep you answering their questions thinking they're interested, but who have their own agenda.

And I second the TICTH to the decision to have no more TICHT!

Posted by RuthW (# 13) on :
cliffdweller: Driving from Santa Barbara to Long Beach yesterday took me about 300 miles and 6 hours: up to Santa Maria, out SR 166 for hours and hours on the one lane with a lot of slow trucks, then down I-5 over the Grapevine in fog. [Ultra confused]

ETA because I'm not completely a self-centered asshole, just partially: glad to hear your daughter and grandchild found their way home safely. Dear God, what a mess it was in SB County.

[ 11. January 2018, 14:49: Message edited by: RuthW ]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
I love this thread [Two face]

So do I and I'll never quite understand what's wrong with having a thread to complain about odd things and possibly share a bit of sympathy over it. (((No Prophet)))

We can do page after page after page of consigning Russ to hell, but we can't do a single post consigning our doctor's receptionist and her permanent power trip to hell? Why the hell not? [Confused]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:

We can do page after page after page of consigning Russ to hell, but we can't do a single post consigning our doctor's receptionist and her permanent power trip to hell? Why the hell not? [Confused]

What's more, the Hosts have to keep track of every post in a dialogue (or a dogpile), neither of which happens much in TICTH as said receptionist is not here to get involved.

We've got to rant and get our passive-aggressive tendencies out somewhere. How about something that autodeletes after 24 hours?
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Thank you for showing exactly why any TICTH thread is doomed to failure.

Firstly, hostly decisions are discussed in Styx and nowhere else. But you just can't help yourselves, can you?

Secondly, TICTH posts are supposed to be pithy rants on the moment's annoyances. It's not a general discussion thread. It's not for answers or observations or smilies or anything other of your crap, just the thing that you want consigned to Hell. But you just can't help yourselves, can you?

You (all, collectively, but specifically you, and you, and you too) are why we can't have nice things. Or even horrible things. You get the Hell you deserve.


Posted by Caissa (# 16710) on :
Can't hostly decisions be confined to hell? [Big Grin]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
TICTH 120 fucking seconds!

The Hokey, mother fucking Cokey/Pokey is sometimes too bloody long! It ruins the flow of one's thoughts.
Posted by Ian Climacus (# 944) on :
TICTH hot weather after a morning storm, raising the humidity and discomfort levels of an otherwise bearable day.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
TICTH "the disturbing trend of teenagers eating Tide detergent pods", per ABC's "World News Now".


(PS Very glad to have TICTH back! [Smile] )
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by Doc Tor:
Thank you for showing exactly why any TICTH thread is doomed to failure.

Firstly, hostly decisions are discussed in Styx and nowhere else. But you just can't help yourselves, can you?

Secondly, TICTH posts are supposed to be pithy rants on the moment's annoyances. It's not a general discussion thread. It's not for answers or observations or smilies or anything other of your crap, just the thing that you want consigned to Hell. But you just can't help yourselves, can you?

You (all, collectively, but specifically you, and you, and you too) are why we can't have nice things. Or even horrible things. You get the Hell you deserve.


Forgive me, I was being a smartarse [Hot and Hormonal]
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
TICTH Repetitious and concurrent threads and the people who cross-comment on the damn things.

And double down Condemnation of the fucking 120 second rule

And my bloody coding.

[ 12. January 2018, 15:59: Message edited by: lilBuddha ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Well, brace yourself for your 300-second future.
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
TICTH infected wounds, cellulitis and itching
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
TICTH the medical condition of an elderly patron of my library that, due to his physical and mental incapacity to adequately care for himself causes him to reek of feces and urine, and occasionally have accidents. (Please note I do not CTH the man himself, who is rather a decent sort, but his medical condition.)
Posted by lily pad (# 11456) on :
TICTH allergic reactions to drugs and all the drugs used to treat the reaction not to mention the expense of procuring four more prescriptions to treat it. The alternative may be worse but this is no picnic.
Posted by Doublethink. (# 1984) on :
TICTH Passive aggressive chain Facebook statii e.g.

"I'm going to say goodbye to some of you...... now I'm watching the ones who will have the time to read this post until the end. This is a little test, just to see who reads and who shares without reading! If you have read everything, select 'like' so I can put a thank you on your profile! Cancer is very invasive and destructive to your body. After you have finished your treatment, then, your body wants to go to war with yourself trying to reconstruct all the damage caused by radiation. It's a very long process.
Please, in honour of someone who died, or is fighting cancer, or even had cancer, copy and paste.
They all say: 'if you need anything, do not hesitate, I'm gonna be there for you'... so I'm going to make a bet that less than 1/2 of my friends will put this on their walls. You just have to copy (not share)!!!
I want to know who I can count on.... Write 'done' in the comment when you do.
To all those who are fighting... I am with you always!"

We trained everybody out of chain letters, then out of chain emails and the same pathology shows up again !

And while we're at it, sermonising Facebook and twitter posts. "Just your gentle reminder that ..."

And also faux supportive bollocks addressed to the entire world: remember you are loved, "the work you're doing is worthwhile, you got through today and that's an achievement *hugs*"

You don't fucking know me, I could be a bitter isolated serial killer slaughtering three year olds by night and writing gerrymandered benefit-denying pip assessments by day - fuck off.

[ 15. January 2018, 08:32: Message edited by: Doublethink. ]
Posted by JonahMan (# 12126) on :
Talking of PIP assessors, TICTH those who not only don't take the trouble to actually listen to what you've told them, but write that you've said the opposite of what you did.

If the whole thing is just a sham, don't waste people's time by inviting them for an interview.
Posted by anoesis (# 14189) on :
TICTH Stevia. Honestly, a big middle finger to that stuff, and to all the wise-asses who actually think it forms some sort of reasonable substitute for sugar. YES, it's sweet. YES, it's 'natural', in the sense that it's isolated from a plant, rather than created in a lab. NO, it doesn't taste like sugar, or honey, or anything remotely pleasant. It tastes like Stevia, and I can taste it in anything.

To all the makers of everything out there, if you're looking to offer a low sugar product as part of your line, just put less fucking sugar in it! I'll buy it, and enjoy it a whole lot more than anything containing Stevia, which instantly goes on my [deleted product] list.

[Anoesis, whose herbal tea has been messed with, suffering the very definition of a first world problem.]
Posted by Ian Climacus (# 944) on :
Bipolar medications.

When they work, they work wonderfully.

When they don't...I find I'm missing days out of my life, and have made decisions and provided information at work that I have no recollection of. In some cases wrong decisions. This shit frightens me.
Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
the teenage boy who has for some reason taken to throwing things into the library and yelling and screaming to be deliberately disruptive. The worst thing he's done was a raw egg. Today nothing so bad, he found a traffic cone and threw that around, hit it with a stick, and made obscene hand motions on it while yelling. We called the police but he was gone before they got here.
Posted by The Rogue (# 2275) on :
Cyclists who have ridiculously bright lights where they aren't actually necessary but they make it impossible for others to see where they are going.
Posted by ThunderBunk (# 15579) on :
my fellow pedestrians who wander around like lost sheep and, faced with "footpath closed" signs, go through all sorts of milling around because they are too fucking lazy to walk around the roadworks.

Stupid fucking lazy fucks. Steamrollers are the only answer.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
Cyclists who have ridiculously bright lights where they aren't actually necessary but they make it impossible for others to see where they are going.

Even when they are travelling on the wrong side of the road? You need all the help you can get to avoid these.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
Originally posted by The Rogue:
Cyclists who have ridiculously bright lights where they aren't actually necessary but they make it impossible for others to see where they are going.

As a cyclist I am with you on that. Lights designed for off road tracks are too bright for the road. At least it is better than the suicyclists who wear black and ride at night without lights.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Car drivers who do not give 1 metre (1 yard) of space when passing, and who grow impatient when a cyclist must take up a full lane to maintain safety. And impatient people generally. They are Bad.
Posted by Robert Armin (# 182) on :
The shops are selling Easter Eggs already! It isn't even Ash Wednesday - in fact we haven't had Candlemas yet. I fear Western civilization is doomed.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Robert Armin:
The shops are selling Easter Eggs already! It isn't even Ash Wednesday - in fact we haven't had Candlemas yet. I fear Western civilization is doomed.

If by civilisation you mean we aren't eating each other yet, then it is doomed. If you have greater constraints on the definition then it is dead, cold and beginning to decompose.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
Civilisation is a myth.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Guy is talking in the public toilet at hospital. He says just a minute and flushes it. All I can think of is him dropping the phone into the potty. And did he say just a minute as he laid his egg.

Where's my chainsaw?
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :

FYI: people were doing that back in the 90s. Always wondered if they thought about what they were doing.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on :
Originally posted by no prophet's flag is set so...:
Car drivers who do not give 1 metre (1 yard) of space when passing, and who grow impatient when a cyclist must take up a full lane to maintain safety. And impatient people generally. They are Bad.

Had a twat try to overtake me today while we were both turning left (UK, drive on left remember). Another day, another wanker who shouldn't have passed his test.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :

Everyone who thinks they own the road or deserve to be on it more than everyone else.

Drivers who ignore cyclists, cyclists who think they have a right to slow down the rest of the fucking world, drivers whose hurry makes everyone more late,drivers who think their SUV is a lorry and swing wide on the turns, etc.

Be fucking considerate and everyone will get where they are going faster and safer.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
TICTH knowing that the man in the Barney suit is a tantric sex healer. And a bit of a creepy one.
To prevent the hosts needing to read the article, I’m not linking it. Just go to Huffpo or Vice if you feel the need.
Posted by Gill H (# 68) on :
Eww. And Tinky Winky's dead.
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
I hate the fact that I've been hoping to bump into Ursula K. LeGuin for years (my wife has), and now I never will.

Poignantly and coincidentally, my son was in the midst of reading the first Earthsea novel as she was breathing her last.
Posted by Ohher (# 18607) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
I hate the fact that I've been hoping to bump into Ursula K. LeGuin for years (my wife has), and now I never will.

Poignantly and coincidentally, my son was in the midst of reading the first Earthsea novel as she was breathing her last.

And my students were reading "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas."
Posted by Mad Cat (# 9104) on :
Taxonomy of Choral Shitness

* Spanners
* Bag of Spanners
* Rank
* Rank on Rank (as in, the host of heaven)
* Shithouse
* Total Shithouse
* Choral Terrorism

- Additional category, generally reserved for T&B: Louder than Lovely (as in, never be... oh but you were!)

- Special category for the Spent Alto: It's Over Dear (on receipt of the special card, proffered on the special cushion, along with a silken handkerchief to mop up the tears and snotters)

I regret to report an act of Rank, bordering on Rank on Rank occurred during this evening's rehearsal.

Sopranos were required to make the first entry in the AG on F#, marked mp, in context suggesting a rather dreamy quality, certainly necessitating some attention to ensemble and a tiny, tiny bit of technique.

One of them was sharp, more than one was flat. One was unsure of what an F# sounds like, and therefore scooped.


Remedied by the Assistant Organist walloping an F# on the piano on the next pass, and therefore avoiding categorisation as Shithouse.
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
TICTH a day which was supposed to promise fixing a bunch of bugs before a ship deadline. This turned into repeated sessions with the corporate firewall locking me out and Windowwas a s requiring updates on two machines.

The final moment was at lunch when the smoke detector in the dining area began to bleep loudly every few minutes. A comic time was had by me ending with me knocking the damn thing off the ceiling with my crutch. I thought it was the battery but the detector said to replace it by 2006.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
[Killing me] [Killing me] [Killing me]
Posted by Helen-Eva (# 15025) on :
From yesterday afternoon:

- My email wouldn't send
- My phone (run by the computer) wouldn't work
- My instant messaging (run by the same system as the phone) wouldn't work
- Owing to hot desking, I couldn't physically FIND my s****ing team

Posted by Nicolemr (# 28) on :
The situation with the elderly man with hygiene issues I mentioned above, again, not the man but the issues. It's gotten to the point where we are starting official banning procedures, and I feel awful about it, not that it's any responsibility of mine. We can't have him here, the reek is awful, and he's left feces and urine around several times, but the library is his life at this point, and I don't know what's going to happen to him. [Frown]
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by JonahMan:
Talking of PIP assessors, TICTH those who not only don't take the trouble to actually listen to what you've told them, but write that you've said the opposite of what you did.

If the whole thing is just a sham, don't waste people's time by inviting them for an interview.

Maybe this is more of the same, but all PIP claims are to be reassessed. I guess the DWP have realised that those who do the assessments can't find their arseholes with both hands behind their back.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
TICTH Hollywood for trying to do religion. Rooney Mara has just portrayed Mary Magdalene, and Mel Gibson is going to do a sequel to "The Passion." [Confused]
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :

The sequel is about the resurrection. I avoided the first film like the plague. Only interest I might have in the new one is to see how Mel does the moment of resurrection.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Golden Key:

The sequel is about the resurrection. I avoided the first film like the plague. Only interest I might have in the new one is to see how Mel does the moment of resurrection.

Jesus’ hands dripping blood from prying open the tomb? Friction burns from acending in to Heaven? Blood gushing from his wounds as Thomas pokes them?
Posted by Stercus Tauri (# 16668) on :
Originally posted by Palimpsest:
TICTH a day which was supposed to promise fixing a bunch of bugs before a ship deadline. This turned into repeated sessions with the corporate firewall locking me out and Windowwas a s requiring updates on two machines.

The final moment was at lunch when the smoke detector in the dining area began to bleep loudly every few minutes. A comic time was had by me ending with me knocking the damn thing off the ceiling with my crutch. I thought it was the battery but the detector said to replace it by 2006.

You were blessed by one of the more kindly firegods. A couple of nights ago my Dear Wife, who has a quite dreadful cold, decided to inhale the steam in a very hot shower at 3 AM. The smoke alarm went off. There was no way to cancel it except remotely by the alarm company. The house is rented by her mother from the church and is listed under the church name at the alarm company, who properly called the police and fire departments, who then came out looking for a church. By the time the alarm was cancelled and they had found us, we had two police cars and the fire chief here and I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the police officer while clad only in my boxer shorts, everyone else having vanished. The fire chief didn't stay, as it was the second time it had happened at this address. I could go on...
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
You've got to stop crying "Wolf," ST. [Two face]
Posted by Dafyd (# 5549) on :
Head lice. Just die already thank you and take your nits with you.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
TICTH Hollywood for trying to do religion. Rooney Mara has just portrayed Mary Magdalene, and Mel Gibson is going to do a sequel to "The Passion." [Confused]

I suppose Mel is in need of redemption.

On this note, I'd like TCTH redemption. And well I'm at it, heaven. To hell with heaven.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
Re redemption:

I looked up my cell billing records online today. Each month says "Redemption". Salvation on the monthly plan?
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Originally posted by Golden Key:
Re redemption:

I looked up my cell billing records online today. Each month says "Redemption". Salvation on the monthly plan?

A reminder to keep your shriving current.
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Originally posted by Doublethink.:
TICTH Passive aggressive chain Facebook statii e.g. ...

...We trained everybody out of chain letters, then out of chain emails and the same pathology shows up again ! ...

Yes, and thank you. I do not do copy-paste (among other things), and I do not respond to most other such demands. If you're working against cancer, I am very much grateful to you and wish you much success, but I don't care for or-else reposting requirements. Deal with it.
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Originally posted by RooK:
I hate the fact that I've been hoping to bump into Ursula K. LeGuin for years (my wife has), and now I never will. ...

I know. Another hope that will die unborn.
Posted by Dafyd (# 5549) on :
The use of 'impact' to mean 'affect' or 'impacts' to mean 'effects'. And if there are any soi-disant grammatical descriptivists around who think that this escapee from the worst management speak is a neutral piece of language drift I would kindly appreciate them to de-incentivise their opinions going forward.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on :
Originally posted by Rossweisse:
Originally posted by RooK:
I hate the fact that I've been hoping to bump into Ursula K. LeGuin for years (my wife has), and now I never will. ...

I know. Another hope that will die unborn.
I need a new candidate for Most Enjoyable Living Author with both UKLG and Terry Pratchett gone.

TICTH Death.
Posted by la vie en rouge (# 10688) on :
It's snowing. Transport chaos ensues.

Why the hell is the metro mayhem? IT ISN'T BLOODY SNOWING UNDERGROUND!
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
All the people who would have been travelling independently over ground have moved underground....
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
And TICTH students who don't tell me they can't come to their after school lesson, leaving me waiting long after school has finished. [Mad]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
And then send long, exculpatory emails telling me how they've been 1. overworked 2. ill 3. misunderstood.4. confused 5, 6, 7.....
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Originally posted by jacobsen:
And then send long, exculpatory emails telling me how they've been 1. overworked 2. ill 3. misunderstood.4. confused 5, 6, 7.....

One of my co-workers had a days "compassionate special leave" because his partner's cat had died. No, not even his cat, and they had taken it to the vet so it wasn't unexpected.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Let us not underestimate the shock caused by even a foreseen and expected demise.... [Two face]
Posted by rosamundi (# 2495) on :
My energy company, despite telling me on every bill for the last two years that I'm on their cheapest tariff, have, now they know I'm leaving, miraculously found a cheaper tariff down the back of the sofa. I am SHOCKED, I tell you, SHOCKED.

Robbing bastards.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
I only hope that the Express becomes a ex-paper. The Duke of Edinburgh was for once right when he described the Daily Express as a "bloody awful newspaper", and that before Mohammed Fayed owned it and got in a paddy about the deaths of Dodi and Diana etc.

btw, good to see Rosamundi on board again [Smile]
Posted by Kelly Alves (# 2522) on :

When I hear stories like the above, or about senior citizens being scared out of their nest egg by tax scammers I try to tone down my hostility by reminding myself that the people who do this stuff are most likely working in economically sparse areas and to send up a prayer that these people find work that does not require them to act like (or work for) scum sucking bottom feeding dickbags.

In the meantime, double-fuck anyone who makes Dulce sad. [Mad]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
TICTH the undoubtedly nice and well-intentionned lady who spread herself so loudly and intrusively over the fund-raising quiz last night. I spent the evening tuning her out. A voice that cut like a knife, and a barrage of comments which tended to drown out the quiz-master. All meant in fun, no doubt, but gave me brain-pain.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
TICTH American health care that seems to have caused a young woman to die of the flu because the medicine was too expensive. Here.
Posted by ArachnidinElmet (# 17346) on :
Dear people who employ freelancers, every time you decide not to reply to emails, take 3 months and counting to pay invoices, decide that it's not necessary to inform us that a job has gone elsewhere after numerous statements of enthusiasm, synchronising diaries and turning down other work, decide that 20 hour days and having to cancel social events isn't worth remuneration, you should realise your actions have consequences for real people.

TICTH people who shit on the self-employed.

[us because I'm not the only one]
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
TICTH American health care that seems to have caused a young woman to die of the flu because the medicine was too expensive. Here.

Well, she had the money, but decided it was too expensive.

I agree (oh, do I agree) that American health care is a profit-driven mess.
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Originally posted by ArachnidinElmet:
...TICTH people who shit on the self-employed.

[us because I'm not the only one]

Ahh-men. (Been there, done that, got a day job.)
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
As I said to my bank manager (from the days when there were bank managers you could talk to), my account would be in credit the day that everyone who owed me money paid me promptly. Till then....

The trials of the then free-lance singer. [Ultra confused]
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
Been there, done that as well, Jacobsen!

And then you get bronchitis during the Christmas season...
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
And cough your way through the carol services.
Happy days!
Posted by Rossweisse (# 2349) on :
I wouldn't have missed them, but I don't think I'd want to do them again.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Not under those circumstances.
Posted by Doc Tor (# 9748) on :
Less chat. More Hell.
Posted by kingsfold (# 1726) on :

Events that tell you the ticket price is from £x, then use a single vendor who also charges a booking fee.
It is therefore impossible to actually buy a ticket for £X and by the time you have bought tickets for a group of 4 to go, the whole process has added a further 15% onto the price.

If I can never ever buy a ticket for £x because there is no other vendor but you, why even mention it? Just tell us the whole bloody price up front so we don't find ourselves spending 15% more than we had anticipated. [Mad]
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
TICTH my own feckless and dilatory tardiness* in failing to prepare stuff I knew I would need, so now it's going to be a combination of wing-and-a-prayer and sheer cliff-hanger.

Yes, that's tautology, in this case, the equivalent of tardiness squared. Or cubed. [Mad]
Posted by Firenze (# 619) on :
Synthetic fibres. Or possibly detergent. Whatever the hell it is makes my skin itch like the stings of a million ants.

[ 13. February 2018, 20:34: Message edited by: Firenze ]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Those darn dryer sheets.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
Originally posted by Twilight:
Those darn dryer sheets.

Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on :
Sodding supermarkets pushing in-house inferior concoctions in preference to superior serviceable products.

And while I'm about it, manufacturers "improving" and reformulating products. Surcare, I'm looking at you.
Posted by jacobsen (# 14998) on :
And changing the recipes for well-known products. Not good for those of us try, occasionally, to cook for those with allergies.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Vegetarians. The evangelical variety. Food sheriffs of all kinds can eat their carrot weiner hotdogs* quietly without all the fake superior lipsmacking gusto and trolling comversation). Pass the bacon!

*this really exists. while we are at it, to hell with the internet where people find such culinary abominations. Fake cauliflower pizza crusts is another one. I want meat that pretends to be veg.
Posted by Huia (# 3473) on :
Fucking ex tropical cyclones. Sick of them and all the other bloody crap like earthquakes, fires, threatened tsunamis etc.

and the way they all tweak PTSD. At least with quakes there's not the build up of days of earnest people from the Met Service warning you - just a rattle and bang! it's all over, and you are either alive or not (and not sometimes feels preferable).

Huia - totally pissed off, and waiting for the 4 Horse riders.
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Originally posted by no prophet's flag is set so...:
Vegetarians. The evangelical variety. Food sheriffs of all kinds can eat their carrot weiner hotdogs* quietly without all the fake superior lipsmacking gusto and trolling comversation). Pass the bacon!

*this really exists. while we are at it, to hell with the internet where people find such culinary abominations. Fake cauliflower pizza crusts is another one. I want meat that pretends to be veg.

If meat eaters acted like vegans.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
I mentioned the road works near my office on the UK thread in All Saints so I am calling these to Hell.

Who decided to perform extensive road works on three roundabout about a mile apart especially when most of those who use one of the said roundabouts will use at least one other?

Until some of the worst effects were mitigated, by turning traffic lights OFF at two of the roundabouts, It took over two hours to get through all three and over an hour to get through two.

I wouldn't mind if it was likely to make any bloody difference, but attempts have been made in the past and it never did, so I doubt it will do now, because the fundamental problems remain:

a) crap public transport
b) an absence of a road relieving the M4 around Newport (that was first planned in around 1980)and specifically:
c) all the traffic to the western side of Newport that is not travelling on the motorway has to use the same damned roundabout slap bang outside my office.
Posted by Stercus Tauri (# 16668) on :
A pox on a certain hospital in mid-New York State. It boasts about how modern and beautiful and well-equipped it is, but don't go there. When my wife's mother had a relatively minor surgical procedure recently, nobody noticed that the IV had somehow slipped out of a vein, so she got no anaesthetic the whole time and her arm was swollen with fluid. Somehow, they managed to imply that it was her fault. They can't apologise or that would be an admission of liability and an opening for a lawsuit (which she would never do). Barbarians, particularly Dr Effing D........ But blessings upon a gentle and lovely nurse who with much care and kindness took care of things afterwards.
Posted by no prophet's flag is set so... (# 15560) on :
Re roads in general, and perhaps my last over-frothy crazed cappuccino of rage in this soon to be sold, dry docked, its masts cut off, and turned into a gabage scow of a ship. [Tear]

My rant:
Our cities are wastelands of morbidly obese babies whom their diabetic parents poison with corn syrup and religion while themselves taking opiates and driving climate-demolishing pleasure tanks. So here's a cup of sewer water raised to getting places faster with a minimum of inconvenience. Well maybe climate change will turn the streets into ocean and we'll all be sailors.

edit: FFAJS- typos

[ 27. February 2018, 19:22: Message edited by: no prophet's flag is set so... ]
Posted by Raptor Eye (# 16649) on :
A last chance to TICTH! So here goes:

TICTH people who moan and groan about everything, who pour cold water on everyone's ideas, who take what you say the wrong way imagining you've said things you didn't, who talk over you, who think they know what you're going to say, who are nasty behind your back and nice to your face, who imagine that you are like them, who bring their own agenda to the table and don't engage with anything else, and who don't listen.

I've probably just condemned myself too.
Posted by Golden Key (# 1468) on :
TICTH all that is making the world bad right now. May evil ebb away. May all hurts and harms be healed. May everyone be, do, and feel just a bit better.
Posted by Dafyd (# 5549) on :
Powdery snow that doesn't stick together properly for snowman construction; and/or my lack of snowman experience to build/ supervise building with said snow. (Dafling major's school closed today.)

[ 28. February 2018, 10:11: Message edited by: Dafyd ]
Posted by RooK (# 1852) on :
Originally posted by Dafyd:
Powdery snow

I take it that you are not a skiier, then, you daft misguided fool.

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