Thread: Hell Thread Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Craigie (# 17364) on
I live by myself and find going to church difficult because of my rural location, so over the years I have worshipped quite happily by buying Worship CDs and singing along. That was until order to save money (I am told), some companies are not including the lyrics.
Even worse some are sending me to an obscure website so I can print off the lyrics myself! If I spend £10-15 on a CD I expect to be able to sing along with the lyrics. I do not want to have A4 files of lyrics for all my future CDs. (I live in a one bedroom flat!) So Christian music Companies, if you want people to enjoy your music and not have CDs thrown in the back of a cupboard because its to much hassle to print off, organise and find the lyrics to go with them, stop cutting corners and GIVE US THE LYRICS WITH THE CD!
I consign those idiots who think it is a good idea to save a bit of money by cutting the lyrics to hell!
[Worship CDs Without Lyrics]
[ 11. February 2013, 06:42: Message buggered about with by: comet ]
Posted by IntellectByProxy (# 3185) on
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Hmmm ...
There are other ways to worship rather than simply by singing hymns and worship songs, Craigie. There are plenty of good 'Daily Office' type books, prayer books, liturgies and so on ... and you get words with those too ...
Posted by Pyx_e (# 57) on
Just imagine all the time you will not have to spend in purgatory for proclaiming the heretical nonsense found in most worship songs.
Fly safe Pyx_e
Posted by seasick (# 48) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
Hmmm ...
There are other ways to worship rather than simply by singing hymns and worship songs, Craigie. There are plenty of good 'Daily Office' type books, prayer books, liturgies and so on ... and you get words with those too ...
Perhaps we could have a whip-round and send him a Rosary in the post?
Posted by Jade Constable (# 17175) on
I didn't realise people still bought CDs...
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Well, his profile says that he's into leather and bindings, so perhaps he could lash himself with it?
Posted by seasick (# 48) on
Mortification of the flesh and prayer. Has Hell become holy all of a sudden?
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
Well, it couldn't have become more Hellish than the invocation of worship CDs. So the only way was up after that ...
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Jade Constable:
I didn't realise people still bought CDs...
This people does.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Most of the CDs I buy have the lyrics in Latin.
However, you could always buy one by Gorecki - I can let you have the lyrics for free. They go: Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria, Maria.... There, that wasn't too hard, was it?
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Craigie, BTW, welcome to Hell and the Ship.
My, the Denizens are being very hospitable. I'm just not sure if that is a good thing or a scary thing.
But what the hey! again, welcome!
[ 02. November 2012, 23:42: Message edited by: Lyda*Rose ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
My, the Denizens are being very hospitable. I'm just not sure if that is a good thing or a scary thing.
Young meat has to be roasted slowly, at low heat.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
I see. I was afraid of that.
And if it isn't a slowly cooked Crown Roast of Lamb, it still could be lamb tartar. Poor Craigie.
Posted by mousethief (# 953) on
Sounds like a first world problem to me.
Posted by balaam (# 4543) on
Never mind the lyric sheet, I've heard some which would be improved by omitting the CD.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on
You could always try songs without words for your worship/praying/meditation needs.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on
Craigie, what the ever loving fuck is the matter with you? Right off the top of my head I can come up with about eleventy-six solutions to your problem that would mean never having to break a sweat. Aside from those, you could do what the rest of humanity has been doing for, oh, bazillions of years and listen to the motherfucking songs to learn your lyrics and melody! Wow, huh? Crazy.
you, my little apprentice whippersnapper, need to get the fuck out of the house more and face real people and the real world. Then you'll have plenty to talk about in hell. Meanwhile, watch and learn or I'll feed you to Sioni.
you precious little tool, you.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by mousethief:
Sounds like a first world problem to me.
Like most of the ship's effluence .......
Poor us.
Posted by Craigie (# 17364) on
Thank you for your comments! I think I should clarify a few things. Firstly, I like modern worship music, old worship music, hymns and ancient polyphony and liturgical music. I love to embrace all styles and lurch into them as the mood takes. I love having such a wealth of music to enjoy.
I also love using Office Books and modern prayer books.
However, learning the lyrics from just listening to them is asking for problems. I have a slight hearing issue and have tried this before. When I roll up to an actual church and then try the sing the song I've learnt, especially if I have my eyes closed (got to fit in and look holy!) I sing the wrong words or have got the tune wrong. Either way it is embarassing. (I think the penchant of modern worship singers to use loud electric guitars and bass causes this problem and can distort some words!
It is also worth mentioning that I can remember the exact words of practically every worship song I sang in my I am older I seem to have lost Homer Simpson has said in the past, "Every time I stuff something new in there, something else falls out!".
It would be so much easier to just have the lyrics with the CD!
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
However, learning the lyrics from just listening to them is asking for problems. I have a slight hearing issue and have tried this before. When I roll up to an actual church and then try the sing the song I've learnt, especially if I have my eyes closed (got to fit in and look holy!) I sing the wrong words or have got the tune wrong. Either way it is embarassing. (I think the penchant of modern worship singers to use loud electric guitars and bass causes this problem and can distort some words!
A simple solution to this problem would be to avoid churches that go in for that sort of crap and find a place that uses hymn books/sheets and don't go in for ego fuelled Worship Bands.
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
I love to embrace all styles and lurch into them as the mood takes.
So that's what the awful scraping noise is - Craigie will you please stop bumping my stylus - I'm trying to meditate you know!
Posted by Craigie (# 17364) on
How about actaully using your brain and looking at the lyrics to see if they actually give worship to God. It really frustrates me that people write off all modern worship music off because of a perceived bias or false image. There is bad modern worship, there is also good. There are bad hymns and there are also good. Didn't St. Paul say we should test everything, reject what is evil and embrace what is good? I know it's a lot more work to actually engage and make decisions about music based on their actual merits...maybe being a musical bigot who wipes out whole genres of music is much simpler!!!!
Posted by Welease Woderwick (# 10424) on
It's all very simple:
You memorise the words Om Nama Sivaiya* and sing that to whatever tune comes along.
*this is the basic song of praise to God for and from the creation in Sanskrit.
- - - -
...and thanks to Ariston for the link to Philip Glass - superb!
[ 03. November 2012, 09:19: Message edited by: Welease Woderwick ]
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Is Google not your friend?
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
Originally posted by comet:
Craigie, what the ever loving fuck is the matter with you? Right off the top of my head I can come up with about eleventy-six solutions to your problem that would mean never having to break a sweat. Aside from those, you could do what the rest of humanity has been doing for, oh, bazillions of years and listen to the motherfucking songs to learn your lyrics and melody! Wow, huh? Crazy.
you, my little apprentice whippersnapper, need to get the fuck out of the house more and face real people and the real world. Then you'll have plenty to talk about in hell. Meanwhile, watch and learn or I'll feed you to Sioni.
you precious little tool, you.
She's baa-aaack.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
I think you're answering your own question, Craigie. If you're using resources like prayer books and liturgies then I don't see the issue in CDs coming with no lyric sheet. Heck, you can find the lyrics of every song, hymn, akathist or trisagion that's ever been written online. As Boogie has said.
Just Google them. It's easy.
I must admit that I am also having a problem envisaging your difficulty in getting to church, unless you have mobility issues.
Surely the most out-of-the-way villages and hamlets in Dorset have a parish church. Unless you're commuting into one of the bigger towns then I can't see what the issue is. Do you live on top of some Hardy-esque blasted heath or something?
If your worship tastes are as eclectic as you claim then surely you wouldn't mind a 1662 service, say, at some mildewed and crepuscular parish church down some forgotten dingle or the family-friendly service at your local county town?
I could go all Comet-like but I'm remaining rather welcoming and purgatorial.
The solution is simple:
If the CD doesn't come with a lyric sheet then go online and download the lyrics of whatever hymns or worship songs happen to be on there.
What's so difficult about that?
Alternatively, buy a copy of Hymns Ancient and Modern or something. I don't have that many hymn books in relation to other kinds of book, but we must have about half a dozen of various genres and vintages lying about the house.
I'm beginning to think that you're slightly daft as well as slightly deaf.
Posted by Niteowl (# 15841) on
I would just add if the CD refers you to a specific site for lyrics go there rather than Google as there are a few dodgy lyrics sites that your computer can pick up a nasty bug from, though most are legit.
Posted by Curiosity killed ... (# 11770) on
@Gamaliel, not every village and hamlet in Dorset has a church and those that do don't get weekly services any more, necessarily. Last time I looked, the parishes (three of them variously) I used to live in are part of a cluster of 18 churches, grouped into three groups of 6, with two clergy to man the lot. Three of those churches are in towns. That was a year or so ago.
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
The solution is simple:
If the CD doesn't come with a lyric sheet then go online and download the lyrics of whatever hymns or worship songs happen to be on there.
What's so difficult about that?
Did you even read the OP?
Posted by Craigie (# 17364) on
I must admit that I am also having a problem envisaging your difficulty in getting to church, unless you have mobility issues.
Do you not think that there might be reasons why I am not going to church? I am an intelligent man, I know how a door works and I am certainly able to use a map! I do have problems but I am certainly not going to share them with an insensitive stranger in hell!
I'm beginning to think that you're slightly daft as well as slightly deaf.
It seems to me that you are either incredibly insensitive or downright discriminatory towards people who have disabilities!
Maybe you should trust that most normal people when they say they have a difficulty getting to church have a genuine reason, and maybe they don't want to make a bloody big issue about it because of the kind of insensitive claptrap that comes out of the spewing recesses of supposedly caring Christians!
I would like nothing better than to be an active member of a local, loving and caring fellowship or church of any denomination. Sadly, at the moment that is not possible. My hope is that one day it will be...probably by moving!
Posted by Evensong (# 14696) on
You tell em!
Posted by Craigie (# 17364) on
Is Google not your friend?
Why the hell should I fire up by laptop and search online everytime I want to use a CD. Bearing in mind I would have to search for each song which hardly adds the the seemless worship time I had in mind! Apart from the time it takes, the presumption I have a computer with me all the time at home, there is the cost in electricity and the environmental impact.
I return to my original is much easier to include the lyrics with the CD. Christian CDs have had lyrics included since the 80's and before on records and tapes. The only reason I was given from the company for the lack of lyrics was that it cost them more to include them. In other words they will sell the CD at the same cost (note that the savings they make don't get passed on) and as a free gift you can use your laptop and waste time, energy and increase your carbon footprint. I would rather pay a £1 more to have the lyrics.
I would also point out that Christian artists have in the past become popular because Christians have sung along to their music. If publishers are putting their music out there without lyrics then they are doing these people a disservice.
Posted by passer (# 13329) on
I do have problems but I am certainly not going to share them with an insensitive stranger in hell!
Maybe you should trust that most normal people when they say they have a difficulty getting to church have a genuine reason, and maybe they don't want to make a bloody big issue about it because of the kind of insensitive claptrap that comes out of the spewing recesses of supposedly caring Christians!
People are being very polite to you in deference to your (apparent) newness. I think you're a troll, so feel free to fuck off.
Posted by Craigie (# 17364) on
People are being very polite to you in deference to your (apparent) newness. I think you're a troll, so feel free to fuck off.
The deinition of a troll is as follows:-
"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."
I am certainly not this and in fact I was reacting to this kind of behaviour towards me. I was having a genuine rant about an issue that frustrates me, hoping to have a groundswell of equal frustration from others and certainly did not expect someone to attack me personally in a discriminatory fashion. I would also point out that your response would come under the definition of a seems you have fallen upon you own sword.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
Is Google not your friend?
Why the hell should I fire up by laptop and search online everytime I want to use a CD.
Because you want to sing along to it? Have you thought about having them ready in advance of your worship time?
People have far, far worse situations to adapt to!
It won't be long before CDs are obsolete - will you then trot along to hell again for another pointless rant?
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
I return to my original is much easier to include the lyrics with the CD. Christian CDs have had lyrics included since the 80's and before on records and tapes. The only reason I was given from the company for the lack of lyrics was that it cost them more to include them. In other words they will sell the CD at the same cost (note that the savings they make don't get passed on) and as a free gift you can use your laptop and waste time, energy and increase your carbon footprint.
Let's face it. EVERYBODY is doing this. Virtually every company I deal with is saying "oh dear, we don't want to have to mail stuff out to you, can't we just email you instead and then if it's important you can print it out yourself". The whole goal is to spread the cost out to each individual customer/user, rather than have them bear the centralised cost.
(And my response more often than not is: no, you freaking well can't email me instead. Emails are like flies to be swatted. I like getting tangible letters in my letterbox, if you actually want me to pay attention to your messages that's the way to do it.)
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by orfeo:
Let's face it. EVERYBODY is doing this. Virtually every company I deal with is saying "oh dear, we don't want to have to mail stuff out to you, can't we just email you instead and then if it's important you can print it out yourself". The whole goal is to spread the cost out to each individual customer/user, rather than have them bear the centralised cost.
The government is doing it too - schools are no longer sent paper copies of govt documents unless they specifically ask for them (and pay, I think)
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
Originally posted by Boogie:
It won't be long before CDs are obsolete - will you then trot along to hell again for another pointless rant?
If Craigie doesn't, I bloody well will. Every time I've done a direct comparison, I've come to the same conclusion: that the quality of music downloads is shit.
Add to that the fact that downloads create more market barriers (ie I can easily buy a CD from the UK or USA of music that was never released in Australia, but can't purchase from the iTunes stores in those countries), you're going to have to prise my CD collection from my cold, dead hands. And even then I'll probably still rise up and flay you.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
I would like nothing better than to be an active member of a local, loving and caring fellowship or church of any denomination. Sadly, at the moment that is not possible. My hope is that one day it will be...probably by moving!
So what's with the broken ankle?
Posted by passer (# 13329) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
People are being very polite to you in deference to your (apparent) newness. I think you're a troll, so feel free to fuck off.
The deinition of a troll is as follows:-
"In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion."
I am certainly not this and in fact I was reacting to this kind of behaviour towards me. I was having a genuine rant about an issue that frustrates me, hoping to have a groundswell of equal frustration from others and certainly did not expect someone to attack me personally in a discriminatory fashion. I would also point out that your response would come under the definition of a seems you have fallen upon you own sword.
The speed of your response upon getting a nibble confirms my suspicion.
Posted by Inger (# 15285) on
I'm not into buying hymns on CD, but I'm completely on the side of Craigie in calling to Hell cheapskate CD producers of whatever kind who won't include texts with their disks.
Not everyone has access to the internet even today. I would resent a CD of, say, Schubert songs that came without texts.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
How about actually using your brain and looking at the lyrics to see if they actually give worship to God. It really frustrates me that people write off all modern worship music off because of a perceived bias or false image. There is bad modern worship, there is also good. There are bad hymns and there are also good. Didn't St. Paul say we should test everything, reject what is evil and embrace what is good? I know it's a lot more work to actually engage and make decisions about music based on their actual merits...maybe being a musical bigot who wipes out whole genres of music is much simpler!!!!
I've heard this defence of modern Christian music that it 'gives worship to God' before. It is, all too often, a cover for mere repetition of a selected translation of scripture and that which reads well off the page usually, no, almost invariably, makes for dull, contrived and downright bad songs!
Lyrics are but a part of a song. I'm not surprised you get the tunes wrong; many of them are counter-intuitive and, and .... (cont'd on Crappy Choruses and Horrible Hymns, p94).
Let me save you time and money: sample the songs on-line, buy only the tracks you want and that should save you a small fortune.
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
passer: quote:
The speed of your response upon getting a nibble confirms my suspicion.
Nah. Sounds like a typical newbie who has wandered into Hell without his asbestos undies.
I liked the touch of ITTWACW, too. quote:
insensitive claptrap that comes out of the spewing recesses of supposedly caring Christians!
Craigie, dear heart, you are in Hell. Along with groundswells you'll find gopher holes. Ya just gotta deal. I thought it rather foolishly intrepid to make a whole "Today I consign to hell..." thread when there is a perfectly good thread already open on which to post a concise rant, but now you've got your party. Enjoy.
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
You really aren't worshipping with music unless you have learned to sing all the Psalms in their original Hebrew.
Anything less than that is just dicking around.
Or, find God however you can find God and take comfort in that.
Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
It seems to me that you are either incredibly insensitive or downright discriminatory towards people who have disabilities!
I must have missed where you mentioned disabilities. Your OP said you couldn't attend church "because of my rural location."
Posted by passer (# 13329) on
Originally posted by Pigwidgeon:
Originally posted by Craigie:
It seems to me that you are either incredibly insensitive or downright discriminatory towards people who have disabilities!
I must have missed where you mentioned disabilities. Your OP said you couldn't attend church "because of my rural location."
trip-trap, trip-trap.....
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on
I'm so naive.
Posted by Gamaliel (# 812) on
No, I'm not insensitive to people with disabilities, nor am I insensitive as to reasons why people might choose not to attend church regularly - that's up to them. I was only engaging with the OP (which I did read, by the way, Evensong) which suggested that it was the rural location that was the issue - and yes, I would bow to Curiosity Killed's local knowledge on this one ...
If you'd have said that you didn't want to attend church regularly partly because of location difficulties and also for personal reasons you didn't want to share then I'd have understood that and been cool with it.
As it is, you posted something that sounded rather lame to myself and various other posters here - such as Boogie.
And as this is Hell it's the place where people get insulted. I post differently here to how I would post in Purgatory or Heaven (during my rare visits there) or any of the other Boards.
Stick around and you'll hear a mantra in Hell that runs 'This is not a Christian board' - there aren't just Christians here, there are Buddhists, atheists and sometimes the occasional Muslim or Jewish person.
So don't get all morally outraged about supposedly caring Christians on a board like this. It's 'The Magazine of Christian Unrest'.
That doesn't mean that posters don't support each other - there are threads and boards for that. Hell isn't one of them.
Posted by Boogie (# 13538) on
Originally posted by Gamaliel:
That doesn't mean that posters don't support each other - there are threads and boards for that. Hell isn't one of them.
In fact, if you pop back to Ecclesiantics, Craigie, you will see that I suggested an online Church which does live services every Wednesday.
What confused me is that you said the reason you couldn't get to services was temporary and due to a broken ankle. Here the story seems to be rural location and/or disability.
[ 03. November 2012, 16:28: Message edited by: Boogie ]
Posted by Tortuf (# 3784) on
Hell is, however, a good place to find out what happens when you try passive aggressive moves to amuse yourself.
Personally, I don't like modern worship music. This is probably because it is hard to sing, or it is too . . . something . . . for me. If you like it whatsyourname, more power to you.
However, if you are going to do a lame rant to set people up for giving you your jollies by playing the "I'm disabled" card, you might want to try a more introspective style of worship.
Posted by malik3000 (# 11437) on
Craigie has her/his chosen likes in music and worship styles (perhaps quite different from mine) as is his/her right. She/he says difficulties in getting to a worship place of choice are involved and that's nobody else's business. Questioning that is just plain rudeness. (Sure, this is Hell and insults are fine, but even in hell there may be aspects of a person's personal situation that ought better be left alone.) Also, the OP did not seem troll-like to me.
Why not direct ire at the money-grubbing capitalists who constantly devise ways to provide less service for more money. The music "industry" is one of the more flamboyant examples of the evils of mega-corporate capitalism, and i've found that those who make religion the milieu of their marketing hustle tend to be as lacking in ethics, if not more, as their fellow hustlers.
[ 03. November 2012, 16:54: Message edited by: malik3000 ]
Posted by IntellectByProxy (# 3185) on
Originally posted by comet:
you, my little apprentice whippersnapper, need to get the fuck out of the house more and face real people and the real world.
He lives in Dorset, so I can assure you he is taking the appropriate course of action and staying in doors, thereby reducing the chances of being stuffed into a wicker effigy and set on fire.
I live there too, and I survive on my cunning and a set of flame-proof overalls.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on
Others have filled you in on many of the features of the Ship of Fools in general and this place in particular, but if sympathy, empathy, support and healing prayer are needed, then All Saints is where you want to be. Not here.
Sioni Sais
Posted by Chorister (# 473) on
Don't think having printed lyrics which come with the CD will solve all your problems - I learnt years ago that most of the enclosed lyrics have more mistakes in them than the partially-sighted drunken chief scribe of Forde Abbey's Psalter. And that's saying something.
Posted by Lamb Chopped (# 5528) on
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
I see. I was afraid of that.
And if it isn't a slowly cooked Crown Roast of Lamb, it still could be lamb tartar. Poor Craigie.
Posted by Jade Constable (# 17175) on
Originally posted by Craigie:
Is Google not your friend?
Why the hell should I fire up by laptop and search online everytime I want to use a CD. Bearing in mind I would have to search for each song which hardly adds the the seemless worship time I had in mind! Apart from the time it takes, the presumption I have a computer with me all the time at home, there is the cost in electricity and the environmental impact.
I return to my original is much easier to include the lyrics with the CD. Christian CDs have had lyrics included since the 80's and before on records and tapes. The only reason I was given from the company for the lack of lyrics was that it cost them more to include them. In other words they will sell the CD at the same cost (note that the savings they make don't get passed on) and as a free gift you can use your laptop and waste time, energy and increase your carbon footprint. I would rather pay a £1 more to have the lyrics.
I would also point out that Christian artists have in the past become popular because Christians have sung along to their music. If publishers are putting their music out there without lyrics then they are doing these people a disservice.
Hang on, do you physically use your CDs on your laptop - as in, you haven't uploaded them to Media Player/whatever program you use? Obviously you'll have to waste time faffing around then, when you could just create your own playlists beforehand which would play seamlessly. Or if you want new music, use a service like Spotify or even youtube playlists. Unfortunately I think you have to choose between the quality of music on CD and the ease of digital music. As for lyrics, the bonus with downloading them in pdf format or whatever is that the font size etc can be changed. I always struggled to read lyrics that came with CDs. I think technology would improve your experience, not harm it.
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on
Originally posted by IntellectByProxy:
I survive on my cunning and a set of flame-proof overalls.
Hope they are damn good overalls.
Posted by comet (# 10353) on
Originally posted by Jade Constable:
Hang on, do you physically use your CDs on your laptop - as in, you haven't uploaded them to Media Player/whatever program you use? Obviously you'll have to waste time faffing around then, when you could just create your own playlists beforehand which would play seamlessly. Or if you want new music, use a service like Spotify or even youtube playlists. Unfortunately I think you have to choose between the quality of music on CD and the ease of digital music. As for lyrics, the bonus with downloading them in pdf format or whatever is that the font size etc can be changed. I always struggled to read lyrics that came with CDs. I think technology would improve your experience, not harm it.
I realize I'm old and all, but I suspect Craigie uses an actually CD player. you can see them in museums - big boxy things with speakers. they require no use of computers at all. kinda nifty if you're into retro.
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by Jade Constable:
Hang on, do you physically use your CDs on your laptop - as in, you haven't uploaded them to Media Player/whatever program you use?
This may surprise you, but there are still those of us who listen to CDs without any form of personal computer involved whatsoever. We have these bits of equipment called "stereos".
Posted by comet (# 10353) on
beacha to it, Mr Big Bad Ray Gun.
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on
Oh dear God, Marvin and Comet are channeling each other.
I hope it doesn't lead to dancing.
[ 03. November 2012, 23:49: Message edited by: Patdys ]
Posted by orfeo (# 13878) on
One Infernal Dance coming right up.
No lyrics. But a damn good piece of music.
Posted by Jade Constable (# 17175) on
Originally posted by comet:
Originally posted by Jade Constable:
Hang on, do you physically use your CDs on your laptop - as in, you haven't uploaded them to Media Player/whatever program you use? Obviously you'll have to waste time faffing around then, when you could just create your own playlists beforehand which would play seamlessly. Or if you want new music, use a service like Spotify or even youtube playlists. Unfortunately I think you have to choose between the quality of music on CD and the ease of digital music. As for lyrics, the bonus with downloading them in pdf format or whatever is that the font size etc can be changed. I always struggled to read lyrics that came with CDs. I think technology would improve your experience, not harm it.
I realize I'm old and all, but I suspect Craigie uses an actually CD player. you can see them in museums - big boxy things with speakers. they require no use of computers at all. kinda nifty if you're into retro.
Well yes, but I was referring to his comments on having to turn on the laptop every time he wants song lyrics. If the laptop is on already why use a stereo...? May as well just use the laptop for everything involved in the worship session.
Posted by Vulpior (# 12744) on
A lot of lyric sites are crowd-sourced, meaning they are not the author's definitive version. They may include inaccuracies, although crowd-sourcing (as in Wikipedia and the like) does lead to refinement and accuracy over time.
For the particular genre, hymns/worship songs that are still in copyright are difficult or even impossible to find publicly available online.
I too like to see lyrics and texts in the media that I buy, which is primarily physical CDs. We have to specify our audio and video separately for contents insurance; the general policy caps claims at $2,500, and we probably have around 10 times that.
Only yesterday I was playing my two disc (vinyl) copy of Handel's Israel in Egypt, and I did refer to the sleeve notes in the box.
Typically I have found that "Best of" compilations don't include lyrics. perhaps they assume that you already own the original albums. In that case, why do I need to buy the frigging compilation?!
The album is an art form, with cover art, sleeve notes, lyrics, acknowledgements and a label/CD surface deign, alongside a carefully selected and sequenced track list, perhaps with bonus tracks. Downloading individual tracks does away with much of that.
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
"Click here to download the Mondegreens of your selected song"
Posted by Rosa Winkel (# 11424) on
Various questions in Ecclesiantics about liturgy. A liking of the letter "E" (say, in the signature and various things on her/his profile). A rhyming (kind of) of her/his name with two names of a former shipmate that I have in my head at the moment.
Posted by churchgeek (# 5557) on
I'm not very good at hell posts (I rarely make them). But I can't help chiming in here all purgatorial-like.
I agree that the CD company is just being cheap and there's no excuse for them not including lyrics in a CD that presumably is meant for people to sing along to.
That said, I have in the past printed lyrics off the internet and folded them into the CD jewel case. That does require some work, getting the lyrics on a small enough sheet of paper to stuff it in there, but it's a possible if second-rate solution.
You could also limit your purchases to CDs with songs you already know. There are lots of CDs out there with collections of old familiar hymns.
Taizé chants are also fairly easy to pick up, although some are in Latin and other languages.
Otherwise, if I were you, I'd sing along to what I did know, and pray/meditate while listening to the other songs. That might be the simplest thing to do. Who knows, you might pick up on some of the lyrics and melodies by specifically not trying to do so. But at least you could use those musical interludes to be quiet and receptive or something, whatever suits your own spirituality.
[ 07. November 2012, 20:26: Message edited by: churchgeek ]
Posted by lilyswinburne (# 12934) on
What is a "worship CD"?
Any examples?
Posted by Marvin the Martian (# 4360) on
Originally posted by lilyswinburne:
What is a "worship CD"?
A CD (you know, those little round shiny things that you put in a stereo and they play music) with worship songs (you know, those things we sing in church) on it.
Posted by Spike (# 36) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
A CD (you know, those little round shiny things that you put in a stereo and they play music) with worship songs (you know, those things we sing in church) on it.
What do you mean "we"?
Posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider (# 76) on
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Originally posted by lilyswinburne:
What is a "worship CD"?
A CD (you know, those little round shiny things that you put in a stereo and they play music) with worship songs (you know, those things we sing in church) on it.
Do these discs play music, or do they play the sort of thing that goes under the name of "worship song" and which I understand is used in some churches?
Posted by passer (# 13329) on
Originally posted by Karl: Liberal Backslider:
Originally posted by Marvin the Martian:
Originally posted by lilyswinburne:
What is a "worship CD"?
A CD (you know, those little round shiny things that you put in a stereo and they play music) with worship songs (you know, those things we sing in church) on it.
Do these discs play music, or do they play the sort of thing that goes under the name of "worship song" and which I understand is used in some churches?
You'd probably need to check the lyrics on the enclosed insert to ascertain that. If the lyrics aren't included, you can usually go to some obscure website and print them off yourself.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on
Thank you, passer. I note, with some bemusement, that you haven't bothered to read page 1. Had you done so, you would not have repeated the advice already given.
Posted by mdijon (# 8520) on
My guess* is that was Passer's point. A sort of joke, if you will.
* I'm charitable like that.
Posted by passer (# 13329) on
Oh Pete - I was merely attempting to complete the circle, suggested by the posts preceding mine, and returning the thread to its OP, à la Ouroboros, before you send it trip-trapping to the depths.
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