Thread: Welcome to Night Vale -- are you listening? Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.
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Posted by Spiffy (# 5267) on
I'm wondering if there are any other people here listening to the Welcome to Night Vale podcast?
If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here is the official description from its web page:
Welcome to Night Vale is a twice-monthly podcast in the style of community updates for the small desert town of Night Vale, featuring local weather, news, announcements from the Sheriff's Secret Police, mysterious lights in the night sky, dark hooded figures with unknowable powers, and cultural events.
Turn on your radio and hide.
Seriously, it's like if NPR and Stephen King had a baby and gave it to Mary Shelly to raise. It's free on iTunes or you can download the episodes at the link above, each one's about 20 minutes long.
*goes to wait for the bus in the rain*
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on
Thanks Spiff, just downloading now and will listen on bike.
Posted by Spiffy (# 5267) on
I'm kind of surprised no one's stepped forward yet to say they are also in love with it. It's okay, though, I've already infected my soccer hooligan friends, I am a good disease vector.
(I also will not take offense if you don't like it. It's definitely not something that's for everyone.)
Posted by mrs whibley (# 4798) on
I've downloaded a couple for listening to on an upcoming overseas trip.
Posted by Liopleurodon (# 4836) on
Yes. Yes I am listening.
Posted by Liopleurodon (# 4836) on
And my sig didn't come up on that post. CURSE YOU CRUEL INTERNET.
Posted by fletcher christian (# 13919) on
Not quite sure what to make of it. Is it 'off-beat' comedy? I guess I was expecting a creepy radio show. It's a brilliant idea, but it seems to set itself up for a fall regarding expectation.
Posted by Antisocial Alto (# 13810) on
I tried the first episode... it sounded a little like the show "Eureka", but spooky. Is that accurate?
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on
2 episodes in and I find myself, nonplussed. A bit nonplussed. Some of it is brilliant, some tries a bit hard. Intend to keep listening, so perhaps a bit more on than off.
Thanks for the heads up, spiffy.
Posted by Spiffy (# 5267) on
Originally posted by fletcher christian:
Not quite sure what to make of it. Is it 'off-beat' comedy? I guess I was expecting a creepy radio show. It's a brilliant idea, but it seems to set itself up for a fall regarding expectation.
I suggest you try episodes 19A and B. If that doesn't float your boat, then it's probably not the flavor of creepy you're looking for.
Posted by mrs whibley (# 4798) on
Originally posted by Antisocial Alto:
I tried the first episode... it sounded a little like the show "Eureka", but spooky. Is that accurate?
I would say like a creepy Lake Woebegone.
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