Thread: Franklin Graham "frankly odious" Board: Oblivion / Ship of Fools.

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Posted by Dubious Thomas (# 10144) on :
In connection with the World Vision debacle, we now have THIS INTERVIEW with Franklin Graham, in which the prominent evangelical leader slanders gay couples who adopt children as "recruiting" and tries to identify his stand against human rights with the ministry of Martin Luther King Jr. [Mad]

Randall Balmer (former fundamentalist, now Episcopal priest) had this to say:
For Franklin Graham to compare the Civil Rights movement to his opposition to gay and lesbian rights is not only laughable, it is, frankly, odious.
It's not just the comparison that is "frankly odious," it is Graham himself.

[For the record, I am not tarring all evangelicals with this brush. I have great respect for Tony and Peggy Campolo, for example. But these evangelical voices are constantly being pushed to the margins in the United States, while men like Graham are the face and voice of conservative Protestantism.]
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by Dubious Thomas:
In connection with the World Vision debacle, we now have THIS INTERVIEW with Franklin Graham, in which the prominent evangelical leader slanders gay couples who adopt children as "recruiting" and tries to identify his stand against human rights with the ministry of Martin Luther King Jr. [Mad]

Randall Balmer (former fundamentalist, now Episcopal priest) had this to say:
For Franklin Graham to compare the Civil Rights movement to his opposition to gay and lesbian rights is not only laughable, it is, frankly, odious.
It's not just the comparison that is "frankly odious," it is Graham himself.

Maybe the comparison is apt, they just read the program wrong. Franklin Graham is not playing the role of Billy Graham tearing down the segregation rope at 1953 rallies, he's playing the role of Bull Connor.

[ 27. March 2014, 22:47: Message edited by: cliffdweller ]
Posted by no prophet (# 15560) on :
This is the speech of an ignorant man. The problem is that he had influence and has no right to be this ignorant. Ignorance may be forgiven. But at what point does ignorance turn into evil. I think this interview shows the tipping point. "Recruitment"? That is evil. Will someone prominent take on this evil man? Let us hope so.
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by cliffdweller:
Maybe the comparison is apt, they just read the program wrong. Franklin Graham is not playing the role of Billy Graham tearing down the segregation rope at 1953 rallies, he's playing the role of Bull Connor.

Well, Billy Graham wasn't always the Billy Graham tearing down the segregation rope at 1953 rallies" either.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by cliffdweller:
Maybe the comparison is apt, they just read the program wrong. Franklin Graham is not playing the role of Billy Graham tearing down the segregation rope at 1953 rallies, he's playing the role of Bull Connor.

Well, Billy Graham wasn't always the Billy Graham tearing down the segregation rope at 1953 rallies" either.
Yes, Billy had a more mixed record (and a pretty racist father-in-law) but ultimately ended up on the right side of things.

Franklin, though, doesn't even get that much right. He's playing a far different role in the civil rights issues of the day.
Posted by Sioni Sais (# 5713) on :
Billy Graham had Rev'd Grady B Wilson with him for the first 30 years of his crusades. Amongst other things he would tell Graham when he was "pissing in the soup". Looks like sonny boy needs a plain speaking assistant.
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
I was amused when Billy Graham, at the urging of Franklin Graham, publicly ate a Chik-Fil-A sandwich in support of the homophobic efforts of the chain's conservative Christian owners. He ended up in the Hospital the next day for undisclosed reasons [Smile]
Posted by Schroedinger's cat (# 64) on :
I am going to start a new religion - GayHaters.

Our religious writings will be drawn from all the major works of the world, wherever there is a some writing that could be interpreted to condemn homosexuality.

Our symbol will be a stylised bottom.

Our creed with be simple: "homosexuality is abhorrant"

It promises that you will get to heaven irrespective of what else you do based on how much you hate homosexuals, and how much you do to make this clear.

I am sure that I will be able to raise huge sums of money for this. What is more, there are many parts of the US in particular where this is already the state religion. Not to mention the impact it will have in Africa.

As of now, please refer to me as the Grand ArchVisier of GayHaters.

Not that I agree, of course, it is just a way to make a lot of money and stop these people bismirching the name of Christianity.
Posted by PeteC (# 10422) on :
Perhaps this gentleman is positioning himself to take over the mantle of Phelps.

Or perhaps he is a spoiled rich boy with much more mouth than sense.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by PeteC:
Perhaps this gentleman is positioning himself to take over the mantle of Phelps.

Or perhaps he is a spoiled rich boy with much more mouth than sense.

the two are not mutually exclusive.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:

I am sure that I will be able to raise huge sums of money for this. What is more, there are many parts of the US in particular where this is already the state religion. Not to mention the impact it will have in Africa.

As of now, please refer to me as the Grand ArchVisier of GayHaters.

Not that I agree, of course, it is just a way to make a lot of money and stop these people bismirching the name of Christianity.

I'd support you, Sir Grand ArchVisier, if only for the latter reason. Just call it anything but Christianity.

[ 28. March 2014, 14:31: Message edited by: cliffdweller ]
Posted by Dubious Thomas (# 10144) on :
Originally posted by Palimpsest:
I was amused when Billy Graham, at the urging of Franklin Graham, publicly ate a Chik-Fil-A sandwich in support of the homophobic efforts of the chain's conservative Christian owners. He ended up in the Hospital the next day for undisclosed reasons [Smile]

It couldn't have been the Chick-Fil-A sandwich! [Eek!]

Not eating Chik-Fil-A has been one of the hardest restrictions I have ever undertaken! I have to walk past a branch at least two times every work-day! When I catch the scent of breaded chicken in peanut oil, I mutter, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" [Biased]
Posted by Lyda*Rose (# 4544) on :
This is all very sad to me. A lovely young girl in our little church has been organizing a big Operation Christmas Child campaign every Xmas for three years (since she was nine). And last Christmas she was so proud to meet Graham when he came to L.A. for the shoe box send-off in SoCal. She has turned twelve and will eventually run up against this crap online. I mourn the fact that so many folks like her just want to be loving stewards of their prosperity, but people like Franky muddy it with this hateful bilge he spews. He is definitely "odious" but I will continue to support my young friend's efforts to reach out to other children in kindness despite him.
Posted by Amanda B. Reckondwythe (# 5521) on :
Originally posted by Dubious Thomas:
Originally posted by Palimpsest:
I was amused when Billy Graham . . . publicly ate a Chik-Fil-A sandwich in support of the homophobic efforts of the chain's conservative Christian owners. He ended up in the Hospital the next day for undisclosed reasons [Smile]

It couldn't have been the Chick-Fil-A sandwich! [Eek!]
At his age a sip of mineral water could put him in hospital.
Posted by Patdys (# 9397) on :
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
This is all very sad to me. A lovely young girl in our little church has been organizing a big Operation Christmas Child campaign every Xmas for three years (since she was nine). And last Christmas she was so proud to meet Graham when he came to L.A. for the shoe box send-off in SoCal. She has turned twelve and will eventually run up against this crap online. I mourn the fact that so many folks like her just want to be loving stewards of their prosperity, but people like Franky muddy it with this hateful bilge he spews. He is definitely "odious" but I will continue to support my young friend's efforts to reach out to other children in kindness despite him.

And if the convevo's against WV's decision had showed the same maturity, this thread wouldn't exist. I witness the same vitriol locally and I am growing tired of fighting and ignoring the baiting. I am not listened to. I am ashamed of my past religious homophobia. And I am seen as backslidden or sold out. But ultimately, grace has to trump rule, doesn't it? ( the discussion of rule is not for here).
Posted by Mockingale (# 16599) on :
Originally posted by Schroedinger's cat:
I am going to start a new religion - GayHaters.

Our religious writings will be drawn from all the major works of the world, wherever there is a some writing that could be interpreted to condemn homosexuality.

Our symbol will be a stylised bottom.

Our creed with be simple: "homosexuality is abhorrant"

It promises that you will get to heaven irrespective of what else you do based on how much you hate homosexuals, and how much you do to make this clear.

I am sure that I will be able to raise huge sums of money for this. What is more, there are many parts of the US in particular where this is already the state religion. Not to mention the impact it will have in Africa.

As of now, please refer to me as the Grand ArchVisier of GayHaters.

Not that I agree, of course, it is just a way to make a lot of money and stop these people bismirching the name of Christianity.

Already exists. What, you don't think all those people who rarely attend church but pound their Bibles given the chance to get preachy about how evil teh gays actually buy into any of the difficult bits of Christianity, do you? (Love thy neighbor? Feh! Stupid liberal nonsense).
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
Originally posted by Mockingale:
What, you don't think all those people who rarely attend church but pound their Bibles given the chance to get preachy about how evil teh gays actually buy into any of the difficult bits of Christianity, do you? (Love thy neighbor? Feh! Stupid liberal nonsense).

Rarely attend church? I give odds many of the very vocal ones do attend regularly. I think comprehension is the rare commodity, not attendance.

[ 30. March 2014, 02:00: Message edited by: lilBuddha ]
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by Dubious Thomas:
Originally posted by Palimpsest:
I was amused when Billy Graham, at the urging of Franklin Graham, publicly ate a Chik-Fil-A sandwich in support of the homophobic efforts of the chain's conservative Christian owners. He ended up in the Hospital the next day for undisclosed reasons [Smile]

It couldn't have been the Chick-Fil-A sandwich! [Eek!]

Not eating Chik-Fil-A has been one of the hardest restrictions I have ever undertaken! I have to walk past a branch at least two times every work-day! When I catch the scent of breaded chicken in peanut oil, I mutter, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" [Biased]

The owner of Chik-A-Fil has said publicly he wishes he'd never got involved in the debate, has done a lot of talking with less conservative elements and might be donating differently in future. They also apparently offer better pay and benefits than many other food chains. Some conservatives howled with rage and threatened their own boycott. (Funny how when we boycott, it's outrageous but when they boycott that's okay)

In the current climate, admitting to having reconsidered is brave. You might want to cut them a bit of slack. Hobby Lobby though [Biased]

Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by Lyda*Rose:
This is all very sad to me. A lovely young girl in our little church has been organizing a big Operation Christmas Child campaign every Xmas for three years (since she was nine). And last Christmas she was so proud to meet Graham when he came to L.A. for the shoe box send-off in SoCal. She has turned twelve and will eventually run up against this crap online. I mourn the fact that so many folks like her just want to be loving stewards of their prosperity, but people like Franky muddy it with this hateful bilge he spews. He is definitely "odious" but I will continue to support my young friend's efforts to reach out to other children in kindness despite him.

Shoe boxes aren't necessarily the best way to deliver aid to the poor, but they are a good way to help kids learn about the need to love thy neighbour and feed the poor. OCC is still active in the UK, but the campaign to use alternative charities that are more focused on meeting the needs of the poor rather than pure evangelism is equally vocal. Most of the other shoe box charities here all state they don't discriminate about who gets the boxes and don't hand out literature.

I wonder what the founders of OCC make of it all. IIRC they were originally UK based and linked up with Samaritan's Purse as they felt they'd got as far as they could and wanted to be part of a bigger organisation so they could do more good. They assured everyone their ethos wouldn't change.

I watched a bit of that interview - and it's hate speech pure and simple. It's a real shame that Graham - who'd be a low rent preacher in a nothing mega church but for an accident of birth - is abusing his father's legacy in this way. (I became a Christian at Mission 89!).

OTH, if I was in the same position as you, I'd want to support my young friend too and would consider a shoe box as the lesser evil. (That's not meant to be patronising, but I have a bad feeling it is so my apologies!)

Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
Originally posted by Mockingale:
What, you don't think all those people who rarely attend church but pound their Bibles given the chance to get preachy about how evil teh gays actually buy into any of the difficult bits of Christianity, do you? (Love thy neighbor? Feh! Stupid liberal nonsense).

Rarely attend church? I give odds many of the very vocal ones do attend regularly. I think comprehension is the rare commodity, not attendance.
Triple post unless someone sneaks one in!!! I'd imagine that most of them go to churches where they get more of the same from the pulpit - gays are evil, Obama is an agent of Satan, we are the righteous remnant, be afraid of liberals and their agenda, God helps those who helps themselves, state health care makes Jesus cry, vote GOP ...

As many Christians defined a Christian as "someone who thinks the same stuff as me", it's probably fairly easy to go through life without engaging with the way that Jesus' more challenging teachings don't fit with that mindset. On one site I read someone arguing, in all seriousness, that the Bible taught, "Judge, lest you be judged ....". Either a fabulous misprint or an amazing filter.

Posted by quetzalcoatl (# 16740) on :
'Judge, lest you be judged'.

A fabulous example of Morton's demon.
Posted by Dubious Thomas (# 10144) on :
Originally posted by Tubbs:
In the current climate, admitting to having reconsidered is brave. You might want to cut them a bit of slack.


Hum? Maybe I could eat there again? Hum?

"Get thee behind me, Satan!" [Big Grin]
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by Dubious Thomas:
Originally posted by Tubbs:
In the current climate, admitting to having reconsidered is brave. You might want to cut them a bit of slack.


Hum? Maybe I could eat there again? Hum?

"Get thee behind me, Satan!" [Big Grin]

Have a look here and here and decide if they've done enough for you to feel okay about eating there again.

I've no agenda btw - I've never eaten in one in my life as they don't have outlets over here. We've only just got dunkin back. (That's fine, yes?!)


[ 30. March 2014, 17:50: Message edited by: Tubbs ]
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
As a cynic


CEO Chik Fil A CEO regrets embroilment


Chick-fil-A is one of the most successful in the industry, with sales in 2012 of $4.6 billion. To maintain growth, it wants to move beyond its Bible Belt base into Northeast and Midwest cities such as New York, Boston, and Chicago

Aint capitalism grand.
Posted by Amos (# 44) on :
'I'll have mine embroiled, please.'
Posted by lilBuddha (# 14333) on :
But does it matter why they changed policy?
If they change purely for profit, and people still boycott because they do not feel the change "real" is this not a message that the change was wrong or irrelevant?
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by Tubbs:
I watched a bit of that interview - and it's hate speech pure and simple. It's a real shame that Graham - who'd be a low rent preacher in a nothing mega church but for an accident of birth - is abusing his father's legacy in this way. (I became a Christian at Mission 89!).

OTH, if I was in the same position as you, I'd want to support my young friend too and would consider a shoe box as the lesser evil. (That's not meant to be patronising, but I have a bad feeling it is so my apologies!)


My sentiments exactly.

I'm similarly conflicted about the shoeboxes-- which I've done at the church where I serve. It's useful pedagogy more than charity-- it's a helpful, tangible way to teach children about empathy, compassion and giving, with enough time for them to find more effective/efficient ways to care as they get older. I'm not aware of any other "shoebox" ministries here in the US doing anything similar.

Yet I hate giving this guy a cent. I hate having any of my $$ go to his salary. I wonder what I'll hear from the families in our church this year.

In the end I'll probably continue for the same reason that progressive Christians who signed up for a WV sponsorship on Tues. or early Wed. are standing by those pledges-- because the shoeboxes give some joy to a child, and that's a good thing. And because they teach our kids about giving joy, and that's a good thing. I never gave Samaritans Purse any donations other than the shoebox postage before (because of what I already knew about Franklin) and this obviously only confirms that.

But it's a fraught decision for me. I've got 6 months to pray about it.
Posted by Dubious Thomas (# 10144) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
But does it matter why they changed policy?
If they change purely for profit, and people still boycott because they do not feel the change "real" is this not a message that the change was wrong or irrelevant?

I've got to agree! I want to see behavior changed, even if beliefs/ideas haven't changed. Behavior actually affects people; beliefs/ideas, in themselves, have no effect -- unless people act on them. And it looks like the CEO of Chick-fil-A has decided to serve Mammon rather than God (as he understand him). [Biased]

The boycott was directed at the behavior, not the beliefs. If it really has changed, then it achieved its purpose, and ought to end.

Honestly, there's a lot to like about how Chick-fil-A is run, how it treats its employees (relative to other fast-food chains), and how those employees are taught to behave: Chick-fil-A's largely teenage workforce actually learns how to give customers a positive service experience! This kind of training in giving quality customer service will benefit them the rest of their lives.

I think, tomorrow, Satan and I will share a meal at Chick-fil-A! [Devil] [We can't today, because Chick-fil-A is always closed on the Lord's Day!]
Posted by Palimpsest (# 16772) on :
Originally posted by lilBuddha:
But does it matter why they changed policy?
If they change purely for profit, and people still boycott because they do not feel the change "real" is this not a message that the change was wrong or irrelevant?

It matters in that you need to watch more carefully that it is an actual change in behavior and not spin on unchanged behavior.
It's academic to me, I don't live where they are now and I probably shouldn't add deep fried chicken sandwiches to my diet for health reasons. I don't boycott things I would never do for reasons other than the boycott.

[ 31. March 2014, 08:07: Message edited by: Palimpsest ]
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by cliffdweller:
Originally posted by Tubbs:
I watched a bit of that interview - and it's hate speech pure and simple. It's a real shame that Graham - who'd be a low rent preacher in a nothing mega church but for an accident of birth - is abusing his father's legacy in this way. (I became a Christian at Mission 89!).

OTH, if I was in the same position as you, I'd want to support my young friend too and would consider a shoe box as the lesser evil. (That's not meant to be patronising, but I have a bad feeling it is so my apologies!)


My sentiments exactly.

I'm similarly conflicted about the shoeboxes-- which I've done at the church where I serve. It's useful pedagogy more than charity-- it's a helpful, tangible way to teach children about empathy, compassion and giving, with enough time for them to find more effective/efficient ways to care as they get older. I'm not aware of any other "shoebox" ministries here in the US doing anything similar.

Yet I hate giving this guy a cent. I hate having any of my $$ go to his salary. I wonder what I'll hear from the families in our church this year.

In the end I'll probably continue for the same reason that progressive Christians who signed up for a WV sponsorship on Tues. or early Wed. are standing by those pledges-- because the shoeboxes give some joy to a child, and that's a good thing. And because they teach our kids about giving joy, and that's a good thing. I never gave Samaritans Purse any donations other than the shoebox postage before (because of what I already knew about Franklin) and this obviously only confirms that.

But it's a fraught decision for me. I've got 6 months to pray about it.

I feel your pain. I shared details of alternative charities that send shoeboxes to the PTB at church along with a rant about why we should reconsider our support of OCC. I have less issues with the work than with the delivery mechanism. It's going to be raised, but I'm not sure what I'll do if the meeting decides to continue. My inner good Baptist says that I should accept the will of the meeting ... But I'm not good at doing what I should. [Biased]

Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by Tubbs:
I feel your pain. I shared details of alternative charities that send shoeboxes to the PTB at church along with a rant about why we should reconsider our support of OCC. I have less issues with the work than with the delivery mechanism. It's going to be raised, but I'm not sure what I'll do if the meeting decides to continue. My inner good Baptist says that I should accept the will of the meeting ... But I'm not good at doing what I should. [Biased]


Do you know of any shoebox programs available in the US? I'm afraid if I used a UK based charity the postage to get the boxes (our church averages about 100 boxes/year) to the UK just to get them shipped off somewhere else would eat up too much of the benefit.
Posted by piglet (# 11803) on :
Originally posted by PeteC:
Perhaps this gentleman is positioning himself to take over the mantle of Phelps.

That was my first thought too - perhaps he saw a gap in the market and decided to fill it.
Posted by Ariston (# 10894) on :
Originally posted by piglet:
Originally posted by PeteC:
Perhaps this gentleman is positioning himself to take over the mantle of Phelps.

That was my first thought too - perhaps he saw a gap in the market and decided to fill it.
Not unless he's playing a long game—he's always been a nasty piece of work, even before Phelps was a blip on our collective cultural radar. It's been hard to not say "move along, nothing to see here folks, same old Franklin Grahamstanding as always," except that there is something to see, and most especially if you expect any part of his old man to have rubbed off on him.

In this case, at least, the apple did fall some way from the tree.
Posted by Mamacita (# 3659) on :
It's a pity that Franklin has inherited the mantle from his father (not that his father was without fault, but still...). I recall an article in Time magazine, around the time of Franklin's ascendency and Billy's retirement, which described how many people close to them felt that Graham daughter Ruth was the one with the real spiritual gifts and that Franklin had long been a real jerkoff. Yet, her leadership would never have been accepted in that denomination, so it was not pursued, nor did she attempt to press it.
Posted by cliffdweller (# 13338) on :
Originally posted by Mamacita:
It's a pity that Franklin has inherited the mantle from his father (not that his father was without fault, but still...). I recall an article in Time magazine, around the time of Franklin's ascendency and Billy's retirement, which described how many people close to them felt that Graham daughter Ruth was the one with the real spiritual gifts and that Franklin had long been a real jerkoff. Yet, her leadership would never have been accepted in that denomination, so it was not pursued, nor did she attempt to press it.

That was certainly my opinion. Ruth has had a couple of missteps of her own, though nothing like the constant poo Franklin steps in on pretty much a weekly basis. But she is a gifted preacher as opposed to Franklin who always seems to be auditioning for a slot on Fox & Friends.
Posted by L'organist (# 17338) on :
I'm just amazed that preaching and pastoring are seen to be some kind of hereditary gift...
Posted by cheesymarzipan (# 9442) on :
Originally posted by Dubious Thomas:
In connection with the World Vision debacle, we now have THIS INTERVIEW with Franklin Graham, in which the prominent evangelical leader slanders gay couples who adopt children as "recruiting" and tries to identify his stand against human rights with the ministry of Martin Luther King Jr. [Mad]

Funny how nobody says that straight couples adopting children are 'recruiting for their cause' but gay couples need to have an ulterior motive [Roll Eyes]
Posted by SvitlanaV2 (# 16967) on :
Originally posted by L'organist:
I'm just amazed that preaching and pastoring are seen to be some kind of hereditary gift...

But it's fairly common (or it has been until recently) for the sons and grandsons of the clergy to become clergy themselves.
Posted by leo (# 1458) on :
Following the example of Jesus's children and grandchildren, no doubt.
Posted by SvitlanaV2 (# 16967) on :
Well, no, but we shouldn't get hung up on the specialness of the clergy. They may have a 'calling', but theirs is a profession, and they're seen as professionals, by dint of their education if not their salary. Plenty of young people follow their parents into a profession, and going into the church is no different on one level.

Whether this parental influence is a good thing or not is another matter. I've heard some criticism, but then again, a family history of going into preaching would be looked on with approval in many church circles.
Posted by Tubbs (# 440) on :
Originally posted by cliffdweller:
Originally posted by Tubbs:
I feel your pain. I shared details of alternative charities that send shoeboxes to the PTB at church along with a rant about why we should reconsider our support of OCC. I have less issues with the work than with the delivery mechanism. It's going to be raised, but I'm not sure what I'll do if the meeting decides to continue. My inner good Baptist says that I should accept the will of the meeting ... But I'm not good at doing what I should. [Biased]


Do you know of any shoebox programs available in the US? I'm afraid if I used a UK based charity the postage to get the boxes (our church averages about 100 boxes/year) to the UK just to get them shipped off somewhere else would eat up too much of the benefit.
Sadly not, all the charities I found are UK only. I tried looking for US ones and it seems that whilst there may be some state specific ones, OCC is the only real game in town.

Posted by Pigwidgeon (# 10192) on :
Originally posted by cliffdweller:
Do you know of any shoebox programs available in the US? I'm afraid if I used a UK based charity the postage to get the boxes (our church averages about 100 boxes/year) to the UK just to get them shipped off somewhere else would eat up too much of the benefit.

A quick Google brought up Shoebox Ministry right here in Arizona. I've never heard of them, but when I looked at the list of whom they help, I did recognize many of those names.
Posted by Horseman Bree (# 5290) on :
Just noticed this thread.

Thought you might like this article showing the partygoers for Billy Graham's 95 birthday.

Looks like a trifecta: Sarah Palin, Rupert Murdoch and Donald Trump, with Franklin Graham's son in the role of that superb truth-purveyor Oliver North.

As Fred says, pretty degrading for the evangelical movement!

[ 19. April 2014, 16:38: Message edited by: Horseman Bree ]
Posted by Twilight (# 2832) on :
Billy Graham's daughter, Anne Graham Lotz, gave a nationally aired sermon following 9-11, wherein she blamed all sorts of modern concepts for the evil state of the world today.

The part I remember best is when she lamented the permissiveness of child rearing today, blaming it all on Dr. Spock and his horrible idea that beating children for the slightest infraction of rules was perhaps not as great a thing as his Edwardian age parents had thought.

As proof of what a bad parent Dr. Spock actually was, she gleefully reported that his own son had committed suicide. This was not exactly true. It was his grandson who died from jumping off a building. This young man had schizophrenia so it's unclear whether he intended to commit suicide or thought he could fly, or whatever. I know there are still lots of people who believe that schizophrenia is a result of bad parenting but following unto the next generation is probably a stretch even for them.

I would never have heard her sermon except that my, then, pastor repeated it word for word in my Methodist church. I had begun to suspect that he copied his sermons from the internet, so I came home and googled a few words and found the whole thing.

Just an example of how miss-information and prejudice can spread if someone has a national audience and an influential name.

I don't know anything about the other daughter, Ruth, but I have an issue with all fundamentalist women preachers. It's as if they think the Bible is inerrant until the minute they want to get up front and preach.

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